Friday, December 20, 2013

'Tis The Season...

... to be jolly, fa la la la laa, la la la laaaaaaa...

My Christmas tree is up. It actually went up a few weeks ago. It's not a REAL Christmas tree. I mean, it's real ENOUGH. It's not IMAGINARY. If you threw it at someone, it'd hit them. But it's made from assorted plastics and stuff. Also it's black. It looks awesome, but lacks that Christmas tree smell. But I don't mind that. My folks have a real Christmas tree up, and that's where Christmas happens anyway, so who cares if my house doesn't smell of pine needles? Not me. Not really.

Not... really...

Anyway, yes, the tree. It's up. The presents are bought. They're not wrapped, but they're bought. Most of them. Okay, I haven't a clue what to get my dad, but he's a dad. He'll be happy with socks. Fathers are simple creatures. 

So... tree up. Presents bought. These are things I set aside time to do, because I needed to set aside time. I've been so busy lately that if I hadn't set aside this time, I just wouldn't get around to it. There are loads of things I just didn't have time for, like sending out Christmas cards. I love sending out cards. I try to combine it with answering all the letters from readers, so when I send off a reply, they get a Christmas card too. How lovely! But not this year. Answering all those letters, sending all those cards, would take two days at a minimum, and they are two days I can't afford to take off writing. 

The writing is going well, by the way. I've been focussing on short stories these last three weeks, building up quite a collection of new stuff. Each of these stories will be told in a different "voice" than the one you're used to. You'll see what I mean when you read them. 

One thing that I haven't decided on yet are the Christmas Skype calls I was planning on making. Essentially, I was going to take an hour one day and just fit as many three-minute Skype calls into that hour as I could. It seemed like a lovely idea at the time, but I'm not so sure anymore. Not everyone who wanted a call would be available on that hour, and so I'd have to field quite a few complaints. Then there'd be the people who'd want a one-on-one chat, when I'd only be comfortable chatting if there were two or more people in the room with you. Basically, my idea would end up causing a whole lot of hassle that I could really do without, so I just don't know. 

Okay then, enough jibber-jabber. I have work to do. 

Be cool, my Minions. 


  1. Ah, curses! Missed first by a split instant.
    Ah, well, such is life, and I shall endure it in due course.
    Hullo, Freya, I don't believe we've met.

  2. Wow. First time ive seen a post this early. Derek! When can you come visit your ameriminions!?

  3. I agree. We Ameriminions get no love from both Irish authors and meerkat trappers everywhere.

  4. OMG Fabi!!

    So Mara- Argentina or Brazil for the hen party

  5. I got so behind on Christmas presents this year... I've sorted out my parents, cousins and sister, but I can't work on Derek's, Star's or Croatoan's until after break, Mara's is taking longer than expected, and I need a detailed description of Trip's coat before I can work on his. Come to think of it, I'm sure I have one somewhere...


  6. Wait, Fabi... there's no need to make me a present! But thank you *huggles* :')

  7. Aha. Close enough.

    [Proceeds with the Christmas Tadra]

    TOO BAD, MARA. YOU'RE GETTING ONE. (though it might be in February at this rate. :-P) [hugs]


  8. Should I be worried, Adra? *smiles*

    ((Fabi - *hugs* Thank you :') ))

  9. (The Christmas Tadra what)



    I need some help... decorating my tree in the lab?

  10. I am not making Bloglandians presents.

    I am just not.

    For one thing, lazy.

    For another thing, I know way too many people and it would be unfair to give some people some and not others and even if I just limit it to awesome people, that doesn't do much coz everyone's awesome, and even if I limit it to awesome people I know well, I know way too many people, so I'm just not. :P

    I want to make something for the Bloglandians as a group, though. :)

    And, sorry for poofing, brother talking to me. :)


  11. There's some sort of power surge... Lights keep dimming. Msd.


  12. Sure!
    Harry and I decorated our tree yesterday. Ash and Kenzie put the star up on the top of it. *smiles*


    @Derek: If you don't Skype, that's fine. :) I don't want to make your worried about it. And if people have a go at your for not doing it, don't mind them, they're just self-centred idiots. :)
    As an author, all you have to do for us fans is write the series. You do way more than that, and it's amazing, and we're grateful. We owe you so much, and you don't owe us anything, so if you don't Skype . . . that's fine. :) *hugs*


  14. (Wb Star! No prob)

    *She lifts the hood over her head, her face hidden* Come along, then!

  15. ((*hugs Fabi* I hope everything's alright!))

    *follows Adra*

  16. (Okay Fabi!!)

    *She hums slightly and opens the door* *A rather large sixteen footer tree is by the fire*


    It's a lot if work

  17. @Zaf: O_O

    How do they look? :)

    Personally, I hate my nails having anything done with them. I prefer them short and practical and skin-to-be-bitten-around-them-able. :P But it does look pretty when other people have them done. :)


  18. Well, Merry Christmas either way! The stories are gonna be awesome!

  19. ((Ooh Zaf!:) My nails are always bitten and tiny, so I can never really paint them because they look awful :P))

    Wow. That's a, um, big tree..

  20. My brother's incredibly upset now because I won't go to his friend's party with him. -_-

    I mean, their whole family came to our party, but still. :)


  21. @Adra; That FITS INSIDE??? O_O


  22. *She points to a ton of boxes*

    Would anyone like to help me with my tree???

    *Sge begins to put them up*

  23. (The lab- the actual lab bit- the ceiling is four stories off the ground... And rooms branch off- that's where the tree is, in the sitting room and such.

  24. I wanna help with the tree! Can we put Skulduggery's head on top? That'd be brilliant.

  25. *shakes Adra off and hits her with a stick*

  26. No. A star goes on top ye meanie

    And don't hit me

  27. FABI!

    *is hit with a snowball*

    I had a snowball fight earlier. My sister threw one and I caught it and threw it back. It was glorious.

  28. A star? But... but... Ugh, fine.

    *shouts to Skulduggery* Oi, come retrieve your damn head! I don't need it.

  29. Awesome!

    OMG a mom and a three-year-old just walked by, and the mom looked at our Snowduggery and said "Oh, look, it's a snow businessman!"



  30. Yeah. Stars

    Not quesadillas.

    *She puts some ornaments on the tree*


  32. Emerald greeen and omg i never did this before.....

    I blame emotions

  33. But Adra, the quesadillas are so pretty. How could you not want them?

    *starts hiding quesadillas in the tree*

  34. *Throws them out* nooooo only ornaments

  35. @Lantern: *laughs* :P

    Skulduggery is . . . very like a business man . . .


    Actually, that last question Is pointless. Of COURSE I'm awesome. :)


  36. Hi Flora! :)

    If you want me to. :)

    Although, my brother's here again, so distonation may occur.


  37. I mean the ones in the box. *Points to a box of ornaments*

  38. *scowls* Fine, only box ornaments. Can we have some Slytherin coloured ones up there?


    And thank you Star!

    Ignore the other chapters - I'm re-writing them :)

  40. *artfully strings a garland of vividly-colored tea bags around the bottom of the tree*
    *adds some tinsel*
    *an intricately paint blue spheres*

    *wipes off her hands with a moist towelette*

    A job well done, I daresay.

    Khasiis: *whispers* Three days . . .
    Three days . . .
    You'll perish before Christmas is here . . .

    . . .

  41. @Anni: I NEED TO TELL YOU.



  42. (I have done it!
    I have successfully given someone a case of Feels over a car!
    *punches the air*
    Now I can die a happy and very strange woman.)

  43. ((Note: Ioux does not know Rook as Rook, I just am/have been using that name for ease on the reader and myself. Likewise, Fabi isn't dim-witted enough to always use Abby as an alias, it's more of a consistency device on my part. Just thought I should mention))

    The door to the closet burst open and no one was inside. Ioux frowned slightly. He had been so sure that this was where Ms. Herald would be located. Apparently his suspicions had been incorrect. Perhaps Mr. Rook was trustable after all. He turned back, face slightly red. 
    "I'm terribly sorry about that."
    "You are?" Rook raised the end of his sentence slightly, like a question, but at the same time, it was smoother and more thoughtful and Moss can say it that way but she doesn't know how to properly punctuate it.
    Ioux's eyebrows twitched nervously. Something in Rook's tone... He couldn't know. "Of course I am. I made a dreadful assumption about the nature of Ms. Herald's disappearance, for which you have my most sincere apologies..."
    "Thank you. As you can see, Liz Herald is long gone." He paused for a moment, and Mister Ioux could feel the perspiration on his forehead. Rook looked at him with his face in a stone line, no expression. "Did you legitimately believe that I wouldn't figure it out, Ioux? You double-cross me, I double-cross you. We're even."
    Ioux lunged for the egress, but Rook snaked a foot around his ankle and sent him sprawling on the floor, his hat flying off in an exceedingly undignified manner.
    "You said not thirty seconds ago that we were even," Ioux stated accusingly.
    "We would be, had you not made me miss my sister's birthday." Rook kicked Ioux's hand away from his pocket and stood over him. He pressed his palms together and a golden light began to spread towards Ioux, burning at him.
    "You forget who I am," he said as he simply absorbed it and the burning ceased. 
    Rook simply continued.
    "Mister Rook," he said slowly, as if speaking to a young child, "I am a Magiphage. I can simply absorb any energy you try to use against me."
    Rook smiled grimly. "That's what I'm counting on."
    Ioux's eyes widened and he let go of the golden light. It tore into him again, with a burning pain. He screamed, a higher-pitched sound than he would have liked. Colors danced around him, and he wasn't sure of his eyes were open or closed. Rook wasn't there anymore, neither was the house. It was all light, light and more light. Ioux shuddered. He could still shudder, he could still move. He was vaguely aware of the floor beneath him, but even that was fading.
    " sorry," he croaked.


  44. (Ioux!
    *claps a hand over her mouth in horror*)

  45. *Hums while she puts beads around the tree*

  46. I agree with the people at the top of this comment section, we Ameriminions are lonely over here, especially given how few and far between we are. I've met one person ever in real life who's read past the first three books (all that's published here) without me telling them to and physically loaning them the book. Three in total people who'd heard of the series before I told them about it. We're trying our best, but we're just not as indomitable as those publicists...

    Anyway, on a note to Mr. Landy, I think you ought to name a character Symphonia Felony, or something else Felony, or have Felony be the first name, but it sounds cool, so you should definitely do it.

    I have a Skulduggery fanfic I'm working on, like most of the world. It's a crossover, but trust me, it's not like most of them. It's set partially in Japan, because it's crossed over with The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and I was pleased at the mention of the Japanese Grand Mage in LSODM, as reference.

  47. @Lantern: *watching O_O*

    @Flora: It's really good. :) I like how it begins with the figures things, so you sort of have to start reading to work out what that's going on about and then characterisation. :) And it's good characterisation, and you sort of know who she is and her thoughts pretty well without knowing anything about her (but that isn't really knowing a person, that's categorising them, but I would have to go into a long explanation about the different stages of knowing people and I'm not because ranting. :P)
    Also I think it's good how the chapters are done in months, well, at least the first and second are (haven't read the second, but there's a hyperlink to it), because it makes you want to know what's happened in the month . . . sort of. Like, an awful lot can happen in a month, and you want to know all that happening, whereas if it was just the next minute there would be nothing to want to know.

    And yes. :)


  48. @Annika: I'm probably more upset about the poor van than I am about all your other poor characters for some weird reason, but . . .




  49. I could resolve that cliffhanger in two seconds........... BUT WILL I???!!?!?? Mwahahahahahahaha.


    Don't TELL us it's so near and you're just ARGHHH!


  51. A merry, though very early, Christmas, Mr. Landy.

  52. Wish I knew back then, what I know now... *hums*

  53. @Lantern: That's GOOD horribleness. :) It's cool. :)

    @Zaf: Hello. :)

    @Mara: That always reminds me of that other song. D: Wish I knew then, what I know know, wouldn't dive in, wouldn't bow down . . .
    It's annoying. :P


  54. *know now

    DId I mention I can't type? :P


  55. *nids wisely* *Stands on her tiptoes to put ornaments on the tree*

  56. Hi, Sir? *tacklehugs again*

    *Goes back to struggling to put ornaments on the tree*

  57. AHHHH thank you Star! :D

    I have just re-written the second chapter if you wish to read it :) (I've edited the one on wattpad)

  58. @Flora: In a mo. :P *is running round like a mad thing trying to find CDs to import because I'm home alone so have the opportunity to do it*

    *seriously, I'm dashing to the car and all*

    *I'm way to into this importing thing :P*

    Sorry, I get enthusiastic about new things. :P


  59. Flora- I tried to capture the link, but I'm on my phone and it could only copy the whole comment... So I can't get it :/

  60. *waves to Sir* Hello! :)

    *hugs Mara*


  61. @Adra: COuld you capture the link, paste it into the link box (or whatever it's called), and then backspace the rest of the comment out?

    That's what I do when I copy too much. :)

    Might not work on your phone, thoughs.


  62. Wish I could somehow
    Go back in time and maybe listen to my own advice...


  63. @Lantern: *also hugs* :/


  64. I'd tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out,
    Talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder...

  65. I can at the words behind it, but not before it...

    *Glares at the tree* Why am I short. I blame you. She puts more ornaments up*

  66. but after this CD

    I have to open the blue car, and go into the boot, and find the CD thing (because I asked my dad the other day how you got the music into the car and he said there's a big CD holder in the boot, so you can listen to six CDs without having to change any CDs, but when you do want to change one, you have to go into the boot to do it*

    Our blue car is three years older than me. :) It's cool.

    And it has paint scratched off the bumper so there's just this white untidyness. :P It makes it easily identifiable.


  67. Ladders are difficult though... And heavy. Although I suppose you're right

  68. *peers into blog from the shadows*

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. I haven't been here in so long... Nobody knows me anymore... It's like I was never here at all! *le gasp*


    Adraaaaa, I've reposted the link at the beginning of the comment in case that helps :)

    Thank you for attempting to read it! :P

  72. @Emily: At least you exist. :)


  73. That's a fair point. Existing is a good thing.

  74. @Emily: Yes. Although people who don't exist can exist as well. :)

    I tried saying that at school and they didn't get it . . . :(

    It's not very get-able, though. :)


  75. That's really good, Flora!

    Emily, er, were you a regular?

  76. Little Mix are honestly so perfect<3

    And Diana by One Direction (of course lmao) was on the radio today... :)

    And Tich's new EP >> life

    my idols need to stop making inspirational songs they're playing a game of tic tac toe with my emotions

  77. It's not. I say lots of things like that...

  78. Thank you, Adra!

    Wait, were you saying my idea to put the link at the beginning of the comment was good, or what I wrote was good? :P

    And hello Emily! I don't believe we've met!

  79. Oh, yeah, I was somewhat regular. If you go back (quite a while back) you may find me. I went by Lilith Nightshade before.

  80. @Mara; *hugs* :) :) :)

    @Emily: Good. :) *hugs* I SAY A LOT OF THINGS LIKE THAT TOO. :)


  81. omg the hugs... I've missed this... *hugs for everybody*

  82. What you wrote.

    And quite a few years have passed since then... The fandom's grown quite a bit since then

  83. It has indeed. You guys max out the comments on every post! We only rarely did that!

  84. Oh, I wonder if any of my old friends still come on here.

  85. Like I said- there is a number of people now :)

  86. Occasionally, I think... Not many, though.

  87. so many people. what's the typical age range now? it was quite wide before.

  88. *hugs everyone*

    Star, did you see the Little Me music video? :')
    And the lyric video is actually so cool I love it

  89. 12-16 mostly? There's a number if others... But most regulars are there

  90. Does Kallista come on? Aquila? Niall? Oh who else?... ummm... Dragona? Isabella? So many people!

  91. Dragona did for a while, but he's disappeared. Maybe school. Aquila only about three times since June, and Kallie for a bit with HB and Skyril and that was fun...

    But yeah. Life happens, and they all are getting in their late teens, so... Yeah. Busy.

  92. i might just leave because if i don't i'll end up insulting someone.


  93. Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful, everything she doesn't see...


  94. Oh, bye Mara [hugs]

    Hi Emily!

    Sorry, I'm in and out...


  95. Ugh life is annoying. Everybody's so busy. I know I am. GCSEs and stuff. Gah!

  96. Jesus... you guys have got such long names! I don't know what to call you!


    i'm glad the writing is going well!!! i still have to get lsodm, but i'm very excited for these short stories. i hope once all your writing is done you get a few days to just. like. hibernate or something.

  98. Star- I haven't finished reading the old comments and since it's break and I sort of don't want to I probably won't (I only do that sometimes), but I wanted you to know that people do care (I'm one of them) and that people do get it. In fact, there are tons of people who get it. I attend a school filled with the blindest people I've ever met (and I don't mean that physically), and even there I've found people who get it, and people who have deep philosophical/existential conversations with each other, and we deepen each other's thoughts. Just two days ago this guy Noah asked me what I had the most faith in out of everything, and I realized I'd never asked myself that, and my first answer was uncertainty and it stayed like that until just about an hour ago when I realized it might be emotions. Anyway, my point is, there are people who get it. There are lots of them. You need to find them and surround yourself with them. I can understand the loneliness, too- I've felt that for years, actually, I just never knew what it was and never paid that much attention to it, and I couldn't figure out what it was until one of my friends pointed it out to me this summer. She made this whole metaphor where loneliness was sort of like an open wound- loneliness was actually worse than fear, for me, which I was sort of surprised by and it was definitely very revealing- and books were my band-aids. Which is actually a very apt metaphor. I find that books do help me, but at the same time they also hurt more because fictional people and dead people and these are all people I can't talk to D:! Also, finding people who get it helps. And sitting down and actually explaining it to people sometimes helps, and sometimes makes it worse. Like, sometimes my parents' friends will come over, and I'll start chatting with them and they'll start asking what I want to do with my life and all that, and start giving me life advice and I'll say I know, and I've thought about it, and I'll soon launch into this whole rant where I get so excited talking about how insanely big the world is, and then how incomprehensibly bigger the universe is- forget the universe, just this galaxy- and how possibility is so endless and there's so much potential and so much to do and human lifetimes aren't even close to long enough! And then every time (probably because my parents have awesome friends) they either totally get it and we spend the rest of the night swapping philosophies, or they just sort of sit there staring at me with something like wonder and they're like, "wow, you're really special.

  99. Bye Mara *hugs*

    That it is, Emily.

    Me too, Fabi..

  100. Thal! Ari! *hugs*

    Also, Ari- I don't know if you got my email or not... But I sent it

  101. Remember me when you become famous." I've gotten that response pretty often. And I'm not concerned with whether or not I become famous- I really just want to do stuff with my life, and then I don't really care- but that's just nice, because even if they still don't see the world the way I do, it's like I've opened their minds a little bit or something. Like, even if they don't get it, they understand that I get it, so in a way they're feeling what I feel, even if it's indirect. And this really sounds like I'm patting myself on the back- I don't mean to- that's just why it feels good. And I still haven't gotten rid of all the loneliness- I think that'll take me a lot of time and a relationship even closer than the many close ones I have now- but things like that help. Also, I think that's why I generally get along better with adults and sometimes young children (depending on the child) than I do with my own age group; they're... Mature, I guess, in a way that a lot of teenagers around me aren't. I don't even know if that's the right word, but they see things and they understand things, and a lot of times they don't think they know everything, and I love that. I mean, of course, everyone is an individual, and even though I just said that about young kids and adults I really mean that any person who's like that is cool regardless of age, it's just that most of the people I know who are like that are adults. Anyway. This is a long rant-y thing that I wrote just because I think you should hear it. There are people who get it, and there are people who care, and I know somewhere it hurts even just a little bit when you're not listened to, and that's ok. There are people who do listen, and people who think, and loving to think doesn't make you mad. It makes you a thinker. There's nothing even remotely insane about that. And if there is, I hold that in many cases, sanity is highly overrated. In the words of Tesla, "You must be sane to think clearly, but you can think deeply and be quite insane."


  102. Sorry. You can call me Fabi or Moss. Either works.


  103. Omg I don't know what to talk about... It feels so great to be back on here!

  104. hey adra and everyone else!!! *hugs* (i'm not sure who all is here)

  105. Never mind. I'm being insulted everywhere else so I might as well just stay here. Unless I'm irritating.

  106. :-( [hugs Maralieeeeeeeee]

    [Tells her she's beautiful, wonderful, everything she doesn't seeeeeeeee]


  107. Thanks Adra :)

    Re-written all but August now, whoooooooop :D

    Bye Mara! *hugs*

    @Emily: You can call me Flora or Ophelia, or a variation of either :)

  108. @Ari: *hugs* Thank you. :) You're amazing. And just - you know - thank you. :)

    @Emily: Sometimes awesome people leave, but that's okay, because the new people are awesome too. :) I'm two blogyears old, and I've seen loads of disappeared Bloglandians, but I've also met so many other awesome people who didn't disappear at that time, although some of them disappeared later, but that's okay, in a way. :)


  109. I almost offered you all a Quality Street before realising that you wouldn't actually be able to have it... *face palm*
    Oh well *offers virtual Quality Streets instead*

  110. Sadness? What is this? It must be fixed. No sadness. It's Christmas. Sadness is not allowed.

  111. *Cuddles Mara*

    I don't know what that is, Emily

  112. @Mara: I love you. :) You're not being annoying.
    And the people annoying you aren't necessarily stupid, but they're definitely stupid in some aspects (although everyone is), and this is definitely one of the aspects. -_-

    @Ari: Thank you. :)

    I don't really know what to say other than 'thank you'.

    But, yeah . . . *hugs*

    And maybe I'm ranting a long comment to everyone else's comment.

    But that's because I can't really say anything long to your comment.

    Because it just kind of warrants a 'thank you'.

    And it doesn't really need improving. :)


  113. quality streets are chocolates basically. classic for Christmas around here! ;)


    Chocolates. :)

    @Emily: Yay, thanks! :) *takes a brown virtual Quality street* *noms*


  115. [hugs everybody]

    Snooooooowwwwww!!!!!! :D


  116. emily, i read up and you used to be lilith nightshade, right? do you remember me? it's totally okay if you don't, it's been a really long time

  117. omg! I offered my friend one today, and he was like "oh yeah, cheers" and which one did he take? THE LAST GODDAM TOFFEE COIN! I would've strangled him, but he may or may not be the male I am currently pursuing *cough*

  118. YESSSSSS! Thalia! Omg! I remember youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!! ^^ *so much hugglezzz*

  119. yes, you may flora. :P I don't like them, so good choice!

  120. yay!!!! *hugs emily a lot* how've you been????

    also, the best candy is coffee crisps. just sayin.

  121. I love Roses as well. :)

    I usually ask for a box for Christmas and then share them out.

    Because one year I got really annoyed about how you got stuck with the sweets at the end that nobody wanted.

    So I asked for a box and divided them up fairly, and put them in groups of five (five people in my family), and whenever we have one, we all get the same one, or we can chose out of what composes that group of five (because there aren't just five of each type of chocolate).
    And if people don't like one type, I can put another type in.
    And stuffs.
    And they all get eaten and it's all FAIR.

    And I do that every year, and get the satisfaction of being better at giving out chocolates than anyone else. XD

    @Ari: I'm still thinking about it. :P *hugs* Thanks, again.


  122. From calling me a slut to telling me that her 1D tickets are better than mine. How pathetic can people get?
    I'll be the one laughing when she gets kicked out because she's 12 and you have to be 14 to be standing.
    And I'm a slut? I haven't even kissed anyone yet, and she's shifted at least 15 people. smh.

  123. There's a chocolate factory place in [my location]. :-) It's all small and local and yummy!


  124. :-(

    [hugs Mararararaaraararararararararraaaaaararararrrrraraaa]


  125. How does being a "slut" have anything to do with 1D

    In fact, it's more rude to prostitutes, because often many of them are forced into the business or don't wish to be in it, and to slander them...


  126. hi star!! *hugs*

    i'm so sorry mara *hugs*

  127. Hey, don't judge! More purple ones for you, right? *throws purple ones at flora*

    Thalia, I've been okay. I've had a baaaaaad year, but I think I'm managing to act positive most of the time. How about you? Ahh, how old are you now? How's school for you?

  128. ugh ok i have to go to the orthodontist. wish i could stay and chat. i always forget how cool you guys are and how much i miss talking on the blog.

    *hugs everyone* bye guys! happy holidays!! <3

  129. Bye Thalia, see you soon hopefully! [hugs]


  130. @Mara: *hugs*
    Don't listen to her.
    You know what I do when I have bitches being bitchy to me?
    I just imagine I'm floating on this cloud, and there's way below me, and anything they say, it's just kind of amusing, because they'll never know how sad they are. And they think there's something, like they think they're standing on this mountain being higher than everyone else, but I'm way up in the sky and they can't catch me. And then I'm just smiling, smiling because they'll never understand me and they can never even compare, and it's a hard feeling to put into words, this floating feeling that just makes you smile, but I'm trying. :P

    I also feel so good when I ignore bitchy people. They're just asking my name, and then I'm not responding, and then they start having a go at me, and I'm just sitting there trying not to laugh and smiling, smiling, smiling.

    But - *hugs*

    Don't listen to her. :) I don't think you're a slut, and even if you are, that doesn't mean you're a bad person (everyone is good and bad, and you can be a slut and still be good), and also, even if her 1D tickets ARE better than yours, YOU'RE better than her, so that's even. :)


  131. Bye Thal!!

    *points to what Star said*

  132. *hugs everyone*

    Idk. She's just trying to get me to say something back to her so she can screenshot it and spread rumours.

  133. (quick last comment) sorry you've had a bad year, emily :( *hugs tight* glad you're staying positive though!!! i hope everything shapes up for you soon.

    i'm okay!!! rough year as well, but it's alright. not comfortable saying my age outright but i'm in my freshmen year of highschool (USA years). it's going okay. i like it but i cry about it a lot :P

    okay now bye!!!

  134. You know, I was just writing my last comment, and I think I should perhaps start being worried about my self-esteem levels here. :P I don't think thinking that you're better than everyone else can be good for you.


  135. Fours Thalia! :(


    *hugs Emily* :( That's okay. :) It's the end of the year, and a new one is beginning. :)

    @Mara: *laughs at her* Then she is a sad person. :)
    Although she's still good in ways as well. Because everyone is good and bad. :)
    I'm sorry you have to put up with it. :(


  136. Can't. It's iMessage. And when I don't reply she keeps trying to FaceTime me.

    Bye Thalia *hugs*

  137. I don't have anyone's phone number from school other than my friends'.

    I don't have Facebook.

    I don't see anyone other than friends outside of school (unless I'm, like, in town, and there's also in town, and I happen to catch a glance of them, or something).

    And I'm kind of glad, now, coz it sounds like hell.

    You could report her to CEOP, Mara. The red button that is everywhere and you click it to report online abuse.


  138. @Mara: -_- That sucks.


  139. Well, then close your phone? Take an hour off? She's desperate for a response and you don't have to give it to her

  140. Star - Yeah... :/

    Now she's asking me if i have spare one direction tickets she can have. What the actual fuck. She just told me she had tickets.

  141. Adra - idk. it keeps buzzing and i'm on ig and here right now. ugh. people are irritating.

  142. Lock her number. You have an iPhone, yeah?

    Go to settings -> messages -> block

    And when she cools down unblock if you want

  143. Nah. Android.

    She hasn't texted me for a good ten minutes now. I think she's stopped.

  144. It still should be in messages. If not, look it up

  145. Sorry, I got totally distracted. :O

    @Mara: The blocking Adra's suggesting sounds good. :) I have an Android phone, but have never blocked on it . . .

    And - -_- What is she even doing with her life.
    Oh, wait. She doesn't have a life.


  146. Argh...

    *She stands on the very top step of the ladder, one hand on a branch, praying she doesn't fall*

  147. I've been commenting here for almost two years and have never got the first comment on a post. :P


  148. whoops... I disappeared for a while there, sorry guys

  149. Ever?

    I once refreshed seconds after Derek posted and we conversed for about 20-30 minutes, one on one. It was the best gift ever :) I was so happy.))
