Friday, August 22, 2014

TDOTL Trailer

This time next week, many of you will have the final book in your hands. Most of you will be reading it. Some of you will be finished it.

I am so utterly delighted with the book and how it turned out — I really think it's the best one of the series — and so I am thrilled with the trailer that artist extraordinaire Tom Percival has come up with.

The clocking is counting down...


  1. Well, I'm dead now. Thanks for that.

  2. I. Need. This. Book. Right. Now.

  3. I second that.

    I can't believe we have to wait just a little bit longer, I want it now. Where's the TARDIS when you need it?

  4. Psychage levels through the roof!

  5. I'm soooooo excited!!!!!!!!! can next week come any quicker??? :) :D

  6. 2 things:
    1 this is the closest that I've ever been to the first comment
    And 2. I can't wait for this whyyy must we wait??!!

  7. I'll tell you guys my reaction when I've picked my jaw up from the floor.

  8. Alright so, I'm crying slightly and I can't breathe, but aside from that I'm excited. And scared. And oh dear god its ending, somebody hold me.

  9. Damn....its going to be over. I remember when HP was over...damn...Mom went to the book launch to get a copy at midnight. I'd so be doing that for SP if I could.


  10. .........(O_O)..........

    My. Golden. God.

    It's so very close.

    How many days?

  11. *kisses my emotions goodbye*

    I now have a tissue box labeled: TDOTL.


  12. When I come home today we have to do the Ice Bucket Challenge. Now Derek is totaly getting nominated. Just now need to see if Em will kill me if I nominate her....


  13. (The ice bucket challenge can cause heart attacks.)

  14. (It isn't exactly what you could call healthy.)

  15. Wow.. it looks like a lot of work was put into that trailer

  16. AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! FEELS HAVE BEEN FELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Hi btw)

  17. Don't they mean Combat Accessory ?

  18. Dragona- For my sake, I understand you don't like the idea, but can you please keep your comments to yourself? The whole thing means a lot to me, because I watched my uncle die in front of my face for a year, so any awareness made means a lot.


  19. That awkward moment when you're just watching your cats and they have a better love life than you... :( #foreveralone

  20. I know what you mean Sil...Just not with cats :P

  21. (This is sooooo awkward. The brothers girlfriend is over for the first time (and I sleeping over O_O) and she's so quiet and just hiding in his room...)

  22. (You're bro's gal is sleeping over...? And you're parents are okay with this Sil?)

  23. (Well
    Real Sil=Dead & evil
    Clone Sil=Somewhat surprisingly alive & good.
    The reason behind the good/evil thing is because James muddled them over and stuff. Magic science.)

  24. (@Rhydian correction, my bros gal is sleeping over in his room with a four pack of carling....hmmm...well then.)

  25. (does anyone know?
    the characters, are they confused?)

  26. (yes the parents know and condone this. Along with my brothers smoking. He's 15. If I had anyone sleep over as a boyfriend (not gonna happen no one likes me that way) with vodka and fags I'd be slapped. And grounded. Talk bout double standards.)

  27. (Zafira - it is not the cause which I am talking about. It is the act itself. The charity would benefit more if people would actually give them money, rather than pouring ice water on their head.)

  28. (No the characters aren't confused.
    James separated their souls from their bodies, one imitation soul one real soul, and separated the 'bad' and the 'good.' He then gave the 'bad' soul to Sil and the 'good' soul to the clone. Sophia shot Sil and the clone is still alive.)

  29. (Okay Sil, that sounds slightly odd. neither me or my sister are allowed anyone of the opposite sex to sleep over with us. So her friends who are girls can stay over (duh) but the males, nope. My female friends nope (But my parents know for a fact that I wouldn't never do anything odd) but if I asked if I could have one of my male friends over, they'd probably think weird but suppose it's okay. So yeah, my parents must be scared that me ans the sis will get up to no good *rofl*)

  30. Sleep overs with opposite sex is a hell no, just for the day is fine. -Zaf

  31. (@Rhydian yeah. The same goes for my family. For my sister who, technically, is legally allowed to do that stuff. And then for me and my little brother. Apparently my big brother gets different rules. He gets alcohol supplied and fags supplied.)

  32. (How's everyone this fine evening ?)

  33. (@Sil: He gets fags and alcohol? Wtf? Why does he even want that crap anyway? Smoking is disgusting, and robably will set my asthma off, and alcohol...Why do people wanna get wasted? I wanna get drunk only once, just for the experience, but then no no drink for me.

    Opposite sex sleep overs is a funny area I think, depends on the child. but as long as girls and boys sleep separately I don't really see a problem)

  34. (I have a sore throat a bad cough and need sleep. So I'm fine. You?)

  35. I suppose you may. You may call me whatever you dare as long as I know you're talking to me.

  36. (Hey Rhyd!

    Aww I hope you feel better Sil
    Have a hot toddy! That'll help

    I'm good
    Cider makes everything good )

  37. !!! I'm going to be in London on September 1st for about 11 hours!
    Do you have any ideas for what I can do or where I can visit?

  38. Hello Inky!

    (oh yeah, you too rhydian and dragona)

  39. (@Rhydian see that's what I thought! Wtf?! When we were younger mum was always like 'Oh no you aren't allowed to smoke if you do we'll buy you forty packets and make you smoke them in a row' but what do they do with my brother? 'oh yeah we thought you'd end up smoking have some tobacco and rolling paper' wth?!)

  40. The London Dungeons are amazing Om! You should try that :) but keep in mind that you need to book it

    (Hi btw have we met?)

  41. (Hey Elemental Geek

    I had the weirdest dream this morning that I'm considering to write it as a story)

  42. (@Nom Oh anything?! Can I call you Fred?! Or Soup?! Or retrified beans?!)

  43. @Sil: I don't think that's right, that's quite bad tbh. No offence to them. Why on Earth would they give him cigs anyway?

  44. I'm a londoner.
    Visit the usual attractions, eg. big ben, london eye blah..

    Then uhh.. if you like spooks, go to the london dungeon.

  45. And don't call me Elemental_Geek, call me by my nickname, Egg. I don't have a taken name.

  46. I will visit as much as I can, but as a londoner do you know any cool place no one really knows about?

  47. (Well
    I started at this school an I went to English lot when this misty black spirit thing came and everyone ran, screaming

    I ran up this tower and on the wall was a message 'summon lying and insanity' I summoned these men who turned into dogs

    they attacked the spirit and that's as far as I remember )

  48. I wish Derek was doing a signing in London on the 1st

  49. Writers block again :( Okay does anybody have any really effective-long-lasting ways to kill writers block? Coz evry time I get unblocked and start writing again, I'm lucky if it lass a whole day. So yeah, I haven't wrote anything in about two/three months and it's killing me!!!!!!!!!

  50. (I think I just realised I didn't plan a way to FIX Sil. I didn't make a self exit...)

  51. (I don't tend to suffer from writers block
    So I don't know how to stop it

    My greatest ideas come from dreams)

  52. I get amazing ideas for stories all the time. Got about three/four atm, but I just can't put it down into words :(

  53. Thanks Em! I'm looking into anything you give me!

    As for writer's block, I have it too.

    Sometimes listening to music or doing exercise helps. Like running or swimming

  54. Anyone else going to the event in Dun Laoghaire? Because I was thinking, we should nominate one person from the fandom to slap Derek with TDOTL for all the pain he has inflicted upon us.

  55. No where to run where I live, the chances of getting mugged/attacked are very high. And There's no where to swim around here, and I ALWAYS have my music playing...Hmm, I'll consider the running thing, got a gym at school, I'll just use the running-machine-thing that I've forgotten the name of

  56. (I know how that's like Rhyd 😰
    I have great ideas but to put them into words...)

  57. I know exactly how you feel, Rhydian.
    I suggest you write down the basic idea of your story down before your brain forgets it and then moves on to another one.

    I always regret not having a notebook or phone on me whenever I think of something. I got tiny notebook this summer, and it helps a lot.

  58. I've got So many notebooks and notepads. And my phone lives in my pocket/hand. So I'll try putting ideas down and hope that helps

  59. (I have storage box over storage box of notebooks
    Remembering where I write my ideas ....)

  60. (Sorry bout my distance. My brain is refusing to focus for some reason..

    @Rhydian usually when I get writers block its a poem or another story that's try writing whatever comes to mind no matter how shit it seems? Idk..)

  61. Inside my head the ideas are so vivid and the characters I've come up with are almost real, but when It needs to be put on paper...Nope, they are very stubborn my ideas, and do not wish to move out of my brain

  62. God...

    I hate talking.

    using my mouth is so embarrassing.

    I was just talking to a friend of mine. He's known me a long time, and he's used to it, but still... Why...
    How do people talk good

  63. I slur and stumble... and the more I talk the more confused I get. It's not like a stutter. I find that most people who stutter are geniuses.

  64. (Guys the a story which I've been trying to write for a month now, what sounds better? A warlock or a witch? (It's a supernatural type story))

  65. (As some of you may know
    I can't speak to people
    Mostly strangers

    I had to lead these people around the kennels where I volunteer today

    And I got head butted by a dog)

  66. Rose is kicking him for me, but someone slapping him is even more priceless....I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could get over to Ireland.-Zaf

  67. I guess a warlock.

    I've think that it's not used as commonly as witch

  68. Witches are ace...

    I was just debating coz the term wicth is used a lot and I was just unsure whther it was too overused already or should I change it :P


    So okay! Next Saturday, Midnight Irish time, The Blogland Requim Ball will be held! Spread the word!

    It was decided to do it on a weekend so that all Minions can attend without getting in trouble in school ect.


  70. Okie dokie Zaf!

    I don't even know why people always think that wicthes are evil, and women! Witch is a unisex term, and it actually annoys me how a lot of people are like "they're green and evil" I'm just there like "Do some actual research child" (I call EVERYBODY child. And majority of people I know are older then me haha)

  71. (So, Flick, wanna dewolf da girl? The clone can help out...)

  72. Cool
    I turned 16 in June

    I am now officially a college student as of yesterday lol)

  73. Cool Inky. So that means about nearly exactly a year older than me? Coz June's my B-day and all.

  74. (Yes

    Okay Sil

    I kinda want to turn her back to normal)

  75. (Oh that's fine. Clonie got it.)

    Clone: Christen? Hello?

  76. Omigod just remembered...Rhydian's mortal and I haven't thought of a way to restore his powers. Okay, biggest plot hole I've made

    Hmmm how can me fix this? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *thinking mode*

  77. Christen: *looks up and sees clone*

  78. (@Rhydian *cough*people can't be given magic if they don't have it but there are certain magical properties that can be transferred*cough* any help?)

  79. Clone: Hey er cracked it..
    *holds up a dart*
    Effective 99% of the get rid of all of it....wanna get Flick back?

  80. (Hey Viv)

    Let's get Miss Inky!

  81. Clone: *nods* *opens a portal and hands Christen three darts and a dart gun*
    *loads her own up looking nervous about the gun*

  82. *takes te gun and loads it with the darts*
    Shall we?

  83. Clone: Sure.
    *steps through the portal*
    *outside the cave again*

  84. (Ugh!!! I can't get Oh What a Night out of my head!!!)

  85. *follows and sees the cave*

    Miss Inky?

    INky: *growls come from the cave*

  86. This is really awesome! A trailer from a book, and a pretty good one too! :)

    I am so exited, only too freaking bad you wont have the special edition available in Amsterdam. There live people too :P

    But I can't wait, your books are awesome and I want to thanks you for such creativity and beautiful stories! :) I love them!

  87. ( I can't get the song 'whore' out of mine
    I know it sounds bad but it's sooo catchy)

  88. (

    That's awesome.)

  89. Inky: *growls*
    *pounces towards chris and clone*

    Christen ; miss Inky !

  90. (Jersey boys - can't take my eyes off you )

  91. (Mbd frozen is on...)

    Clone: *dodges back*
    Chris...go! Now!

  92. Inky: snails and bares fangs

    Chris: but it's Miss Inky! I can't leave her again!

  93. I'm trying to buy a phone...

    I'm mostly decided on the Moto G

    any objections or comments?

  94. Clone: I meant use the dart!
    *smiles at Flick*
    Hey friend.

  95. I probably won't be going to the Blogland Requiem Ball this year, but I hope you all have fun! <3

  96. Chris: *ajms gun at Inky*
    *reluctantly pulls trigger *
    *dart hits Inky in the neck*

  97. (Because it seems the Requiem Ball is at MIDNIGHT, I probably won't be on.)

  98. Clone: *nods and steps away as it starts to take effect*

  99. (Byii Viv)
    Inky: *drug flows into bloodstream*
    *pain shoots through body*
    *bones re align*
    *howls become human screams*
    *se looks human apart from ears and tails*
    *mind became clear*
    *falls uncounscioys*

    Christen : Miss Inky!!
    *catches her*

  100. Christen:*holds inkys unconscious form*

    Shall we go?

    *thinks about how much Inky has grown since she was 10*

  101. Clone: Yes. Of course.
    *reopens the portal and gestures for them to step through*

  102. Christen: *stand up and carries Inky through portal*

    Inky : *murmurs in sleep *

  103. Clone: *follows behind them and closes the portal*
    Is she okay?

  104. Christen: *eyes don't leave Inky*
    She's fine... Just needs to rest. where has she been staying? She needs a nice warm bed

  105. Clone: a house cottage thing near a stream.
    *takes them there*

  106. Christen: nice place
    *takes inky into bedroom and places her in the bed*
    *notices the photos on the wall*
    *theres one of him and Inky*

    Miss Inky...
    *to clone*
    I can't thank you enough, Silente

  107. *steps out in a magnificent suit and tie*

  108. Clone: Ah er I'm..not Silente...its a long story..Sil is dead. I'm...I..I don't have a name. But I'm not really Silente...just a copy...

  109. Christen: *arches eyebrow*
    Okayyyy...? What do you want me to call you then?

  110. Clone: most people just call me clone...or Silone...I don't really mind...

    *is dead at El's house*

  111. (I've been here all along. I just had nothing to say. :P)

  112. *sits down next to Leri*
    *doesn't talk*

  113. Christen; okay Silone... Where is silentes body?

  114. Zanida: *wanders around looking for Silente, for Ricci's sake*

  115. (Byii Viv)

    Christen: I don't know what that is

    Inky :*stirs and eyes flutters open*
    *sees chris and Sil*

    C c c chris ? S s s Silente?

  116. ((Hi. Poor Loki...I drove down to get coffee and he had several heart attacks mentally.-Zaf))

  117. *sits up too quickly, everything spins*
    Sil? W w what happened?
    Christy! *leaps and hugs him *
    It's been so long... *whispers*

    Christen : oh Miss Inky *strokes hair*

  118. Clone: *sticks her head out the door and sees Zan*
    Who are you looking for?

  119. Clone: *looks at Flick*
    I mean no disrespect but I'm not Sil..

  120. Clone: Oh er I'm afraid she's....not around...spiritually...
