Monday, November 29, 2010


And we have a winner...!

On Thursday night, I accepted the award for Best Children's Book of the Year (Senior) for Mortal Coil, to rapturous applause from everyone who loves me. Yes, fine, that means I was applauding myself as I made my way to the stage, but it still counts, dammit...

Here is the beautiful award on my mantlepiece...

I also picked up a SECOND award, for I am THAT brilliant- this time it was for the Book of the Decade thing I won a few months back. Here are BOTH awards on my mantlepiece...

Yes. I have a cool house.

Thanks to everyone who voted- it's because of you, my Minions, that the Skulduggery books do so well at things like this. And I just LOVE getting up on stage and making fun of everyone. Makes me so happy...

And, now that I've remembered how to post photos, I'll add a few random ones...

These are home-made jackets worn by two girls who came to signings a few months ago, one in the UK and one in Germany... Sweeeeet.

And here are two pictures of kittens I used to have, before I found good homes for them...!


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Dragona Pine said...


The bloody thing doesn't load up... it just keeps restarting itself...

Star Lord said...

barmybex said...

awesome!!! lovin the jumpers and the kittens are sooooo cool

Dragona Pine said...

I've read your story Sarthacus and left a comment...

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Kallista...

Dragona Pine said...

*turns into a giant grey Dragon again*

*shoulder barges into Clifford, he looses his hold on Kallista and Dragona roasts him alive, delivers him to China*

Dragona Pine said...

*Dragona kicks Clifford before he can get to the poison ivy*

Octa said...

its me

i had to go to school today even though it was snowing.

Dragona Pine said...

*breathes fire up to Zeus, making him stop with the lightning*

Octa said...

it sucks

Octa said...

hi kallista

hi dragona

Dragona Pine said...

I didn't go to school today... it was closed... too much snow... more than a foot of it...

Octa said...

well i did

mock gcses this week

Dragona Pine said...



Octopus Custard :P

Octa said...

are the elephants ok?

Octa said...

i had to go to school today in the snow

Octa said...

i shall just ignore all things custard related

it doesn't affect me

Octa said...

what did you ever do to deserve this?

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... Kallista you seem to have a lot of abuse from all things random... when did you start with this problem?

Octa said...

well exams are paramount over all creation

even snow

Octa said...

nothing bad happened!

Octa said...

maybe your over your problem

Octa said...

hi orius

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... I am going to prescribe you some anti-lightning tablets and some elephant, clifford the big red dog and oompas repellant...

*hands Kallista some spray and some tablets*

Take one, five times a day...

Octa said...

hi thrice

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

so whats happening

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

hi every body

Octa said...

kallista keeps getting struck by lightning, run over by elephants, oompa lompas, shopping trolleys, clifford the big red dog, attacked by snowballs etc.

Octa said...

but not much else

Octa said...

she's really cute

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

cold.. i know what you mean

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

im depressed

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Kallista...

Octa said...

thats a fantastic name for a kitty

and a good name for a puppy is fishy

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

is an one depressed

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

cool cat, puppy, thing

Octa said...

just you i think

why you depressed?

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

why r u depressed

Octa said...

i fear for the butterfly!

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

... ???

Dragona Pine said...

*does that thing where you go behind someone and force the choking thing out of them*

*tablet flies out of Kallista's mouth*

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

i feel so depressed

Dragona Pine said...

I'm depressed too... but that's nothing different for me... I'm ALWAYS depressed...

Octa said...


Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

*scares butterfly away*

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

i dont know thrice i just feel ...............

Octa said...

you should become a butterfly

they never suffer from depression

only attacks from kittens named Puppy!

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

why are you depressed orius???

(dragona, i know you hate your life)

Dragona Pine said...

You are now entering Dragona world Orius... I welcome you in my own little world...

Octa said...

lol Puppy

Octa said...

Puppy is my faithful minion

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

mm... butterflys

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

*looks around sad and looks around and gets even sader*

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i am also a faithful minion

Dragona Pine said...

*gives Orius a bottle of beer*

This will help...

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

ey, custard, i forgot it was you

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

can i come

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i am also a minion thing to you
(it i am accepted)

Dragona Pine said...


Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

am i???

Octa said...


much better sign

it means hi i feel like a rabbit!

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

or mabye i will worship dragona

Dragona Pine said...

I brb for my tea...

Octa said...

i need cake

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

i feel like i im so un heard

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

did someone say rabbit???
(0 0)
(> <)#

knight fantasy said...

sory guys...

stupid damn shitty laptop and internet and internat explorer...

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

*ignores orius completly*
who feel so what??

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

thrice can i worship some one 2

Octa said...

so i am faithful minion to My Golden God and Puppy

what if they don't like each other?

Laura Jordan said...

Omg the carpet that the kittens are on is almost identical to mine in my living room :O
... also, i <3 kittens :)
For Christmas, I've designed a Skulduggery Pleasant bag for me and my best friend - because we're obsessed!
And Derek... your house is so cool :)

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...


Octa said...

just felt we needed to mention bunnies

Katy A said...

Awwwwwwww, those kittens are ADORABLE! Congratulations :D I voted, of course, and yes, you DO have a cool house...Can I have it? :DDD

knight fantasy said...


my tutor's sleepin...

and the internet's broadband is @#$% pink in colour(which is a bad news)....

Octa said...

thats why i put up the emoticon

Octa said...

i don't feel like i'm really part of the conversation

i'm just sort of replying to myself and babbling

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

im going 2 scool 2morrow

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

now i am a devoted follower

Octa said...

you can't keep changing who you worship lol

tis unfaitful

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

yeah, i h8 the way we have school, i accidentaly told haley we had no school...


Octa said...

but they might be jealous of each other

knight fantasy said...

it's tuesday 2morrow at ur time right orius?
arent u supposed 2 b at school?

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

it is faithful, it is just making someone feel rejected

Octa said...

because they are both so awesome

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

can i worship some one

Octa said...

but rejection makes peoples sad!

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

we r having no school cuz of snow

we go 2 the same school
to us TODAY is tuesday

Octa said...

you can worship the 12th mouse of my collective personality

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

no, you cant orius

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...


Octa said...

he gets lonley though

knight fantasy said...

orius, dont worship any1....

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

... hmm...

Octa said...

@ kallista

no its ok

my mothers scary too!

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

thrice i dont care , i need 2 do something

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i think he is going to worship YOU knight

Octa said...




Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i am the worshipper of well... anyone who i want to be nice to me

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight im going 2 worship u can i

knight fantasy said...

hold up, i'm gonna try get a green colour at my broadband's light...

if i dont come back, then i've probably given up already...

Octa said...

am i too repetetive?

knight fantasy said...


Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

can i knight

Octa said...

worship the great derek landy

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...


Octa said...

now what?

Octa said...

i mention the mice too much already

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i am complete, so are your mice things

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...


Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

is my name good now???

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

i want too worship more than 1 person

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i thhink you want to be like me

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i worship someone, you de. i worship more than one person, you do

knight fantasy said...

i'm not sayin that derek is great but i do agree with octa, orius, y notnb obses with him rather than me...

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

wow, i have a long name

Lunar Tears said...

Thrice, seriously, what is up with your name?

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

thrice can i worship u

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

1 min

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

improved again

knight fantasy said...

dragona's gonna kill u thrice 4 ur name...
u know that right?.....

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

NO! noone shall worship me

hi again lunar. i wanted a long name, then orius wanter to be like me

Octa said...

hey lunar

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

yeah, dragona always kills me. i got used to it

Octa said...

you forgot to add kallista to your name

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...


Lunar Tears said...


Um, why does everybody have all these titles?

What's with the kitten called puppy thing?

Octa said...

adding to your name?

Octa said...

kallista created puppy

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i got a yoghurt

Octa said...

do you worship the yoghurt?

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

why, have i started a new stile???

Octa said...

Puppy is her sidekick i think

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

one sec

Octa said...

no but out of curiosity

Lunar Tears said...

I got a dragon that burns Dragona's hair when he comes within 10ft of him

Octa said...

lol if we are creating long names i have one somewhere that it 149 names long

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i cant worship anyone or anything else

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

back again =]

Octa said...

there a word limit?

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

not enough space for it, it wont let me

i was going to add the yoghurt i am eating now

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

can i worship any one

Octa said...


Lunar Tears said...

Crazy People....

knight fantasy said...

sory, stupid internet...

hi lunar

and i'm sory i hvnt said this b4 2 u octa:

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

there is a character limit, it has to be -200 characters

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

nice name lunar

Lunar Tears said...

Orius, you can worship me

I don't mind...

As long as you don't do anything... creepy

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

omg, orius didnt copy me

knight fantasy said...

better not worship any1 orius...

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

can i worship you, kallista rejected me

can i worship you but not have it in my name

Octa said...

thanks for the welcome knight

Lunar Tears said...

who's that to, Thrice?

knight fantasy said...

urwelcome octa

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

mm... yoghurt

Lunar Tears said...

Are Thrice and Orius brothers...?

Octa said...

what thinngs

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

no, best friends (he copys me a lot)

Lunar Tears said...


knight fantasy said...

now just calm down there kalista

Lunar Tears said...





Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

lets see... i get a hotmail, he gets a hotmail. i join this, he joins this, the same with making a blog, he wants me to help him make one, the same with worshipping

Lunar Tears said...


Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

best friends for life so far

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

lunar, do you mean his pic

Octa said...

perhaps i shouldn't have eaten the entire cake

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

flowers smell nice

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

yoghurt smell nice

knight fantasy said...

oh, there there kallisata...
i cant help u, but i really know what ur goin through right now...

orius is sooooooooooooo cute!
u've got a nice friend there thrice

Octa said...

lol don't start

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

not a secret any more kallista

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

G2G haven dinner b back in a bit

Lunar Tears said...

This happened a couple of weeks ago...

I want to know your opinions:

BOY: [On Phone] Can you bring my P.E kit, Grandma?


BOY: Thank You Grandma! Yes, I love you, too. Yep, love you... OK, bye!

[Hangs up]

BOY: [to Grandma] You stupid fat cow!


BOY: Oh, sh*t have I hung up?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

eeek there loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong names

Octa said...

you stole my birth year comment!

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

orius only acts like this on the blog, off the blog he is a snowballing, noise making person

Octa said...

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonger names

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

what birth year comment

Octa said...

2000th comment

Lunar Tears said...

No, I don't mean is pic.

I mean that Orius is SOOOOOOOOOO cute


Yes, The Dreaded Dead Girls Society lives on!

Octa said...

@ thrice

never mind

i was trying to get 1994th comment

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

you were born in 1994 ... that makes you ....

*counts* urrr ummm 16!

Octa said...


knight fantasy said...


steph- i mean, valkyrie must b fightin some bad guys with skulduggery right now...
how i envyed her life so much...

Lunar Tears said...


Octa, when you wrote:

You stole my birth year comment!

You stole MY birth year comment!


Octa said...


knight fantasy said...

oh and hi nicol

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

KALLISTA!!! ... oooooh

........ ow

...... ekk

.... thats ones gunna hurt

Octa said...


Star Lord said...

OK, just made a massive phonecall scene in TTOTC, an Dakota is told to "Develope some manners!". Ahh, I can tell this will be a good book. Do sound show-off-y sating that?

Star Lord said...

Nioette ,check my blog!

knight fantasy said...

what?! what?!
who's 16?!

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

kallista, you beat yourself up a lot

Lunar Tears said...

I think not!

knight fantasy said...

yo bolt!

knight fantasy said...

i agree with thrice there kallista...

Octa said...



Lunar Tears said...



Octa said...

16 year olds like SP too.

Lunar Tears said...

Where's the bemused fish?

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