Monday, September 10, 2012

Brief Respite

My face is sore. I'm not used to smiling this much. I think I need a lie down.

I'm back home for a bit before my last weekend away, and I've spent today wandering around the house staring blankly at things. It's only when I'm back for a few days that I start to decompress and behave normally, so it looks like I'll have to wait a while for that to happen...

My few days in Ireland were awesome, as usual. I signed in Dublin, Kildare, Kilkenny, Drogheda and Cork. The Cork signing was probably the longest, because I haven't been there in a while, but everywhere there were enthusiastic readers laden down with books. Some truly bizarre and cool people.

Then I had a few days off before my event at the Mountains to the Sea festival, where I chatted on stage with Dave from Eason bookshops about movies that have influenced the series, and we even got to show clips.

Dave showed bits from Starship Troopers (awesome!) and A Nightmare Before Christmas (amazing!) and It's a Wonderful Life (uhm... what?)

I showed a few trailers for a few things, but I don't think I'll tell you what they were... In fact, it might make an interesting blog post, discussing these movies and showing clips... Oh goody, I've worked out what I'm going to be talking about next time!

I headed over to the UK on Friday- just in time to experience the heat- where I signed in Southampton, Bournemouth, Dulwich and Bluewater in London. Last year, I was signing in Bluewater for four hours. I figured there was no way I'd be signing for any more than that this time. Five hours later, I had changed my tune. From people coming in costume- I'm thinking of a skeleton morph suit in particular here-

to people who had made their own Skulduggery T-shirts (and a certain tall blonde with the most awesome T-shirt ever, festooned as it was with lines from the books)-

there was no chance of my smile ever dipping. It's the sheer enthusiasm and energy of the people who turn up to get their books signed that energises me every single time.

And the hugs...


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Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...



Brb sry eating

Noelle said...


Robin Snowscar said...

werewolf O.O

Noelle said...

AHHH EMERALD! *ducks under her duvet*

Lynxia Lost said...

Werewolf? Okay... *is watching the Aussie Gamer*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey everyone howya

Drew O'Connor said...

That would be me that Zaf is referring to

*grins maliciously*

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Eden!!

Of course Em, you're our fluffy psychopath!!

Noelle said...

AHHH ITS AN EM! *climbs on her back* GIDDYUP!

*waves to Eden*

Sparky Braginski said...

It's Auzzie, Lynx, not Aussie.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Irish accents are awesome because there's a good few

Robin Snowscar said...

*spins in a circle* LALALALA

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Eden.

Noelle said...


Uilliam Kinsella said...

* waves to eceryone*

Lynxia Lost said...

Sorry Sparky but I've been taught to spell it with an s. Sorry but that's how I float!

Robin Snowscar said...

I was also Lynxx!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey sparky I don't think weve met

Noelle said...

*nods*actually, any accent is awesome, besides American.... AWW SHITE. I GTG!!!! *I'll be back in an hour or so*



Drew O'Connor said...

No Eden lol

90% of Irish accents would make me put a drill through my brain lol

There is far and few between of accents that I can tolerate.

Lets not be big headed here lol

YAY!!! I'm a fluffy psychopath lol

Lynxia Lost said...

Eden!!! How can you not know Sparkles??

Zathract Mist said...

Bye Adra!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Fine then * in an northern irish accent *
Eye now whare yo live

Drew O'Connor said...



I am a Dubliner so I am.
But not a real towny Dubliner or a real D4 Dubliner.

I'm an inbetweener :D

Robin Snowscar said...

The way Irish people say 'three' like 'tree' is funny *grins*

Sparky Braginski said...


You will pay for that later, Lynxia.

Hey Adra.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Eden.

Robin Snowscar said...

Sparkles *stifles a giggle*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*whips shadows at*

back demon!!!!

Nixion Strange said...

*looks at comment about how it was like old blogland*
*wasn't there*

Zathract Mist said...


Lynxia Lost said...

*smiles at Sparky and waves* XD

Drew O'Connor said...

*holds hand up and blocks shadows before grinning*

Mama got a bag of new tricks lol

Not all Dubliners/Irish people say that Robin. I say three.

Sparky Braginski said...

*tackles Zath*

Luciana said...

Sorry for poofing.

Had another attack. :/


Sir said...

Greetings, Bloglanders.

Zathract Mist said...

*gets tackled*

Damn it, Sparkles! *laughs*

Ah, don't see it like that, Nix...

Drew O'Connor said...

Hold on! Time out Zaf!

Are you ok Luce??

Lynxia Lost said...

Good afternoon Sir Poshness!

Robin Snowscar said...

^^ I know Em, but that's funny.

Hi R and L

Zathract Mist said...

Welcome back, L!

Hi Sir!

Sir said...

And to you, Miss Improper.

Luciana said...

I'll be fine.

Now it's just the pain.

I'll be reyt.

Nixion Strange said...

... Is anyone planing to say hi to me?

Sir said...

If you'll live, I'm content.

Robin Snowscar said...

*raises eyebrow at R*

Robin Snowscar said...


Zathract Mist said...

I basically did, Nix...

Sparky Braginski said...

*punches Zath in the gut*


Bad Zathy.



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

O.o ok

Nixion Strange said...

I don't think saying my name really counts as hi Mist...

Sir said...

Ah, so I finally see the legendary Sparky.

Zathract Mist said...

*is still laughing*

Alright, I won't.

... *starts laughing again*

Zathract Mist said...

In that case; HI NIX!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Robin Snowscar said...

*waves at Willow*

Sir said...


Sparky Braginski said...

*looks around*

Somebody say my name?


Hello, Sir?


Since when?

Pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Willow Storm said...

Not Willow any longer.

Robin Snowscar said...

*rolls eyes* Who are you then?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

You are Willow

SPARKY!!! Crazy Aussie!! Or are you Kiwi

Willow Storm said...


Drew O'Connor said...

S'up Nix!!!!

*EPIC brofist*

Lynxia Lost said...

Oops, sorry for poofing! Hi if someone came on, bye if anyone left!

Lynxia Lost said...

Oops, sorry for poofing! Hi if someone came on, bye if anyone left!

Robin Snowscar said...

*sighs* I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut. *taps foot*

Sir said...

Willow came on.

Sparky Braginski said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Em imma arrest chu!!!

Eve the ROCK said...

*takes a breath* Hisirhinixhiwillow!!!!

What?! I spells it "Aussie"... I guess it can be both.

Sir said...

Greetings, Eve.

Eve the ROCK said...


Did I seriously say "I spells it Aussie?" wow. Make that "I spellz it Ozzee" and add a cat photo :P

Zathract Mist said...

Might suddenly disappear, if anyone cares.

Eve the ROCK said...

Omigoshness, Woops! Hi Eden!

Lynxia Lost said...

OK Zath!

Robin Snowscar said...

O.O *bites lip and digs nails into palm* I'm gonna go. Before I fight someone.

Eve the ROCK said... getting married, Sparky?

Robin Snowscar said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Eve the ROCK said...

What's up Robinator??

Sparky Braginski said...

*scowls at Eve*


Eve the ROCK said...

O_o Bye Robin

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Robin but stay!!!!!!!!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Robin

Eve the ROCK said...


I see.

*puts away Bible and burns wedding cake*

Eve the ROCK said...

Okey dokey Nix

Lynxia Lost said...

Okay Nix!!

Sir said...

Well this conversation dried up quickly.

Sparky Braginski said...

Did it?

Luciana said...

Sorry for being distant.

Hi/bye, anyone that came/left.

Eve the ROCK said...

*throws a bucket of water on the conversation*

Lynxia Lost said...

lol Eve

Sir said...

If only it worked that way in real life.

Willow Storm said...

Sorry, I was looking at old e-mails again.

Sparky Braginski said...

Well, I think I've been awake long enough.

I'll be off to sleep, then.


Eve the ROCK said...

Who here watches or used to watch Family Ties? :P

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Sparky! *hugs*

Eve the ROCK said...

Welcome back Willow! And can I ask, why the name?

Bye Sparky!

Drew O'Connor said...


*pacing around*

I feel a disturbance in the force

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Sparky!

Willow Storm said...

Because, If I ever met Willow, if she wasn't fictional, she'd be ashamed of me.

Lynxia Lost said...

I just feel... Down. Everything has gone \
.......\ since meeting Derek this morning...

Nixion Strange said...

Gotta go now

Drew O'Connor said...

Can anyone else feel that disturbance in the force??

It's dirty.

Willow Storm said...

Bye, Nix

Luciana said...

Bye, anyone that left!

Eve the ROCK said...

Aww. :(

*hugs Willow and Lynxia* What's up, you two?

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye nix!

Lynxia Lost said...

Nothing, just going down. Always happens after I've done something great, then it just feels... Worse.

Willow Storm said...

I'd rather not talk about it. It's unimportant, anyway.

Flame Phoenix said...

Emerald you here?

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Flame!

Willow Storm said...

I'm going, now.

Drew O'Connor said...

That I am Flame.

I sent you an email just then lol.

Where is Zaf gone??

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Person.

Flame Phoenix said...

Sent you one back.

Flame Phoenix said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Willow :(

Lynxia, don't feel sad! Here! *gives Lynxia a sock*

Hi Phoenix!

Lynxia Lost said...

Why do I get laughed at for liking Jedward? They're perfect Eurovision Song Contest material!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

*looks at sock* Uh... Thanks?

Lynxia Lost said...

*sigh* No matter where I start on YouTube I always end up back at Vocaloids or Harry Potter...

Flame Phoenix said...


Lynxia Lost said...

*throws it at Flame* Keep it.

Flame Phoenix said...

GONNA GO! bye!

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Flame!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hehehehe... *has stolen everyone's socks*

Bye Phoenix!

Lynxia Lost said...

Going now.


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I dedicate to the hope that Derek will come to my party. We're all huge fans too, Derek! Come! It would be fun!

Panda Bear said...

You're having a party? luckyyyyy..:o

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anyone here?

Luciana said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Lynxia!

Hi Val! Hi Panda! Hi Kessie! Hi Lucy Anna!

Luciana said...

Eve! It's 1:30am. What are you doing up?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*coughs and scowls*

I really, really, REALLY hate being sick.

And today is my sister's 12th birthday! She says that she's Clarabelle :D

Eve the ROCK said...

I was reading, but now I'm "sleeping". :P I'll just stay here until I actually do fall asleep :D funnnnn

Get well, Val!!

Happy birthday, Clarabelle!

Anonymous said...

I'm backish!

Anonymous said...


Star Inkbright said...


Msd, I'm in a car with a shaky signal plus my phone is really close to dying . . .



Star Inkbright said...

AND, nobody's here . . .


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Happy BIRTHDAY! How old are you now?

Anonymous said...

I'm here...

Star Inkbright said...


Dum. Dum. Dum, DUM, dum. Dum dudum, dum dudum, dum dudum duh dum dum . . .

^^^That dum thing is the Tanks fune from Wii Play . . . The one with the light green tanks?

Anonymous said...

I don't have a Wii. :(

Star Inkbright said...


And, fourteen. :)

My irl all only just turned thirteen a few months ago though. :)

Star Inkbright said...


Our family have a Wii. We don't play it much anymores though . . .

Anonymous said...


I'm only 11. *laughs* So, how was the theme/amusement park?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Hey everybody

Star Inkbright said...

I'm nearly home now . . . :)

I keep wanting to use those little faces in my writing at school. There're like PUNCTUATION. I don't get why we can't. :(

Anonymous said...

EDEN! *shrieks*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I'm 12,13 in two months

Anonymous said...

See, the emoticons drive me crazy when people use them in writing.

I do Latin in Virtual School, and my Latin teacher uses them in her EMAILS!

Uilliam Kinsella said...

KESSIE *shrieks*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

You do Latin

Star Inkbright said...

*irl friends

Just to clarify: I'm fourteen today. My irl friends are all thirteen. *glares at my fingers*


Anonymous said...

Do either of you know the song "I'm Glad You Came" by The Wanted?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Eden, I, like Adra, do Latin.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Yep. The sun goes down the stars come out

Star Inkbright said...

Mwah ha ha. I'm, like, one of the oldest bloglandians now. Kind of. Well, not really. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Anyway I am listening to it repeatedly for some reason.

Anonymous said...

No Star, you are not.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Ooooooh cool I wish they did Latin in my school they did it when my dad went there but they stopped about 15 years

Star Inkbright said...

That's an awesome song. :)

Star Inkbright said...

We don't do Latin in our school.

Anonymous said...

I love it.

Anyway eden, we don't actually have a real class, it is all online.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

The universe will never be the same * waits for the others to finish it *

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you came!

Star Inkbright said...

I'm glad you came.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Yeah I started an online history course from some university in America. I'm mad about history

Anonymous said...

Oh, never mind I thought you meant you were ANGRY about HIstory.

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* We both went for the same line but it actually worked out sounding like the song, coz of the echo. :)

Anonymous said...

True, true.
I will be slightly distant.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

It says Princeton but I doubt its the fancy one it starts tomorrow so hopefully by the end of it I'll have some sort of degree

Star Inkbright said...

Damnsit, you got that song stuck in my head now. *stops self from adding a smiley, coz I use them too often*

And now I wanted to put a smiley on the end if THAT. *glares at self*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

That'll be cool being thirteen and having a degree of sorts

Star Inkbright said...


Uilliam Kinsella said...

History of course

Anonymous said...

I already have .5 credits for highschool, I will get another 1.5 by the end of the year, and by the end of 8th grade I should have another one.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

What are credits?

Anonymous said...

We have to have a certain amount of them to pass HIghschool, and then you also have to have them for college.

Anonymous said...

Now I am listening to the Harry Potter theme. 1 word: Amazing. I miss Harry Potter...

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I don't really. I never read the books and I didn't like the way they hated mogul technology and the magic in skulduggery pleasant is much cooler

Anonymous said...

Yes, SP is better, definitely. But I read the Harry Potter books like 3 or 4 years before SP so...

They didn't hate muggle technology, they just found it an unnecessary oddity.

Anonymous said...

Avada Kedavra, you unbeliever you!

Anonymous said...

Even if you're not a fan, you'll like this.

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry, my phone died . . .

I'm at home now. Home = phone charger. :)

Anonymous said...

Good. Phone charger=good.

Anonymous said...

Are YOU a Harry Potter fan?

Uilliam Kinsella said...

That video was funny and phone / iPad charger =good

Anonymous said...

I know. Espescially the Hermione at the end.

Uilliam Kinsella said...

I know brilliant

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Wait I didn't see her one at the end

Anonymous said...

Scary, but brilliant.

Star Inkbright said...

Harry Potter is okay.

My friend from school loves HP . . .

Anonymous said...

Right at the end, when it zooms in on her and then asks which movie to do next?

Anonymous said...

I love HP. I haven't read them in forever. To busy with other books. *cough*SP*cough*

Uilliam Kinsella said...

Oh didn't see the very end I just ended it near the end when the subtitles stopped

Uilliam Kinsella said...

*cough*the greatest series ever*cough*

Star Inkbright said...

Wbd, doing Pleasant Daes.

Uilliam Kinsella said...


Uilliam Kinsella said...

Already did like three years ago it was brilliant till people started doing takes

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