Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious?
The paperback will be released for everyone else on the 27th of March, and because we are very, very smart people, we will be releasing the paperback of The Maleficent Seven, which takes place BEFORE LSODM, on the 8th of May.
Just to confuse you.
«Oldest ‹Older 4401 – 4600 of 4927 Newer› Newest»@Annika: *laughs* XD XD
I have zero posters on my wall.
I don't own any. :(
I do, however, have an Aero wrapper sellotaped to my wall. :)
I only have two posters: Maleficent Seven and a Ravenclaw banner.
I have two watercolor paintings, though, and I can't recall where they came from. I think they're heirlooms. They've just sort of always been hanging there, on my wall, and it's never occurred to me to move them.
@Annika: *laughs* :) :) :)
They're not even particularly creepy; they're actually rather nice. One has a girl with a bag of flowers and the other has a boy holding a dog. They look like they were painted by the same guy; I think they're a pair, or part of a set.
Always? Wow. That's a long time. I have posters but a lot of them aren't on the wall, just rolled up.
"After all this time?"
My sister: There's a lot of books about the future -
Me: Yeah.
Sister: And they're all really SAD and HORRIBLE. So the future's going to be really SAD and HORRIBLE, apparently.
Me: When people write about the future being sad and horrible, it's not about the future being sad and horrible, it's more a message of what could happen . . . It's a warning.
Sister: *lists a few books about the future*
Me: I love books like that, though.
Sister: And they're all SAD and HORRIBLE.
Me: And that's what makes them awesome.
Sister: No, it makes them SAD and HORRIBLE.
Me: *typing this up*
Well, what would they write about, the present? They generally have to be in the future, if only the near future.
Sister: Yeah, but they don't have to be SAD and HORRIBLE.
(I think, after many years, our books tastes are differing. :P)
If a book wasn't at least partially sad and horrible they wouldn't sell. If it was happy happy happy all the way through it'd be boring.
((("You know, in the Inkheart trilogy, it was saying about how you never really thought about the authors, and how you think of most authors as dead or very very old, and how Meggie didn't even know the authors of some of her favourites stories, and I'm just like - "Uh. What. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS."
My Ipswich friend had a Skulduggery Pleasant POSTER (she had a lot of posters, though. Her walls were FULL. It was glorious. Plus she had a cardboard cutout of Benedict Cumberbatch. With bullet holes in it), and . . . yeah, and we had a conversation about how ace Derek was as a person. :)")))
After reading this, Star, I was like OMG! There was everything I love in this comment! :D
Inkheart, Skul AND Benny :)
I love books that are SAD and HORRIBLE.
So it's actually not very surprising that I like music that is SAD and HORRIBLE.
You know, sometimes I remember being a little girl who was obsessed with unicorns and fairies, and I wonder what the hell happened to her. :P
@Annika: :) :) Well. It's nice they're there?
You do tend to ignore things, though, after a while . . . I never hear my clock ticking unless I think about it.
In Summer's Dream by Cathy Cassidy . . . there was the message that people started seeing you a certain way, and then after a bit they stop looking, and then they don't notice when you're not that person anymore.
Witness the phenomenal success of A Series of Unfortunate Events. People do not want happy happy happy.
OH, Hi btw :D
I may have the unpopular opinion with any Inkheart fans on . . . hullo, by-the-by, Mithria . . . but . . .
*takes a deep breath*
I've returned.
I survived getting my learner's permit.
Sort of. I couldn't talk by the end.
Hey mir
If any other person had said that, Annika Barnosky, I would have started to shout at this person. But I like you, so...
*tilts head*
Why exactly did you like the film better?
Congrats moss!
Hullo, Moss.
@Mithria: You like the Inkheart trilogy too? :) :)
It's awesome! :) :)
*already knew you liked Sherlock and Skulduggery*
And, thanks. :) :)
Plus, hi! :)
@Silente: *nods*
That's only because of the select people that read books, though.
I mean, everyone listens to music, and that gets by by having no substance in it.
Although music really has different requirements . . . because it creates mood, and people often like it to create happy moods.
Books are generally much more detailed, as they generally go for interest rather than mood.
Hello Silente, Mithria, Star, Annika.
The book presented me with a fantastic concept that I was eager to see explored. However, the book did not utilize, display, and take advantage of, that concept in the ways I would have liked it to. While the plots of the book and movie undoubtedly differed, the movie gave me the story that I wanted to read when I picked up Inkheart, and did not receive.
@Star: YES YES YES I DO! Okay, that was probably a little too much but still... yes, I really love Inkheart. I think I've read eacht book like 6 times...
*looks at Anni*
*nods slowly*
That... was a very good answer. I think I will have to accept this :P
Also, Hi to everyone who said Hi to me!
Moss & mir, how are you both?
*glares at Annika*
I thought the first book was the worst, however, so -
(and that is my major, major complain with the movie, and whatever happens, NOTHING will put that correct.)
In the book . . .
It's about how when you write, it's magic.
Writing is MAGIC.
And proper authors . . .
They just create a web of magic, and draw you in.
and you can say whatever else you want
and I might disagree with you
but you are fucking NOT ever getting past that point. I'm sorry.
Stories are MAGIC.
And the film just doesn't get that.
and it sucks.
(There are further issues, of course, but :P)
Web dragon
I'm fine, thanks Silente! Yourself? What have you been doing?
Hullo, Dragona Pine - N7 Soldier.
My oh my, Star, living up to your new profile name, I see.
@Annika: *deep breaths*
Fair enough.
Plus . . .
You're you.
And that is a statement of fact.
And I can imagine you being someone who . . .
Well, you do like story kind of stories.
If that makes sense.
And I understand what you meant.
Me being me . . . well, I'm me.
I'm fine thanks I've been stumbling round, talking to star and annika. Your sister scared me out of a tree so I pulled her into a snow drift and then she sort off, poofed. But yeah I'm fine.
*shakes head, laughing*
What is it between you and Chi? Do you like each other or do you hate each other, I really can't tell... :P
I like when you mix tomato sauce and mayonnaise together.
@Annika: Thanks. :)
I'm really much more peaceful online. I tend to shout much more in real life. When I get passionate about something, it's actually very hard for me to keep my voice quiet. :P
Oh my gosh, when my friend was saying that elves had to wear shoes with curly toes . . .
I got so mad.
I was screaming my head off at her.
And she just kept disagreeing.
And in order to stop myself screaming, I had to whisper, because talking just wasn't working, and I was doing explosive whisper-screaming that more turned into a rusty squeak.
I felt like I was going to explode.
I was so angry. :P
(Eventually, we agreed that sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't.)
I'm alright.
Sort of, anyway! :D
Speaking of what types of books we all read, apart from Skulduggery Pleasant, of course, I have a question for you all.
What sort of endings do you prefer?
Some people like sad and horrible endings,
some like happy endings,
some like realistic endings,
some like ". . . and then he woke up and it was all a dream!" endings.
What endings do you prefer your stories to have?
Did I actually say something to you, or did I just think out what I was going to say and then get distracted?
. . .
I'm not sure I actually said it . . .
Either way, I think I thought something along the lines of YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY and then hugged you. :) *hugs*
@Anni: I'm afraid I am one of these 'I want a happy end!' people... I mean, sometimes life is just AWFUL, so when I read a book or story or anything, I kinda want it to be better than real life...
To be honest mir I don't know. I like her. She might like me. I can't tell with her. She confusing. But also absent and its rude to talk about people when they're not here so...
I like endings that fit, and don't stretch reality to make the happy-ever-after work.
Though, I prefer if at least a few of the main characters are alive at the end.
I . . . and this may seem odd . . . I have a problem with ". . . and it was all wrapped up with a pretty little bow. The end!" endings. Because stories do not end that way, in real life. Stories do not really end, not even when all the characters are dead or when all the boys have gotten all the girls.
I don't like:
And then everybody died.
I don't like:
And then they lived happily ever after.
I don't like:
And then all of your questions were answered and the boy got the girl and the villain went to jail.
Some of my favorite stories of all time have ended with:
THE END . . ?
Happy endings. Or slight cliff hangers. Or just well written books. It doesn't always matter. Although if there's no sequel I like happy endings.
*smiles at Silente*
Yep, you're right. Soooo... what are we going to do?
STAAAAAAAAAAR, [Runs from the hugs in fear]
I don't care how horrible the ending is, I don't care how many people die or how much it hurts, it's still better than an unrealistic happy ending where something ridiculous happens like them splitting into two version of themselves so they could live together in both universes.
(Yes, a trilogy actually had this end.)
The whole point of books with different choices is that it's a fucking CHOICE. You're not meant to have a happy solution like that. It's CHEATING.
However, I have faith that Derek will give me a good-quality ending. :) :)
When we're speaking about totally endings, like endings to series, my favourite endings are really the ones where bad things happen, so it all isn't totally okay, but other than that they're happy.
Like a Romeo and Juliet-style ending where people die and so this enables people to make peace.
Because happiness generally has to come at a price of bad things happening.
When it's just endings to books in the middle of series', I don't care as much, because it's not the END.
Although shocking endings are always absolutely amazing. :) :)
Well I've come up with 3 options
1) talk about something else
2) ignore the rule
3) kidnap chio and drag her onto blogland. Your choice.
Annika, it depends on the story. If it's a light-hearted story it'll have a happy ending. However, if it's a dark story I'd prefer something either realistic or sad and horrible. I generally prefer endings, in general, which like shock people.
I think endings which question the existence of the entire story are used too much. Especially ones where it's that, and nothing to explain it.
If I ever did an ending like that, I'd do something which showed how the experience affected the characters, and maybe give some clarification. Like... for example, maybe they would start to remember more and more of real life the further the dream went on, to the point where they knew they were dreaming. Then they would remember what happened to them and wake up after a coma, or something. I'd do it like that, if I ever did something similar. I wouldn't just go for that ending - and then the story ends. I'd do clarification and show the aftermath of it. It might have been just a dream, but I'm pretty sure it'd have some sort of psychological impact.
@Silente: Okay... I won't kidnap my sister. Ignoring the rule would be an option but I hate being rude. So, there is only one option left: We talk about something else. Let me guess, if I ask you to say something, you will say 'pineapple', right? :P
Nooo..........I'd say.......supercallafragulisticexpialidotious!
@Dragona: *nods in agreement*
I suddenly have the desire to end a story with the character waking up and it was all a dream, and then doing an epilogue that showed how that worked, and made them, idk, maybe their personality was wiped so they just thought their life was a dream (because maybe it was a story where people's personalities got wiped) (I've read a few stories like that, they're ace), and then maybe it's actually a really shocking sad ending because like the main character's pretty much as good as died, haven't they? They've failed in whatever they were doing all the story.
I think that some stories are impossible to have a happy ending. I'm never one for small insignificant stories. All my stories are about where the entire world - or even more - is at stake.
You CAN'T have a happy ending to that.
By-the-by, all through this conversation I've been working on writing a play for a school assignment, and I finished it! I am free! Hurrah!
I suppose it depends what you mean by insignificant.
I like my stories to say things.
Congratulations, Anni! :)
@Annika: YAAAAAAAAY! :) :)
I like to gain things from my stories, really.
And you can gain things in multiple ways from stories.
I have done nothing today. O_O
Might suddenly go distant.
Exactly. I didn't say pineapples!
I have it.
I like my stories to make an impact.
That's it. :)
@Silente: *laughs* Okay, okay... so you have seen Mary Poppins? Or do you only know the word?
I'm currently writing a story about a girl who moves to a creepy new town and ends up on the run in her godfather's black Cadillac as she tries to evade a pair of dimension-hopping hit men after her father's old briefcase which contains his immortal soul.
I've seen it once or twice when I was younger, I don't know all of it but I know some of the story line...
And if anyone here has not seen Mary Poppins, they have committed a grave error.
By insignificant I mean like... stories where there's nothing at stake. Like if your characters fail, practically nothing will happen? Something that's for an entirely personal goal and no one will gain anything?
*nods at Anni*
Thank you, my dear. That is what I just wanted to say.
@Annika: That sounds awesome. :) :)
I'm not very good at writing stories.
Me and my old best friend discovered, after meeting each other seven years after I moved away and we stopped seeing each other, that we were both very good at making up stories in our heads, but kind of failed at writing them down. :P
(I'm still finding this fascinating, how we grew up to be similar in all these ways.)
*nods at Mithria*
*realizes I'm nodding again*
*stops myself*
Annika, what's wrong about nodding?
@Dragona: You used the word 'fail'. This implies that they're completely a mission. What if there is no particular mission? What if the mission is just, idk, surviving?
I think I'm not good at writing stories, either. I have too many ideas, and I don't plan my stories. I just write. Often my stories go from one direction on to a completely different tangent.
I am a huge fan of stories with:
1) Steampunk
2) Eldritch Horrors
3) Hard-boiled detectives
4) Secret societies
5) Immortals
6) Monster hunters
7) Intelligent men
8) Sassy Narrators
9) Pie
Annika, none of my stories have any.
Ooh wait. I did actually make a detective, once. But that's it. So you probably wouldn't like my stories :P
Okay I'm going to experiment here. You know how if you supposedly say bloody Mary 3 times in front of a mirror she's meant to come and get you? I'm gonna try something like that with chio. The first time I saw her she appeared when I was going on about frozen songs sooo...
Just ignored this comment if you want!
I like well-written stories that make an impact.
I've realised that it actually doesn't matter all that much which genre it is.
@Dragona: At least you CAN write.
I don't generally get past the first few chapters. :P
I generally just plan in my head . . . but my characters often have different ideas . . .
MITHRIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tacklehugs*
*looks at Silente* You called?
Helloooo. :)
((I'm still laughing at my impeccable timing, I'm almost crying I'm laughing so much))
Hello Taia.
*hugs Mithria tighter*
That if terrifying! I was only doing that as an experiment then you pop up! God chio talk about your good timing!
Yeah, me too Chione! I AM actually crying! :D
Well it worked with me Annika. That's twice I've came on just after someone mentioned Frozen. Can't be coincidence. *taps lips*
No cheese :(
*backs away nervously*
*swearing up and down never to repeat three things*
You have to BELIEVE, Dragona.
It takes faith.
And trust.
And pixie dust.
I have orange juice, if that can be exchanged instead of pixie dust.
Okay, now I know how to make you come on, Chi :)
*bows* Thank you thank you.
It may be a curse that if someone calls me using Frozen I will actually come.
That was really funny and actually quite scary, I have told you guys before that I have good timing for stuff, right? I think I just proved it.
Oh god! I'm hyper ventilating! You actually scared me then! Almost the exact comment after as well! Oh god! Shit! Don't do that!
Ah yes, this shall be a tale for the grandchildren, to be sure.
ANNIKA! Hey! :)
@Silente/Chione: That was great. xD
:P (Still- Hi! :) )
Hi Chione! :)
Hi Silente! :)
Hey Mithria! :)
Hi, Dragona! :)
How are y'all?
I'm fine, Taia. You?
I'm fine, Taia. You?
I'm fine, Taia. You?
Hey taia!
*crawls into the corner*
*hyperventilates a bit*
That was the best thing ever...*collapses in snow drift laughing*
Hello Taia! :)
I will never again repeat things three times, Annika!
Oh... I'm sorry.
Sorry for my distance, I'm . . . distant. :P
@Dragona: Orange juice is far more valuable than pixie dust - its powers are much greater. *nods* NEVER underestimate orange juice. :P
Good to hear that you're fine - three times. :P
I'm grand, thanks. :) ^^
Okay. Okay I'm a little better now. Not gonna pass out.
*looks over at chio*
*just shakes head in silent amazement*
*stands next to Chi*
*tilts head*
You walk in my shoes, I'll walk in yours
If you open your eyes and your ears
The world around you is so much brighter
Bye Annika!
@Star: *screams/hugs back*
*but not both at the same time*
*because then I'd be screaming down your ear*
*which might hurt, so*
*not simultaneously*
Aw, see you, Annika!
Fabi! *hugs* Hi! :)
(I guess I'll be gone in a few minutes...)
@Taia: Thank you for your consideration. :)
Awww no mir! :(
*looks at chio* I just. I can't. I really can't.
*shakes head* so how are you icy deamon?
Aw, okay, Mithria. :(
Any time, Star. :)
You can stop trying to drown me now.
@Silente: *shrugs* I'm sorry. I'm a little... I don't know... not myself at the moment. I'd rather spare you that.
Hi Taia. [hugs]
Hey moss!
((bye sister D: *hugs*))
(I'm still here, Chi. I just don't know for how long I can stay. I might stay here for another hour. Or I might leave within the next five minutes.)
Does anyone else think saying synchronization is really fun. Like 'our mental synchronization can have but one explanation.'
"You- and I- were just- meant to be"
'Say good bye to the pain of the past'
We don't have to feel it anymore!
Love is an open door!
I personally really don't have a reference for endings. I mean, it's just because I'm so character-based, but I just want the characters to be true to themselves, and I want a good story. And as long as I have those I don't much care about the rest. Of course, sometimes there will be a character who's just so tortured and deserves so much better and I just want so, so badly for them to be happy!!! But even then, I want them to be happy the same way I want my friends to be happy- it's not like DARN IT AUTHOR WRITE A HAPPY ENDING OR I'LL TORCH YOUR HOUSE. And if the writing style suddenly becomes lazy, *cough*HarryPotter*cough* or if at the end, the characters randomly do something they never would actually do, I'll hate the ending and any and all loyalty I felt towards the author dissipates.
Love is an open do-door
((I dedicate this page to singing!))
((Enough said))
We should totally do a duet, Silente.
Definatly....but not love is an open door. That's a bit weird...
(*sighs* Okay, see you all!
Bye mir!
Aretha, that was a problem with my SP stories. They always used to end up so happy and everyone was fine.
That is something I fixed with my Mass Effect stories. From the word go, every character has slowly become more and more damaged with every passing part. One of them actually has to see a psychiatrist, now.
(What about other types of vocal techniques? Do they not get a mention? :()
@Ari: *nods*
I'm not excessively character-based.
I think I care about characters like I care about people, and like I've explained, I'm not really a very caring person, when I think about it. :P
In a story, there isn't some sort of law that you have to care, so I can afford to care less.
I mean, I do care, but . . . well, it depends, really.
Fours, Mith! :(
Oh, Dragona. I think most of us are in need of a psychiatrist. :P
(In serious, though, my favourite characters tend to be the insane ones.)
I don't think Emi is insane... just a little broken. ^^
Okay, dedication edited.
I dedicate this page to singing, beat boxing, and any other vocal techniques. :-)
You got any other song suggestions chio?
Baby it's cold outside? :3
Ah. :) :)
Vocal techniques.
Thanks. :) :)
@Dragona: Insane people tend to be broken.
That's possibly what makes them awesome.
(She isn't insane, though, no. :))
I havent heard that one before...
Look it up >.>
@Tempest: That's a great dedication idea. You know that the act of singing -all types- actually releases endorphins, so it literally makes you feel good.
And if you're singing, your breathing is deeper, meaning more oxygen gets into your blood for better circulation, AND deep breathing is also an anxiety reducer/ relaxation technique.
It helps you to focus on the music or vocals or lyrics or technique, so that it's a lot harder to worry about other things at the same time -- so, stress reduction, that sort of thing.
AND it's good for the people around you, too. How many of us enjoy listening to music with vocalists? Or, you know when you break into song, and the other people around you join in, and it doesn't matter how good or otherwise you all sound because you're there and that's happening and it feels great.
Basically, singing is GOOD. :) ^^
Hullo people, how goes it in this wonderful piece of internet? ^-^
K give me a couple of secs
Hey korupted
Bye Mithria! *waves* :(
Hi Aretha! :)
Hello, Korupted! *hugs*
Oh and thanks for the comment about the died taia.
Is it me or I 'Baby its cold outside' about a man convincing a woman (possably with drugs) to sleep with him?
Hi Taia! *hugs*
Why don't we do one from a film chio?
aduhkandahdkjanik I don't do hugs ;-;
Oh, ok, sorry. XD *retracts hug*
Aretha, you have retractable hugs? I've heard of retractable claws and blades, but never hugs.
*casually sits here not knowing the lyrics to any of your songs* XD
He does do hugs, he's a big softie *tacklehugs Kor*
*hugs Aretha back* :)
Hi, Korupted! I don't think we've met-- it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, therefore. *offers a cookie* :)
@Tempest: :) ^^
@Dragona: :P
When it's me any show of emotion is retractable ._.
@Korupted: Poor you. :(
GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHajadjaldksauidhkj Chione why you break my dark-person-shell-thingymawhoser :c
Kor you didn't hug me back >.> I'm not letting go until you do *hugs him tighter*
*looks at chio*
*mouthes* sorry bout her
*makes a she's crazy sign with hands*
-.- *Hugs Chione back slowly*
Trust me Silent I know
Chione. Don't be mean. You wouldn't like it if I hugged you, would you?
Silente, we've been friends for 2 years. I honestly feel sorry for him ^.^
So I've been making this, and I'm just going to try and photoshop a few backgrounds in before I apply colour (to fill in the white, you know) (it's too white), and . . . yeah. :)
Yes I would! *tacklehugs Silente*
Two years. In that case you can hug. If her doesn't mind. My point from before still stands though. If I hugged you, you'd be grumpy or something...
As she hugs you xD
Erm.. *looks down at chio*
*not sure what to do*
*looks around for help*
@Silente: Probably. But I guess lyrics can be interpreted differently depending on... how you interpret them? (I didn't think that sentence through very well, did I? :P) IDK how well that is applicable to that song, though, really, since it's not the most ambiguous... :P ^^
I know 'Baby, It's Cold Outside'. I don't often recognise songs that other people mention, so I'm a little proud of that. *laughs* ^^
*explodes in* WEEE
*grins cradling a knife I may have stolen*
And who said that I wouldn't like it? *inches her face closer* Felling uncomfortable? Do I win?
*Mouths "just go with it" to Silente*
*looks at chio* erm chio. Your hugging me. We don't hug. We attack each other. We fan girl over frozen. We don't hug.
*looks at Zaf* Calm yourself woman! *le slap*
@Star: Woah! It looks GREAT. :)
Editing colour in to try out first is a good idea - I've done that before, too - it's helpful. Good luck. :)
You were saying earlier that you liked me, right?
((Zafira, Kor is probs more of a women that you, just saying ^.^))
*Continues standing awkwardly* erm...
*looks around* what do I do?
I don't hug. I'm a heartless beast. We don't hug.
Then I win :3 *stares at her*
Hey Zaf! *hugs* :3
@Tempest: You could always, like, hug back? :P
I was saying I didn't hate you. That doesn't mean I hug.
*stands* I'm not hugging you chio. I'm sorry. I don't hug.
Well you could try to pry her off... or maybe we could distract her... Hmmm... Chione! Look over here, it's an ice cream stand!
That doesn't mean you will.
*growls in frustration * fine!
*hugs awkwardly* better?
I am a woman!
*hits with knife handle
*turns round and glares at Kor as her eyes blacken*
*let's go quickly* now. Erm. You gonna let go or did that not count?
*grabs chio* wow, what's with the angry eyes?
Ummm, can I have a few moments to write up my last will and testaments?
same to you chio! *wraps arms around chio * I'm not letting go till you calm down.
Oh I'll be fine Silente, showed both of them who's boss at the same time yesterday ^3^
Wait did you hurt chio? You better not have hurt my chio! Only I hurt chio! Which sounds weird but still!
*stands in front of chio now*
*eyes start turning darker*
*starts shaking slightly*
*turns round to Silente and grins* Got you to hug me ^.^
About that... she started it :c
I don't care if she started it! Apologise!
*still shaking* god damn it not now...
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