Friday, May 4, 2012

Mmmmm Violence...

Glory be, glory be, it's done. Finished. Done and dusted. Over. Practically. Almost.

The edits are all done. I have the weekend to go over KOTW one more time and then we send it to the copyeditor. The copyeditor basically makes sure I haven't made any huge mistakes, and corrects all the little ones before it's too late. She'll tweak and suggest and cut and replace, and then she'll send the manuscript back to me and I'll make my final adjustments, and that'll be it. Boom. Over.

Right now, the book clocks in at 134,729 words. Considering that Death Bringer was marginally over 118,000 words, that's quite a substantial increase. Golly gee, it's gonna be a big book! We're going to have to reduce the font size again to cram as many words onto the page as possible, but our font size is typically big anyway, so at least we have room to play with.

This is the first book where I've had serious discussions with my editor about the level of violence. (Well, I say serious... he was TRYING to be serious and I was making jokes, but you know...)

It's a weird thing, to write a series, because the readers get older as the books are released. Valkyrie gets older, the situations she finds herself in become more grown-up, and the themes get darker and darker as the end approaches. What all this means is that occasionally I fall into the trap of assuming that the Skulduggery readership is able to handle whatever I throw at them. And for the most part, they are.

But there will ALWAYS be new readers. There will ALWAYS be a nine year old who picks up the books for the first time and reads them in a few weeks. And it's unfair to expect that nine year old to be able to deal with content that is more suited to teenagers and adults. So where does that leave me?

In a weird place, that's where. On one hand, I've NEVER viewed this series as strictly children's books, and that view just keeps getting stronger and stronger as Valkyrie gets older. But on the other hand, I have a responsibility to the younger readers to not give them anything they can't handle.

And all of this makes me ever-so-thankful that we have such a thing as editors. I wrote this book in two and a half months of sheer WORK. There was no time to doubt myself and no time for second guesses. Whatever I put down on the page stayed on the page. When you have a more relaxed timetable you can afford to wonder about what you've just written but when the deadline is rushing towards you like a screaming train you just WRITE. With that in mind, I'm not surprised at all that I went too far in some areas. And it was so much FUN.

The battle still isn't over, by the way. Nick, my editor, still thinks I could be a little less bloodthirsty, while I think I'm just bloodthirsty enough. Some serious things happen in this book, and I reckon I needed to be as brutal and uncompromising as possible in order to achieve what I needed to achieve. But we have another week or so of him trying to be serious and me making jokes before I have to make the final decision.

And now a picture!


  1. Ha, gotcha!

    I`ve always wondered about the ratings, you know? 9+ for a book like Death Bringer? Good lord!

    Considering all the creative ways you kill people in this series, it`s a miracle no one thought to mention this issue before ... at least not out in the open.

    Anyways, I love your books. I think you`re just like Gordon Edgley in that regard: You create a character who is high up on his mighty horse and then you spend the rest of the story dressing him down until he`s all humble --- and then you make him die. And I bet you think it`s funny, too!

    Have a great day =)

  2. And I completely forgot to mention that I would totally LOVE to have Nick`s job. Who wouldn`t?!

    Also: FIRST! HA!

  3. Can't wait for KOTW! Haven't even got death bringer yet though....or playing with fire.....or dark days...ah well....eventually, i'll have the money..eventually. Anyway, really can't wait for KOTW, better get Death Dringer first.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. I HAVE HAD THAT PICTURE ON MY BLOG, BEFORE! :O DEREK YOU COPIED ME.... :O YAYYYYYYYYYY. *dances to Stayin' Alive around the kitchen*

  7. Yes number 5! no, blood thirst is good, it makes fanfic dramas better, and deviations better for deviant art. Derek, keep it. again, my name isn't Paula, mother took over my account... *sigh. i'm gonna die if i don't read it! if Sanguine dies i swear i will not let Valduggery take over! go Ganith!

  8. yes i'm random, also because i don't know how to change the settings... *louder sigh*
    Sulduggery Pleasant Media (Facebook, yay!)

  9. I go on that FB page, sometimes. Robyn is Light, right? Robyn being Jordan, that is. ^_^

  10. Nooo! The More Violence & Blood The Better! But Thats Just My Twisted Mind :') I Am So Excited For KOTW! Ahhhhhh! Yayy :). (Btw Anyone Feel Like Reading Some Of My Material. Pretty Please!)

  11. I should be getting back to writing...Will be here, but writing...Murder, probably...My story is coming along pretty well...I guess...I think it's terrible like, but...Mreh. :)

  12. Em? Can I call you Em? Imma call you Em, I feel in the time it took me to read what you wrote and write what I am writing that we are close enough for me to call you Em and you to call me L. I shall read it, if you likeeee?????? :'3

  13. Okay L :'), Hahha, Yay Please Its Called Twisted Imagination. I Have Only Just Recently Started It And I Need Some Inspiration! And Feedback On It. Its Probably Terrible, But Still...

  14. Where is it, my dear? I enjoy reading...I think I may actually be obsessed with reading...Especially SP......*strokes collection*. :'3
    And I bet it is way better than anything I write! Haha.

  15. In the final trilogy, can Finbar get an illegally imported dragon egg?

    ~Dark Dragon from

  16. Wait..Blog, duh. FOUND IT. SORRY, I AM AN IDIOT, SOMETIMES. Comes with being blonde, though. X3 haha.

  17. I'm Slightly Obsessed With Reading Aswell. *Strokes Full Bookcase&Kindle* Mwuahahaha :')
    I Dont Know How This Works But Heres The Address:)

  18. Eurghh...Kindle...*shivers* No. I don't like Kindles...I can't stand them...BUT READING IS AMAZING. AND BOOKS SMELL SO NICE. ESPECIALLY TFO IN HARDBACK........That smells different to all the other versions of the books...But ME GUSTA. ^_^

  19. I Do Prefer My Books To My Kindle! And I Agree That Books Smell Devine! Hahaa, :')

  20. I'm liking you, already. Hahaha. Yushhhhhhhhhhh, books are one of my favourite smells in the world, especially when it's SP... :'3

  21. I Lent All Of Mine To My Friend, Then Wouldn't Touch Them For A Week Because They Smelt Like Her House. So They Were Quarantined In My Nana's House For A While. And Yes My Nana Read Them! I Am One Proud Girl!

  22. Yaaay! 1st page! very cute turtle, by the way.

  23. I am reading your story, it's pretty good, y'know? A few errors here and there, but they're to be expected. The plotline..It's ever so slightly confusing, at least it would be for some people. I had to read parts of it multiple times to completely understand what was going on, but it's really good, you should keep at it!
    And my writing started because of my GCSE's too! I wrote a story beginning with 'As soon as she turned the corner, she realised it was a mistake' or something along those lines. :') But I am sure you will get better with time, most people do! As I said, just a few small errors, Em! ^_^

  24. Hi Derek! Can you visit Norway some time?

    I try to get my little sister to read your book, she is 10 years old, but she would rather me read it. She is still on book number one and she doesn't want me to read the rest. She said it was because of that creapy man that broke into Stephanie's house, you know, the night when her mums car broke down? So I'm gonna wait until she is 15 to let her read it so she won't get scared. I'm trying to get my brother and father to read it to, but they're so lazy.

    Anyway, can't wait for KOTW to be done. It's gonna be awesome!!!

  25. Yes, books smell nice, but if you read at least a book a day, Kindles are AWESOME! Also, you can get books the day they come out, without needing to go anywhere (which you might not have time to do if it's a school day. GO KINDLES!!! :-)

  26. Yes, books smell nice, but if you read at least a book a day, Kindles are AWESOME! Also, you can get books the day they come out, without needing to go anywhere (which you might not have time to do if it's a school day. GO KINDLES!!! :-)

  27. Hi Derek! Can you visit Norway some time?

    I try to get my little sister to read your book, she is 10 years old, but she would rather me read it. She is still on book number one and she doesn't want me to read the rest. She said it was because of that creapy man that broke into Stephanie's house, you know, the night when her mums car broke down? So I'm gonna wait until she is 15 to let her read it so she won't get scared. I'm trying to get my brother and father to read it to, but they're so lazy.

    Anyway, can't wait for KOTW to be done. It's gonna be awesome!!!

  28. srry, published it 2ce

  29. Who here has a Kindle? I wonder what Mr Landy thinks about kindles?

  30. I can't stand Kindles. Just as I can't stand people buying books online. Book shops will become redundant, at this rate. It ruins the thrill of going into a book shop and trying to find the book and then that moment of excitement when you find it, especially when it's the last one! And turning the page...I LOVE turning the page...I don't know what it is about them, I just adore turning pages in books...The secrets they hold and ASDFGHJKL. Just beautiful, I don't want technology to take away the magic of books...I shall never get a Kindle.

  31. I love Kindles because of the convenience. If I just relied on bookstores and libraries, I would go CRAZYCRAZYCRAZY in the summer hols as i would have nothing to do (book stores too expensive and our library is rubbish)

  32. I don't think bookstores are TOO expensive, I think they are reasonably priced, to be honest. The libraries around here aren't all that good, either. I just believe that Kindles take away some of the magic of reading a real book, but that's me. :'3

  33. Are there any dates yet for the book tour in Australia? I need to book flights to Sydney because I doubt he's coming to Perth.

  34. Book stores are reasonably priced, but kindles are MEGA cheap. But I do like books too, and I have quite a collection of them, which now all look VERY well thumbed.

  35. Not yet, Aileen. Not that we are aware of, anyway. :)

  36. Also is Mr Landy coming on tour to England? If he is I will be OVER THE MOON!!!

  37. Mreh...I think Kindle's are overpriced, for both the books and the actual 'handset'...But, I am weird. :)

  38. The handset is quite xpensive, but the books are very sheep if they've been out a while. New ones are the same price and the hard back, I think.

  39. Numbers? Imma call you numbers, Derek is highly likely to be touring in England, I mean...He can't leave us all and Becky and his wife (Olivia) ;) LOOOOL. But yeah, he'll be coming to England, too. XD

  40. Yeah, that's my point. It costs just as much to buy a hardback as it does to buy it on Kindle. I much prefer a physical copy. :)

  41. yayayay!!! Go England!

  42. Each to their own. I'm not anti-books, I mega love books, just if you read ALOT, kindles are cost- effective.

  43. You know I really think that the newest comments should go at the top. No fighting for first place then :'(

    I think you should ignore your editor. It's just a book, and I'm sure the nine-year-olds will handle it. I like violence! The humour will make up for the blood-thirsty. You do make me laugh Mr Landy!

  44. I agree with Xanna. 9 year olds can deal with a lot.

  45. For me, Kindles aren't cost effective...And I am literally obsessed with reading. It's extremely rare for me to not have something to read, even if I don't like the book. I just like to read. XD

  46. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! :D I can't wait until KOTW comes out :D :D :D

    And I love the picture, so cute and funny! :D

    Hi everyone whos on! *hands everyone cookies* How r you all?

  47. I also agree with Xanna, I handled tons when I was nine years of age. I was in hopsital for a while and I got used to blood and gore and such things. I've seen many injuries and illnesses that aren't pleasant and now I see it as nothing. Sometimes it's actually educational for such things to be brought into a child's life. It can benefit them, so when they cut their finger, or something similar and trivial, they'll be stronger-minded about it and won't moan about it hurting them, because they know it's nothing compared to things such as what occur in the books. :)

  48. yup. For my german essay, we had to write what we do in our free time. I JUST PUT READING. I don't even watch tv!

  49. hi nights raven!

  50. LOOOOOOOL. I write way too much, sometimes...I tend to write, just to read. Even though I am a terrible writer, haha.

  51. I bet ur not a terrible writer! What typa stuff dya write? What genre?


  53. Check my blog for some of my writing, it varies with my mood, tbh. I write a lot of murder, out of anger. I write a bit of romance, out of lust for someone...I write a lot about losing people...Most of my stories are close to my heart, because they reflect my feelings. ^_^

  54. im good nights raven. u?
    Ill look at some of ur writing after dinner, luciana. dya have the url for ur blog? how do find it? srry, i dont hav a blog, so i dont no these things.

  55. Hey, you can call me L, if you like. :) The majority of people call me L, or Luce. Then there's Sparks, who calls me Lu. xD

    And I'm meh. Really happy that Derek blogged, I've been waiting for him to blog all week. But I am also rather annoyed with some people. But more happy, because SP means more to me than those people. ^_^

  56. kl l. Ive been w8ing for him 2 blog all week, 2. But i dont have much time to comment on skol nights, too much revising! stupid summer xams.

    ^There you goooooo. I have only got three parts of stories up and that's because I had to start my blog again...Someone hacked my last one. :C Oh well. :'3

  58. thanx! Poor u. hackers (angry face)grrrrr

  59. Yay for more violence! :D And more words! And more words of violence! ~may just be a tiny bit bloodthirsty~

    Also, I love online bookshops. And Kindles. Those of you who think they shouldn't exist might spare a thought to those of us in countries where we cannot get the books from physical bookshops - and believe me, having to travel all the way across Europe to, say, the UK in order to buy the books there might be just a bit cost-prohibitive. Plus, you know, we'd never even be able to discover all those books in the first place.

  60. im fine, 406

    *hands luce a cookie* im happy he posted too.

  61. Hahaha, someone had it in for me, I think. ;) Hahaha. I honestly think it was because I p*ssed another person off...Maybe they got fed up of me. :L

    And Kribu, I am merely saying I believe that in the UK online shops are going to end up running bookshops on the high street out of business, the economy isn't very good as it is...Just my opinion.

  62. hi kribu. =-). L, ur story is rlly good! Don't get mad at me if i'm wrong, but is it Fletcher and Valkyrie?

  63. No, it's not that good. And haha, I never thought it could be them...No..It's me an a guy I like, that's majorly close to me. But I could possibly turn it into a fanfic, now you mention it....Fletchyrie, bros. :D I already have a ....Valdugg- I refuse to finish that word, but I have part of one of those on my blog. :)

  64. and now i'll go and read it :)

  65. Hey, Snoogy! *waves* I like to wave. *waves again, for no apparent reason*.

  66. *hands snoogy cookie*

  67. Hi all, how are we today?
    *Continues drinking a cup of tea*

  68. good thanks white willow!
    g2g, srry!

  69. Willow, it's nice to finally talk to you! I've heard of you, just never talked to you (not that I remember, anyway). Hello. I'm meh, in the middle. How are you, dear?

    Bye, Numbers! *waves*

  70. Hmm..
    Bloodthirsty, violence, deadlines, and younger readers, huh?
    Well, personally, I love the bloodthirst and the violence, ultimately because you manage to write it so well, Derek.
    However, 9-year-olds may not, right?

    Well, your editor was trying to make the conversation serious, but your jokes kept the level of seriousness at a minimum, right?
    So, if you have the humour and the jokes in to balance out the violence and the bloodthirst, it may be a little easier for the younger readers to read.

    Or, so says the logic of my brain.

  71. back, but ill b slow in commenting

  72. Hi Luciana, I am quite good because I finished another chapter of my SP FF.

  73. You can call me L, if it's easier. :) And that's great news! :)

  74. i gtg, idk when ill b back here, hopefully b4 5000 :P
    bye all!

  75. Welcomeee. I will be distant, as I am getting some writing done, currently. :) I am writing a brand new story, because I got writers block with the last one! Haha. XD

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. I think violence in books makes them more exciting. :P Magic and Violence and Fun makes books exciting! Harry Potter had all of those, which is why i love them sooo much. Thats why I love Skulduggery Sooo much! I actually first saw the books on the Disney Channel advert and thought it looked good, so I bought it, and now I'm sitting here, dying for August to come so I can run to the bookshop with my birthday money and buy KOTW!! Skulduggery is one of the best books ever and I love it soo much! I read them when im sad and I need something exciting and funny to cheer me up. So put it this way, without Skulduggery, I'd be a sad little loner. Your characters are my best friends :')
    Cheese. ~ValkyrieCain xx

  78. Valkyrie, is ur bday in august too! r u the youngest in the year, like me? yay!!! go august bdays!
    hi guys, im back!

  79. OMG YOUR DONE!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! *runs around throwing confetty into the air* EPICA!!!!!! Wish it would come out on my birthday unfortunatley i don't think you can get the book out in two days :P wish you could though that would make it an AWESOME birthday!!!!!

    _Skulgirl13 :3

  80. happy birthday for 2 days!

  81. I'm here.
    *Jumps up and down with a big sign*

  82. hi white willow. ur profile pic is anime. dya like anime? I think its awesome!

  83. First off...,

    DEREK! Don't wait so long between blog posts!!
    WE MISSED YOU! Seriously!
    And not in a creepy way... seriously. O_o

    But yeah, seriously, POST MORE OFTEN!
    How on earth are your biggest fans supposed to blabber and mumble and ramble if the blog post only allows 5,000 comments, and YOU don't post for, like, TWO WEEKS?!?

    Moving on..
    Yes, abrupt, I'm like that.

    Ooo, brutal, huh? That will be interesting. I wasn't ever ESPECIALLY fond of brutality, but on the other hand, I love The Hunger Games and Divergent [Yes, I did read it, by the way... 350 pages in one day... and I'm not even exaggerating... I'm UNDERATING... [Wait, did I use that word correctly? I have no clue... I probably did not, actually, but I'm going to stop my bracket rambling right about... now
    No, wait, one more thing:

    Of course, Mr. Awesome Landy, your books ARE better than HG and Divergent, and, yeah, I'm going to stop bloating your ego further....

    Ninja turtle, huh? I get it... yeah... no, really... some of the slowest, clumsy animals I can think of being fast and... ninja-y [This is why I'm not a... thesaurus writer...] Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

    Seriously [Yes, I just used that word AGAIN]
    I'm glad to see you!
    You should post more often.
    Sorry, by the way, I haven't been around much... illness and whatnot holding me back. ~glares~
    And... whatnot....

    ~changes subject~
    So I left a comment on Veronica Roth's blog... It was awkward... I'm not as comfortable with her as I am with YOU.
    But you're just so brilliantly easy-going like that, which is why you remind me of my dad [that's a complement, by the way... even if my dad IS older than you...]
    He gets along with everybody... He would definitely be Abnegation.

    How are you?
    I'm doing well.
    I still have a cough.
    And I'm worried about various things.
    And whatnot.
    But I'm well.
    How are you?

  84. yay anime! hi skyril!

  85. i close the comments bit, then refresh the blog page, then go back into comments.

  86. That's complicated, isn't it... um... Number and Character person? [No offense, but you should really get a new name, I think...]
    ~tries to figure out better way to refresh~

  87. Hi Skyril, nice to see you (again).

  88. u can just call me 4060 or Stella. i cant get another name as i dont have a blog.

  89. Hiya, Willow! You too!

    And I figured out a better way to refresh without a refresh button!
    Click *post comment* even if the field is blank. ~grins~

  90. Ooh, alright, Stella, well it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! ~grins~
    ~shakes hand~
    ~gives a lollipop~

  91. Actually, 4060f774-57c7-11e1-bffd-000bcdca4d7a, My bday is in July, but I will be saving some money to buy a copy of KOTW when it's out :)
    ~Valkyrie xxx

  92. thanx skyril! kl valkyrie. and u, too can just call me 4060 or Stella.

  93. hey skyril, is ur pic anime 2?

  94. Yay! Top 200 comments! I know this is irelevant, but I've always wanted to join in Blogland conversations, but don't know what to say! Whenever I comment, people are always just saying hello, and never talking about something interesting! *Sigh*

  95. Golden God, you guys can talk, it always seems to 'liven up' in my absence...

  96. Oh, actually, no, Stella. A long time ago when I first came to this blog a few years ago, I would hang out at this website called gaiaonline. There, I had an avatar, and someone drew her for me. She looks quite similar to what my OC looks like today, actually.

  97. Hiya, Skullbug! Pleasure to make your acquaintance! ~shakes hand~
    ~gives a purple lollipop~
    Really, you can say whatever you want here...
    Most of us are quite insane, anyway.

  98. ah kl skyril. and, l, we can deffo talk!

  99. Greetings, Luciana! Pleasure to make your acquaintance as well!
    ~shakes hand and also gives a purple lollipop~

  100. Yay! I'm not the only insane one! *Gives Skyril hug* And I think if the violence level needs to be increased, it should be increased! Screw Nick! (Note: Nick could be a great guy, I've never met him...)

  101. Hello...

    And I will probably be distant, maybe if Eve and Mist come online I'll talk to them...'Cause I talk to them, a lot...And Mist tends to have similar feelings, to me...But I'm likely to be quiet, things are just getting to me, a little...

  102. hi skulbug! amd i think that if the violence is necessary, then gr8. if 9 year olds dont like it, they dont have to read it. (tho they should give it a try. it is AWESOME!!

  103. I think he should do things for the old, first coming fans rather than do things for a "new audience"!

  104. mayb, but new people can like it 2, just if they dont like the violence, they dont hav 2 read it.

  105. Exactly! I always tell people about the books, and that they should read them, but they just don't appreciate the fine work! They have no theories, no insights, nothing. It must be nice, though, to not be as hyped up and insane as minions are...

  106. Okie, Luciana!
    But we're fun too ~cheesy grin~
    What are some things you like? Maybe I like them... I LIKE SP! That's simlar [at least, I ASSUME you like SP... there are a couple of very strange people whO I will not name (actually it's only one person {his name starts with D and ends with A}) who didn't like one of the books]

  107. DEREK!!! I've always thought that the age ratings should be higher than 9+ on these books. You could just raise the age ratings on the newer books so you don't have to change too much (Obviously if you change the ratings on the older books you'd have to reprint them all with a new rating on the back cover...) It only makes sense that the books would get more violent each time. Which mean I can't wait to see how violent the last book is *rubs hands with bloodthirsty glee* ...

    But anyway! Hello everyone! :D

  108. we are pretty hyped up and insane...

  109. hi dogs like bones! i never noticed an age rating.. will look now.

  110. I love each of the SP books. And it's not interests-wise that I get along with them well, it's the fact that Mist understands depression and things like that...

  111. Hello there, eh... numbers...? What should I call you? (You can call me Bones by the way ^^)

    Nice to meet you :)

  112. Who, me? Well, if it is me you're asking, I play guitar, piano and I absolutely LOvE acting! Oh, and of course I love SP! I don't think people realise that it's not a book series, but a lifestyle choice!

  113. ahhhhhhh i see.

  114. Derek I think your level of violence is fine personally, but I know that some people might agree with me. The last book (#6) didn't have as much violence as I thought it would have but then you're not trying to scare people away are you? ;) I love the books and I think your books are awesome! wow...thats the longest commetn i've ever written. well, typed. whatev

  115. Yeah..., I don't think Derek Landy should necessarily change the way he write, but... I don't know, I guess I see both sides.
    I definitely lean towards what Derek Landy thinks there ought to be in it, though, because he IS the writer. This is all HIS stuff, you know?

    [sorry for some slow replies]

  116. im 4060 or stella, bones. i dont have a blog, so im stuck with it.

  117. Luciana, how did you hear of me? I like to be un noticed in life so will you tell me how?

  118. I've never heard anyone voice my opinions better than other minions! I love Blogland!

  119. i agree with u skyril. hi banana!

  120. Okay, is Stella alright then? :)

    And I agree with you Skyril, if Derek thinks that the violence and darker themes are necessary then they most likely are :) And Hi btw ^^

  121. same, skyril! blogland is awesome! g2g now, srry! =-(

  122. Hiya, Bones!
    ~hugs~ I haven't seen you forEVER! It's good to see you :D

    Wow, that's awesome! I've always wanted to take piano lessons, and I admire people who can play guitar.
    Sp, of course, BRILLIANT.
    Acting? Wow! Awesome-sauce! I tried recording something once, and it was... AWFUL O_O :P

    Hullo! Nice to meet you!
    ~shakes hand and gives purple lollipop~
    You should leave longer comments more often. They're actually quite fun [or can be ~cheesy grin~]

  123. I've been acting since I was five, and in September, I'm starting an extra acting class :/ Oh, and where are you all from?

  124. Willow, I hear lots of things in lots of places. I am similar to China, in this way. I tend to be told many things, without having to even ask. I can smile at someone and they will tell me their life story. I am quite good at getting information, without trying...

  125. @Luciana Scàth

    I think that deserves some creepy X-Files music! Doo doo deeeee dooooo!

  126. @Skyril *hugs back* I know! I've been bombarded with school stuff so haven't been on either of the blogs for a while:(

    @Skullbug Hi there! Nice to meet you! I play piano and guitar too! And I go to a DRama club if that counts as acting ^^; We must have a lot in common! XD

    @Bananaminion NIce to meet you! I can't spell bananananananana btw XD too many "na"'s ^^

  127. BUt acting since you were 5? that's impressive ^^

  128. @Skullbug
    Wow! That's really impressive :D
    And I'm from close to New Orleans, Louisiana, America. ;]
    And I was here for Katrina, and now Katrina is in history books... weeeeeiiiird.

  129. WEll, that depends on how old you are now... you could be 6 and it wouldnt be as impressive but i doubt that you are ^^

  130. I'm from Ireland. I was in Dublin an was walking past Temple Bar, and the first thing I thought was "I want to go visit Finbar!"

  131. I'm from South-west Scotland. I would tell you the name but you wouldn't know it :) south-west is the best i can give you ^^ (I do this a lot... ---> ^^ )

  132. Meh. It's all I've got, really.

  133. ... Yup. That's more impressive XD
    I'm 14 btw ^^ (<----- there it is again...)

  134. SKYRIL??

    You actually here???

    And, hi everyone else.

  135. @Skullbug
    By the way, I know what you mean about people from Blogland voicing your opinions better than you can. Happens to me allll the time :P
    I love it.

  136. Doggylikeythebones is here too?!?

    long time no see.

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. Yeah! It's been a while! I've kinda had to disappear what with exams an all :(
    And that would be an awesome full name XD

  140. willow.

    How are you?

    *continues dancing around his kitchen*

  141. @Phoenix
    Yup, can you believe it? :P
    I keep intending to hang out here, but I either don't have the time OR
    ~glares at Derek~
    Derek Landy hasn't posted again so I CAN'T hang out. ~sticks tongue out at him~

  142. Im not actually dancing, i would be if i had something to dance about, but i dont.

    I do, though, have something to be happy about.

  143. Flame, I am mostly okay, considered sucide, I miss talking to Rose but thats not the reason.

  144. Hi L.

    Sorry, some friends i havent seen in ages.

    Anywho, you know, Sky, we all hang out on posts futher back..


  146. Willow. no suicide.

    Suicide bad, BAD i tell you.

  147. Sorry, but I had to interupt everyone there. It was important. ^^

  148. But i got the outline of my book i did in sixth today... AND im so happy, cos, i lke forgot all the things in it and stufff.

  149. Again, sorry for slow replies everyone! xD
    I'm TRYING to keep up, but I tend to get behind when I'm doing a lot at once..., and I'm doing a lot at once :P

  150. @Sky, yup. Smart, huh?

    That was important, dogggy.

  151. @Bones
    Oh, I completely understand. I interrupted my bracket rambling to Derek to say, "May the fourth be with you" O_O

  152. *says in Yoda voice* "Hell yeah it was!" XD

  153. @Phoenix
    Yes, it is smart.

    ~glares at Derek Landy~

  154. *joins in glaring* Grrr...


    Nope. I'm sorry! I can't glare at him for too long! D:

  155. @Doglikesbones

    MAY THE 4th BE WITH YOU! Yay! Someone else knows it's Star Wars Day!

  156. @Skullbug - that's why I love coming here! I had to spend FOREVER exlaining to my mum why may the 4th meant star wars day...


    And derek.

    I need to ask youi something.

    Y'know the way you're finished KOTW. well could you maybe go back and mention me just as a small tinyweenie cameo?

    I'd be so gracious and, infact, I'd bow down to you, and create a shrine and worship you. (already done it) no treally.. But, could you maybe?



  158. Ha! I once dressed up as Princess Leia for a party! My hair was awesome!

  159. I thought it was AMAZINGLY KIND of Derek to give Kallista a cameo in Death Bringer ^^

  160. Did he? What chapter? What part? What PAGE??

  161. Oh, uh im not sure o.o Have you read it yet?

  162. And rosella. but i was talking to them and they said they nagged him for months, but thats why im now going to nag him.




  163. Opps! forgot to say Rosella too! ^^;

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  165. Ooh! That's good! I'll beg with you! Derek! Choose that subline! I love it! But now, sadly, I have to leave. And, seeing as I'm in the top 200 comments, Derek, will you say happy birthday to me (in the blog) on June 15?
