Friday, March 25, 2011


Book Six is going well, I’m sure you’ll be happy to know. I have another week before I send it in for my editor and agent to read- and of course it has to get the seal of approval from Laura too.

But today we are not talking about Book Six. Instead, we are talking about the new paperbacks.

I never assume that you all know the difference between a hardback and a paperback (er, apart from the fact that one has a hard back, and the other has a softer back) because I find myself explaining the intricacies of publishing to my family again and again on a worryingly regular basis. So, to start, a short lesson.

The first time a book is published, it will usually be published in hardback. This is when the book is brand new, so it will be bigger, it will have hard covers, and it’ll be more expensive. At the same time as the hardback is out, a trade paperback is released. These are NOT the same as a regular paperback, because they’re the same size as the hardback, it’s just that the covers are softer. You’ll usually find trade paperbacks in airports, because travellers don’t like carrying around hardbacks, which are heavier and more awkward. In Ireland, we actually get relatively few hardbacks, for some reason, and most of the brand new books on sale are trade paperbacks.

With me so far? Excellent.

In much the same way as films are released in the cinema, and then a few months later they’re released again on DVD, books go through a change. Approximately six months from the launch of the hardback, the paperback is released. Paperbacks are smaller and cheaper, and easier to carry around.

Paperbacks are also re-issued every once in a while with new covers, in order to attract new readers. And that’s what’s happening with Skulduggery.

In April, we’re going to get all the paperbacks released with new covers. You’ve already seen the front covers, but our dear friend Tom Percival has been hard at work on the BACK covers as well- which you will soon be able to see over on the Facebook page (hi guys!). These new paperbacks will fit in alongside the Dark Days paperback in terms of style- and from now on, we’ll be getting one cover for the hardback, and a totally different one for the paperback. Which is SWEET.

As I said, the main reason for redesigning the paperbacks is to entice new readers to pick them up, but the thing that struck us is that some of you lot will probably buy these paperbacks just BECAUSE of the new covers, even if you already own the original books. Because, you know, you’re all nuts, like. And I started to feel pretty guilty about that. I didn’t want you spending your money on multiple versions of my books when all you’d be getting is the same (admittedly brilliant) book with (admittedly brilliant) new covers. So, my UK and Ireland Minions, these new paperbacks, which will be out in April, will have new short stories attached for your reading pleasure. More Skulduggery goodness!

Each short story takes place a few months after the book it appears in.

Skulduggery Pleasant will have “The Lost Art Of World Domination”- a story that, I think, has only been available in Australia and New Zealand up until now.

Playing With Fire will have “Gold, Babies And The Brothers Muldoon”, in which Skulduggery and Valkyrie go up against a trio of goblins.

The Faceless Ones will have “The Slightly Ignominious End To The Legend Of Black Annis”, which is a Tanith Low solo story for all of you who miss her...!

Dark Days doesn’t get a short story yet- we have to wait until we sell all the ones that are out there already and reprint it, and then we’ll include one.

Mortal Coil gets “The Wonderful Adventures of Geoffrey Scrutinous”, which focuses on Charlie Smith’s fantastic creation, and Skulduggery and Valkyrie’s efforts to help him out of a spot of bother.

I had an absolute blast writing these stories, and I hope they ease the pain of forking over your money for any of you who are going to buy them.

Oh, almost forgot. Another nice thing about reprints and new editions is that I get to go over the books again and get rid of mistakes. You may remember me asking you for any mistakes you’ve noticed. Well, I made a note of all of these, and all those corrections are now done.

Er, well, MOST of them. There’s still one mistake in Playing With Fire that hasn’t been corrected. On page 14 of the PWF paperback, it reads:

“The owners of the Waxworks Museum had closed it down after the events of the previous year, and set up a new and improved version in another part of the city. So now the new building stood quietly beside its neighbours, humble and drab, its front doors closed and locked and sealed.”

When it SHOULD be:

“The owners of the Waxworks Museum had closed it down after the events of the previous year, and set up a new and improved version in another part of the city. So now the old building stood quietly beside its neighbours, humble and drab, its front doors closed and locked and sealed.”

Alas, this mistake was missed yet again, so we’ll have to wait until the NEXT reprint before correcting it.

But the biggest change to the paperbacks is to do with Valkyrie’s AGE, and this is a relatively big one.

Somewhere around the third book, I stopped concentrating on what time of year each book was set at, and what age Valkyrie was in each one. Basically, I made it so that, by the time Mortal Coil came around, there was no WAY she could have been sixteen. It just didn’t make sense.

So, I’ve gone back over the books, and adjusted them slightly. This is something I should have been doing all the way through, but I messed up. Entirely my fault.

Er, but if you’re looking for silver lining, we now know what month Valkyrie has her birthday! It’s August! Yay!

So, a quick rundown on our corrected timeline.

Skulduggery Pleasant: takes place in June, when Val was 12.

Playing With Fire: takes place 11 months later, in May, when Val was 13.

The Faceless Ones: takes place 6 months after that, in October, when she was 14.

Dark Days: takes place 11 months later, in September, when Val is 15.

Mortal Coil: takes place 3 months after Dark Days, in December- when Val is STILL 15.

Basically, the biggest change to the books is that in Mortal Coil Valkyrie is a little younger than she at first appeared.



  1. Oh, yey! A great post from Derek and I got first!

    I can't wait to read some of those short stories! I was going to buy Playing With Fire anyway, because I don't have that book, but now I might just have to save up my pocket money...

    And thank you Derek for explaining the publishing system. You probably would have to explain it to me a few times to get the message through. Um...


  2. I know you're wrapped up in the Skulduggery series for the next few years...but are there any plans or thoughts for a new series/novel in the future?

  3. I'm glad the book is going well Derek!

  4. I've had a headache all day... And then I went to my drum lesson... Which did NOT help... I might write some fanfic... It's been a while...

  5. I got told to go jump off a cliff today, then I also got told to die... Hmm why do people hate me at my school?

  6. Mortal Coil takes places 3 months after dark Days? Someone in the book said 5 months, but this wouldn't make sense... well nevermind.
    I can't wait until the paperbacks are released :D I only have three englisch books, so I can buy some of them yay ^.^ I don't like the german paperback of the first book n.n

  7. Be happy you're not Rebecca Black...

  8. Why, what happened to Rebecca Black?

  9. Have you not heard her song on YouTube or her story on the news?

    She has a song on YouTube called Friday. Personally, I don't like it. The lyrics are a little bit stupid and her voice is too computerised. Anyway, her video got lots of bad comments, so most of the comment sections have been disabled. She gets hate mail all the time, people telling her to kill herself and things like that. She was crying on American TV.

    Everyone at school is singing her song. When you go on whichever computer that doesn't crash for vids, I'd check it out.

  10. Oh, and she's also 12.

    Hi Kallista! I think some of the best minions are from America!

    *Aquila, Dragona, Skylara, Cresent, Mary-Ellen etc... turn to glare at her*

  11. Actually I agree Lunar ^^ my wife comes from there :P

  12. Take me, I'm alive, never was a girl with a wicked mind
    But everything looks better, when the sun goes down
    I had everything, opportunities for eternity and I
    could belong to the night
    Your eyes, your eyes, I can see in your eyes, your eyes

    You make me wanna die
    I'll never be good enough
    You make me wanna die
    And everything you love, right up in the light
    Every time I look inside your eyes
    Make me wanna die

    Taste me drink my soul, show me all the things that I
    shouldn't know, when there's a new moon on the rise
    I had everything, opportunities for eternity and I
    could belong to the night
    Your eyes, your eyes, I can see in your eyes, your eyes

    You make me wanna die
    I'll never be good enough
    You make me wanna die
    And everything you love, right up in the light
    Every time I look inside your eyes (I'm running in the
    Make me wanna die

    I would die for you, my love, my love
    I would lie for you, my love, my love (make me wanna
    I would steal for you, my love, my love(make me
    wanna die)
    I would die for you, my love, my love

    But up in the light...
    Every time I look inside your eyes (I'm running in the
    Up inside your eyes (I'm running in the light)
    Look inside your eyes
    You make me wanna die

    ^^ THAT is a good song ^^

    Oh, and Derek! I DO miss Tanith so much! Not one hint of what happens to her? :'(

  13. *removes Dragona from the list of Non-American minions who are glaring at her*

  14. But why do they send hate mail to her? Because of a song on youtube? That's really stupid. Some people in this world are jerks.

  15. Me too, Kallista. It doesn't seem right.

  16. TO HOPE!

    *raises glass*


  17. Kallista, you're absolutely right, your side of the world never gets any of the good stuff! Unfortunately, the books haven't taken off there like they have in other countries, so there's no money to do any touring or special extras...

    We're trying our best, though, to drum up interest and to spread the word, and the moment it happens, you'll be inundated with Skulduggery goodness...!

    Daniela, you're quite correct, in Mortal Coil it DOES say it takes place 5 months after Dark Days, but in the new version, I've corrected it to only 3 months.

    And Lunar, you nutcase, going to drum lessons with a headache...!

    That's actually pretty horrible about Rebecca Black. I'm not that keen on the song, but the poor girl's only trying to make music, and certainly doesn't deserve all that hate. People on the internet can be rotten sometimes.

    (Though not my Minions...)

  18. Hmm Derek what's your favourite type of cheese? Or do you even like cheese? Sorry, I'm pretty random... I like Catherdral City Mild Cheddar, it's awesome! :)

  19. Cheese is very important in the world today ^^

  20. Hmm why does my carrot taste of a salami and cheese omelette?

  21. YAY! New post!

    I'm definitely going to buy all the new covers!!!!!

    Sorry guys, I'de stay on for longer but siblings want to use the computer so I'm going.
    Good day to you all!

  22. Dragona!

    *glomps Dragona*

    Exception. Now don't say that you're not good again. Or I'll have to... hug... you...

  23. There's lots of GM foods... but I've never heard of a carrot that tastes of a salami and cheese omelette before.

  24. I do my best to promote the books at my library here in America, we only have 1, 2, and 3. The kids who have picked up on the series love it, and are disappointed to hear that I can't get the rest of the books...I don't think my Director would be too keen on the shipping and handling from the UK.

  25. A red rose... As practise, for art on Monday

  26. I think canon wise [are they considered canon?] the extra stories will be /wonderful/ for helping fill in some of the areas between books- and the age clarification is FANTASTICAL.

    I wonder what it would be like to have a fanfiction contest and the winner's tale gets printed as a short story in one of the books? ;)

    I look forward to seeing all the new art and short stories! :)

    You guys really need to blab on the forum, the comments get so choked up here its hard to tell whats comment and what is a chat conversation! :D

  27. Naomi, please don't mention us commenting on here again, things have just calmed down on here from when quite a lot of people disliked us coming on, and I don't want that to start up again.

  28. Oh yey! I have to go for my tea now. Thanks a lot for leaving me guys! :(

    I'll be back later, bye.

  29. @ Naomi- I agree with you. I love that Derek keeps in touch with fans, but some comments get lost in all the craziness (not to say that the craziness should stop Dragona, keep on writing!). Same with the FB page, I stopped checking it so often because it became so negative, which is a real shame. Happy thoughts gang! :)

  30. Oh no! I lost track of time drawing! :o

    Bye Dragona! I SHALL be here when you return!

  31. Actually... I'm afraid I won't be. I'm sorry Dragona, but my tea is ready now too.

  32. Wow, wow, wow, wow!!! So excited!!! I'm going to have to save and then spend my birthday money (which is next Friday, yeah!) on the new books when they come out. Seriously can't wait though! :D I know you probably won't tell us, even if I ask, but I'm going to ask anyway... Will Tanith come back normal again in the next book? Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tell us :)

  33. Yer it would be great if there was some way of invented something stronger to get the minion out ... even after 3 days .... i miss Tanith already .... she was one of my favourite characters

  34. IM gonna have to wait til may to get my copies .... :(

  35. @ Kallista- First, THANKS! Second, I have bought the majority of the series from Amazon UK for myself, but I must have missed the free shipping option, otherwise I would have snagged some copies for the library. Not sure where you're from, but Derek has some big-time fans from the Philadelphia area (most are actually librarians), so despite the lack of SP hype over here, he is actually loved in the US.

  36. TOP 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDD FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi everyone!

    Hi Mr Landy!

  37. Hi Dragona! *hugs him* How are you today?

  38. Sort of fine. I got told to kill myself 15 times today ^^

  39. *looks at phone*

    Make that 20 times :/

  40. That's depressing :( Please don't... it's not a good plan. Been there. :) Anyhoo, I've almost finished my english... my teacher is going to think I'm mentally disturbed :/

  41. You really think 20 people would make a difference to me considering I knocked out 200 yesterday?

    You're not mentally disturbed Tristessa, you're an awesome person.

  42. And Tristessa, I've been there quite a lot of times ^^

  43. You know I love these little ploys to get people to pay more money for books they already have just with an extra chapter or two. I think a brand new short story anthology would have been nice, that included these extra chapters so people who didn't have the money to buy all the new books could read the new content.

  44. I agree with rachel ... but i havnt bought the boooks yet other than mortoil coil because i was introduced to skullduggery pleasant by my lovely friend gabrielle who lent me her books but i want the collection

  45. Thank you, you are an epic guy also :) I know I'm not mentally disturbed... my english teacher is just going to think I am. It started off as a short story about a depressed goth teenager girl who got arrested but just felt misunderstood. It ended becoming a story about a depressed teenager girl in jail who was arrested for murdering someone but really a dark magician who lived in a circus did it. Thing is, I decided to kill a little girl in the most gruesome way possible. Anyone who has read it so far thinks I'm slightly disturbed (mainly my friends though) but I keep giggling maniacally. It's that bad. The writing is a load of rubbish though. But nonetheless disturbing.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. And I'm not an epic guy :P

    I'm sorry your english teacher is going to think that, you're not mentally disturbed.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Oh, I don't mind... :/ She thinks I'm a natural at public speaking, so that's fine :) And I don't particularly like her (as an english teacher) anyway.



    CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!!! XDDDDD

  50. Hi Kallista!

    *hugs her*

    Can we go for a talk?

  51. YAY! Actually, that first short story in the back of the first paperback was in the original cover of the American paperback copy. just FYI. Anywho, will those paperbacks be availble in America? PLEASE SAY YES! If not then you owe Oregon a visit *le Glare*

  52. Voices are most scary. Well... mine was. She wasn't very nice. :( Bad voice. Naughty voice. Evil voice :( Boo.

    Would you mind deleting that comment, Dragona? I wouldn't want the great Golden God to think I have psychological problems... :/ Because I don't :) It hasn't come back for 2 whole months!!! XD

  53. @Lauren Longbottom: The FB page only became negative because some of the newbees on there we being yelled at by an exepionally rude person who has now been banned. FB page is now a happy place again. YAY!

  54. Thing was, I was giggling maniacally whilst I wrote it... I'll post the disturbing bit here :) Just wait whilst I find my english book.

  55. *disembodied voice* Is this you're really creepy English assignment Tess? *lowers in through a whole in the ceiling with lots of complicated wires*

    Hey guys! *struggles to undo the wires and ends up wrapped up hanging upside down* Well this is...awkward...

  56. Hi Bryony!

    *throws a knife at the wire, it cuts through it and Bryony drops to the floor*

  57. *lands on head* Ow. Thanks Dragona! *air hug, because the wires have all landed on my head* Haven't been on in what seems like ages...and that was very bad grammar...oh well...I like elipses...elipse...elipse...elipse...*sits in corner muttering insanely about grammar and elipses*

  58. Dammit :( I've left my english book at school... I'll rewrite it on the computer, I wasn't too happy with it on paper anyway :)

    @Kallista: I may or may not post it on my blog, we'll see how happy I am with it at the end. :)

    On the bright side, I managed to restyle my old top with something other than skinny jeans that is completely NOT on trend (I hate following trends- I live off out of trend sale racks and clothes that've been in my wardrobe for months) :) It now looks kind of 60's minidress, but I've put it with jeggings that aren't really jeggings. I put a belt to add a bit more figure... And of course, my trusty cardigan XD

  59. BRYONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Chat at the same time?

  60. LOL Byrony.

    LOL Tristessa and your cardigan :P

  61. @ Kallista- Philly is great! And I am proud to say that the Phillies and Eagles were ranked #1 and #2 for America's Worst Sports Fans! Gotta love it!

    @ Saoirse- I saw all the FB drama. Woof. I'm glad to hear it's all cleared up and now a happy forum again! Hooray! I think Cory needs to whip up another competition. Those were always fun to have between books too.

    @Tristessa- I can see how your teacher would be slightly concerned. I had a 4 year-old color a bunny with demonic eyes earlier this week, and even THAT triggered a slight panic in me! Haha. But if that's your style, go for it. Stephen King doesn't write about cute and cuddley bunnies it for everyone, no, but he's got his loyal fans and look where he is now! :)

  62. You and that cardigan...I swear one day I'm gonna steal it and put it in the Red Vines box. And then I will sit on it. Like this. *sits on imaginary box and falls over* Ow. I'm having a klutzy day.

  63. *implodes over her cardigan* I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S MINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Even though it's getting too hot for it now.... it's knitted.... I. DON'T. CARE. I will be in a place where it's snowing next week... I will use it then!!!!! XD

    Btw, I was going on about it so much my friend threatened to shred it. :/

    Hi Lauren! *extends hand in greeting* It's lovely to meet you. And it's not really my style, I go for adventure/mystery kind of thing. But I like writing horror. It's fun :)

  64. *sighs and uses magic yorkshire pudding to heal Tristessa*

  65. Hey Lauren! *jumps into Tristessa's arms and shakes Lauren's hand for her* How are you this fine time-of-the-day-that-all-depends-on-where-you-are-in-the-world-and-this-scentence-is-getting-too-long-so-I'd-better-stop-now-but-I-don't-want-too-but-I'd-better-*claps hand over mouth and continues to mumble*

  66. *giggles*

    *licks Dragona's shield*

  67. *licks Dragona's shield* Ah, the joys of having a constant blog update *looks pointedly at Tessa*

  68. Oh dear.


    Please stop licking my shield... last time Kallista imploded and it makes me feel uncomfortable :/

  69. *shuffles away from Dragona awkwardly*

    *uses her ninja-powers to creep up behind him*

    *licks his shield*

  70. But imploding is fun! See? *implodes* But now it's too mainstream. I spontaniously combust. *imploded bits spontaniously combust*

    But I won't if you don't want me to. *sits on top of Dragona's shield and hums a happy, if slightly creepy, little song*

  71. I'm going to go to town tomorrow, and I'm going to go in that weird GCHQ shop again. Government Communication Headquarters.

  72. @ Tristessa- Nice to 'meet' you too. I can now see how it's easy to get wrapped up in conversations on this blog. I was one of those 'post-and-run' types. But I have wasted the better part of my day on here this time around. Lovely.

    But, I'm glad that it's Friday, Friday. Cause, I gotta get down on Friday! YOW! That song is just as rediculously awesome in the US! Glad to know the rest of the world is suffering as well, haha!

  73. I'm the blog ninja Tristessa ^^

    *uses magic yorkshire pudding to heal Bryony*

  74. So, when I implode, you sigh and heal me... but when Kallista implodes you cry... :P :)

    She IS your wife though.... I am just the awesome friend.

    *sits on Dragona's shield*

  75. MAKE IT STOP!!!!! *runs around screaming with hands clamped over ears* MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!! *shoves a sock in Lauren's mouth*

  76. You haven't WASTED your time Lauren Longbottom, it's been well spent. You couldn't have lived without knowing that I had a carrot that tasted of salami and cheese omelette, weird huh? :P

  77. Yes she is my wife, so of course I'll cry when she gets hurt.

  78. You can't be the blog ninja, have an indestructible shield AND have an all-powerful magic yorkshire pudding! :o *pouts* It's not fair.

    I want to have a cool ability :P *pouts more*

  79. Do you? Omnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom....*gets distracted from the horror of the Friday song and starts eating my school tie*

  80. I think you'll find I can have all those things. And I've been the blog ninja the most, and I hardly use my shield unless someone tries to hurt me. And all I do with my magic yorkshire pudding is heal people unless people get on the wrong side of me and I disintergrate them. I'm the blog ninja.

  81. *steals the yorkshire pudding* I found a loophole... *eats yorkshire pudding*

  82. Hi again Kallista, where are you going and what's happening?

  83. And I'm the blog pirate! ARG! *skips around singing 'I'm a pirate, I'm a pirate, I'm a pirate and I pwn ninjas....'* Not that I really do. It's just the pirate national anthem. *salutes and slaps self in the face*

  84. You know if you touched it, it would be disintergrated. And there is no loophole.

    *a yellow light comes from Tristessa's mouth that she cannot contain, it goes to Dragona's hands and reforms into a magic yorkshire pudding*

    Now please leave me alone.

  85. OMNOMNOMNOM TIES!!!!!! *sits quietly in the corner eating ties and humming the pirate national anthem*

  86. *contains magic light*

    Yeah. I just did.

  87. *sighs*

    I tried to warn you Tristessa...

    *she disintergrates*

    *a yellow light goes into Dragona's hand and reforms to a magic yorkshire pudding*

    Now please leave me alone Tristessa, I'm not in the mood.

  88. And Happy Kallista means Happy Bryony/Bryonly and more ties for me to eat. *skips around some more, still humming*

  89. And Tristessa, btw, you would have already disintergrated as soon as you touched it. You couldn't have contained the yellow light also.

  90. Wait... you said 'it would be disintegrated' So I'm an it now? * disintegrated pile of Tristessa pouts*

    *turns into a disintegrated fish and sits on Dragona's head in her disintegratedness*

  91. Kallista, do you have time to reply to the comment I left where we were talking?

  92. It's the pirate national anthem and we all have to learn it the moment we turn 5 years, 7 months, 5 weeks, 6 days, 1 hour, 3 minutes and 2 seconds! *salutes again, this time missing head completely and throwing self to the floor*

  93. You know now you're disintergrated all your movements and changes are void because you're a pile of dust on the floor.

  94. Hi Derek!Love the books. the old covers look better though. mortal coil is the best :)

  95. *flops around in a disintegrated way*

  96. You can't have done that Tristessa.

  97. Urm.... no? This is Blogland! Anything is possible... :)

  98. Not when my magic yorkshire pudding is involved. You're really annoying me tonight Tristessa and I'm not in the mood for it.

  99. *sings pirate anthem from the floor* I'm a pirate, I'm a pirate, I'm a pirate and I pwn ninjas....!

  100. You can't pwn me Bryony, I'm too skilled and too awesome ^^

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Okay. Sorry Dragona. *hands him an apologetic marshmellow* I'm sorry... I was only messing about... Sorry if I annoyed you :( *disappears apologetic to write more horror stories*

    *leaves marshmallows on a table for anyone else*

  103. *eats the marshmallow*

    Please don't go Tristessa, not yet anyway.

  104. *stumbles around in the horror story world*

    *gets lost*

    *looks for a map*

    *dies trying*

  105. *runs in and jumps over the table with one arm snatching marshmallows with the other before jumping Orr fully and running off*

  106. OMG!!! -goes running around bedroom for money-lol can't wait! :)

  107. It's a pirate-ninja thing. But *looks around shiftily*...Can you all keep a secret? *whispers* I'm actually a Death Eater! Look! *points to homemade Dark Mark* But don't worry. I'm nice.

  108. Hey Nicolette! *summons marshmellows for Nicolette with magical wizard powers*

  109. *heals Tristessa*

    Ninja's rule Bryony! :P

  110. *wakes up and realises she's not dead*

    *creepy car driver dude comes along and chops Tristessa into little tiny pieces*

  111. *sighs and heals Tristessa again*

    Please stop dying! :(

    *takes out C4*

    *puts it on the guys car and presses the detonator when he is at a safe distance*

  112. *turns around and looks weirdly at marshmallows* I don't even like marshmallows!

  113. Yes, Ninjas do rule. The pirate thing was just a cover story, and everyone knows that Ninjas and Pirates don't get on. But I'm really just a nice Death Eater. Ninja's are indeed awesome.

  114. *sends marshmellows away with DE powers. Summons chocolate*

  115. Sorry... getting myself in the horror story mood....

    *creepy clown drives up in a dark coloured car, drags Tristessa away into a circus tent and seriously injures her*

  116. *grins*

    Ninjas can own pirates, all pirates have is a sword and a bottle of rum! :P

    *disappears into the shadows*

  117. Gah! I've got to go now.... BYE EVERYONE!!!! *hugs them all*

  118. *uses magic yorkshire pudding to heal Tristessa*

    Just stop being hurt! :(

    *shoots the circus dude*

  119. And a sword...and a cannon....and parrots...and boats...and gunpowder...and lots of flammable stuff...and no fear! But ninja's are equally, if not more awesome.

  120. Sure, so they have a boat that can be sunk with one shot, a huge and heavy gun which can hardly be moved which fires balls and a bird.

  121. Bye bye Tessa! *dances around in a goodbye dance* *jazz hands*

  122. Ninjas rule! puts on her ninja costume and jumps around blog land*

    *her mask gets caught and Nicolette falls 10 metres and lands on her shoulder*

    This is how I fractured my shoulder

  123. Well I'm the blog ninja Nicolette, ninjas are awesome!

  124. Speaking of Ninjas... I have a new OC, it's on Bio-Rama because Lizzy posted for me and it's also on the blog.

  125. Well that was smart, wasn't it Nicolette? *claps sarcastically* any grapes? *summons all graped within a 10 mile radius of Blogland and eats them all*

  126. *gets up and gets in her ninja pose*

    I may not be the blog ninja but I'm the coolest ninja ever! ;)

    *jumps onto the lights and swings used down, laughing as her hair falls around her face*

  127. *gets out wand*


    Um... cheese?

    *cheese comes flying at Dragona*


    *opens mouth and eats all the cheese*

  128. No I'm the coolest Ninja ever Nicolette! :P

    Wait, no I think that might be my new OC...

  129. But the OC is MADE by me, which means I'm the coolest ninja ever :P

  130. *drops onto dragonas shoulders* no I'm the coolest ninja! Now I want a piggy back!

  131. Hmm... admit I'm the coolest ninja ever and I'll give you a piggy back. If not... I'll kill you :P

  132. My mum said if I lie then shell take my iPod away so I can't admit to that ;P *jumps back onto the lights before dragona can kill her*

  133. *jumps up to the lights with Nicolette*

    *takes out silenced pistol and shoots her between the shoulders*

  134. Eek! *her barrier protects her as she jumps into the ducts*

  135. *takes out throwing knife and uses magic yorkshire pudding so it is unaffected by shields*

    *throws it at Nicolette and hits her in the back*

  136. I've gotta go now peoples! *runs around showering them with gothic bunnies and emo rainbows (colours include; black, black and black)* Goodbye! *flies up through the hole in the roof from earlier, Superman style*

  137. oft! *drops to the groundat couture her hands to her chest* ow ow ow ow ow *eyes flicker shut as she goes unconscious from blood lose*

  138. *grins*

    I told you I'm the coolest ninja ever Nicolette ^^

    *uses magic yorkshire pudding to heal her*

    Now do I have to do it again or will you admit it? :P

  139. *sits in the corner pouting* hurt me as much as you want but I'll never admit anyone but me is the coolest ninja ever

  140. *throws another throwing knife that is unaffected by shields at Nicolette, it hits her between the eyes*

    It makes very little difference if you admit it or not, but I suppose your Ipod will be taken off you...

  141. *uses magic yorkshire pudding to heal Nicolette, but keeps the knife in so she is still pinned to the wall*

    Come on, just admit it :P

  142. Alright then.

    *takes out sword*

    *points it at Nicolette's stomach*

    You will die! :P

    *retracts the blade*

    *starts laughing*

    Hahahaha, you didn't think I'd hurt you, did you?

    *picks up throwing knife and bends it*

    They're made from rubber, they couldn't hurt a fly!


    Admit we're equals in awesomeness, because THAT is true.

    *continues laughing at the rubber throwing knives that actually never did any harm whatsoever*

  143. Umm okaii were equalsin awesomomness but because I'm a girl I'm a ting bitmoreawesome;) *swings from the lights*

  144. Take that! This provesim a more awesome ninja!!


    NICOLETTE! >:(

    I put all the effort into that, THAT IS UNFAIR!


    I'm not happy with you! I never get 1st comment because I always let Kallista have it, then one of my only chances to...


    And btw, you are less awesome now.

  146. No it doesn't Nicolette, it's proved that you don't care about how much effort people put in and just steal things. Criminal :(


  147. *glares*

    If you were a true ninja you would have let me have it after I put in the most effort.

  148. hi everybody
    now i feel awful because i'm never gonna be allowed to buy the new paperbacks and i really want to read those new short stories

  149. Nicolette, you are not a true ninja... I am the more awesome one...

    *sensai music starts playing*

    Hi Tori!

  150. omg the talk about ninjas reminds of me of how last week i was helping paint a mural at our school and me and this guy started speaking with chinese accents
    "no fortune cookies for you"
    "i already have fortune cookie"
    "Confucius says 'don't put off tomorrow what you can do today'"
    "what you talkin bout"
    "go back to work"

  151. i don't just miss at being first on the page
    i'm so late that the conversation is either dead or there are very people left standing

  152. i'm doing good
    there's no school today so i'm sleeping in and laying back
    and feeling like a complete lazy butt :P

  153. Back.

    Kallista, I don't want 1st page when you're on. I'd rather you have it. But when you're not on I like to have it and one of my first chances to get it, I put in all the effort and them Nicolette stole it :(

  154. The new covers sound great! My copy of Skulduggery Pleasant, though, did have "The Lost Art of World Domination" in it, and I live in America. Huh. Anyway, it was a good story. Also, I was confused about Val's age, so thank you for clearing that up!

  155. i think its funny when so many different people are talking at once
    it means i don't get that weird look when i put it my two cents every other comment :P
    that's why i can't talk in groups in real life very often, then i get that look like i'm butting in

  156. Hi Thalia!

    Kallista I left a comment where we were talking.

  157. DEREK!!! YOU GAVE ME A FREAKING HEART ATTACK!! I THOUGHT YOU DIED IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG SINCE YOUR LAST BLOG POST!!!! i was checking this thing EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past however many days or so i was really worried!!! im glad to see your still breathing and with us i would have died myself if you died *litterally no joke there* and and I NEED THAT BOOK HAND....IT...OVER!!!!

    *thousands of peole try and keep skulgirl from ripping the book out of Derek's possesion*



    i guess i wont get it that fast


    can you give us oh say a chapter of the book?????



  158. lucky thalia
    mine didn't because i don;t have the first book which makes me feel like a failure
    i have every other book but the first one
    because i got it from the library and my mom won't let me buy books that i've already read

  159. Hi Skulgirl! Wow you're insane tonight.

    *gives her a balloon*

  160. i feel the same way skulgirl

  161. Blah! I'm sick! It's really very irksome...

    Yes I knew that timeline was a bit off. Mortal Coil really confused me...I completely forgot about it later, admittedly. I also knew all about the paperback thing but I wasn't privy to the knowledge of there being few hardcovers in Ireland...

  162. yes i have been pretty insane today feeling very reckless *pops the balloon*
