Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friend Get Friend

First of all, my Ameriminions seem to be having a great time coming up with their opening lines, and I have to say the standard has been superb. There's still ages left to go, of course- the deadline is October 23rd- so keep submitting them in the comment section to the last post. It's all been very impressive so far- some real writers out there, and every few hours I have a new favourite... SO KEEP SUBMITTING!

Of course, I did promise a SECOND competition, now didn't I? Basically, your Golden God needs your Miniony help to spread the Skulduggery word around the world during this, the most fun of all months. This is what we're calling our "Friend Get Friend" competition, and it's all to do with social media. I honestly understand only about half of what I'm about to say, so please bear with me. The winners will receive a set of the Skulduggery books- UK editions- all signed by moi, and you'll each get a signed poster with your favourite quote scrawled across it. I'm not sure yet WHICH of the amazing Skulduggery poster you'll be getting, because it all depends on which ones I can find in my house (yes, that does mean these posters are from my own personal collection.)

Here are the things you need to do to be in with a chance of winning:

If you have a Facebook page, you could change your profile pic to the new Tom Percival US cover, then post a link on your Facebook wall to the eBook here http://bit.ly/qNJYCP

If you're on Twitter, you could tweet (I'm sorry, I'll never be able to take this word seriously) a message out using the following hashtag- #FREESkulduggeryebookUS . It can be about anything connected to the free eBook offer but it must contain a link to the page http://bit.ly/qNJYCP and a request to re-tweet your tweet. Good God. Tweeting, retweeting, hashtags... Does ANYONE understand what the hell I'm talking about?

If you have a different online profile- like MSN, YouTube, Blog, Tumblr, etc- then you could post a status update which includes the cover and the link http://bit.ly/qNJYCP ...

Now, if you do ANY of those things, you MUST tell me in the Comments section to THIS post. Tell me EXACTLY what you've done and you'll be automatically entered into the competition. The closing date is October 31st, the competition is open to EVERYONE in EVERY country (yep, that includes you Ameriminions), and 10 winners will be selected at random by me. 

Ready? Set? GO.


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Meticulous Nightmare said...

Australia XD Not far from Sydney.

azzy98 said...

whoa right on the other side. how come u guys dont just fall off the earth... lol joking my cousin asked me that once made me laugh

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Bahaha It would be funny if it worked that way, everyone would have to tie themselves to the ground.

Although to be honest, if you look at it from our point of veiw, your side of the world could be the bottom too. In a way... maybe.... probably not

But still... My point still stands.. somehow.


Vita Song said...

lol where u come from azzy?? I'm england near london

azzy98 said...

yeah i get that, everything the whole world believes is the complete opposite and then everyone goes crazy, and -uh-ummm... THE WHOLE WORLD IMPLODES!

azzy98 said...

i live in london XD

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Im so jelous of you two, first chance I get I'm moving over there.

Dont get me wrong, Aus is great, but the winters are boring and the summers are scorching. Definitely not my kind of place >.<

azzy98 said...

uhhh trust me if you're used to the heat of Australia you will FREEZZZEEEEE TOOO DEAATTHHHH!!!...ahem.
anyway, i've always wanted to go to Australia just havn't got round to it yet.

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Haha I plan to come over for a few holidays to see how I go with the cold.

Haha you should come, although come at the end of summer, thats the best time. Spring and the start of summer are unbearable here.

I live here and I can't stand the heat, so it might be a bit much at first >.< Although the summer thunderstorms are nice.

azzy98 said...

wow summer thunderstorm sounds cool, yeah i might come in a couple of years

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi bye g2g piano lesson and then guitar ;)

rachie f said...

i cant wait to enter i am doing it now!

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Oh it's amazing. They usualy after it's been stinking hot for a few days, so the sky is dark grey and beautiful, and the water is really nice and cool, thought the roads still stay warm for a while because the sun heats them up so much. It smells nice, and they tend to last all night as well. Beautiful :)

Goodnight have fun :)

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Hello :)

Ciara Hughes said...

I have changed my pp on facebook and posted the link to the website. I have also tweeted the link on facebook :)

I rele hope i win ... I RELE WANNA WIN!!!

Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/Ciara2105

Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/#!/Ciara123456789

by the way - i have decided my chosen name

Liberty Onyx

Liberty means freedom

Onyx is a black stone - black is a dark colour, the meaning of my given first name is dark

Hope you like my new name :)

Ciara Hughes said...

meant to say tweeted the link on twitter :)

azzy98 said...

is anyone still on?

Ciara Hughes said...

i am ... hi

azzy98 said...

meticulous you still there?

azzy98 said...

oh hi ciara nice to meet you

Ciara Hughes said...

hi, where you from??

azzy98 said...

london you?

Ciara Hughes said...

omg saaaammmmmmmeeeeeeeeee

azzy98 said...

ahhh where abouts??

azzy98 said...


Ciara Hughes said...

kent u??

azzy98 said...

merton, which is right next to sutton

Ciara Hughes said...

kl did you go to a signing???

azzy98 said...

no most of them have been nowhere near me have you?

Ciara Hughes said...

yh, went the bromley 1

azzy98 said...


Ciara Hughes said...

i was lucky since i live in bromley :)

Ciara Hughes said...

and thats very lucky:)

azzy98 said...


Ciara Hughes said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my newly made friend is dead

This next line is in memory of azzy98

In memory of azzy98

azzy98 said...

lol dont worry i was brought back to life with necromancy and now i shall hunt you down and kill you for ever thinking my real name is azzy98???!!!!

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Hahaha sorry I disapeared. I was reading fanfiction (instead of studying like I should be haha)

azzy98 said...

well i cant blame u studying is one of the world's worst creations, i dont see why we cant just run around like idiots and do what we want...ahem.

Ciara Hughes said...

i know its not really azzy98 ... but what is it ... i dont know it yet????

azzy98 said...

oh my name's aznavar dont worry i forgive you

Ciara Hughes said...

kl, are you by any chance born in 1998???

azzy98 said...

oh my god how the hell do you know that

azzy98 said...

STALKER ALERT!!! lol joking

Ciara Hughes said...

cause the number you chose were 98

Ciara Hughes said...

btw i cganged my name to my chosen name

azzy98 said...

ahhh that makes sense

Ciara Hughes said...

gtg now, btw i am also born in 98 :)

azzy98 said...

kk bye

azzy98 said...

ahh 13 yr old londoner finally!!!

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Cool name btw, your given name I mean.

azzy98 said...

who me???

azzy98 said...

ahhh you like doctor who?

azzy98 said...

where is everyone??

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Yes you lol.

I LOVE Doctor Who. Hahaha Skulduggery Pleasant and Doctor Who, my two favourite things. <3

azzy98 said...

same doctor who is my favourite programme (except when its not on)... the series finale was awesommmeeee. oh thnks btw

Unknown said...


Meticulous Nightmare said...

I agree, season 6-7 was amazing. so many good episodes, it helped not be so upset about waiting for the next Skulduggery book.

Who's your Doctor? Eccleston, Tennant or Smith??

Unknown said...

Smith! Sorry continue with ur conversation

Ayesha said...

hii derek! i would have done this before but my computer always freezes ¬_¬

ok so i have changed my pic on here and ive posted the link and cover on my blog. here is the link if you want to check it out!


and ive changed my pic on youtube also and im going to post the link on my youtube account as well! i will tell you when i have done that. but i have the most rubbiest computer ever it freezes when i open more than one tab ¬_¬

azzy98 said...

hey crystal definetley tennant for me... Smith was a good follow-up but tennant casts a long shadow

Unknown said...

Ya is suppose. But i think smith has made a difference to Doctor Who I think its funnier or something

Ayesha said...

hello everyone!!!

azzy98 said...

hi ayesha

Unknown said...

Hey Ayesha

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Tennant is my favourite, just because I think he owned the role, he suited it perfectly, and he played it well.
Matt Smith is pretty close though, he's different, more childish. Which is good, and bad. The newest season 6-7 is my favourite season, despite Tennant being my favourite Doctor.

Ayesha said...

i gtg now byee everyone!!

Meticulous Nightmare said...

Me to, its 5 am so i met get a few hours sleep.

azzy98 said...

bye guys

LilyArmstrong! said...

i posted it on my facebook and my profile picture :D am i entered now? hope so! >.<


LilyArmstrong! said...

hey guys!

azzy98 said...

hi Lily i think its just me left

LilyArmstrong! said...

oh okay, thats cool. How're you?

azzy98 said...

oh im good thanks. you? what time is it wherever you live?

LilyArmstrong! said...

im fine :D. and im in the UK so its nearly 7.45

azzy98 said...

oh so am i... wherabouts do you live in England?

LilyArmstrong! said...

near Cambridge, you?

azzy98 said...

ahh im in london near sutton if you know where that is

LilyArmstrong! said...

yeah ive heard of it :) so where did everyone go? just the time difference?

azzy98 said...

yeah i think so they're going to sleep

azzy98 said...

ahh so you're a fan of doctor who and harry potter too huh? both some of my main fortes...

LilyArmstrong! said...

yep! :) i like Skulduggery more though :D i tried to read all of the Harry Potter books, then Death Bringer came out, and now Harry Potter is lost under my bed somwhere. But only because ive read Death Bringer twice already lol >.< haha

azzy98 said...

ahh if you still havn't read all the harry potter books then you really should they're awesome one of my top favourite series'

LilyArmstrong! said...

i'll try :) i got like three quarters through the Order of the Phoenix, so i dont know if i should start that book again or continue where i left off :/ i think i'll continue :)

LilyArmstrong! said...

Hey! :)

Unknown said...

Who are u? I don't think i've seenn u here before ?

azzy98 said...

i joined yesterday actually :)

Unknown said...

Really! Cool I'll have joined two weeks next sunday lol

LilyArmstrong! said...

i have been here, i just dont post comments that often :)

azzy98 said...

kl i've been reading the blog for ages anyway so i thought why not?!

Unknown said...

I know i was the same :)

Natalie Jay said...

First I posted it on my Facebook page and then I wrote it on the walls of every book fan I'm friends with on Facebook (a lot of people). Then I tweeted on twitter. After that I went on my Pottermore account (I was one that got early entry) and posted it in the Gryffindor Common Room. After that I broadcasted it using BBM and put it as my personal message. Then I put it as my personal message on MSN, I put it as my Facebook status and then I even went on my old Toontown account from when I was a kid and shouted it out. If I think of anything else I can do I can do I'll tell you!

LilyArmstrong! said...

woah! haha well done! :L

azzy98 said...

whoo pottermore! i got early access too!

LilyArmstrong! said...

aw :( i want to get in, but i didnt :( my sister did, and she came round my house, stole my laptop and decided to make me jealous by showing me everything you do on it :( lol

azzy98 said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I shared it to Facebook!! I also had it stuck it my head all day so if you go to my school I think on most tables their is skulduggery pleasant doodled in a little heart ... I also moved skulduggery to the front of the library ... Well the book that were there and slapped everyone who didnt know who derek Landy was ....

I then got stalked by a year seven who is also obsessed with sulduggery.... I hope you happy because I'm creeped out by the little dude!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I was early entrant on pottermor too :) I never thought of that will post it tomoro..........

Hi and bye

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm here! Yay! But not for long...

I was just sitting in a dentist office. Doing nothing. For 3 hours.

And Amanda told me she went to a park/forest and there was a guy hiding in a bush who was taking pictures of a guy walking past... She said he was Kenny, because that's all dhe could think of. We are an odd pair of friends, I can tell you that much :D

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

anyone on

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

YES. Happy late birthday.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

just posted it on twitter

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...


Laksikan J said...

I have made a video on youtube called Skulduggery Pleasant: Skulled. It is the song that your website provides. I put the link you wanted, great one, in the description. Also I changed my picture to skulduggery and I recommended the series in the description and to many of my narrow minded friends. I also made my channel say under Favorite book that Skulduggery is my favorite (used to be the Pendragon series.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I have to go soon... Not now, but soon...

Actually, yes now. Sorry I wasn't here very long.

And I have to say it every day so Happy Early Birthday Derek!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I'm an Ameriminion from Oregon and I've been a fan of this series for years! But this is my first time commenting ^^ I just heard about this competition and started promoting right way!

Let's see . . .

On my Facebook I changed my profile picture to the new US cover and posted the URL with a description. I plan on updating throughout October ^.^

I posted on both my MSN and Yahoo profiles.

On Youtube I changed my channel picture to the new cover and broadcasted the URL.

I posted the URL and description on my FanFiction profile (which is viewed by hundreds of people a week from around the world!)

And I posted the URL/description on my DevientArt profile. . .

It would be SO exciting to win the prizes! Since I live in the US, it was a lot more difficult to get my hands on all of the books, but I was determined; these books are the best! I firmly believe this series can become really popular here in the US. If I was one of the lucky ten to win the complete box set, I'd donate all my older copies to my city library; I think that would be another great way to promote the series!

Derek, I really look forward to whatever you have in store for us :) Here's one of many devoted fans, until the end.

ExpertInTraining said...

WOW, I had to scroll a lot to get here.
Anyway, sign me up for the competition for I have changed my profile picture and posted a link to the e-book on my:
facebook (Julia Myagmarsuren),
youtube (ExpertInTraining),
hotmail (julia.mgl_girl@hotmail.com),
yahoo (mgl_juliashka@yahoo.com),
and here!!!
click this peoples! http://bit.ly/qNJYCP
Althought the yahoo one doesn't seem to be working...

Schaubhut.Liv said...

I absolutly love your books, so i posted this on my facebook and on my twitter for all my firnds to enjoy.

ThiefQueen said...

Oh, happiness! The tantilizing possiblity! It sends my poor heart afluttering! I'm one of your faithful Ameriminions and in love with your books! It just so upsetting that they don't have anymore here in America. I ordered some from England for my sister for Christmas. They had all your wonderful covers from over there. The covers here are ridiculous! They look childish! They seem so simple and cheesy with their computer generated images. Looking between the two designs, it's disturbingly different!

At any rate, I posted the link on my facebook account. It's my current status and profile picture. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002658993967 I'm letting everyone I know know about this great promotion. People I know are excited about this.

I know I have only a slim chance of being one of the winners, but I still cling to the hope.

Mr. Landry, I hold you and your books in the highest esteem. I want ot be an author also. You're stories make me happy. Except when I don't have the next one. Then, I'm more annoyed. But that just proves how much I love your books.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

OMG I CANT BELIEVE THERES A COMPETITION I CAN ACTUALLY ENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i'm from NZ) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Derek, all you need to do is change ur profile pic (facebook) and post that link on ur page???????? Plz answer bak! *SCREAMZ!*

Samm5678 said...

Hi Derek. :) So, I made this account JUST to comment on this. You must feel extraordinarily pleased with yourself for making people only comment on this. Um, anyway, this is my entry:


That's my Skulduggery blog I run. It's all yours though, except for the few things I have made (cough Nyan Skulduggery, Pizza Supreme Vaurien cough)

I wouldn't say I've done a lot to promote Skulduggery. But I got my sister hooked on the books and she loved them, and I got a few of my friends, who like it (but don't love it... YET. I'm still working on their brains, I mean...awkward.) And my parents like that I read something that isn't like 'Twilight'.

Yes, well, I hope you like it. Sorry for talking a lot. I generally do that when I'm nervous.

Probably shouldn't have said that.

Annnnyway, hope you like it and can't wait for you to tour in Australia. :)


- said...

Hi Mr. Landy!!
Okay, here's what I've done for the 'Friend get Friend' competition:

1.) Uploaded onto my Facebook.
2.) Changed my display picture to Tom Percival's new cover for Skulduggery (US).

Hope you pick me :D

- said...


Vanessa Malise said...

Hi Mr. Landy!
I made a blog post on the free ebook on my book review blog and I posted the linky and the picture. I also went to post the covers of the other two books in ebook form and I commmented on them. Le post: http://pineforapples.blogspot.com/2011/10/skulduggery-pleasant-free-ebook.html

Ave Golden God! :D

lilian.thigh said...


I've made a Buzz (just as ridiculous as a Tweet, and yet so much cooler) on Gmail. I also referenced Doctor Who. Just that kind of mood.

DamianClark said...

Derek, i think you should take notice of this:

Arcanine said...

uuuhhh I posted way back but then I read Author-to-be's post and realised that I'm not sure if I was EXACT enough :)

First I logged onto my facebook account, then glanced at the dashingly fabulous picture of myself and my friend in which we are cosplaying as The Doctor, then downloaded the skullduggery e-book image, then uploaded it as my profile picture, then I posted the fantabulous link onto my wall. :)
I then went onto my Youtube account and for the first time I played around with the settings and managed to upload the picture of the cover as my profile thumbnail. I then posted a bulletin to my 4 subscribers with the link in it :)
I hope I did you proud Mr Landy.
My youtube account name is amzingawesomepie77

I want those signed books soooo bad. I swear I would probably sleep with them for the first couple of weeks... (thats a tad creepy isn't it?) :/
Who cares though, it would mean that THE GOLDEN GOD HIMSELF would have touched them! :D

Arcanine said...


my bad...

ZandraluvsSkulduggery said...

Hey Derek! I just joined the blogging world! :D anyway, I wanted to enter you competition if that's alright with you? Okay I think yes... so here's what I did. I put it as my new blog photo, I put the link to the free eBook on my Facebook page aaaand (there's an and XD) I put it as my Facebook profile picture. You can view it here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1352211334653.2050216.1512492596&type=1#!/profile.php?id=1512492596&sk=wall
Thanks for the awesome competition!


P.s. Icecream is very nice here in Summer XD

Derek Landy said...

The work you lot are doing.... VERY impressive! I'm off to the Frankfurt Book Festival for the weekend, but when I get back it'll be the 17th... and the countdown to picking the winners will commence!

Rachel McCoach said...

:)hope you have a nice time there, Derek


now...i need to get on with writing!!

>:D have to brainstorm a bad guy :P

Jaffa Morbid said...

Anyone there? Please say someone is there, I need to talk to someone

Venice Rain said...

*hugs Derek* thankyouthankyouthankyou x a squillion

for lots and many reasons.

also, Kallista winning would mean the world to so many of us. she deserves it so much...

any way thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouvthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouvthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou

Rachel McCoach said...

I second that Ven!! :)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi going for a shower but kal for the win :)

nights.raven said...

hi flame, how r u?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Grand you?

nights.raven said...

im good

Lauren Longbottom said...

Was going through audio books on Amazon just now (the US version), and was shocked to see Skulduggery Pleasant sitting in the #5 spot in popularity! We must be doing our job here! Congrats Derek!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Sooo any news?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yay come on skulduggery!! I'm Irish btw

Bethany said...

Blog post: http://hometown-glory.blogspot.com/2011/10/boy-you-got-my-heart-beat-running-away.html

Tumblr: http://epichaun.tumblr.com/post/11436523622/http-www-skulduggerypleasant-com-promo-index-html

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Bethany__

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1232272725

Thank you for an awesome competition, Derek.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Anyone on?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Stubbs Shaka

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I dedicate first to kallista. Raven. Gepard. Lego. Derek.

Yay new dedication

nights.raven said...

congratz on first!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yay * happy dances*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh I got through on the writing challenge thing *happy dances even more*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Sooo nights Wua?

nights.raven said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Wua? Oh right meaning What U At

nights.raven said...

what u at?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Lighting a fire! U?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Alex Russo can't graduate?!?

nights.raven said...


Vita Song said...


nights.raven said...

hi vita & azzy

latenightliteratus said...

I'm not sure if I commented already (blog is being CONFUSING), but I just tweeted the link and hashtag (twitter name @latenightlit). *crosses fingers and is hopeful*

azzy98 said...

i am :)

nights.raven said...

i gtg, ill be on either tomorrow or later tonight, night all

Mäxi said...

okay, I posted the link on a german network (because I'm from Germany) in 3 forum where users speak about books. Also I take the link into my status and I changed my pic. Oh, and I wrote the link into my profile...


I also recommand your books everyone I know...

Violet Night said...

posted on my yoututbe channel!!!

Violet Night said...

oh http://www.youtube.com/user/Jeffi97

Vita Song said...


Invisible_Fly said...

Hey guys. Anyone remember me? Sorry I haven't been here for forever, but I was avoiding the blog like the plague. Since I'm also in North America, I had to wait to get the next book and I was afraid of finding spoilers here. Anyways, I have the 6th book now and I'm back :3

So how are we doing this contest? Are we just posting a comment that we did the spreading the word thing? Or do we also post a screencap of our work?

Invisible_Fly said...

Okay well, I changed my facebook profile picture to the new American cover and posted the link on my wall. Whoooo!

And hello everyone new and old who I've never met :3

Invisible_Fly said...

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1233493325 :)

BlackDragon said...

hi derek i sent emailsto my friends and also spread the word around shool that sp is the best book seriesin the world

i also mentioned it in some of my schoolwork

BlackDragon said...

i am new

BlackDragon said...

i think im the only 1 on owell

invisiblechristmas said...

Posted it on my tumblr!!
They rule.
And Ghastly and Tanith need to get together.
OK I'm done.

Dantea Dredkin said...


Thinking clever thoughts over here.

BlackDragon said...

i got all ur books read them alll all fantastic

Dantea Dredkin said...

Heyy. Anyone I know on?

Invisible_Fly said...


BlackDragon said...

i goin to bed

BlackDragon said...

actuaally cant be bothered

Invisible_Fly said...

Why can't going to bed be bothered? It's quite nice to sleep.

BlackDragon said...

china needs to sortout her library because its blown up

BlackDragon said...

no is not ell itis kinda but i dont feel like sleepin

BlackDragon said...

nobodys gonna say nout are they

BlackDragon said...

great everyones off again

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Heyy everyone!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

geez wats wrong wth everyone no one's online wen i am! *sniffles*

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi all!!!¡¡¡!!!

Venice Rain said...

hey pyro ^^

no ones on, so I'm taking the time to write.


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Venice!!!¡¡¡!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

S'ok, understandable.

*nods wisely*

*thinks of something wise to say in order to justify the nod*

pinata_BLASTA said...

posted it onto facebook, cause i like winning things

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Invisible_Fly said...

Is anybody here?

lego said...

hi pyro!
hi fly!


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Fly and Lego!!!¡¡¡!!!


Sorry, was writing

Invisible_Fly said...

HELLO YOU GUYS! *hug* I've missed this blog. How has everyone been? Submitted to the contest yet? I HAVE! <3

Venice Rain said...

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq5bzphBTg1qmc2qko1_500.jpg lego why do I have such a thing for rick?

lego said...

np, glad to see people.

@Fly- yes! good to see you too.

Has anyone seen kallista, by the way? I know she was going to go on a trip, but just wondering if she had internet access and such.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I haven't seen Kal, I didn't know about the trip. Keeping up with what's going on around me isn't exactly my strongest point.

Luiza said...

Hey Derek!
I have entered the 'competition' by making a post on my tumblr page ( www.tumblr.com/alanrickmanconfessions ). The blog has currently 477 followers and the number is increasing. ( i put the post under the tag #Skulduggery Pleasant and #Derek Landy. more people will see it ) I'm pretty sure they'll check it out! Cheers!

lego said...

@ven- dayum...and I have no idea. While we're on smut, I just watched holes...again. Sam and Kate kissing is one of the more happy things I've seen in forevers.

Venice Rain said...


whyyesthatismytumblr ;)

lego said...

*squeesqueesquee* at that last one. Also, your tumblr is awesome, particularly the bookfession thingies.

Venice Rain said...

remind me to do Skuluggery Portal.

Val as a test subject owo

and ChiDOS

omg, and Scapgrace the Intelligence Dampening core OMG THIS IS AMAZING.
Skulguggery the fact core? hmmmmmm.... SKULDUGGERY THE DETECTIVE CORE!
methinketh also Eliza the bitch core, because none of this makes any sense anyway, so I'm not going to even TRY!

Venice Rain said...

also, bedtimes for me me.

lego said...

YEEEEEERRRSSS! oh, and I am totally going to nag you about this. just an advance warning

nighty! *hugs*

Chris and Kris said...

I have posted the link on my facebook page and have changed my profile picture to the image.

Invisible_Fly said...

Is anyone here? :<

lego said...

*pokes fly* still here?

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