Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Black Edition

Ladies and gentlemen, for those who haven't heard, head over to the Waterstones site for a very special special edition announcement...

This is something I've had in mind for years — a super supreme limited edition of only 1000 copies— the Black Edition. Those lucky few who have managed to get your hands on a proof copy of the first book should recognise the design we're echoing, bringing the whole thing full circle...

We're working with Waterstones on this, and so the Black Edition will only be available in their shops. You won't be able to preorder these. You won't be able to reserve one online or in person. Not even Waterstones STAFF can preorder these for THEMSELVES! On the day of publication, they will be put on the SHELVES — not on a table, not in the store window, not on a table out in front, but on the SHELVES. So you'll have to go hunting for them.

We already have 5000 copies of a Special Edition that comes signed, with that stunning cover, but the Black Edition will NOT be signed, and there will be a ONE PER PERSON policy. Basically, we're torturing you. We're making you choose.

The fact is, because there will only be 1000 printed, and so each store will only get a limited amount of copies, the chances of YOU, individual Minion, managing to snag one is pretty low. Because there is no way to guarantee that you get one, you're just going to have to be EXTREMELY lucky. Oh, and you should also check Twitter that day, because the stores will be tweeting how many copies they've got left. Until they tweet, there is no way of telling how many copies a particular store will have received.

Ooooh I can't wait to get mine....


  1. Close enough! Too bad I'm out of country for a week D: no book for me.

  2. Damn it, I've already preordered.

  3. Today is the day that the mask competition winners get announced, right?

  4. I preordered the special edition and purely based on appearances I think I won't worry about whether I get a black edition or not, I'd rather have my shiny and signed book :)


    Isnt that sad!?


  6. Damn - I want one of these - but you say they cant be ordered online? That is rather unfair for all us overseas minions in non-waterstones countries :(

  7. There is not a single Waterstones store in the entirety of Australia.


  8. Does anyone know if they have waterstones over in america?
    If they do, I wonder if I could hypnotize my US friend to go and buy one then send it to me....

  9. None, Dark.

    277 total stores in the UK, and none overseas.

  10. So that's just about 4 per store. Looks like I'll be getting up early then.

  11. On a more positive note, the thing looks cool.

  12. *Looks at Kessie*
    And what about Germinions??

  13. It does, that's an up for everyone that gets one, I suppose.

    Hey, Kes!

  14. Nix, I don't want to look at it because it'll just make me sadder :3

  15. Unless you have friends in the UK you'll have to deal with the normal or negative cover which are still pretty damn cool

  16. Hey Mist! Long time, no see :/

    Mith, I didn't know if you guys had them or not, so I was being righteously angry for those of us I know don't *nods*

  17. On another note, has anyone received an email from HarperCollins about the mask comp yet?

  18. (Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I knew not preordering would have a perk some day!

    @Mir in relation to your question, Blake and his Big Nose screwed Sil up. She no vamp anymore....for now.)

  19. (*counts out bribe money for the local waterstones*)

  20. So we cant have the negative and the black cover even if we get there in time to get a black one?

  21. *stares at Silente*
    Blake did WHAT? How?

  22. *comes over to Sil*

  23. (@Lucian I think you CAN but you're only allowed to buy one copy of the black version?)

  24. If you order the negative and go in to get the black you can probably do both

  25. On another upside, Down Under Tour again.

  26. (He refused to explain. Ask him Mir)

    *wraps her arms around his neck and pulls his head down for a kiss*
    *moves one if her hands away, still kissing, and reaches for something behind her back*

  27. *kisses her, somewhat puzzled at her behaviour*
    What do you want to do after I shower?


    Yayyyyyyyyyy black edition. Cool.

    *doesn't think I'll find one XD*

    *feels sorry for the Amerminions and Aussies :(*

  29. Quick question- can I preorder the negative, or does it not ship to America?

  30. (Zaffy! I haven't seen you in AGES! How are you?)
    (Hi Em!)
    (Sil, what did you mean by 'for now'? Do you have a plan or something?)

  31. The chances of people not living in UK getting one of these are basically zero aren't they?

  32. @izz - unless you have a friend in the UK, yes.

  33. Hi Izz!
    And unless someone decides to sell them on eBay or something in a couple years, then yeah

  34. Oh well! *hates being Ameriminion but at the same time doesn't care* -Zaf

  35. (*plots a Waterstones stick up*)

  36. (*plots a Waterstones stick up*)

  37. *grins against his lips*
    I have something in mind..
    *kisses him again as she finds what she was looking for behind her*
    *plunges the dagger between Viv's ribs as black blood floods her veins and lips*
    *chuckles darkly*

  38. O_O
    Wow, this is grand and cool. :O

    We don't have a nearby Waterstones, but still. COOL.
    Good luck to UK minions on this. :):):)

  39. *sigh* oh well. I can't even get the other one because the checkout process keeps giving me errors. On top of that the waterstones customer support refuse to reply to my emails.

    But look at all the the people!!! I haven't seen so many of you guys on here at once in so long!!!

  40. (....I want to be able to shorten Izz but I can't....)

  41. *shoves off of her, gasping as blood trickles into his lungs*
    *notices the veins*
    Get the hell out of my girlfriend.
    *pushes a hand against his chest, trying to stop the flow of blood around the knife*
    *hacks up blood*

  42. Does it now? I'm not as hip to the groove as I used to be...

  43. (@Sil: Iz? I? Zz? Sleep!! Izz, I'm now calling you Sleep!!)

  44. (Hi Zan!
    So... Levelled Antarctica yet?)

  45. Well Zaf, you'll be glad to know that very few Irish people can do this because there are barely any Waterstones shops left in the country.

    Hey Death, want to carry on with the roleplay? I'm not sure how to carry on from it though.

  46. *laughs and stands up*
    *grabs a different dagger and slashes the sigils he would use to call Jag*
    *smiles with Sil's lips*
    It's okay.


  48. (@Kess: Zz. When someone snores in cartoons? Zzzzzzzzz... Sleep!!))

    (@Em: Sure. I don't think Rose is decapitated in that timezone...)

  49. You know, it's called The Dying of The Light. But really it should be called The Dying of The Fans.

  50. (Just one timezone. There's two. One with Emerald, one with everyone else. The everyone else one got decapitated. It's Blake's fault.

    Love you, Blake!! <3 )

  51. (Sleep: Maybe we are the light?!)

  52. *flings her onto the bed*
    *reaches for his left arm*
    Everyone remembers Jag...I mean obviously, but no one seems to remember his wife.
    *presses the other sigil and then jumps out the windows as it starts to glow*

    *lands hard on the ground*
    *Jag's wife appears next to him along with her daughter Lily*

  53. Yeah cool Rose, though I'm all out of plans to what to do next so...

  54. *shrugs* Least some of you can. I don't even care at this point, you just get used to never getting anything when you live in the US. Hopefully, which I doubt, the next series will include tours over here instead of Australia, I just always feel like that taunts us. Look we'll send him to Australia, but not America because whatever happened in America happened and because of that we punish the innocent fans! I actually wrote to the US HarperCollins over a year ago, I probably pissed them off because when I tried to send Derek my Sceptre of the Ancients, he never actually got it, and I tracked the book right until it arrived at HC.


  55. *runs after him and jumps out, the black blood receding*
    *plants worry in her voice*
    *lands and rolls*
    *crawls over to him*
    Viv! Omg are he okay?!

  56. Rose2:
    *She looked up at Roland, tears in her eyes*
    Be honest... Do you think he'll...
    *Her voice cracked*
    Make it...? I... He needs to make it... Please tell me he'll be fine...
    *She took his hand in hers again and held it to her cheek. She rested against it, closing her eyes*

  57. Wow is there waterstones in Ireland?

  58. *joins Kessie*
    *brings some Popcorn*
    *holds out bowl*
    Want some?^^

  59. (Levelled Ireland? But cool people live there!
    *Shakes her head at Loki*
    Your sister is odd.)

  60. On a more important subject though: remember those co-ordinates? And the severed arm which was totally not severed just drawn on with a texta?
    Remember how 8 people won that google hangout thing?

    I was one of those people and I'm super curious if anyone else got into that too?

    ALSO I thought if there were any burning questions I could ask them for you.

  61. Has anyone gotten an email from Harper Collins about the mask competition? :)

  62. JW: I don't know, what happened?
    *begins to heal the wound*

    Lily: I remember you!

  63. *He curled his hand around hers as she held it close.*

    Roland: I am not sure. I have never seen illness like this before. Ever.
    Have we tried to see if the child can assist or is it too much of a risk for her.

  64. I mean it's not until Saturday but yeah.

  65. Thanks, Mith! *takes popcorn*

    Congratulations, Izz!
    Would you mind asking what happens if you find out you have magic after you would have hit your Surge?

  66. *looks at Lily*
    Hello child...
    *looks at JW*
    I..I don't know!

  67. I have been checking my emails religiously every five minutes...

  68. I have been checking my emails religiously every five minutes...

  69. Zanida: Well they annoyed me!

    I like when Zanida levels countries, Thor flooded Ireland the other day.

  70. Rose2:
    I don't think we have... But what happens if it is contagious and it gets her too!
    *Tears started to stream down her face again and into Roland's hand*
    I can't do that... I'm scared... He's one of my best friends! If he- if he... I won't be able to take it...

  71. Sure thing Kestrel. I feel useful now!

  72. (I like it when you kiss me. That's what I like. You like your sister levelling countries and I like your kisses and cuddles. And I did hear of Thor having his moment...)

  73. Yay I'm on the first page :)

    And Derek, if you ever read this:
    Would there ever be a chance of you coming to Singapore for a tour or something?
    If there isn't, then yeah, I can understand.
    And I know he's probably not going to reply to this. Still worth a try, though...

  74. Thanks so much, Izz :)
    I have a few more, but that's the one I'm most curious about the moment :3

  75. (You have very bad timing Viv. -_- Bye then. I'll just say she healed you and put you back into the treehouse.)

  76. I like kissing you too, but Thor said he will strike Derek's home with lightning next. Our author had a fangirl attack.

  77. @zaf during the Theatre of Shadows stuff? Finding Silas Nadir and all that?
    Google hangout being the google version of skype, a group hangout with derek was one of the prizes for decoding some numbers.

  78. Bye, Viv!
    And I have to go too. :(
    *disappears sadly*

  79. @Izz: WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  80. (Good Loki. Kissing you is a good past time. Derek's house? Thor? Oh, tell him to record it for me!)

  81. *hugs back* thanks star!
    I have to go to bed soon. so I'll probably only be here for another 5 mins...
    Anybody has a question this is your time limit!

  82. *Roland takes her hand and holds it close to him before wrapping his wing around her.*

    Roland: If Lorcan has beaten this before, he shall do it again. He knows how much he has to lose so he will fight.

    And I have been thinking more about the child being studied. I think it would help us greatly so we can teach her as she gets older.

  83. Thor: *strikes Derek's house with lightning, but frees the cats first*

    There you go, live entertainment.

  84. Hey, um, Izz? Can I ask another? (Feel free to ignore me :3)

    How long was Skulduggery a skeleton before he turned into Lord Vile during the war?

  85. Rose2:
    *She hid her face into Roland's side. Her hand reached out behind her to touch his wing*
    I... I... He has to... He has to make it... And as long as Diablo isn't the one to study Ariana... Diablo is not a nice man, despite who convincing he might be... He'll snag Ariana and sell her to the highest bidder!
    *She shook her head slowly*
    Anyone but Diablo...

  86. Okay, so who is the other American Elders beside myself? -Zafira

  87. I can't bear to ignore you! You seem to be the only one paying attention (apart from star)
    Give me ALL your questions!

  88. *His wing gently brushed up against her.*

    Roland: Then it shall be your decision. As one of her representatives, you have the say on what professional will suit the child.

  89. (*Snickers*
    I so shouldn't be laughing. But he deserves it.
    So... On a completely unrelated topic, did you happen to read what happened to your timezone Rose? About the Antarctic Sanctuary...? See, because we were kinda taking bets how long it would take for you to level Antarctica after you found out about it...)

  90. I would, Izz, if I could think of one right now...
    I bet when you're gone, I'll have tons of questions... that's how my brain works... meh.

  91. ((Good I hope Lorcan dies, then I can have the last laugh as poor Casha has to bury him because nobody will revive him!-Alexis))

  92. Zaf, idk. I probably should, but I'm a terrible Administrator, so

    Taia, thanks, but I think that's it :/

  93. ((I do not even count it, so therefore in my opinion it never happened, and if you wish to count it, that is your loss of cuddle time.))

  94. Rose2:
    *She smiled into his shirt and continued to feel his wing*
    I agree to letting Ariana be studied, as long as ether you, me, Casha or Lorcan are present. But it won't be Diablo doing it...

  95. (Alexis, Judhipor is hanging around. She'll sacrifice herself again.

    Aw... Loki... Now I don't know what to do! I want cuddles... But I've wrote that... And I would loose a bet...)

  96. *His wing brushed up tenderly against her face.*

    Roland: Then you shall decide who studies her.

    And I will always be there for the child. And you if need be.

  97. @mithria Can people still send messages with this thing? I thought that used to be a thing...
    In any case I think I've got my email and tumblr linked to my profile. If you happen to think of a question later you can send it to me ;)

  98. Rose2:
    *She turned her smile up at him and laughed softly as his wing touched her face*
    I'll ask around for anyone willing. And thank you. I really appreciate it.
    *She squeezed Roland's hand for a moment and softened her grasp*

  99. Your choice, if you want it counted, I can easily go back to sleep, I have no desire to count that, to me it was stupid and I have no wish to please either of you. Again, your choice, but know in my world it never happened, so most likely at this point I'll let my author go back to bed.

  100. Hi Dragona!

    I'm scrolling through Tumblr, and oh my GOD. THIS FERGUSON THING IS TERRIBLE

  101. Right now we are asking Izzey to go to bed beause she has school tomorrow. If someone else wants to explain that'd be great.
    Adios Amigos!

  102. (Fine Loki. I'll see you in my morning then.
    *Mutters something under her breath*)

  103. (Why are we asking Izzey questions?!

    Also, preview:
    The fans stand ready in the streets tonight
    Will the evil, author sleeps
    His final book was torture
    And now his fate, he will meet
    The wind is howling like the screaming fangirls cries
    Now the fans all march
    Deep in the night

    Don't let them in!
    Or near me!
    The fans are coming, this will take more than tea!
    Can't deal,
    This is real
    I made them cry!
    Their souls said good bye!

    He must die!
    He must die!
    No way he can survive!
    He must die!
    He must die!
    Cause he ruined our lives!
    We don't care!
    He threw our souls away!
    And now he must fall
    For killing us with Skulduggery

  104. I told you what you can do if you want me to stay, don't count it.

  105. *Roland fidgeted slightly as he moved his wing closer into his back. He put his hands together*

    Roland: I... um... I do not like admitting this but you make me feel nervous. In a good way. And I do not understand why.

  106. (Silente - sorry but I've never heard let it go so I can't like grasp your song. :P)

  107. By Izz!

    Pretty good, Dragona, yourself?

    Storm, because she won a Google hangout with Derek and told us to give her any questions we wanted answered

  108. (Kestrel - somewhere between displeased, happy and bored. I'll be sat on the bus for another hour, I didn't do as well as I'd liked in two of my exams, but I did better than all my friends.)

  109. (Sil. That. Is. Amazing.

    Loki, if your author wants to sleep, then sleep. I don't really care. If she is tired, then sleep.)

    *She settled against his wing comfortably and looked up at him*
    I... Do? I'm not going to hurt you, if that's what your concerned about... I'm sorry about before... With the fight...

  110. Oh, Kessie, that's not nice. Now I typed this whole lot of words explaining why we're asking Izzy questions and you write one sentence and explain it all...

  111. (Oh congrats to her!

    So...any questions? Would that include:
    Are sp vampires counted as demons and can you get rid of them with an exorcism?)

  112. @Izz: Could you ask Derek if there's any chance of him coming to Singapore? :)
    If you do then THANK YOU SO MUCH. *hugs*

  113. Dragona, sounds like fun :/ And congratulations/I'm sorry!

    *pokes Mithria* Haha *runs away*

  114. (I believe vampires in SP were caused by a magical disease. And just because you're a vampire doesn't make you evil. And I think if it was that simple to cure being a vampire almost all vampires would do it. So it'd be mentioned in the books.)

  115. She is not tired to want sleep. She actually is pretty awake. I'm very angry that you are counting it for me, but not Emerald. In my opinion, you ought to count it for her, not me. You know I have no desire to revive you or care it happened, actually it never happened so if you wish to think it did, your loss on spending time with me.

  116. Roland: No. I'm sorry, that is my fault.

    I am not nervous that you will hurt me. I am nervous that I will let my feelings get the better of me and we would both be hurt.

  117. *Pops up behind Flower*
    *hugs her for saying 'Hakuna Matata'*
    *disappears again*

  118. (There's two timezones, Loki.

    Just forget it happened, okay? Smile.

    And. Forget. It.)

  119. Yes, quite hard to forget it when you can't spend time with me because of it.

  120. Rose2:
    I was the one who attacked you... You just defended yourself...
    *She listened to what he said next and blushed a little. She didn't know what to say, so she hid her face in his chest*

  121. (Hey! Loki! Drop it! The lady said forget it happened.)

  122. (*Totally isn't twitching with anger*

    Just get off the damn subject, okay, Loki? It. Never. Happened.)

  123. (Wait, what are you pissed at me for? What did I do?)

    Roland: I am sorry. I did not wanted you to feel embarrassment. I just say what I am thinking.

    *he smiled slightly since the first time he arrived there.*

    I have no stop button.

  124. Fine.

    Zanida: This is exactly why you never piss him off. *goes back to watching Ricci play*

  125. (Loki, I don't sleep. I sleep for about an hour during the day. I spend the rest of my time TRYING to sleep. So that's going to be pretty damn unlikely.)

  126. (*stands behind death and makes a 'mhmmmmm' type stance*)

  127. (I'm pissed at Loki. Not you.)

    *She grinned up at him and tapped his nose softly*
    Is that a stop button?

    (I pissed Loki off, Zan? Well, I'm furious at him.)

  128. *Roland smiled again.*

    Roland: You're exactly like the child.

    (No I'm talking about Loki. Why is he pissed at me, what did I do?)

  129. Rose2:
    *She rolled her eyes and tapped his chin*
    I can be like the child if I want. I didn't get a childhood. I'm making up for it now!

    (Sorry, Em.)

  130. (If this keeps going on like this between me and Loki, I'm going to have to take a break from him. I'm actually so angry right now. I need to hit something. But it's too late to hit anything. Grrr...)

  131. (Whatever Loki. I don't want to hear it.)

  132. (*moves over to Silente, Holding out the Popcorn bowl*
    You want some too?)

  133. Rose...don't do this to me. I am sorry, I should not have let my anger get to me. Cuddle?

  134. (Ugh... two more hours of work. Or rather two more hours of sitting around and doing nothing.)

  135. (I'm sorry, Holmes... That would suck...)

  136. (Not talk to me for the rest of the night?)

  137. (Well, at least I can talk to you guys^^ That makes it much better! Although I'm probably not allowed to do this... nah. It's my last day here, I don't care! :D)

  138. (*runs in and steals the popcorn*)

  139. Loki, you are being horrible. If you weren't Loki and she wasn't Rose, if you were an ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend, I would think you were terrible and she should break up with you. In fact, forget boyfriend, if a FRIEND did that she should be pretty damn pissed at said friend, and a boyfriend is meant to be more than a friend.
    Seriously. Either start treating Rose like she has feelings or . . . something.

  140. (*looks at the popcorn* I gave you a weird hello when I first met you didn't I?)

  141. Roland: So you make me a good nervous and it is worrying to me that I would not be able to keep my emotions under control.

    I would be very frightened that I would hurt you and in turn others would get hurt.

    I am very confused right now.

  142. I won't see you tomorrow night (for me) since my author will be driving home (Zaf will actually legit drive) from the beach. You can have my sceptre for the night. I'd say the cube as well, but I fear what would happen.

  143. (Me and my friend went to Subway today and it was so busy. 0_0 We had to go outside. Which we never do.)

  144. Ok, so just stopping in! I can't stay but just wanna say purple! Also, turns out I do have WiFi but because I'm so busy I'm barely keeping up with all the comments. Also, the black copy is soooooooooooo cool! Good luck anybody who lives where waterstones is!

  145. Rose2:
    *She looked at him, her lips pulled to the side*
    Remember... I do have a boyfriend... But I trust you, if that helps. If I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd trust you not to hurt me, and I, you.
    *She laughed again*
    I'm confused too...

  146. @Dragona: Woah. O_O
    Hey Dugglyn! :) *hugs*

  147. (*grins at Flower* Really, I couldn't care less :D

    *runs after Dragona*

  148. (I don't want your sceptre, or the cube. Tell your author good luck driving.)
