Friday, May 25, 2012

This Is Awesome...

Oh, and my publishers would like me to include the Amazon link so you can pre-order this wonderful, wonderful book. Now, normally I hate linking to ANYTHING that has to do with selling my own books... and this is no exception...

(oh, and I also have no idea how these words ended up in the middle of the page like this, but hey...)

This is the link:

Whether you use it or not is up to you.


The colour for this one is shiny GOLD.


I think now is the time to applaud one Mister Tom Percival.


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Robin Snowscar said...

*staring at the cover for 36 hours solid* Wow. Wow...

*snaps out of it*

Hey guys

Robin Snowscar said...

And there's no one here. Perfect.

Robin Snowscar said...

*goes back to being in awe of the cover*

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Gotta go to school


Lavender Hope said...

Here, kinda. Very distant. Trying to write. Finally! :P

Singular Forb said...


Lavender Hope said...

No one? Really?
Okay then. I'm still here, still distant.

Lavender Hope said...

Oh. Hi Squirrel!

Lavender Hope said...

Although I think you're a one commenter. Still, hi.

Lavender Hope said...

Now I gtg. Bye!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


I just saw The Avengers!

Alexander Mythology said...

I'm bord. There are people in my school library trying to convince me that there's a bird inside with strange retarded whistling.

Alexander Mythology said...

Is there anybody on?

Lavender Hope said...

Hmm... I guess that's another reason why I haven't been writing in a while. I think I got writers block. Or maybe it's the opposite of it. Instead of having no ideas, I've got too many and don't know how to put them into the story without making it confusing....

I'm back.

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Myth. Wow, you're the first commenter in almost 2 hours.

Not many people come on nowadays.

Lavender Hope said...

Did you disappear? Am I alone now?

Oh well. I'll just keep working on writing while I wait for someone to come on.

Alexander Mythology said...

And your waiting may finally be over. I don't have long, but I am back. What are you writing about?

I didn't exactly disappear, I just kind of... wandered off into virtual space.

What are you writing about?

Alexander Mythology said...

I'm sorry. I'm going. I suck, I know. And I really need to stop saying "I"

Sorry, Lav.

Alexander Mythology said...

That is LAV, not love.

Just making that clear.

Lavender Hope said...

It's okay. Yeah, I know what you mean. :P

See ya, Myth.

div said...

His Jawbone looks higher..

MonsterMouse said...

skyril, in answer to your question, im from the U.S.

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Mouse! :)

Lavender Hope said...

You there?

Lavender Hope said...

Guess not then...

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Val!

Lavender Hope said...


Zathract Mist said...


Lavender Hope said...

Hi and okay, Mist. :)

Lavender Hope said...

So... are you still in school, Mist?

Zathract Mist said...

Yup. 1:15pm here. One more class to go...

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Uh, I meant 1:54pm...

Lavender Hope said...

It's almost 9PM here.

Sorry, I'm a bit distant cause I'm researching stuff for my story.

Zathract Mist said...

Thats okay.

But I have to go to English class now. Sorry.

Lavender Hope said...

Bye Mist!

I have to go too. Bye Blogland!

MonsterMouse said...

Im actually here this time, for about ten minutes.

MonsterMouse said...


Lavender Hope said...

Back but distant.

I wonder how I was able to finish the first part of the second chapter today, when I couldn't even work on it for a month.

Well, maybe it's cause I'm actually starting to come to an exciting part of the story. Not that the first chapter was boring or anything. That was just the beginning, but now it's getting interesting.

Well, it's not that interesting in the beginning of the second chapter either. It's toward the middle that it gets interesting and I should stop typing so I don't give anything away.

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, I'm distant writing the second part.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Tick, tock, goes the clock,
He cradled and he rocked her,
Tick, tock, goes the clock,
Till River kills the Doctor

Eve the ROCK said...

Allo! Its no' even a Bri'ish accent! Im no' trying to sound li'e tha'! I j's li'e tal'ing li'e this!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ello, Eve

Lavender Hope said...

Hi guys! :D I'm finally writing the next chapter of Lori and Jade!(not the name, btw. I know it, just won't say it yet. ;))

Lavender Hope said...

I think it's the best I've written so far. A little mysterious and surprising. Although that's not saying much, seeing as I only WROTE one chapter and a half...

Eve the ROCK said...

*takes horribly creepy picture of self*


Eve the ROCK said...

Ello, Valereno!

Cool, Lav!

Lavender Hope said...

You should have seen the ones with me trying to keep Sorry! pieces on my eyes. My friends(who were there) said I looked evil... cause of my teeth. And I kept smiling close-lipped.

Lavender Hope said...

I can post pictures on my random blog. But I deleted the freaky looking ones already.

Eve the ROCK said...

But this one doesn't look like me at all. It's....creeeeeeeepy.....

Lavender Hope said...

It was fun, when we did that. My friends slept over and we sang along to songs(with working microphones!) and ate snacks and stayed up late.

Eve the ROCK said...

Sounds fun :)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Is this creepy?

Lavender Hope said...

Yup. I'm gonna post it. Wbd.

Lavender Hope said...

Whoa, what is that, Val?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It's a night terror.

Eve the ROCK said...

I am terrified of those things, Val. It's creepy to me.

Eve the ROCK said...

Kay lav

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well then, this song must be creepy too.

MissyNiamh said...

Why is there snow???? I could do with snow where I live: everything is so green.
Mr Derek Landy when will you post tour dates?????

Helena Ember Sky said...

*dives off building then rolls, stands up and walks up to get a drink*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ah, my battery is going to die. Bye!

Eve the ROCK said...

I shall watch it sooooooon

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Helena!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Helena

Bye Val!

Lavender Hope said...

Bye Val!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey guys, bye Val

Dancing Fire (Directioner!!!!!) said...


Lavender Hope said...

Hi Fire!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Fire!

Zathract Mist said...

Stupid assignments...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Mist!

Hm. Woozles says you're back.

You're back!!! :D

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Mist!

Almost done with the first part of the second chapter of my story. I'll post it soon.

Some reason, the pictures aren't loading. I'm gonna have to try tomorrow or something.

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay lav

Dancing Fire (Directioner!!!!!) said...

Hi Mist!

Zathract Mist said...

Yay, I'm back!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Zath, hey Fire.

Lavender Hope said...


Helena Ember Sky said...


Zathract Mist said...

*eats a ham sandwich*

Star Inkbright said...

Don't bother saying hi or bye, I'm not here! Just dropping in.

Ow! Who dropped me? Pick me up right now!

Zathract Mist said...

Hi or bye!

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Last time I told people not to say hi or bye, Nix said WB . . .

Lavender Hope said...


Star, I'm going to post the next part of my story soon!

see what I did there? :P

Helena Ember Sky said...

Well yes, WB.

Nixion Strange said...


Zathract Mist said...

*nods for no reason*

*picks up a vaccume cleaner*

Zathract Mist said...

Hiiiii Niiiiiiix!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Nix. Can I use your OC? Please?

Lavender Hope said...

I'm guessing you won't cause I fail when it comes to jokes...
*face palms*

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Nix!

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Nix!

Well type of the devil . . .

@Lavender: YAY!!!!!!!!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hahaha, nice Ink.

Nixion Strange said...

Why my OC?

Dancing Fire (Directioner!!!!!) said...

Hi Nix!

Lavender Hope said...

Do you know which one I'm talking about? The one that I haven't written in a month(with the title I emailed you about).

brb again.

Star Inkbright said...

*runs away from vaccume cleaner in terror* KEEP THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!

Dancing Fire (Directioner!!!!!) said...


Helena Ember Sky said...

Because, I have a friend and I'm gonna use his OC and I want you guys to eventually become friends in my fanfic.

Lavender Hope said...


*looks at time*
Maybe I didn't have to say brb in the first place...

Lavender Hope said...

Kay, Fire!

Star Inkbright said...

My OC needs rewriting. I'm redoing my history . . .

Nixion Strange said...

Okay, I just have to find my usb...
*looks for it*

Lavender Hope said...

Wbd. I want to post the next part before I have to go to bed.

Star Inkbright said...

Damn, gtg . . .


Nixion Strange said...

Bye Star

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Starsign!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Eve

Eve the ROCK said...

*headdesk* Bye Star! I still get to use that!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Nix!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Bye and hi...again

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


*throws the vaccume cleaner in the lake*


*throws a baby super-llama at Star*

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Eve!

Aww, Star. Well, please read the next part when you can! I'm just posting it now!

Nixion Strange said...

My Octavlian Chicken, or OC

Age: 14, almost 15
Magic: Adept
Adept Ability/s: Bone Breaking – Tesseract
Gender: Male
Appearance: Nixion is thin, taller than the average 14 year old with brown eyes that carry a dark tormented look in them. He has long brown hair that just reaches his eyes. He wears a protective jacket on special occasions, but most of the time, Nixion just wears black leather jacket, black jeans and a t- shirt. Black boots cover his feet and he carries a machete with him at all times.
Personality: Nixion Strange will fight, hate, kill or insult almost anything. He rarely feels anything but hate or anger. In a fight, Nixion can get overly violent and take it too far, sometimes accidentally injuring himself and his allies if in a rage which will occasionally allow him to lose control. He doesn’t like people and people generally don’t like him.
History: At the age of ten, Nixion was kidnapped by a Sorcerer criminal and was forcibly taught the Bone Breaking Adept discipline. This was done with an insane combination of brainwashing and extreme torture upon Nixion which eventually changed something in his mind, thus creating his bad temper and violent tendencies. Finally, at 11, Nixion was abruptly released with no warning whatsoever. For a while, he lost himself to insanity and killed heaps of people (so he is quite often hated by most) To this day Nixion attempts to fight the brainwashing done on him which also explains his over-the-top violence at times. A year after he was released, Nixion Strange was saved by Zathract Mist from a horde of zombies and the two kind of latched on to each other. It isn’t safe to say they are friends at all, but they are allies but also seem to be arguing constantly over almost everything.
Nixion Strange lives in Australia and helps Zathract Mist on cases for the Australian Sanctuary.

Zathract Mist said...

Wha- huh?
I posted that comment ages ago...

Helena Ember Sky said...

Thank you Nix.

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, and by the way, no writing tonight for moi. Too much homework. But rest assured good citizens that it shall be done soon

Helena Ember Sky said...

I have an english assigment that I should be doing

Eve the ROCK said...

Lacks plainness

Zathract Mist said...

Must go now.

I have an acursed karate uniform to change into and then a acursed karate lesson to attend.


Nixion Strange said...

Bye Mist!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Is it Kenpo Karate?

Zathract Mist said...

Nope. GKR Karate.

Buh Buh.

Eve the ROCK said...

Buh-buh was patented by me, Mist. Bye Mist!

Lavender Hope said...

Bye Mist!

Lavender Hope said...

Sorry, there's one last edit before I post.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Have fun!

Lavender Hope said...

Gah! Again? Why???

Someone else dedicate, please...

Nixion Strange said...

No, you get first, you dedicate. I don't believe in geving it to someone

Lavender Hope said...

It's posted!

But to those who haven't read it yet, here's the link to the first chapter.

Link to the second chapter:

Lavender Hope said...

Fine, Nix.

Nixion Strange said...

You're annoyed at me now, aren't you?

Lavender Hope said...

I dedicate to my story and how well I think it's going. And to the hope that it won't take me another month to post the next part.

I know it's short, but that's all I can do at the moment...

Lavender Hope said...

Not really...

Nixion Strange said...

That's a yes then

Lavender Hope said...

If I am annoyed, then I don't even know it. Seriously Nix, I'm not annoyed at you. I'm not annoyed at all.

Lavender Hope said...

So did you read the next part yet?

Nixion Strange said...

Read it, I did

Eve the ROCK said...


Lavender Hope said...

Thanks guys! :)

Well, when I DO tell what the egg is, then I'll show you the title. I think it's cool.

Lavender Hope said...

I'm gonna keep working on the next part, so I'll be distant.

Nixion Strange said...

It's not an emu egg, is it? That would be anti-climatic

Lavender Hope said...

Sorry to say, no it's not. But if I say any more, I might give it away myself. But I think it's already pretty obvious- uh...
*shuts up and goes back to typing*

Nixion Strange said...

I'm pretty sure I know, cause I know all
*opens all seeing eye*
But I do think I know

Lavender Hope said...

And if I told you what I think, I'm gonna stop talking.


Eve the ROCK said...

Watch this:


Lavender Hope said...

But I will say this.

There's going to be a bunch of characters coming up...

I wonder if I can make it. I've never really written a conversation with more than three people before. But I think I'll manage.

Nixion Strange said...

Eve, I hate watching iPhone vids!

Nixion Strange said...

or iPod, whatever

Lavender Hope said...

What's an iPhone video?

Nixion Strange said...

vids from iPhones. They're all funny to me

Helena Ember Sky said...

I'm back, I hate some people on Omegle.

Nixion Strange said...

Not like normal YouTube layouts

Lavender Hope said...

Oh. Well I haven't seen one, so I'll check it out.

Nixion Strange said...

and this is taking forever to loooooooooad...

Lavender Hope said...

Wb, Helena!

Eve the ROCK said...

It's not an iPod video....

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Helena!

Lavender Hope said...

Aw, they look so cute. But I know how dangerous they can be too. Still, they're cute. :)

Eve the ROCK said...

Did you watch the part where the gorillas actually come up to the guy?

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, and they start grooming him! It's so CUTE!!!

Nixion Strange said...

I can't watch it, it's messing up my internet

Eve the ROCK said...

I know, I love the little baby one!!!

Lavender Hope said...

I might have to go soon.

Lavender Hope said...

That video is really cute. Just finished it.

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go now. Bye guys!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Lav

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Lav!

Nixion Strange said...

turned out I could watch it when I opened it for the second time. Ha, that guy is terrified

Eve the ROCK said...


Yes, he does seem a bit scared


Nixion Strange said...

Cute, maybe. Deadly, yeeeeeees
Who needs guard dogs when you have gorillas?

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

Has anyone here ever watched Lord of the Flies? The old one or the new oen (new one preferatly)

Eve the ROCK said...

I've heard of it. Never seen it.

Nixion Strange said...

Alrighty then

Eve the ROCK said...

What's it about?

Nixion Strange said...

These kids who get trapped on a island and originallt start with order than collapse into chaos, some of them trying to hunt the others

Eve the ROCK said...

Crazy kids


Helena Ember Sky said...

*grabs gun and points it at Nixs head* Who are you and what do you want?!

Nixion Strange said...

I want a medium cheeseburger with chips please. To go

Helena Ember Sky said...

Who are you working for?

Helena Ember Sky said...

I think it's time for book roleplaying. Bags being Tanith you're Sanguine. Playing with Fire Okay?

Nixion Strange said...

I am a paying customer, and I have to say the service here isn't very nice at all

Helena Ember Sky said...


Nixion Strange said...

I'm pretty sure I can guess the scene, hang on

Helena Ember Sky said...

2o mins max, okay? then role playing.

Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Ha. I remember when me and Val did a role play. I was Caelan and she was Valkyrie

Anonymous said...


Nixion Strange said...

I was Fletcher, but they never got up to that part

Hi Viv

Anonymous said...

I never do role plays

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh yeah, me remembers.

Hi Viv!

Nixion Strange said...

Be back soon
*leaves, but planning to be back soon*

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say

Helena Ember Sky said...

I'm back, so staring page 82 in my book.

Helena Ember Sky said...

*starting, now waiting for Nix.

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