Monday, July 5, 2010

And another, even COOLER, video...

... to keep you busy while I compose the latest entry into this accursed Blog...


Mr Connor said...


Irresistably EVIL!!! said...


Mr Connor said...

That video is VERY cool or should i say "Derektastic" :D Hey Derek when are you coming to Belfast? (if you are) and Do you like the annoying Orange's Videos?

Mr Connor said...

1st, 3rd and 4th damn im on fire!

Irresistably EVIL!!! said...

okay, im good now. Mr. Landy... have u ever heard of a show called Avenue Q??? it's really funny. if u dont know what it is, it's a travelling puppet show *a little bit like a mix between the muppet show and family guy* and they sing about stuff. its for adults of course. they have songs like, "it sucks to be me", if you were gay" everyone's a bit racist", stuff like that. it's really funny. if u haven't seen it yet u need to go on youtube and look it up. tell me what u think k??? ;p

Irresistably EVIL!!! said...

OMG!!!!! that was sooooo cool!!! at first i was like, "OH IT'S THE MOVIE TRAILOR!!!!" but u tricked me fiend!!! the end was funny. not that we're going to make a fuss about it. classic. well i gotta get to meh chores :P the only good thing about this week is that i won't have my little sister up my butt. and me and meh mom can do stuff. oh, and i have a question for u. Derek, what social group were you in in high school? i have a feeling u were either one of the dorks *just a vibe* or a social outcast that everyone hated 'cause you were so much smarter and cooler than them. Kuriyami, out.

Wonka said...

seventh comment!!

vey derektastic.


ah. is that a school day or wat...
must BUY!!!
no more impulse buying fot MEm thank u very much!

Wonka said...

ahh bad typos sorry

Lady Kumori of Ultimate Evil and Awesomeness said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lady Kumori of Ultimate Evil and Awesomeness said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Synopsis Somebody said...

11th comment!

Synopsis Somebody said...

ah it's nice to see a REAL video celebrating the release of the next book

penguin said...

my comment!!!

Lady Kumori of Ultimate Evil and Awesomeness said...

Hello, Minion. I have a question that didn't seem to be answered in any of the books...
What powers does Scapegrace have? Obviously, they're very weak, but I'm curious as to what they are.
If this question is not answered, vengeance will be swift, but exceedingly painful.

Rosie said...

The video was a bit... meh, if you know what I mean. But I do look forward to the next blog...
Heh heh.

Anonymous said...

omg. it comes out on my FIRST DAY BACK AT HELL aka school... do you know how upsetting that is? how un-derektastic that makes me feel?
well, anyway. It looks good so it better be worth the wait!

'What if they shoot us?' i asked, wary of the situation.
'What if they don't?' Danny answered simply, then leaned over the trenches to fire.

love, Lenka

Lemony Good said...

Greetings Oh Fabled Space Moose, or Some Other Greeting That Will Grab Your Attention...

I am a huge fan and I've done a daily comic strip on Facebook called 'Skul-man' dedicated to your genius characters. I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look.
Thank you! x!/album.php?aid=10704&id=100000022726669

Anonymous said...

derek, i will divid by zero if you dont post a blog soon! ill go aheadand divide by zero anyway *divdes by zero*

Anonymous said...

omg Lemony (athough, i'm sure you're Emily on Facebook...) i love your Joe Bloggs comics! and ur SKUL-MAN ones ;)

please can you check out:


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Comment 20!And to think I could've gotten #1 Grrr

Talorya Breeze said...

Hello, all! I did something extremely stupid on Saturday. I jumped in the pool with my clothes on and realized too late that my cell phone was in my pocket.

It died =P

I was too late to save it...

R.I.P my wonderful red cell phone

Anyone wanna start the funeral music?


Guess not :(

lol so anyways now I have this really old cell phone and I won't get a new one till christmas which sucks, but it'll make do.

Bye, all!

Anonymous said...



Aimee =] said...

That video was pretty awesome, the ending the best ;)

Saoirse Equus said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! I'M SO EXITED! I WANT THE BOOK! I WANT THE BOOK! I WANT THE BOOK! Can I have it now please? and will you please come to Central Oregon USA??? :D :D :D

Unknown said...

I really Like Skulduggery books but the American page is well a bit less than the other two.
Would somebody please update it.

Skulduggery Skellington said...


Oh hey Landy I don't want to be a pest or anything but would you do us the kind favor of making an account on the Skulduggery Forums?

It would mean well quite a bit if you do. :P

Thank you
Skulduggery Skellington

Juuh said...

Hello, I'm just here to tell you that his books are simply amazing. I loved, very well written, full of humor and a little scary. I liked the names too, are all great. I'm from Brazil, and here his many books are not known, but people who do not read it are idiots, because his books, as I say, are amazing. When I bought, I could not sleep or eat or get out of where I was, to finish reading. When I finished, I commented on it in my room, and several of my friends have bought the book. Here the Skulduggery Pleasant, flame Ardiloso Cortês ,I know you will not understand, but it was worth the intention. I have written a lot, so keep writing, because you're an awesome writer, and has many people who love their books as I do. Bye.

Minnie said...

EEEEEEEKKKK! That trailer made me fangirl scream, which I NEVER do. This is what Skulduggery Pleasant has made me, a fangirl banshee. ;) I love the last line too. Fantastic!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

You're most definitely correct.(of course!)That is such a Derektastic video!Extremely epic!By the way, sorry all I previously said was complaining about what comment place I got.I had to save the world from Inertia Doldrums [his name is deceiving.He's really quite the opposite.He's rather genius and has lots of gadgets to use for his advantage, but I out-witted him, thankfully, and he now resides in prison.For how long I'll never know.]and only had time to comment really quickly.

Lady Kumori I bet he doesn't have any powers.

Aw man I bet that's seriously annoying, Talorya Breeze!

Add your name, racin_ruffian and Isaac Mistheart!
If you want Derek Landy to tour the U.S., copy/paste this in one of your comments, adding your name to the list. You never know, this petition might work. . . . .eventually.


Stay red, purple, and weird! [I know it supposedly switched to just purple, but I like red too.]

"But I'm rarely wrong, you see.You, on the other hand, are wrong a bizarrely large amount of the time.Statistically, it's quite amazing."

Minnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lady Kumori of Ultimate Evil and Awesomeness said...

"Lady Kumori I bet he doesn't have any powers."
In Dark Days, it says he does have a little I'm sure he can do SOMETHING, even if it's completely lame and useless, which it obviously is.

Ayries said...

Pretty snazzy editing!

Anonymous said...

Hey has anyone seen the annoying orange videos?

Johan said...

Hi Derek i am from Australia I just want to now how skullduggery can make a fire with gloves on?

Kailz said...


Harly Ryker said...

30th comment! woot woot!
Derek, if you don't do an actual post answering questions, we will kill you.
Stay Purple.
Stay weird.
Harly Ryker.

Geckogirl said...

hello there earthlings.
geckogirl has RETURNED!
but with a tragic and slightly funny (in my mums opinion) story. it happened today to be presise.
me and 14 other students from our school were going to a univercity to go and do some science experiments. only 15 people were going who got the highest marks in set one in scinece (not that im boasting or anything :)) anyway my friend couldnt go so i was the back-up (a.k.a im not as clever as her and im the back-up slightly less clever kid) my teacher told me to take a little year 7 under my wing as she was the only girl in her year. i was cool with that as the only other kids who were going i knew were 3 boys (one of which was my ex-boyfriend) so i did. the girl was ok. little boring but ok. the science thinggy was OK. slightly boring as we didnt get to blow anything up. also there were free crisps but no pringles *crys*
but on the coach trip home......HELL BROKE LOSE!!!!!!!!!
3 year 7 boys behind me kept insulting me and slashing me with a ruler. they also kept kickin me,stealin my i-pod and takin my seat-belt off. so....i attacked them back. i stole their ruler,nicked one of their shoes and slashed them and insulted them as much as i could. was 3 against one. i failed quite misribly and i have several slashes to prove it........*cry*

the teacher did nothing of couse. i didnt snitch but she must of heard all the comotion from the back of the bus. unless she was ignoring me....meh. i dont like her......(deaf old bat)

anyways once we got off i asked oone of the boys i knew to hold my bag and then i chased after the boys with a scrunched up piece of paper and hit them as hard as i could with it. sadly they were walking home the same way as me. epp.

so after running for my life i got home and settled down to eat some pringles. and HERE I AM. the end.

why i told u all this i do not know.

oh! also my m8 is having a BIIIIIIG PARTY soon and about 100 PEPS R GOIN! and they r trying to force me into a dress. they can try. lets just get this straight GECKOGIRL DOES NOT WEAR DRESSES. EVER!!!!!! so i compremised and now im just not comming in a jeans and t-shirt (but what they dont know is that im wearing combats heheheheh *cough*)

anyways. soz. ive just rambled on alot to u guys. i shall skulduggery discuss instead.


that is all.
geckogirl out :p

Geckogirl said...

hello there earthlings.
geckogirl has RETURNED!
but with a tragic and slightly funny (in my mums opinion) story. it happened today to be presise.
me and 14 other students from our school were going to a univercity to go and do some science experiments. only 15 people were going who got the highest marks in set one in scinece (not that im boasting or anything :)) anyway my friend couldnt go so i was the back-up (a.k.a im not as clever as her and im the back-up slightly less clever kid) my teacher told me to take a little year 7 under my wing as she was the only girl in her year. i was cool with that as the only other kids who were going i knew were 3 boys (one of which was my ex-boyfriend) so i did. the girl was ok. little boring but ok. the science thinggy was OK. slightly boring as we didnt get to blow anything up. also there were free crisps but no pringles *crys*
but on the coach trip home......HELL BROKE LOSE!!!!!!!!!
3 year 7 boys behind me kept insulting me and slashing me with a ruler. they also kept kickin me,stealin my i-pod and takin my seat-belt off. so....i attacked them back. i stole their ruler,nicked one of their shoes and slashed them and insulted them as much as i could. was 3 against one. i failed quite misribly and i have several slashes to prove it........*cry*

the teacher did nothing of couse. i didnt snitch but she must of heard all the comotion from the back of the bus. unless she was ignoring me....meh. i dont like her......(deaf old bat)

anyways once we got off i asked oone of the boys i knew to hold my bag and then i chased after the boys with a scrunched up piece of paper and hit them as hard as i could with it. sadly they were walking home the same way as me. epp.

so after running for my life i got home and settled down to eat some pringles. and HERE I AM. the end.

why i told u all this i do not know.

oh! also my m8 is having a BIIIIIIG PARTY soon and about 100 PEPS R GOIN! and they r trying to force me into a dress. they can try. lets just get this straight GECKOGIRL DOES NOT WEAR DRESSES. EVER!!!!!! so i compremised and now im just not comming in a jeans and t-shirt (but what they dont know is that im wearing combats heheheheh *cough*)

anyways. soz. ive just rambled on alot to u guys. i shall skulduggery discuss instead.


that is all.
geckogirl out :p

Geckogirl said...

hello there earthlings.
geckogirl has RETURNED!
but with a tragic and slightly funny (in my mums opinion) story. it happened today to be presise.
me and 14 other students from our school were going to a univercity to go and do some science experiments. only 15 people were going who got the highest marks in set one in scinece (not that im boasting or anything :)) anyway my friend couldnt go so i was the back-up (a.k.a im not as clever as her and im the back-up slightly less clever kid) my teacher told me to take a little year 7 under my wing as she was the only girl in her year. i was cool with that as the only other kids who were going i knew were 3 boys (one of which was my ex-boyfriend) so i did. the girl was ok. little boring but ok. the science thinggy was OK. slightly boring as we didnt get to blow anything up. also there were free crisps but no pringles *crys*
but on the coach trip home......HELL BROKE LOSE!!!!!!!!!
3 year 7 boys behind me kept insulting me and slashing me with a ruler. they also kept kickin me,stealin my i-pod and takin my seat-belt off. so....i attacked them back. i stole their ruler,nicked one of their shoes and slashed them and insulted them as much as i could. was 3 against one. i failed quite misribly and i have several slashes to prove it........*cry*

the teacher did nothing of couse. i didnt snitch but she must of heard all the comotion from the back of the bus. unless she was ignoring me....meh. i dont like her......(deaf old bat)

anyways once we got off i asked oone of the boys i knew to hold my bag and then i chased after the boys with a scrunched up piece of paper and hit them as hard as i could with it. sadly they were walking home the same way as me. epp.

so after running for my life i got home and settled down to eat some pringles. and HERE I AM. the end.

why i told u all this i do not know.

oh! also my m8 is having a BIIIIIIG PARTY soon and about 100 PEPS R GOIN! and they r trying to force me into a dress. they can try. lets just get this straight GECKOGIRL DOES NOT WEAR DRESSES. EVER!!!!!! so i compremised and now im just not comming in a jeans and t-shirt (but what they dont know is that im wearing combats heheheheh *cough*)

anyways. soz. ive just rambled on alot to u guys. i shall skulduggery discuss instead.


that is all.
geckogirl out :p

Geckogirl said...

hello there earthlings.
geckogirl has RETURNED!
but with a tragic and slightly funny (in my mums opinion) story. it happened today to be presise.
me and 14 other students from our school were going to a univercity to go and do some science experiments. only 15 people were going who got the highest marks in set one in scinece (not that im boasting or anything :)) anyway my friend couldnt go so i was the back-up (a.k.a im not as clever as her and im the back-up slightly less clever kid) my teacher told me to take a little year 7 under my wing as she was the only girl in her year. i was cool with that as the only other kids who were going i knew were 3 boys (one of which was my ex-boyfriend) so i did. the girl was ok. little boring but ok. the science thinggy was OK. slightly boring as we didnt get to blow anything up. also there were free crisps but no pringles *crys*
but on the coach trip home......HELL BROKE LOSE!!!!!!!!!
3 year 7 boys behind me kept insulting me and slashing me with a ruler. they also kept kickin me,stealin my i-pod and takin my seat-belt off. so....i attacked them back. i stole their ruler,nicked one of their shoes and slashed them and insulted them as much as i could. was 3 against one. i failed quite misribly and i have several slashes to prove it........*cry*

the teacher did nothing of couse. i didnt snitch but she must of heard all the comotion from the back of the bus. unless she was ignoring me....meh. i dont like her......(deaf old bat)

anyways once we got off i asked oone of the boys i knew to hold my bag and then i chased after the boys with a scrunched up piece of paper and hit them as hard as i could with it. sadly they were walking home the same way as me. epp.

so after running for my life i got home and settled down to eat some pringles. and HERE I AM. the end.

why i told u all this i do not know.

oh! also my m8 is having a BIIIIIIG PARTY soon and about 100 PEPS R GOIN! and they r trying to force me into a dress. they can try. lets just get this straight GECKOGIRL DOES NOT WEAR DRESSES. EVER!!!!!! so i compremised and now im just not comming in a jeans and t-shirt (but what they dont know is that im wearing combats heheheheh *cough*)

anyways. soz. ive just rambled on alot to u guys. i shall skulduggery discuss instead.


that is all.
geckogirl out :p

Geckogirl said...

hello there earthlings.
geckogirl has RETURNED!
but with a tragic and slightly funny (in my mums opinion) story. it happened today to be presise.
me and 14 other students from our school were going to a univercity to go and do some science experiments. only 15 people were going who got the highest marks in set one in scinece (not that im boasting or anything :)) anyway my friend couldnt go so i was the back-up (a.k.a im not as clever as her and im the back-up slightly less clever kid) my teacher told me to take a little year 7 under my wing as she was the only girl in her year. i was cool with that as the only other kids who were going i knew were 3 boys (one of which was my ex-boyfriend) so i did. the girl was ok. little boring but ok. the science thinggy was OK. slightly boring as we didnt get to blow anything up. also there were free crisps but no pringles *crys*
but on the coach trip home......HELL BROKE LOSE!!!!!!!!!
3 year 7 boys behind me kept insulting me and slashing me with a ruler. they also kept kickin me,stealin my i-pod and takin my seat-belt off. so....i attacked them back. i stole their ruler,nicked one of their shoes and slashed them and insulted them as much as i could. was 3 against one. i failed quite misribly and i have several slashes to prove it........*cry*

the teacher did nothing of couse. i didnt snitch but she must of heard all the comotion from the back of the bus. unless she was ignoring me....meh. i dont like her......(deaf old bat)

anyways once we got off i asked oone of the boys i knew to hold my bag and then i chased after the boys with a scrunched up piece of paper and hit them as hard as i could with it. sadly they were walking home the same way as me. epp.

so after running for my life i got home and settled down to eat some pringles. and HERE I AM. the end.

why i told u all this i do not know.

oh! also my m8 is having a BIIIIIIG PARTY soon and about 100 PEPS R GOIN! and they r trying to force me into a dress. they can try. lets just get this straight GECKOGIRL DOES NOT WEAR DRESSES. EVER!!!!!! so i compremised and now im just not comming in a jeans and t-shirt (but what they dont know is that im wearing combats heheheheh *cough*)

anyways. soz. ive just rambled on alot to u guys. i shall skulduggery discuss instead.


that is all.
geckogirl out :p

Geckogirl said...

erm soz bout that. i sent it 4 times. opps. :)
its coz it kept saying ERROR ERROR and stuff.
i thought it hadnt sent.
i am rather thick.
geckogirl out :D

Geckogirl said...

wait. 5 times. ohhhhh i ammmm soooo thick

Anonymous said...

I found this video which I think you will mightily enjoy... it's about Jedward falling on stage

Unknown said...

Haha, this is awesome! :D

I hope that this time the covers dont have limited addition colours, becaus that ruins the total coolness of them. Tom, please dont let them!!! Your fantamic (spelling mistake intentional) dont let them mess around with your fabulous art work! Please!

Georgia LongName

Anonymous said...

gecko girl, i agree on th ress part, but here are the only three dress i like (popcorn one is my favorite)

Robbie said...


Ok, Mr. Landy. Work this out. I don't care if it "Does'nt fit in your schedual. I'm making one for you right now. On July 2nd, 2011, you will arrive in an airplane somewhere in Virginia, USA. I am only giving you the choice of where to land, as long as it is in Virginia. You will stay there for approximatly 3 days until you will move on to Texas, and then whatever other states are interested. I do not care how long this takes you. It is planned out and will be sone. Work it out.

Your American Agent,

Robbie said...


I posted my name because I am that awsome.

Robbie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oh yes, I do seem to recall that, Lady Kumori.When he was turned into a zombie he body was sustained by his magic.I wonder what of what he is capable?

lol, Geckogirl that's ok.I've done that before. [well, mine was much shorter and I only did it twice....but still...]

And Lousiana, Robbie!By the way, where've you been?

Stay red and weird!And purple too!

"But I'm rarely wrong, you see.You, on the other hand, are wrong a bizarrely large amount of the time.Statistically, it's quite amazing."

Talorya Breeze said...

Derek Landy, you are awesome!


Aimee =] said...

Aww...Poor Geckgirl :P :D Dont worry, we don't think less of you! :)

Everyone asks for Derek to come to their country, why dont you just ask him to come to your house :P That would be way better! Though...I think I may hyperventalate (To lazy to spell check that LOL)


Oh yeah... :)

Anonymous said...

on the battle cards, scapys adept is 4. so is his intelligence

Josie said...

Hey guys, if you could check this out that would be awesome. Tell me what you think of it:

Sorry for this blog post because I know it's going to be really long, and you probably all don't want to read it because you probably don't care and hate long bloggers - but please hear me out.
My name is Josie and I live in New Zealand. No offense to all of you - but I hate reading. Ouch, I know. I hate reading mostly because of the fact that I can never find a book that interests me and keeps my attention long enough. That is until I got Skulduggery Pleasant.
And yes, I like it. Mainly because of the action, wit and humour, but also because I am insanely like Valkyrie. No jokes. If the picture doesn't do it for you then I have no idea what will.
I have the same dark straight hair and the brown eyes. It's all natural, just in case you were wondering. I mean, I couldn't even dye my hair if I wanted to, it's that dark. I even have the same button nose and can do the mouth smirk and raise one eyebrow like in Tom Percival's drawings of Val. I dress quite similarly as well - and I never wear dresses. If someone put me in a dress I would seriously consider punching their face in - it's just too girly. So geckogirl and insanity, you are not alone about the dresses :)

Next thing. I can do martial arts. By that I mean I have done Kempo Kung Fu. I find it really easy to pick up and I even double graded in less than a term. Some people think that they can do it just like that but honestly it takes tons of discipline and strength to be able to get started.
Another thing I don't like, which I'm sure many of you don't like either, is school. It's extremely boring and dull, even if there are some nice teachers and you get to see your friends everyday. I can't be bothered wasting my time with teachers who don't understand and subjects that I hold no interest in.
You can probably tell that when the time comes to it, I really am not looking forward to university. Heaps of my friends are, but I really am not. It sounds like another hundred years of school. All over again.

Josie said...

So I'm left with no idea or clue, whatsoever, of what I want to do with my life. Except escape reality, which isn't possible. So I'm running out of options to fight for the only thing I do want - which is to be given the chance of being Valkyrie Cain. I'm no one famous or talented, I'm just average. Some random person out of six billion that lives down at the bottom of the world. But hey, we've all got to start somewhere and be someone, right?

I've never had a boyfriend, like Val, until you know Fletcher. So you know at the end of Dark Days and there's the awkward kissing bit.. yeah that would be exactly me. OK! Now awkward subject over. I was brought up in a musical family. So that means participating in concerts, shows, plays, whatever. So yes, thankfully, I do have the skills to act.
No, I'm not Irish. In fact, I was born in Australia and lived there for several years, but when we moved to NZ I picked up the new accent really quickly. So place me in Ireland where people talk a lot and I should be ok.

I'm pretty sure you've gotten my drift that I really need the chance to be Valkyrie. You read so many posts of other girls who want to be her as well, making me hardly stand a chance at all. So that's why I need your help. I have no idea what I expect you to do, when I come to think about it, this whole post is probably pointless. I just really need your support on this blog, I guess.

I don't want to be Valkyrie for the fame, money, the story. If you asked me why, I honestly wouldn't know. I just know that this is the only thing I can see myself doing and we all want someone to portray Val exactly for/if there's going to be a film.
I'm just me. And me so happens to be really insanely like Valkyrie, stubborn, sarcastic, I'm just an average girl and I feel really stupid telling you all this, which is quite funny actually :P

And if there's anything else I want to say, Mr. Landy, I really want to meet your bestfriend Laura. She sounds incredible :)
And I like cars.

Thanks, everyone
- Josie.

P.S. Derek, you still owe me that letter.

P.P.S. If you actually read ALL of that - You, my friend, are a LEGEND.

Minnie said...

Am I the only one who sees only 25 comments even though the main page says 53?????

Anonymous said...

mr landy, im just curious, did you come to my house to spy on me and make a caracter? i mean, me and val are a lot alike: hate dresses, stubborn, feels out of place (except on here), hates reality (i have tried to chage it six times, never works) and we are both awesome (though i dont get why she hasnt said anything to dusk about sparkles)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

.... for once I have nothing to say :( ....

only messing with you :D woop woop it's my birthday in 2 days YES!
he he he im going to the cinema to watch eclipse one of my favourite movie series (until the skullduggery pleasant one comes out ;) which i can only dream to be in.

mabey i could make it as a random dude in the background oooh loads of clever little ideas now :) he he he work my little smarticles work!

any way back to my birthday yes some of you may hate the movies but i love them (exept edward hes one ugly vamp) mm i can see it now this post is going to cause a lot of commotion ... oh well :) ....

me and my 3 bestest friends are going, there going in dresses except jenny shes in a skirt two items of clothing i would never wear dead or alive! ... well depends what type of skirt mey as for me well i dunno yet :) i know my moody tinkerbell top and oh yes it's purple...

Saoirse Equus said...

DEREK!!! I'M WRITING IN CAPS SO YOU NOTICE THIS!!! IF YOU HAVE PERMANATELY DESTROYED THE BENTLEY THEN I'M GOING TO CRY IF YOU DON'T READ THIS! IF YOUR GOING TO GET A NEW CAR, IT HAS TO BE ANOTHER BENTLEY! For Example: BEHOLD! The New Bentley Mulsanne!!! Feast your eyes upon this Modern model that screams Class, Style, comfort, speed, power and is calling Skulduggery's Name, just begging the detective buy it.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

he he me and val have a lot in common to now that i think about it, but i think the thing we have most in common is that we'd both be happier dead than in a dress i have only wore one once ... for a cursed wedding not very comfy and rubbish for running and climbing in :| my poor mum i think she still has a mark where I kicked her as she strugled to get it on me :L woops

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

WHAT HE'S GOING TO PERMANTLY DESTROY THE BENTLY HOW COULD YOU! May I ask you oh golden god what was going through your mind at the time! he he he

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

okaii everyone this is what the website says about mortal coil here goes...... Skulduggery Pleasant is back, and reunited with his original head. But all is not well in the magical world – for one thing, foreign powers are conspiring to take over the Irish Sanctuary, and for another thing, Valkyrie has discovered she might be the sorceress set to destroy the world. The problem is, she doesn’t feel she can tell Skulduggery what she’s learned… and that’s how all the trouble starts.

With Valkyrie on a quest of her own, to seal her name and prevent her evil destiny from coming to pass, Skulduggery and the gang are even more vulnerable. Which is a shame, because remember those thousands of remnants, imprisoned in the Midnight Hotel? Well, now they’re out. Not only that but they believe Valkyrie is their messiah. And that means thousands of wicked souls, desperate to get to Valkyrie, willing to kill anyone in their way… Oh, and because they can possess any body, they could be ANYONE.

Now Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Ghastly and Tanith can trust no one. Not even each other…

Geckogirl said...

well, my school is having a fancy dress day and me and my friend need a cheap double act costume. FAST!
we might do 118 but i think we need a back-up plan as some boys are already doing that and they have the proper cosumes and we were gonna make half of ours!!!!!
my friend is super keen but im not to sure.
we need a cheap double act costume of ANYTHING! CARTOON, ADVERT ANYTHING! but we need ideas fast!
i need it cheap as i have spent all my money on skulduggery stuff and pringles and my parents have already bought me stuff for my friends party and easytone trainers and they arn't prepered to give my any more money.


Saoirse Equus said...

p.s. will you PLEASE come to Bend Oregon???

Saoirse Equus said...

OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS!!! DEREK! THIS SONG IS SOOOOOO THE THEME FOR SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT! Its called "This is War" bye 30 seconds to mars. Watch the video, and read the lyrics. Tell us what you think.

This Is War:

Unknown said...

Ple~ase Golden God finish your latest blog entry before July 11th! That is the day of my departure to the cursed summer camp I go, where nothing interesting ever happens and -just the thought of it is frightening- nobody is aware of the existence of your derektastic books. I have to survive over there for three weeks without any access to your derektastic blog... You surely must be aware what this means for your devoted minions... It means "DOOM".

Robbie said...

Skyril, I just forgot to post one day, thats why I did'nt seem to post for so long. But, where are you? You hav'nt posted in about 30 comments!

By the way, DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY BOOK RECCOMENDATIONS!?!? I want a book a little like skulduggary, and a little like percy jackson, or... WHATEVER! I just want a good book! Preferably FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION. PLEASE help me!

Stay weird and possibly salamander

Anonymous said...

GEKCO GIRL!!!! I SHALL HELP!!! *PUTS ON BAZARO CAPE AND WAVES IT AROUND* GO AS THE AWESOMEST NONE FAKE BUT FICTIONALIZED WITH FAKE STUFF IN THE WORLD!!! NINJA! or get a big box, paint it yellow with spots and a pant shirt thing, and be spongebob. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LIVES IN A PINAPPLE UNDER THE SEA?!?! *silence* AWNSER ME!!!!!!! *licks pickle*

Anonymous said...


Robbie said...

By the way, DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY BOOK RECCOMENDATIONS!?!? I want a book a little like skulduggary, and a little like percy jackson, or... WHATEVER! I just want a good book! Preferably FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION. PLEASE help me!

Robbie said...

By the way, DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY BOOK RECCOMENDATIONS!?!? I want a book a little like skulduggary, and a little like percy jackson, or... WHATEVER! I just want a good book! Preferably FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION. PLEASE help me!

Robbie said...

By the way, DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY BOOK RECCOMENDATIONS!?!? I want a book a little like skulduggary, and a little like percy jackson, or... WHATEVER! I just want a good book! Preferably FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION. PLEASE help me!

Robbie said...

By the way, DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY BOOK RECCOMENDATIONS!?!? I want a book a little like skulduggary, and a little like percy jackson, or... WHATEVER! I just want a good book! Preferably FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION. PLEASE help me!

Robbie said...

By the way, DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY BOOK RECCOMENDATIONS!?!? I want a book a little like skulduggary, and a little like percy jackson, or... WHATEVER! I just want a good book! Preferably FANTASY or SCIENCE FICTION. PLEASE help me!

Robbie said...

hear my plea

Saoirse Equus said...

Wow, Ok, calm down robbie. Read Alex Rider. Not as good as Skulduggery Pleasant but still its fun to read. along with the Missing Series by Margret Peterson Haddix. Also, if you haven't read Harry Potter, do so now.

Minnie said...

Hmm. Apparently I am the only one to see it, seeing as how no one's answered me. But something bizarre is going on with the blog. What's with all the repeated comments? Or do you guys see the repeated comments either? Or did you do that on purpose? Gah! I'm just so confused! Did anyone see my earlier comments about watching the video or anything??

Minnie said...

Testing...Testing 123. Do you read me? I repeat, do you read me? Can you read my comments? Reply, if you can.

Robbie said...

a tribute to skulduggery:

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I want it to be know that THIS IS NOT MY WORK! But it is cool anyway.

For every book reccomendation someone gives me, I will post another of these.

Robbie said...

wow that got wacked out. Here it is again

Robbie said...

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Robbie said...

hm. sorry

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

PRINGLES!!! who wants some there chedder and chive :)

btw golden god can you please post your next blog by my bday (9th of july) plz plz plz if you meantion me or not it would make this ninja from your munchcin army very happy (happier if included) :)

pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssse your loyal ninja fudge-cake

actully i want to be a purple ninja penguin! from your munchcin army

p.s. could i be a purple ninja penguin?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

...Wow, racin_ruffian...that fist video was just....beautiful...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oh...ok then, Robbie.Well, welcome back from your one day of not being here. ^.^
And book recommendations?Well, I must say, I have never found a book anything like Skulduggery, but I do know some good ones...Umm would you prefer humor or action?Or both with nothing in it at all like Skulduggery Pleasant or Percy Jackson and the Olympians?By the way, I found out fairly recently Percy is NOT the son of Poseidon, but rather the son of Zeus!I can't believe it!

Minnie Miracle I haven't been seeing that the comments thing, but I have seen the repeated comments.Some were on purpose and some weren't...I think...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

:( ahh noone wants to share my pringooals okaii sure fine :| you want any Derek I'm full :)

any way im gonna have nothing tommorow so I can hype myself up on popcorn, candy cables and fanta on friday

he he he I'll have to come on and post something asI go completly crazy when I'm hyper and say some funny stuff

and oh yes the craziness you have seen from is no where near as much as I can be :)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

oh no I just realised they were CHEDDER and chive pringles great that means I'm gonna get nighmares now :(

:D lol I hope there about skullduggery pleasant only had one dream about the books........

had to of been the best dream in the world!

Minnie said...

Thank you, Skyril. :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I'll share with you Fudge-Cake!I love dreams of all kinds!So bring on the pringles!!!

:3 You're welcome Minnie Miracle.

Johan said...



Johan said...

Oh yeaaaa there is going to be another 2 books so it will be a 6 book series

Peace out Johan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

now that ive said that, and i got hundredth, i shall say this: i have stated a purple craze, and spread the good purple word to all of you. you are welcome.

$kuldugg3ry 0wns said...

I love Skulduggery books, and Derek for making them! I used to think the books by Darren Shan were the best... but Skul-man beats them by a longshot! Keep writing Derek, can't wait for the next book!

Alexandre Requiem (Lynda) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alexandre Requiem (Lynda) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alexandre Requiem (Lynda) said...

Hello again.
In reference to what Skyril said, I'd like to point out that only the male Necromancer in "The Faceless Ones" actually has a weapon where he stores his power.
I suppose Wreath's cane could possibly be considered a weapon, however Lord Vile has/had armour and the female Necromancer had a cloak in "The Faceless Ones".
That being said, Alexandre's throwing knives are used only as a last resort, and also Valkyrie has a ring, not a weapon.
I have been playing around with the idea that the black gauntlet the older Valkyrie has in the vision by Cassandra is possibly a stronger form of her ring, so that is also not a weapon, and I've taken this much too far and I will go tend to my waffles.


Lucid Kook(Riki Fresh) said...

Very cool video. NOW ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!!!!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

.... Ahhh no funky dream.....

oh well :) I'll save them for tonight so I can try again at the funky dreams and of course you can share them with me skyril

now if you dont mind I have to quiqly go and keep my baby brother and sister entertained on the tranpoline be right back :)

WOOOOOO never ever ever play nija skills with your baby brother and sister ever!

Seriously I mean it, its fun at first when they tumble over and laugh but then of course nooo after a while they want revenge!

so there i was on the exersise ball rolling around and BAM! alicia ( the liitle 1 year old) kicks me from behind and pulls my hair :( it was not fun.... :)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

he he he Alicia and Hayden are hitting each other on the head with balloons

Alicia is currently 1 and a half where as Hayden's currently 3 and a half... I have got my money on Hayden .. Amber and Callum (my other and brother and sister) have there money on Alicia.

Alicia currently has Hayden pinned in the cornor but I'm sure he can wiggle his way out of it... COMMON HAYDEN!.... aren't brother and sister fights fun :D

I'll tell you when one of them finally wins but in the mean time place your bets :)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Oh and Johan I think there are going to be more than just 6 books...

Apparantly there are going to be 9 books if you don't belive me .. which you probably wont and you have no doubt in doing so you can check it out n wikipedia with this link

if you can't be bovered to see what it says or to just simpily read it this is what it says...

Landy was initially contracted for three books, further depending on how well the first trilogy sold. Now, with an estimated 17 million copies of the novels sold the author has indicated that his contract has been extended into a 9-novel deal.

Synopsis Somebody said...

well I'll be away from the 31st to the 1st of September. (luckily I'll be here for mortal coil!)
so, unlike last time, write your blog entry fast!

Rosie said...

One llama on Hayden!

Geckogirl said...

FUDGE-CAKE! i shall share your pringles with you!!!!!! i am addicted! im so bad that last year i brought pringles to a party and i hid them and ate them all myself.....both boxes. every1 still remembers....
Thanks insanity for the suggestion I LOVED IT! but i told my friend and she is set on the 118 idea so all my friends are a bit crankey and mean so i just went with it. it was either 118, spongebob or JEDWARD!!!!! I SOOOO THINK WE SHOULD!!!!!! It would be A-MAZ-ING!!!! but my friends are mean and boring so i cannot :( yes, pity me.
i must go now and do my spanish,my science XL and think of ideas for my 118 costume before next friday. oh theres also a form party and guess what im bringing??? PRINGLEEEEES! that i shall eat myself. or with you guys! who wants to come share my party pringles??? so i dont feel so greedy which i so ovs am :)
anyway cya or errmmm (i have forgotten what goodbye is in spanish and i have been doing it since year 3 :|) ermmmm the opossite of hola to you all!
geckogirl out!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Roisin great news Hayden won my simple brother and sister have no where near as much awsomness as we :)

oh and geckogirl I'd be more than happy to share with you to I now have the flavours prawn cocktail, salt and vinegar and chedder and chive so take you pick! :)

he he he I'm watching Eclipse tommorow are you guys team jacob or team edward I didnt pick a team... I can't decide Jacobs way hotter than Edward but vampires are way better than werewolves!!! :|.... :D

Robbie said...

What the.... Percy is not the son of Zeus!!! Are you just being weird? Hmm. Anyaway,I'm seeing eclipse tonight! Yay! Also, I LOVE fantasy action books. Humor works too, though. I am a HUGE fan of Artemis Fowl. Do you realize almost all the good books come from either the UK or Ireland? Hmm. Sorry, I just have a few more rants. Wait no I don't. I do,,, No. I don't.. Yes. No. Who. What? Where, when how?>>>> bye

Stay weird and possibly salamander.

WHAT IS YOUR TAKEN NAME MR. LANDY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Robbie said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

ahhh gasp ..... no vampires :D

anyways do you live in america or some where like that Robbie because I'm in the uk and eclipse aint on anywhere ova here tonight?

and yes probably all the good books are from the uk and irland

but seriously if you are from the usa why dont americans say england wales or scotland instead of just uk we dont just say usa.. well all the time.. okaii yes all the time but common you have like 50 states! we only have 3 :)

Robbie said...

In answer to both you questions, Fudge-Cake, yes, I live in America. That is why eclipse plays here. And, the reason we type in UK is, first of all, because it is easier, and second, because we don't know EXACTLY where you guys live. For instance, I know you're in the UK, but not where. But, if you would like me to use the proper states, I will.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

lol okaii

I live in England if thats what you wanted to know and I guess you could tell me what state you lived i but I'd probably have no idea where it is unless its montana or florida :)

And just to let you know everyone seams to think english people walk around in black suits and a weird hat and are really stuck up but the truth is we dont and were not were really friendly people if I do say so myself and we wear normal cloths okaii :)

Liz said...

Arggg!!!!!!! dark days isn't out in the usa yet. WHEN IS IT COMING OUT?????????????

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

You're quite right, Lynda.Though when I said weapon, I merely meant object in which their power was stored.

Ooo, Fudge-Cake!That probably hurt.
And thanks for the pringles!
I'm not a big fan of Twilight because I think it's just silly, but I have seen the movies and I'm nearly positive Edward will win.Though I think Jacob Should because he's so much better.

I want your pringles too, Geckogirl!Y'all are making me like pringles too much xD lol.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

No, really, Robbie!He IS the son of Zeus.I saw a different movie and he was Zeus's son and I was like, "That's totally wrong!Percy is Poseidon's son!" Then my brother looked it up and he really is Zeus's son.Which is just plain annoying...
Ok about suggestions.
Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan
(past tense)
The Keys to the Kingdom by Garth Nix
(present tense)
Traces by Malcolm Rose
the Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix
(another world)
I think you should like at least one of those.They're all exciting fantasy and all of them have at least a little humor :3

Anonymous said...

IM TEAM RAPTOR!!!!!/photo.php?pid=301963&id=100000557980446

Johan said...

Oh yeah Fudge-Cake thanks about the nine book series but.....I know and I was talking about= The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel.But thanks anyway you the books that I'm talking about.It's cool but not as good as Skulduggery Pleasant.But thanks anyway......again.

Peace Out Johan

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

oh okaii.. woops lol

Yeah it's my birthday!! woo he he he

Derek you better mention me in my next post! he he jokes but it would be nice

now if you wont miss me to much im off to the cinem anow to see neclipse see ya!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Happy birthday, Fudge-Cake! :3

Johan said...

Happy Birthday Fudge Cake : )0

Anonymous said...

fudge cake, watch these videos, for the are birthday vids, and its your birthday:!v=oHg5SJYRHA0&feature=related

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

thanks guys, I had a great time, it was a barrel full of laughs....

and okaii insanity ill check those videos out

as for you Derek you better watch out because I'm a grumpy teenager now... not

lets just watch the videos... ha ha lol first ones funny now for the second... ahh its a old song think i heard it before but not much


Foliee said...

In one of your previous posts, you wrote you have never eaten a TimTam and you are not sure if one even exists. This disappointed me tremendously, although the amount of awesomeness in your books make up for it. You need to find some as soon as possible.
And also I can't help but asking, are we going to be seeing more of Caelan? He's definetley a charcter I want to know more about, just like Scapegrace. Who, in all fairness, is the sadest, most awesome charcter in a book, in the history of books.

Foliee said...

I for got to mention that you are definetley my favourite author of all time. The wit, suspense, action and mystery in your books are simply amazing.
...not that I'm trying to suck-up....

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

are you serious, you have never eaten a tim tam, ever? really?, i have other questions, more important questions but i was going through the blog posts you have done and well, YOU'VE NEVER EATEN A TIM TAM, do they not have them where you live, is it only australia, maybe but surely you have atleast tried a tim tam. well if you ever get your hands on a tim tam but one corner of one sid and then the oppiset diagonal corner of the other side and then try drinking milk through the tim tam, it's the best thing on earth (aside from your awesome books of awesomeness, and your awesome self) p.s do you like vegemite, i love vegemite but it's more of an australian thing. :) goodbye and don't brake your fantastic writing arm between september and the next book.

Unknown said...

that was ment to be bite :)

skulprox said...

OMG! Mr. Derek Landy I found what you asked for,
It took me 4ever to find them but it was worth it!!!!! They're SOOO funny! UR WISH IS MY COMMAND! SRSLY!!!!

Anon01 said...

This video is absolutly AMAZING!!!!!!!!

Stephanie Edgley said...


I'm engllsh. And i'm from 2012.

Octa said...

Hello there.

Octa said...

Just thought you should know.

Octa said...

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

Octa said...

Achievement completed.