Friday, July 18, 2014


Okay then, here are the locations and dates for my Ireland/UK tour.


28th: Publication day! Requiem Ball (London)

29th: Waterstones, Ringwood — 11AM — signing

Waterstones, Bournemouth — 3PM — signing

30th: Waterstones, Bluewater — 1PM — signing

31st: Dun Laoghaire — details to be confirmed — fan event and signing


5th: Village Books, Dulwich — 6.30PM — fan event and signing

6th: WHS, Milton Keynes — 11AM — signing

WHS, Sheffield — 3PM — signing

7th: Waterstones, Newcastle — 12 NOON — signing

11th: Easons, Galway — 4PM — signing

13th: Easons, Belfast — 11AM — signing

14th: Easons, Limerick — 2PM — signing

19th: Hodges Figgis, Dublin — 6PM — signing

And then, of course, on the 27th, we're all going to be dragged into the Theatre of Shadows...


  1. I still wish you would come to America, Derek, even though it's not that great of a place.



  4. Incidentally, I, along with everyone else, recently read Armageddon Outta Here, (and then loaned it to a friend). I had the opportunity to reread the dedication in The End of The World. I actually have a story about the Skulduggery Pleasant cover art. If you had told me this series was horror, I would not have even started it. I listened to the first three books on audiobook before I ever saw a cover. If I had seen a cover with a huge, menacing skull on it, I would not have read the book. Funnily enough, after having read said books, I must sat that I love horror as a genre, and enjoy all the cover art. The books have truly opened my mind to new things.

    Unfortunately, I live in America. It has been my ambition to come to Ireland for the release of the final Skulduggery book ever since I discovered the series. In order to go, I would have to miss school, so of course, it's out of the question. I had hoped, however, to participate in the Theatre of Shadows, and was disappointed to see that participation in twitter was also required.


  6. Wait. So are you actually coming to Australia again?

  7. Oh poop.

    Please don't tell me you're Ozy-ing over October - November change.

    I will die.

    Also, you should totally come to my school. They haven't had an author in this year. And so many people would die to meet you, Derek.

  8. And Derek, I know you're stalking the comments.

    You haven't posted on here since... You know what. That day.

    And now you're always on twitter and not with the originals.

    Just a hi?

  9. Fingers crossed on a surprise trip to Australia by the end of the year. Please.

  10. If there is a place to say it, it may as well be on the front page of the comments of a new post: The reason that I have not been here, and most likely shall not be here for the foreseeable future, is due to complications in my author's condition and the exhausting nature of their treatment.

    Hopefully they shall grow acclimated, however, until that possibility comes to pass, they are, quite simply, not ready to face Blogland again. Thank you for your understanding.

  11. I wish both you and your author the best of luck, Sir.

  12. Hope everything is okay, Sir's Author! You've got my e-mail if you need me. <3

  13. Sir, I'm sorry. I don't know quite what is happening to your author, but I wish to say that I hope they feel better soon so I can continue to talk with both of you.

    I love you, Sir Reingington. And your author. Never forget that.

  14. I miss the old Derek...


  15. I'm so glad there's a signing in Sheffield. I know you've been wanting one for a while, Lucy.

    I hope everyone who gets to go to any signing has an amazing time.

    And everyone who doesn't get to go has a lovely day as well.

    Goodnight, Deathy. [hugs]



  17. I'm sorry, Sir's author . . . I really hope you feel better soon. :/

  18. Damn closest he's coming to bradford is sheffield... might not be able to meet him this time round either

  19. Last day of school today . . .
    I'm sad . . . :(
    This is possibly the first year where I've been more attached to my real life friends than to my online friends . . .




  21. I don't even know who I'm talking to, but y'all should visit Sheffield because it's fabbity here. <3

  22. @Derek: :)

    @Sir's Author: I hope everything is alright, and you're doing better soon. Best wishes, and, take care. :)

    *hugs Luce* Yay! :)

    Fabi, you're perfect. So very, very perfect. :)

  23. *hugs Star*
    Well, your schoolfriends always sound pretty great. :)
    And, you can still talk via phone/internet/actually-real-life-face-to-face-meeting-people through the summer?
    And, when you come back after summer, it'll be super-cool to see them all again. :)

    @Luce: *laughs* Sheffield = Fabbity. Noted. :P

  24. I'm really confused. Is the London thing just the Reqiuem Ball? Or is there a signing that day too? Because people have been saying both and I'm so confuddled and I can't answer asks on my tumblr because of my confusion. :P

  25. @Luce: Looking at the blog post, it only specifies the 6-8PM ball/party part. I don't see any MENTION of a daytime signing?
    I don't know where people would have got that information, but my assumption would be just the Requiem Ball, on account that I haven't seen otherwise.
    But, idk, so, yeah. :P / :)

  26. That's what I thought... :/

    And Derek sort of implied it on Twitter. Also, there's ALWAYS a London signing, so... :I

    Uggggggh. This sucks so hard. I spent weeks convincing my mum to let me go to London for the last SP book and she finally came around and I'm 99% certain that I won't get tickets because I have THE WORST luck and uggggggh:/

  27. I don't see any CANADA dates either!

    I'm joking, of course. those are ALL Canada dates.

  28. Is there a way for Americans to sign up for Theatre of Shadows (the online part) yet?

    I mean, Derek said they were trying to figure out a way, but I haven't heard anything?

    I probably just should have said I'm from New Zealand. :-/

  29. @Luci: Oh? Well, I don't know, then. Have you asked him on Twitter? That's the best I can do. :/

    And, I suppose where you're at now is at least better than already having tickets and then not being allowed to go?
    I guess you can just hope that your luck will improve? I hope you end up getting to go, anyhow. But you'll still have Sheffield, if you don't. Good luckies. :) ^^

  30. Yeah, but the sign up page seems to be gone now. There's just the info on the Dublin event. :-/

    I hope you get to go, Lucy!

  31. Rea tweeted him, so we're jut going to wait...

    I won't get to go:( I suck at drawing anyway and I'm annoying as frick so I definitely won't get to go, haha. I have the worst luck. Already giving up.
    Yeah... Sheffield will be good. Just not all my friends will be there, haha.

  32. *waves to people who arrived whilst I was ranting elsewhere :)*

    @Taia: I don't have most of their numbers. And I never text people. And talking online isn't the same. But yeah.:)*hugs*
    Plus it isn't the talking, with most of them. I guess it's just going to school and knowing you have people you can hang around with, and being able to be in a group and have fun and laugh . . .
    And most of them, if we were talking purely to talk to each other, I wouldn't know what to say. It's hard enough to engineer conversation anyway.
    But yeah. :)

  33. @Fabi: I haven't heard, either.

    It's odd that you can't find the sign-up page, though.
    For me, on the page that the link directs to, there's an button saying 'Theatre of Shadows REmote Operatives: Register now', which links to the sign-up page, which is:
    Does that work for you? ^^

  34. I worked out sometime last year that if you had a good time with your friends at lunch, the day always seemed so much brighter and more cheerful . . .
    I guess it's just that feeling of happiness, you know? Of having people you can be with, people who you love just for being them, people who'll accept you and you know you can always hang out with them . . . because it always really sucks at school in situations like . . . like in lessons when you're allowed to work with your friends and you don't have any and you just end up standing there to see who's left at the end and if they'll want you and then you just tag on and don't end up saying much and other times you just end up going around on your own. I was analysing loneliness today, and it's a blanket of silence. It just falls on you and presses on you, and it's like there's this bubble around you, and you half feel as if your ability to talk has just been supressed, and it's just so empty and lifeless by yourself, and you think about the people who feel like this every day and feel really bad for them and I'm thinking maybe I should go around helping lonely people a bit more . . .
    But anyway. :)

  35. @Mushroom: Don't ever feel you have to shut up. :) *hugs*

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I do wonder....*sighs* Perhaps one day the post will say America Tour Dates. -Zaf

  38. @Luce: It may not be drawing skills, so much as designing skills? And also, he said there are other opportunities to win, still. And, like, you rule, so. idk. I think ruling should give you a pretty good chance, but, like, that's just me. :P
    But, yeah. I'm still wishing you good luck. *hugs*

    And- *nods at what Star said* You're too cool to need to shut up. :) ^^

  39. Yeah, that link works. I'm not sure why the button's not there for me...

    Thank you, Taia. :-)

    There will be more opportunities, though, won't there?

    I have the opposite problem. Designing masks is one of my strengths, actually, but I couldn't go if I won, so it's really not fair of me to enter.

    I hope you get to go, though!

  40. I am the least creative person you will ever meet.

  41. He's starting another series, maybe he'll have a publisher that will let him tour in here.

  42. @Mushroom: No, that's me. XD *hugs*
    (I don't think I'm the LEAST creative person, actually. I just think I don't have a LOT of creativity.)
    And yes, Luce.
    (Why am I calling you Luce . . . ?)
    You write. :P

  43. Perhaps. Ugh I'm sitting on the Garden State Parkway in traffic, UKers you'd wanna cry. I'm not even by exit 82, I'm at 109, Seaside is like 81 or something. -Zaf

  44. I'm still lame when it comes to creativity. Writing is just the stringing together of random letters, words and symbols.

    An American tour would not surprise me - look at these tweets:

    "I'm gonna have to get used to the heat for later on in the year."

    "A few days later I'll put up the details about the tour in- oops doorbell"

    Back in Australia, or he's off to the US.

  45. @zaf: GO OFF ROUE AND MAPREAD!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams* *adores doing that* *the other . . . month? Year? there was a traffic jam so I mapread us off the road and around this mountain (eh. Big hill small mountain) and all the way along small roads and it was so fun and then we got back on the motorway and drove home)
    (Mapreading is basically like Hama Beads or Sequin Art or word art. I've been doing things like that my whole life in my free time, so. :P)

  46. *ROUTE

    @Elleni: O_O That was a rather good thing you just said, there.

    @Mushroom: Uh, no. Writing is more than that.
    And I'M lame when it comes to creativity. Doesn't mean you can't have a go. String together ideas, brainstorm, see where you get. :)

  47. I have been saying that he may be going to the US, it makes so much sense. If it was Australia he'd have gone, now the US, he would be secretive. In our defense, maybe this is HC saying they'll try again, I mean sometimes its better to send the author over. I'd never have read Wanted by Gordon Korman if I hadn't met the guy in 7th grade. -Zaf

  48. On Twitter, a while ago, Elleni.

    [I don't want to get my hopes up]

    [It's probably Australia]

  49. I have zero creativity. Trust me. And all of my ideas suck. -.-

    Writing is literally just the stringing together of symbols.

    I don't brainstorm. I either know what I want to do or I don't.

    Sorry, I'm just feeling really crappy and especially guilty about certain people leaving after some of the e-mails I've received from said people. I re-read them earlier. I just feel like I want to cry or be sick or something, but I can't. I'm just being bitchy, I'm really sorry.

  50. @Star: *nods* Yeah, I can relate to that. I guess, enjoy your summer for what it gives you, and then enjoy school for what IT gives you? That's the way I look at it. Like, I take my summer time to draw and write and watch some TV things and read, and draw a lot more because of inspiration from the writing and words and television.
    I have been drawing SO much, and it's weird because even in the past few weeks, I've seen my drawing abilities improve quite a lot, like, it's visible, and I like that. I've learned at home, just in a different way to in school.
    And in September, I'm going to be in familiar classrooms full of unfamiliar people, and I'll be in lunchtimes with familiar people (although less of them. :/), and I'll have all of the quirky school-friends and classroom antics to enjoy there.
    They're both still enjoyable, just different. YOu take them for what they can offer you, I guess?
    SO, yeah. :) ^^

  51. It's the stringing together of symbols in a particular way then.

  52. I do wish that Derek could come to America. Ah, well. Such is life.

  53. @Derekgoingtoahot place: He goes to Aus every two years. He didn't go last year. He's due to go this year. :P

    Writing is so much more than that, Luce. That's like saying music is just sound.
    Words have given me so much.
    @Elleni: :) :) :)
    @Mushroom: Yeah. But maybe you can do what Elleni says, and try and think off them. :)

    And it's fine, Mushroom. It's fine. *hugs* Cry if you want to.

    @Taia: I guess so. :) *hugs* That's wise. :)
    And - yeah. There's so much I can't do during term time . . . D: It really sucks.

  54. OKAY SO I'm just sitting here, so msd. I kind of think I should be using all my glorious free time to accomplish something. :P

  55. Dear Sir's Author: I do not know what's wrong, but I hope you know that you have my support, and the support of the rest of Blogland. I hope you get better soon.

  56. Dear Star: You could write a poem, or a small epitaph.

  57. @Elleni: No. But I know exactly what it means. *nods*
    Books have given me so much, I'm serious. Saying writing is just string symbols together is like saying that a person is just an animal that you can communicate with . . .

  58. Dear Blogland: I am going to camp on Monday, which means I will not be permitted any technology, which will mean I cannot visit Blogland.
    *clutches heart*
    *soft weeping*
    Please, do not forget me in this, my hour of need. Think of me, think of me fondly, when I've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while, please promise me you'll try.

    Though, of course, I'll be back in Blogland as soon as I return.

  59. @Elleni: YOu say some grand things, there. *agrees, and stores them in her brain*

    And, Lucy - But it's stringing words together in such a way that you pour meaning into them, and that their meaning pours into others when they read them. It's about getting across your ideas through words which should act as limits, and it's about GIVING ideas, whether you intended them or not, to others. WOrds are only letters. But in being an author, you are giving them meanings, so that each word and letter is more than lines and symbols, it's meaning. Words are only small things which mean nothing, unless you know how to manipulate them so that they do mean something.
    A sunrise will never be made of golden blood unless you describe it as such, or a river will never be liquid crystal unless you select those words to convey that meaning.
    I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense, but it is important. There's a reason why literature is an art, and it's the same reason that makes you an artist, Luce. :)

  60. Dear Clara: I am not sure which context you mean that in.

    And - awww. :( We'll miss you .. .

  61. In its most basic form, music is just sound.

    Trust me, I know I am right. Words are just collections of symbols which represent sounds. In its most basic form, writing is the stringing together of symbols in order to create words, which then develop into sentences and paragraphs and sometimes chapters and you can create worlds and lives and plots with just a few symbols. You cannot deny that a story is just a collection of symbols or sounds, because that is what it is when traced to its roots.

    I don't like crying. I try to avoid it wherever possible.

  62. *wails in agonized anguish*
    I do not want to go! There's nothing at camp but a lake, tubing, pie, parties, music, friends, sunshine, pretty birds, and attractive boys!

  63. @Taia: #tearsineyes
    Mushroom, pretend I said what Taia said.
    Because that's what I meant, but I didn't have the confidence that I'd manage to say it well enough.
    (Or I thought that I would probably ramble off, which would ruin it, and also I didn't really want to put all the effort into trying to make it sound okay when no one really cared and then I'd feel like I'd gone on about it for nothing and never really summed up what I wanted to say. Because like I said, I wasn't confident I could sum it up.)

  64. *raises hand*
    On a lighter note, I'd like to know what you people think about something that happened to me recently. I've asked my 'real life' friends about it, but they have yet to get back to me, so I'd like to know what you think.

    Also, I dislike the term 'real life' friends. Just because you folk are words on a screen doesn't mean you're not every bit my friends as the people I see every day.

  65. (Sorry, trying to decide whether to go watch Star Trek now or risk missing the repeat tomorrow. I don't know why this is a harrowing decision.
    It's only a television programme.
    It's only a television programme.

    @Clara: I'll be glad to see you when you get back. I hope you have fun. :)

  66. I was strolling through the streets of MyHomeTownVille with a friend, just before a torrential rainstorm, and I thought I'd show her one of the hole-in-the-wall fine art galleries. So we ducked in there, and as we did so I saw a sign out from that said HELP WANTED: CURATOR ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS.
    So, while inside, I casually mentioned to the lady who ran the place that I might be available for the Saturday shift, though I couldn't do it on Sunday, due to Church.


    She gave me her business card and begged me to get back to her as soon as possible. She said she wouldn't be able to pay me in money, but she could pay me in art classes, if I wanted. She said I can bring school books or art supplies or my laptop, so I could get TONS of stuff done while I curate the art museum.
    So, it looks like my Saturdays are going to be spent curating an art gallery, without pay. Despite this, I imagine that "Art Museum Curator" will look good on my résumé.
    What do you think about this whole situation? It's official, by now. I now have a key to the gallery, and a list of artists that I need to memorize.

  67. She's on vacation. Silente, I mean.

    I'm sorry, I'm feeling kind of empty at the moment and can't respond to things with emotion.

    I might disappear...


  68. @Mushroom: You are giving it in its most basic form. But by doing that, you're failing to capture all the beauty and meaning that is poured into and poured out of (#Taia) writing. And that's like when someone spends ages writing a heartfelt speech to someone to try and give them advice because they want to stop people being hurt, and the person who receives the speech manages to overlook all the advice and all the reasoning and all the correct summing-up of the situation, and focus on the one tiny fact that person got incorrect.
    They're just totally missing the entire point of it, and all the beauty and meaningfulness is escaping them. They didn't write that speech to have all their facts meticulously cross-examined. They wrote it to help, to make a difference, because their friends were hurting and they were hurting, and . . .
    All that meaning. You can, theoretically, ignore all that meaning, but the meaning is the important part. It's the part that . . . means something. "Means something." You know what connotations and implications come with that phrase, and they're attached to the word 'meaning' (or in this case 'means') because 'means' means that much. See? See what effects the word 'means' gives off? See how much 'means' means?
    That's how important meaning is. Society and language has subconsciously elevated the word to immense importance.
    . . .
    I'm not sure any of this is understandable anymore. :P

  69. Crap, sorry.
    I'll be back in an hour.
    I can't miss Spock in a beanie hat, I can't.
    I'll be back later, I hope, to read up and comment and whatnot if y'all are still around. Or maybe if you're not.
    You are all perfect.

  70. My mother is the sort of mother who insists upon meeting any little old ladies I might associate with, in case they are the type of cannibal old lady that is so common in MyHomeTownVille. But, once she met her, she agreed to let me do the thing.
    So, it appears that I am officially a museum curator. Time to put my stellar Hotel-managing skills to good use.

  71. *right-left-diagonal-up-down-backwards-forwards-straight on-curvy-circular-multiple directions-invisible directions-nonexistent directions.
    Please, people. It hurts. :(

    @Annika: I call that life 'real life', though. This life is just words on a screen, to use Mushroom's reasoning, and most of it, we imagine as we go along, in large ways like roleplay and little ways like hugging each other. It's fabulous, what imagination can do, really. :)


    *hugs Lantern tightly* I hope you get filled again soon . . .

  72. Just because I'm seeing its basics, it does not mean that I am missing the point of language. Language is meant to aid our lives in many different ways. As a linguistics student, I am well aware of the necessity of language, but also why we have literature. I am not missing the point of it, because the notion of the symbols being what they are is beautiful itself. If anything, Star, it is you who is missing the beauty in what I have said.
    It's the fact that something so simplistic as sounds and symbols can convey powerful emotions that makes it all the more beautiful.
    Sometimes the most simple outlooks on things can generate the most beauty.

  73. Bye Taia!

    Annika - the situation sounds incredibly unique and I hope that you enjoy yourself in your new post.

    I apologise if I am coming off as frosty at all. Perhaps it would be best for me to leave for a short while and return later if my mood improves...

  74. @Mushroom: Sorry - I didn't mean YOU were missing the point of it, I meant the definition was. :P Sorry.
    And of course that's what makes it beautiful.
    (*looks around for someone to start singing*)
    Yes. Of course that's fabulous. I was marvelling whilst I was typing. But the thing is, it's so beautiful, and so immense, and so powerful, and so therefore, WRITING IS BEAUTIFUL AND IMMENSE AND POWERFUL. TO CREATE SOMETHING LIKE THAT IS WOW.
    Also, you're more talented at writing than a lot of people I know, Mushroom. :)

  75. *loudly* I think-


    *meekly* I think that the conversation you are having is one that has been had many times before, and is one that is as open to interpretation as classical versus modern art, or anime subs versus anime dubs, or anything like that. One should not read something that one cannot take beauty, import, and meaning from. Though with more analytical minds see the beauty in the majestic simplicity of twenty-six letters, and others see it in the multi-colored mural of the artistic vision. Both mindsets are beautiful and poetic. The scientist would not be a good scientist if he did not also have a touch of the poet, and the poet would be nonsense if he did not communicate through the narrowest of colors and letters.

  76. *nods at Clara in agreement and 'you're so wise and say things so well'ness.*

    @Elleni: :)

  77. There are too many things within the topic of fiction to be in awe of, Star. There is no missing the point with it, because everyone sees different things within it to adore. Some people just don't see its beauty. They're not missing the point, they're just seeing different things.

    Also, I suck at writing:)

  78. @Mushroom: *nods* I think I agree with that.

    But I don't agree with the last sentence. :P

  79. Look. I know people who suck at writing. And you DON'T. :)


  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. I'm going. Might be back later, I don't know...


  83. ugh, brb
    gotta play footie with bro

  84. gee, I managed to play a quick match of footie for my bro and no one has said anything...

  85. Right this is taking a lot longer than I thought, but Luce you had better still be on here.

    Might go tweet you to make sure you stay here.

  86. I had left.

    But I got your tweet.

    What do you want?

  87. It really wasn't a great idea to go on holiday this year.... :'(

    (please, don't let this be the last chance I have to get all my books signed by the Golden God!!!!!! :'( )


    Okay, so this will have been more than two minutes, but hush.

    And, first off, you had better still be here or I will personally drive the fuck up to Rotherham (I think I spelled that right) and sit you down in front of your screen so you read this.

    Right, so, anyway, your comment earlier.

    "Sorry, I'm just feeling really crappy and especially guilty about certain people leaving after some of the e-mails I've received from said people. I re-read them earlier. I just feel like I want to cry or be sick or something, but I can't. I'm just being bitchy, I'm really sorry."

    If that is about me, stop it. Stop feeling like that. Instantly.
    I know that I didn't reply to you, and I am so sorry. But I couldn't find the right words.
    My thoughts were, and still are, jumbled and I have no idea right now about what I want. At times I still feel how I expressed to you in my email, but other times I feel undefeatable. It just depends on context.
    But not for one minute is that your fault. And so I want to stop feeling guilty and like you want to cry right now. Because it is not your fault.
    I wanted to email you, but I just didn't know how to.
    But you wanna know something? I printed off your email and stuck it on my wall.
    Because that was the email that made me cry in the middle of train carriage and not care. That was the email that makes me get teary eyed everytime I re-read it. That is the email that makes me feel like I'm worth something and I'm good enough whenever I'm feeling down.
    That email you sent me was incredible. My response would have just been insignificance and not worthwhile in comparison.
    THAT is why I never responded to you, and why I still sit with the email up on my screen so often, my cursor hovering over reply but never actually clicking it.

    I love you to bits. More than I ought to really, because you make me awfully jealous the majority of the time. But who the fuck cares? I love you to bits and that’s what matters.

    Now, if that comment wasn’t about me, then whoops. HOWEVER that doesn’t take away from what I’ve said. And, instead, you should think that even if you’re feeling bad about whoever else left the blog, some still cares about you this must, even if they are an illiterate ass and didn’t know how to reply.



  89. (Yay storms :D

    Storms are so much better than sun.

    Rain is better than sun.

    I like the rain. But I like storms more. Because lightning. :D)

  90. By the way, that email was meant in a loving way, even though it may come across as bitchy, mean etc.
    (I repeat, I am an illiterate ass)

    (Apologies to everyone for the curse words)

  91. Hi el
    I like storms to, Dragona
    but we have sun here

  92. (Well, we don't have storms yet. But we probably will. Here it's just grey. But grey is good anyway.)

  93. It gets better: State Park closed due to missing swimmer, tis 2pm its been happening since noon. Im in a car.-Zaf

  94. (I have just started to watch the anime twelve kingdoms)

  95. *appears* Hi guys...How are you all? I'm good, just dying through Megstiel feels...but I'm good

  96. *tacklehugs Flora* OMFGG IKR!!!!!! GOOD TO SEE YOU!!! HOW'VE YOU BEEN?!?!?

    Heyllo Dragona! I'm good...Just emotionally dead :P

    oh yeah - FINISHED SCHOOL TODAY!!!! SIX WEEKS OF FREEDOM!!!!! - But I'm already bored xD

  97. hey Chloe! How are you? Btw do I call you Chloe or Inky - which do you prefer?

  98. You can call me Inky if you want :)
    Im all hot and bothered cos I had to walk from the community farm to my nans house in the boiling sun, wearing jeans -_-

  99. I've been...err...MIA for a while. Decided to take some time away from the blog.
    But apart from that I'm good thanks.
    Apart from the fact that I'm refreshing the page every split second to see if Luce has replied to my comment :/ reply, goddamn you! Or at least acknowledge it so I know you've read it (I know I'm being totally unfair because I never replied to your email, but that was a different matter entirely because that was amazing)

    But anyway Rhydian, yay for summer! :D got any plans?

  100. I like the sun as much as the next person, but I hate it when its too hot to function -_-

    But its getting cooler now, so Im getting better

  101. May go away...No where special though, and I'm planning a Movie Day/Day Out with my friends coz I get way too bored way too easily

  102. Why am I killing myself with these feels from Young Dracula? YouTube really should have a Notification saying "Are you sure you want to watch this video, due to risk of killing your feels?"

    Feel so sorry for Ingrid D: and Vlad - Omg poor Draculas! And then there's Supernatural - I dunno where to begin *dies of feels*

  103. Oh yes! Sorry for not replying Flora! My email hated me and wasn't working, then it decided to work but the email wasn't there (?) so yeah...So so sorry, can you re-send it? I was like "OMFG UNIVERSE LET ME READ THIS AND I WILL OWE YOU!!!!!!"

  104. Haha no worries :)

    I'll just give you my wattpad link instead, much easier :P


  106. YOU ARE A LIFE-SAVER FLORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *follows link*

  107. Flora? Your on wattpad?

    so am I !

  108. I'm on Wattpad too Inky...Just putting that out there for the world

  109. Thank you for saying what you have said, Flora. It means a lot to me. Thank you.

    I would reply with something more substantial, however my mood has yet to improve and my linguistic abilities often float around aimlessly whilst my moods are as negative as they currently are. Apologies.

  110. (I want to go to the cinema again, but there are no films that appeal to me. Has been the same since 2010, which was the last time I went to the cinema.

    I mean, I'm a little hard to please in terms of films... to me, a film should have some kind of substance and depth to it. And there are only a few films that have that, for me.

    I also don't like them to be FULL of problems. A few are natural, but many are just stupid.

    I don't like it when it's cheesy, which probably gets rid of 99% of the films at the moment.

    Also animated films. Hate those. apart from WALL-E.)

  111. Yay Chloe! :D

    This is me:

    What's your name on it??

    By the way Rhydian, I'll be adding a couple more parts in the next couple of days, so keep an eye out :)


  112. What is your name on there, Rhydian?

  113. Ignore that last comment, you replied the same minute I did.

    Okay, email me when you're feeling better okay? I wanna talk :)


    That's my Wattpad

  115. @Dragona: Just because most animated films are bad doesn't mean all are . . . which you just acknowledged with WALL-E but oh well. :P

  116. Gtg now...I SHALL RETURN LATER OR TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  117. C watches films all the time . . .
    When we talk, she often tells me about things she's watched . . .
    I guess it makes it interesting that I don't know them. She's really good at telling stories, so she can tell me about films really well . . .
    I can't tell stories . . .

  118. Annika, if you're still around, that sounds awesome. A grand way to spend Saturdays, I'd say, plus the useful experience. I hope you enjoy it. :) ^^

    ... It's curious how we can listen to people and empathize with or understand their points of view on something, but when that something is yourself, it's a lot harder to see that. Because I suppose you don't have a mirror for insight, and it's a lot harder to see what others see of you when you spend so much time with yourself. Like... seeing the front of a house, and only ever speculating what the inside looked like. And if somebody described the inside of that house to you, and it's hard to see that, because it doesn't fit your experience kind of. idk if that's right, but, like...
    I don't know. It's harder to see yourself from other viewpoints.

    But... If we learn to consider and understand others' viewpoints on abortion and euthanasia and whether a film was good or bad, and why... Do you think we could also learn to understand and consider other's viewpoints on ourselves, in the same sense?
    Like, if you spend enough time listening and learning, can you learn that? And understand it and believe it, and accept it just as we accept those opinions on other matters?
    Could that, like...
    I don't know where that came from, I'm just thinking, and it's easier to think with the words being written, sometimes, because you have words as forms to put the brainwaves into, kind of. idk. I'm just thinking. :P

    Back, btw, until I have to go again. :)

  119. Back
    (In blue)
    I'm the happiest person in the world. Have been since Tuesday.

  120. So Dun Laoghaire, Dublin AND Theatre of Shadows??

    Do I dare, do I dare go and see Landy thrice?? Tis extremely tempting.

    Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

  121. Hi, Elemental!
    Yay! C:

    Hi Em! It's good to see you - has been a while. How're you doing? :)

  122. Hey Taia! Yeah I'm doing okay. Good days and bad days either way I'm getting there.

  123. Good to hear, Em. :) ^^

    (sorry for slowness, drawing.)

  124. Derek not coming to Australia :'(
    Makes sense I guess; it's a bit out of his way, but....

  125. Well, I'm hoping to get tickets to that Requiem Ball - remember Derek it's my Birthday - best present ever!!!

    Must book 6th Sept off work so I can see you at MK. YAY you're coming back to MK. :) Can't wait. :D

  126. (*sigh* YouTube, it's not hard to understand - I want to comment. I want to keep my YouTube name, that's why IT IS MY YOUTUBE NAME. And no, I don't want my channel to have a Google+ account. IS IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE THESE THINGS?)

  127. @Dragona: Oh. I gave up a few months ago. :P

  128. (Star, lol, good idea. *does the same*)

  129. @Dragona: XD

    It's not that bad with Google+. You can actually reply to comments and stuff, I think. Idk, the comment format changed round a bit after I Google+ed myself.
    It was just taking so much effort to deal with it. -_-

  130. (Star - YouTube has actually changed. I mean, it used to be fast and easy to use. Now it's slow, and horrible to use and it also suggests my optimum viewing quality is where there are huge blocks of colour on the screen when I can easily view it in HD with next to no buffering.)

  131. @Dragona: :( :( :(
    Google is taking over everything . . .

  132. (They are. Google and Facebook. *sigh*
    I think it's unfair. Huge, rich internet companies taking over smaller ones who have a good idea. YouTube used to be awesome. And now I can't even comment on a video without changing my name or signing myself up for a Google product I don't want.)

  133. :( :( :(
    Yeah . . .

    Have you seen this thing . . . ?

    So little people own the world. :O

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. (Yeah, I know... And all apps are used for is to spy on people. I don't download anything that has anything more than wanting access to the internet unless it needs it like a camera app needs access to the camera. No way am I downloading a wallpaper that wants to log my phone calls.)

  136. (See, me being optimistic and gullible and prone not to worry about things until they're on top of me and it's too late, I generally tend to think "Ah, it'll be fine."
    One day, my computer is going to be hacked due to this attitude.
    Although - log your phone calls? Yeah, that's off. O_O
    And - yeah. However, I guess if someone wants to, they can decide to make your online life a misery no matter what you do, so . . .)

  137. I've heard of people who've had people take ordinary pictures of them and Photoshop their heads onto naked bodies, and then it affects their job opportunities and all sorts and they haven't even taken any inappropriate pictures . . . :/

  138. (Me, being slightly pessimistic, would rather prevent it from happening rather than having to live with the consequences when it does. But that's just probably me being me. :P

    And... That's horrible. I never heard of that happening.

    *would have downloaded a zombie game for his phone but it wanted to read texts so downloaded a cheese grater app instead*)

  139. I've just been going through the really old posts, and..


    I was certainly cringe-worthy.

    I called someone a "howdy-doody-mother-fella"

  140. I wish I could go to a signing someday... :)
    @Elleni: It is not okay because, well, partly because of the word okay (I've read TFIOS) and SO MANY FEEEEEEEELS
    Also when the Tenth Doctor was in there, it reminded me of Donna. And Donna... :'(
    *nods* Like I said, feels.

  141. @Sir's Author: I hope everything goes okay. Even though I don't know what "everything" is. :P
    But I do hope you recover soon.





    Annika, Tempest and I have been working on this behind the scences for a bit and we are finally opening it to the public!

    That is all. I must go. Guitar lessons call.

  143. *pulls closer to Adra, frantically coming up with possibilities of what could be making her sick* *and then immediately disproving his every theory* *has a sense that his anxiety is the very thing keeping him from healing her, but he can't help it* *this is his discipline- the only one he crafted for himself- and he should at least be able to use it to help the only thing he's ever loved*

    *his other appears in the house, still internally seething after killing Zanida, and begins to carve sigils into the insides of the walls*

  144. *Adra remains on the floor, shivering, and pale; her sweat streams cold down her cheeks, like tears*

  145. (Alice, did you see the whole thing that happened yesterday...?
    *Dies of embarrassment*)

  146. ((Do tell, Zafira. I believe I've missed it.))

    *pulls her into his lap, resting her head against his shoulder* *brushes her hair away from her face* Love, please, do you have any idea what's happening to you?

  147. *Shakes her head faintly, shutting her eyes* *Feels Similar to roadkill*
    *Cries gently* No, I'm s-sorry...

  148. (Uh... Zaf...? No. Rose. *Points to herself* Rose. Definitely Rose here. ^.^

    So. I got dating advice from the one and only, Loki Laufeyson. He said for me and you to get together because of the multiple personalities thing. And I died. Well, I didn't technically die, but I almost died of laughter.))

  149. ((Oh, gracious- sincerest apologies. My author has slept to little for her own good lately.))

    You've nothing to be sorry for, love. I'm sorry... *starts to heal her, not against anything in particular, but rather attempting to be sure her body works as it normally does*

  150. (*Cuddles Aretha through Alice*
    It's okay! I don't sleep either. I shall never sleep a proper night, I believe.))

  151. *She puts a hand against his chest* No, please... Don't waste your energy. I'm just tired from what... Loki did..

  152. *he draws a wary breath, and kisses her hair* Please, my love, let me heal you... I can hardly stand to see you this way at all, much less do nothing about it...

  153. *Blinks, then shakes her head* I'll be fine. I just feel... Sick. As in, stomach bug, or something..

  154. (Get me out of this house. Now. Please.)

  155. ((I'm afraid I can't remove you from your physical house. I can, however, attempt to distract you with roleplay, if you like. My other ought to be about finished with the sigils by now.))

    *focuses more energy into healing her* I'm sure you do, it's only... I'm not sure what this is. I don't know what's ailing you. If it was simple, I should have figured it out by now. Did Loki do anything to you that might have brought this on...?

  156. Always fear, Dugglyn is here!!!
    How be's yous?!
    How be's yous eyes?!?

  157. **on
    Sometimes auto correct just cracks me up!
