Monday, April 4, 2011

Woes and Joys

Oooooooh your Golden God is not feeling well.

Your Golden God is SICK, Minions. I'm not used to being sick. I NEVER get sick. And yet, here I am, sick and feeling miserable...

So why am I posting, you ask? Am I looking for sympathy? Pffft. I need NOT your sympathy. Sympathy is for the WEAK. I post, not to share my woes, but to share my joys.

Book 6 is finished.

I have emailed it to my editor and agent, and it is currently printing out for Laura, and I now have a few days to recover from my illness before I read back over it and spot where it can be improved. At the moment, it's a long one, about 10,000 words longer than Mortal Coil. Whether it'll keep that word count after the rewrite, I don't know.

But it's done.


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The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

I've just invented wet-look knitwear! *shaves Octa, sells his wool and makes millions*

Polaris said...

Oh wow, I'm sick too. Hope you feel better Mr Landy.
Do we get to see a sneak peak of the new book cover? Or at least a name? so I know what to look for when it comes out.

Octa said...

*shivers sadly in the paddling pool*

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

I've sold the wool now. You can get out, it's ok. (until you grow some more wool) *hands him a towel*

N said...

*queues to buy some wet-look knitwear*

*wonders where the designer got her inspiration*

*finds out it's Octa*

*kidnaps Octa*

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

*kidnaps Octa back* You shall NOT steal my muse! *lock Octa up in a safe*

N said...

*wonders where her hostage has gotten to*

*puts on a Sherlock holmes outfit and begins to investigate*

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

*steals Tessa's magnifying glass and uses it to burn holes in pieces of paper*

Octa said...

*purple sheep asks for a pen and paper*

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

Ok Kallista, ok! Let's make a deal. You keep Octa, and I get his wool for my knit wear. I'll give you 30% of the profits!

N said...

*whilst Bryony is distracted with her magnifying glass she uses her skeleton key to pick the lock of the safe*

*nearly takes Octa back home*

*sees the look on his little sheepy face and puts him in the wildlife reserve across her road so she can visit him every day*

Octa said...

*watches the battle for the sheep commence*

N said...

*gives the purple sheep a pen and paper*

*gives Kallista a little house in the wildlife reserve*

*gives Bryony 1kg of synthetic purple wool*

Everyone's happy!

Octa said...

Sheep must sleep in slumber deep

My violet wool for you to keep

When I depart pray do not weep

For sheep must sleep.

Night all!

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

*claps* That was *wipes tear from eye* beautiful!

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

*sigh* Well that was smart now, wasn't it Kallista?

This is very awkward. I just want to write some random fan-fic. And now I can't reach my laptop!

Kelly S. said...

I bet it'll be awesome !!!!!!!!!

Dragoda said...

Tis a blow to hear your unwell but can't wait to read the new book. Just wondering, as you've probably talked about it already, how long was the first book you ever wrote? I'm trying to write something myself but i dont know how long it should be. I know your ill and wont want to think about this but if you could it would be much appreciated

N said...

*gawps in awe of Octa's epic poetry* I bid thee good night, Sir Octaboona of Ambrosius!

And unto all, time seems to have fallen short 'pon us, for now seems it that I must be leaving thine presence also. Farewell my elegant maidens, I wish thee a pleasant slumber and a joyful awakening. Goodbye Lady Kallista, Lady Bryony. I pray that we shall meet again soon :)

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

Farewell Lady Tristessa! *bows elegantly and flamboyantly*

As a matter of fact I have Kallista. One of the teachers at our school left last year to become an author, and the finished product is My Sister Lives On The Mantlepiece. It is amazing! And it made me cry so much...

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

I need an idea for my next comic...hmmm....any suggestions?

Shannon said...

Awesome!! Can't wait to read it! Does the 6th Book have a name yet??

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

Thanks :)

Mar-Chu said...

huh. i just re-read the last chapter in Mortal Coil, and realized its probably my favorite chapter in the whole series.

favorite quotes/conversations:

"Don't be alarmed, but i have a gun pointed at your head"

"Knock yourself out."
"No, really, run headfirst into a wall, because you better be unconcious when skulduggery gets here"

"Are you taking my hat hostage?"

"It'll be really funny, trust me!"

"Oh god, the family reunion thing."
"It'll be wonderful!"
"But you'll be there!"

and lastly-

"Not one scratch, Bespoke."
"I know."
"Not ONE."

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

Hey Mar! *hugs*

Mar-Chu said...

*wanders back*

oops. forgot to say i was having dinner...


The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

I've been here all alone for ages! And I'm making comics but I ran out of ideas, so I made a comic where THE PUNCHLINE IS THERE IS NO PUNCHLINE! That's how bored I was! And I was so lonely...*breaks down sobbing*

Mar-Chu said...


*walks over and pats bryony on the back*

who wants a cookie?

The All Singing All Dancing Bryony Rose said...

And now you're here I have to go! *sobs dramatically* Well, see you sometime soon! *stops crying instantly and skips off*

Mar-Chu said...


Mar-Chu said...


i stink at introductions to stories. beginning stories. writing the first part.

how the heck did you do it Derek?

Mar-Chu said...

ah. i leave now~

*walks away grumbling about paper*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Man... I missed Mar-Chu...

Anonymous said...

All alone...

Anonymous said...


Caps Lock is abundant today :P

Anonymous said...

Yus... only invisible people again :P

Anonymous said...

LoL I'm good :D
Nervous, 'cuz I had my interview of highschool today >.<
But good (:
How are you?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry... I had to leave for a moment too xP

The school's awesome, it's got a beautiful campus, and a music class as well as an art one, so I can take up violin again :D

Anonymous said...

I think the interview went well, but I'm crossing my fingers anyways x3

For the most part? o:

Anonymous said...

Woot woot :D
I haven't played in two years though, and I no longer know what the notes are called, only what they look like... xD

Anonymous said...

Darn It D:
Sorry, I've gotta go. Brother has to do homework on the computer >.<

Liz said...

Hey Kallista! my nook is acting all wonky so i kicked Halo off

Liz said...

awwww, am i really that bad?

Liz said...

Ok... *sits quietly in the corner.*

Liz said...

GAH! i'm completely stressing out~! i excepted a position on the Appleseed admin team and now am FREAKING OUT. i need to find out how to work the program and then start making up fliers, but dad won't let me download the program! and he's the one who let me join the admin team in the first place!

Mar-Chu said...

*runs by screaming*


*runs away to moi's own blog*


*grabs skulduggery's head for company*


*runs past kallista and lizzy*




Liz said...

*flips out.*

*forgets why i'm flipping out*

*eats icecream hat*

Liz said...

LOL, hi Mar

Liz said...

but...but... I'm hungry! *sad puppy eyes*

Liz said...

LOL, *enjoys slice of hat and apple juice* such a fine meal! *offers Kallista a piece of hat*

Liz said...

got to go, email me if you want to chat!

Anonymous said...

Ack D:


Anonymous said...

Family troubles...

Anonymous said...

Yeah... it's over now. My little (and annoying) brother (not the one who's cypher) was whining and crying, and my dad practically started yelling. This is going to sound rather little-kiddish, but it's scary when that happens.

Anonymous said...

But... on a different note, can I use your OC for a short fanfic Kallista? o:

It's about zombies, because, much to the dismay of the part of my brain which is common sense, I've been reading a short book about zombies xP
I'll probably have nightmares now... but it's really good o: It's called Z.

Anonymous said...

(Not the fanfic, but the book)

Anonymous said...

Darn... got to go to bed, 'Night Kallista!

Ann Marie said...

Goodnight Pandora!

I might be here. I might not. Not sure yet. Hellooooo... anyone?

Ann Marie said...

Childrens are keeping me busy! Like I wasn't already.

Ooooh, a balloon! I love purple. Sad I missed Octa, but he doesn't know who I am, anyway. Glad you got to see him!

Ann Marie said...


*tunes up guitar*


*sings lonely country tune... poorly*

Ann Marie said...

*whistles* Nice choice! They have some cute stuff, too. But not in my size. I like Frederick's, though.

Ann Marie said...

Ah, well, sumo wrestling is apparently full of scandal and fixed matches these days, and matadors are cruel to bulls! So I understand their lack of enthusiasm for those. But you should do what you want!

Lily Thornton said...

*marches in*

*quickly scans the conversation taking place*

*holds up a finger and marches back out*

*loud laughter can be heard*

*marches back in, composed*

Kallista, Ann! Hi! Also, LOL!

Ann Marie said...

Hello Lily!

*hands you a sliced apple and a jar of peanut butter*

How you doing?

Lily Thornton said...

*opens jar, dips apple slices in peanut butter, eats* *shares*

I'm quite sparkly, thank you! How're you doin'?

Lily Thornton said...

Oh. That's how Matadors win? Erm. I suppose that makes sense...
Sumo wrestling is a funky unky sport ^_^

Lily Thornton said...

*shrieks as she sees the airborne Kallista*

*struggles to get up* Fudge.

Sparkling!! :D How are you doin'?

Ann Marie said...

I am in favor of happy face stickers. *thumbs up for Kallista's bullfighting plans*

Maybe the other sumo wrestlers will be jealous of your beauty, and beat you up anyway? O.O

Thanks, Lily! I am tired and busy! And a cat keeps trying to nibble my face, it's a little frightening.

Ann Marie said...

I like mariachi music! Plus the outfits are to die for. You have excellent career choices, Kal.

Lily Thornton said...

Kallista! You should be second...lemme come up with something...ah! I know! A tie-dye person!! FUN! Do you have kitty food on your face or something? It's a sign of utter devotion, I just know it!

Lily Thornton said...

*covers Ann and Kallista in sparkles and happy face stickers* yay!! :D

Lily Thornton said... mine!

Lily Thornton said...


Ann Marie said...

Hmm. No kitty food that I know of. Goat was nibbling my face earlier, though. I think I just taste exceptionally good.

Wish that was useful in any way at all.

Lily Thornton said...

I KNEW IT! You're critters love you so much that their desire to just eat you up became overpowering, and they actually did! I. Just. Know. It. It has to be, there's no other possibility!

Lily Thornton said...

What one? I think the pages are one of the few things I don't miss every time...I'm AWFUL at catching things...

Ann Marie said...

They love me so much! ....for dinner. That's great.

Oh, Kallista! I know, you could be a professional yodeler! I bet lederhosen would be quite fetching on you.

Lily Thornton said...

Quite great! It's an honor to be dinner! Or so I've heard.

Well, if all else fails, Kallista, you could always be a bagpiper...person. Then you get to wear a kilt just like Octa!

Lily Thornton said...

Oh. Hey, it's almost 1 AM where you are, Kallista. You need to go to sleep! *waggles a finger*

Ann Marie said...

No! Wouldn't it be only about midnight?

Lily Thornton said...



So fun to dance to on the Wii game, Just Dance 2. SO fun.

Ann Marie said...

We don't have that! *wants*

*shakes it anyway*

Lily Thornton said...


*struggles to remember if it's a two hour or three hour time difference* Fudge-nuggets. Maybe I'm thinking of Maryland's time...hmm...

Lily Thornton said...

I play it over at my cousins house, Ann. We have a Wii but not the game...(sad)

LOL, Kallista!

Ann Marie said...

Kallista, central or eastern time where you are?

Lily, where are you again? Oregon?

I think lederhosen might defeat the purpose of a kilt...

*sighs and takes lightening rod away from Kallista* Girl, you are a hazard to yourself.

Lily Thornton said...

Yes! I am FINALLY getting this time difference thing down. Still pretty horrible at it. Wound up? Like a music box? Oh, I like that song...

Leona Raine said...

Hello everyone!

Lily Thornton said...

Washington. You live in...California? And Kallista...Michigan?

Purpose shmurpose ^_^

Lily Thornton said...


*uses Kallista's arms to use yorkshire pudding on her* I'm forbidden to touch it... :P

Ann Marie said...

California, yep! And finally getting real CA weather - it's been such a crap winter.

Hi Leona!

Oh, Kal. *shakes head sadly*

Hey! Maybe you could be one of the Three Stooges! And you might not be old enough to know who I'm talking about. Er.

Lily Thornton said...

One of them is named Mo! I think! and then it's like Larry or Curly or something...erm.

Winter...too much snow for me.


Hello Leona!

Ann Marie said...

*grabs Kallista and wrestles her into a straightjacket*

*puts her into padded cell*

Lily Thornton said...

I don't really think that'll hold her...

Leona Raine said...

Ak! *runs over and removes cactus from Kallista*

Ann Marie said...

Holy fu...rniture. Facebook is annoying.

Lily Thornton said...

Facebook...Don't have an account for that! Never have. Nice save, by the way.

*sighs* *pulls Kallista down*

Ann Marie said...

*jumps up to grab Kallista's ankles*


Well, maybe we can hang some decorations or something from her feet?

Lily Thornton said...

*wraps tinsel around her ankles*

Leona Raine said...

*Puts up giant orange cat head decoration and 2 little black ones* :D

Ann Marie said...

I don't recommend it. It's a lot of time to spend for very little information. I did just find a Derek Landy, though, who for all I know is a posing fan, but. *adds anyway*

I don't like that we haven't heard from him since he posted he was sick. I know he has other things to do, but I'm starting to feel a little anxious. What if he's _really_ sick, and not just hungover or something? What if he dies? Then we get the sixth book, and we're left hanging with that quiet "oh, hell" at the end. How much would that suck?

Um. I mean, we love you Mr. Landy. :-D

Ann Marie said...

Pink ribbons with bells! I need a ladder, though.

Her name is Firenze! Shoot, I need to send in paperwork on those guys. Still figuring out how to feed them. :-P

Lily Thornton said...

He is our Golden God. Golden God's do not die and leave us hanging on cliff-hangers. It's an ancient rule I just made--er, discovered a few minutes ago.

Yes, we love you Mr. Landy.

Rount Mushmore...

Ann Marie said...

Aw, Kallista. I'm sure he's fine. I worry superstitiously, cause I feel like if I'm worried then the bad thing won't happen. Totally rational, right?

Ann Marie said...

Yeah! I posted questions! I don't remember what they were. Probably something inane like, what's your favorite color?

Oh, and I want Laura's non-spoilery review of new book.

And I want people to stop asking who dies, cause what if he answers? Then I'd be irritated.

Lily Thornton said...

Good night Kallista!

Sorry, my aunt came in and she lives...away, so I don't get to see her that much, and I had a chat with her.

Ann Marie said...

Goodnight Kallista! *picks discarded ribbons, bells and tinsel off the floor*

Lily, good rule. Thank you for inven... er, discovering it, yeah.

Lily Thornton said...

Thank you, I think so too. AUGH I am so not good with technology...

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hi everyone

Leona Raine said...

*worries* U R GOING 2 BE OK, RITE DEREK? *worries more*

Lily Thornton said...

Hi Valkyrie!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hopefully someone is on cause i dont wanna be talkin 2 myself

Ann Marie said...

Hi Val!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hi lily even though i dont kno you but
we can be friends

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

good friends cause i can be a really good friend

Lily Thornton said...

Okay! ^_^

Leona Raine said...

Goodnight Kallista!

Ann Marie said...

Leona, where did you learn to write like that? O.O

Lily Thornton said...

Are you talking about texty talky, Ann? Everyone is born with the natural ability to texty talky. Or so I say.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

lol texty talk


my dog just took my biscut off me

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

my dogs name is


Lily Thornton said...

lol that's what I call it.

naughty dog!

Lily Thornton said...

What a nice name! If you had a goldfish what would you name it?

Dragona Pine said...


Lexi-Anne Scrivensabre said...


Book 6.... Booook 6... Book 6....

*dances around in manic fashion*

All hail the Golden God and give him chicken soup so he can get better and lead us in rejoications of the completion of Book 6....

Yay Derek! :D :D :D

Leona Raine said...

What do you mean where did I learn to write like that? I spend most of the time on the computer at icanhascheezburger, cake wrecks or here. :/

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i do have a goldfish its name is

Lily Thornton said...

Hi, Pine.

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Lily :)

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

lol i can texty talk too

tee hee

Lily Thornton said...

Such a lovely name...

Dragona Pine said...


Leona Raine said...

Where did all these people come from? Hello people!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i kno hey

its because it eats all the time

and its FAT

its as big as my hand

Ann Marie said...

Oh... that would explain it. Just don't let Grandma see, all right? Cause I'd never hear the end.

Hello Dragona! Kallista left a message for you... what was it..?

Lily Thornton said...

*attempts to arch an eyebrow*
*wiggles both eyebrows at the smiley face Pine put* :o I got a smiley face!! :D

Texty talky is fun!

Dragona Pine said...

Me: Hello.
CB: Apple?
Me: No.
CB: What is that thing?
Me: It's a fruit.
CB: Oh, okay. I like pineapples. Especially because of spongebob.

Ann Marie said...

That was it: she said HI!

Lily Thornton said...

...well how big is your hand? LOL

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Ann, what did Kallista say? :)

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

aint it lik abbreviations

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

sup dragona

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Vals.

LOL, Kallista is so nice :P

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

r u guys lik online friends

Lexi-Anne Scrivensabre said...

You guys talk a lot.
I like you already.
Greetings, fellow Minions!
You have such un-followable conversations... :o

Lily Thornton said...

LOL hahaha! CB made me laugh!! So hard!!

CB: Can elephants fly?
Me: I don't know, can they?
CB: I would have expected you to know, after all, you are the clever one.
Me: How do you figure that?
CB: Youve told me twice you are a woman, ma'am.

Yeah, abbreviations mostly.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hey dragona r u and kallista real life friends or somthin

Lily Thornton said...

Val, no, they are blog-husband and blog-wife.

Dragona Pine said...

Yep, we're married.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

lily my hand is hmmmm................................


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

measured it with a ruler jus den

Dragona Pine said...

CB: Do you like Justin Bieber?
Me: No he's a gay bastard.
CB: I agree.

Cleverbot hates Justin Beiber!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


what how?

u guys jus propose to each other or somthin



no offence

Ann Marie said...

*estimation of CB's intelligence goes up*

Lily Thornton said...

Very impressive, Val.

I'm having an argument with CB about what my name is. It's hilarious!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i agree with Dragona

He's a fake bro

i just call boys bro sometimes


Ann Marie said...

*and back down* Why would being either gay or a bastard deserve hate?

Dragona Pine said...

CB: I don't know.
Me: What's I don't know?
CB: You don't know what I don't know is?
Me: Nope.
CB: It's ice hockey league in america.

Ummm no.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i'm ALWAYS impressive


Lexi-Anne Scrivensabre said...

Um.... *knocks tentatively on door of Cleverbot conversation* Hello? Dragona? Val? Ann? I'm new here...

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

well lexi u can join the convev

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Lexi :)

Lily Thornton said...

Hello Lexi!

Just barge into the conversation ^_^ It works better.

Ann Marie said...

LOL, sorry Lexi! Hi! *shakes hand* Pleased to meetcha! How are you?

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


i dont really kno i just hate that guy

he's not even good at singin

Dragona Pine said...

CB: Oh. Hi, kitty! *pets you*.
Me: Shag a marshmallow.
CB: It would be practical. Yes.


Leona Raine said...

I didn't leave! I'm still sorta here. :-)

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


i barge into conversations heaps

thats how i get the most attention

Lily Thornton said...

It's very affective.

Lexi-Anne Scrivensabre said...

Yay!! :D :D :D
I feel awesome now (",)

Val: Why thank you, kind ma'am :)
Dragona: Hello!! :D
Lily: Hiya :) Thanks so much for your advice... I'll do that next time... might even do it in real life... Oh my gosh, I owe you so much, sensei..
Ann: Hello! *shakes hand back and gives teddy bear* I'm super awesome :) My braces are coming off today XD

As for the Cleverbot (who is epic) addicts... Have you guys been on MLIA?

Cleverbot is awesome! You guys been on MLIA?

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go to school now... I'll be on tonight... bye.

BUT I have to go to the opticians so I WILL be late. Why do I have to go when my eyes are fine? :(

*hugs Kallista before he leaves*

Ann Marie said...

Aw, teddy bear! Do you know how many freaking stuffies we have in this house? Enough to supply a medium-sized country with all the polyfil they need for _years_. Ah well. The dog likes them. *dangles bear for her*

Congrats on getting braces off!

Leona Raine said...

Hello Lexi!

Ann Marie said...

Bye Dragona! have a good day!

Lily Thornton said...

Bow to your sensei! LOL Just kidding!

*wonders what MLIA stands for*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

Me:c bot i shall teach you how to kick people
CB: wats kick?
me: its an action
cb:wats an action ?
me:somethin u do physically
me:now u simply go up to some one u want to kick and pull your leg back and forward really fast
for example
*goes up to drgona and kicks him in the leg*
cb:oh, like this
*cb goes up to dragona and kicks him in the gut*
Me: purfect be sure to add as much pain as possible

*looks at dragona curled up on the floor and holding gut*

Lily Thornton said...

LOL !!!!

Bye Dragona! Don't have fun at school!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

we we did it just before he went out the door of blog world

Octa said...

Hey all!

Hi Lexi!

Pleasure to make your aquaintance.

*extends hand in greeting*

Leona Raine said...

Bye Dragona!

Lexi-Anne Scrivensabre said...

Bye Dragona! Hope your optician thingy goes well :)

TEDDY BEARS are awesome. You can never have enough stuffies :D And doggies can never have too many teddy bears either. (C:3 So here's another one! Go forth, Ann, feed the teddy-lacking countries...

Why thank you!

Hello Leona! :D And bye...

Because my mum's kicking me out cos she wants to use this computer now... But I'll talk to you awesome peoples later :)

Buh-bye! :D

Ann Marie said...

O.O *picks Dragona up and rushes him to the hospital* Quick, who has the Yorkshire pudding?

Lily Thornton said...

Hello Octa! *hands him a giant purple cookie*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

school is boring i reckon every kid in the world hates skool except fro poor people who dont go 2 skool

Lily Thornton said...

Bye Lexi! Nice meeting you ^_^

Octa said...


*gives her a giant stack of pb cookies*

Ann Marie said...

Bye Lexi!

Hello Octa! *hands him a teddy bear* Ok, it's not a cookie, but it's what I have available.

Octa said...

Bye all!

Leona Raine said...

Bye Lexi! Hi Octaboona!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i'm sure dragoa had the Yorkshire pudding

Lily Thornton said...

*noms through the stack* YUM!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

see ya lexi

Ann Marie said...

...bye? :-(

Lexi-Anne Scrivensabre said...

Quickly: Oh great sensei Lily-sama, MLIA stands for . Along with Cleverbot, one of the greatest (and most time-consuming) sites on the web. :D
Hello Octa! Your name sounds very interesting... *holds chin and makes "hmmm" noise*
Bye again! :)

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

sup octa

Leona Raine said...


Lily Thornton said...

Ah...*bows* Thank you for this wisdom! Bye Lexi!

Wait..OK! who's still here? Say...HIPPO! If you're still here.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

lets talk about dinos

my fav is triceratops

Leona Raine said...


Ann Marie said...

I'm still here! Probably not for long, though.

*looks at all the stuff I managed not to do while I was here*

Ah, I love the internet.

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