Monday, September 1, 2014

Fun Times


What a few days.

The Requiem Ball was beautiful chaos. People came in ballgowns and jeans and tuxedos and T-shirts, but everyone was wearing a mask, and everyone was equal. The Bleeding Heart Crypt was where the first book was launched, way back in 2007, and so it was a fitting venue to see off the final part of the series. I laughed, I chatted, I posed for selfies, and then I signed.

And it was a good day.

The signings in Ringwood and Bournemouth were great fun, and of course Bluewater was as manic as ever (five and half hours of signing books and chatting to people... yikes...). On Sunday I did my first event for this tour, and I read out a few bits that had been cut from the first book, all those years ago. And then I signed for a few more hours.

And the response has been exactly what I was hoping for. The one thing that was so vital to me was to give the series a fitting end — an ending it deserved. My mission was to both confirm and confound your expectations, and by what I've been reading online, it looks like I've succeeded.

And the most awesome thing? The lack of spoilers. Sure, there are spoilers out there, but most people have been really considerate of others. Even in the Spoiler Zone to this very blog, folks are content to talk AROUND the subject, rather than address it directly. This is HUGELY appreciated.

The book has been selling really well, from what I hear. I loved the excitement generated around the Black Edition — minions were waiting for stores to open and then rushing inside, trying to find those hidden tomes. It was, in a word, awesome.

And now I'm wrecked.


  1. Sophia: *easily lifts it out of his reach again* You know, I fancy a ryncol. *uses her energy to move the bottle towards her* *starts pouring herself some*

  2. Manuel: really have had enough...


  3. (I should probably start reading TDOTL. I have it but haven't started reading it yet.)

  4. Sophia: I have? *has a small drink of the ryncol* I'm not so sure...

  5. [*tightens her grip the more El resists*
    *whispers* It's coming El...slowly darkening....coming...]

  6. Manuel: *watches her drink*
    *reaches out for the glass from off the bed*

  7. Near the top!!!!
    And I won't be back for maybe and hour...
    Soy sauce.

  8. Rose: *She held back the moan as she vanished. When she was behind Fury, she glared at him*

    Fury: *He stiffened as his target and shifted the gun to Loki's head*

    Fury: Now why would you want my head? I've got a team of people who are just dying to meet you again. Banner had fun last time. Now, I'll give you a choice, either go to your cell, yeah, you know what one I'm talking about, or we'll make you go to your cell.

    Rose: *She frowned when her glare didn't work. She looked around, eyes wide, then cursed as she saw the sigils hidden around the room. They dampened her power*

  9. I'm glad you've been enjoying yourself, Derek.

    I wish I'd been able to attend the Requiem Ball... Or at least Val's Requiem Ball. Stupid schedules. -_-

    But I suppose I shouldn't complain. I'm reasonably lucky as far as Ameriminions go.

  10. Sophia: *moves it out of his way* Are you actually trying? You need to *remembers something from her N7 training* perform in an "admirable and effective fashion".

  11. (By the way, Derek, I refuse to read your last book. I've got it, but I don't want to read it.

    Perhaps I'll tear out the last page.

    I don't like endings...)

  12. [*screams and legs go*
    *groans and pokes her burnt face*
    Owww. Darkness doesn't like fire...
    *shadows seem to squirm along her skin, not like necromancer shadows, different*
    *smiles as they recede and her face is fixed*]

  13. *hugs Derek because he's really great :)*

  14. Manuel: I'd rather not intrude by having to get onto the bed commander Sophia. It is rude to do so.

  15. ((I am too scared to touch my mailbox, seriously I was asked to get the mail on Saturday and I started screeching in fright. I'm dreading when I get means I have to say goodbye to my feels.-Zaf

  16. (I only read the first page of TDOTL. Then I went back to reading Mass Effect Retribution because I need to finish it.)

  17. [*steps through a portal and appears in front of El*
    Don't leave!
    *darkness leaks from her eyes like tears*]

  18. Sophia: Rude? No, it's fun. *has a longer drink*

  19. Fury: *He dodged the blast with surprising ease. One hand snaked into his pocket and a red light flashed through the room. Something heavy fell around Rose, a well reinforced glass cage*

    Fury: I won't touch her. She still works for me. But I know others who will love trying to take off her head.

    Rose: *She cried out as the glass fell around her. Then she started slamming her palms against her prison*

    Rose: I quit, Fury. Also, keep him away from me. That'll be awkward. And. LET ME OUT!!

    Fury: Rogers still remembers. He and Hulk are coming this way now.

  20. *Banner

    Not Hulk.

    Having conversations about Hulk right now. Slipped into writing...)

  21. *makes Rose appear beside himself* I really hate Midgardians. Most of you.

  22. Manuel: *sighs and climbs onto the very edge of the bed, balancing on his tip toes*
    *reaches out for the glass while trying not to fall*

  23. [*smiles*
    What's wrong El?
    *the darkness changes, blood seeping from her eyes and running down her face with it*]

  24. Sophia: That's neither admirable or effective. *moves it out of his way* You need effort. *smiles*
    Or I'll just keep drinking until I pass out. Because I'm drunk already.

  25. Manuel: *balances himself and looks up*
    *dives at the glass, his dive will carry him off the bed and he'll smoothly roll then get up*

  26. [*steps towards El, one hand reaching out*
    El? Come on. It's me. Your buddy.

  27. Rose: *She smiled up at Loki, kissing his arm*

    Rose: Thank you, my love. And if you're wondering about the whole Roger's thing? Uh... We go way back. I tried to kill him just before he went on ice. And then I had to go because of a secret little mission...

    Fury: *He smiled as the door behind the couple opened up. Banner looked at Loki, then shuffling away a little bit. Rogers gripped his sheild tighter as he took in his new targets*

    Rogers: Sir?

    Fury: Yes. Rose and Loki. Partnered.

  28. Sophia: More like it. *moves the glass out of his way, laughing* *has another drink* Close, but not quite.

  29. Manuel: *turns*
    You are making this rather difficult.
    *walks back to the side of the bed*
    Any chance you might give in May I ask?

  30. [*smiles*
    *she appears beside El, being left behind while she runs*
    *appears again and again, each time her arm getting higher from her side and closer to El, her face always smiling*]

  31. Sophia: Difficult is the plan. And no, sorry. I don't give up. Either you try really hard to get this glass from me, or I'll drink it all. *smiles* Your choice.

  32. Manuel: It's been a while since I've had to use an acrobats skills...
    *back up slightly*
    *runs quickly, diving clean over the bed, hand open to grab the glass, ready to roll upon landing*

  33. [*jumps out and tackles El*
    BOO! *giggles and fades*
    *her voice comes from everywhere*
    It's coming El. I can't stop it. It'll take over. But I won't mind. *in a singsong voice* its coming!]

  34. Sophia: *laughs, using her energy to place him on the bed next to her mid-dive* Acrobatics? Really? Trying to flip over someone's bed is polite, to you?

  35. Manuel: *rolls slightly away from Sophia, so hes laid at the edge, giving her her person space*
    Well its seemed more polite than just climbing onto the bed clumsily..

  36. [No?
    *a shadowy Sil sized shape appears in front of El*
    Why no? It wont hurt me.]

  37. Sophia: I think I'd prefer you to do the second, just less clumsily.

  38. Well I must say. TDOTL was just awful. I have been one of your most faithful readers, being lucky enough to get my hands on a proof copy before Book 1 was even officially released and you have ruined this for me. I feel like I have wasted a good chunk of my life for the most awful ending I could have imagined. Fantastically written as ever, but an awful end to a brilliant series.

  39. Manuel: Not a fan of acrobatics commander?
    *reaches over, still laid at the edge of the bed, to take the drink from her*

  40. [*smiles*
    El? Why no?
    *the darkness melts off and Sil is stood there*
    *it pools on the ground at her feet*]

  41. Sophia: Not as such. *moves it away from him* And now you're going back to no effort. You'd have it easier to reach it if you moved closer.

  42. Manuel: I heard somewhere that woman like their personal space. Especially when laid in bed.


  43. Sophia: *tilts head* I'm hardly normal.

  44. Manuel: Just because people are not normal does not mean they have no normal preferences. *moves the tinies bit closer and reaches out again*

  45. [*singsong voice* Elllllll. Tell meeeeee. Why noooooooo?]

  46. Sophia: *moves it out of his way* Not close enough.

  47. Manuel: *rolls onto his side so his arm can reach farther without him technically getting closer*
    *reaches for the glass again*

  48. [*darkness pools. around El*
    Answer me El. Answer me and you won't have to watch anymore.]

  49. Sophia: *has a drink, moving the glass above her head whilst doing so* Ahem. Properly.

  50. Manuel: *his lips twitch slightly in a smile*
    I do believe you are very drunk.

  51. Right. *vanishes and seconds later appears with Zanida* Much better.

    Zanida: *attacks Rogers, her lance aflame*

    ((*cries* just got uniform...and lunch together niuu-zaf

  52. Sophia: Maybe I am. What will you do to stop me drinking more?

  53. [*smiles*
    Good girl. You won't have to see this anymore. Not unless you make Orpheus show you. This may be unpleasant.
    *darkness floods over El, flowing into her mouth, her nose, her ears, drowning her before everything goes black and dissolves into the real world*]

  54. Manuel: Asking you politely to stop doesn't appear to be working unfortunately.

  55. *is at El's side, looking normal, with Orpheus next to her*

  56. Sophia: As I told you, politeness will get you nowhere. *smiles*

  57. Rogers: *He blocked the lance with his shield and pushed, trying to knock the lance from Zanida's grasp*

    Fury: *He fired the gun at Rose and one at Loki*

    Rose: *She ducked the bullets with a shriek and pushed Loki to the side, so the bullet didn't hit him*

    Banner: *His skin started to turn green and his body grew. He started to growl as he looked Loki*

  58. Rose, this is a smart idea. *vanishes her*

    Zanida: *screams in fury and tries to set Rogers on fire*

  59. (she knows up to you setting her arm on fire. She doesn't know you or Orph no)

    Orpheus: Elleni? Please wake up...

  60. Rose: *She yelped and cursed. She wasn't beside Loki anymore*

    Rogers: *He ducked and came in low, his shield blocking the fire*

    Hulk: *He roared at Loki and took Loki's leg, and started smashing him against the wall*

  61. Sophia: Not in this situation. So, now that you know how useless being polite is, what will you do?

  62. (it kinda transfered to yours. Or rather it stopped being Sil's thoughts.)

    Orpheus: EL! *hugs her*

    *smiles* El you scared us half to death!

  63. Manuel: *moves closer again, slowly*
    *stops still a respectable distance away but closer than before*
    *pushes himself up with one arm and reaches for the glass above her head with the other*

  64. I don't have a copy yet...What if the second it arrives I just die? From fear and excitement

  65. Are you okay El?
    *moves closer to Elleni*

    Orpheus: *gently lays her down*

  66. Sophia: This is more like it. Still far away, though. No wonder you keep missing. *moves the glass out of his way*
    *has a drink from the glass*

  67. GET OFF OF ME YOU- *is cut short by being smashed*

    Zanida: *runs and tries to hit Rogers fom the side*

  68. Manuel: Men in suits don't usually have to reach for drinks while trying to keep a respectful distance.
    *moves closer again, watching the space between them uncertainly*
    *reaches again from the glass*

  69. i must have missed this post by seconds this morning. i checked before a came to school and there was no new post. then, i come to school and there is one.

  70. Hulk: *He threw Loki against the window, making the glass shatter*

    Rogers: *He cursed as the punch connected. He thrust the shield against Zanida's chest*

  71. *frowns her brows knitting together*

    Orpheus: Are you okay? I think you hit your head when you went down.
    How much did you see?

  72. (i swear i have the worst luck. i missed it bye literally a minute. oh. my. god.)

  73. (Landy has the worst timing. seriously dude, can't you put a new post out when i'm here so i can at least get close to first??)

  74. Sophia: Men in suits should rethink the type of distance they're keeping. *moves it out of his way* Nearly there.

  75. (my friends are looking at teletubies. i despise the things. D: )

  76. Owww...*insert high pitched whimper*

    Zanida: *is thrown back, and sends a kick to his knee, hopefully to shatter it*

  77. Manuel: *eyes the distance between them*
    I am sorry in advance for moving into your personal space.
    *covers the distance and reaches for the glass*

  78. Sophia: *hides the glass behind her back* Now you're getting the idea.

  79. Manuel: *looks straight at her*
    Terribly sorry for this..
    *reaches over and behind her, following her arm, trying to get the glass*

  80. Sophia: *laughs, moving her other hand behind her back, swapping the glass back and forth between them several times* Which hand?

  81. Sophia: Yes, which one? Left or right?

  82. Rogers: *He yelled in pain as his knee was sent back and shattered. He fell to the ground and cursed*

    Hulk: *He was about to press forward on Loki when Fury caught his eye. The Hulk backed down*

    Fury: *He leveled the gun at Loki's head and lifted his jaw slightly*

    Fury: Now, go to your cage or we'll have your friend toss you in. And you better bring Rose back, I have to have a word with her.

  83. Sophia: *moves both her hands so they're back in front of her, revealing them to be empty* Magic.

  84. Manuel: *smiles slightly* Indeed. You realise you can't drink it if you don't have it yes?

  85. Sophia: I have it. It's just not in my hand. *moves her hand behind her back and retrieves the floating glass* *has a drink from it* Now it's in my hand.

  86. (Our maths teacher was confused why everyone was writing in class.

    She didn't know that we were taking notes...)

  87. Sophia: *hides it under the duvet* Ha!

  88. Not happening. Shoot me, bullets have no effect on my sister or I.

    Zanida: *looks down a Rogers, kicking him in the face*

  89. Manuel: Commander Sophia...
    I..I can't retrieve the glass if it is down there.

  90. Sophia: I know. *laughs* *kisses Manuel on the cheek*
    *retrieves the glass and has a drink from it*

  91. Fury: *He fired the gun at Loki's head, cursing as it didn't have any effect. He stalked to his desk and pressed a button*

    Fury: Bring me Coulson. And the Destroyer Gun. I don't care if you're still working on it, just bring it!

    Rogers: *He pulled his shield up to protect his face*

    Rogers: Damn it!

    Hulk: *He looked away from Loki and took Zanida's arm. He held her up in the air before he tossed her into the same window as her brother*

  92. Manuel: *blinks at the kiss and freezes, mind going into overdrive*
    *opens his mouth to say something then closes it again*
    *when he does say something its slightly strained*
    Commander how clouded is your judgment may I ask?

  93. Sophia: Currently I have no idea. Why?

  94. Manuel: Because allowing a person's acts when inhibited by alcohol to carve an opinion of them or their views is considered wrong and I would like to prevent myself from making an incorrect assumption.

  95. Rogers: *He got to his feet, grunting as his shattered knee protested. He nodded his thanks to Hulk and limped out of the room, dodging to avoid someone who ran in*

    Coulson: I'm here.

    Coulson: *He looked at the two Asgardians and raised his gun towards the siblings. It started to glow. He smiled as he remembered the last time he had used it*

  96. (Hello again el! What i meant to say was 'i should but probably wont be gone when you come back')

    El you scared me!

    Orpheus: Anything else happen? Did you see any further?

  97. Sophia: I have no idea what my mind feels like, currently. It could be perfectly fine. It doesn't feel that bad but that doesn't mean that it isn't.

  98. Manuel: *nods* In which case I will prevent any opinions on you or your views being formed. I would rather not think one thing when your unintoxicated brain thinks another.
    *tries to take the glass from her again?

  99. (Yep. Orpheus shpwed you that part.)
    (yes yes naught naught don't worry ill feel this when i wake up at 6:45 for svhool.)

  100. Sophia: I have no idea what you're talking about. Form opinions on me how?
    *keeps the glass away, laughing*
    To err is human! To arr is pirate!

  101. Coulson: *The gun fired into the space they left behind. He lowered the weapon and looked at the Director*

    Coulson: Sorry.

    Fury: *He stared at the hole left in the corner of his room, took a deep breath, then looked away*

    Fury: Have someone clean that up. Banner, if you'll accompany me back...?

    Banner: *He nodded. The Other Guy had gone back and he was left standing with the remnants of his tattered pants. The two walked out of the room*

  102. (Silente - I have to wake up at 5:45 ish. :P)

  103. Manuel: It doesn't matter..
    *smiles slightly still reaching for the glass*

    Orpheus: How did it end for you?

  104. Sophia: Yes it does. *hides the glass underneath the duvet again, drinking from it whilst keeping it under*

  105. *She looked at the two, her eyes growing wide*

    What the...? What happened?!

    *She pulled them both into a tight hug, shaking her head*

  106. Manuel: That's just plain cheating.

    Orpheus: *nods* and you didn't see anything after that?

  107. Sophia: There wasn't a rule against it. How would you form an opinion on me? *has another drink*

  108. Orpheus: Okay.
    *his eyes have been slightly distant this whole time*

  109. Manuel: Certain actions of yours currently might lead one to make incorrect assumptions about you.

  110. Manuel: Such as that certain emotions are reciprocated by the inhibited party as by the uninhibited party. Such an assumption would be unfair to make

  111. *She punched Loki as hard as she could in his arm*

    That's for making me go away! I would be fine! But, if Rogers got his hands on me, it would be a completely different story. But you're not allowed to do that to me ever again. No leaving me.

    *She let go and looked around*

    Let's go find Astird. My lord, I swear we're abusing her powers now...

  112. Orpheus: *smiles at her frown*
    sorry. Half here. Half there.

  113. I'll get Astrid a little later...

    *She rolled her eyes and curled around Loki, hiding her face in his chest*

    I was worried for you, you idiot. Don't ever do that again. Or else, you'll be in big trouble...

  114. Orpheus: The rest of the show.

    (I gtg 4 sleep now ): baii. SEE Y'ALL REEEEAL SOON!)

  115. (I never realised how bad my music was until now...

    Ohh... LMFAO just came on... Still bad, but it's the best thing I've heard in the past hour.)


  117. Why would you think that...? You're going to be fine, my love.

    *She kissed his arm before she wrapped it around her*

  118. (Excuse me, Jace, but what is that...? Might I get a humanoid translation?)

  119. (i am in science and slowly dying)

  120. (Ew... Science...)

    (We have Cake Day in Maths. Because no one wants to do maths, we have cake instead.)

  121. Hey, Deathy, what's your nickname for me? I can't remember....
    Is it Duggy?

  122. I wish I could have gone to the Requiem Ball. But even if my mask did make it into the competition and won it would have been hard to get a last minute flight from the west coast of the US to London.

  123. (I can't remember it!! 0.0
    Duggy is too... Too mainstream...
    I shall create a new one!!))

  124. That's what I thought...
    And now that I think about it, I'm not sure you had one for me! O.o

  125. *sigh*
    I start school on Wednesday. And tomorrow I won't have WiFi for most of the day....
    At least I'm at the top of me school. And, according to my mom, I will have my favorite teacher (who told me the teacher she was long term subbing for last year was rotting in the attic! :))))
    With the same carzy class! Witch is weird but sounds awesome!

  126. Shoot.
    Well, I dedicate this page to Lucy because she is amazing and deserves a dedication and someone was supposed to do it on an earlier page.

    Also, to my teacher who told me when I grow up I can't do anything with knives especially be a surgeon or a cook. She said that if I'm a surgeon she worries what I'll do to people and if I'm a cook I'd cook people. She also was a long term sub and told me the teacher she was subbing for was rotting in the attic.

  127. (Just when you think that you're doing good in class, you're above and beyond what you've learned in class.

    Teach: I haven't covered volume in class yet.
    Me: But I understand that. I'm taking my genius to the next level.
    Teach: Get rid of it. Start again. You only write down what you covered on this lesson.

    *Few minutes later*

    Teach: Okay class, now we shall be doing volume.
    Me: *Stares in hatred*)

  128. (Oh that's mean. She should be glad you understand it!!)
    And really, I don't think you had one. I think you called me Duggy.

  129. *She looked at Loki, her head tilted to the side slightly. She frowned and pulled his head down to hers, leaving mere millimeters between their lips*

    You're beautiful. I'm so happy we're together.

  130. Maybe, just to spite her, I'll become a surgeon. It would be hilarious. And then when I kill someone and she hears about it in the paper she'll be like, yep. I told her not to do it. I knew it was a bad idea.

  131. Oh gosh. I'm planning to kill someone. Great.....

  132. (I called you something else for a while... A tiny little while... I remember because I was laughing about it before... Maybe I didn't tell you...

    I definitely had one!)

  133. (Dug, I'm sitting beside someone who has planned my murder. We both agreed on it. She's going to be a mass murderer. It's all cool, though. We're friends.

    I think...)

  134. (I don't think you told me...
    Well you can always think of a new one! And if you remember the old one then you'll have two nicknames for me!)

  135. Sounds like she is....

    I'm looking through my notes and I have a while bunch of Blogland quotes and I just found this...

    Blogger Silente Tempest said...
    I mean sure kill someone, dig up their grave, ruffle through its pockets, pee in their brother's ashes and set alight their family home, THAT I can deal with.


  136. *She kissed him softly before she pulled away, leaning her head on his chest, listening to his heart*

  137. And this one....

    Oh and Dug NO HUGGING ME! Also its rude to poop and run, you shouldn't do that.

    And I forget if it was Elleni or Silente but one of them didn't realize I meant Poof not poop. XD

  138. (XD)

    I know you're alive, but your heartbeat is comforting...

  139. (Gtg but if you think of an idea, I do read back!)

  140. Well it is. It's nice. Heartbeat means you're alive and here right now. It means that you're mine.

    *She turned her face to look up at him*

    And I love you.

  141. *She laughed quietly*

    I love you too, Loki.

  142. *She pulled away from him and nodded*

    And I'll go find Astrid. I'll be back soon.

    *She smiled and started to walk away. Then she stopped and looked back at Loki*

    Where would she be...?

  143. *She walked off towards Loki's room, then kept going to the room after. She knocked on the door*

    Hey Astrid? You know how I love you and everything...?

  144. SHIELD almost killed Zan and Loki. See, Loki and I went over to kick Fury's butt, but Loki sent me away and then he and Zanida got smashed...

  145. Astrid: Alright...they'll recover with rest. I need to get Zan inside and you get Loki.

  146. Okay.

    *She walked back outside and looked over at Loki. She took his hand and started to pull him slowly after her*

    Feeling better...?

  147. Then lay down! I can take you.

    *She repulsed the gravity beneath him and continued walking, taking him beside her*

  148. Of course it is! Because I'm a genius. Now, stay still.

    *She walked to Loki's room and placed him on the bed*

    (Because it was the number 1 zombie survival car)
