Behold the awesome!
On April 5th, in London, as part of my tour, we are offering a day at the movies, where I will be discussing the many movie influences that have shaped my life and, more specifically, that have shaped the Demon Road trilogy.
We are breaking the day into two halves.
At 1 PM, younger readers, accompanied by an adult, can go to the Picturehouse Cinema in London and experience 80's comedy-horror classic GREMLINS on the big screen...! It'll be my first time seeing it up there too — I've only ever seen this film on TV, so I am HUGELY excited.
Desolation will be available to buy, I'll be doing a Q&A, and signing whatever you have. It's going to be FUN.
And then we'll be repeating the format at 8:30 that night, when we'll be showing the original A Nightmare on Elm Street to a STRICTLY over-18 crowd...!
Again, I was too young to see this in the movies when it came out, and as one of my all time favourite horrors, I can't wait to see this in all its glory.
Come! See Johnny Depp get blender-ised in his Bed of Death!
Naturally, anyone 18 or over can come to both movies and make a day of it — as I will be — but sadly the younger Minions can not savour the delights of Freddy Krueger — at least not until you're older...
1 – 200 of 3850 Newer› Newest»I wish I lived in London :(
Happy birthday to Adra :)
Haha jk,
It's Noelle's birthday
Though, unfortunately, noelle is only turning SEVENTEEN.
Which means that, in the government's eyes, I can neither vote nor watch some movies.
Because both are equally important.
noelle is going to her favorite restaurant this evening.
For the sake of it all, I'm hoping that I don't get caught.
Okay, ACTUALLY, I was looking up Adra on the Skul Wiki last night and It's just so cool that she has one :)
*decides to change profile name for her birthday*
At the Democratic Party last night, the people there threw me a tiny party :) it was so unexpected and kind. I haven't had a party since I was seven.. Like, it was so nice!
Though I'm mostly excited for my dinner tonight. Favorite restaurant. Yummy..
Then, my mom is taking me to see the To Kill a Mockingbird play.
But in Nerf Wars, the game resumed yesterday after the funeral, so... I'm back in the red light.
Still going to kill it, though. I lowkey, when running after Anna Kelley, just DOVE out of the way of the bullets. It didn't help that she was a crappy shot, but it was as if I became another person xD I don't run that much because of my asthma, but I just booked it after her.
I also did a parkour roll, but failed when I rolled into my opponent's car
That was funny
I am also becoming very addicted to Solitaire, and another webgame called Entanglement (It is a puzzle game).
Best time on solitaire with 1, half a minute.
Best time on three, one minute.
So much fun :P
-has senioritis and her hardest class is Economics. Of which she has a 95 in-
-in every other class she has two 98s and a 99* xD
:) *smiles at Noelle*
I need help
I've played four hours of solitaire since yesterday.
Haha I've done that kind of thing before
I play Forty Thieves solitaire, though. It's a little different.
My app doesn't have a time limit, but I'm trying to get a 40% success rate. I keep lingering around 33 or 32. :P
oh no
Mrs.B: Noelle! It's your birthday today?
Me:... yeah
Mrs. B: Are you having a good day?
me: yeah
Mrs. B: Did you friends bring you lots of treats?
Me:*does not have friends* *awkward silence in the room*
Me: But it's okay, im going to get mexican food tonight.
me:*Wants to just go cry somewhere*
(I wish you the best birthday Noelle, if you were closer then I'd have gotten you something )
Happy birthday Noelle!!!!!!
@Noelle: :( :( :( . . .
(Hello Jacko ^.^)
(I'd love to do the London thing but it's on my sisters birthday)
;(see, this is how it works in my family
Sister: April 5
Brother: may 5
Me; June 5
My brother has the best birthday though... Born on 5/5/5)
@Chloe: :) Oh, that's cool.
*hugs Noelle tightly, and loves her*
(I guess so ... But it wasn't planned that way,.. )
It's quite hard to plan the exact dates your children will be born on. :P
(Especially when my brother and I weren't planned XD )
(*watches the three musketeer with Orlando bloom in it)
Ah. I'm 18 but not NEAR LONDON.
Wait, Noelle, you're 17? I thought you were turning 18.
Happy birthday! You legally can do magic outside of Hogwarts now!
Happy Noelle day! :-)
(I second what Chloe said about if you lived closer, except that I'd have probably baked you something)
When I'm in college, I'm studying abroad and getting at least one of my Skulduggery books signed.
[casually ignores the i practicalities of this plan for now]
( thats cool chloe :P
i'm turning 20 on the 20th at 2:22 Am :D :P )
(*has been watching OUAT season 2 all night with Connor from episode 13 onwards*
*has accidentally got him hooked on it xD*
*he hasn't even SEEN season 1 or season 2 pre episode 13 and he was begging to watch just one more episode*
*now has scheduled a mini marathon with him on Saturday*
( lol Jai... I watched all seasons in a week or two :P :D and it just came back yesterday :P)
(I'm sooooooooooo behind.
I'll have finished season 2 by Sunday, but I've no way to watch season 3,4 and 5, never mind episode 1 of season 6.)
( this is the other half of season 5... :D if that makes you feel beter )
(Ah, that makes me feel slightly better..
But still, season 3, 4 and 5.. I have no plan yet.)
( I could send you all the seasons over skype or something if you wanted that way you can watch on whatever plus if you have vlc player you can watch it faster if you wanted ... I'm so used to watching youtube on times 2 that it kinda cam naturally for me to do that too... I still understand them fine ;p)
(*tilts head* Send them on Skype? Huh?)
Omg what's the best way for me to get to London!!! I wanna goooo!!! Omg omg I wanna meet a legend! I'm 18 and I still read the books!! And proud as hell of it!!!
@Jai: :P Lol.
I accidentally got Lizzie hooked even though I didn't even do anything. XD
I've fully caught up now :) but it took me months because I watch TV like a person with a life.
I can't get into that show. My friend keeps forcing me to watch but I just....I don't like it.
( if you have skype I can send you files if you add me ...
(*high fives everyone*
I would invite everyone to my 18th birthday party but very ones so far away.. Though you are welcome if you can make it)
@Zaf: Out of interest, why not?
@Chloe: :)
I don't really do parties, so um . . . none of you are invited to my eighteenth birthday party purely because I probably won't be having one. XD
(*tilts head at keiron*
Huh.. that could be useful..
@Chloe *looks at my lack of £100 it takes to get to Wales*
:( )
( add keironmate I'll do the rest :P
also could make it ... now with the car ... *wonders if the blackpool thing is still happening )
(£100?! Did you check for a price now or did you check the availability for June ?)
(*glomps Jack*)
*is glomped*
(Hoes my big bad handsome man?)
Um... Ok
(I'm tired but good ^.^ *kisses jack*!
(I checked the price a bit back, I'll double check though.)
Sweep *kisses chloe*
Hey jai, how's you?
(@Keiron I'll add you on Saturday, Kay?
@Chloe okay I mixed up Scotland and Wales xD its £46.50 for a halfs return to Swansea.)
(Hi Jacko, I'm not so bad. You?)
I'm alright thanks
( sat ok .... :P )
(Okay Jai ^.^
I don't wanna sweep!)
(Actually might be Monday.. not sure..
Imma head to sleep..)
(Happy birthday Noelle. Hope the rest of your day is good..)
I dunno
:/ it's kinda a bad year, I guess.
I want ten to make a sequel to the 2011 steampunk three musketeers..
Nos da)
Just realised I may have sworn right in front of a teacher six hours ago.
*didn't realise until now*
Star- I felt like it was just a glorified soap opera honestly.
@Zaf: Oh, it is.
Yeah that's what I thought. So I was easily bored by it. Honestly I'm tempted to just google the plot and pretend I watched it. Go on Netflix and just click on the last episode avalible so it comes up on my continue to watch and appears I watched it.
It was soooo boring! I can't understand why it's popular. Then again people like fantasy but its so boring when soap opera style
@Zaf: Haha!
You're missing a fundamental aspect of why people like it - some people LIKE soap operas. :)
True that. I mean I watch this one soap my parents watch, but it's kinda interesting because they have some form of a basis for it.
It's not all googly eyes and sex. Once I felt was just a bunch of fairy tale freaks falling in love and having kids and doing nothing interesting.
The one I watch with my parents the characters have this whole company rivalry one family owns one company the others the other company and they intermingle through marriage and affairs but like they make so realistic like okay yes the guy Victor is evil and hires a drug cartel guy to kidnap the other CEO and impersonate him and it works because he looks so like the CEO kidnapped. The guy's wife didn't notice. So then this is in the fall and now Victor is found guilty and probably gonna go to jail for like 2 episodes and go on house arrest but hey its more realistic then Once
*laughs* XD OUAT isn't that bad. There's a lot of falling in love though, I'll give you that. But it focuses a lot on split families and feelings of parenting and so on. I wouldn't lump that in with "falling in love and having kids" . . . although it technically sorta is but if doesn't activate the repulsive force (metaphor) so it's okay.
I'll also grant you that it's hello unrealistic.
The worst things about OUAT are Charming and Snow. Particularly Snow. She just needs to die.
But you have characters like Regina and Gold and they're the reasons I watch it. Well, that plus my family makes me.
*nods* Sounds interesting. :)
Also sorry stuff and things happened and I was hella busy all of a sudden.
Me: Awh man over 18 only :(
Me: oh wait. I am over 18.
3 days after I leave :(((
So close!!!
Oh well, sounds fun for the people that can go!!
(Happy birthday, Noelle!)
(Pacific Rim is a pretty kick-ass film with a pretty kick-ass theme song and pretty kick-ass jaegers and pretty kick-ass kuijis and pretty kick-ass characters and pretty kick-ass fights and pretty kick-ass plot that didn't waste time and gave us what Transformers didn't - no stupid moments or attempts at atrocious humour.)
That sounds like just a little too much kick-assery. Where's the chill?
(@John The chill is the moments between combat, the flashbacks (some characters share their memories) and the scientists trying to find information about the kuiji. They're the film's funny stress relief characters. They're not actually funny. But they're not full of stupid jokes, either.
Why am I not sleeping?
Oh, and about Trump's wall... like a wise man once said...
King Agesilaus, upon being shown the huge defensive walls of a neighboring city: “What Splendid Women’s Quarters”)
If Trump so much as steps foot inside the Oval Office I'm packing up and shipping out. No idea where, but not this country.
And that's a good question, why aren't you asleep?
Yep. It's real.
I saw to Kill a Mockingbird, the play. There was, afterward, a brief discussion in the audience.
I made ONE comment about Atticus- about his transition from magnanimity to nearly making the incorrect decision- and was cut off by the guy. He liked me, though. He said of all the discussions, my comment was his favorite and Imm now his favorite person XD
*is cool*
I need to reread it sometime soon. Now that I'm older, I'll be able to further understand the multi-dimensional off of the story, and be able to look at t from many facets.
Because, of course, race is the easiest moral conflict of the story to deal with.
I'm very interested in Mayella. I mean, her father gets what he deserves after his revenge, and the story just about ends there. However... Mayella's mother died when she was young, and Lee all but states that Mayella was raped by her father, and we KNOW that she was physically abused. With seven other sibilings, Mayella became the mother figure. I just keep waiting for an explanation for what happened to her? With her father out of the way, she has to care for seven kids, and live in a town, hated by both races?!
As far as the Female self goes, her character is deep and intricate, and by leaving her story with tragedy, she is just another example of society's shortcomings: that justice prevails sometimes, but in many ways, we are all victims, and not all victims get the justice they rightfully deserve.
-off pedestal now because she is exhausted and somber and might just go cry to sleep, so*
(Sleep well Noelle.
@Star Connor hates snow too. He wants her to die.
I'm actually upset that Cora died. I mean YES, she's evil, but when she had her heart put back in.. just for that moment.. that moment when she looked at Regina and.. saw her daughter as her daughter.. loved her completely.. "this would have been enough" D: ;-; That is.. it's just so.. breaking.)
*didn't like Pacific Rim* *only survived it by assaulting it with an onslaught of cynical comments throughout*
*hasn't read To Kill A Mockingbird*
@Jai: My entire FAMILY wants her to die. Including my mum who is actually NICE.
It is a bit breaking. But she did bring it on herself. She chose power over love and that's what you get.
OUAT is just...the feels. omg.
And Pacific Rim is one of my favourite movies. That and kingsmen probably.
I missed John...but at least he came on for once.
(@Star I liked what it was trying to do. Sure it was cheesy, but the fights were good. Sequel is in the works, hopefully.
So, who's gonna meet Derek for Desolation tour?)
(I might try meet him in Manchester, depends on money.)
@Kas: See, that's where our mismatch is. :P My brain isn't very compatible with fight scenes. It interprets it as "people fighting," tries to keep track of who's winning, gives up and zones out. :P I don't rate movies on their fight scenes any more than I rate books on their font (as in, it can happen occasionally, but it's exceedingly rare bevause I barely pay attention and when I do pay attention it's rarely of any importance to me so I don't remember it).
Therefore, for me, personally, there was just nothing good about it whatsoever.
Have to admit though I read this book once (angels. Supernatural (not the show) romance. Girl called Nora who was stupid in the second one. Guy called Patch who was an angel. Pretty shiny hardback cover. Ringing any bells to anyone? Should do if you read a lot of those type of books, which I have, and idk why bevause I don't LIKE them) and the font was BEAUTIFUL. I spent like the first half hour freaking out about the font and then all the way through I was just like paying attention to the font and admiring it and I think I kept repeatedly commenting on blogland about how nice the font was because DUDE. It was BEAUTIFUL.
Ever since then I've been looking out for fonts like that and I've decided that if I ever publish a book (which is not likely to happen, but IF) I'm going to use a pretty font because mate, I only read the books for the font. XD
But yeah that was a one-off experience. Normally I take notice of it on the first page and then tune out.
(*listens to biology by girls aloud*)
I live in London, so I will be able to go cannot wait.
(*sings feed me *)
( does it have to be human ? )
(Does it have to be mine?!)
( feed me Seymore feed me alllll night long )
Fd(id love a plant like that)
( i wouldn't.... you need to self harm to keep it alaive)
(coz if you feed me Seymore, I will grow up, big and strong... )
(*sits in the dark little corner and observes the two*)
( * glomps Jai* )
(*frowns at being glomped*)
(Whats up pussy cat ? woahhoooahhoooaahhhooooooooo)
(*frowns more*
*hires further into the dark corner*)
( :( )
Well we had a fire in school today.
It was in the room I have English it's a big inner room with no windows split in half. I was in theatre class and we heard kids yelling fire and footsteps running. Next we hear our fire alarm we bolt out of the old auditorium and see smoke coming from the halls so we go running. We get outside we ended up being relocated to our football stadium and after a good 45 minutes we get in the building again and have short classes but it smelled horrid like you go near the room you got a headache and my locker is on the border of where it happened and where air was clean....
English was in the new auditorium....we did crap. We don't think our room will be ready until Monday or Tuesday....
(Hey guys
Sorry to hear that Xaf!
I liked that series... But I am in the middle of silence )
Eh it was surely freaky. We were all shocked but I mean upon seeing smoke you usually go bolting
@Noelle: Ahhhh that's the name!! *recognises it now but couldn't remember it before*
I have read worse. I've actually read a lot worse. :( I think. I've read a lot of bad books, though. It feels like such a waste of so many hours of my life now that I barely read at all (not due to disliking reading, due to other things consuming my time). I mean. I could have been reading GOOD books. :P
Well, brain candy.
I just dislike when themes such as "love always prevails" describe a book. I want books to try to answer hard questions of life- what it means to be human. "Love always wins" isn't very realistic to te human experience, either. I want books to deal with suffering, anguish- but recognize compassion and humility. I want to be made to think, and to question the world around me. I want to be forced to evaluate myself, and ask if I'm being the best version of myself, or if I too am blind.
And books like Hush Hush don't fulfill that. They're easy books. I like hard books.
*nods to Inky* And, should that suit your tastes, then that is perfectly fine too.
I'm just the type of person who isn't afraid of hard things... Books for centuries have been about morals and lessons to be learned. It's mostly been the Romantic Era that changed that, I think. And I am very, very, far from a Romantic.
We read A Lesson Before Dying, a book about a man (Jefferson) put on death row for a crime that he didn't commit. The main character (Grant) encounters Jefferson and befriends him for the sake of his neighbor, the Jefferson's aunt. The aunt wants Grant to teach Jefferson courage and self-worth, so that Jefferson will be able to face his execution with courage, and face the racist ideas that blacks were unworthy and cowardly.
It was a really difficult book to read, especially because of a decision Grant makes at the end.
It's meant to be uncomfortable, and I like books like that. Being uncomfortable means, to me, that I'm facing something unfamiliar, or something that I subconsciously don't want to face. And I can't hide from life. I refuse to live with a cloth over my eyes.
(I see Noelle ^.^
In all fairness, I like most things
The only books I didn't like was a werewolf book that was written really badly)
Mmh. Sad to inform you that I'm a peasant; I mostly read books for the emotion.
Do the same with songs tbh.
Also pertinent to this:
I fully understand the nature of my field of study, anthropology. I also understand the darker sides of it.
When the September 11th terrorist attacks occurred, anthropologists were called to the site of the former World Trade Center to identify the bodies, attempt to piece people together, and make a general investigation into the nature of each person's death. Almost every anthropologist in the country was called in to help the effort and clean-up.
I know that, God forbid, should any horrendous act such as that occur again, I might be asked to help. I have to face the fact that life is, in many ways, a twisted, dark, and unnatural force. The depths that humans can reach into their minds is terrifying, and I have to recognize that sometimes, I have to put my own fear aside for the sake of other people.
Life isn't meant to be glorified, I think. There are some good parts, yes, and there are some bad parts, too. But it isn't healthy to look just at the good parts, in the same way that it isn't healthy to look at just the bad parts. However, to educate myself is personally my best way of learning about other people. To understand the world, I try to expose myself to as much of it as i can.
@Chloe: Haha. I seem to dislike most of the books I read. I wonder what that says about us.
Then again I don't know how to identify good books, so . . .
Sorry, I think I'm done now.
^until I've read them
@Noelle: :) There is no need to apologise whatsoever.
You aren't a peasant, Star.
Have I explained my metaphor about primary and secondary emotion before . . . ?
I can't remember whether I have or not. Either way. I muchly appreciate experiencing negative emotions due to books. But. I think it's different to the way you do it. My way is more akin to watching a horror movie. It's not very moralful or noble. :P
@Noelle: Thank you?
*isn't sure if to leave the question mark off results in me sounding egotistical*
(Evening everyone!)
*Lorcan looked out over the balcony of his family home. He was a little bit older, almost 16 years older and a little bit wiser in ways but his appearance, thanks to his silver magic, hadn't changed all that much.
He was looking out at his 16 year old daughter, Ariana. She had beautiful, long silver hair and had also inherited her mother's wings which were that silver colour as well. But her hands were glowing purple. She was standing in front of a tree, sweeping her hands down to remove it's bark and her hands back up to put it back.
Ariana had always been powerful, ever since she was in her mother's womb but as she became older, her powers increased immensely. Plus being a silver mage with angelus abilities added with her power, he knew that she would be a top prize for any bounty hunter or villain who wanted her.
They had been able to travel around and keep a safe distance between themselves and society but that stopped 2 years ago when Casha became sick. She had encountered a being that could use shadows and became poisoned defending her daughter. She lost all her beautiful hair and her wings were slowly losing its feathers. They had to settle so she could be treated by medical mages and try and get her strength back. Lorcan knew that but it made him jittery.
His attention went back to watching Ariana as he sighed and took a deep breath.*
I can still chat gently, I might just join in with Em, though!
*Adra is gently rocking Alek to sleep, and sets him in his crib* *She tucks him in, and immediately, he begins to cry* *He doesn't want to sleep yet* *Sighing, Adra picks him up again, and he stops crying* *It's tiring, because the baby is getting exactly what he wants, but he's still so little* *She can't say no*
*Alastair will join Adra* I can hold him for a while, if you'd like to rest.
*She smiles a little* Thank you, dove. But you need the rest more than I. *Leans over* Or, we can both go back to bed, and the little one can sleep in our room.
*Casha slowly came out and stood beside Lorcan. She gave up wearing wigs, they made her head itch and just started wearing bandannas. She was wearing a bright yellow one today but was just walking around in tracksuit trousers and a vest.
Lorcan looked at her and then shook his head as he started taking off his cardigan.*
Lorcan: You shouldn't be out here with no jacket on, it's not as warm as it looks.
Casha: I'm so warm though. I needed to feel the breeze on my skin. I needed to feel part of the living in some way.
*Lorcan put the cardigan down and took her hand, kissing it gently as he rubbed his finger over her wedding ring. He looked back at Ariana.*
Lorcan: Would you not let Ari try and see if she can help make you feel a bit better?
Casha: Absolutely not Lorcan! We don't know what this sickness could do to her if she tried to get rid of it. I will be fine, eventually. It is our absolute mission in life to keep her safe.
Lorcan: But my first mission was to keep you safe and I haven't done that.
Casha: You always keep me safe.
*She kissed him gently on the cheek as she lay her head on his shoulder and they both watched the sun slowly setting as their daughter still messed with the tree's bark.*
*Adra continues to hold her little boy, who is gently snoozing now* *She places him down, and tucks him in against his little bear*
*Casha coughed as Lorcan helped her turn around to bring her back in, he called over his shoulder.*
Lorcan: Ariana, come on. Time for food.
*As quickly as he had blinked, Ariana was walking into the house in front of them. She was on her phone, Lorcan could just make out pictures so he figured it was Instagram.*
Ariana: I'm not really hungry dad.
Casha: Ari, you've been using up a lot of power practising today so you need to eat and rest and settle yourself.
Ariana: I don't need to settle myself, I'm fine.
Casha: I can see your hands shaking Ari, you need to settle yourself and rest.
*Ariana sighed as she changed course and headed into the kitchen. Casha shook her head and coughed again as Lorcan helped her walk slowly into the kitchen after Ariana.*
*supposes that makes this easy, then* *Alek is adorable* *takes Adra's hand, kisses it lightly*
Hey chums.
*She smiles at her husband, and gently moves to dim the lights more in the room* Shall we go downstairs?
hi twip :)O
Heya chum! :)
*After they had eaten, Lorcan sat Casha down on the couch, covering her with a blanket as he stoked the fire. Her temperature had dropped suddenly to how warm she was earlier on.
Ariana was walked past, heading for outside. Lorcan raised an eyebrow as he brushed his hands together.*
Lorcan: Don't go out Ariana, it's dark and you have homework to do.
*His daughter sighed and tutted as she stopped. She was starting to put on her jacket.*
Lorcan: Ariana, I'm not saying it again. You were told to rest and you have homework. No more magic and no more outside today.
*Ariana looked at Lorcan, she was getting frustrated as the lights around her dimmed and came back up again. Lorcan saw that and stood in front of Casha. Last time Ariana got mad she shattered a light bulb and had cut Casha on her face.*
Lorcan: Don't even try it young lady.
*The lights calmed down as Ariana then threw her jacket back on the chair and stomped her way upstairs. The lights slightly flickering and following her upstairs. Lorcan breathed a sigh of relief.*
*Snuggles with Twip* *Twip is cute* *Twip is her cute* :P *hugsies*
*is cute**is happy* :)
Certainly, my darling. *he will follow her down the stairs* What shall we do for the rest of the night?
:) you may join in too, trip!!
ok i just realized: I have a permanent scar on my right ankle PURELY from shaving xD
*She thinks* I might wish to go on a walk, please. *She has her little tablet in her hand, which will notify her if the baby monitor goes off* I will know if Alek needs us.
*sighs* I think my headache went away. The smoke smell gave us all a headache but now I'm fairly certain it's screwing with me still.
That's what happens when you have an electrical fire at school and then an hour later you're back in class. The fact that you could see the smoke billowing out into the halls and smell it.
It was like all of a sudden my mind went into survival. Like okay this is real there's a fire close by me I honestly have no idea where. And I have to just run. And that's what I did. I got myself out of the building first then my class regrouped.
Then the next thing to hit me was if my mom made it out as she's in a class that was opposite me....
When they sent us to the stadium I went on ahead to find her because I just wanted to know she was okay. She was standing there by the ticket booth and gods that was just so relieving to see my mom and know she's okay. She said once her students were okay she was going to go find me but the principal said that they were sending those of us standing in the front of the building to the stadium and she said she wanted to wait for me to know I'm okay and they said okay.
Those of us in the front of the building were outside in the one side of faculty parking. Then those in the library, music hall, and a few English classes were in the student lot then everyone in the cafeteria, the classes on the old middle school side downstairs, and the classes all around the cafeteria were in the bus lotcwith the kids in gym and the poor kids on the upper level were in the old middle school fauculty parking like woah this is legit they only knew because a secretary took a wakie talkier
((*hugs Noelle*
I'm glad everyone was alright, Zafira.))
Alright, love. *he will lead her outside, for a walk* *he still walks with a slight limp, but he is well enough to walk on his own now- it's been long enough*
That might be, um, awkward. :P
Hey Zaf. That's good? Education i vital to your future?
It is awkward :)
*She still can't help but try to hoist some of his weight for him- she just wants to care for her dove*
*She has a warm blanket around her shoulders, and takes him around the lake* *She kisses his cheek*
*Ariana closed her door and threw her school bag into her wardrobe. She then searched through it and pulled out an oversized hoodie.
She had made cuts in the back for her wings and fold away pockets so she could fold them and cover them comfortably. She put it on and zipped it up before pulling up the hood, trying her best to cover all her silver hair. She then slowly and stealthily opened the sliding door and jumped down to the grass below her.
She fixed herself and pulled back up her hood slightly, putting her hands in her pockets and started walking towards the woods behind their house.*
*Adra is walking slowly for her husband, not wanting him to fall, but also going slow, so to not stumble* *It's a little chilly, she is realizing, but certainly not as cold as it has been* *Pulls her blanket more around her*
So am I, we got everyone out super fast
(hello, Leigh and her author)
(:P I like the surname)
*he adores her, and loves how she cares for him* *wraps his coat around her, to keep her warm* I adore you.
*She smiles gently and takes him to a little wooden bench by the water* *She will have him sit first, as to walk is likely more taxing on him then it is for her* *She gently strokes his forearm*
*Ariana walked down towards the lake. The wind lightly blew across the water, tussling the small silver strands that couldn't stay in her hood.
Her hands began glowing purple again as she channelled into her powers. She twirled her finger upwards and a small water tornado appeared. She flattened her hands and the tornado stayed. She pushed her hands away from one another and it split into two.
She smiled.
She then wanted to try something for a while now since she really started practising her powers. She lightly flexed her fingers and small shards of silver started attaching itself to the water tornadoes, dying the water silver.
She smiled again but then noticed that her hands were shaking and her fingertips were feeling slightly numb but she didn't stop. These were her powers, she needed to find out what she could do.*
(Water spout, Emerald xD)
*Adra's head lifts as she hears the sound, and gently tries to feel for the commotion* What's happening?
*kisses her head* You spoil me. *slides his arm around her waist, drawing her closer* *pauses, looking out* I don't know.
*Frowns* Well, I mean, physically, what is it? Not who is causing it.
The lake seems to be turning silver.
(Thank you.)
[Leigh sits in a tree someplace, thinking about life. ... and death too]
[Speaking of silver, Fabi's hair is probably turning silver now, wherever she is. However, I don't know that, and I'm not roleplaying for her at present]
(Whatevers lol you knew what I meant.)
*Ariana was concentrating so much on the WATER SPOUTS in front of her that she didn't notice her silver was turning the whole lake silver. Her hands were really shaking now that she was starting to lose control over the water. She needed to catch her breath but she didn't want to stop.
She raised her hand up and the spouts grew slightly bigger, her silver still spreading across the lake, almost reaching the other side.*
*Adra blinks a few times* I see.
*Should the water whip across her, Adra might shriek at its chill, hiding behind the coat*
...I'm not sure how this is happening.
[The watch on Leigh's wrist has two faces. One shows the time, the other's counting down. They make an irritating ticking noise, but if she tries to leave them behind, she gets extremely anxious and starts shaking]
[She needs to know what time how much time it is is left]
*A sharp pain shot up Ariana's arm from her hand. She let out a cry and fell backwards, clutching her arm. The water spouts fell roughly back into the lake as she saw what her silver had done. She gasped.
It took a minute or two but finally the silver started to slowly dissolve into the water like sugar.
Ariana stayed down where she was, she was sweating and was trying to catch her breath again, still clutching her arm.*
*The water will likely douse him, then* There's someone across the river. I can feel her.
*will use air to dry them off* Shall I see if it's someone we know?
*she nods gently, taking his arm* Yes. WE should.
*smiles* Alright. Shall we walk, or teleport?
Teleport: whomever it is may be in trouble. *She gently holds tighter onto his arm*
*Ariana went to move but the pain shot up her arm again. She looked at her hand and could see a dark purple streak run from her hand up under her sleeve.
She then looked up, she could feel magic around her and it wasn't her parents.
She couldn't stay out her and injured, she would be in so much trouble.
But her arm was so sore and she was dizzy and still trying to calm her breathing. Maybe she had taken it a bit too far tonight.*
*standsvwith her, and teleports*
*When Adra is there, she sees the girl stumbling, and gently parts from her husband, moving to the girl* Excuse me, are you alright? I'm a Doctor. I can help.
*Ariana was able to get to her feet, but wobbled quite badly. She clutched her arm closer to her body as she slowly moved back.*
Ariana: No, I'm alright. Thank you, just me being clumsy again. Thank you but I have to go home.
*Ariana didn't realise that her hoodie had dislodged slightly when she fell back, a tip of one of her wings were showing and her hood was almost all the way down, letting a strand of silver hair fall onto her face.*
*Adra's hair is white, so she certainly won't judge the woman* Please, allow me to help you. You're clearly unwell, and if it was you who created that surge of energy, then you need to rest a moment. Please. I can escort you home. Or my husband can teleport you there.
*At the mention of strangers bring her home, Ariana felt panicked. Her fingers that weren't injured started that purple glow, mixed with silver.*
Ariana: No! Please, thank you. I will be fine when I get home. You're very kind but there is no need.
*She couldn't stand anymore and Ariana's legs gave out. She landed hard on her butt as she cried out in pain from her arm again.*
*Adra just frowns at her, and gets down on both knees, gently placing a hand on Ariana's arm* *She gently feels along in her energy, and will try to draw some of it out, or, at least, disperse it* *If not, she will find a the nearest pressure point, and gently massage it*
*Ariana lay her head against her knee. She was too tired to pull away from the stranger or ask what she was doing. Her head was spinning, her fingers still glowing from the panicked feeling.*
Ariana: I... have to get home... If they find out... I'm not there... I'm in trouble...
*Adra gently shushes her* I can get you back home. I'll make sure your parents won't notice, if that's what's going on. But you have to tell me who your parents are.
*Ariana was able to sit up straight, her dizziness going. Her arm wasn't feeling sore anymore, the pain was subsiding. Whatever the woman was doing was working.*
Ariana: Oh man... My mam is really sick and dad is worried. I can't bring more worry onto them.
*Ariana sighed as she bit her lip. The woman was willing to get her home without being noticed. Ariana owed her a bit of respect back.*
Ariana: Lorcan and Casha Thomas. They're my parents.
*Adra giggles a little* Of course they are. *She moves, and lifts the younger woman gently to her feet, so she is hoisted* *She concentrates her energy- glances at her husband, because she wants to try this for herself* *She harnesses what little of her husband's energy as she can, and teleports them herself*
*Into Ariana's room*
*Ariana breathes a sigh of relief as they land in her room. She walks over to the wardrobe and takes off the hoodie. She stretches out her wings full length as she looked at her arm.
It wasn't hurting anymore but there was still a faint purple streak going up her arm.
She turned to the woman and smiled sheepishly, looking at the clock on her wall then. It was coming up to midnight, she still had homework to do.*
Ariana: Um... thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
*Adra sighs, and shakes her head* Trust a Thomas, of course. *She just turns, and will slide the window open- she's too far from her husband to effectively use his energy again, and moves to hop out* *Pauses* By the way, magic is not more important than family.
*Ariana wanted to say something but she knew the woman was right. Just as Adra paused at the window, there was a knock on Ariana's door.*
Casha: Ari, can I come in sweetheart?
*Ariana turned towards the door, her mouth suddenly dry.*
Ariana: One second mam, just getting changed.
*If she glances back, Adra will be gone, out the window, and walking quickly from the house, to the nearest line of trees* *She will pause there to catch her breath, before she continues to walk*
*Ariana threw on her pyjama top when she saw that the woman was gone. She then walked over to the door to let her mother in.
Casha smiled and then walked in and sat straight on the bed. She looked out of breath just from doing that.*
Casha: Listen sweetie, I know I was harsh on you earlier and I'm sorry. Me and your dad know that you want to explore what you can do and learn more about your powers but they are strong and we're just worried about what they could do to others and to you.
*Ariana sat down beside her mother and really looked at her. She could see how tired and drained her mother looked and how different and thin her face seemed without her hair. She finally saw how sick her mother really was. She gulped, trying not to tear up in front of Casha.*
Ariana: I understand mam, and I am sorry I made the lights flicker. I won't do it again.
Casha: Thank you for understanding Ari, it means a lot. Anyway you better get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning.
*Casha stood and kissed Ariana on the forehead before she walked out, coughing hard as she closed the bedroom door. Once the door was closed, Ariana let the silver tears run down her cheeks.*
*Alright, then* *Adra will just sit by the tree, and wait for her husband to come retrieve her*
*hugs very very very very very very very very very tightly*
FABU! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! *dons kisses all over her*
[hugs back]
:D :D :D
:) Oh, I'm so pleased for you, Fabu. *Gives her a sloth* What's your major?
*supermegatacklehugsofdoomvils Fabi*
THat's a very very very nice schooL!
[hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs]
:D :D :D :D
:) im a proud momma
((Congratulations, Moss!))
*he will come for her* Hello, my darling.
*Stuill holds Fabu*
*Lifts her head as he arrives* Hi again
*slides down to sit beside her, and takes her hand*
*His hands are large and warm compared to hers, so she tucks herself into his lap* *He's like her large bear, and she is just be little fox* *But she snuggles into his lap gently* *Teleportation is tiring*
*holds her, and kisses her head* I'm proud of your ability to do it so well. You're learning well how to use my disciplines.
I wish i was 5years older then i would be in london DEREK PLEASE COME TO AUSTRALIA!
(Well done Fab!)
(Congratulation Fabu!!!)
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