Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Ladies. Gentlemen. Minions.



We're still working on it, still altering and changing the little details, still tweaking... but I really wanted to get it out before it's leaked.

And let's face it, it is BRILLIANT.

You can start trembling now.


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Star Inkbright said...

Kaladin might have lost this one.

Star Inkbright said...

I feel okay if he loses because they force him to, though. I accept that. He isn't abandoning his principles that way.

Brandon Sanderson changed a major event in a book post-publication to allow Kaladin to stick to his principles.

Inky Flame said...

(I love how much you've commented star XD)

Star Inkbright said...

((Yeah. This is what i do when I talk to myself. XD))

Star Inkbright said...

Seriously. I talk to myself. I do this aloud as well. In leesons I often just talk into thin air while I'm working. XD

Feraaaa32 said...

hi everyone :) how is your back, jai? ^_^

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Fera. :)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(My backs okay. I have a headache from not drinking though.)

Star Inkbright said...

Drink, Jai. :)

Feraaaa32 said...

star: hey :)
jai: I am glad ^_^ go drink then! ^_^

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Can't. If I go down asking for a drink mum'll notice my eyes.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: :/ Bathroom tap?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@star yeah.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*murmurs* My friends are trying to make me do a riff off with them (its more like follow the leader) and I'm really not in the mood.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: :/ Just explain that.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I've just told them I'm going and to continue without me..)

Star Inkbright said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs back meekly*)

Star Inkbright said...

You okay?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I will be.. eventually. Just not right now. Then again whats that saying? 'Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don't feel.')

Star Inkbright said...

The whole film was based on devaluing that line, Jai.k :)

Star Inkbright said...

Currently considering going to Wyke next year adn finding new friends - aka, being a complete loner with no friends.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Mmm. It was based on love. *hugs back* I want to punch something until my hand breaks.. but I don't think mum would be happy if I went down tomorrow morning with a swollen and purple hand..)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Star if outs what's best for you..

*sighs* I'm gonna try sleep..maybe. Night.)

Star Inkbright said...


Good night . . . *hugs*

Feraaaa32 said...

what happened to your eye, jai? :)

Star Inkbright said...

I imagine she was crying and her eyes went red, Fera.

Feraaaa32 said...

oh...why was she crying? :/

Star Inkbright said...

I don't know, Fera. I imagine she was just feeling down, but something could have made her upset.

Feraaaa32 said...

i am sad to hear that :/ i would like to help if i could :/

Anonymous said...

(little insensitive... never ask why just help when they cry even I know that and I'm a "psychopath")

Star Inkbright said...

@Conductor: WOAH
Most of the time, you have to know what's wrong in order to help effectively - or at least, you do if you're shit at the whole generally-making-people-feel-better part.

Anonymous said...

(oh sorry I poofed btw lots o' homework cause we finish in 2 weeks :/ wasn't stressed till i realized that lol)

Feraaaa32 said...

con: i'd say you're being a little insensitive for smack talking someone who's just trying to help. Very ironic, indeed.

Anonymous said...

(asking why is a slippery slope to you being the problem... comforting works better, all i'm saying.)

Anonymous said...

(i was warning because reason I just gave not smack talking geez. I have to try to be nice you know, you'll know when I'm no longer trying.)

Feraaaa32 said...

people also need to get it all out sometimes, so if i ask, they might start crying, they might tell me everything, but then they'll feel better and i can certainly help a lot better.

Star Inkbright said...

Um . . . asking why can help.
It can not help.

And if one cannot comfort, one is a bit screwed. So.

It wasn't what you said, Conductor, it was the way you said it - implying Fera was worse than a psychopath just because he tried to help.

Feraaaa32 said...

ok, then you weren't smack talking-but your reason was still broken. Simply comforting someone will not achieve much without knowing how to comfort him/her.

Star Inkbright said...

General comfort can work, actually.

Feraaaa32 said...

not as much as when the comforting person is being direct and personal.

Anonymous said...

(you don't ask why they're crying thou. that's a bad sentence, believe me I went out with an emotional wreck b4 Gemma, not saying Jai is i'm just saying very touchy subject, asking if they are okai, what's up/ going on etc way better pathways to helping that make you look nice in their eyes. why are you crying can be a quick card to bad guy.)

Feraaaa32 said...

i like to see general comfort as a way of just suppressing some tide that is about to burst. i only use it when somebody really is about to break to a point, where asking would make them try to harm themselves or even suicide.

Feraaaa32 said...

yeah, i see where you're coming from, i sometimes don't know how to form my sentences properly. i sometimes think that i am retarded. but then i remember that it's true.

Anonymous said...

(No I implied I'm always stupid and get called out for not knowing how hurt someone is about something because I don't care which makes me a "psychopath" in their eyes. and he called me out for it about her shoulder so I was saying geez EVEN I KNOW THAT, as in you sounded like you should know this.)

Feraaaa32 said...

sorry, i am really trying to change that thing about myself, because i don't like to be retarded, but it's hard to change ^_^

Star Inkbright said...

@Conductor: That was what you MEANT to imply. We read it differently, which was why we were being harsh on you. :/

Star Inkbright said...

And of you're a psychopath, I'm Hitler, and B is Lucifer. ;)

Feraaaa32 said...

do u have exams now star?

Anonymous said...

(ah.. well sorry. I didn't mean to offend simply to help in comforting in the future, the mind is a fragile element. I understand that all too well,

my only problem with it is I sometimes think they shouldn't be thinking like that anymore because it's stupid why would you do that for those reasons when so and so. i've wrapped my head around most of it. I understand that some people would see my life through their eyes and think I can't handle this some would think stop being such a little b* about it etc, my point is I'm the second one way too much. )

Feraaaa32 said...

oh i get ya ^_^ I just wish i was smart, so i could actually contribute to anything ^_^

Anonymous said...

(everyone can be smart it's just the matter of actually going out your way to use your brain, to a betterextent.)

Feraaaa32 said...

my brain is just naturally not just doesn't work the way i'd like it to...

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: Yeah. :)

Going to sleep now. Night!

Feraaaa32 said...

i am a fucking dumbass lol

Feraaaa32 said...

ok, goodnight star ^_^

Anonymous said...

(gnight Star)

Star Inkbright said...

Everyone is smart in different ways.
Like C gets A*s in most of her subjects, but doesn't understands puns - she can't wrap her head qround them as her brain is too logical, and she frowns and frowns and thinks so hard sbe gets a headache, but she can't understandbthem, because he'a like "but that word doesn't makw grammatical sentence if you substitute it in that sentence."
And yet people who gets Ds and Es can understand puns.

Just different ways of thinking.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...


Liliana: Mmm... So am I.

Lily: Won't you need that?

Bethany: *she shakes her head* Although he won't be able to attack us in our sleep, whilst we are awake we are still vulnerable... We need to get protection.

Feraaaa32 said...

star: yeah, well i am not gonna go far with understanding puns am i... what would i do to get A*...i am too stupid for that. I am too stupid to get A C in AS even..

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Jaimie - Thank you for the dedication. However, I am not lovely, beautiful, wise and nor am I an owl.)

Feraaaa32 said...

anyone still here?

Feraaaa32 said...

guessing not.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Feraaaa32 said...

others want to what? ^_^

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

(...lets go with not be here.)

Anonymous said...

(hey kas)

Feraaaa32 said...

no, i am alright with you ^_^

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

K, Fera.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


What do I do?

*hugs Fitz*

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: Hehe. There's so many people on AVEN who are like, "I was always seen as really intelligent in school and I had really good grades, but now I basically have a tubbish job bwcause I just don't have the social skills required to get a better one . . ."
Whereas my friend B . . . I believe I've said how she hasn't been revising at ALL, but she's so good at acting that all her teachers think she is a perfect angel and she was actually Star of the Week this week.
She's said before that if we were graded on what we could make people THINK you were dping, she would be getting instant A*s (and I would dwfinitely be getting Fs. XD)
Hence, when it comes to job interviews, she will ace them and I will probably fail due to being too weird.
Grades really aren't everyone.
(Also, it's really hard to get a job in McDonald's or somewhere if you have good grades, because they know you'll abandon them as soon as ypur dream job comes along. My sister's friend's sister had great trouble getting a job because of how good her grades were).

So yeah. Those A*s arem't as useful as they look. :)

Star Inkbright said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*groans quietly* I have had barely any sleep because basically any time I fell asleep properly I woke up again from this pounding headache.)

Onwa: Mm perhaps we should eat the veal?

Manuel: It's fine. I am rather used to the cold, plus you deserve it more.

*nods* Yeah.. that'd be smart..

Star Inkbright said...

The German word for 'act' is 'Tat,' and the German word for 'active' is 'tätig,' I believe.
But the German word for 'activity' is 'Aktivität,' which basically translates as . . . 'active act.'
But 'activity' in English is basically 'active' with the suffix '-ity' to make it a noun.
And I'm pretty sure the German 'aktiv' stems from the English woed 'active,' as the word 'active' seems to stem from the word 'act.'
So it makes sense that the German word is the English-derived 'aktiv' with 'tät' on the end.
'activity' sounds so much like 'Aktivität,' so it sounds like 'activity' is derived from the German (because y'know, 'active act' makes sense whereas 'active ty' is like what).
But the German partially derived from the English oroginally. Which implies the English wprd cqme first.
Or is their similarity just a coincidence?
Nah. Coz there's an extra 'i' in there. Activ-I-ty.
Which sounds like it would have been added in with the English word, because one more random letter in a group of random suffix letters makes sense.
But it's also present in the Germsn, which the English sounds like ot os derived from . . .

:P What a confusing mess.

Star Inkbright said...

:( :(
*hugs Jai tightly*
Paracetamol? Ibuprofen?

Star Inkbright said...

So weird in my room with my new red blinds.
The sun is shining through then, righr, so it makes the whole room look red.
So, oddly, anything red looks like it has the colours bleached out of it.
The red flowers on my wallpaper look yellow.
My pink duvet looks paler than normal and the red love heartd on it are bleached and blend into the pink.
So weird.

Star Inkbright said...

I have a pink Easter egg that looks orangw abd my dressing gown, which is striped light and dark, looks pale with the stripes muted

The red lettering on my Stormlight Archive covers looks orange.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...


Liliana: Of course. *she grins*

Lily: Deserve it? I haven't done anything. *she removes the coat, handing it back to him* It's your coat.

Bethany: Then we should go and see Liliana.

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi, Sophia. :)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Star. Unfortunately, I rather doubt there is a solution to your light problem, short of removing the blinds.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Onwa: *smiles, pulling their plates towards them*

Manuel: *puts it back around her shoulders* Please, I insist.

Okay. You coming Claire?

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(*cuddles Jaimie tightly*)

Liliana: *she takes the knife and fork, cutting some veal before moving it to Onwa's mouth*

Lily: Okay... Thank you. But if you get cold, you're having it back.

Claire: Nah. I think I'll stay here.

Bethany: *she entwines their hands*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*cuddles Soph tightly back* hey lovely beautiful wise owl)

Onwa: *raises an eyebrow, opening her mouth*

Manuel: Of course.
*is generally used to a warmer climate but oh well*

*smiles and gently squeezes beths hand*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am literally none of those things.)

Liliana: *she moves the veal into her mouth* *she grins* Sorry, I cannot resist saying this. Who is a good baby Onwa?

Lily: *she cuddles against him*

Claire: See you later, then?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(You are all of those things.. metaphorical owl.)

Onwa: *chews the veal, flicking Liliana's leg*

Manuel: *holds her close*

We'll be back very soon.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am neither a literal owl or a metaphorical owl.)

Liliana: Mmm... Good Onwa. *she grins, cutting more veal for her and moving it to her mouth*

Lily: We could fly to the shop? You'll have to direct me but...

Bethany: *they vanish in a flash of light, reappearing beside Liliana and Onwa*

(I have to go now. Goodbye. I love you, Jaimie. *she cuddles Jaimie tightly*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Are too.)

Onwa: *bites the veal, pinching Liliana's thigh*

Manuel: Will we not be seen?

*frowns slightly at the situation, raising an eyebrow*

Onwa: *glares slightly at having been interrupted*

(Goodbye! Love you too Soph. *cuddles tightly back*)

Inky Flame said...


Inky Flame said...

(I better go and revise for my exam later... that im totally gonna fail)

Star Inkbright said...


Not really here. English bleh and Whatsapp bleh.

Inky Flame said...


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Garret Falcone said...

I would like to take a moment, here, now to dedicate to some people (I don't care for ded rules and after you read this you'll agree )

I would like to dedicate to those people we haven't seen in a while,

Seir, Gemma, Noelle, Danni, Kes, Fabi, Emerald, all the others who haven't been here for a while

I would like to take this moment to ded to them

Because they're all true and good friends and well you never forget your friends

So everyone who hasn't been here
We haven't forgotten you and you still have a place here no matter how long you're gone

Remember that

I now ded to Family and your kin

Because you can't choose them (sorta but thats a different story)
They're there for life

You may get on with them, you may not

But regardless, you all still are family and that's all that matters in the end

Here is like a family :)
And its nice, welcoming (occasionally not :P ) and well yeah

To family

So now I ask of you

To spare a thought for someone you haven't seen for a while,

Be they a friend or family member

Just take a minute and think about them. Maybe drop them a line and see how they are :)

And finally I ded to friendship,

Friendship is a thing you can pick but it doesn't always last with some people and that's natural

But with true friends, you're friends for life, you know each other better than anyone else, you're there for each other, care for each other and generally be like a family

So in this I ded to my best friend
Who I've known for my whole life

The man who was helped me and I've helped him

My soul bro

Will (he doesn't actually come here I just want to ded to him anyway)

You are an awesome friend and we've been through it all together (in the friend way )

You've helped me and I've helped you

You sir are like a brother to me and I can honestly say you'll be my best man when I get married no doubt about it my friend :)

Now I urge all of you here to spare a thought for your best friend. The one who's been there for you no matter what
Through thick and thin, they've stuck with you like glue and haven't given up on you

So yeah

This is for friends, family and the meaningful people in your life

Hear hear :)

Feraaaa32 said...

star: i am not looking for job employ ability. Unlike most people, i actually wanna do something great. And that is all, but nothing if i am not like super intelligent. Which i am not. But i still don't wanna give up...if i give up i'll hate myself for the rest of my life. But I still don't think i am intelligent enough. But all the very intelligent people who would be fit for the role that i intend to play, are usually selfish. Or they just don't care. Fuck.

Inky Flame said...

(I'm watching animal horders...)

Feraaaa32 said...

hey clo ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

how did the biology go? :)

Inky Flame said...

(I found it okay

Feraaaa32 said...

I found it good, i answered all the questions, and i think i got most of them correctly ^_^ :) tomorrow's unit 1 chemistry...gonna fail XD

Inky Flame said...

(Same -_-)

Feraaaa32 said...

hopefully not though, i'll try ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

but then again, i am not a capable person, so me trying is not saying much ^_^

Inky Flame said...

(I'm sure you'll be fine

I'll do CRAP)

Feraaaa32 said...

lol, you're assuming i won't? ^_^ I'll give you a few questions, if that's ok ^_^ describe the types of intermolecular forces without actually looking them up :p ^_^

Inky Flame said...

(Tempory dipoles?
Like between Cl--Cl
Very weak

Permanent dipoles?
But stronger

Hydrogen bonds
Between hydrogen and electronegative elements like N O F

I thought this was the exam on 2nd June?)

Feraaaa32 said...

yeah, temporary dipoles, they are weak, because they only have a slight polarity for a split second due to the electrons moving to one side... Permanent dipole is when one atom is more electronegative in a molecule, so it polarizes the entire thing, and thus weak bonds form between these slight charges ^_^ yeah, in hydrogen bonds, the hydrogen forms a bond with another molecule's lone pair of electrons, due to the huge difference in electronegativity, and its great specific charge ^_^ no, this is all in unit 1 :P

Inky Flame said...

(Not for me... I've got the whole 'chem calculations ' side tomorrow)

Feraaaa32 said...

yeah i've got the ideal gas equation, and moles, concentrations, ratios, and empirical formulae, percentage yield, atom economy and all that stuff as well :D but then, also, the bonding stuff(covalent, intermolecular etc.) then, some organic chemistry, like naming of hydrocarbons, isomerism, catalyzing hydrocarbons...also, mass spectrometer, shapes of bonds, electronic structure...all this in unit 1 ^_^

Inky Flame said...

(It would take ages to say which is on each side XD)

Feraaaa32 said...

in a nutshell? like for me, i've got stuff like alcohols, oxidation, substitution reactions and all that, oyu know mostly organic chemistry ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

in unit 2

Unknown said...

Well Mr Landy, and so the cycle begins again and with a trilogy this time instead of...of whatever the hell nine books, a spin-off and a collection of about 30 stories is called.
It appears that you cannot fail when it comes to writing and this is an admirable quality within you. However if this Trilogy of yours consists of a pathetic love triangle between a pouty woman and two other men who possess the intelligence score of a dead fish, then I shall have no choice whatsoever than to have to make several miniscule marks in the corner of one of those blank pages at the back that nobody reads because there's nothing on it, scream out meek and mild outbursts of peril and picture shouting PG rated abuse at you in my head.
Maybe you should be the one to start trembling...Mr Landy.

I can also tell that this next book is going to be brilliant, but might have one or two sentences that I will find boring.
And now you have seen the true power of my harsh and harmful words, so take my incredibly critical abuse and good day to you sir, yes I say GOOD DAY!

Nonogon. It's called a nonogon. No idea what the rest is meant to mean though.


Feraaaa32 said...


Inky Flame said...

(Watching American dad for the first time XD)

Feraaaa32 said...

i don't like that show..i don't like any of the big american "comedy" cartoons...i think they have very poor jokes and retarded plots XD

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: I think everyone in the world can di somrthing great. :)
And you can find your great thing.

Yeah. In my experience, intelligent people are often mean.

Inky Flame said...

(Well iiiii like it )

Inky Flame said...

(I must be off now
Nos da)

Feraaaa32 said...

star: well, i want to do something great that will make me feel accomplished, and something really specific tbh... ^_^ yeah, because they are cocky. Dumb people like me at least most of the times know what's up ^_^
clo: well, ok ^_^ i am not a fan of either but i am not hating on them, so yeah :D

Feraaaa32 said...

nos da clo ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

gotta get my stupid head a wash, be back after shower ^_^

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

For god's sake. I get called for everything when my dad cooks. My mom manages fine he has to call me for every fucking thing.

I don't mind helping but when I'm called every time he needs something, I get annoyed.

Don't call me to go stir meat because you are going for a minute the meat wont go ka-boom don't call me to set the table to only conplain when I move your water bottle. It wasn't where it should be

Feraaaa32 said...

i am back ^_^ well, yeah i can see where you're coming from :D ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

well got a chemistry unit 1 AS exam(don't know why i felt like giving full description XD) tomorrow, so by everyone ^_^

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

:0 I'm so glad I have the next disk! Cliff hanger!!!

Lavender Hope said...

*hugs Zaf and others*

Hear hear, Rhos.
*attempts to say something else*

*leaves hugs*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Skye: hello, I'm agent Melinda May, with SHIELD.

I'm sure May would be soooooooooooo helpful XD

Dugglyn Carzainia said...


Jophiel said...

Fucking hell, people...

Still no one has decided to pull out their finger and worry over Noelle?

Come on.

Do you remember when Noelle was there for you? Always willing to lend a hand?


How the fuck do we know that she's not dead. Would her family comment on here? Does anyone actually care about her? Other than me??

Guys. Y'all heartless. You see a starving puppy on TV and it makes you want to do something about it, yes? Or it at least makes you feel sad.

Well, big news here, guys. Y'all don't actually give to shits about a sister who may, or may not have killed herself right on here.

Great job, guys.

And to think I'd take a bullet for you without a second thought...


First WarZone, and now you guys...

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Danni I'd take a bullet for a lot of people here. But I can't, can I?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*shakes head at Danni* and what the Hell do you expect us to do? Everyone reacts differently to different stimuli. Everyone grieves differently You'll find not many people in here are open with their emotions. So if they're grieving, they aren't doing it for attention, they'll do it privately and off blog. Rhos dedicated this page to her and to everyone else who hasn't been here in a while. What about them Danni? What about Kessy? For all you know she got hit by a truck yesterday. Anyday a person doesn't come on they could be dead but I don't see you making a plea for them. We don't know how to help Noelle. I'm fairly certain most people have emailed her but we can't make her reply Danni. Maybe she is dead. Maybe she is in a coma. Or maybe she's moved past the blog and is slowly rebuilding her self esteem. We. Don't. Know. And honestly, so long as she's happy I don't particularly mind. She could be stuck in a coma but so long as she's damn well happy then who an I to question it.

Now please, stop coming on here to try and stir sh*t up. Because if Noelle is reading do you really think she wants to see people arguing and how people have reacted to her disappearance? No.)

Lavender Hope said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(And please, before you reply to that, consider other people's feelings.

Now, I have nightmares to get back to and pain to deal with. Toodles.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*looks at Jai*

You should be sleeping.

Lavender Hope said...

*please ignore the deleted comment that was hers*

*leaves because she has things to do now*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Deleted comment?

Good night, Jai!

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

See you later, Hope.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*waves good bye to Tama*

@Kas as should you.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Jai Can't sleep.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*groans* Dammit! *sneezes and sighs* I'll dedicate when I'm more awake and not slightly delirious and in pain due to Illness.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Kas Mmm. Neither can I really. Being ill is making the entiery of the inside of my mouth hurt. And I constantly need to sneeze. Not nice. But, I need to get some sleep, I got barely any yesterday. Night Kassy, try get some sleep. *hugs and poofs away to sleep, or try to*)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

I hope you feel better soon. Good night!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Remind me why I am a waste

Because I can't figure out an automatic seat adjustment that i used legit once with my dad pushing buttons and me okaying it.

Because I'm a helpless child too

Because I don't have a license because the idiots teachingme to drive are asses

Oh and I just am a waste of oxygen too now

K. Cool.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Zafira you're really not.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

I'm sleepy, actually. I don't want to sleep though...

Jophiel said...

Jai, after you've been around the blog for as long as me, you'd understand the connection everyone used to have with one another.

Before the role playing.

We were a family.

And one of your family may have killed themselves. And you, along with your brethren, don't seem to care. You won't even show some thought.

Were you around when Chase died? Em's husband? Do you remember the grief that we all went through? He was one of us. He was our brother. We cared so much that we put #ChaseForBook9 on the end of most of our posts.

And yet, none of you seem to care about our fallen sister.

Lavender Hope said...

*hugs Danni, hoping to calm her down*
*speaks gently*
At least, for him, we /knew/ he... Passed on...

We still have no idea what happened to Noelle though.

But... If you want... I could write a poem for her as I had for Chase... At least- now I realize- just to show I care...

I'm sorry...

Star Inkbright said...

Well done, Jai.

@Danni: Exactly
do you
expect us
to be doing??????

Do you expect us to be goving long dewcriptionsof us crying our eyes put every night?

Star Inkbright said...

PLEASE answwr my question. I wpuld VERY MUCH LIKE to know the answer.

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

I have more questions, but I'll wait until my first has been answered.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...


Dannielle - Why, exactly, do you think your actions will help Noelle? You arrived and in your first comment you swore twice and called us heartless. Those are not the actions of someone who wants to start people fulfilling her definition of caring, which is exactly what it is. People do care, they just do not fit your definition. Your actions are of someone who wants to slander people for not agreeing with them, rather than genuinely caring about Noelle. Because if you did, you'd realise what you're doing is causing more bad than good, and be quiet.
Chase's death, whilst tragic, is irrelevant in this conversation as people knew that he died. We do not know what has happened to Noelle.
Your argument consists of, "You all clearly don't care because you're not doing like I'm doing. You should all be emailing the person who requested not to be emailed and constantly mentioning her name despite the fact that if she comes on and sees this it'll do more harm than not seeing the emails of the people who she asked not to email her. Shit shit shit shit shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck". You are not making a great deal of sense.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(No, I wasn't around when Chase died. I've only heard brief stories..

I like to think Noelle isn't dead Danni. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but until I've had confirmation I like to believe she's alive, as such I'm not grieving. I might never know, so in essence I may never grieve.

That does NOT mean I don't care, okay? If you really want we can start putting #BeOkayNoelle on the end of our comments, but honestly that'd just be like we weren't original enough, like she wasn't/isn't worth her own special thing.

Don't ever accuse me of not caring. You don't know me. You don't know any of us really. So don't come here with your barbed words thinking we'll lie down and take it. We care. We just don't show it how you do, or how you want us too.

Thank you for reading.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Jaimie. *cuddles her tightly*)

Liliana: Mmm... *she grins, before turning to Bethany and Silente* I was feeding her like a child. Long story. Is there a reason why you are here?

Bethany: *she nods* We want our house to be protected from people we don't want to get in... James hurt Silente.

Lily: I'm guessing not? Who looks up at the clouds for an angel here?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Hey Soph. *cuddles tightly back*)

Onwa: *pinches Liliana's leg, again, digging her nails in slightly*
I am not a child. You're the one sat on my knee.

*shakes head at their weirdness*

Manuel: Mm.. what about landing?

Inky Flame said...

(What the actual fuck Danni?!

You can't force people to care
But I know most people do actually care
But what can we do?
We can't help
She didn't reply to my email
So I very much doubt that she'll reply to anyone else

What are we supposed to do

And you may have been here for long
So have I - although I haven't been consistent

It doesn't give you the right to stir up a shit storm and then leave

I'm sorry I don't normally snap
But the only time you come on here is to complain and get people down
This is a happy place
How can the blog return back to the good ol days with people like you starting shit storms ?!)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs Chloe gently*
*murmurs* You shouldn't swear..)

Inky Flame said...

(*huggles* I do when im mad

just not outloud)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Chloe, although your point(s) is(/are) perfectly valid, I have always said that swearing is a sign of someone who cannot form a coherent argument. As such, given the fact that Dannielle was the one who swore in the first place, and she is the one with the illogical argument, it would be better for you to remain calm and think logically. As I said to Star, you just have to look at Dannielle to see what emotional reactions cause.)

Liliana: *she sighs happily, grinning* Mmm... Yet you're the one being fed like an adorable little child.

Lily: Somewhere no one is looking?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*nods* I know Chloe..)

Onwa: I am neither adorable nor a child.

Manuel: That should suffice, yes.

Inky Flame said...

(*sighs* I am sorry *bites my tongue* I should be worrying about the chemistry exam im going to fail this morning
barely slept last night -_-

be back later)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: You totally are adorable. *she grins, kissing her passionately*

Bethany: ... Did we interrupt something?

Lily: *she hugs him tightly, stretching her wings a little* You may want to hold on...

Star Inkbright said...

Ummm . . . I didn't see a problem with Chloe's arguments, swearing or dno swearing. If she'd framed her swearing as direct insults, I would, but I think 'shit storm' is a perfectly valid and accurate description.

Star Inkbright said...

I also think 'what the fuck' is a perfectly valir description of - well, 'what the fuck.' Idk though. I'm a bit desensitized to swearing

Inky Flame said...

(one last thing before I can prepare for my inevitable doom, I may have sworn unnecessarily

cause most of the time I say my peace and it goes completely unnoticed

Im not blaming anyone
but I felt like my point needed to stand out)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Star - I see your point, but I disagree, almost. I believe that swearing weakens an argument rather than strengthening it. It has rather aggressive connotations - and, whilst I agree that it was a fairly accurate description - in my eyes, it would be abandoning a strong defensive position to go on the counter-attack, which would be foolish as it would make you seem as equally aggressive, whether meant that way or not, as the people who were attacking in the first place.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Chloe, I was not criticising you or your argument, I was merely pointing out that it would be better not to swear. Thank you, however, for contributing.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: *kisses her passionately back, biting her lip*


Manuel: *hugs her round the shoulders*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: *she grins* Mmm... *she gently breaks away from the kiss* You didn't interrupt anything. I was feeding Onwa, and teasing her because she is gorgeous and adorable.

Lily: *she holds him tight, propelling them quickly up into the air*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I have to go now. Goodbye. I love you, Jaimie. *cuddles Jaimie tightly*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: *flicks her ear*


Manuel: *Holds her tighter, but not so tight as to hurt*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Love you too Soph, bye! *cuddles tightly back*)

Anonymous said...

( every second someone doesn't comment they could be dead. Until there is a reply or another comment how do we know? We don't but we still hope they have found the strength to keep on living.

I've not seen my uncle in a month, actual family and he could be dead. I know he's not but you get my point, you don't grieve because something hasn't happened you grieve because it has.

If we were to find out she's dead everyone would be grieving. Just because every comment isn't "Hope you are okai Noelle, we miss you/ love you/ want you to not be dead." Doesn't mean we don't care. )

Garret Falcone said...

I have an question for you all,

Why do we / people want the blog to go back to the "good old days" ?

Surely its better to move forwards?

Because if we take it back, it won't progress?

So my point is,

Surely going forward is better than backwards?

Because going forwards can give something thats way better than what's happened in the past?

Coz isn't that what the past is for?

To learn from it and make a better future?

The end :)

Lavender Hope said...

*vanishes and reappears in the branches above her treehouse, staring blankly into the distance*

*msd and wbvd*

Inky Flame said...

(The good ol days were good
Everyone was close
That's what we want once again
But it can't happen when people needlessly start accusing people of things and starting arguements
That is counterproductive )

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Chloe. Hope your exams went well.
*also agrees about how everyone was close back then*
Well, most of the time anyway. I do remember a few fights breaking out, some misunderstandings, but we were still close enough that it only lasted a day, more or less.

Although I also remember there were certain people who started annoying a lot of people and that's sort of what started arguments, but even that was funny to watch, some of the time...
*shakes her head to clear the memories*
*sighs again and mumbles quietly to herself*

Inky Flame said...

(hy Tama
thank you
chemistry was a bitch though)

Inky Flame said...

(*frowns* I kep getting chest pains and shortness of breath)

Lavender Hope said...

Aw. :( Hope you passed.
*would offer a hug, but is up in a tree at this moment*

*looks at the ground, a long way down from her perch, thinking*
*goes back to looking out into the distant Blogland, wanting to stay up here longer*

Inky Flame said...

(*jumps up tree and huggles* thank you, how art thou?)

Lavender Hope said...

*frowns as well*
That doesn't sound good. Maybe you should tell someone? If you haven't already.

Inky Flame said...

(I told mum last night, she asked if it was a hospital job

I told her no)

Lavender Hope said...

*watches in surprise as she jumps up the tree*
*returns the hug*
Okay... Well, if you think you'll be alright- but if it gets worse, I think you should go see a doctor.

I'm okay.

Inky Flame said...

(I will ^.^ but I normally persevere through it

I must be off now
im going out for food)

Lavender Hope said...

Okay. Bye Chloe.
*smiles slightly and waves*

Lavender Hope said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lavender Hope said...

Double comment. Sorry.

*really wants to write, but she's having a hard time getting the words to flow*
*sighs again and goes back to daydreaming*

Lavender Hope said...

*ignore that last part*

Hi Kas.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*hugs Tami* Hey! :)

Sorry for being distant. How are you? Whatcha writing?

Lavender Hope said...

Wbd. Wifi is acting up again...

Lavender Hope said...

I'm okay. I want to write more of Lavender's back story, but... It's not working out so well...
*mumbles and looks off to the side*
For /several/ reasons...

*sighs and shakes her head of negative thoughts*
But how about you? How are you doing?

Also, I think starting to write again is causing me to be more detailed about my actions and thought thingies. It feels a little strange though, but... *shrugs* kinda cool to type my movements as if you could see them.

Lavender Hope said...

Wouldn't be surprised if I started typing my action thingies out as if I were writing it in a story. :P

Lavender Hope said...

Unless I'm already doing that. Then I mean my normal typing...

Yeah, I think you get what I mean.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Are you sure you're okay?

I'm fine, thanks.

Lavender Hope said...

... Yeah. Just some thoughts I should probably stop dwelling on. That, and the trouble I'm having with this back story I'm trying to type. I mean, I have it in my head, but I never actually wrote down an official story for my characters. Unlike some who role play with theirs or actually accomplished writing some kind of story.

Good to hear you're fine though.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Good luck with writing a story, Hope. :)

Lavender Hope said...


Although I think I lost my touch. I've been having lots of trouble writing recently, after so long of not doing so. It's been at least a year.

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