Thursday, September 1, 2011

Death Bringer Unleashed!


You don't know what it's like, you really don't. I finished the book, was very happy with it, and then took a few days of doing nothing before starting The End Of The World and some other stuff. And all the while I'd be reading your comments, and the comments on the Forums and Facebook, and smiling because everyone seemed to be looking forward to it so much.

But that was MONTHS ago!

To have to sit here and watch all of you count down the days made me feel so incredibly guilty for putting you through that. But now, finally, the wait is over. It is September 1st. It is Death Bringer day.

The Launch last night in Dublin was manic...! It turned into a marathon signing session, and it had Storm Troopers! STORM TROOPERS! I didn't get a chance to chat to any of the people I know and usually see at launches, because I was staring at the Storm Troopers and then signing books and staring at Boba Fett and signing books...

'Twas a good way to launch Death Bringer, so thank you Eason's bookshop!

And what will I be doing today, you ask? The day of the release? Will I be doing interviews and attending champagne parties? Er... no. I will be cleaning my house. I'm off on tour tomorrow, and as usual Laura will be staying here while I'm gone, so I have to get the place ready for her or she'll glare at me. And you've never been glared at by Laura. It's SCARY.

So all of you who have just bought the book, I hope you like it. The previous blog entry is still the ONLY place you can post spoilers, so don't do that here. And even in the previous entry, try to HINT at the spoilers instead of blurting them out. Because there are SOME people, who will remain nameless, who felt the need to SKIM the spoilers and were dismayed when certain things were spoiled for them... which I actually find hilarious. If you don't want anything spoiled, DO NOT READ THE SPOILER SECTION! Sigh.

Okay, I have a house to clean. And you? You have a book to read.


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Niamhy Jay said...

Yes, Amiza. Yes they are!! You will met them soon

And so you know Kal is Kallista Pendragon!!

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

I kinda figured that one out lol.
Does anyone here like My Chemical Romance?

Rachel McCoach said...

:D *hugs*

NJ, my Irish sis! hehe...

Niamhy Jay said...

Me Amiza I do!! :)
And Rach *hugs* you are seriously like a big sister for me and as our little sister I must know since you are back in business on the blog WHERE THE HELL IS THE NEXT PART OF YOUR STORY?!?!

Rachel McCoach said...

NJ's B-day is on National Speak Like a Pirate Day!!

29th ;)

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Coooool, what's your fav song by them NJ?

Niamhy Jay said...

Hi Raven!! *hugs* how are you??

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Hello Raven, nice to meet you! :)

nights.raven said...

hi NJ *hugs* im good how r u?
hi amiza, nice to meet u

Niamhy Jay said...

@ Amiza : Sing

@Rachel: my birthday is the 19th not the 29th!!

nights.raven said...

*offers amiza a cookie*

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Aimza says : 'I'm gooood.'
Nice to know you're good and all.

Niamhy Jay said...

@Raven: Awk I'm grand :)

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

*takes Cookie*

nights.raven said...

ur welcome

Rachel McCoach said...

Sibling ARE very direct with each other... :P but i dont know- still need to finish it :/

though i could e-mail you on FB part o my english story... same people, but no magic :(

Onyhoo! has anyone seen the Eragon film? i was so sad it got a bad review... although very different from the book, its an amazing film in its own rights. awesome music too :)

check this song:

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Sing it for the boys,
Sing it for the girls
Everytime that you lose it,
Sing it for the world!


Niamhy Jay said...

@Rachel Plz message my yer Story to my OC's E-mail which I specially created :)

Rachel McCoach said...

slip o the key NJ... 19th is still the pirate day thing, i think :)

nights.raven said...

hi rachel, how r u?
i liked eragon, i couldnt really get into the book though (ik shocker huh? lol)

Niamhy Jay said...

I love the movie!!
Haven't read the book!

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...


Rachel McCoach said...

:D Heya Raven!!

I KNOW! the film was epic! Loved sad when he croaked it :'(

but i was annoyed they left it in a cliffhanger... they shoulda make another

nights.raven said...

i always thought they were going to make another...

Rachel McCoach said...

apparently it got really bad reviews... but it hasnt been TOTALY disgarded...

i hate film critics >:(

nights.raven said...

me too

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

My aunt's a film critic....

Octa said...

Hey bloggers!

nights.raven said...

hey octa, how r u?

Rachel McCoach said...

:) I'm sure she's a nice film critic though.

Some are just really harsh and mean

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Hello Octaboona, nice to meet you x
*offers hand as in 'hand shake'*

Octa said...

I'm good and you?

nights.raven said...

im good

Octa said...

*shakes Aimza's hand*

Pleasure to make your aquaintance!

*offers her a cookie*

Call me Octa

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

I've had so many cookies today I'm gonna put on weight.
Okay Octa, thankyou ...

Rachel McCoach said...

:D Heya Octa!!

Octa said...

Hi Rachel!

Long time no see!

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Sorry newly aqquainted friends, I'm off now.

tanya7212 said...

plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!

nights.raven said...

bye amiza

nights.raven said...

hi tanya

tanya7212 said...

imma keep doin this til he see's it.

plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!

Octa said...

Bye Aimza!

tanya7212 said...

plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?

Rachel McCoach said...

:) I has been Octa!

the comp died... Properly- had to be destroyed, wiped and rebuild miraculously.

how u been?

Octa said...

I've been good. Started school last Monday. Has been doing 3-4 hours of homework a day.

But I still find time to be here, write poems and read about 20 new fiction books. I don't know how I do it. I'[m not even very time efficient....

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Octa!!
Sorry I was sorting out a password problem BUT I'm back!!

Rachel McCoach said...

Magic Octa, tis the only explanation ;)

School started ages ago for us... we went back the day after the Edinburgh book fest...

tanya7212 said...

plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?!plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?
plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?plsplsplsplspls derek can someone fix the games like munchkin army and the quest?!?

hi ppl

nights.raven said...

i gtg, ill be on tomorrow sometime, night all

Niamhy Jay said...


Rachel McCoach said...

Cya Raven!! *squish-hugs*

Rachel McCoach said...


btw, i emailed that story part... tis not finished yet but hey-ho...

Niamhy Jay said...

Omg!! Rachel!!

Tha... That was... It was...



WAS IT?? PLZ say it was :d

Octa said...

Hey NJ!

Bye Raven!

Story? Squish hugs? What am I missing here?


Niamhy Jay said...


Niamhy Jay said...

Octa ask Rachel about the story bit!! That girl decides that she needs to give my stories need more popularity!! Don't. Ask. Me

Rachel McCoach said...

well, NJ... it WAS my OC :/

But you'll be back in the other one soon enough.

yes Octa!! well i just sent NJ part o my wierd English essay story thing...and as for squish hugs...well soft ones are just wimpy :P

Octa said...

I love weird English essay story things!

Can I read it? Pwease?

Niamhy Jay said...


Rachel McCoach said...

:D *bows to NJ's mighty-ness*

Yup Octa! just dont know where to put it yet...

and yes, NJ's stories need read:

they need a bigger audience than just me :)

Octa said...

*considers questioning NJ, is glared at and decides against it*

@ Rachel you could email it to me

I will go read! Promise!

Rachel McCoach said...

:) cool will do! email? or would it be easier if i go on chat? though i cant really stay on there- it buggers up me comp...

Niamhy Jay said...

Rachel... You are gonna finish that story and put it on the blog right?? Cus well basically... It's amazing!!

Niamhy Jay said...

@Octa. You are wise Purple Poet!! You are wise to not question me.

Rachel McCoach said...

:D thanks, NJ! tryin to get it done for english so its a bit more basic- no magic- so i dont confuse the teacher too much :P

Niamhy Jay said...

Only ppl with no imagination couldn't follow our stories!! That's why they are here and not in our English books :P

Rachel McCoach said...

Yup! Great mind's think aline so they say :)

Niamhy Jay said...

Right it's 20 to 7 and I still haven't done my homework gotta go so that now

*hugs everyone*
Might be on later. I dno yet. Anyway BYE

Rachel McCoach said...

Bye NJ!!

g2g for ma tea too...

adios to anyone left!!!

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go now. I'll be on tomorrow, bye!

Ann Marie said...

You were here? Bye Dragona!

Isabella Midnight said...

Hey guys!

Quinnera Elviana: 5th Seat of the Council of the Lost Ones said...

Hi Ann! Hi Isabella!

Isabella Midnight said...

Or, Hey woman!

Isabella Midnight said...

Hey womEN :-D

Ann Marie said...

Hi Quinn! Hi Isabella! *hugs and hugs* How are you?

Quinnera Elviana: 5th Seat of the Council of the Lost Ones said...

Hi Isabella!


Rachel McCoach said...



i...i...i'm trapped...and embarrasing bodies is on...


Ann Marie said...

Hi Rachel! I have no idea what you mean, but you sound distressed, so, sorry? *hugs*

Captain Zombie said...

Dear Mr. Landy,

You are a fantastic author. I've been hanging onto your every word since I first found "Skulduggery Pleasant" in my local library. But I do have a few concerns.

Why did the series stop here in the US? I've been looking forward for some time to the continuation of books, and it seems that here we've stopped at book 3 while everyone else is on book 6. I know you might not have any control over this - it could be a publishing thing - but I just want to know.

And if that is the case, do you know how I can get myself a cheap copy?

I know you're busy, and probably won't read this, but perhaps you might, and someone can finally tell me why I've had to go Skulduggery-less for the past few years.

Your faithful reader,
Roni Gosch
Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Rachel McCoach said...

Annnnnn!!! *clings to*

it's like a health show for the...



Snoogy said...

Need to go to bed but anyway.... DEREK PLEASE POST AGAIN SOOOOON!!!

Ann Marie said...

Oh lord. *laughs* I mean, I'm sorry. Well, um, probably educational, at least?

Roni, you'll have to order online. If you can find a copy in the US, might be cheap, but I don't know if you'll be able to. I ordered mine from the UK. Shipping :-P.

Isabella Midnight said...

... embarrassing bodies...

It is the worst when your parents watch it and you are in the room...

*hugs Rach* God bless you.

Rachel McCoach said...

:( i was doing HW- all me stuff spread EVERYWHERE so i cant move much- and me mum walks in and puts it on, leaving me to look on in horror...

but there IS a guy with a massive nose getting it chopped off like some cheese... *shudders* i'll never look at cheese the same way again...

Octa said...

Hmm... well I liked this video. It involves Derek Landy and unicorns.

Can't stay. Work to do!

Watch it!

Ann Marie said...

Man. I don't think we have that here. Almost wish we did, cause then I could torture my kids!

I mean... I don't know what I mean. I didn't say that.

*whistles innocently*

Isabella Midnight said...

Hi/Bye Octa!!!!!!

Rachel McCoach said...

O.O *looks on suspiciously*

OCTA!! forst of all- heya!

secondly- my email didnt work. dont know if it was your email adress or something else. did it end in .com or

Isabella Midnight said...


Ann Marie said...

No you tube, either. *sighs forlornly*

Rachel, that's just gross. Ewwwww why'd she _want_ to watch it?

Quinnera Elviana: 5th Seat of the Council of the Lost Ones said...

Back! Kinda...

Isabella Midnight said...

I, Isabella Midnight, dedicate this page to, my baby :-), blogland, The Golden God! And pickles and chocolate :-)

Rachel McCoach said...

Bye Octa!!

Ann-VERRA good question... tis pretty disturbing.

am trying to just concentrate on my craft HW :/
am gonna design and build a tortoise table for my standard grade final project!

:D i have made a bargain with the parents- if i get enough dosh, i can buy a baby tortoise next year when its done!

Isabella Midnight said...

Yay! I finally got it!

Ann Marie said...

Congrats, Isabella!

Tortoise table? I so want to ask what that is, but I have to go. Wah.

*hugs all*


Rachel McCoach said...

Congrats Bella! Nice dedication :)

Quinnera Elviana: 5th Seat of the Council of the Lost Ones said...

I sleep now! Night all! *hugs all*

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey all *hugs*
I finally finished my homework!!
How is everyone??

Isabella Midnight said...

Bye Ann!

Bye Quinn!

Rachel McCoach said...

Ann- for whenever you come back. Its basically like an open drawer to keep em in :)

Rachel McCoach said...

:) G2g For the night guys!

BYE-eEEEEEE!! *hugs all*

Isabella Midnight said...

I need to go now! I need my sleep! Byeeeeeeee

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Rach

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Bella

Tanya said...

Hiii Derek!

Just finished Death Bringer. It left me feeling warm and fuzzy. That probably wasn't your intention, but I needed more SP in my life.

I just love love love your characters more and more. Death Bringer was the best story by far in the series. So many twists!

Anyways, thanks bunches!


Fiona Valkyrie said...

MASTER DEREK! MY GOLDEN GOD!!!! I HAVE JUST ORDERED DEATH BRINGER!!!! it should come by october 27.....

Ann Marie said...

I'm home! Looks like nobody is here. Rats.

nights.raven said...

hi ann, how r u?

Ann Marie said...

Hi Raven! I'm good! Blogger is being bad, though. *pokes it*

nights.raven said...

*pokes blogger*

Ann Marie said...

How are you?

nights.raven said...

im ok :) thx

Ann Marie said...

And then my browser crashed. :-P Do you have DB yet?

nights.raven said...

im srry it crashed
not yet, its supposed to get here the 28th, seems like ages away lol

Ann Marie said...

Well, I hope it will be early!

nights.raven said...

me too, but i doubt it will *shrugs* ah well, compared to how late some ppl are getting DB im actually happy with it lol

Ann Marie said...

:-) Good attitude!

Ann Marie said...

Crashed again. I was cheerful. Now I'm not.

*scowls and looks generally cross*

nights.raven said...

hi kal *hugs*

nights.raven said...

srry it keeps crashing, ann

nights.raven said...

i think its a tie

Ann Marie said...

Kallista! You win, I can't be cross when you're here. <3

nights.raven said...

wow, its thundering...

nights.raven said...

me too

Ann Marie said...

Well, now that this page finally loaded again, I have to go....

*lets suspense build*

You'll never guess!

Milk. I'll be back in a few minutes, computer willing!

nights.raven said...

ok ann

Ann Marie said...

I'm back! You guys are quiet.

nights.raven said...

wb ann
srry, im watching TV

Ann Marie said...


nights.raven said...

its ok kal

nights.raven said...

yay for writing!
cant wait for part 3
and awesome for starting a novel!

Ann Marie said...

Awesome, Kal. What's your novel about?

nights.raven said...

both my dogs are downstairs with me lol
they are being so CUTE!!!

Ann Marie said...

Hi puppies! Awww who's a good doggie?

nights.raven said...

brb for a little bit

Ann Marie said...

That sounds amazing! I'm sorry you lost what you had written. :-( I hope you finish it, and share it with us.

Ann Marie said...

It sounds interesting! And you can use your friends as OCs, right? Just, um, when you publish you'll have to lie in the little "all characters are fictional, any resemblance to real persons past or present is coincidental" blurb. XD

Ann Marie said...

Aw, Kal. *hugs tight*

My parents used to laugh at my creative efforts. I thought they were making fun of me at the time. As a parent, with that same urge to laugh now, I know they were just, well, happy. But dang, I was afraid of being laughed at for a lot of years. :-P

Ann Marie said...

(((Kallista))) Goodnight! Sleep well!

nights.raven said...

night kal *hugs*
hi ann

nights.raven said...

did i miss u?

nights.raven said...

anyone on?

nights.raven said...


Yummylicious said...

I'm very sorry Raven but I have to go and work *cries softly into her coffee*

nights.raven said...

its alright yummy
*hands tissue* ill still be on, probably.

Ann Marie said...

Hi! Sorry, Raven! Went to wash dishes, didn't think anyone would be on when I got back so I've been looking at fan art and, um, writing.

And I think I hear the husband pulling up, so I need to go make dinner.

nights.raven said...

its ok ann

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey anybody on still

nights.raven said...

hi amelie, how r u?

lego said...


nights.raven said...

hi lego

nights.raven said...

how r u?

lego said...

hi raven! I'm okay....I keep missing everyone though. *pouts*

nights.raven said...

i keep missing everyone too, why im camping lol
*hands cookie*

lego said...

You're camping? cool. I'm just in school...though I don't get home until 5:00 which is why I think I'm missing everyone.

nights.raven said...

ur in school right now?
what time is it there?
and yes im camping, otherwise i'd keep missing everyone

lego said...

no, not right now. But I do have to go for in a little bit. It's 5:50 right now...

nights.raven said...


lego said...

meh...have to eat breakfast. Buh Bye! *hugs*

Dragona, if you could come on a little later today, I need to talk to you soon. Related to your problems with my smutty conversations, by the way.

nights.raven said...

bye *hugs*

Jaffa Morbid said...

hey! if anyone's there, i updated my blog :D will talk to you all properly on the weekend :)

Blood Butterflies said...

Is anyone here?

nights.raven said...

hi BB

lego said...

*jumps out* I AM!

but I have to go for my bus in 5 maybe not as permanent as you would like.

Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...

If anyone, comes online, I'm on xat:

Blood Butterflies said...

*is bored*

*twirls around*

*falls onto shadow cushions*

Blood Butterflies said...

wow, exactly an hour later and I post again. Yay me.

Blood Butterflies said...

Well, I'm still on xat.

nights.raven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blood Butterflies said...

Okay. I am here now. Dammit.

nights.raven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nights.raven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nights.raven said...

hi BB, how r u?

Blood Butterflies said...

Hi raven! sorry, was asking my dad some questions.


nights.raven said...


nights.raven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nights.raven said...

im gonna go to sleep, ill be on tomorrow sometime, night all

Rachel McCoach said...

Hello? anyone out there?

Niamhy Jay said...

Rachel?? You there??

Rachel McCoach said...

:D NJ!!

Heya! how you this fine day?

Niamhy Jay said...

Aww, I am grand!!
How are you??

Rachel McCoach said...

Good, good :)

kinda bored the noo... though theres a programme on soon about vampire skeletons which should be interesting...


Niamhy Jay said...

Hows your story going??

Rachel McCoach said...

Grand :) -ish... am just tryin to get back into the swing o it right noo :)

Niamhy Jay said...

I am nearly finished part 13 of Darkness Follows... But I'm not allowed on the lap top... Til the week end. Meaning it won't be up til next week :/

jakoparsons said...

derek, i oredered death bringer on AMzon and my order was cancelled because the card details were wrong or something ansd i couldnt tell because i was in my house, i dont have internet and i wato go to the newbridge signing, but i dont have death bringer, i dont have money so i cant buy it there either, :( im gonna try come along anyway, to get my other books signed, if you wil sign them.... i might beg my ma for money to buy it..... i hope to see you thursday anyways :)

Rachel McCoach said...

:O That SUCKS NJ...but i suppose it's always worth the wait :)

Niamhy Jay said...

Not really I feel part 13 is pretty Crap if I'm honest... No wait I am being honest there is no 'If' about it!!

Rachel McCoach said...

awww... cant be THAT bad :) you must have faith in your abilities!

oh- i have another bit o the story i emailed you... but its still not edited so tis a bit crappy... want it?

Niamhy Jay said...

Yes please!! :)

Rachel McCoach said...

:/ the vampire thing's on... and theyve all been found in ireland...

Rachel McCoach said...

right that's it sent there, NJ

but me comp is gettin a bit funny so i have to go...

bye!! have an awesome evening everyone!!

Niamhy Jay said...


... I have a bone to pick with you...


So you know the answer is yes... Otherwise I wouldn't read it!! It was AMAZING!!

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Rachel

Rachel McCoach said...

:) THANKS NJ! your words mean loads! :')

word's like that are what inspire me to continue-like many others


And now i REALLY gotta leave... Bye!

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Hello? Anyone here?

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Guess not... :'(

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