Saturday, October 25, 2014

Oh, Bloggy


Ah, my poor neglected blog. How I have ignored you. Once you were the apple of my eye (okay, not really — the name of this blog is what it is, after all), but then along came Twitter and suddenly you seemed somewhat clunky and... unwieldy...

But see? I have returned. I've been away a lot, I know. Work. I had that book to publish (which went really well, by the way) and then all those tours, including a trip to New Zealand and Australia to meet all those readers with funny accents.

My life has been somewhat chaotic as of late, and when things get chaotic, some other things suffer. You, it seems, are one of these things.

But I'll try to rectify that. I really will. I'm home now, after all, and settling back into normal life. What normal life will bring me, though, I have no idea.


  1. Hey, Derek. Are you up to chatting on the blog? I have loads of time to chat, and possibly since Vinette and I have a few TDOTL questions, and we can't talk to you face to face, you will answer us?-Zafira

  2. Hi, Tia. Technically I'm working on my self evaluation on how I can rip my writing apart and discuss how crappy I sound. I got a 5/9 which is well for your second timed essay in the style of an argument.

  3. Ohh. I'm so close to the top... hi.

  4. 'Ello. *rolls about* how goes things, my explosive friend?

  5. Alright. Apparently the AP essay and mine think the author argued two opposite points, whoops. *shrugs* -Zaf

  6. Eww... Those little fatty things from Doctor Who...

    That episode is on now...


    Fine ok. I'll take initiative and say the thoughts now.

    A. Ravel. What possessed you to do that to him? I want to know.
    B. What ever happens to Nye?
    C. Am I allowed to fly to Ireland and murder you? I. Died. Do I look like I want to die and know a certain someone took my Ravel from me?!
    D. I don't understand what Valkyrie can do.
    C. Which Avenger is your favorite and why, and don't tell me none, pick someone. A wise person once told me there are two types of BS, good BS and bad Bs.


  8. I'm tired... And on a sugar high...

    Wanna know what we should do today?

    *She grinned up at him and took his hand*

    We should go out on a date.

  9. Okay. Where to? Let's do something fun.

  10. (@Zaf I'm guessing Derek likes Captain America, considering he's got his shild and all.

    Also I only found out today that Joss Whedon directed The Avengers. Yay!

    *pulls Zafira and Rose into a hug*)

  11. (*Cuddles Tia happily*

    Hey there!)

    Let's go to a whole new realm. I've been to Vanaheim, Svartlfheim and Asgard... Yor choice, love.

  12. There are not many choices, unless you want to go to Jotunheim.

  13. Jutonheim...? After I get a jacket. You don't even understand how freezing it is...

  14. I was going to write something, can't remember what it was exactly, but something along the lines of me reminding both of you that you're awesome and also taking the throne because if I keep talking and using well-positioned words you will have no idea that someone might have snuck up behind you with a blade that can pierce your heart-

    But I'm not going to write any of that. Have you seen Storm Hawks, any of you?

    (Hello, Snow?)


  15. (I haven heard of Storm Hawks, Tia..


    You're odd...)

  16. 29TH, OH MY GLOB :D

  17. *She hurried towards her base and looked through her clothes. She settled on a large, than coat with a fur hood. Then she walked back to Loki, grinning*

    I'll look like a marshmallow in this...

  18. Derek...
    If you read this (which you probably won't, I'm not stupid) happy belated birthday. :)
    And TDOTL was awesome so thank you!

  19. Hi, Rose. :)
    I've got to go, sorry :/

  20. I'm not cute!!

    *She pouted up at him and took his hand*

    To Jutonheim.

    (Bye Phoe!)

  21. *takes her over to Jotunheim* Now, quiet and peaceful up high or a cave? I can find either one. *is not bothered by the cold*

  22. *She yelped as the cold hit her face and she took Loki's arm, holding it close to her chest*

    Let's... Find a cave... That'll be more fun. And out of the cold wind stuff...

  23. *walks opposite of the castle, passing a giant here or there, but the Jotuns hardly notice Loki, as Laufey's daughter is in the palace, not spoken of around the two Asgardians* I found a cave, and it over looks a frozen lake.

  24. (Hello, Emerald!

    Yes, Derek, happy belated birthday indeed!

    I love Storm Hawks, it's my favourite cartoon! :)

    Shame we only got two seasons/52 episodes...

    Here's the best fan trailer I've seen:

    Storm Hawks Fate of the World trailer:

    Do ignore the quality of the first few seconds.)

  25. *She shrank into Loki's side when they passed other Juton's*

    The cave sounds lovely, Loki... Imagine if Jutonheim had a summer like Earth...

  26. It would be interesting. *reaches the cave, and grins* Now, we can eat later, I believed food would freeze if I brought it ovef.

  27. *She grinned back up at him and looked around the cave. She found a rock and smiled, towing Loki towards it and she stood on top. Then she kissed him, finally his height*

    This is much better...

  28. *kisses her back, then laughs* Finally, you are my height. I shall safely assume my queen wishes to talk to me.

  29. (I guess it's back to the shadows for me.


  30. It's scary being this tall... If you fell over, you probably die...

    *She chuckled and rested her head against his chest*

    Your queen merely wanted you all to herself. And just to be with you. It's a date, my love. We shall act like it too. We're spending time together. Like a normal couple.

    (Tia... I'm sorry, I just don't know what you're talking about and I'm cleaning right now... Sorry...)

  31. May I ask what is normal? A Frost Giant and an Asgardian. *smirks*

  32. (Tia...)

    *She chuckled*

    You mean the Frost Giant and the Midgardian-turned-Asgardian... We are an odd couple... But we'll pretend to be normal.

  33. (I don't know if I'm sounding aggressive or bitter, but that's not my intent. Just enjoy the rp, ok?

    I'll find something else to do.)

  34. Pretending is fun. I love you. And so, now that we're on a date, we should talk.

    So... Favourite animal?

  35. I like birds. I envy their freedom. They can just go where ever they please.

    Actually no. Let's play a game. Let's play truth or dare. Call me childish, but it is still one of my favourite games.

  36. Truth or dare is when you ask the other person truth or dare. When they choose one, you have to come up with a question you want to ask them and they have to tell the truth, or dare, you dare the person to do something.

    So, Loki, truth or dare?

  37. I dare you to...

    *She paused, thinking for a moment*

    Run on the frozen lake without your shoes.

  38. *She giggled at him and watched him run*

    Woo!! Go Loki!! Don't slip!!

  39. *She grinned up at him and wrapped her arms around him tightly*

    You survived your first dare. Now, you have to ask me.

    *She kissed his nose and laughed*

  40. I can't sing, Loki...

    *She groaned and then looked away*

    Where in the world
    Have you been hiding?
    Really, you were perfect!

    I only wish
    I knew your secret!
    Who is your great tutor?

    Father once spoke of an angel
    I used to dream he'd appear
    Now as I sing, I can sense him
    And I know he's here

    Here in this room
    He calls me softly
    Somewhere inside hiding

    Somehow I know
    He's always with me
    He - the unseen genius
    Christine, you must have been dreaming, stories like this can't come true
    Christine, you're talking in riddles, and it's not like you!

    Angel of Music!
    Guide and guardian!
    Grant to me your glory!

    Who is this angel? This...
    Angel of Music!
    Hide no longer!
    Secret and strange angel
    He's with me, even now...
    Your hands are cold...
    All around me...
    Your face, Christine, it's white...
    It frightens me...
    Don't be frightened...

  41. I hate you... I don't do opera... And how do I even remember that??

    *She frowned and took his hand*

    Truth or dare?

  42. (Hey Fabi)

    I dare you to... I don't know... Pretend to be your brother for the next five minutes.

  43. You don't have your hammer on you.

  44. I hid it from you. And your sister is off gallivanting with someone else.

    *She grinned and chuckled at Loki*

  45. I do hate you, Rose. Yet I love you.

    ((So I think I died trying to do high C-Zaf

  46. (Hello, Rose.)

    (Not entirely sure whether or not I'm here, but returning the greeting anyway)

  47. You hate me...?

    *She pouted and looked away, pretending to be hurt*


    (I can't sing to save my life...)

  48. Excellent! It is now....I am myself.

    ((I have to sound crappy to be honest. I must.-Zaf

  49. *She frowned at Loki and then stood on the rock again. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him softly*

  50. (I sound like a dying sea urchin... With a British accent...)

  51. *kisses her back*

    ((Loki told me I have to sing a bit of Phantom's theme song for you, the bit I can hit.-Zaf

  52. *She smiled under the kiss and tugged playfully on his lip*


  53. (Might have to wait a while... I can't skype anyone until I'm home alone, and that never happens anymore...)

  54. I love you. *smirks*

    ((I'll just video myself singing and email....? i'm not doing the ah's I have no voice at 10:32pm to sing in the total stratusphere.-Zat

  55. I love you too, Loki. So much...

    *She grinned up at him and kissed his nose*

    You're mine... Forever...

    (That should be fine, I think...)

  56. And I'm yours... It's only fair that way... Pick me up?

    (Good luck, Zaf!)

  57. @Rose and Zaf:

    Favourite Avenger?

    Favourite character from The Avengers?

    (And guess mine?)

  58. (Second one can be from any recent Marvel film actually.)

  59. (Avenger: Captain America.

    Fav character: Coulson, then Loki.

    I have no idea what yours is, Tia...)

    (Zaf, you're insane!! <3)

    *She nestled into Loki's arms and kissed his jaw*

    Isn't this better?

  60. In sleep he sang to me
    In dreams he came,
    That voice which calls to me,
    And speaks my name,
    And do I dream again,
    For now I find,
    The Phantom of the Opera is there,
    Inside my mine

    Sing once again with me,
    Our atrange duet,
    My power over you,
    Grows stronger yet,
    And though you turn from me,
    To glance behind,
    The Phantom of the Opera is there,
    Inside your mind

    Those who have seen your face,
    Draw back in fear,
    I am the mask you wear

    It's me they hear

    My/your spirit and my/your voice,
    In one combined,
    The Phantom of the Opera is there,
    Inside your/my mind.

    The phantom of the opera!

  61. I do too... You're comfy... And warm here...

    *She smiled and kissed him gently*

    (You were amazing!!! <3 )

  62. Thank you. *kisses back, gently*

    ((Tomorrow I will do Masqeurade, right now it's too late and yeah when I hit I believe a high B above the staff, it's best I have a VOICE to do it xD. I can pretty much do Angel of Music too. I'm Soprano 1 but I mean I can't do High E....not happening.-ZF

  63. *She smiled and shifted in his arms, kissing him harder*

    (I don't have a good singig voice, plus I can't pronounce a few sounds right... Lucky you!!)

  64. *smirks, purposely staying gentle* What happened to talking?

    ((We won't discuss how I taught myself the 1 Part for No One Mourns the Wicked and Sweeney Todd....-Zaf

  65. Ok :)

    Romanoff: Meh. I should like her but idk, something is wrong at times. Like bad script. How she charges into combat and survives in situations she should have died in. I guess the fact that she's more "human" than most Avengers makes me think she should act more like it. But then again, she does have her moments...

    Mr Arrow to the knee is even more meh, but whatever, you don't see him doing exceedingly excessive stuff.

    Hulk - I like Hulk. Always have. Hulk smash. Not so keen on Banner, I like the person but he isn't very exciting or anything like that. Maybe I like how ordinary he is. Maybe a bit too boring at times, but that's kind of the idea behind him - he's just a scientist.

    Captain America - Yes! I like this guy. The fact that he's not overpowered but can still defeat most humans is good. Best synergy between the person and the masked hero. (But I hate the existence of Hydra - fix your movies, Marvel!)

    Thor - Pretty good, but too powerful. I like Thor, I really do, and I'm ok with him being in the Avengers, but I feel he is outshined by puny humans. I'll just watch Thor films to enjoy the character more.

    Iron Man - I love the suits. In fact, I love all of Tony's tech. And Tony Stark himself is a great character, with fantastic performances. (I just wish Iron Man 3 didn't have broken plot. He nearly collapses because of something that must've been caused by him going through that portal in New York. What exactly? You'll never know - it is never mentioned again.)


    In conclusion, my favourite Avenger is Captain America, with Iron Man in close second and Hulk third.

    Favourite character? Another guess maybe?

  66. *She groaned and took his face in her hands*

    It's fun pretending. I was lying to you. You just looked... Oh God... I just needed your lips... Was that too much to ask?!

    *She grinned and kissed him again, even harder than before*

  67. (Never seen them, Zaf...)

    (Best description ever, Tia. Uhh... Fury?)

  68. *Her hands traveled down along his neck and to his shoulders. She chuckled when she felt him respond to her and she kicked up the kiss another level*

  69. *She moaned softly and kissed him as hard as she could, pressing herself tightly against him*

  70. *She broke away from him, moaning even more*


  71. *She nuzzled his neck gently and held tightly into his shoulders*


  72. You're a big meanie... The biggest of them all...

  73. Yes... You're my big meanie...

    *She chuckled softly and kissed his jaw*

    And I'm your ferocious marshmallow.

  74. (Best description of who, Rose? The Avengers?

    Yeah, it's Nick Fury.

    And that's me pitting aside feeling sorry for him for losing S.H.I.E.L.D. because Hydra is a bunch of bull- that popped up out of nowhere like imagine Gordon Edgley jumping out of a large cardboard box in TDOTL and dancing on Skulduggery's bones. It's not the past coming to haunt you - it's bull-

    I mean Stark hacked S.H.I.E.L.D. and found NOTHING?

    But that's personal sentiment. In reality, Nick Fury is badass! Just look at him jumping out of choppers and firing rockets and facing down Loki and just being himself in CA:WS.

    (I must go, it's 4.30 am so time for sleep. Good night, both of you!)

  75. (Yeah, of the Avengers.

    I know, Tia. Nick "Furry" Fury is awesome... And goodnight!!)

  76. (I like Fury more than any of the Avengers. Tough call, sure, but without Fury, they would have stood next to no chance.)

  77. It's okay. Just don't go calling me that... It's embarrassing...

    *She rolled out of his arms and took both of his hands on hers*

    Do you have any knives or daggers on you? I have an idea...

  78. *pulls out a dagger* I do...((okay! For being up at 4:30am I'm now gling to bed hhehh

  79. (Agreed, Tia.)

    *She took Loki's dagger (my author just laughed... stupid author's mind...) and flick out a few more from her jacket. There were four all up.

    With the pull string from her jacket, she tied the daggers to her boots, making impromptu ice skates*

    (Goodnight, both of you. Now I'll finally be able to do some homework!)

  80. Dying
    Is an art like everything else
    I like to think I do it exceptionally well
    I do it so it feels like hell
    I do it so it feels real

  81. Ah Derek, I hope you got past our weird accents and enjoyed your time in Australia!
    But in my defence, your accent is pretty weird too. In a good way though.

    BTW, I'm the Derek-and-Amy drawing girl :D

  82. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! YOU DIDN'T FORGET US!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    If we didn't read our comments on those posts somewhere over the rainbow....
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! (Belated.)

  83. And Derek Landy, while Australians have funny accents, so do you.
    And oh how I love British accents.....
    How do American accents sound? (To All ye people not from America who find our accents amusing)

  84. Hi! How be's yous?! How be's yous eyes?!

  85. (I am depressed and worried about Silente. And my eyes are fine. Yourself?)

  86. I'm fine.
    Yeah, have you heard anything from her? I'm also worried..... I hope she's ok.

  87. Soy, I'm falling asheep. Good night.
    Or morning for you!

  88. vial look make real didn’t dimension said back stone turn same want she’d one did still woman know people usual sorry bus one good car use park lock name lot well thing real never woman ferry though room just mechanic captain people few she'd began around one see did know much get she'd still back car want lot take look said ask voice question room just real guy think turn answer one did again time thank slight want actual well

  89. (I have heard from her, somewhat. But I do not yet know what is wrong. I will do my best to help her.)

  90. (Depressed and worried about Silente. Is there a particular reason why you do not know how to answer? I assume it cannot be good.)

  91. (I have seen better days. Yourself?)

  92. (Depressed and worried about Silente.

    Are you doing anything interesting, currently?)

  93. Well yeah, there are a lot of reasons, but sharing them will benefit no one.

    Hey Raven.

  94. (What happened to Silente?

    Nope, I'm just sitting here. What about you? You have anyone to shoot?)

  95. (I am not entirely sure yet.

    I'm afraid I do not have anyone to shoot, no. I am listening to music.)

  96. (I disagree, Fabi. Sharing them would benefit you. Even if it was with someone you are close to on email, it may help.)

  97. (Music is good. What sort of music do you listen to?)

  98. Actually, it probably wouldn't. But thank you.

    I'm listening to music as well...

  99. (Much to Dragona's annoyance, I like listening to Avril Lavigne. However currently I am listening to AC/DC. What music do you listen to Raven? How about you, Fabi?)

  100. (Sorry, I had to do some jobs.

    I really like alternative music, but Aussie Hip-Hop is probably my favourite genre right now.)

  101. Does anyone know what actually happened to Sil...? Why did she suddenly just decide that she had had enough...?

  102. (What is alternative music and what exactly is hip hop? I was never that interested in music when I was younger. I never learned to play and instrument because I was always the one doing the vocals. But now I am listening to music, at least. Even if I still have no interest in learning to play it.)

  103. I listen to a lot of music

    Little Mix
    Imagine Dragons
    London Grammar
    Florence + the Machine
    Kelly Clarkson
    Hayley Westenra
    The Beatles
    Of Monsters and Men
    Mumford and Sons
    Celtic Woman
    Brandi Carlile
    Eva Cassidy
    Imogen Heap
    Jess Meuse
    Loreena McKennitt
    Marie Miller
    Taylor Swift
    Jillian Jensen
    Lindsey Stirling
    KT Tunstall

    Probably a bunch of others I'm forgetting...

  104. A lot of what I listen to classifies as alternative, apparently. I'm still not sure what that means, though.

  105. (The word alternative confuses me but this is my opinion on it.

    Alternative music isn't usually the stuff that hits top 40. However if an alternative song goes mainstream I think the song still counts as alternative because the band is alternative. A lot of alternative music is unsigned artists, I think.

    Basically alternative music to me, is the stuff they play on triplej because they play a lot of music from unsigned and developing artists.

    Hip-hop is just a genre. Some of my favourite hip-hop artists are the Hilltop Hoods, The Thundamentals, Seth Sentry and Illy.)

  106. Derek. :)
    You're great. :)

    I think alternative means 'can't be bothered to find a genre for this'. :P
    Or 'genreless'.

  107. *waves to people greeting me*
    I'm good, thanks. :)

  108. (Seen better days, but I'm not too bad. Thanks.)

  109. Hello Star.

    That's how I know I'm up really late, Star's here.

    [mutters about time differences]

    I should try to sleep again... Goodbye

  110. *tuts at fabi for not going to bed sooner*

    *hhugs her* good night, fab.

    *looks at the feather*

  111. Apparently I like indie bands. Thisis weirdto me.

  112. NOOOOO IT'S ONLY EIGHT IN THE MORNINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG but of course, sleep is good and I want you to be happy and not-tired more than I want to soeak to you so NIGHT! *hugs*v

  113. [Akhenatens at Snow for acting all mature and responsible even though she's, like, younger than me]

  114. (Apparently I'm antisocial and need to spend more time with my family. Goodbye.)

  115. (In case you haven't noticed, I'm staying online due to stubbornness and things that will not be mentioned)

  116. *shush the fabi*

    *she really shouldn't stay up that late because it's bad for her health*

    *hugs her and sends her to sleep*

    Bye Rav.

  117. :( Fours, Raven.

    Fabi. :P *pokes* In the words of Dugglyn, sheep. :)


  118. Fabi [insert middle name] [insert last name] go to sleep. You need it.

  119. @Snow: XD

    Sometimes sleep doesn't come, though.

  120. *squeezes the bubble* did you know that because of you, I call things ace now? I get such weird looks for it.

  121. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    (Snow, you don't know my middle and last names? [evil grin])

  122. I know your names fabi. I just don't remember them.

  123. That's because I erased your memory! Mwahahahahaha!

    My full name is Fabienne Verifiably Stormberg, and I'm actually your evil twin sister who's been missing for twelve years.

    Only, I'm back now, and because I am evil, I want to kill you.

    [draws lightsaber and charges]

  124. @Snow: !! :) :) *hugs* :) :)

    On the dubject of aceness
    You two are ace. You're brilliant. :)

  125. *looks at the fabi*

    *looks at the light saber*

    *looks at the fabi*

    *hugs the fabi*

    You wish you were actually my sister.

    And dude, I'm already dead,

  126. :)
    I think I should just sit here and paste smiley emotions because that's how each comment makes me feel. :)

  127. Best first comment ever.

    *squishes the fabi-who-is-apparently-my-twin-even-though-shes-older-than-me*

  128. *layghs* :)

    :) :)


    :) :) :)

    :) :)


    :) :) :)



    :) :)

    *f-licks Snow* :)
