Friday, May 4, 2012

Mmmmm Violence...

Glory be, glory be, it's done. Finished. Done and dusted. Over. Practically. Almost.

The edits are all done. I have the weekend to go over KOTW one more time and then we send it to the copyeditor. The copyeditor basically makes sure I haven't made any huge mistakes, and corrects all the little ones before it's too late. She'll tweak and suggest and cut and replace, and then she'll send the manuscript back to me and I'll make my final adjustments, and that'll be it. Boom. Over.

Right now, the book clocks in at 134,729 words. Considering that Death Bringer was marginally over 118,000 words, that's quite a substantial increase. Golly gee, it's gonna be a big book! We're going to have to reduce the font size again to cram as many words onto the page as possible, but our font size is typically big anyway, so at least we have room to play with.

This is the first book where I've had serious discussions with my editor about the level of violence. (Well, I say serious... he was TRYING to be serious and I was making jokes, but you know...)

It's a weird thing, to write a series, because the readers get older as the books are released. Valkyrie gets older, the situations she finds herself in become more grown-up, and the themes get darker and darker as the end approaches. What all this means is that occasionally I fall into the trap of assuming that the Skulduggery readership is able to handle whatever I throw at them. And for the most part, they are.

But there will ALWAYS be new readers. There will ALWAYS be a nine year old who picks up the books for the first time and reads them in a few weeks. And it's unfair to expect that nine year old to be able to deal with content that is more suited to teenagers and adults. So where does that leave me?

In a weird place, that's where. On one hand, I've NEVER viewed this series as strictly children's books, and that view just keeps getting stronger and stronger as Valkyrie gets older. But on the other hand, I have a responsibility to the younger readers to not give them anything they can't handle.

And all of this makes me ever-so-thankful that we have such a thing as editors. I wrote this book in two and a half months of sheer WORK. There was no time to doubt myself and no time for second guesses. Whatever I put down on the page stayed on the page. When you have a more relaxed timetable you can afford to wonder about what you've just written but when the deadline is rushing towards you like a screaming train you just WRITE. With that in mind, I'm not surprised at all that I went too far in some areas. And it was so much FUN.

The battle still isn't over, by the way. Nick, my editor, still thinks I could be a little less bloodthirsty, while I think I'm just bloodthirsty enough. Some serious things happen in this book, and I reckon I needed to be as brutal and uncompromising as possible in order to achieve what I needed to achieve. But we have another week or so of him trying to be serious and me making jokes before I have to make the final decision.

And now a picture!


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Nixion Strange said...

Conflicting edits

Eve the ROCK said...

I thought particles were made of barbecue chips.

Nixion Strange said...

I just had about 6 conflicting edits with that comment before about the fish tails

Nixion Strange said...

It's midnight. I'm going to go to bed

Luciana said...

Hello. Anyone here?

I WROTE JUST UNDER 500 WORDS WITHIN 3 MINUTES ON MY PHONE, WALKING HOME, TODAYYYY. I am pretty proud o' that. :'3 (probably really bad, but it was really cold...)

Stephanie Edgley said...

Eve, nixion, your conversations up there were making me laugh irl . . .

You are sehr funny:)

Stephanie Edgley said...

Going on laptop, brb.

Stephanie Edgley said...


Luciana said...

Hello, Star! *waves*

Stephanie Edgley said...

Now i got to change my pic:)

Stephanie Edgley said...

Now i got to change my pic:)

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Star!

Stephanie Edgley said...

Goldengoddammit, double post . . .

Hi L!


Lynxia Lost said...

Hi L!

Lynxia Lost said...

I just posted some more of Rogue.

I really need to finish this bit in Wilting Rose. It's kicking ass and sad at the same time! Poor Fia!!!! :'(

Stephanie Edgley said...


Luciana said...

Hey, Lynx!

Wbd, History and English homework.

Lynxia Lost said...

K L!
I don't type on word. word hates me. It goes straight from pad to blog.

Lynxia Lost said...

Wbd. I have a BRILLIANT idea!!!!

Stephanie Edgley said...

I never used to use word. Now i do. It's easier:)

Was ist es, lynxia?

Lynxia Lost said...

I can post the beginning of it if you like. I'm writing it to music so it feels a little empty without it.
I'll post the link to the music too.
(It's quite away into the story. It might not make sense.)

Lynxia Lost said...

Listen to this. ^^^

Their winged shapes were dark silhouettes on the clear blue sky.
I stood at the front of the army and watched. Waited. Hoped.
I clutched my staff in my right hand. The cool bronze still moulding to my grip. It wasn't ready. I wasn't ready.
I braced myself. "Stand tall. Your chains have all broken. Use your powers. Do not show mercy as you will receive none in return."

Read that whilst listening to it. ^^^

Stephanie Edgley said...

Um, can't, me don't think . . .

Doesn't zath used music to write too? In fact i think quite a few people do . . .

Bethany said...

No offence, but kids are exposed to a lot more violence everyday in real life than what they would come across in these books. Nothing wrong with a little blood and what not.

Lynxia Lost said...

I have no idea. I just know I tend to use Two Steps From Hell to right fight scenes.
Once again - POOR FIA!!! I'm so sorry for what I've got to do to her.
Let's just say there is a sequel! ;)

Stephanie Edgley said...

*is struggling to read my writing*

Stephanie Edgley said...


Stephanie Edgley said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

Sorr double post^^^^

Lynxia Lost said...

Good what? That there's a sequel? Well... Define good, good that there's another or good stuff happens?

Stephanie Edgley said...


Stephanie Edgley said...


Stephanie Edgley said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

Bb in 15!

Lynxia Lost said...

K Star.

Luciana said...


^We're trying to get this to trend on Twitter, if you've got it please tweet it! :')

Lynxia Lost said...

WB Star.

Sorry L, me no have Twitter.

Stephanie Edgley said...

ood that there's another.

Luciana said...

Hello, Star! *waves*

Stephanie Edgley said...


Me no have twitter neither. My mum has twitter though. She always looks at what twitter people think about the voice, and stuff.

Lynxia Lost said...

I have to go now! Bye all! *hugs*

Luciana said...

Bye, Lynx! *hugs*

Stephanie Edgley said...

May the fours be with you lynxia!

Stephanie Edgley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephanie Edgley said...

Parent's evening tonight . . . :(

Star Inkbright said...

This is me on my phone. Ignore this comment.

Luciana said...

I don't have parents evening, anymore. We have a review day, but the last couple were cancelled. :L

Stephanie Edgley said...

Muh-huh. Well, i have a parent's evening tonight, AND I'M NERVOUS!

Luciana said...

I bet you'll be fine, Star!!!

Stephanie Edgley said...

According to microsoft word, "ow" is not a word.

Stephanie Edgley said...


Yeah, but i'm still nervouas.

Luciana said...

Word hates me, 'tis fine.
And you shouldn't be nervous, you'll be reyt. ^_^

Luciana said...

Hello, Flame! *waves*

Flame Phoenix said...

Hey, hands up, honestly if you've noticed Sparky hasn't been on, or cared?

Luciana said...

Yeah, I was going to ask you about that, but I have been too busy to talk to anyone properly. I've just been here, kind of.

Where is Sparky? Same with Lav...I've missed them both... :'c

Flame Phoenix said...

Goood Answer. I'm offically not mad at you/

Luciana said...

Yay. But d'you know where Sparky is? I miss being called Lu.. :C

Flame Phoenix said...


Luciana said...

Can you say where Sparky is? Or is it going to remain a mystery? Until she returns and we can all celebrate?

Stephanie Edgley said...


Six and a half microsoft word pages, font times new roman, font size twelve.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Hi flame!

Yep, sparky went bye-bye . . . Somebody told me it was something to do with exams or something like that.

Flame Phoenix said...

Well, i cannot disclose. but yeah.

Star Inkbright said...


At least it's nothing really bad.

Star Inkbright said...

(I'm on my phone now btw)

Luciana said...

Okay, Flame. And as long as it's not as bad as why I disappeared for a while. :') HOPE SPARKY'S ALRIGHT!

Star Inkbright said...

Parents evening sooo-ooon . . .

Aaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh . . .

Star Inkbright said...

. . . If i'm really honest, i would have left blogland in fed-upness if not for my stories.

I would've probs come back, but still.

Luciana said...

I left the internet for a while.....I left pretty much everything, for a while, in all honesty...Meh. It took me a lot to come back, but I am glad I did. You guys are awesome and you're some of the very few people that can actually make me laugh. Thanks guys, I love you all. :3

Star Inkbright said...

. . . Thanks, L . . . *warm fuzzy feeling*

I'm glad you came back. I missed you when we were all on the old posts and you werenet . . .

Luciana said...

Aww, I missed you too, Star! I'm glad I came back, too. I doubt I could've made it this far in life without you guys, tbh. I probably would have committed suicide. Thank you, for everything.

Star Inkbright said...

Coz you didn't kuh-now about it . . .

But now you do and there is NO EXCUSE.

Flame Phoenix said...

*wonders if L knows that Scath means mirror in irish*

Luciana said...

Star, yeah I did know about it...I've been to the older posts, before, but I don't always go on them..

Flame, my friend (who is Irish) says it means shadows :L but mirror is cool too. *grins* I was supposed to be learning Irish...But I got bored of it... :)

Star Inkbright said...

*is confuzzled*

I am confuzzled.

I dunno whether parents evening is tonight or tomorrow. My dad confuzzled me.

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Damn my maths teacher. He misinformed us.

Luciana said...

That's good to know, Star!

I will be distant, again. Got an essay or two to write, BY TOMORROW. D:

Rim. said...

Hello!!! I have 10 minutos!!!

Star Inkbright said...

*grumbles* star want it to be tonight. Get it over with.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi willow!

That looks bad, L . . .

Rim. said...

I hat football socks!! They're just so hard to put on! And then when they get caught on the shin pad Velcro... UGHH!!!

Rim. said...

Hi Star! Hi Flame! Hi L!!

Flame Phoenix said...

G2g.. Bye.

I don have to, but i am gonna go.

stuff to do.

Star Inkbright said...

I love football socks! They're all warm and cozy!

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you flame!

Rim. said...

Aww... Bye Flame! Are you leaving cus I came on??

Luciana said...


Hello, Rim! *waves*

Rim. said...

Aww... My 10 mins are up...
BYE! *hugs*

Luciana said...

Bye, everyone that has left. *hugs and waves, with foot*

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you rim!

*glares at pen* how DARE you leak???

Now my english book and my hand amd my phone screen are all inky!

Luciana said...


Star Inkbright said...

:O indeed!

Lord Vlaedr said...

Rim, L, and Ink.

I bid a good evening to you.

Luciana said...

Vlaedr. *nods*


Lord Vlaedr said...

Hugs are for weenies...

Lord Vlaedr said...

Im a weenie!


Star Inkbright said...

Vlaedr commented on my blog . . . *is afraid to look*

Usually i close my eyes before reading the first comment on a story post.


*closes eyes again*

*opens email*

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you L!

Hi Vlaedr! And thanks!

Lord Vlaedr said...

You are afraid of what I comment?

Your faith is inspiring....

Star Inkbright said...

I'm always afraid of the first comment on a story post. Which is why it's so disappointing if it's a bad one.


Lord Vlaedr said...

Hahhaha, okay.


What is new?

Star Inkbright said...

A word i just wrote. It is very newly formed.

Luciana said...

Passing comment:

Now to write two essays...And print off my History homework...

Lord Vlaedr said...

Good thing, my extremely sick phase is passing!

I am no longer coughing up my lungs! Nor sneezing 5 times in a row!

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, are you sneezing seven times in a row then?

In seriousness: THAT'S GOOD:)

Star Inkbright said...


Lynxia Lost said...

I have some time. Here I am!

Star Inkbright said...

Hi lynxia!

Luciana said...

Hello, people. I'm on my phone. Whilst writing an essay...About a tumor...

Lynxia Lost said...

Hang on. One last comment.

Why the Hell is it that nobody does my What If?s?!!
*leaves slightly angrily*

Luciana said...

Wbd. This essay is so weird

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you lynxia . . .

Coz me no like what ifs in general?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~laughs~ 4,001 comments...
Yesterday I came at the bery beginning of a new page too!

Star Inkbright said...



Imagin a world without names. A world with a loada pointing and hey youing. A world where people had to describe objects when they mentioned them, instead of just saying their names. A world where giving directions is made so much harder. We need names. We would be lost without them.

Names define us, give us individuality. You think of a person differently depending on thier name.

Names are just so flipping NICE. You get some wonderful names. Kayla, Sapphire, India, jewel names, flower names, names of forms of water like river and stream and waterfall. Names are brilliantio. End of.

Was this ded long and meaningful enough?

Star Inkbright said...

Hi skyril!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, Star!
I like your dedication! :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~strokes imaginary beard~
I wonder how people would describe me if I didn't have a name...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Sorry for the slow replies.
Blogger is giving me a bit of trouble.

Star Inkbright said...

*glares* BAAAAAAAAAAD blogger . . .

The purple outlined one, or something like that.

Star Inkbright said...

The purple outlined one wearing a hat?

Star Inkbright said...

No, coz 'hat' is the name of an object . . .

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I think "hat" might be ok... because almost every word is a name... purple is a specific color too... O_o
I don't knooooow....

Luciana said...


Star Inkbright said...

Would i be the bluey blonde haired one holding a shadowy long thin object?

And my other account would be the red one with the long wooden branchy things in the backfround?

Star Inkbright said...


No, adjectives are okay. Purple as a noun isn't allowed, but purple as an adjective is.

L, you are the yellow with bones-in-fabricy-stuff one.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, Luce!

Ahh, okie, I see...
Maybe you'd be the "bright, shiny object up in that huge thing above"
Star... xD
It's hard to describe things like that :P

Luciana said...

You're welcome and...Okay, nice to know. One day I might have an actual pic of me...Maybe. One day...*ponders*
Wbd, still writing two essays.

Star Inkbright said...


Call me Bright Shiny Object In That Huge Expanse Above.

Luciana said...

Star would be:
The inky one. XD

Hello, Skyril. *hugs*

Star Inkbright said...


My display name with no names^^^

Star Inkbright said...


Luciana said...

*grins* Yay. I just thought...Inky one. And...Yeah...Now I'll call you The Inky One, or TIO for short (if I remember, that is. XD)

Star Inkbright said...

Okay L! Thanks!

Luciana said...

TIO. Doubt it'll catch on, but whatever. :3

Star Inkbright said...

This better?

Star Inkbright said...

Now you can see all the writing. *nods*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

LOL, Star!
That's awesome!
I think you have the longest name here :P

[again, sorry for disappearing and slow comments ~sighs~]

Star Inkbright said...

S'okay skyril. I've met slower people.

And, longest name? Maybe, but i think Freakfan's is longer

Luciana said...

LOL. I'm really slow to reply, too. *grins*.


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

@Star [yeah, I like names a lot :P]
Really? Slower than ME?
That's saying something xD

Star Inkbright said...

I also msd.

And BSOITHEA-BSOITHEA ist only commenying slowly coz you guys are . . .

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

LOL, Star!
I can pronounce that!

Star Inkbright said...

Wow! Cool! I couldn't pronouce it till now!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


Star Inkbright said...

I couldn't pronouce my own name . . . :(

Luciana said...

I'm going, now. I have another essay to write and I've not even finished this one...I'm f*cked. The, guys. *hugs*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Don't feel bad!
It's a pretty hard name to pronounce :P

Luciana said...


Luciana said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aw, okie, Luce!
It was nice seeing you! :]

Star Inkbright said...


This is probably how names started . . . With people calling each other things like TastyStewOne coz someone makes tasty stew.

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you BonesWithYellowBackgroundOne!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

@BSOITHEA [whoo-hoo! I got the letters right without looking at it!]
~cough cough~

Your name sounds cool! And it's just initials of a description!

Star Inkbright said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

LOL, Bsoithea! I bet you're right!
That's just awesome.

Star Inkbright said...

Bih-SOY-thee-uh Luh-sitt-ire - high-el?

Star Inkbright said...

Bih-SOY-thee-uh Luz-ITT-irrre - high-el?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

What does the second half stand for?
And... YES!
I see that pronunciation!

Star Inkbright said...


Lsittyww-hyel = LiqquidStuffInsideTheThingsYouWriteWith-HurtingYourEyesLight = Inkbright

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I think, the strong syllable should be "LUH-sit-ire," though

Star Inkbright said...

*thinks* yeah. Strong LUH.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Yes, oh course!
You have a name even though you don't have a name...

Star Inkbright said...

Thanks for helping me create it! :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Bsoithea Lsittyww Hyel
You sound royal...
You should be Princess Bsoithea, or something ~grins~

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

You're welcome!
It was FUN!

Star Inkbright said...

Nice idea skyril!

Your name sounds like a bird. A skyril:)

I might use the name Bsoithea in a story one day actually . . .

Star Inkbright said...

It WAS fun!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol, you're right!
I've never thought it sounded like a bird before until you mentioned it :P

Star Inkbright said...

One of the main purposes of other people is different ideas.

I think. I just made that up! :)

Star Inkbright said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hey, I like that!
Good one!

And alright!
MSD TOO, Actully

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, Zathract!
Mind if I call you Zath?
Pleasure to make your acquaintance!
~shakes hand~
~gives purple lollipop~

BY THE WAY, Bsoithea is Star Inkbright :D

Star Inkbright said...

Hi mish!

Star Inkbright said...

A load of people call him Mist. A few call him Zath. I often call him Rain . . . Don't ask.

And sometimes i call him Mish or Mished Potato just to be a crazy annoying inky person.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Awww, I have to go now!
See you guys later!
~hugs Bsoithea Lsittyww Hyel~
See you later 8]

~shakes Zath's hand again~
See you later too!

Zathract Mist said...

I know, I read the comments. Ink, you are mad.

*shakes hand and holds lollipop in the sky*

'Tis a sign!! ...Or not. *eats purple lollipop*

Sure, you can call me Zath or Mist or Rain or whatever. Wait, Rain isn't on my name anymore.... Oh well.

Hi, Lsittyww.

Zathract Mist said...

Bye Skyril!

Star Inkbright said...

Rain, my name ist pronouced "Bih-SOY-thee-uh LUH-sitt-irrre - high- el" and it stands for BrightShinyObjectInThatHugeExpanseAbove LiquidStuffInsideTheThingsYouWriteWith- HurtingYourEyesLight, which is how you would describe my names without using nouns.

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you skyril!

Ah. You read. Right. *nods* I AM MAD!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Well, that's why we love you ;]

Star Inkbright said...

MAD = Meyhem And Destruction.

Star Inkbright said...

You love me for my meyhemanddestructionness?


What about my IOUEness?

Zathract Mist said...

That too.

Back now, the train appeared suddenly...

Star Inkbright said...

Ah. Okay.

Zathract Mist said...

*shakes head*

Nix is going to kill something if Derek doesn't post soon...

Star Inkbright said...


But it was only half nine a second ago!

Star Inkbright said...

*runs off and hides in cave* just in case nix appears suddenly like your train. I don't want to be the thing he kills.

Zathract Mist said...

I wouldn't want to be either...
Derek, you're going to lose a fan soon. Post it.

Star Inkbright said...

*is lying on front in cave*

The rock digging into me . . . It's uncomfy . . . And it's all damp and shady . . . And cold . . . *curls up into ball*

Zathract Mist said...


Star Inkbright said...

Derek, you are not only going to lose a fan soon, your other funs are not going to like you as much, meaning you have no BIG fans. We'll fill the competition post.

Star Inkbright said...



Zathract Mist said...

Think Robin may have already filled that...

Zathract Mist said...

Gtg. Bye!

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you mish!

Star Inkbright said...

NO! 2129 comments there!

Eve the ROCK said...


Star, I probably pronounce sehr very different to how you're supposed to pronounce it

I like celery

Luciana said...

I FINISHED ONE OF THEM. Now I am just going to rush the other one...Then to bed, I guess...Yayayay. Have I ever explained to you how much I hate essays? Because I hate them. A lot. So much, it ain't even funny.

*hugs anyone who reads this and vanishes, again*

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Luciana! Good luck!

Ophelia said...

Maybe you could do two versions of this book, an edited version for the little guys and an awesomely gory one for us older readers who can handle it. It might be more expensive I guess (I don't know how this kind of stuff works) but it would be worth it.

Also I want to know about Skulduggery's wife and child will there be any mention of them beyond what we already know?

Do you watch the BBC show Sherlock? I think you would like it.


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