Thursday, September 1, 2011

Death Bringer Unleashed!


You don't know what it's like, you really don't. I finished the book, was very happy with it, and then took a few days of doing nothing before starting The End Of The World and some other stuff. And all the while I'd be reading your comments, and the comments on the Forums and Facebook, and smiling because everyone seemed to be looking forward to it so much.

But that was MONTHS ago!

To have to sit here and watch all of you count down the days made me feel so incredibly guilty for putting you through that. But now, finally, the wait is over. It is September 1st. It is Death Bringer day.

The Launch last night in Dublin was manic...! It turned into a marathon signing session, and it had Storm Troopers! STORM TROOPERS! I didn't get a chance to chat to any of the people I know and usually see at launches, because I was staring at the Storm Troopers and then signing books and staring at Boba Fett and signing books...

'Twas a good way to launch Death Bringer, so thank you Eason's bookshop!

And what will I be doing today, you ask? The day of the release? Will I be doing interviews and attending champagne parties? Er... no. I will be cleaning my house. I'm off on tour tomorrow, and as usual Laura will be staying here while I'm gone, so I have to get the place ready for her or she'll glare at me. And you've never been glared at by Laura. It's SCARY.

So all of you who have just bought the book, I hope you like it. The previous blog entry is still the ONLY place you can post spoilers, so don't do that here. And even in the previous entry, try to HINT at the spoilers instead of blurting them out. Because there are SOME people, who will remain nameless, who felt the need to SKIM the spoilers and were dismayed when certain things were spoiled for them... which I actually find hilarious. If you don't want anything spoiled, DO NOT READ THE SPOILER SECTION! Sigh.

Okay, I have a house to clean. And you? You have a book to read.


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Ann Marie said...

Really? What did you find? *bounces*

lego said...

I was trying to find at least some hugging, but's still cute though:

Ann Marie said...

oh. my. lord. There's fanart! THANK YOU, UNIVERSE!

Also, I'm the only one who uses this computer, so who the heck keeps turning the safe search on?

lego said... search is annoying, especially when it blocks you from searching the word terrorist and won't let you get onto google documents...*grumbles something about school blocking doing way more harm than necessary*

and there's a TON of fanart on da...I finally found one where the two of them are obviously shipped, though it's a

Ann Marie said...


lego said...

:D I saw that one, and I got confused because I thought he was supposed to be a vampire...apparently I don't watch enough movies prone to sex scenes.


Ann Marie said...

Thing you linked is not loading. *sigh* I will persevere!

I don't have a problem with graphic...

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi all!!!¡¡¡!!!

lego said...'s another one, maybe it will work better:

Ann Marie said...

Hi Kal! I am good. Nothing cheers me up like boykissing... er.


lego said...

hi pyro!

sorry for the slow reply, was arguing with random people on DA.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Legolas!!!¡¡¡!!!

lego said...

hi kallista! Didn't see you there. *hugs*

Ann Marie said...

Hi Pyro!

And Lego, I'm avoiding DA right now, cause internet is being too slow to deal with it. I bet Anndrew is there, actually, and that's why I can't load anything. :-P

Whatcha arguing about?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Ann!!!¡¡¡!!!

lego said...

oh, okay. Sorry to bombard you with links, but anime kissing is hard to stop staring at.

lego said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Ann Marie said...

I got the first one to load, finally! Cute, but tragically flawed in that they're not actually touching. :-P Trying to load second now. It's going to take a few minutes... half an hour, something like that. Why is DA so freaking slow?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

lego said...

=p here's the "graphic" one for when DA is working better for you..

Ann Marie said...


Hey, what's your fave ship? Or do boys your age ever ship anyone...

Ann Marie said...

It's been... at least 12 minutes, and all I've got is a white screen. *is frustrated*

lego said...

aww...that's about when I start swearing at my computer and any other inanimate objects I can find...though that does tend to encourage staring from any onlookers...

Ann Marie said...

Link didn't work, Lego, just brought up a search. This was on the page, though, and it's pretty adorable:

lego said...

poop..that is pretty adorable though. there a photo where maes is on top and they're both shirtless? That's the one I'm talking about.

Ann Marie said...

There was, but I wouldn't consider that remotely graphic. Suggestive, though, and sometimes that's even better. XD

lego said...

XD thought I would err on the side of caution, as I've gotten some "EWWWWWW LEGO!" comments already today. =p

Ann Marie said...

You have? *perks up* From whom? Regarding what?

Ann Marie said...

..Do you think we scared Pyro off? :-( Sorry, Kal.

lego said...

I hope not...haven't actually talked to him for a while.

Ann Marie said...

You never answer the questions I really want answers to.

lego said...

oh...right. Well, mostly it comes from confusion, and my tendency to not think on chat before I write something. Like, lilith asked me if I was now going out with people of the opposite gender, and I thought she was saying something else, so I said "well, I never said I was going out with them..." and everyone was all EWWWWWW! did you say what I think you said??

Ann Marie said...


Ann Marie said...

OMG. LOL, sorry. That's the kind of thing that would happen to me, too. The more you try to say, "no, no! That's not what I meant!" the less they'll believe you. My advice is to run with it.

lego said...


though I guess the whole context was pretty smutty as the reason she was asking was because I had turned into a paperclip and dragona had straightened me out...=p

oh, and I'm arguing with people about if discrimination should be acceptable on 9/11. They write way too fast for me, though.

Ann Marie said...

I hate xat for keeping interesting conversations from me.

Um. That's... I don't even know. WTF.

lego said...

:D and then I say completely ewwy things to gepard all the time because he provokes me.

Ann Marie said...

...Yeah, he does that.

lego said...'s actually making me feel a lot better to really argue with someone and just shout everything that I'm thinking about. *shrugs* whatever works.

lego said...

well...I did tell him within a few weeks of meeting him that girls masturbate (though he did ask) so now he just kind of expects it.

*hugs kallista* Yeah, I've noticed that. Are you sleeping okay?

Ann Marie said...

*hugs Kallista* It's ok. Rest as much as you need to!

lego said...

aww...thanks! Everything you say is OMIGODAWESOMEBALLZANDSPARKLYRAINBOWFARTSANDMAGICALNINJAUNICORNS though, so I think you got me beat. :)

Ann Marie said...

1. Where do you even find people who say stuff like that to argue with?

2. Bwahahaha. Yeah, I miss all the interesting conversations.

lego said...

1. I saw a photo in the daily deviations box of a girl in a hijab with her face painted with an american flag. And then I looked at the comments and saw people saying how inappropriate it is for da to have a pic like that on 9/11...and then it turned into this thing about how it's okay to be prejudiced on 9-11, because we have good reason...*palmface*

2. Yeah, that was a fun night. =p

Ann Marie said...

Oh, I saw the pic. Wouldn't have thought to look at the comments, even if I wanted to spend that kind of time loading them.

lego said...

I'm not totally concrete on how I feel about 9/11...I just really wish that there was a day to mourn the deaths of everyone who's deaths we're responsible for. When I see people on the news crying about the deaths from 9-11, but then, 5 mins later, saying how we should drop bombs on Pakistan...that's what makes me want to flee to canada.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I should never, ever watch fox news, even when forced to.

lego said...

yeah, I was kind of surprised to see that on da. I should probably stop assuming that "artsy" means "not bad-crazy".

Ann Marie said...

O.o No, you really shouldn't.

Here, this will make you feel better.

lego said...

lol *wonders if could hack into foxy new so she can kiss hughes and roy at the same time*

sure! hmm...I could take everyone to zealand?

lego said...

yay! Actually, I think I might just want to stare at them for long periods of time...


Ann Marie said...

*kidnaps Kal to California* Whee!

DA is being annoyingly slow again. *taps fingers*

Dear Mr. Landy,

I hope you don't mind people spamming your blog with fanart for other works.

So, what's your favorite FMA ship? I know you never reply to my questions, but I really want to know the answer to this one!


lego said...

*piggybacks on kallista to california*

bedtime now! Can't be a zombie tomarrow, doesn't sit well with my teachers for some reason. *hugs*

Ann Marie said...

...oh, well, if you're not going to kiss them, I may as well!

*whees* More Roy and Maes for me! And Hoenheim, long as I'm playing in this universe... and Al when he grows up. And Hawkeye! Kal, hope you don't mind she's a girl...

Goodnight, Lego! *hugs*

Ann Marie said...

Oh my Dog! This could not be any more perfect if I'd commissioned it!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Kal? Ann? Y'all around?

Ann Marie said...

Gee, Kal, I would never have guessed that. XD

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~glomps Kallista and Ann~

Hullo! :D
~goes to hug a kitten~
Hug hug Hug hug Hug hug Hug!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~gives Kallista and Ann a non-grape-flavored-purple-lollipop~

Ann Marie said...

Skyril! Hi! *glomps*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Pretty good. Long, but good :P
How about you, Kal? How are you? How was your day? :D

Ann Marie said...

I didn't see Octa. *pouts*

Still spamming, yep.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~Hugs Kal~ :]

I like spam :P
Generally speaking...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Sorry for the slow replies too. My internet/computer is acting up. I have to go now :/
~hugs Kal and Ann~
Goodnight, you guys!
Hope to see y'all tomorrow! :D
~waves madly~

Ann Marie said...

(((Skyril))) Goodnight!

I'm having trouble loading stuff again. Woe, me.

Ann Marie said...

(((Kallista))) Goodnight! And it took me this long to get back to this page after the last comment. Internet continues to suck, massive black hole style, and a cat keeps trying to camp out on my keyboard, so I'm giving up anyway.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey anybody on

Blood Butterflies said...

Amelie? You still there?

Dragona Pine said...

I think I might be.

And btw, Lego, Ann, you need to talk about less-rude things. Seriously... 0o

Blood Butterflies said...

*mutters* probably not...

Blood Butterflies said...

I agree dragona ^^

Blood Butterflies said...

In any case, my dad doesn't allow me to write on my old blog, so I'm creating a new one:

Meh, the link and the title don't make sense.

Dragona Pine said...

Because people will come on here who's like young, because SP in Waterstones is under the 9-12 section. I don't think that they need to come on to THAT, it'll creep them out.

Blood Butterflies said...

XD lol Dragona. True, true.

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go to school now. Will be on tonight, bye!

Blood Butterflies said...

okay :)

Blood Butterflies said...

I'll be on xat, if anyone comes online.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

is anyone on

Blood Butterflies said...

I'm so angry at my mom and dad. Take this conversation for example:

Mom: "Why do you keep writing?! Your path is to become a doctor!"
Me: "But mom, I love to write--"
Mom: *slap* "You do what I tell you to! Or is it because of that Irish Author?"
Me: "It's not because of anyone! I write out of my free will--"
Dad: *slaps twice* "Your free will my foot! The next time I find you like this, I'll call the police and charge him for influence!"
Me: "There's no such charge you can press against him. I write because I want to, because I love to! Can't you see?"
Dad: *stuff pieces of paper into my mouth* "Yes, I can see very well. You can go and call him your father! Don't talk to me anymore." *walks out*
Mom: I agree with your father. Go on and call him your dad. We'll see, okay? Whoever wins this will take the other's life." *walks out as well*

Blood Butterflies said...

*curls up*


What did I do to deserve this?

Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...


Stupid, stupid, stupid
Why? You ask yourself,
Leaning over, hitting a shelf.
Why? you ask again and again,
There was nothing in there for you to gain.
Stupid, stupid, stupid girl.
Why'd you trade that for all the world?
Your father's hand was right to hit,
Empty, stupid, piece of shit.
Idiotic enough to resist the change,
Now your body's racked with pain.
Teeth knocked out and blood on the floor,
Eyes in tears and face in gore.
Half burned, half blood, that's what you are.
Swallow your vomit like a dog at a bar.
Tears that come again, sting your eyes,
Bend down and get on all fours with the flies.
You should have known much better.
Your jealous dad, your given tormenter.
Give up, you stupid teen.
Rhyming couplets will never win.
Instead, brutal force prevails,
Much like the uncovering of a bride's veil.
So give up, hang yourself.
Leaning in, you hit a shelf.

Blood Butterflies said...


Yes, I wrote that.

Blood Butterflies said...

*tries to shrug it off*

Blood Butterflies said...

*ends up crying on the floor*

nights.raven said...

hi BB

Blood Butterflies said...

My dashboard is acting funny.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


Dark Monster

Eyes, slit and red
Heart, cold and dead.
How many times must I kill myself?
This has to go into the books on the shelf.
Records, records, of a dark monster,
Your insides, your skin, hate the alabaster,
A knife that clatters, to the floor,
Hands that bleed, you gut the gore.
With vicious brutality
You kill your family
Finally until there's nothing left.
Hands that tremble, palms that are cleft.
Your inner pulse that knows no bounds
It prowls, jealously, your inherited ground.
How fun it is to see blood fly
And how interesting it is to see girls cry.
Tears and vomit, mix with blood.
Zip your mouth, zip it shut.
This will gather no sympathy.
Instead, raining abuses come as a symphony.
Curl up and die, die a horrible death,
For life is nothing but an empty sheath.
Her lifeless shell lies smiling on the floor.
Gun, dagger, covered in gore.

Blood Butterflies said...


nights.raven said...

congratz BB *hugs*

Blood Butterflies said...

*is hugged*

*hugs back*

*gives raven purple sideburns*

Blood Butterflies said...

I have 45 minutes left here. hmmm.

Yummylicious said...

Morning all and a pleased to meet you to those I've not talked to before. *hands out chocolates and cups of tea*.

BB I hope you won't think me taking the liberty by offering some, I hope, helpful advice.

Here goes, as my daughter would say, "parents suck!!". Unfortunately this is not always our fault or, necessarily always true. As parents it is really,really hard to let go of our little babies as they turn into Tweens and teens and see them do 'their own thing.'. We never want you guys to go through the teenage hassle we had to, so sometimes the only way some parents can deal with this is to be really restrictive and come up with lines such as "I just want what's best for you" etc. My philosophy with my daughter is that as long as she does her school work and homework, and the rather limited chores she gets at home then the remainder of her time is her own. She loves to draw and will spend a whole day drawing if she could! Let's face it, I'd rather she did that then spent it out doing "horrible" things. But sometimes, and this is normal for human behaviour, I get a bit miffed that she is spending all her time doing this,but I don't ever get THAT cross with her about it. But we talk, and I mean talk! And I suppose, the training I've had allows me to see that shouting and threatening isnt productive. If any if you want to chat privately my email is My training - teacher, child psych and child protection.

nights.raven said...

hi yummy, how r u?

Blood Butterflies said...


Yummylicious said...

Well hello here NR. I am fine, how is your good self?

Sorry about the length of my post, beginning to worry a lot about some of the bloggers on here and their family issues!

Here, have another chocolate *passing round the bag* *nom nom*

nights.raven said...

im fine, thx
its alright
lol thx *takes chocolate* thx *steals the bag when she isnt looking*

Blood Butterflies said...

Hi yummy :) thanks for the advice, but I think my dad and my mom went too far. I mean, I do study hard and stuff, and my writing is done in my free time, like ghost's drawings, and I think that my dad foresees me as someone who is going to watch pornography is a bit too much. The problem with what he's doing now is that i'm used to it. That night he blew up and gave me the biggest thrashing of my life, but I didn't cry. i swear. My eyes didn't even sting. All i did was vomit and spit blood.

Blood Butterflies said...

*mutters* did that come out right?

Blood Butterflies said...

If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river, at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song.

Blood Butterflies said...

Guys, I'm sorry, but i only have about 15 minutes left. I think I should be stopping soon. I'll ask my dad for more time tonight, and I see whether i can continue talking.

Yummy, if you want, you can always email me at

Blood Butterflies said...

Hey guys, I have to go now. I'll be back later, I swear.

*vanishes in a flurry of shadows*

nights.raven said...

bye BB *hugs*

Yummylicious said...

NR - give them back, they are for everyone!!

BB - *passing bag to you* choccies??? Right, sit comfortably before I begin!!! "thrashing" is never, ever allowed, no matter what country you live in! Now I could rant about what I would like to do to people like that but no, I won't. Now please don't switch off at this next piece of advice. You need to "hear" what I'm saying and, here's the hard part, believe it. I went through very very traumatic childhood, beaten, starved and humiliated daily. I never told a soul, instead I devote my time to helping people like you. You need to understand you are beautiful and talented. Your poetry is superb and you are strong enough to write down what you are feeling and the abuse you are suffering "yes it is abuse". I need you to be brave, accept what is happening is wrong and talk to someone. You mightn't decide to do this today, or in the next few months but YOU have to decide not someone else telling you to. Find a trustworthy adult. In his day and age child services don't remove children from their family unless their is imminent danger of life (this is certainly the case for the UK). I can talk things through with you but YOU need to talk, and ultimately your parents need to talk to someone about why they are treating you this way. Again my offer still stands with private email.

nights.raven said...

*hands yummy back the bag*

Yummylicious said...

NR - why thank you. *shoves handfuls in her mouth* I know "greedy piggy" hee hee hee.

R u up to anything interesting?

nights.raven said...

not really

Yummylicious said...

NR - oh!

nights.raven said...

whats new?

Yummylicious said...

Today I'm arguing on the phone with Apple Store over a purchase I made and haven't received!!! And trying to watch last episode of Dexter series!

nights.raven said...

sounds like fun

Yummylicious said...

Oooh you have NOOOO idea.

I so have lesson planning to do and work to mark but really can't be bothered! Not the beat role model I know but I was up till 2am doing stuff for kids at school!!!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

is anyone still up

nights.raven said...

u must be tired, staying up till 2am

nights.raven said...

hi amelie, how r u?

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

good and its not 2:00 its like 7:30pm

Yummylicious said...

Amelie - I was I wasn't still up - it is 10:30am here in England and I have had 3 hours sleep last night so could do with going back to bed but instead am catching up on TV not watched.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok nice im watching home and away

Blood Butterflies said...


Yummylicious said...

BB - hi sweetie, how u feeling now. Sorry no choccies left, I ate them all! Feeling a bit sick though?

Blood Butterflies said...

haha I'm fine, thanks :) just listening to an interview of Derek Landy, just wanted to hear his voice.

*scoots away with shifty eyes*

What? I'm not a stalker.

Blood Butterflies said...

bye i have to go cya

Yummylicious said...

Bye, you take care of yourself

Blood Butterflies said...

meh, back. Are you still here?

Yummylicious said...

Oh course I am, I should be working really hard but too many sweets makes me feel sick!

Blood Butterflies said...

^^ you have a sweet tooth, like me ^^

Yummylicious said...

The rate I'm going, I won't have any teeth to be sweet before too long!!!

nights.raven said...

hi BB

Blood Butterflies said...


HI RAVEN! Oliver says hi too.

nights.raven said...

hi oliver

Blood Butterflies said...

*awkward silence*

Yummylicious said...

BB - not awkward just embarrassed.

I should know better - a grown woman eating so much chocolate she is sick - NR I should have left the bag with you.

I have to sign off for a bit and pretend to do some real work I suppose.

Speak later

Blood Butterflies said...


nights.raven said...

KALLISTA *hugs* how r u?

nights.raven said...

lol bye yummy

Blood Butterflies said...

oh wells. gtg. bye :)

Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...


nights.raven said...

lol kal

Blood Butterflies said...

lol. your school should have days like ours: book day. You get to cosplay as your fav. characters!

Blood Butterflies said...

*backs away quickly*

nights.raven said...

*is noogied*

nights.raven said...

idk how this happened, but i have Jingle Bell Rock stuck in my head...

Blood Butterflies said...


*is noogied*

*noogies back*

nights.raven said...

bye kal *hugs*

Blood Butterflies said...


Destiny Princeston said...


nights.raven said...

hi destiny

Anonymous said...

Belladonna Wisperia said...

in the last book of the series skulduggery BETTER not rest in peace..... :O

nights.raven said...

lol i agree

Rachel McCoach said...

GUYS!!! :D

First of: aloha to you all.

second thing:

i have been reading NJ's stories for AGES now... but by the looks of it i am the ONLY one... her stories deserve more of an audience and so here are the links:

:) Please read em!! i suggest Darkness Follows first- some folks are even IN it and dont know

i'm sure she'd appreciate more readers except me :)


I am Rachel. Thank you for listening.

Niamhy Jay said...

Rachel you there?? OMG thank you!! That is soo sweet I can't believe you just did that for me!! You are an awesome friend *hugs* your story is also AMAZING

Rachel McCoach said...

*blushes* Thanks! but i believe it was necissary, my friend ;)


Niamhy Jay said...

How are you??
Haven't spoken to you in a while!! I can't go on chat FOR A WEEK I'm not allowed to use the computer!!
I am using my dads touch REG he didn't say I wasn't allowed... Oh, I am cunning!!
Anyway... The question remains how are you?? What's new?? How's school?? See the list of topics we need to catch up on are LONG

skulboy said...

HEY guys! Im new here! :D (well i'v been following this blog for too long now and said I need to make an account)
@Belladonna Wisperia I hope he doesn't but I think skulduggery will rest in peace. :') but he will be with his wife and child <3

Rachel McCoach said...

:D Your brilliance is inspiring...

Onyhoo! not much is new...Spent around 12 hours at wind band at the weekend

then went to see the smurfs on Sunday! It was actually AMAZING!!
have been singing the song ever since...

school is boring as usual...not much happening. xcept in craft cause we're startin our final project and i'm designing a tortoise house! mum said i can buy a baby tortoise for it next year!

but what about you?

Niamhy Jay said...

Hello Skulboy nice to meet you I am the one and only (as far as I am aware) NJ Maverick it is lovely to meet you *offers hand shake*

Rachel McCoach said...

:D Heya Skulboy! *shakes hand*
And I, am me! Rachel McCoach of proud and Noble Scotland!

*stands for a pose*

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Anyone here???

Niamhy Jay said...

Rachel I'm grand I'm back at school I have history and English Lit HW for tomorrow as I am now starting my GCSE's and in Drama I have officially discovered I am not well in the head... Then again nor is the rest of the class now that I come to think of it :P

Niamhy Jay said...

Hello Amiza I don't believe we have met NJ Maverick pleasure to meet you *offers hand shake*

skulboy said...

Thanks nj
*accepts hand shake* :)

Rachel McCoach said...

Sounds good :) wish we had Drama for a subject...

though we had english hw- a "short story" which ended up 2000 words above the limit :/

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

*shakes hand*
Hey there Nj, nice to meet you. We haven't met, you are correct, but that's because I'm partially new here...
I like ducks and My Chemical Romance.
Just thought I'd say that now.

Rachel McCoach said...

Heya Aimza!

:D DUCK!! *points*

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Hellllo there Rachel, nice to be meeting you on such a windy dayyy.
Yes, its a duck and yes you may poin to your hearts content.

Niamhy Jay said...

Skulboy welcome to Blogland. As you will come to discover things can get a bit insane here as we r all rather, well... Insane basically. But in a good way :)

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Yes, insane is good I guess.
I like straight jackets because they let me cuddle myself...
You may find that disturbing but, no-one else is gonna hug me so...

Rachel McCoach said...

Insane, NJ? US?!

*shakes head in disbelief*

awww... *hugs Aimza*

:P EVERYONE gets hugs here ;) especially when Kal is around :)

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...


Niamhy Jay said...

Amiza do you want a hug?? I was crowned Queen of Hugs!! I crowned myself, but, no one seemed to object!! So they clearly agree!! Would you like a hug??

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Yes, yes I would just adore a hug.

Niamhy Jay said...

Rachel don't be ridiculous if you want a NOOGIE you go to Kal!! Hugs, you come to me!!

skulboy said...

Hahaha well i'v been following this blog for a LONG time now, I just never made an account.
So dont worry im use to the insaneness :D

Niamhy Jay said...

*hugs Amiza*

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Thankyou x

Rachel McCoach said...

AH! Speek o' the devil!!


I WILL, Kal! just have to finish this english HW...

Niamhy Jay said...

Skulboy I am adopting you to be my brother!! How old are you?? I need to know whether you are gonna be my little brother or big brother I'm 14 you can decide whether you are older or younger now :)

Rachel McCoach said...

You're adopting people, NJ?

When did this start?

more importantly... what bout me?

*puppy dog sad eyes*

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

It appears I didn't make a dedication yesterday, so I shall do it now..

'In rememberance of all those who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001. May you forever be in our minds.'

Niamhy Jay said...

Rach... I thought it was already obvious that you were the big scottish sister I never got to have!! I'm sorry RACHEL I adopt you as my big Scottish sister!!

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Adopting? Is this a regular thing here?

skulboy said...

Hah nj im 14 but 15 on the 30th of september!! :D
Just over two weeks!!

Niamhy Jay said...

I'm 15 this Monday coming so I am older HAHA you are my little brother!!

And Amiza, Yes, Yes it is!! Kal is also my sister and Venice Rain is my Blog mother!! And Niall is my blog father :D

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

None of those names happen to comprehend with me... but I'm sure they're great people.

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