Friday, April 26, 2013

The Synopsis

135,499 words and counting.

My editor has been asking me for a synopsis for ages now. They need it so that they can send it to sites like Amazon, so they can put it up to inform people what it is they'll be buying. I took a few minutes today to write it, and before I go to bed tonight, I figured my Minions deserved to see it first.

Last Stand of Dead Men:

War has finally come.

But it's not a war between good and evil, or light and dark- it's a war between Sanctuaries. For too long now, the Irish Sanctuary has teetered on the brink of world-ending disaster, and the other Sanctuaries around the world have had enough. Allies turn to enemies, friends turn to foes, and Skulduggery and Valkyrie must team up with the rest of the Dead Men if they're going to have any chance at all of maintaining the balance of power and getting to the root of a vast conspiracy that has been years in the making.

But while this war is only beginning, another war rages within Valkyrie herself. Her own dark side, the insanely powerful being known as Darquesse, is on the verge of rising to the surface. And if Valkyrie slips, even for a moment, then Darquesse will burn the world and everyone in it.


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Jophiel said...

Goodbye Death I shall count the minutes till we meet again
Are you still counting? The minutes must have turned to hours, the hours to days, the days to weeks and the weeks to years. I miss the time where we were together ****, I can’t tell you how much I will regret the day we drifted apart. I know I sound like that creepy stalker ex-girlfriend but I just miss you. I miss the time where we would laugh together, where we danced, where we become a pair. The day that we met I still remember clearly.
It was a warm afternoon and I was sitting at the computer in the dining room. I was happily laughing along with everyone when I saw you comment. It was within the same week as I came on. We talked for a bit then you teleported to my house and we attacked someone else. I remember imagining that I was in my neighbour’s house and we were in Jayden’s room. I was laughing so hard then…
I remember feeling so light when I was around you. I remember feeling like I could fly. I remember you saying to me at the ball, ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’ and I blushed and giggled. I remember that brilliant smile that would creep onto my face when you were on. I miss you ****…

Dragona Pine said...


Just to say, if anyone wants to join Dead Reaping, today is your last chance to do so without anything to catch up on.

Jophiel said...

You know something is wrong when you have accidently found your English teacher's Google+ account... And his YouTube account...

Jophiel said...

And you find out he is a Christian...

(I'm going to keep stalking him...)

Unknown said...

Hi Death!!

Duck said...

You know something is wrong when you accidentally found your student's blogger account...

And you find out she is despises you for been a Christian...

(I'm going to keep stalking her...)

Jophiel said...

... Oh God...

Mr. Tod... I'm sorry... I will make it up to you with jelly beans and... Uh... Romeo & Juliet?

Jophiel said...

Dude, I don't despise Christians! Jesus loves us all!!
(Please don't tell mum...)

Jophiel said...

Mr. Tod. I am having a shower. Please don't kill me! Remember me acing the Romeo and Juliet prologue? I'm that epic! Don't kill me. Please. I have a hiking trip. After the hiking trip. Please. Don't get my dress dirty.

JonathonMoore. said...

Hey Rose, Sup Mr Tod

JonathonMoore. said...

(yawn) Your both gone, aren't you?

Unknown said...

Hi Jonathon!

JonathonMoore. said...

Ok then, practice. (Darkness erupts from my body and takes form. I draw my sword, a wicked black blade) To the death eh?

JonathonMoore. said...

Oh, Sorry Alex, hi! (dodges incoming attack)

Jophiel said...

Hi! Sorry, long shower... Scary shower... I kept expecting mum to come banging on the door asking why my teacher sent her an email.


JonathonMoore. said...

(our swords clash, I reman casual) Oh hey Rose

Unknown said...

Hi Death!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


JonathonMoore. said...

(the shadow me connects a kick to my kneecap, braking it. I swear, vaperizing it with black fire)

Unknown said...

Hi Zaf!!

JonathonMoore. said...

Lol, wrong braking. Or the right one. Anyway... (I remove a jar from my pocket, foul smelling gell is rubbed into my wound. I heal)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said... only on til homeroom ends

Jophiel said...

*Lunges at the shadows Jonathon is attacking*
*Passes through*
*Hits the ground and rolls back to feet*
*Falls on face*
Okay, not the best way to go...

Hiya Zathy!!

Unknown said...

You have school?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


I lost it xD

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Yes its 7:30am

JonathonMoore. said...

Rose, only I can affect it, it's my creation. Thanks though. (The shadow me returns to my body)

JonathonMoore. said...

HOLD ON, STOP EVERYTHING!!! You have school at7:30?

JonathonMoore. said...


Jophiel said...

7:30? You're lucky I'm even out of bed by then!!

JonathonMoore. said...

Haha, same for me!

JonathonMoore. said...

And now, down the rabbit hole I go.

JonathonMoore. said...

(I jump of the building, freefalling to the streets bellow)

JonathonMoore. said...

(and vanish)

Jophiel said...

Bye Jonathon!

Jophiel said...

Okay, me is leaving. Me needs sleep. Me says goodnight!!

Dragona Pine said...


Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Dragona

I'm not allowed make the new email address :(

Dragona Pine said...

Aww... that's a shame Aisling. Maybe you could be an honourary member and get someone to post the stories for you?

Aisling Dubh said...

Maybe... I'm not sure. I'll see.

How are you?

Dragona Pine said...

I'm fine, you?

Dragona Pine said...

Sorry I poofed.

Aisling Dubh said...

It's ok. I poofed as well.


Dragona Pine said...

kk Aisling.

Dragona Pine said...


Aisling Dubh said...


Dragona Pine said...

Wb. Aisling, you can read the post too if you want. You can have a say in it, even if you can't join as such.

Aisling Dubh said...

I'll read the post later. Thanks :)

Dragona Pine said...

You're welcome. ^^

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

I'm having tuna pasta bake for tea.

Aisling Dubh said...

That sounds delicious. I love tuna. I had tacos for dinner.

Star Inkbright said...


I've been informing everyone today that blood is many shades of red, including crimson.

Nobody was interested. :P

Star Inkbright said...

And then I added that I was talking about fresh blood. Like I'm adding now, y'know . . .

Dragona Pine said...

Star, new Dead Reaping post.

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Star.

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

dragona I have read it and commented get the others who are here and head over to Dead Reaping!

Star Inkbright said...

I know, Dragona.

I'm opening it and being there at the same time as I'm opening YouTube and the tabs I want, opening and commenting here, plus searching for, opening and logging onto my school's VLE and searching on it for where I need to be. Yes, it rhymes - that was unintentional.

Dragona Pine said...

kk Star. ^^

Star Inkbright said...

Wbd, doing stuff and stuff and stuff. D:

Dragona Pine said...

kk Star. ^^

Maralie Lily Charm said...

My Confirmation's tomorrow... >.<

Oh, I'm screwed.

*is not really here*

Star Inkbright said...


Good luck. :)

Aisling Dubh said...

Oh happy confirmation Mara. Hmm my cousin's confirmation is tomorrow as well.

It's not that bad. You don't have to do that much. Well I didn't. I suppose it's different for every school. Or if you do t do it through school whatever way you do if.

Aisling Dubh said...


Hi Mara

Star Inkbright said...


I have to do this exercise on the damned online textbook. I HATE the online textbook. Partially because I have problems getting it to operate AND having it big enough for me to see, and partially because stuff like THIS always happens. Why can't they have given us paper textbooks? :(

Star Inkbright said...

You do it with school? O_O

*tries to comprehend that*

It must be awesome, being in a school that isn't completely neutral about religion . . .

Aisling Dubh said...

Yeah most schools do it here. Apart from educate together schools as far as I know. I might be wrong though.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I have to sing a song with a girl I hate and she thinks I like her but she hates me and tries to make me mess up and then the readings omg just no UGH D:

My school is Catholic, so.... *nods*

Aisling Dubh said...

Ah well in that case good luck Mara. Maybe she'll be nice to you tomorrow.

Star Inkbright said...

My mum believes that at school you should learn to get along with all different kinds of people.

That is one of the main reasons why she doesn't believe in private schools. Because you should learn to work and be with people all different kinds of people, not just smart rich people.

I go to an ordianry comprehensive school that is for boys and girls and isn't for any particular religion.

I'm making it sound real common. *laughs*

Nice change from feeling posh. :)

I suppose it makes you more comfortable with being Christian if you're at a Christian school . . .

I'm not afraid to tell people I'm Christian though. *shrugs*

I would rather avoid telling people in the past because awkwardness, but now I think I'm more confident overall as a person. :)

Plus I'm proud of being a Christian and what it stands for. *nods*

For me, school and church are too completely different worlds . . . It's odd to think of them merging. O_O

Must be cool though. :)

Star Inkbright said...

:( That sucks, Mara. *hugs*

I hope you don't interact much. :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Thanks guys:)

Our closest church is a 5 minute walk down the road :P

Star Inkbright said...

Tomorrow, I meant.

Although, 'at all' would be better. :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*from the school

Merp. She sucks. Like a vacuum. XD

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hi everyone! How are you all?

Star Inkbright said...

My closet church is maybe a fifteen minute walk down the road. :P

Oh, wait. I forgot the other tiny one. WHich is more a ten minute walk. :)

And the next nearest is about twenty-five minutes!

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hi Star! Hey Mara!

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Lewis

My closest church is across the road from my school and my school is a 3 minute walk from m house. So it's very close.

Aisling Dubh said...


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hi Ais! My closest church is at the bottom of my road. I'm at the top end.

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, from my house, I was saying . . .

My school is a few minutes from my house via the bus, but because of the hazardous roads it's around three miles walking from my house.

Star Inkbright said...

My school is a secondary, though.

Never been to a church in the village where my school is. :P

The churches in my village are ten minutes from the primary school, I guess . . .

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I haven't been to a church in years (I don't know how many) Why are we talking about churches?

Star Inkbright said...

Actually, one of them would be more two minutes.
But that one nobody much counts much. It's tiny and not very mainstream.

Aisling Dubh said...

Lewis- em I think it came up because Mara is making her Confirmation tomorrow and we kept on talking about churches cause we often talk about random things.

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

oh right.

Star Inkbright said...

Because it's Mara's Confirmation tomorrow. :)

I last went to a church not last Sunday, but the Sunday before . . .

Church is fun. :)

I know you might go O_O, but I have Sunday school with crazy people at one of them and Sunday school with non-crazy people who are still awesome at the other one. We're in the process of switching churches . . .

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Is anyone going to Derek's book signing in June?

Aisling Dubh said...

Nope. The one in June is in the UK right? The only ones I can go to would be ones in Dublin.

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Yep UK. You live in Dublin! I want to live in Ireland.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Gah, sorry, distant. Msd too.

Star Inkbright said...


I'm going to the Leeds signing in June!!!!!!!!

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Damn. I'm going to the one in York

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I can only go to ones in Cork or Kildare...
Which sucks. Because they're usually no-where near me XD

Aisling Dubh said...

Yep I live in Dublin. Best county in Ireland. Although I like Wexford as well. And Tipperary.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Go on Tiobráid Aráinn! XD

I love Dublin. It's so big and interesting. Tipp is... uh... boring :P

Star Inkbright said...

There's one in York? O_O

It takes the same amount of time for me to get to York as to Leeds, aroundabout, I think.

I'm on the outskirts of Hull. *nods*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hull? Next to the Sea Hull? COOL!!!!

Dragona Pine said...


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hi Dragona!

Star Inkbright said...

But Tipperary has a special song!!!!!!!!!


And then a few more miles to Dublin.



Yeah. :P

Aisling Dubh said...

Dublin is the 3rd smallest in the country. But it's full of things so I get what you mean.

Also Dublin won the Alianz league this year so maybe we can win Sam again. Of we're getting better at hurling so maybe some year soon enough we might win Liam.

*is not sure how Alianz is spelt*

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Dragona

My brother loves Tipperary cause they're great at hurling. He doesn't on the other hand like Kilkenny.

Star Inkbright said...


Sea Hull? *frowns*

There's a Sea Hull?

There's a city called Kingston Upon Hull, know by locals as simply Hull, and there is also the River Hull - the river which the city was named after.


*tries to work out where Hull is in relation to anywhere else* *fails*

Uh, we're on the northern side of the River Humber, and that's about as much as I know. :P

Dragona Pine said...

And I'm back on the Dead Reaping post if you want to continue the discussion. Lewis, do you want to join?

Star Inkbright said...

For you foreign people, the River Humber is a large river in northeast England, shown on maps as a small gash in the side of the country. Spanning it is the Humber Bridge, which used to be the longest single span suspension bridge in the world.

I'm doing a combination of showing off and procrastinating homework, so you may ignore me. :P

My village is around twenty minutes driving from the centre of Hull.


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

When I said Sea hull, I meant Hull next to the Sea. Someone told me there was a Hull near London. I didn't believe them. (I think he was drunk)

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

What's dead reaping?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

It's a long way to go, it's a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest girl I know...!

Or The Mighty Blue And Gold XD
Prepare, the premier has woken, beware the mighty blue and gold!


Slievenamon, of course; Alone, all alone, by the wave washed strand, all alone in the crowded hall!~

And... The Premier Rap! :D
Brendan Cummins from Ballybacon, Grange, Nasa's studying his puck out range! (he's my cousin XD)
For the blue, the gold, and the dream, this is for the boys on Hill 16, c'mon! Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, Tipp, we're thrownin' a party for Liam McCarthy! :P

I got a bit carried away...

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I've got to go now. Bye!

Star Inkbright said...

There may be, but I doubt it . . .

And it is next to the sea - you can take the ferry from Hull. I do it every year when you go on holiday. :)

We don't have a beach or anything like that, though. We're not that kind of sea. We're just boats and docks. :P

I don't know why I'm saying we seeing as I don't live there, but it's my nearest city, so I live there if you zoom out, I guess. :P

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I've been over the Humber Bridge!:D

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Star Inkbright said...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Bye Rhydian!

Hey Ieni! :)


Star Inkbright said...



Wait, you were before. *frowns*

Never mind. You had not had a DECLARATION before. YES!

My grandparenst live over the bridge in Lanchasire, so we hop over when we go visist them. :P

We dn't go over much else . . .

The price is now only a pound, I think. :)

They took it down.

It' stupid. We had to pay a toll to pay for the bridge, but then it kept breaking, and needed fixing, and then the price was gaining interest, and now we've paid the first price for it a few times over but still haven' PAID for it. Gah. :)

Now, brb.

Aisling Dubh said...

Gtg football match bye

Gaelic football not soccer.

Dragona Pine said...

All Dead Reapers, please go on to the newest Dead Reaping post.

Anonymous said...


I'm here for a little bit. :-)

Really shouldn't be, but I miss talking to you guys.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Have fun, Ais! :)

Gtg, see you on Saturday! :/

Unknown said...

Hi Fabi!!

Anonymous said...

[hugs Mara]


Yeah, I'll be back for real on Saturday, too. Probably Sunday for all you people ahead of me in time though...

Anonymous said...

Hi Alexandra! [tacklehugs]

Unknown said...

So Fabi how are you?

Anonymous said...

Tired. [nods]

And behind schedule...

And I miss Mimi, but other than that, I'm good. You?

And now I have to go. Sorry!

Unknown said...

I'm good thanks!
Bye Fabi!

Star Inkbright said...

:( I missed Fabi . . .

*long-distance hugs her*

Hello again.

Unknown said...

Hi Star!!!

Dragona Pine said...

Wb Star. There's still more discussions going on on the Dead Reaping.

Dragona Pine said...


Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Sorry for my distance, trying to decide which colours to colour in these words. It's a complicated process.

Star Inkbright said...

It's blue.

Star Inkbright said...

It's very blue.

Star Inkbright said...

I have left to colour:


Star Inkbright said...

It's blue.

Star Inkbright said...

Incredibly blue.

Star Inkbright said...

It's blue.

Star Inkbright said...

I dedicate this page to my brother, who is in hospital right now. I hope he's okay and gets better. This is why I spammed for first. Because I really want him to be okay and superstitious nonsense decrees that maybe dedding the page to him will help.

He'll probably be fine, but yeah. :/

So yes. :)

Star Inkbright said...

It's is very blue, though. :)

Dragona Pine said...

I like the colour blue. My favourite colours are blue and black.

Anonymous said...

[longdistancehugs Star back]

I hope your brother gets better soon.

It is blue indeed. My sis wouldn't believe me, she said it was green, but I told her.

And I am not actually here this time, sorry. Hi and bye.

Might be here for real in forty-five minutes or so, hopefully. :-)

Star Inkbright said...

I like blue . . . :)

Black is awesome though. I like using it for background on word art. Makes them look cool and seem to glow, ish . . . :)

Star Inkbright said...

@Fabi: *hugs* :)

Thank you. :)

My sister told my mum it was blue. :P

She just likes watching me Photoshop stuff, though. XD

Star Inkbright said...

I think it's safe to say that I'm thoroughly sick of My Fist, Your Mouth, Her Scars. :P

Anonymous said...

Hello? I have a little time now. :-) Lunch break.

Sorry I've been unable to be here. [hugs] How is everyone?

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Star what is the matter with your brother?

Star Inkbright said...


@Brad: I'm not sure. :P

Whenever one of us gets ill, I come to school (unless I'm ill. Then I come to school afterwards) and I tell my friend, and she asks me what the illness was, and I say I don't know, he/she/I was just ill, and my friend's like how can you not KNOW, and I'm like I don't KNOW, we're just ILL . . . O_O

I haven't seen him since this morning, also, so. :/

Star Inkbright said...

Oh yeah.


Anonymous said...

Hi Star. :-)
Hi Brad. :-)

Hopefully he gets better.

Star Inkbright said...

They just got back, so I went downstairs, and apparently he's got a virus. *nods*

Still not sure what he has.

See? :)

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...


Hope he gets better!

Star Inkbright said...

Thank you. :)

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

No probs

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I hope nobody else catches it too. [nods]


Dragona Pine said...

I have a virus. ^^

Star Inkbright said...

Viruses are evil. :P

Star Inkbright said...

I do hope I don't catch it. D:

I hate fainting.

Star Inkbright said...

And yes. *points at profile picture*

That took me a lot of hours. :P

Still don't know the point in it.

Anonymous said...

Viruses are evil.

Hi Dragona.

Your word-picture thing is cool, Star. :-)


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jubi :-)

Star Inkbright said...

Thank you, Fabi. :)

I'm very sick of it, but yeah. :P


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FABI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*


I'm REALLY behing on homework... -_-

Star Inkbright said...


Dragona Pine said...

It's a cool profile picture, Star. ^^

Anonymous said...

I should be going now, sorry. :-(


Star Inkbright said...

Thank you, Dragona. :)


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Dragona Pine said...

I have to go now. Night guys!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Aisling Dubh said...


I won my football match *is happy* 4-9 to 1-2. And we've to play them again at the weekend. We have a backlog of games that were postponed due to bad weather.

Gaelic football not soccer.

Alice (Or Tyler to some) said...

'99 demons of hell on the wall, 99 demons of hell, shoot one down but they'll come back around,
still 99 demons of hell on the wall'

Star Inkbright said...


YAY! :)


Alice (Or Tyler to some) said...

I think I'll be singing that for awhile

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Tyler

Alice (Or Tyler to some) said...

Hey Aisling and Star

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Star

Star Inkbright said...

I think I need to learn when to give in. :P

Aisling Dubh said...

Gtg night

Alice (Or Tyler to some) said...

Night Aisling

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

HIIIII! *walks in rolling a wheelbarrow of blogland 2023 bottles.* Pleasure to meet you in person Tyler! *Hands a bottle of blogland 2023*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Continuing from your song earlier, 99 canisters of self-regenerating on the wall, 99 bottles of self-regenerating plasma! Nock one down, it self regenerates, 99 canisters of self-regenerating plasma on the wall!

Alice (Or Tyler to some) said...

Thanks, it's a pleasure to meet you too

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Well. This is awkward. *swigs blogland 2023*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Soccer Gailec football? Confused Ameriminion

Melica Frost said...


Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I'm only here for a bit, because I'm slightly tired, but meeeeeh.
So wbd and msd.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Hi! Melicia, I've never met you in person, here's some digital alcohol *Takes blogland 2023 from wheelbarrow and hands some to Melicia* The upside is it doesn't affect your irl sobriety and has no ill effects on your online health!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Gaelic football is what we call football but call it gaelic football for your benefit. You would call it soccer.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Hi! I've got loads of digital alcohol here, safe for all ages!

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Probably. Unless it's corked. Then it's horrible.

Mary Contrary said...

*waves and throws cookies at people*

The synopsis is a lie.
Here's what REALLY happens in LSoDM, guys:

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Hi Taia!

Mary Contrary said...

Hi, Edward! :)

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