Monday, September 16, 2013

Happy Christmas (Tour is Over)

I thought the title of this entry was smart and funny, effectively conveying the relief at another tour being over and done with in a winning and whimsical manner. But how many of you are going to miss the John Lennon reference and just puzzle at the "Happy Christmas| part? Ah well. Too late now to go changing it.

So, another tour bites the dust. This was a fun one, lots of people turning up, lots of glares and scowls and cakes and pictures and fist-bumps and many, many moody looks into camera... All in a day's work, really. Thanks to everyone who came along — it was tiring but I had a blast.

And now I'm home, and it's time to get organised.

There's going to be some cool news coming your way over the next few weeks and months. Some of it will make you go "Cool!" and some of it will make you grin. Some of it, of course, will make you weep, as it's coming up to that time when I'll have to start plotting out Book Nine. Most of you will still be reeling from the events of LSODM, so you'll know not to trust me. For some reason, the tagline from the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre is floating through my head...

"Who will survive, and what will be left of them?"

The good news is, now that the pressure of editing and touring is off, I'll be able to get back to my regular (ahem) blogging and Twitter routine, so I should be chatting to you guys a little more often than I have been. Hopefully.

The fact is, I'm going to be incredibly busy for the next year. Want a brief rundown on what I have ahead of me?

1) Plot, write and finish Book Nine by March.

2) Work on Mystery Project 2.

3) Write 10 brand new short stories for the Skulduggery Collection out next Summer.

4) Work on Mystery Project 3.

5) Devise, plan and start writing New Book Series by September 2014.

6) Work on Mystery Project 4.

All that, and blog and tweet and play with my nieces. Oh, and my nephew.

Nephew, you say? But Golden God, you don't HAVE a nephew. I do now, gentle Minion. Born this afternoon, weighing in at over 9 pounds, Baby Skulduggery is now part of my Baby Army of Terror, and he is to be feared.

(Okay fine, my sister hasn't OFFICIALLY named him Baby Skulduggery, but come on... How could she NOT?)


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Duck said...

*Duck paddles in*

Duck said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*hugs Duck*
How are you?

Snow said...

you cannot bet my picture.

hey quack

Duck said...

Just waiting 12 minutes for Doctor Who.

Snow said...

@quack dito!!

Snow said...

oh and


Mistical Future said...

Your not a failure Snowy, your kids stories might need some work but hey, we're not all extraordinary witters when we start out so if your new to this stile of writing of cores your going to have a bit of difficulty when you start out. But we learn by practising and by our mistakes so you'll get better you just have to work at it!

"Experience is the worst teacher, it gives the test before presenting the lessons" by some person who's name I can't remember

Eldritch Blaze the Prince of Plants said...

A name eh?

umm... im not good at names:P

Eldritch Blaze the Prince of Plants said...

Have you got someone called like...

Fawn? or Fern? or Furn? or something yet?

IDK. she just looks like a Fawn or Fern....

Snow said...

*huggles misti*

Jophiel said...

*Sneezes twice and sighs*
Stupid iPod... I dropped it today and the glass cracked... It's only a few months old...

Jophiel said...

(I'm not here...))

Duck said...

She looks like a fern?
Well that's nice...

Snow said...

lol... *huggles Quacky*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Oooh, they're good names!!

*hugs Death*
Apple stuff breaks easily.
It's really annoying -_-

I agree with Misti.

Mistical Future said...

Hi Duck! Hi Death (Who apparently isn't here)

How are you two?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Wait, I'll put my nameless OC as my picture and you guys can help me decide...

Duck said...

3 more minute until DW

Snow said...


Snow said...

the roast is bor-ring...

Eldritch Blaze the Prince of Plants said...

the guy thats sometimes after the roast is ineresting. His pretty good, quite funny too.

Duck said...


Snow said...

yeah, that is okay... but doctor who is bettteeerrr

Snow said...


Duck said...


Snow said...


Duck said...


Eldritch Blaze the Prince of Plants said...


its on in 2 hours or me :D

So now i must go eat food. TOODOOLS ME LOVLIES *HUGS*

Snow said...


Snow said...

bye blaze

Duck said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Bye Eldy!!

*is still changing picture*
It's taking a while to download from my phone...

Mistical Future said...

Doctor who is on?

Duck said...

There were heaps of planets in the sky.

Snow said...

rose, torchwood, sarah jane... all the people from doctor who and it's spin offs...

Mistical Future said...

... Doctor who is on TONIGHT?!

Snow said...


well, for me and duck at least

Duck said...

Don't like it when they do that.
I don't want to watch torchwood or Sarah Jane adventures. THEY AREN'T COOL ENOUGH!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

It's not the best picture...

But I need help for names for her.
So, help please?

Mistical Future said...

where do you two live?

Snow said...

hmm... missy, you should call your character...

well, Fawn sounds good, really...

Mistical Future said...

name name name




Bubbly Sapphire?

Snow said...


tassie, to be exact.

Snow said...


Snow said...


Duck said...

KLOM! Who would want Klom?


Snow said...

the lost moon of poosh

Mistical Future said...

DAM this is bad I'm an Aussie so it is likely to be on for me to! *Sighs* well this is inconvenient ... I'm busy doing home work. *Grumbles* so annoying, I'm gona have to watch it on the iview

Noelle said...

((Good god Misti your profile picture competes me))

Snow said...


Mistical Future said...

XD YAY!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!
I wanted to change my picture and I had narrowed it down to two but either way it was going to be Alphonse! XD

Noelle said...

((*sheds a tear*))

Duck said...

"Do you want to swap?"

Snow said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Okay I'm gonna change my picture again...

Snow said...

the medusa cascade... its cool :P

Snow said...

"all hail the darlecks"

"you will obey your darleck masters"

Snow said...

"this message is of the upmost importance, can anyone hear me?"

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I found this picture in my files...
I really like it :3

Duck said...

"Came here when I was a child, just 90 years old."

Mistical Future said...

Oh and HI Adra! How are you?



Snow said...

"harriet jones, former prime minister"

Snow said...

"all we need is the doctor"

XD i just love how no one else knows what we're talking about Quack

Snow said...

the biggest phone call ever...

Duck said...


Snow said...


"where the hell have you been?"

Duck said...

Outer-space Facebook!

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...


Snow said...


"the dark one is here"

me: voldimort is in doctor who?

Snow said...

hey saph

"i gave myself to them"

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

It's raining upside down... we must be going to the moon! ;)

Msd, it's pretty late

Duck said...


*not leaving, just quoting*

Snow said...

"After all this time, after everything we saw, after everything we lost, i have only 1 thing to say to you... BYE!"

Snow said...

lol duck, we chose the same quote

Snow said...

"it's like a ghost town"

Duck said...

Well I did it before you so... HA

Snow said...

yeah, but i did the whole thing

Duck said...

and then he dies...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hey Saph!

"... I foooound it!"

"Enjoy a BAD∞END∞NIGHT!"

Sorry Bad∞End∞Night is just asdfghjkl <3

Snow said...

my mum just said

"this isn't where he turns into Will Smith, is it?"

and i was like, "Will Smith?"

"oh, yeah... he's not black is he..." she said

Duck said...

... but all he needs is a helping hand.


Snow said...

very Punny...

"will someone tell me what is going on?"

Snow said...



Continued... :P

Duck said...

The 'to be continued' was more epic than usual.

Snow said...

and now i g2g, bye!! *huggles all*

Duck said...

"Right, that explain what the ***** is happening to my voice"

Duck said...


Noelle said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

In the depths of a thick forest, a village girl has become lost.
Holding a letter with faded color, she reaches a mansion of the night.

She knocks on the broken door of the eerie mansion.

"Is anybody home?"
"Oh my, what happened to you?"
" this mysterious mansion..."
"Please have some tea♪"

Once everyone has gathered, the guest is being "evaluated".

"You know, it must be fate for us to meet like this."
"If so, party, party!!"

"'We must offer a proper welcome!'"

"Hurry, hurry!!"
"Pour some wine."
"Let's make some sound!♪"
"How about a toast?"
"Are you ready??"
"Are you ready?"

"'Then let's begin.'"

You're the focus of this crazy night. Dressed up stylishly, with wine in one hand,
once you've gotten somewhat drunk, are you having fun now?

Sing. Dance. Let's make some noise. Forget everything good and bad.
Just have fun to the point of going mad in this happy☆night!

After the feast and the night, "something" feels strange.
When she's about to get up after some sleep, morning is nowhere to be seen.

"Let us..."
"...share a secret with you..."
"'Take a look at the clock...☆'"

The girl, scared, escapes into a secret chamber.
As soon as she opens the heavy door, there she sees...
"'Jesus, Jesus!!'"
...a mountain of caskets.

"Oh dear..."
"So you saw..."
"Danger!! Danger!!"
"Don't be afraid, okay?♪"
"Where are you going??"
"Where are you going?"

"'Won't you please wait?♥'"

You're the focus of this crazy night. Will everything go according to the script?
What will happen tonight? The ending is all up to you to decide.

Search. Search for the happy end[ing]. If you go out of order, it'll be o-v-e-r.♡
Does the true end[ing] lead to a casket? Will tonight be another Bad ∞ End[ing] ∞ Night?

"How will I be able to return home?"
"Once this stage play ends..."
" might be able to go home."
"Where did I drop..."
"...the key to the happy end[ing]?"
"It was a key with a cold gleam..."

"...Fooooooound ya!"

I'm the focus of this crazy night, with a knife in one hand and a skull in another.
With one simple wave of my knife... I was having so much fun!♥♡

Run! Run! As fast as you can! Forget the stage and your lines!
Break everything to the point of going mad! Bad ∞ End[ing] ∞ Night.

You're the focus of this crazy night. Once the cast and the stage are gone,
and the curtain has fallen, how about let's all go home together?

Sing. Dance. Let's make some noise. Forget everything good and bad.
Just have fun to the point of going mad in this Bad ∞ End[ing] ∞ Night.

In the room that has quieted down, there's a mysterious shadow who received much applause.
"It was a great stage play tonight..." Picking up a letter, the shadow started crying.

Note: Each of the Vocaloid eight have a part in here, so that's why it's got new speech marks for different lines and such.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*hugs Snow*

Unknown said...

Derek you are amazing. Is there any chance some Skuldug merchandise will be coming out such as posters and things like that, because you never came down under for this signing and it made me grumpy D:<
Love youuuuu <3

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hello. Wbd.


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Gtg now :(



Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Really? Nobody is here to see me in my five minutes of free time today?

That is a disappointment.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

While I will admit that peace and quiet is nice, the right kind of company can work wonders for your state of mind, provided you let it.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Provided that the time is right, too.

Noelle said...

Guess again

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

But alas! I continue to sit here alone, waiting for my next meeting to start, dreading the amount of work I have to do, and looking forward to showing off my superiority in every way imaginable.

Good day to you all, for I must leave you now!

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOW you show up☂

Noelle said...

Oh ta, you dramatic fool

Noelle said...

I've been here. I'm always here. Lurking.

Noelle said...

Some etiquette he has.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im tired ugh.....

Remind me to strangle Edward when I see him.....or someone tell him he's locked in a bound cell in a gaol in America high security Cleavers guarding his cell 24/7.

Noelle said...

Huh. Alright then

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I have wonderful etiquette, thank you very much.

☂How can you always be on?!?!?!?!?!?!☂

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Also, I find it necessary to add that I am in no way, shape, or form a fool.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Sorry. Let me reword myself--

I have wonderful etiquette towards those who deserve my respect.

You are not one of them.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(ily <3)☂

Noelle said...

I'm incredible

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(Was that in response to me or Mycroft?)☂

Noelle said...

Hey, I've done plenty of things to deserve respect. But that's your opinion

Noelle said...


Unless I'm asleep)

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(have to poof again BBYEEEEEE)☂

Noelle said...


Dragona Pine said...

Ok, I guess no one's here.

Noelle said...

((Hi! Sorry- switching classes))

Dragona Pine said...

Np Adra. Hi btw. ^^

Noelle said...

Sorry for the late responses... I'm in 5th bell... Studying...

Dragona Pine said...

Np. ^^

Noelle said...

*dances in the background*

Dragona Pine said...

I've changed my title btw. ^^

Noelle said...

*facepalm* You're a bit obsessed, Dragona.... If you haven't realized.

Dragona Pine said...

I think I've realised. A little.

Noelle said...

A little?

It might be a bit more than that, but whatever *laughs*

Dragona Pine said...

On the downside/upside, which way you look at it - since I am no longer an Engineer Cheese has gone.

On the definite upside, though, I can now turn invisible.

*turns invisible*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im here-ish....

Noelle said...

I don't even want to know how you will abuse those powers.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Dragona you're worrying me on the obsession of this it isn't healthy.

Dragona Pine said...

Well, an infiltrator can turn invisible, can disable weapons and hack into robotics and launch grenades that stick to anything they touch so there isn't THAT much to abuse.

Noelle said...

That's a lot coming from you, Zaffy :3 You have an unhealthy obsession with a character who doesn't even have a physical form

Dragona Pine said...

Everyone obsesses over something. *shrugs*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

At least I'm not obsessed with a video game.....Plus Niccolò is relatively normal. Human. I think.

Noelle said...

I obsess.... Over...


I have no idea. I like moderation

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Trip. You obsess over Trip. C'mon Adra when is the wedding?

Noelle said...

Yes, but at least Dragona's thing is tangible.... There's a difference from being inspired and liking a game, and being in love with something that isn't tangible and- for the sake of the point- real.

((Ari, I know the whole "he's in your head" thing, but still that's not what i mean))

I'm just saying. *nods* I'll be distant, bio

Dragona Pine said...

You should all be glad that I'm not a human Adept, who have like these two plasma whips or something that can rip something in half.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh for gods sake. So you think that because NJ loves Fletcher she's insane?! Wbd hustory.

Noelle said...

Do not! Here's where there is a difference between the character and the person. Because those are two different things.

Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

Love and in love are two different things, Zaf.

Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dragona Pine said...

I am inspired and I do like the game. But I do not love it. It's just my favourite game atm.

Before it was Battlefield 3, all I used to do on that was run around with plastic explosive and destroy as many buildings as possible.

But now I like Mass Effect. And I know WHY I like it.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

How about be NORMAL and stick to ONE route, Adept or Elemental? Hmm? Just saying. Though you haven't had plots to destroy humanity like Edward I give you credit for that.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im not arguing. Whatever think what you want Adra.

Dragona Pine said...

Zaf, I didn't mean the Skulduggery Adept, I meant the Mass Effect Adept. They can control Dark Energy, and can rip people apart at a molecular level and stuff.
And I have no intention to destroy humanity. Though technically atm I am an alien. BUT I'm a nice alien.

I'll just turn invisible and go around poking people.

And I don't want to be normal. Normal is boring. People on here tend to use powers their characters don't have, so what's the difference? ^^

Dragona Pine said...

*turns invisible, sneaks behind Adra and starts poking her repeatedly*

Noelle said...

I'm not arguing... I'm discussing. If it sounded like an argument, I didn't intend it to. I was just expressing a point.

Noelle said...

*turns and swings her branding iron*

Dragona Pine said...

*has already moved* *uncloaks at the other side of the room*

Noelle said...

*glares at the space where he was*

Dragona Pine said...


Star Inkbright said...


Look, people who don't exist still exist, just not in this dimension. You see . . . there are layers in reality, and when people like my friend dream the future, they see through the layers into a different time, except all the other layers are getting in the way usually so she doesn't get it specific and stuff.
And . . . fictional people are in different realities, and we see through the layers to them. Except we don't get it exactly right, because of course all the other layers get in the way and mask our vision and we see things on a different layer and thing it's part of another layer and blah . . .
Like, there are thousands of different versions of Cinderella, because people have all seen her differently through the layers.

Niccolo exists, somewhere . . . *scowls at how I can't do the accent (I can't work it out) and therefore I can't add his name to spellcheck's dictionary*
*adds 'spellcheck's' to dictionary :P*

One day, I want to prove this theory of mine. :) I shall discover how it works and be known through history and all that. Hopefully. I'm not quite sure how to go about trying to prove it . . .


Noelle said...

*turns and throws a book at Dragona*

Noelle said...

Fun fact- I wrote a story about that, Star. Something very similar....

Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dragona Pine said...

*steps out of the way of the book*

Hey Star! How are you?

Noelle said...

Dragona, how the hell did you even get in here?

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Really???
That's so cool!!!!! :)

The problem is, though, is that when I create beliefs theories for my characters, I obviously make them so they make sense, and then I'm like "Hey, that makes sense" and I'm like O_O and then I debate adopting that theory. :P
Oh, the layers theory I came up with by myself, though . . .


Dragona Pine said...

Well Adra, that is an interesting story. You see, hacked into your security, bypassed your doors then cloaked so you couldn't see me. Then I started poking you.

I AM an infiltrator. It is my job to infiltrate things. ^^

Noelle said...

*glares at him* I'll have to update the sigils and symbols, then...

Dragona Pine said...

You might want to add more of them, too. Make it a challenge.

Noelle said...

And what I meant is (by the Multi-Universe theory) There is a possibility that Niccolo does indeed exist. However, he doesn't in this reality. I'm saying why go pining after someone when you could be looking for someone tangible? Do you kinda see what I'm trying to say? *shrugs*

Noelle said...

Or you could not just break in... That works.

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Dragona! :)

Fine, thanks. :)


Btw, everyone - I won't be here this weekend. Going walking/camping/walking. :(
Last time, it was hell, and this time, we'll freeze to death, coz it's cold, so um, I'm sort of not looking forward to it. Like, I'm 95% dreading it.
However, this time, it wouldn't be 30 something degrees, so we won't die as much, and also, last time I didn't bring my insoles but this time I will, so hopefully my feet won't hurt as much. :) Gosh, that was torture. I stopped and put twigs in my shoes in the hope that it would help because I was that desperate, and for a bit it did, but then the wood was digging into my foot and then I was experiencing a different type of hell, so it didn't make all that much different. So then I took them out again when I could. I think I might have sat down and refused to move until they were out. And then the next day I used toilet paper instead, and that may have worked a bit, or maybe it was just that it was a new day, but anyway, I could walk okay. And then it started up again later. D: Ow.
*adds 'ow' to dictionary*
It doesn't hurt as much if you walk on uneven ground, so your feet keep tipping at different angles . . . it's flat concrete that kills the most. :/
But anyway. This time, I'll have my insoles! Yaaaaaaaaay!
*is pretty damn sure the pain was from my bones bending out of place. It does it when I've been walking for a few hours. After I've been around town for quite a while it hurts a bit, sometimes*


Dragona Pine said...

I'm fine, thanks. Did you look at the photos on my Mass Effect blog. ^^

Adra, that could work.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: I get what you were saying. :)


Noelle said...

I think that simply knocking on the door will do, thanks.

*hugs Star*AWWWWWWWW

Dragona Pine said...

If I wish to enter in future I shall wait until you go in and follow you whilst being cloaked. So I'm not disrupting your sigils. :)

Noelle said...

I'll hit you

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Nope!

I will now. :)

Ooh, I didn't tell you guys, did I? I spent four hours on my card yesterday, the last half hour being done in the and by the light of the laptop because I was meant to be going to sleep, and then I woke up today at six and spent an hour finishing it off. I hadn't done any homework I'd needed to do for today because I didn't have time, so I did half my German homework in fifteen minutes before I walked out the door, copied the rest from my friend on my bus (apart from the last exercise, which she hadn't done either), and then we did the last exercise in the lesson. :) The teacher gave us a talk on how we were not to do our homework on the bus or copy it from a friend. I was just sitting there like "yup, totally not just done both of those things . . ."

The card was good, though. :) I was proud of it.


Star Inkbright said...

Gtg, bbs.


Noelle said...

Bye Star~ *hugs*

Edward Fletcher said...

bye star

Anonymous said...

*walks into blogland with Malik right next to her*

Malik: Hey everyone! Long time no see :)

Mary Contrary said...

Sounds like a very awesome-filled year, then, Derek. C:

But... FOUR mystery projects? And Book 9, SP short stories, AND a New Book Series? And, addiitonally, nieces, nephew(Hooray! By the way! :]), and your minions too?
Good luck with all of that. :P


Noelle said...


*hugs both*
*glomps Taia*


*gives Mith a crazy smile*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hey guys I'm back from hell :)

Another 4 hours of homework left -.-


Edward Fletcher said...

hello mithria
hello taia
hello adra

Anonymous said...

*looks at Adra* Uh-oh... you didn't forget it, right?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Contrary said...

Oh, no dress here. *laughs*

*fixes picture* Inside Out cover image. *nods* BECAUSE IT'S INSIDE OUT DAY. C:



Noelle said...

MARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *hugs* I feel you. I was up until 11:30 last night. Some of my friends were up until 3.

Something that helps is to sit up in a chair that's higher than the table you're working on. Sitting or laying on a bed doesn't help... If you're in a chair, you work faster because that's like the desks at school and yeah mindsets.

That was my psychological discovery #2 last night.

Dragona Pine said...

*turns invisible and starts poking Edward*

Noelle said...



No, Mith. Never.

Cool pic, Taia

Edward Fletcher said...

*jumps back* who poked me?

Dragona Pine said...

*starts poking Adra, still cloaked*

Anonymous said...

@Adra: That's what I was afraid of...

Noelle said...

*swings blindly and hits Dragona*

Dragona Pine said...

*then starts poking Mithria*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...




Dragona Pine said...

*goes to the other side of the room and uncloaks*

Anonymous said...

*frowns* No one there? *is puzzled*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Noelle said...

*charges at Dragona*

Dragona Pine said...

Yay cheese!

I dedicate this page to Mass Effect because I ALWAYS do. I really should think of something better to ded to, but I have a grand total of... nothing.

Anyway, also to roast chicken (yum), shotguns (yum. Um... I mean... cool?) and also to cheese spread.

Because you can make cheesecake out of cheese spread, and cheesecake is awesome.

Tea brb.

Mary Contrary said...

Aw, I hope it's not too bad. Homework sucks.
Speaking of which, wbd, English Lit. C/A preparation.
We've ony just started the damn thing. And the first part of the C/A is this week. ._.

*glomps all*

*throws cookies at everybody*


Edward Fletcher said...

*pokes dragona*

Noelle said...


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