Friday, May 4, 2012

Mmmmm Violence...

Glory be, glory be, it's done. Finished. Done and dusted. Over. Practically. Almost.

The edits are all done. I have the weekend to go over KOTW one more time and then we send it to the copyeditor. The copyeditor basically makes sure I haven't made any huge mistakes, and corrects all the little ones before it's too late. She'll tweak and suggest and cut and replace, and then she'll send the manuscript back to me and I'll make my final adjustments, and that'll be it. Boom. Over.

Right now, the book clocks in at 134,729 words. Considering that Death Bringer was marginally over 118,000 words, that's quite a substantial increase. Golly gee, it's gonna be a big book! We're going to have to reduce the font size again to cram as many words onto the page as possible, but our font size is typically big anyway, so at least we have room to play with.

This is the first book where I've had serious discussions with my editor about the level of violence. (Well, I say serious... he was TRYING to be serious and I was making jokes, but you know...)

It's a weird thing, to write a series, because the readers get older as the books are released. Valkyrie gets older, the situations she finds herself in become more grown-up, and the themes get darker and darker as the end approaches. What all this means is that occasionally I fall into the trap of assuming that the Skulduggery readership is able to handle whatever I throw at them. And for the most part, they are.

But there will ALWAYS be new readers. There will ALWAYS be a nine year old who picks up the books for the first time and reads them in a few weeks. And it's unfair to expect that nine year old to be able to deal with content that is more suited to teenagers and adults. So where does that leave me?

In a weird place, that's where. On one hand, I've NEVER viewed this series as strictly children's books, and that view just keeps getting stronger and stronger as Valkyrie gets older. But on the other hand, I have a responsibility to the younger readers to not give them anything they can't handle.

And all of this makes me ever-so-thankful that we have such a thing as editors. I wrote this book in two and a half months of sheer WORK. There was no time to doubt myself and no time for second guesses. Whatever I put down on the page stayed on the page. When you have a more relaxed timetable you can afford to wonder about what you've just written but when the deadline is rushing towards you like a screaming train you just WRITE. With that in mind, I'm not surprised at all that I went too far in some areas. And it was so much FUN.

The battle still isn't over, by the way. Nick, my editor, still thinks I could be a little less bloodthirsty, while I think I'm just bloodthirsty enough. Some serious things happen in this book, and I reckon I needed to be as brutal and uncompromising as possible in order to achieve what I needed to achieve. But we have another week or so of him trying to be serious and me making jokes before I have to make the final decision.

And now a picture!


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Lynxia Lost said...

Oh right. You haven't finished Mockingjay yet have you.

Lynxia Lost said...

No. To me bad memories are bad but you can't do a thing to get rid of them so you have to live with them and try and find the silver lining.

Violent Spork said...

What the hell are you all talking about?

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh. *relaxes*

Zathract Mist said...

Heaps of crap happens to me. Or maybe some people feel it more than others do.
When something bad happens to me, though, it's pretty bad, so everything else mostly fades when something happens.
Unless it isn't very bad. Then they don't fade.

Am I making sense? No I'm not. Excellent. *does the Mr. Burns thing*

Nixion Strange said...

I have trouble finding a silver lining

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm talking about Dr Syoning's Slaughterhouse of Horrors!

Lynxia Lost said...

Me too. Silver linings are stuff I can only dream of.

Zathract Mist said...

Not yet. I'm close though!

*reads the next part of Mockingjay*

*stares at the page*

*slams it shut*

Yep, no, Finnick's all well and good.

Lynxia Lost said...

lol! Smosh are doing Aussie accents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skip ahead to $ mins 55 ish!

Lynxia Lost said...

Yup, you read it Zath.

Nixion Strange said...

Those are pretty bad Australian accents

Eve the ROCK said...


Lynxia Lost said...

I know. God, mine is better and mine makes people's ear drums pop.

Zathract Mist said...








Eve the ROCK said...

*sags* Everyone tells me how much I say 'um' when I talked to a group or in front of a group. I don't even know I'm doing it!

Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Smosh is amazing! I'm watching the Lunchtime w/ Smosh playlist. It's so funny but Mailtime is better.

Zathract Mist said...


Violent Spork said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nixion Strange said...

And i don't even think that's right... i dunno. i haven't read it in ages

Zathract Mist said...

*is still laughing irl*


Violent Spork said...

Watch this on Youtube:
Llamas with hats! Funny as hell! It's awesome!
Yeah, I need to follow some more blogs. Anyone want an extra member?

Zathract Mist said...



Lynxia Lost said...

Finished! The reason I've been so distant is because I've been writing some of Rogue. You guys wanna read it?

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

I do, Lynxia!

Violent Spork said...

Wait, is it deleted yet?

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah! I'd love to read it Lynxia

Violent Spork said...

I gotta go. Ill be back in a few mins.

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Harpie.

OK, brb while I type.

Selena Gasp said...

is anyone there?

Selena Gasp said...


Nixion Strange said...

Hey Vene
K... what do i call you?!

Nixion Strange said...


Selena Gasp said...

I'm so lonly :( its just me and my bad spelling

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, never mind me. I don't exist

Selena Gasp said...

oh hi nixion sorry bout the lonly thingymabob

Zathract Mist said...

Or me. Hi, Vena.

Selena Gasp said...

i'm a pixie actually and were'r invisible

Selena Gasp said...

i'm feeling oddish tonight,please ignore my weird behaviour and spelling and hi zathract

Nixion Strange said...

If you think you're odd, stay here for half an hour. Careful, we're contagous

Nixion Strange said...

And not odd as much as insane!

Selena Gasp said...

does anyone elsees laptop/comp/thingy
do this thing where u post then it loads then u scroll down and see what people have written?

Nixion Strange said...

Sometimes. Most of the time

Selena Gasp said...

so have u entered the comp?

Selena Gasp said...

i realllllyyyyyy want to meet derek would be so cool

Nixion Strange said...

Yep. It's reveled today...

Eve the ROCK said...




Nixion Strange said...

Bye Eve

Lynxia Lost said...

Lily walked to her locker.
God, she hated school. She checked her time table. She didn't have and technology lessons today but she did have double computing so that was something to look forward to.
The form bell rang.
Crap, she was late.
She grabbed her English book and ran to the Art room that was her form room.
She got there just as Mr. Harper was about to close the door.
"In." he barked and slammed the door.
The mutual hatred was strong. He hated technology wizz kids and she hated arty farty idiots. He took all the opportunities he could to give her detention but technically, she wasn't late so he had been cheated out of his fun.
She sat down at the end of the table in the corner and pulled out her phone while he was taking the register.
She quickly loaded the Hazard homepage and checked the leader board. There she was. Alien at the very top. Over six billion kills and behind her was Ski Man with five billion and ninety six thousand. She would have to keep an eye on him.
She looked up as sir finished the register and saw Mark looking at her but he quickly turned away.
He had moved to Newcastle from Long Island Sound two months ago and tried constantly to catch her eye. He was also a techy like herself but he used it to impress not to disrupt.
She found it all incredibly annoying.
I f he was in Hazard... If only, she would show him who the tech nut was round here.

Not much but some.

Selena Gasp said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Vena. Bye Eve!

Lynxia Lost said...

*double computing tomorrow

Selena Gasp said...

Hi are u?

Nixion Strange said...

That's really good Lynxia. Reminds me of an idea I'm working on...
I've come up with five more ideas over the weekend. I never going to have time for them all

Zathract Mist said...

That's great, Lynxia!

For some reason I really like school-scene stories...

Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye, Eeeeeeeeeeeeve!

Selena Gasp said...

. are overated

Zathract Mist said...

Speaking of which, Nix and Mist, Nix?

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Vena. I'm good. How are you?

(This is the first time we've met, is it not?)

*is now humming Never Forget by Two Steps From Hell*

Zathract Mist said...

"."'s have a name, ya know?

Selena Gasp said...

don't go everyone!

Zathract Mist said...


Black Blade is my favourite!

Nixion Strange said...

Mist, i'm really not feeling well, and I've got just a little mor ehomework. I'll be done by tonight though

Zathract Mist said...

That's fine, take as much time as you need.
Just wondering.
What happened?

Nixion Strange said...

Nothing, i'm just not feeling well

Zathract Mist said...

*can barely move fingers to type*

So cold...That is another awesome song, but I actually meant it this time...

Zathract Mist said...

Fair enough...

Eve the ROCK said...

Not leaving... *gives Nix, Lynxia and Mist weird looks*

*gives Nix a bottle of tomato sauce*

*gives Lynxia a trident*

*gives Mist a pat on the head*

*is very confused*

*walks in opposite direction*

Selena Gasp said...

i'm good thanks lynixa and sorry about blurting random things at random timeslike please don't everyone ,its what i do.

Lynxia Lost said...

No, Invincible or Moving Mountains! We did a medley once at regional... It was fun!

Maybe you like school scenes because we can relate to them? I based Mr. Harper on one of my least fave teachers. He's a prick.

Nixion Strange said...

What Eve?

Nixion Strange said...

My worst teachers are pure evil. Three of the worst have to be related to some sort of deamon

Selena Gasp said...

me and my friends are gonna make a movie about face inhaling zombies.

Lynxia Lost said...

*looks at trident* Thanks Eve. *shadows flow on to trident and it coats in silver* Silver is more my colour.

Not bronze but bronze is better than gold. No idea why. It just is.

Zathract Mist said...


*laughs as self gets patted*

*watches Eve walk away*

Lynxia Lost said...

I don't really like To Glory or Dragon Rider.

Zathract Mist said...

Jonny's in the bathroom,
Jonny's in the bathroom,
Getting his fix today!
Jonny's in the bathroom,
Have you ever been him?
Throwing his life away...

Eve the ROCK said...

Nothing. It's just....

I feel....

Not myself today.

*bites lip*

*turns around* Wbat would you say if I told you I was a pear?

Eve the ROCK said...

Gtg bye!

Lynxia Lost said...

I would say a pair of what.

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Eve! *hugs*

Nixion Strange said...

If you were a pear? I'd say where's the other Eve?
Gte it? Cause a pair... two Eve's...

Selena Gasp said...

*Hagrid bursts into her room*
Your a lizard vena
I'm,i'm a what?
A lizard
I can't be,i'm just plain vena
Have you ever done something lizard like,like having your legs drop off then grow back?
*vena opens window and flyes away*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Eve

Zathract Mist said...

I would nod and then sit under a tree, wondering what to do with my life.

Bye, Eve!

Nixion Strange said...

*looks at Lynxia*
Okay... that was very alike

Selena Gasp said...

i made a few mistakes in that

Lynxia Lost said...

Great minds think alike. Or deranged ones. *smiles*

Selena Gasp said...

i am feeling left out!

Lynxia Lost said...

Poor you Vena! *huggies*

Nixion Strange said...

*give Vena a flying car and a spoon*

Selena Gasp said...

also i'm a,a,I'M A TABLE!

Lynxia Lost said...

You're a table? Well I'm a chair!

Selena Gasp said...

*Vena flying in car*
*chucks her spoon at nemesis*

Lynxia Lost said...


NEMESIS!!!! (Not Little Pete, the song by Two Steps From hell.)

Selena Gasp said...

no,really,i'm a table!actually i'm ballon.

Lynxia Lost said...

Weird. I posted that ^^ before seeing your comment Vena. I'm getting creeped out! STOP PROBING MY MIND! *grabs Foaly's tin foil hat and put it on*

Nixion Strange said...

Lynxia, somehow you are subconciously telling everyone your ideas using telepathy

Selena Gasp said...

my school is having battle of the bands and i'm not in a band!
*gives lynixa a hairbrush*
*glares at nixion for no reason at all*

Lynxia Lost said...

No. You are all probing my mind! Especially you! *points at tree* And you two *points at rock and lake* are helping him and you and Vena are the probes! AAAGGGRRRHHHHHH!!!!!

Gabriel said...

Hello Hello
is anyone home?
Hello Hello
just pick up the phone.

Selena Gasp said...

I am supreme at mind reading by the by

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Gab

Vena... glaring isn't sharing

Gabriel said...

Hi people.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Gab. I'm having a meltdown... Again!

*sits under tree shaking*

Selena Gasp said...

hi gabriel
*grins scarily at gabriel*

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Gab1 I'm having a meltdown... Again!

*sits under tree shaking*

Nixion Strange said...

You okay Lynxia?

Gabriel said...

Okay..okay..calm down people


Lynxia Lost said...

No. No I'm not. I've had no breakfast. Was up the whole night reading and am having a lack of sugar. I'm not OK. And you're probing my mind! Would I be OK?

Selena Gasp said...

nixion i'm sorry for glaring at u
*mutters under breath,i'll glare at who ever i like*

Nixion Strange said...

I'm not proping as much as skiming through it

Lynxia Lost said...

And I'm listening to very melodramatic music which is setting me on edge.

Nixion Strange said...

*glares at Vena*

Lynxia Lost said...

GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Selena Gasp said...

lynixa,don't worry i won't ever probe minds again.In this lifetime.mwhaaaaa

Lynxia Lost said...


Selena Gasp said...

nixion do u watch doc who?

Nixion Strange said...

*reluctently leaves Lynxias mind*
I'd but a lock on that, btw

Nixion Strange said...

No, never seen an episode of Dr. Who

Lynxia Lost said...

*is now over shouting phase*

*falls in lake and floats on back*

Selena Gasp said...

*in side lynixa's head*
Now what do we have here...
boys,boys,clothes,boys.Ahh,here we go
world domination

Lynxia Lost said...

*looks up from lake*
I'm gonna get you Nix. And when I do I will pull your brain out through your nose. Caprende?

Gabriel said...

you guys are crazy../

Nixion Strange said...

Nose? Don't I at least get through my ears?

Selena Gasp said...

i just watched a really scary episode

Lynxia Lost said...

Clothes? that's BS. Boys? Only if you mean stringing up Callum and boiling him alive. World domination? HELL YES!

Nixion Strange said...

Gab, you can't tell me you just got that

Nixion Strange said...

And I right here, you know...

Zathract Mist said...

Piccolo: Okay Gohan! It's time to kick some Saiyan ass!


Piccolo: You're still there, aren't you...?
Kami: I'm just so lonely...


Selena Gasp said...

gab,no one is crazyer then me the leader of crap spelling and sparows

Lynxia Lost said...

*gets out of lake and runs at Nix* I AM gonna get your brain and poke it! SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT!
* charges to Invincible*

Gabriel said...

Yes I just got that now.

Lynxia Lost said...

*stops 2 feet from Nix and looks at Gab*
Only now? OMGG! O_O

Gabriel said...


Nixion Strange said...

*turns into Lord Vile*

And Vena, my spelling died in the Personality War. Killed by... i think it was Pickled Onions?

Lynxia Lost said...

Lord Vile? Please. *eyes glint silver*

Nixion Strange said...

You think you can take me? You're probably right
*shaow walks away*

Selena Gasp said...

*back inside lynixa's mind*
World domination plans.lets see,no,nope, domination plan j.relase the face inhaling zombies,become queen,eat jelly yhadyhadayhada.i'll be taking this
*leaves lynixa's mind with file

Lynxia Lost said...

*follows Nix* You can't run. And you can't hide. And yes, I can take you.

Nixion Strange said...

*turns into Derek Landy*
You can't win

Lynxia Lost said...

*pulls out bow and arrow and aims at Vena* I said stay out of my head so - STAY OUT OF MY F*CKING HEAD OR I WILL HURT YOU!

Lynxia Lost said...

Of course I can Nix. I'm me!

Selena Gasp said...

*turns into lizard*
oh man,hagrid was right!

Gabriel said...



Nixion Strange said...

But now I'm Derek Landy

Nixion Strange said...

*turns back into Nixion*
You can't win, so i'll give you the smallest of chances

Lynxia Lost said...

I don't care. You're still you at heart. And I can see what remains of your soul and it will be mine. *evil grin*

Selena Gasp said...

lynixa,lynixa,lynixa.when will u learn.I AM YOUR HEAD.

Nixion Strange said...

What remains of it
Lynxia, did i ever tell you how i got these scars
*blows up universe 27*

Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Selena Gasp said...


Lynxia Lost said...

You are NOT my head. My head is mine and I shall not have it compromised by you or anyone else!

Selena Gasp said...

UM hello where did everyone go?

Nixion Strange said...

I'm in the destroying mood right now

Nixion Strange said...

Next page Vena

Selena Gasp said...

*sighing,shoots file back into lynixas mind*

Selena Gasp said...

so,ima going to go to sleep now

Zathract Mist said...

*ties self to the tree*

*makes sure self can't escape*

*tries to escape*

Selena Gasp said...

wertyuicfb whoa i'm tired

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Vena. *locks mind and sits by lake with feet in the water*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Vena

Nixion Strange said...

*repairs universe 27*
I felt sorry for them

Anonymous said...

On the violence topic...
Some people can be reall wierd about that kind of thing.
For example, my friend is allowed to watch the Twilight movies, and is not allowed to see the Hunger Games or the last few Harry Potters. Peoples view differ, I guess.


Lynxia Lost said...

*is now listening to Exodus* This is a kick ass song.

Selena Gasp said...


Lynxia Lost said...

You said you were going to sleep.

Selena Gasp said...

i'm still here for a short time only though

Anonymous said...

And Myth...

Get into New Zealand's Got Talent.
Cause you, mate, have talent. :D

Selena Gasp said...

i am but only when *falls asleep on key board* d7777777777 f BDDJJJCJDCJCCHScdtsbgasdfghjedssssssssssssssssdsds i am forced to

Lynxia Lost said...

OK. *is now re-writing the finale of One For You to Exodus* Much better. Much moire dramatic to music. I love the sub plot which is kind of the main plot but nobody's noticed. X)

Selena Gasp said...

hi molly

Lynxia Lost said...

*laughs* KEYBOARD FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Selena Gasp said...

i'm writing a book.its a picture book

Nixion Strange said...

omgg... Griffindor has past Slytherin in pottermore...

Anonymous said...

Kia ora!

Nixion Strange said...

Lynxia... it never happened

Selena Gasp said...

tell me if i'm not making sensing

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh crap! *goes top Pottermore and starts duelling Huffs* Take that you little badger! FEAR THE SNAKE!!! Now I'm duelling, writing and blogging.

Anonymous said...

*Drools over Fang*
Hehe, I love Maximum Ride. Less than Skulduggery and co, of course.

Lynxia Lost said...

What never happened?

Selena Gasp said...

the last ten years have been a dream!

Nixion Strange said...

Keyboard face

Gabriel said...



ravenclaw has to win.

Selena Gasp said...

go maximum ride!

Lynxia Lost said...

I am Iggy! I'm OK at cooking and mu=y name would have been James if I was a boy so therefore, in Tamara's mind, I am Iggy.

Selena Gasp said...

urghhh a blugghrry

Zathract Mist said...

Push your care,
Push your burdens aside,
Erase everything inside,
And leave just one thing on your mind...


Selena Gasp said...

lynixa don't spoil the books for me!

Lynxia Lost said...

Nix... You will hate me after the next part of One For You. I don't think I'll ever be able to show my face here again. It will be funny to watch your reaction though. *leaves the re-write and goes to type up next part* he he he he...

Anonymous said...

Iggy, or Fnick? *Arches eyebrow, grinning*

Nixion Strange said...

Not keyboard face... Lynxia!

Nixion Strange said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Selena Gasp said...

bye guyes,the law has been inforeced

Lynxia Lost said...

Hello Molly.
Bye Vena.

*laughs at nix and runs*

Selena Gasp said...

nope i'm still here

Anonymous said...

FNICK. Hahaha.

"You love me this much!" God, that bit was funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lynxia!

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