Monday, September 10, 2012

Brief Respite

My face is sore. I'm not used to smiling this much. I think I need a lie down.

I'm back home for a bit before my last weekend away, and I've spent today wandering around the house staring blankly at things. It's only when I'm back for a few days that I start to decompress and behave normally, so it looks like I'll have to wait a while for that to happen...

My few days in Ireland were awesome, as usual. I signed in Dublin, Kildare, Kilkenny, Drogheda and Cork. The Cork signing was probably the longest, because I haven't been there in a while, but everywhere there were enthusiastic readers laden down with books. Some truly bizarre and cool people.

Then I had a few days off before my event at the Mountains to the Sea festival, where I chatted on stage with Dave from Eason bookshops about movies that have influenced the series, and we even got to show clips.

Dave showed bits from Starship Troopers (awesome!) and A Nightmare Before Christmas (amazing!) and It's a Wonderful Life (uhm... what?)

I showed a few trailers for a few things, but I don't think I'll tell you what they were... In fact, it might make an interesting blog post, discussing these movies and showing clips... Oh goody, I've worked out what I'm going to be talking about next time!

I headed over to the UK on Friday- just in time to experience the heat- where I signed in Southampton, Bournemouth, Dulwich and Bluewater in London. Last year, I was signing in Bluewater for four hours. I figured there was no way I'd be signing for any more than that this time. Five hours later, I had changed my tune. From people coming in costume- I'm thinking of a skeleton morph suit in particular here-

to people who had made their own Skulduggery T-shirts (and a certain tall blonde with the most awesome T-shirt ever, festooned as it was with lines from the books)-

there was no chance of my smile ever dipping. It's the sheer enthusiasm and energy of the people who turn up to get their books signed that energises me every single time.

And the hugs...


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Jophiel said...


*Steps back then tackle hugs Kes to the ground*

Anonymous said...

*dodges tackle hug*

*throws Death in volcano*

Have YOU heard of NaNoWriMo?

Jophiel said...

No, and this volcano is kinda cold...

Anonymous said...

That is incorrect. It is HOT.

Jophiel said...

*Swims to the side of the volcano*
No... It is cold, feel it!

Jophiel said...

Kes, do you work for a Sanctuary?

Anonymous said...

I'm not touching it. You'll probably pull me in.

NaNoWriMo stands for National NOvel Writing MOnth

What do you think?

Kestrel LeStarre lives in the world of Frelpasd, where the entire world with it's small population of 10 million, are unified under one government. The government is a system of hierarchy where the word of the King or Queen is law, and Lords and Ladies of varying degrees of power are constantly redrawing the lines that mark their location of control. These Lords and Ladies are determined by an annual fencing event, called the AnnualCrown. In this event, the winner gains Lord or Ladyship at the expense of one of the current Lords or Ladies. The Lords and Ladies, in their turn have a fencing event every DECADE to determine the new King or Queen.

Kestrel is one of the 99.9% of the population who have little to no power. Her famy is extremely poor, and she was born with an innate fencing talent. She has entered in the AnnualCrown at the age of 14 and sure of her victory. 2 problems though. The cruel Lord of her area, Danom Delarke, is renowned for his fencing ability. And, of course, there is the Rule that states that if a peasant DOES win the AnnualCroen and rise to Lordship, their family remains in whatever social class they were formally. Kes, with her parents and three siblings, will have a hard time surviving, and if they do, there's no guarantee they'll be happy.

Anonymous said...

I do. I am Grande Mage of the Floridian AS.

Anonymous said...

I have to go now. Adios!


Eve the ROCK said...

Oh. Okay Death :P

Yeah. Goose = Good :D

nanowrimo? No..

Jophiel said...

Nice! Reminds me a bit of the Hunger Games though...

Anonymous said...

Everyone is saying that.

It's not. There is no feeling of resentment against the government, no one actually has to die, and they enter willingly.

Anonymous said...

And the fights are one on one, for a maximum of 2 hours, in a fencing circle.

Jophiel said...

Bye! Also! I want to be arrested! Oh! Is that Skulduggery over there? It is! Yay!

*Walks up to the skeleton*
"Hi! You remember me from the ball right?"
"Yes Miss Rose, you took my car keys and didnt give me back my car."
"Oh, about that..."
"Can I hold your gun?"
"Smith? Good God no Death!"
"Okay, just promise not to shot me!"
"Okay. . ."
"I crashed it"
". . ."

Jophiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...

I am going to sleep! G'Night!

And I have updated my profile!

Eve the ROCK said...

Cool story, Kessie! Doesn't remind me of the Hunger Games, do t know where that came from :P

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay, ma friends!

Lav says she can't talk on the blog, but you can email her any time! :D

Violent Spork said...


Violent Spork said...

... george...

Violent Spork said...

Alright see ya people who tend not to exist

Sparrowhawk Duskthief said...

I havent got much to say.
does anyone know who to contact if you want to quote a line from a book in your one? Cause Im writing one at the moment!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey everyone

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Anybody here or am I alone

Luciana said...


Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey luce

Inky Flame said...

hey peoples

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey Chloe howya

Inky Flame said...

Im fine thnx, u?

Luciana said...

How is everyone? *is only saying everyone cause there's probably someone stalking*

Inky Flame said...

Im great Luciana

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I'm fine my shoulders hurt because my school bag is really heavy

Inky Flame said...

I know the feeling

Uilliam Kinsella said...

It's only because there updating the lockers and we have to bring home most of books

Inky Flame said...

We dont have lockers in our school

Uilliam Kinsella said...

We do because it's big and most of the books are three inches thick because there supposed to last us three years

Inky Flame said...

We only have our planners and exercise books, they keep the other books in the class rooms

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Well that wouldn't work because there is would be five classes using the one Maths room or something and the books might be stolen

Inky Flame said...

hmm ur right but the teachers make sure that all of the books get returned

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Well our rooms are very basic there's really only posters in the Irish and business studies room and there's no shelves at all

Inky Flame said...

our rooms arent mch better only shelves and welsh posters

Star Inkbright said...

We have no lockers. Our school has almost 2000 students; we don't have SPACE for lockers. We just carry all our books around with us all day.

Hi, btw. Wbd, drawing.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Mine only has 700

Inky Flame said...

hey star long time no blog see!

Inky Flame said...

mine 800 and its a small school

Luciana said...

Heya, Star! *hugs*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Mine has three floors and about 12 to 14 classes in total

Inky Flame said...

mrs browns boys is hilerious!!!!

Luciana said...

Oh, yeah...wbd, writing...

Inky Flame said...

goin now

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Bye chloe

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey flame

Luciana said...

Bye, Chloe!

FLAAAAAMMMEEEE. *tacklehugs* C:

Robin Snowscar said...

*runs in and into a wall*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey robin

Robin Snowscar said...

*falls backward onto the floor*

Robin Snowscar said...

No one. Nope *runs around*

Luciana said...

Hey, Robin.

My arm still hurts. :(

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey octaboona

Uilliam Kinsella said...


Robin Snowscar said...

Hi Luciana, how come!

Y'alright Octa?

Eden *nods*

Octa said...

Sorry for double posting.

Hey Eden!

Octa said...

Hey Robin! Hi Luce!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

* nods back * * tries not to look stupid while nodding but just looks like a chicken *

Luciana said...

Hello, Octa. (:

Blood tests, Robin. :P

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Why the blood tests

Robin Snowscar said...

Oh loads of fun L

*grins at Eden*

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry, had to go to the shop and buy eggs . .

BACK NOWWWW. I drew Skulduggery's gands yesterday and it took me two hours . . . I did his hat today and it only took me about one hour. :)

Now I've almost finished his arms - just need to add shading to the second one.

Star Inkbright said...


Uilliam Kinsella said...

* grins back *

Robin Snowscar said...

Cool Star! Wish I could draw!

Star Inkbright said...


I bet you can draw Robin.

. . . I can't draw faces.

Robin Snowscar said...

*shakes head*

I can draw.

Drawing well, on the other hand.

Star Inkbright said...


After all that work . . . All those hours . . .


Well, I'm not rubbing any of it out now. I'll just have to adjust his face to fit and DEAL WITH IT.

Star Inkbright said...

I do my best drawing when I have something to copy off.

Flame Phoenix said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi Flame!

. . . Okay. I did it. I rubbed half his arm out. :(

Flame Phoenix said...


Luciana said...


I want to watch HG.

This is how I will be with a half-decent SP movie. But ten times worse. XD

Star Inkbright said...

. . . I might not survive you. XD

Robin Snowscar said...

Hi Flame!!

I want an SP movie. I don't want to be thirty years old and sitting with my first edition SP3 book and lecturing children on what it means to be 'a true fan'

Maralie Lily Charm said...

HELLO my friends :)

Flame Phoenix said...

Hey Robin, Star! *hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Maralie!


. . . But only coz I've just drawn his face. :)

Now I've done those dreaded hands and the hat, everything else seems to get done so quickly . . .

Luciana said...

I've got to go for a short while.

I shall return soon, my dears. *hugs all*

I'm really glad that you're all alive. <3

Star Inkbright said...

FOURS L! *hugs*

I know I don't say it all the time like you do, but I am really glad you're alive too, y'know?

Robin Snowscar said...

Bye L

Hi Mara!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Bye Luci! *hugs and hands scone* Yeah, we have to make scones for school tomorrow... ._. (no comment)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hi Robin! Hi Ink!

Robin Snowscar said...

*spins in a circle* Weeee!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*looks at Robin blankly*

*joins in* Weeee!

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Flame Phoenix said...

I'm not... Just distant..

Luciana said...


My eyes look pretty today.

Just thought I'd share that with you.

They're like the funny blue/green colour of the sea.

(One of the few things I like about myself is my eye copier. They're strange. And my eyes are pretty. So, yeah. I like my eyes. :P).

Willow Storm said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi Willow!

The eyes are the best thing about a face. *nods*

Willow Storm said...

I miss my two best friends.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I like my eyes... they are very very bright blue... <3

Willow Storm said...

My eyes are too blue. Or, so I'm told.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hello Willow :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

My eyes are very blue... *muses*

Robin Snowscar said...

My eyes change colour *widens eyes and shakes irises* (Yes I can do this)

Willow Storm said...

I can touch my eyeball . . .

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Really?!?! *looks at Robin's eyes*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Willow - AHH *winces* I can't... When I try my eye goes crazy

Robin Snowscar said...

I can touch my eyeball too! Hehe! It's odd I'll admit and creepy *grins*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

EEP I can't *yelps*

Star Inkbright said...

. . . You mean . . . there are people who CAN'T touch their eyeballs? O_O

I cannnnn.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

AGH OMG I JUST DID :0 It hurts...

Robin Snowscar said...

*laughs* Lots of practice. Eyeliner isn't fun xD

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I am just glad 12 year olds have no need for eyeliner... 0.0

Robin Snowscar said...

Meh I'm fifteen so *shrugs*

Luciana said...

Eyeliner is amazing. xD

I've been wearing it for years. :P

Willow Storm said...

I sometimes wear eyeliner.

Robin Snowscar said...

It's good when you get the hang of it but otherwise it's annoying. I didn't wear make-up at all 'til I was thirteen and even then it was like mascara and that was about it. I didn't properly start wearing it 'til I was about fourteen and a half.

Robin Snowscar said...

*is going* BYE

Anonymous said...


I don't like makeup.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hi Kes

Anonymous said...


How are you?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Anonymous said...

Ok. Have I shown you what I'm doing for this book I'm writing yet? I think I have.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I read xD

Gawd i going as Zaf now xD for Halloween. I cant go as Val cuz i hate her still

Anonymous said...

I'm going as Melancholia.

You hate Val? Why? Because of 'Valkyrie and Fletcher'?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

No I just hate Val period. That pissed me off. Sorry was finishing math. Yeah basically I wanna shoot Val.

Anonymous said...

She is slightly annoying, but she's not THAT bad.

Anonymous said...

I have to go, bye!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Gaaah food = good

Anonymous said...

Anyone here?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Have any of you ever had that feeling where you're so angry that it feels like you have ice burning inside of you, like a dark pit of hatred? Because I have that feeling right now.

NOM Ominous said...

If it's about KOTW say no more.
If not, fine, yeah sure.

Eve the ROCK said...

What's up Val??

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It's not about KOTW. KOTW was wonderful. I loved it. Read the whole thing last night.

Orchestra today, on the other hand, was not wonderful. I don't appreciate being treated like some insignificant piece of dirt by the assistant teacher.

Eve the ROCK said...

Damn orchestra assistant teachers...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, you should have been there. You should have seen the looks of sheer hatred on my face during our little conversation. The class was quite stunned.

NOM Ominous said...

I know what being treated like dirt feels like val, you just have to suck it up and maybe if sheès contradicting you keep it up or do what she says.
My stupid new history teacher is a super duper annoying hypocrite. My friend was answering a question, and he said the word "Immagrant." Her eyes buldged and he kept going, because he didn't think there was anything wrong. When he realised the teacher had stopped cutting him off to finish his sentences, he stopped and she looked like it took all her energy to say "watch how you say things" without raising her voice.
Then I burped.

NOM Ominous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I could tell she was trying to embarrass me in front of the class, but clearly, she was wrong and everyone knew it. And by the way her face slackened when I didn't drop my glare, she knew that I had won our argument.

It was all very dramatic.

NOM Ominous said...

I read this stupid letter that a teacher sent home to their parents saying the kid argued in her class that a kilometer is longer than a mile.
And she knew she was wrong.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

If you want to know what happened, there it is.

NOM Ominous said...

Oh God, Val I had a teacher in my first year who was almost exactly like that.
She was our art teacher, and if you know me, you know I love to draw. This teacher walked into class every class and the other kids gave her a lot of hell.
They had her some previous year, and I just got there, so I had nothing against he yet.
A few classes in, she started bringing this random woman in.
She wasn't anyone I recognised, and she didn't really do much but talk. About us. Very loudly.
It was not to long after she first started coming that I realised she wasn't supposed to be there.
One day she disappeared and never returned.
That left us with the teacher who LET her stay.
She made us work as usual and she would hang over our backs for longer periods of time. Sometimes make a stupid comment at random students. Tell us how to do things.

One day I was drawing a bottle. It was amazing, naturally, but my teacher took a strange interrest in this bottle.
"It's beautiful" She said in french. "What's your name?"

Aparrently before that she thought I was Daniel. Which is a name that couldn't really be found on our class attendance list.

I continued to manfully giggle along at those comments and stories of her. And she soon forgot how impressive I was.

I hope she happy, retired. She can't really get any more nuts.

NOM Ominous said...

Okay, That's not Exactly as bad.... But she was bad. I have bad, but not as bad as yours...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

To make my day worse, when I got home, the door was locked. Of course it was. And I never have my key, because my brother's always home and he lets me in. Today was different.

I pounded on the door, still pissed off from earlier. My brother peeked his head out the window next to me. This is basically how our conversation went:

Brother: Where's your key?
Me: I don't know. Let me in.
B: Why don't you know?
M: (I'm getting frustrated) I lost it.
B: Did you look for it?
M: (practically shouting at this point) Yes! I didn't find it! Now let me in!
B: Why didn't you look harder?
M: Because I didn't want to! Let me in the freaking house!
B: What if I was in the shower? I wouldn't be able to answer the door then.
M: (angry to the point where my voice is starting to crack) THEN I'D GO IN THROUGH THE BACK! LET ME IN THE HOUSE!
B: What if it was locked?
B: (he left to open the door) You should be in a bad mood. You forgot your key.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Actually, the conversation there was a bit longer. There was a lot more of me pounding my fist on the door while it practically rattled under the impact. And my brother was grinning a whole bunch, because he thought it was funny.

I should have brought up the time I punched him in the face. Then he probably would've stopped.

NOM Ominous said...

Your life is so much fun, Val.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It is, isn't it? Teachers to hate, a brother to pick on me and punching people in the ribs in gym. So much fun going on there.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Actually, that third one is fun.

NOM Ominous said...

My life is boring.
And after camp... ugh.
Everything I thought I used to be was gone. I couldn't make a genuinly younge person joke. The only ones I could make were sarcastic and had stupid play-on words. I hate those (most of the time)

NOM Ominous said...

ANd I'm scared of writing now too.

Unknown said...

Hi Derek, thanks for great eve at Guildford, please can you read the book that my 10 year old daughter wrote for you? She's the weird one who sleeps with your book under her pillow....

Sparky Braginski said...

Um, is anyone here...?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

SPARKY! *tackles hugs her*

Anonymous said...

I am!

2 new SP books arrived today.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, okay, I noticed that it might seem a tad stalkerish that I just happened to be here...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Anonymous said...


*throws her in volcan*

Sparky Braginski said...




Why must you always tackle me?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*On. I can't seem to make a serious point when I spell something wrong. It is quite a bit irritating.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

YAY! YOU'RE STILL HERE! *laughs and tackles her again*

I have to tackle you, that's why! I haven't seen you in SO LONG! I haven't even emailed you in a while!

Sparky Braginski said...

Oh, Val, I promise I'll stay, but I need to go.

Be back in five.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yeah, my lower case 'i' mixed in there is quite amazing.

I dedicate this page to Derek, and Kingdom of the Wicked, and the post people who sent it to me, and... and... the person who fires the lady at my school.

Sparky Braginski said...



Wait, is she being fired!?

Anonymous said...

That would be good If she was.

Sparky Braginski said...

Oh, hello there Kestrel!

...Please remind me if we've met, because I have no recollection of that happening....

Anonymous said...

I don't think so.

Kestrel LeStarre, master of torture and all manner if unpleasant deaths, at your service. *bows*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

No, I just mean whoever does in the future is a very good person.

I wish she was being fired. I don't much appreciate being treated like dirt.

Anonymous said...

*of Bloody iPod spellcheck...

And no, I am not British, I just talk and spell like I am.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Trust me, I do too.

Anonymous said...

Val, I doubt anyone does. I've never experienced anything like that before, although I did have a rather interesting argument over the correct usage of commas with my LA teacher.

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski, general rag-tag member of the esteemed Blogland society.

*hops in the air and curtsey, half bowing*

Anonymous said...

Impressive. *tips hat, then flicks wrist and deadly blades come out*

Sparky Braginski said...

Uh, damn my lack of spelling ability.

Please keep in mind, I may vanish intermittently, seeing as I am in the middle of class.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

She was doing that stupid thing where she treats me like bloody child. She likes to reinforce the fact that she's older than me and thinks she has authority over me, and if she does, that sucks for her, because I have a thing for disobeying authority figures.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem doing what I'm told, so long as I'm given a good reason why I SHOULD.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, I may disappear to, on account of the fact that I need to shower tonight so I look decent for picture day tomorrow.

Haha, like THAT'S going to happen. I should show up in a cape.

Anonymous said...

Dress up as Melancholia(that's what I'm doing for Halloween) and see what they say.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

That's my policy too, Kestrel. Derek is very smart in the way that he explains those sorts of things.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I drew symbols on my sister's face so she looked like Melancholia...

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Also, I'm fine with teachers who don't demand that you respect them just because they're older than you. I have 1 or 2 whom I genuinely respect because they earned it.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Sparky, next time you get a new phone number, the first thing you need to send to the person is:


Anonymous said...

Val, awesome. I am having my friend do mine, and she's really artistic so it should work. I just need a way to make my eyes glow...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh for God's sake...

These. Not THESES.


Sparky Braginski said...

Please don't go, Val.

*eyes Kestrel*

*pulls out Makhaira, electricity charging around it*

May I ask what discipline of magic you are?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I won't go till after you do.

Anonymous said...

I am an Adept. Chinas apprentice. Grande Mage of the new Floridian AS.

I also have twin katanas that can steal souls with a touch.

Sparky Braginski said...

I won't be gone for 45 minutes.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


I just walked into a door. I walked face-first into a door just now. I cannot believe I did that. I mean, I do it all the time, but still.

And earlier, while I was thinking about the Mystical Hall of Mystical Cabinets, I walked into a cabinet.

Anonymous said...

I also have the ability to conjure 1000's of kestrels which will then do my bidding.

Anonymous said...

Val, was it open or closed? I walk into OPEN doors.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

45 minutes? It's seven at night here. I've got plenty of time.

*glances at Geometry homework* *glances around and hide it under a blanket*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It was open. That's why it hurt my face.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

You here that, Sparky? I still walk into furniture. And poles. And people. And things that aren't there. But mostly furniture. And all those other things. Am I making sense to you?

Anonymous said...

I see. Val, you naughty, naughty girl. It's 10 here.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I am a ninja, Kestrel. You didn't see anything.

*waves arms around in an odd manner and back into a doorway* *hits head on the door and scowls*

Anonymous said...

*laughs and then walks into the glass coffee table*

My knee...

Sparky Braginski said...

*pinches bridge of nose*

Val... Please don't hurt yourself too badly...

I'm just electricity, I'm afraid.

I used to have minor manipulation over others, but...

I stopped working on it so much.

Crucify, on the other hand...


Sparky Braginski said...

And Kestrel.

Please, no damaging these poor, poor desks/doors/cabinets/tables you live around.

Anonymous said...

Crucify? That's Harry Potter!

The kestrel thing is new, and they tend to turn on me, which, I assure you, is NOT fun.

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