Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More Percival Madness!

Ladies and gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure, for the first time EVER, unveiled on this Blog EXCLUSIVELY...

The back cover for Mortal Coil! Yayyyyyyyyyy!

Who IS this masked man?

Let the guessing COMMENCE!


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penguin said...

Yay first comment, have I got a comment... er no!!!

Lillian Faye said...

Ahaha that's awsome!! Looks like something off Iron man or something though....

penguin said...

Oh now I've got two comments and two questions, I'll start with the questions.

1. Derek, when did you first reconie your talent?
2. Have you ever made slime?
3. Can you come on a tour to somewhere near HEBDEN BRIDGE?

I think the man in the mask is most likely to be an amazingly good bad guy, if you get me.
The man in the mask is an amazing picture.

hollies said...

i think it's a man that is wearing a creepy mask and he is a . . bad guy :/
Am i wrong?

Rosie said...

It looks like the demon-spawn of Freddy krueger and Jason Voorhees, in my opinion.
I'm going to be on tenterhooks until September now...
Be sure to congradulate Tom on his awesome-ness!

Rosie said...

The t is too near the d on my keyboard... -_-

Becky Allaker said...

OMG!!!! TESSEACT!!!! AHHH!!! I LOVE THIS!!!! *faints*

loubuster said...

mr bliss?

Saoirse Equus said...

OMG! TESSERACT! *dies* Do you like Avatar? and could you PLEASE come to the West coast? Like, Bend Oregon, USA? I am probably your VERY FIRST AMERICAN FAN! No joke! read it the DAY it came out in America!

Rosie said...

Mr Bliss was bald and this dude has hair...
But I wouldn't rule out the possibility...
Is it someone we know, Derek?

Unknown said...

loubuster it cant be mr bliss because he had blue eyes and didnt he die

but omg thts awesome!!!

Unknown said...

racin_ruffian nope u r not the first american fan

jakoparsons said...

no not mr bliss, think about the eyes!
and omg you distracted me THIS COVER KICKS CHEESE!
IT IS AWESOME!!!!! I pre-ordered mortal coil on amazon, AND I SIMPLY CANNOT WAIT TO READ IT. oh and tell tom he is amazing

jakoparsons said...

oh and ps. i think it is dusk or else someone entirely new

Rosie said...

Um... Jaron Gallow? Gruesome Krav's son? 10 minutes in and I've given up guessing... xD

jakoparsons said...

hmmm.. yes i think you are right

Rosie said...

I've come to the conclusion that it's someone entirely new, and Derek is making us guess purely for his own entertainment. He's probably sitting at his computer laughing his head off at us right now as we speak... or type rather.

Anonymous said...

errr... i THINK it's a bad guy.

Dusk had black hair and stuff. i don't know. really. it could be some homeless dude that only appears in one scene with toothbrushes or something... like, you know, some guy at the beginning who is a really RUBBISH character but gets attacked by a remnant and seeks to destroyed the world, or you know, it could just be ghastly with a wig playing dress up.




but, what if it is SKULDUGGERY! I doubt it, cos he's on the front, but what IF? I mean, it could be him with his...

ok, scratch it. i want to see what everyone else thinks of it.
But you know...


is it geoffrey scrutinous? The competition winner? that would make more sense, i think.

Yes. Me think so.


Rosie said...

Have you noticed that the more you stare at it, the more you feel that he's looking straight into your soul...?
Jebus, that Tom Percival is GOOD.
Very creepy...

penguin said...

Mr. Bliss is dead.

Krav the facleless one filled him.

jakoparsons said...

lenka i understand what you mean ... you are a smart girl (or boy?)

Rosie said...

Do good-guys have red eyes?? I think not. Of course he's evil!
And Geoffry Scrutinous is a good-guy, so we can rule him out.
Actually, I'm sticking with my original theory that it's the devil-spawn of Jason and Freddy. Makes more sense... xD

Anonymous said...

Girl ;)
It could still be Geoffry. I mean
did you think Paddy was going to be Batu? do old people make plans to bring faceless people back? so why not, for the hell of it, have some good guy have red eyes? It would shake things up a bit.
anyway. it's just a theory.


ViennaJarred said...

it cant be the winner for the competition as it said they had to be a GOOD guy...
unless Geoffrey Scrutinous is a dark, bad guy, then i'm gunna say no.
it could be dusk, as val swiped at him and scarred him for life, so he may not want people looking at his face, and its pretty sinister. and scary. *giving me the creeps*

ViennaJarred said...

why does it say (on my post) 'posted at 11:08 AM' when it's 7:10 PM?!?!? (totally off subject, but still)

Naomi Wiflath said...

Must be someone that can breathe fire. :D

Rosie said...
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jakoparsons said...

and there is blood on his mask.. i mean really! would a good guy have blood on his face and look like hannibal lector?... i think not xD

Rosie said...

Geoffry is GOOD, he can't be the big-bad of book five!

jakoparsons said...

@Kessa_Stone i KNOW!

ViennaJarred said...

do you mean the skulduggery pleasant webby roisin? i looked at th description on it and it doesnt say anything bout an assassin, but boy does it looks good!!!

Emma said...

Is it you Derek? With dyed hair and contact lenses?:D That'd be so awesome. Freak the hell outta anyone coming to book signings xD

Anonymous said...

lols i can kind of imagine Derek staring at his computer in utter shame when someone gets it right... then again, i can also imagine him laughing so hard when some one thinks of a really embarrassing villain, so for your pleasure...
just think of it as Scapegrace ;) i can't look at it the same now :P
but i would ACTUALLY l o l if it WAS him :L


lol, thank you for putting Ghastly in dress-up in your list Roisin x

ViennaJarred said...

way to put people OFF buying the books! but that didn't stop us, now did it? XP

jakoparsons said...

oh yes the subject is on book signings my (plan is working) xD anyways you must come to dublin because my mam wouldnt let me go last time!

jakoparsons said...

and has anyone else noticed the smoke coming from his mouth? what is that all about

Genesisnx said...

Completely random guess that probably isn't even remotely right: Fletcher's dad. Because no one else has said it yet.

Smoking is bad mkaaay.

jakoparsons said...


Rosie said...

A quote from our golden gold himself:
'...I realise none of you actually know what happens in the next book, but I can tell you that there’s intrigue and a scary new ASSASSIN and some disturbing repercussions concerning Valkyrie’s revelation at the end of Dark Days...'

And apparently this is the uber-baddie for this book!

I'm pretty sure that it's not anyone introduced already now. Unless it's Derek...

Also, you're welcome Lenka! :D

tottenham01 said...

I think it's lord vile because it says in book 4he hasn't died

Anonymous said...

yes, Derek should do another tour. I missed the last one and i was dying to go!
at the rate these guessing comments go, we're going to end up with some wacky conclusion that 'hey, look, it's a bad guy' :O

but i like the thinking outside the box thing Genesisinx ;) Fergus, could be another.
it could be ANYONE!

and jakoparsons, i like South Park too xD
'Oh my god, they killed Kenny!'


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

That is positively incredible!Please tell Mr.Percival!Or maybe he reads the comments too..I doubt it, but if you do, Mr.Percival You're an astonishing artist!!


Franco said...

i reckon its lord vile ! probably wrong but i reckon that he comes back and Valkarie must become equally as powerful as him to stop him, again, and then she kind of goes a bit power crazy then thats how she becomes Darquesse. That is my theory so far :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I like Genesisinx's idea!That was a very interesting theory!I wonder if it is him?

penguin said...

Thats not smoke, it's wires.
He might be on a life support machine. YEH! and the masks to help him breathe.
He might not be a bad guy, he might just be a realy twisted good guy (like Val pointed out in book three, I quote "What if he dosen't want the faceless ones to come back, so he might not be a bad guy he might just be a realy twisted bad guy.").
> .
hehehe!!! A smiley face, sorry that was slightly random.
I've only just realised I sck at writing happy sceens, and rock at DEATH sceens.
Oh my GOD my books gonna be DEATH stricken.

Ive got a question, a question that needs an answer. But that quetion will start of a chain of them and many will be never be answered.
Suupposing he is an assain, what are his motives for the killing?

Amelie said...

Wow, amazing back cover!
It is a bit scary though.
Hmm.... maybe this dude is lord Vile?
The mask could be his armour...

Franco said...

does no one like my idea?? lol jk

penguin said...

Good guy I mean

Rosie said...

Yeah, it would be awesome if there was like a

"You killed my father!"
"No, Fletcher, I am your father...!"

Moment. xD

But Derek did say it was someone NEW...

volcaneo-gods said...

Or maybe its scrapegrace in a life support machine so he doesnt dying from being a zombie!

Franco said...

any one? please?? haha

hudson said...

Dudes... come on, good guy, no way. it has to be a new baddie.
i bet he's goin' after skulduggery.
question though (tee hee)
just about every bad guy in the books is trying to kill skul, val etc. how are you gonna make it interesting?
not like i hate your books. bigggest fan ever

penguin said...

I hope he's this realy mystirious guy, hopefully necromancer, Who gets the reflection to join his side and then the REFLECTION becomes DARQUESSE.
Yeh I know it's kind of a crazy idea but hey you never know.

jakoparsons said...

xD south park rox my friggin sox haha im 11 and ive been watching it since i was 5 haha that show has warped my fragile little mind! xD and thats a great theory frank and i am sort of completely convinced its lord vile now that someone mentioned it ;)

Franco said...

or it could be Lord Vile whilst possesed by a remnant! :O

jakoparsons said...

penguin my friend aoife howe had that same theory and its a good one :)

Rosie said...

Motives for killing...

...Does he really need one?
I mean, it's Skul and Val we're talking about here!

EVERYONE wants to kill them.

Me included. xD

Franco said...

YAAAY thankyou :D regocnition of my fantasticly modest detective skills

penguin said...

NO WAY, Derek belive me I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look to be honest Val NEEDS a mortal injury so she gets possed and orders all those remnants to go and distroy Skullduggery, Tanith ect.

jakoparsons said...

:O *dramatic music* you want to kill skul and val!?!?!?!!? WAT THE FUDGE CAKES WAS THAT!!!!!!!!

penguin said...

Well why would you kill - actuly he might just a crazy guy, like Scapgrace.

hudson said...

please come to the uk in the east midlands. else i'll have to fly all the way over to ireland!!!! And i will do it, i have to meet u one day- i was placed on this earth for it.
p.s scapegrace... lol!!! hahahahahahha. cannot stop laughing at the mask guy now. "we meet again"
: )
so funny when he got beaten up in book three. got hiccups and couldn't talk for the rest of the day!

Holly said...

Okay, it's obviously a completely new character. And so, the guess work begins...
Looking closely at the scalp (under the receding hairline- clue of age? The hair looks to have no greys in it) the skin is mottled.
As the face is also disfigured, I'm guessing the injuries are important- maybe evidence of an Adept power, like Serpine's? On the other hand, he's in a cell, so maybe it was a result of his capture.
Wait, is he wearing... A gimp mask?
Nope, it's got blood on it and an expression. I'm guessing it's part of his 'act', then. Some sort of big, defining thing he has. Like the armor, the hand, the cane, the no-eyes, etcetera.
There's also further evidence that it's to conceal/enhance/is connected to a power, as it's smoking and is strapped and hinged on. Something you wear on your head for your own amusement would be a little more convenient, non?
Hmm, leather jacket... Neck skin looks even more mottled.
Ponder, my pretties... Though I advise you not to look too closely at the mask in connection with the jacket. Yes, I'm silly. Standardised education can do that to a girl.

hudson said...


penguin said...

To be honest the reflection has to either abandon or betray val, because she is delelopping to mutch into a human. You know the falty memory, well every time there's a glitch she's showing human emotion soon it'll all be falty. If you know what I mean.

hudson said...

yep. you got it. derek is gonna be so annoyed

jakoparsons said...

omg i was honestly actully going to say the reflection thing because my friend aoife howe who told me about skulduggery pleasant had the same theory! i swear! she told me on msn last week!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I think the Lord Vile is a good idea too.I'm not sure....Fletcher's dad, Lord vile or the assassin?Could be anyone of those, but I think I'm leaning toward the assassin.

Holly that's not smoke it's some type of tubes connected from his mouth to....his ear?That's what it looks like.

jakoparsons said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jakoparsons said...

no its smoke and what if fletchers dad is lord vile and he is also an assasin?

penguin said...

I knew it all along, I mean the killing would make anyone feel a bit strange.
So some Wreath will probably corupt her because Valkirie gave up necromancer to stop the death of her parents, but since the Reflection is an exact coppy she will have the power Val posses too, and since she no longer wants to live in Val's shadow she steals the ring (that Val put away for safe keeping) and decides to make her own life. But makes it an evil one out of bitterness she has slowly been developing.

jakoparsons said...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hmmm maybe it is smoke now that I look closely

tottenham01 said...

It might be mevolent returning after faking his death

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol jakoparsons all three of them huh?No Mr.Landy said he would be a new assassin.So the assassin couldn't be Lord Vile.

jakoparsons said...

:L okay haha well it was worth a guess

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Yeah lol

I think it must be the assassin since there is blood on his mask.Who's blood though?

penguin said...

Look the ASSASIN is most likely coz if it was lord Vile Gastly would flip coz he killed his mum and Gastly's to usefull to be killed by him.


jakoparsons said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Nah Penguin 'tis smoke.Look at this larger version of the picture.

penguin said...

he's a Syborg, I know it!!!

Anonymous said...

The more i look at it, the more i'm thinking of Batman and X-Men's Origins: Wolverine (you know, the guy at the end with his lips sealed together) and Iron man, as someone mentioned earlier.
It also makes me think of Call of Duty (i AM a girl, i'm just more tom-boyish than most) because of the mask and cloudy background. Plus, i can think of the bloody screen you sometimes get when you get killed again and again by some stupid...
i won't continue that. it will end it throwing something (and, my phone is next to me. i really need that)
But, i will say, grab Tom a pint or two ;)


Rosie said...

The picture is of the ASSASSIN. How hard is it?

Lord Vile? Ha! Foolish mortals...

penguin said...

Who was that guy with the GIST coz the GIST could have taken over making the guy the next villan, so we have mat him.

ViennaJarred said...

the things from the mask look kinda like smoke or wires or electricity, and if u look at the top it looks like its been drilled thru his head - enough to make anyone into a bad guy!It looks like he's in a cell, so he cud be locked up for killing someone - maybe in the war? - and its knda driven him mad? and the skin around his eye looks like the red hand of - who was it, mevolent or lord vile? i forget XP so it could be a descendant of him, like val. but it cant be lord vile coz derek said it's someone new.
and with the reflection thing, i think its turning into val - wity remarks, sarky retorts etc. so it could become like shudder's gist. or, it could be someone finds out vals name before she seals it and uses her to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! which is my plan.

tottenham01 said...

It has to be a man and reflections don't have powers val said in book 3

penguin said...

I mean met not mat

penguin said...

No it's the potential to be good at magic coz Valls all ready put magic in it.

penguin said...

To be honnest the REFLECTION was put in the book for a reason and that reason is something terible.

penguin said...

It's Sudder look at it in the bigger version, he's been taken over by the gist.

penguin said...

This will make you all so jelous, I got dark Days one day early

tottenham01 said...

Saguine killed shuder in book4

tottenham01 said...

It's mevolent or lord vile

Troy Cavalieri (FireBrand Sleuth) said...

TESSERACT! If you have the Battle Pack, he's one of the cards. AWESOME!

Ebony Orvil said...


Ok wait or it..... LORD VILE because he died and we all know he is going to come back but who says that he won't have his life support on a mask.... OR that could be his VERY OWN ARMOUR! THE ARMOUR THAT HE HAD!!! (wait.... I am getting seriously confused baron vengous...lord vile.... ?)

Anyway WOW that is one AMAZING back cover. It is totally something different from everything else Tom has drawn! It is less comical and more realistic. It is almost like a photo!

Also just pointing out this person is in some dark room..... maybe a prison cell!

O and sanguin didn't kill shudder in book four

Unknown said...

wooohooo, its the tesseract!!!!!! (buy the battle cards and you'll see wat im on about) amazing drawing mr percival :D

Ebony Orvil said...


TheDustyForest said...

Might seem a bit of a stupid idea, but... It couldn't be Guild, could it? In the fourth one, when the necromancers get Wreath to take back the soul catcher without taking the remnant back, you never find out what happens. I think it might escape which sets off all the others escaping (somehow). Then i think that one might possess Guild in prison and he can turn mass evil.....

hudson said...

Don't think it is. It looks like a new baddie. it's not mevolent, derek'll save that for one of the last books.
And it's smoke not tubes
lord vile is a possibility, they've already gone through serpine and vengeous, there's only one lord left.
no one ever said he died...

Irresistably EVIL!!! said...

WOOO!!! 100th comment!!! i am soooo fudging awesome!!! anyhoo, the dude kinda reminds me of that dude in silance of the lambs. you know dr. hannible lector? OH!!! is he making a guest appearance 'cause that would be so cool! i was watching cartoons the other day *yes i'm that imature, get over it* and i came across this new one on cartoon network called generater rex. it's pretty cool. in the episode this freaky mutant chick with four arms some how trapped Rex in a new demension that she created. this place also had tons of baddies called "evos" and the town of cleavlad ohio in it. when the crazy chick was captured and "questioned" *MAUH HA HA HA HA!!!* about his whereabouts all she said was "i need a place for my shiny things. i don't give, i only TAKE!!!" extremely creepy!!! so of course i'm gonna watch more. maybe i'll even get hooked.

Unknown said...

No way on the first American fan front. I read the Advanced Reader's copy. But I will heavily support your request to bring Mr. Landy to the USA. Come to Albuquerque! We have cacti and really good tacos. By the way, both my friend and I finally ordered our own copies from Ireland. I stupidly told my friends this, and I now have a waiting-line for the book (after I finish of course) that is currrently six people long.... and growing. Your writing is magical, thank you so much for sharing your amazing books with the rest of the world. Oh, and as an after-thought, you have 100+ comments and it hasn't even been 12 hours yet...

Irresistably EVIL!!! said...

mkaaaay... ha ha ha. god i love south park. i read some of your other comments and to tell you the truth, i think it's a dude with waaaaay too much time on his hands, probably a sadist, is very very smart, and holds a grudge against one of the main characters. now, i also think that he'll be incredibly hard too track down and will be wallowing in his own cleverness thinking that no one can stop him when SP and Val bust in on him and open up a can of wupass. then in the end right when they're about to kill him off he asks how they did it and SP goes into this detailed story telling him he would of gotten away had he not talked to so and so or done something or other. then the baddie screams in complete rage and goes for Val but she ends up killing him. i think thats how it will go and that those are is mannerisms. and i have a feeling that Derek is either laughing is ass off or staring at the screen in complete bewilderment.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I've seen that cartoon advertised, Irresistably EVIL!!!!I wanted to watch, but unfortunately we don't have cable or anything.I know.Shocking. xD


"What is it?" Stephanie whispered.
"That, my dear Valkyrie,is what we call a monster."
She looked at Skulduggery."You don't know what it is,do you?"
"I told you what it is, it's a horrible monster. Now shut up before it comes over here and eats us."
-Book 1

Unknown said...

*spoilers* Either; Lord vile(cos the necromancers said he'd come for valkryie) or the man with the golden eyes (near the end of book 4) i know he doesn't have golden eyes, but he IS wearing a mask.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I most certainly support yall's request for Mr.Landy to come to the USA as well, Daisy! Have been ever since this blog was created, as a matter of fact. ^.^ So when are we going to send our assortment dangerous and awesome creatures to capture him and deliver him to our doorsteps?

(No offense, of course, Mr.landy.I just want to take a bunch of pictures, have you sign all of my books, and give you cheese, and possibly some warm socks for in the winter.:])


"What are you going to do?"
"I don't know," he answered, glancing behind them."Probably something really brave."
-Book 1

Ayries said...

It's like somekind of steampunk supervillain. I love it!

Though I sometimes wonder how many young children you give nightmares. It must be a truly impressive number.

Valora Destry said...

holy guacamoley that back cover is FUNKY!!! wow that looks soo cool! is that a creepy assasin or a remnant-possesed person? that is one funkadelic badass, whoever it is.why is there a wire coming out of his mouth though? it still looks insanely asweseom with it but just curious. can't wait to finally read the 5th book!!

SaneLunatic said...

...Maybe he eats people o.o
‘Cos he looks like the dude of Hannibal Lector.
But that’s just me.
Either way, it’s awesome, and I actually can’t wait for September now :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Actually, Kirtsy 'tis not wire 'tis smoke.Look at this larger version of that picture. ^.^

Cam C-W said...

my guess? lord vile.

Monique said...

I see smoke coming out, either he's got a cigerette in there or he can breath fire like the comment above. But he does look scary, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley or in a weapon shop. Unless the shading is wrong and his mask is fluorescent pink~?

Unknown said...

i already posted that on monday on mr.landy's last blog :(, lol.:P.


Defekte said...

Is it Tesseract? Theres a character called Tesseract in the battle cards that looks the same as that dude. :D

Unknown said...

as in the reflection thing... :P

i think it's a necromancer, who strayed from the temple and now works as an assasin. he was a powerful necromancer in his time but is now just an average one. he strayed because he claimed he was the special one the necromancers are looking for but failed a test for it (or whatever, they just worked out he wasn't)and all of the necromancers laughed at him. furious with embarasment he fled the temple and decides that if he isn't the special one then on one is. he then hears word on the street about valkyrie and tries to kidnapp/kill her so they'll never get her.

i havn't thought about it much, really, i just conjoured this now. lol


hollies said...

i now
its TESSERACT from the battle pack silly's

~Acacia Volt~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~Acacia Volt~ said...

seriously where do you get the battle pack? i can't find them anywhere!

Nerdy Skeleton said...

It's your mom.

Dantea Dredkin said...

I think its the mysterious new assassin, sent out by some foreign dictator to kill someone important so he can takeover the Irish Sanctuary.
I still say the reflection gets a remnant stuck in her, only it can't get out because the reflection is not an actual person. Then it goes evil and becomes Darquesse.
I like the idea of Lord Vile being Fletcher's father, BIG shock for the gang! But I don't think he will reveal himself until the sixth book.
Remember Derek's hint about the sixth book in an earlier blog? I forget the exact words, but it was along the lines of, Skulduggery finds Y, which enables him to find Z. The Z could be Vile, which Y helps him find in the first place.
Pluss, Skul has enough to worry about in the fifth book, what with the foreign powers, the assassin, and remnants, without haveing to worry about Vile.
Any ideas about how Skul finds out about Darquesse being VAL's true name? I can't think of any good ideas, and I'm curious.
Oh! And I changed my name on a whim. I used to be Darquesse, but now I'm Dantea Dredkin, expert on awesomeness!( I have firsthand experience) So don't get confused.

Dante's out.

Corporal_Wolf said...

Perhaps a name such as Malform D'Ironfist

Troy Cavalieri (FireBrand Sleuth) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Troy Cavalieri (FireBrand Sleuth) said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wait, now that you said fletchers dad, here is my seen:

f (fletcher)-who the f are you?
m (mask)- *hooo*(darth vader styte breath) fletcher *hooo* i am your father
f-DARTH VADER IS MY FATHER!?! *small voice* please dont cut off my hand
m- *hooo facepalm sigh* this is gonna be hard
f- thats what she said
v (val)- *slaps gibbs style*
s (skul)- *does too, then their eyes meet in a romantic matter and they lean in and kiss*
f-please tell me this is not anoter pycotic fangirl writeing what would happen is something happens
v and s- yes, now shut up *continue to kiss*
m- *to me* i thnk you got sidetracked *mumbles* stupid valduggery fans
me- whatever

how do you like it? oh, and derek, i have two questions
1. isnt it antons gist on the back of dark days? thre a certain skeleton your not telling us about? lemme explain: first you had two (EVIL) neices (and yes, i know how evil they are) then one GOOD neice. and you said "life now imitates art, i now have twelve years to live". did you perhaps go to new york afe publishin your first book, go to a bar, meet a skeleton, then procede to puke on his shoes??!?!??! AWNSER ME!!!!!!we have all suspeced it!

Josie said...

Evey Hammond: Who are you?

V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.

Evey Hammond: Well I can see that.

V: Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.


By the way, Landy, I'm still waiting. And I'm not getting any happier.
I can't believe I'm going to do this..

Josie said...

I'm pretty sure it's the Tesseract.

He looks heaps different from the one in the Battle Card Pack but it's the same guy. Only a lot ... meaner.

Troy Cavalieri (FireBrand Sleuth) said...

That's just because I don't think Mr Percival drew those pics on the battle pack. He might have, but maybe he didn't work super hard on it like on the covers

Josie said...

Yeah I agree.
Some of the characters look real weird - like Ghastly and Skulduggery

Josie said...

Eww. Valduggery? Are you kidding me?

Naomi Wiflath said...

I don't understand the aversion of the Skulduggery Cain pairing. ^__^;

Whats this battle pack everyone keeps talking about? :o

lilian.thigh said...

...Is he SMOKING in there?

Wait! That

Lord Vile.

My two cents. ;D

Ambiguity said...

*throws back head and laughs... again* YOU MOB ARE SO ENTERTAINING!
@ insanity Moonshine: OI liked the first part of it but the valduggery part was... I dunno sudden! I mean, maybe that should be left for

Now to answer that pesky question that made everyone comment some crazy things:

In an odd sorta way.
I'd like to say that I am very good at picking out key parts in the plot for stories. like when there was the cupboard being mentioned in the 3rd book of harry potter I KNEW it would come across l8er.
That's right, Landy, we've figured out your not-so-subtle hints at the reflection!
HA! We're smarter than u think!

Now why does the phantom of the opera come into mind when I look @ that pic? And everyone is saying that his eyes are red but to me it looks like its a tinted lense. I mean if someone came up to you with red googles you wouldn't say that they had red eyes, would you??
AND I RESENT PEOPLE SAYING ONLY BAD PEOPLE HAVE RED EYES! I used to have red eyes! And I don't mean that thing that happens sometimes in photo's, I mean ACTUAL red eyes. (my eyes change colour every few years)

with the whole wires vs. smoke thing: Smoke. deff on smoke.

I have some theory's

1) (and most likely) this is someone COMPLETELY different and you just asked the question to see what people would say.
2) Lord Vile (yes we've gotten THOSE hints as well silly!)
3) A good guy gone bad. Like Darth Vader did (b/c there are SO many references to him on this)
4) A good guy with a very contradiction appearance.
5) An old bad guy that looks different.... ZOMG!!!!!!!!! Oh, no that won't work he's dead. Damn. I would've said scapegrace.

Also I just wonder... HOW do you describe him in the book?! I mean... LOOK at him! It would take WAY too long! We'd get BORED!

You don't want that, do you?


Ambiguity said...

*stares* How. The. Hell. Did. I. Write. That. Much?

Valora Destry said...

ohhhh....i get it now. it IS smoke, haha whoops my bad (i thought it was wire coming out of his mouth). that guy - tesseract?- looks really cool, and creepy with his red eyes. im trying to think of how he got disfigured but all that comes popping into my head is Nightmare on Elm Street. there is a new version of that movie and it is really super cool! going a bit of topic....

i don't know how people can manage to write so much on this blog. Granted, it is pretty momentous occasion, seeing the aweseom back cover, but our golden god only said 33 words. yet we manage to sabotage his blog with mindless, and funny, posts. Oh well, i mean, it beats doing homework, which i really should do.

"You're like our own little vegetable."

-HB/Joe- said...

Hey u lot.



except it kinda reminds me of a lot of movies and stuff.
like, y'know, chainsasw masacre, iron man, and possibly matrix (cos he's got the same haircut as Agent Smith)

ok, heres a story that no-one seemed to acknoledge. :(

so can u (derek) at least comment on this? PLZ?


The moonlight filtered through the gum leaves, creating silver spider webs on the ground. All was still. Even the trees, it seemed, were holding their breath. Then came a sharp crack that split the serenity of the moment, followed by several screams and heavy footsteps. Figures blurred past, struggling to break free of the tree line. Many did not make it, and fell to the moonlit ground, clawing at their wounds before becoming unnaturally still. The survivors ran to the edge, saw the cliff and jumped.
The gap, as it was, stretched to over twenty metres. The figures did not stand a chance. But instead of plummeting to their demise, they opened their wings and flew.
Their pursuers stopped at the edge and cursed. They stood there, and looked at their prey escape. Another time, they thought.
Another time.

Lucas’s eyes slowly opened, and, for a moment, he sighed in happiness. It was his thirteenth birthday. But, as quickly as the moment arrived, it disappeared, to be replaced with an empty feeling. He didn’t know why, and he didn’t know how, but there was a sudden pang of sadness, of grief, and of great loss. Lucas sat up, troubled. Why? He thought, why would I be feeling this?
Curious, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and inspected the covers. They were all twisted and mangled, and his pillow was on the ground. What happened here?
He stepped onto the floor, and his foot was tickled by a small wet nose from under the bed. “Jasper!” he said, picking up the furry creature. Jasper meowed in return, and licked his feline paws. Lucas stroked the cat, and went looking for his slippers. He found one in the corner of his room, and on high up on his shelf. As he reached for the second one, he looked at his possesions, all messily arranged on the shelf. They were mostly books, full of exciting adventure and action. Lucas moved his gaze onwards. He had always wanted to be apart of these stories, but he knew that the chance that he could was minimal.
As he reached the door, he doubled over in pain. His back arched, and he felt his back split open. He screamed, but his scream was not his own. It was like nails on a blackboard, and seemed to pierce his mind like a thousand shards of ice. He fell to the ground, twisting and writhing in pain. He curled up, and then there was no more light, or sound, and instead he felt his back open up, releasing two large, spindly limbs...

Lucas’s eyes opened, his mind full of the vivid nightmare he had just experienced. As he sat up, he removed his top and touched his back, searching for something, anything. His hands moved ever closer to the dual scars on his back, that had been with him from birth. The fingers of his right hand reached for them-
His bedroom door slammed open. His widowed step-mother walked in, and he scrabbled around for his t-shirt. “Get out there right now, you little weasel!” she shouted, throwing the blinds to the far edges of the window. He stumbled to his feet, and she ran out after him, yelling and cursing for him to feed the cat.

When he finally grabbed his own breakfast and headed out the door, he reviewed his bizzare dream. The dream was a recurring dream, and happened often. All the time in his dream he heard his glass-shattering scream, replayed over and over in the confines of his mind. Hang on, Lucas thought, that’s not in my head...


and can u guys comment on it too....


-HB/Joe- said...

ALSO here is a cool picture i found. U MUST COMMENT ON IT!!!!


Buy derek landy today at:

now tell me if this is a WIN or a FAIL.




*You decide...*

Unknown said...

i Think its Valkyries reflection gone bad

tombydand. said...

i think its an edgely. think about it. val went to that family reuinion of her fathers family and there were loads of them. its always possible that one of them may also stumble upon magic but go the other way.

i doubt it would be dusk as he tasted val's blood and decided she was 'special' and that he would leave her alone.

my head is hurting from all this guessing lol

Anonymous said...

It's either Valkyrie's reflection OR!

*Dramatic music in the background*

China and Skulduggery's love child!!!
Oh yes!

Avotica said...

Everyone hates me now. Awesome!

Umm, the guy. Very interesting. New character? Old character??? A relative?

By the way, just so people know, I am a hypocrite, and so will probably not post any more offending stuff... probably. Don't take any of it personally... Well, you can, but that's your problem.

I want this book to come out! It looks very exciting!

jakoparsons said...

there you can see the battle cards on that

jakoparsons said...


Clodagh said...

I think it's somone with a really long, confusing name that I will spend the whole book mis-pronouncing until I actually READ the word properly and find it's not so hard to pronounce after all...
Hey, you know the way Stephanie's mam is pregnant? Will there be a new competition to name the baby? That would rock!

Unknown said...

penguin that is smoke

and has anybody else noticed this guy doesnt have any skin around his eyes

sorry if you did i dont read all the comments just skim

"Mr. Hanratty-" Valkyrie began, but he shook his head.
"call me Paddy."
"Okay, Paddy-"
"Wait, I've changed my mind. call me Mr. Hanratty.
"Mr. Hanratty-" Valkyrie began.
"Call me Paddy."
"Are you sure?"
"Probably not"
- The Faceless Ones

Ebony Orvil said...

the last ancient?
metourious? (i cant spell it)
lord vile?


Ebony Orvil said...

definitely a necromancer because those shadows coming out of his mask are necromancy.
This person is using the mask as his object.

The Cellist said...

Yay!!! I'm back from France!!! I'm back in England, the land of the vegetarian!!!
That cover is awesome!!! Sorry, I'm using loads of exclamation marks, but I'm really happy that I'm gonna be able to eat again!!!
OK...excitement over. Who is that man???? Hmmm... I may get back to you on this one...
AHA!!! perhaps someone who was nearly dead but then was brought back to life by a magic breathing mask thing??? *exciting music* Hold on...somebodys probably already suggested this BUT I THOUGHT OF IT SECOND!!!!
Au revoir!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow.... that is one AMAZING picture. Praise to Tom Percival for being born with such awesomeness! Hmmm........ me and my bestfriend Alibax will definatley have arguements about this picture and his identity...
My main guesses would be......

Tesseract. However Tom Percival didn't draw anything like that on the Battle Cards... but maybe this is the better drawing...

A Remenant. This could just be an evil spirit who has taken a body he created whilst possessing another human... scary....

Geoffrey Scrutinous. This could just be the competition winner's character.

Someone completely new. Derek could just be making us guess evethough he knows we will never guess correctly. That's harsh.....

None the less, all hail Tom Percival and Derek Landy!!!!!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!! X X X

Genesisnx said...

Ah yes I forgot to mention that it is one awesome picture and I'm once again in awe of Toms work, I wish I was as good as that! :D

Also I'd like to say that the Skulduggery Forums has started up really well, thank you guys for joining it.

Unknown said...

Omg !!! the hair and stuff (if you have the battle pack then you'll know wat he looks like)
JARON GALLOW, it defo looks like him, but with a mask on so...........
jaron gallow + mask = tesseract !!!!
duh duh duh!!!!

Geckogirl said...

damn it!!! wrote a big long comment and it deleted itself! and i have to revise for ANOTHER science test tommorrow and even though i did pretty well on the last on *cough* 95% *cough* im not good at all on this subject as i failed misribly in the practice test thinggy.
anyways cannot do my joke about blueberry muffins and me TRYING to be healthy now as i have lost 15mins when my comment DELETED ITSELF as i accidently clicked on the pic and it took me to another page so yes THANKYOU DEREK FOR LINKING THE PICTURE TO ANOTHER BIGGER PICTURE. IF I FAIL MY SCIENCE I BLAME YOU! AND IF I DEVOUR TOO MANY PRINGLES I ALSO BLAME YOU FOR NO APARENT REASON!
anyways erm im gonna do a quick guess now. he's in a cell i guess, also think he's mutated and been in some terrible accident perhaps caused by val/skulduggery. erm.....*gasp!* maybe in the next book Solomon gets muatated or sumfin and he blames skul/val for it. yep my guess is Solomon Wreath. BOOYAH! probs completely wrong but i dont mind! but now i REALLY have to go so sorry :( wish me luck on my science!!!!
p.s decided not to yet give up on the vet dream :)

Rosie said...

Hey Nerdyskeleton,

It's your face xD

(Ooh buuurn...)

Unknown said...

I think that it/he could be one of three things.

1.somthing very very scary to do with the remnents.
2.there was talk of Lord Vile being alive in book four so it could be him. could very well be somthing we know nothing about but still very scary

Wonka said...

wow that looks great. umm..... hey it could be....

i mean like come on, it could happen.

Wonka said...

o right just realised that the guy abouve me has just said that 2. I DID NOT COPY HIM.
i dont copy lol

StormRose said... is eather....

-lord vile
-some bad guy nobody knows about
-maby movolent....
im sticking with lord vile, cos they said in the 4th book that he WILL return and kill everyone, i agree about valkyries reflection, it might just get valkyries ring....
uhh ooh.....

StormRose said...

btw looooooove the cover!!! 3000000000000003 wows

StormRose said...

oooh and did i mention, skulduggery may have feallings for valkyrie when he went queit when she told him she was going out with fletcher,

wonder if any of you noticed that!

betcha didnt!!!

Saoirse Equus said...

What do you mean I'm not the first American Fan. I read it the DAY it came out. Unless, you're an east coast person *cries* but still. PLEASE Derek! come to the West Coast! I mean, you put my state in the first Chapter of book 2.Please come. D:
btw I still think this guy is tesseract.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm.....i would say that it is maybe A)Darquesse (ok really stupid dont laugh DEREK!!)

B) Maybe one of Valkyries dad who was brainwashed to use agains valkyrie and halfway through the book he uncovers himself and then he dies (again i have a wild imagination!!)

C)its a faceless one undercover!!
D) Some utterly nutty guy who thinks he is soooo bad that he can wear a golf mask!!

oh another idea

D)Some twisted guy who thinks he is the man with the chainsaw!! LOL (please dont laugh at this !!)

Unknown said...


Louisa Rose said...

Geoffrey Scrutinous for SURE ...
not sure.
about 90%?
no, scratch that, 10%
ok, scratch THAT
i have no clue.

Oh btw, has anyone read 'Valiant' by Holly Black?

She wrote the Spiderwick Cronicles with Tony Diterlizzi. Wasn't such a fan of Spiderwick, personally I think she writes better on her own ....

It's seriously one of my favourite books (apart from skulduggery your excellency) *low regal bow*

But seriously, read it, it's kind of adevnture/quest/unlikely romance.

Try it.

Garenteed to be in the 'Dark Romance' section of the book store.

Next to Twilight.

Honest to god, is anyone else getting tired of the Twilight fever?

I mean, yeah, they're good books, and the new one, 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner' is awesome.

But after a while, it's like, GET OVER IT!

x Eva x

Team Edward. ;)

flaring rhythm said...


That scared the cucumbers out of me.

That is SO. FREAKY.


I showed it to my mum and she said 'It looks like that canniball guy from the movie...' I died.

I think He/She/It/Pete Wentz may be one of a couple of things...

Something to do with the Necromancers
Something to do with the Remnanats escaping.
A guy...who, something, and is ever so slightly insane so it locked up with a mask and blahh and then Valkyrie or someone visits him to get info and blahh and he escapes and releases the remnants cause he's DARN CRAZY :B


I may need to work on...that...


'Tis VERY awesome- and I REALLY need to read the book.

Or I shall just DIE

Love n peas n my penguin mansion *hehe*,
Flaring/Folie/the girl with her hand in the toaster


Anonymous said...

OMFG!!!!! i just realized this guy is in a phsyco hosptal thingy !! he is definatley new LOL!!!! :) IM like soo clever!! LOL JK

Susana Huezo said...


Unknown said...

it said lord vile died alone or maybe he never died how can you know if he died alone????
i think he was taken to prision that why he has the mask
there is proof lord vile is still alive e.g. his armor if his armor stores his power surely he is still alive for the power to be there.
its not bliss because for a start bliss was bald and his body was turned into a pile of mush i dont think anyone is going to recover from that XD we miss you bliss :'(

Holly said...

Kessa- It's not nailed/drilled into his skull, the metal thing is a hoop that the super-thick leather goes round (like a ginormous jump ring).

I second the notion on nightmares... For other reasons. ;)

Ambiguity... No offence, but it's extremely rare for someone's eyes to change colour completely, as opposed to a change in shade (apart from as a result of trauma, injury, or in a newborn child), although there is some debate about that as lighting and background can change our brain's perception of colour. Anyway, it's even rarer for the eye colour to change to something 'weird' like red, purple or yellow, so forgive me if I don't believe you.

Note- character designs can change, and he looks like he's holding a weapon in the card.

Violet Night said...

wow! i mean I thought the sea hag looked scary? I think this is like an enemy from skulduggery's past who has come back to get his revenge and China finally spills the beans about the thing with you know and skulduggery??? *hint hint* And I also think Valkyrie will see the dark side in the skulman!!!!
p.s. What abou' our quotes??? *smallvoice* i miss them ):

My quote(i'm bringing them back, baby!) V: "They look a little conspicuous"
R.C: "that's an awfully big word for a thirteen year old"
V: " Atchually, it;s not" "It's fairly standard, Also, i'm fourteen. Also your beard is stupid"

(The faceless Ones,Chapter 1, page 13, 1st paragraph, sentance 1)

I'm nothing if not specific!

So long, My liege,
Your ever serving subject,

Unknown said...

i think we can say it is a man or a really manly women (most likely a man) this guy looks like a pyscopath his power might have something to do with him speaking like the new charcter(maybe but he is a good guy so)i think derek might have let the faceless ones go (after 2 books i think they need a new plot line so im happy) it will be a charecter we have heard of before because there would be no putting "let the guessing begin" so ye we have all heard of him before we just dont now who it is

flaring rhythm said...


I've just realised who it maybe is.

Lord Vile.

It HAS to be.

Even though I imagined him looking a bit like Dumbledore...

jakoparsons said...

my mam wants to get her book published but dosent know how, any tips?

Unknown said...

I'm gonna go ahead and take a hugely ridiculous guess. Skulduggery.
Do not laugh at me Mr. Landy, I've read all of your books. I don't think I can be surprised anymore.
My brother says Valkyrie. That would be hilarious. And mildly terrifying.
Ooh, could it be Geoffrey Scrutinous?

jakoparsons said...

it probably is skuldugery with his facade

Unknown said...

Wait a sec. Now hold on just a minute here. We haven't met him yet, have we? Is that why your so fiendishly delighted? Damn you.

Aimee =] said...

It would be awesome if it was Stephanie's Father

Gone evil and all so she has to leave home and gets to stay with Skulduggery ;) =]

Anonymous said...

lols. previous suggestions are being repeated AGAIN, but so glad i'm not alone ;)

Unknown said...

I KNOW WHO IT IS! IT'S TESSERACT! His (Or she or it's) name is Tesseract!

Geckogirl said...

science revision over for today as my head will explode if i do any more.
so anyways what do u guys think of my prediction???????? Solomon Wreath???? hmmm???? probs completely wrong but i had very little time and i was extreamly stressed out with science so i took a wild stab and i carnt go back now so.....i think its not half bad though. but one of you will probs come up with a reason why it cannot be him. i dare you to try.
.......erm my randomness has gone now. for the past few days it has. *sags* maybe as i had a scary dream about a ginger boy and a guy with a knife tryin to kill me and i have been told scary storys about a cuboard that locks you inside by luring you in with a cry for help.

might just be that.
god i need to get a grip and be happy and random again. i know just the cure! skulduggery plesant book 5 (hint hint derek. please bring out early so i can be happy and skip merrily again)
or perhaps i could write my own book.
hmmm....i shall mull for a while. and then discuss yaks with my cat. yaks teeheee so random. HEY! its working!

Rosie said...

*Sigh* And I thought that your fanbase consisted of intellectuals...
Ah well, at least they're not rabid like another fanbase I could mention...
You know the one. xD

Rosie said...

I think it's pretty obvious that it's... whats-his-face... 'Tesseract' by now. Or I could be wrong, which would be horribly embarassing. Damn skeleton never has this problem...

jakoparsons said...

why does everyone think its tesseract? i mean what are the similarities umm a mask. so. what. it is a mask. im sure its someonelse but stil... i mean why would he make that battle card?

jakoparsons said...


Valora Destry said...

i don't think its geoffery scrutinous, there is always baddies on the back of the books, and the charcter comp thing said to create a good guy.

Oh and jakoparsons that sounds like a really cool idea!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Moonshine good question!So have you yet met your Skulduggery, Mr.Landy?

Indeed, Kirsty they do post a lot don't they?I mean I post a bit too, but not that much!

Hellboy sorry for not acknowledging.Your story most definitely has potential!I would continue it!
Someone else posted that picture and I asked how much he was, but he didn't answer :/ lol.

That would undeniably be unequally awesome, Clodagh!You, Mr.Landy should certainly make another competition for the naming of the baybe!!

Hm I don't see any shadows, Odile...

I shall return.


"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."
-Tanith Low

Rachel McCoach said...

wat about Crux? i mean i know China. shot him but SHE survived getting shot in dark days.

plus i think its. not val thats darkesse but her reflection cause it keeps havin blank bits so it might be keepin stuff from her. plus in that lad's vison valkyrie was there when hed parents got killed by darkesse...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Good luck Geckogirl!!

Unknown said...

Dusk: has long hair so that's not him unless he cut it.
Skulduggery: Maybe it could be him in his body, but why the mask? Idon't think it's him, but Derek has a pretty wild imagination so anything is possible really.
Geoffrey: Cannot be him because his discription was nothing like this and he is a good guy. The man in the mask is totally looks evil.
New Character: I thought this probably was a new character when I looked at it, but then I thought,"Why would he have us discuss who we think it is if it is a new character. I know people would think that is something he would do for his entertainment, and maybe that is what he expected you to think, but I think he let something slip that is very useful, that it is someone we know.
Mr. Bliss: Someone up there said that one of the faceless ones took over his body, so maybe that masks helps him stay in that body or something.
Facts: He looks like he is somewhere in an alley or something so he is trying to keep hush-hush for now. Smoke is coming out of his mouth holes. Is he half a robot? Hmmmmm

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

This comment is directed solely to Mr.Landy, and, in fact, has nothing to do with this blog entry...
Anyway so I've re-read book one and have started to re-read book and two and I wanted to tell you, Mr.Landy that you are Brilliant, Amazing , and Inspirational! :D Also would you please say hello to your Nana for me?I'd appreciate it. ^.^

Furthermore I thought this question up and I've been dieing to ask, but every time I get online, somehow, I forget about it. Grr so I ask you now....Will we ever get to know Skulduggery's given name????? I So wish to know!!Please tell your loving Munchkin army!! ^.^


"Of course I'm right.I'm me."
-Skulduggery Pleasant

BobZ said...

Skul sed he was gunna have a facade so I reckon it's him or I could be Vile cuz it sed when Vengous wore his armour shadows flowed from his mask so it could be him aswell

Bethany said...

Would have been third if I hadn't forgotten to comment -.-

Holy good God.
I was wrong. Tom has definitely outdone himself with this back cover, as opposed to the front cover. Absolutely amazing.

No witty comments this time. Major sadface.

Skulduggery Skellington said...

I think it's Lord Vile or Scrapegrace.

I highly doubt it's Skulduggery. It's too early in the series to be showing what he looks like already.

Avotica said...

The guy looks like he has a hole at the top of his head...

I wonder, does Skulduggery's actual skull look any different to the one he won in that card game, or whatever?

Unknown said...

Wait a second, Is it just me, or does he have the same build as Ghastly. Ah, Scary thought...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Very scary thought!

Bethany said...

Ghastly's black. This guy's not.

Dantea Dredkin said...

I think everyone has been repeating themselves. Or eachother. Its already been decided that he could be...
Tesseract(whoever that is)
Fletcher's dad.
Some poor, unsuspecting new villain that gets his arse kicked, but is still pretty creepy looking.

So stop saying the same people already mentioned! Its driving me crazy!
And Skryl, that is a good question. When will we find out Skul's given name? Derek, you must tell us!

Used to be Darquesse but is now Dantea, out.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Bethany it never actually said Ghastly is black.I've just re-read the first book so know. ^.^

I think most everyone doesn't read all the comments.So they think they could very well be the first one to mention so-in-so.

See now Dantea is curious too!We certainly need to know!


China got into the car , looked at them though the open window."Oh, by the way, all three of you- congratulations on saving the world."
-China Sorrows

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

That could be a possessed Ghastly with his symbol face/disguise China made for him!!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

That truly is possible!You think that could be it??

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