Wednesday, August 27, 2014

TDOTL Spoiler Zone

You all know the drill.

This comments section is ONLY for people who have read the final book. Even so, when you comment, try to be subtle about it. I'm always astonished that people will happily go reading stuff that has SPOILERS written all over it, and they have no idea what they've wandered into...


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Unknown said...

[Tissues required past this point]

Unknown said...

Are we ready for this? (Passes the tissues)... been an honour serving with you all... And I will keep on doin so... Until The End.

Unknown said...

Oh my god
That was... Absolutely amazing!
Thank you so much for seven years of magic and sarcasm, Derek!

Unknown said...

I'm gonna cry, give me the tissues!

Leigh The Pandasaur said...

I can't do this. It's too much. But I want to so bad. AGH! Getting the tissues ready.

Unknown said...

The dedication at the beginning is undescribably heartfelt; I can truly feel the love emanating from the pages :)

Unknown said...

I have to wait till the 2nd to get the book.


Unknown said...

Good God, I'm going to cry. And I don't even have the book yet. Derek, you are amazing, but I really don't like you. Ugh, it's getting depressing. It's all we/I can think about.

Unknown said...

And you have to change your bio from 'writes' to 'wrote.'

Anonymous said...

I dont know if i am happy or sad

Anonymous said...

Eleventh, thats cool

Anonymous said...

If he's killed Valkyrie, or Skulduggery, or alice, I swear.....I'll....... I'll ......... ummmmm ........ cry???

ThePinkDocMartens said...

Pepper Pig tissues on standby

Xanna said...

Can't believe this is the end.. I don't want to read the book, I just want it to keep on going forever...

Xanna said...

I'll be staying up til midnight waiting for it to come out on iBooks… Who actually has the patience to wait until morning?

Unknown said...

I'm crying just thinking about it. The tissues are on standby. I can't believe this is the end. It's been an honour reading with you guys.

Lucian 'Marethyu' Astaroth said...

It has been a privilege to journey through this series with you guys. Until the end my fellow sorcerers, until the tragic, bitter end.

Unknown said...

An Aussiminion here, just to say thank you derek for an amazing series. Waiting patiently for it to be released in Oz.

Anonymous said...

I'm about to go buy the book - Derek, thankyou for this amazing series, it shall have a place of honour on my bookshelf forever. However, if you decide to make me cry until I swallow my tongue or something like that - I will send a professional team of pelicans over to assassinate you. Again, thankyou. *Sniffles already*.

The Piano Man said...

Just finished my second reading of the book, was utterly amazing. Everything I could have hoped for, and so much more.

Unknown said...

its more a theory than a spoiler (provided you've read all the books other than tdotl), given that the book isn't out yet... but its about saracen's power. after reading the series through again in anticipation of the new book being released, I realised that the only "things" that saracen knows, could all be explained by him having some kind of xray vision, or some way to see through things. in maleficent seven, he can see the person weilding the sub machine gun, in lsodm, he can tell there isn't an army waiting inside the entrance to the English sanctuary, he can tell what rooms are empty, he notices stephanie peeking through a tiny hole in gordons house, he spots the badge of the Sherrif in roarhaven, I've forgotten his name. it could all just be a happy coincidence, but what do you guys think?
also, in the vision of darquesse in lsodm, the reflection says something along the lines of "please work" while looking at something in her hand, the scepter? perhaps she tries to use it on darquesse and somehow breaks it. also,and this is by far the most "out there" of everything which came to me during my re-read, but the unnamed (nameless?) the guy who was briefly introduced in mortal coil, it crossed my mind that he might be a reflection. hear me out, a reflection wouldn't have a true name, and, as the stephanie says,they can't use magic. however, stephanie herself has broken 2 of the 3 rules that are supposed to apply to reflections. I am guessing that the soul of a reflection would be linked to the soul of the person who created the reflection, and through that, it feeds of there magic,but only in such a way to allow it to exist, (in a similar way that zombies are sustained by their own magic, but can't access it) but what if the sorcerer which created the reflection happened to discover their true name? (remember, there was one sorcerrer who discovered their true name that simply disappeared) would that link, magnified by the huge levels of power that such a sorcerrer would have, allow the reflection to also use magic? what do you guys think? like I say, I realise most of these are fairly out there,and they are simply avenues that I might have explored had I been the author of the series.

Anonymous said...

Just got to wait until midnight, when it'll be delivered to my kindle. Snacks, coffee and tissues on standby. Not long left!

The Piano Man said...

I spent the hour leading up to midnight checking and double checking if it was out, then it appeared on my Kindle at about 12:25

Alexa Lawless said...

I've just finished it.

Oh. My God.

There were points where I had to look away from the book because I was scared of what was coming next, points when I actually shouted out loud so angrily that my housemates came in to see whether I was alright.

Derek. You wonderful bastard. That book sent my emotions in every direction. I have been with this series from the beginning and could not have possibly wished for a more thrilling, heartbreaking, spectacular ending.

I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Luciana said...

I'm laughing/crying still about the mistakes thing someone hold me

The Piano Man said...

Mistakes thing?

The Piano Man said...

Actually, I remember you Luciana, I emailed you spoilers about KOTW back in 2012

Unknown said...

108 chapters there goes my sleep

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

AMAZING! I am re-reading this immediately

Ivy Shade: Grand Mage of the Canadian Sanctuary said...

Damn! I have to wait for the 29th to get it because of unfortunate holiday timing.

Ivy Shade: Grand Mage of the Canadian Sanctuary said...

Why is no one commenting? Was there a zombie apocalypse and no one bothered to tell me?

Unknown said...

I've just reached the point where darquesse has been put in the soul catcher, and I'm so tempted to just stop reading,pretend that's the end and that everyone lives happily ever after before derek decides to eat my soul :(

Anonymous said...

Just re-read it. I am blown............
Now that's over, we need movies! Please.

Unknown said...

Yes!!!!! Movies!!!!!!

MonsterMouse said...

Goodbye to my favorite book series.
I grew up with these books.

Jack Wilkinson said...

Absolutely incredible.
Had me guessing at every twist, I never knew who was alive and who was dead and holy crap I just can't deal with this
Revisiting a lot of old locations like the caves and the vault was incredibly nostalgic, it was perfect. I think I'm actually still in shock.

Unknown said...

I can't believe it... i am emotionally crippled from a work of fiction

Unknown said...

Thank you Derek Landy for everything you have done so far, you have changed everyone's perspective on magic and shown that magic just doesn't require a wand. Thank you for naming the main character after me because the name Stephanie wasn't amazing enough.We love you Derek and even though you wrote a series that gave us all different emotions. These books gave us a feeling that even when we were by ourselves we never were alone. Derek you made us minions believe that there is no such thing as fiction, and we thank you for it. You made us pick up your books when ever we could. You let us disappear into a world better than ours(most of the time) and gave us laughs even at the most heart breaking times... and for that we thank you. We will miss this...a lot
From your Favourite minion :p

Unknown said...

Wow that was so ridiculously amazing I am stunned for words (although that is probably because I'm crying to much to talk)! SO MANY TWISTS, so many turns so many revelations!!! It was everything I excepted, except completely different at the same time and was even better than I thought. Thank you so much Derek, for such an awesome experience.

miapenguin21 said...

i`ve only read three chapters but still aaaaaaah
i`m a little confused about the girl in the barn who i`m pretty sure is Valkerie,sorry,Darquesse.
so i must read on thanks derek Landy so mucg for all your writing your truly the best

Kribu said...

That was... Yeah. Best book in the series, and a fitting end.

Even if it did left me a sobbing mess towards the end. (Not ashamed to admit I was actually crying at one point, and quite upset at a few other places.)

Thank you. It's... it's been a hard few years for me, and finding this series (and making some friends through the fandom) has been incredibly important in keeping me going.

I have some - minor - regrets about things that did not happen, and was left with a few unanswered questions I hope we'll get answers to, eventually, once most people have read it, but overall, yeah. Thank you.

Valkyrie108 said...

what happens at the end? someone please tell me!

Unknown said...

......Derek you amazing wonderful jean why do we have to wait here in oz ..... I think I've lost my child but norther the less I will read and desperately follow your Facebook and blog to have a small glimmer of hope that more books are made as amazing like this even though it's not bloody likely and hopefully you will make movies even if I must find you and scream and cry my life out and lose all but a small shred of dignity......

Unknown said...

Ok so basically they all die everything happens in Cassandra vision but they knew it was going to happen and they teleported or shunted from the future or something like that and teleported Darquesse to the faceless ones reality thinking that she destroyed everything but she actually didn't haha then skulduggery volunteers for the accelerator and he puts his hat onto Valkyrie and she calls out I love you a couple chapters later her boyfriend asks her how heroic he was but she says he tricked me and actually threw ravel in instead you should read it it's complicated

Valkyrie108 said...

so do they all actually die?

Jack Wilkinson said...

Yeah nope. Not like that at all, really.
I would be subtle and all to stop the people reading this for the spoilers, but it's already been basically outlined... Please don't ruin this for yourself, if you are here for that.
If you're genuinely confused-
Basically everything from Cassandra touching Darquesse's head to Darquesse opening the portal to the faceless ones dimension was in her mind. The sensitives kind of planted the ideas in her head so Darquesse was basically imagining the whole thing. The goal was to make her believe that she destroyed everything in this reality and became powerful enough to take on faceless ones, and it worked. She used the knowledge she got from the remnants she absorbed to open the portal and step through, where she will most likely die horribly, screaming in agony as ancient gods tear her apart. Also, Danny is not Val's boyfriend. I don't know where everyone got that idea from.

Jack Wilkinson said...

The only thing I really picked up on as unanswered was the thing with Val's blood. In Dark Days, Dusk senses something in her blood. In Mortal Coil, Caelan does too. And in LSODM, Dusk tells her he will one day tell her a secret about herself that she doesn't even know.
We never find out what that was.
Everyone already knows she's descended from the last of the Ancients, so what else is there?

Josephine Augur said...

Ah, finished in time for the requiem ball! And I can't be the only one who half expected Skulduggery to do a Han Solo at the end of chapter 106. ; ) The Arrested Development reference in chapter 50 made me laugh too.

Nevyar Amberite said...

Does everyone Darq kill actually die?

Unknown said...

It has been a pleasure reading this wonderful series from the beginning till the end. This book never disappointed (not that I expected it to) but thank you Derek for ruining my lachrymal glands that were unable to stop my constant flow of tears. I will miss the clever banter and Witt of all the characters and although my heart is in a million pieces right now and I feel like I can't even look at another book, I will continue to read these books over and over again until I can force my unborn children to read them. Skulduggery, you have grown up with me and will continue to do so until my time comes!

Unknown said...

What happened to Skulduggery?He can't leave Valkyrie!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me what happened to china?

Unknown said...

I started reading the book and I promised myself that I wouldn't read the spoilers but my self control really sucks sometimes!!
N now I hate myself!!

Unknown said...

You need to finish the book before u post a comment. None of these comments have been spoilers so carry on reading and get till the end. You will NOT be disappointed!

Unknown said...

Hmm my first comment didnt seem to go through, apologies if this is repeated! I'm not too sure about the type of magic Valkyrie gains after her Surge.. Is it something similar to Darquesse's brand of magic? After all she could see the "auras" that the others' magic had. I've only read through the book once, and rather quickly too. I'll re-read it but as of now this puzzles me

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Page 191 - Oh my god. Poor, poor boomy. (dont question the nickname) no wonder no one would divulge info to her...she'll freak when she reads that.

Luciana said...

When I say mistake thing, I mean Serpine's mistakes.

I screeched.

Why, Landy?! WHYYYY?!
(also thank you omg ily)

The guy who wishes Tigers were magical said...

THE ENDING THOUGH!!! THE ENDING!!! IT WAS FUNNY AND AMAZING!!! IT was emotional and sad but then it turned funny and just described Skulduggery Pleasant. I hope there will be more books like this...

Rosie said...

Thank you for these seven years Derek. Thank you for these characters. This series has practically seen me through adolescence. Hoping to see you at the Bluewater signing

(I've finished the book and I'm struggling to articulate my thoughts into something other than holy sh*t tbqh)

Octave of Violet said...

OH MY GOSH! Derek thank you so much for the best series of books in the universe! Thank you for all the heart break and amazement! It has been amazing!

Anonymous said...

I loved the book so much that I read it all in a day. The immediately regretted reading it so quickly. I've loved the series and I'm a bit upset now that Valkyrie and Skulduggery's story is over. But still it ended the only way skulduggery pleasant could end... With alot of imagination

Unknown said...

derek, you delightful delightful man.this post will contain spoilers right from the end of the book, you've been warned!

I absolutely loved the conclusion to this book derek,the fact that you first made us think darquesse had killed everyone we loved and destroyed the world almost made it okay when you killed skulduggery, I was actually reading the epilogue feeling okay, happy that we got off lightly all things considered. and then when I found out that skulduggery had willingly given ravels soul,I actually started laughing out loud.

I want to thank you derek for writing what has been an incredible series of books that I have loved from the very first word. I hate that it's over, tdotl certainly gave the series the send off it deserved.I have only one complaint, YOU NEVER CONFIRMED MY THEORIES ABOUT SARACEN'S POWER!

I am looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us with your next master piece, and I was delighted to hear its only a year away. do you intend to stick to your usual publication date of august?

Valkyrie108 said...

how does skulduggery die?

Unknown said...

Hello all. As a dedicated SP fan in Australia I extend a desperate plea to any other SP fans in our brown land who knows where or when in Landy's name the book will be available? I scrolled down the page without a single glance and don not intend to find out before I read the book. PLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE any info at all I would be your eternal slave and pray to you next to my shrines dedicated to both Batman and Mr. Landy. ANYONE AT ALL. please. Irishmen and women who have read the book....... you lucky creatures.

sparkle cupcakeprincess 2004 said...

Oh My God I Hate You So Much For Killing Skulduggery...

Unknown said...

Oh my god I hate you Derek Landy you beautifully evil utter genius..I still hate you but yeah, you're pretty damn amazing..

Jack Wilkinson said...

In Australia you can get the eBook now from Amazon or Google Books or probably a bunch of other sites too.
If you don't have a kindle you can still get a free app for it on pretty much any mobile operating system.
Also, my local Big W released it today because they're awful at release dates, so it could be there if there's one near you. Otherwise, dedicated book stores should have it on the first of September.

Unknown said...

Hey jack where is your location im on the gold coast

Reina Zanahoria said...

i hate you derek. you delayed my holiday homework by a whole day. (how can I repay you?)

Reina Zanahoria said...
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Reina Zanahoria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You wonderful bastard.
Thank you for writing these books, I cried like a baby, from both sadness and happiness.
And that ending was amazing.

Unknown said...


Tanith - my baby - is still alive, and honestly that's all I wanted but I seriously doubted I'd get that LOL but I did, so thank you <3

Though tbh a little closure on Vex and Saracen would be nice; and Tanith's views about the whole Tanguine thing LOL but ah well, I'll ask about it at a signing

NoBobIsNotMyUncle said...

Awesome ending to an awesome series!!! I hope you are proud (as you undoubtedly should be) not only of your story but also of your constant use of sarcasm; it's inspiring, people said it was impossible to use that much sarcasm and you have proved them wrong. Congrats for that. You're such a talented writer and I can't wait for 2015 :)

Anonymous said...

Also, that book was far from okay. But it was about as okay as w were gonna get.

And I loved it.

Lucian 'Marethyu' Astaroth said...

OK so that was distressing in so many ways. However it was all OK in the end. Sorta. Not really. But I still think he could make another trilogy about mevolent and the other dimension and bringing the unnamed into the fight. But yeah. However I didn't find myself crying in this book. I think because so many people were dying, and then brought back to life only to die again and all that, I never really believed it when someone died. As such I found Ghastly's death much more traumatising :/

I have only one more point to make, and that is, that although this book was astounding and wonderfully written and brilliant in so many ways, I was left feeling somewhat dissatisfied and uncomplete at the ending. Maybe that's just me wanting more of Skulduggery and Valkyrie and Mevolent and well, everything really, but I hope Derek revisits this awesome series at some point. But then, has asked ever read an epilogue/finale in a book series that they've been content with? Has anyone NOT wanted more of their favourite characters going on adventures and kicking ass ? The answer you're looking for is no. Nobody has. But we have to move on. It was Until the End. And now the End too has passed.

Lucian 'Marethyu' Astaroth said...

Oh right one more thing. That definitely was Derek acknowledging Valduggery at the end there, and no one can convince me otherwise.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for an amazing story, I was so happy with the ending, the revelation at the last few pages made me feel happier than ever. Brilliant end to a brilliant series.

the one true minion said...

I hope this isn’t the spoiler free comments section but if it is I hope I haven’t said anything to spoiler-y ( I apologise if I’ve screwed it up). Anyway-This book truly is a love letter to the series with so many past elements being included creating a great story and great nostalgia. After KOTW and LSODM this feels more like a "classic" or older Skuldug book. The final scapegrace and thrasher scene was one of the best bits and the ending was great, finishing the series in much the same way it started. there is not much to dislike in this book (although it would have been cooler for Val, Darquesse and Skuldug to team up and kick malevolent and vile to kingdom-come but oh-well). The ending is great but I’m not sure if it was better the way it is or if there had been a single chapter summarizing the 5 year gap to find out what happened after the battle and to finish some of the characters stories(something to put in a later edition perhaps) but either way it was a great book - not many books have ever made me teary but knowing this was the end of the story and there would be no more sarcastic wit from Skulduggery and no more flame throwing from Valkyrie is truly sad and I have to admit I got a little upset. That only leaves one more thing to say - Derek - Thank you. You have enriched reading, brought friends together and given your loyal fan base a thumpin' good read. Your lovable ego and friendly nature make you one of the best writers of the modern age and make this one of the best fan-bases ever. So I think I speak for all "minions" when I say thank you and congratulations on making a story that can only be described as “magic...”

The Bloggers said...

Thank you thank you thank you for the ending. I was crying tears of joy rather than sadness, which I never in a million years thought would have happened, you sneaky thing. I'll never forget how much the Skulduggery Pleasant series has meant to me over the years I have been reading it. Thank you again and I can't wait to read your future books. :)
(Also, Tanith survived. If she had been killed I would have most likely started an uprising)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

tbh I was kinda hoping a little closing chapter which would, I dunno, just say what's happening with everyone else. I dunno I just dont feel much closure, though it was a really good ending

Unknown said...


my favourite twists and turns:

China being grande Mage

Darquesse pretending to be Valkyrie

Darquesse inhabiting Stephanie

Valkyries new energy powers

Valkyrie killing Alice

Skullduggery giving ravel to the accelerator

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Derek... thank you. I need closure from this so I feel compelled to leave one last comment. Today you proved that it's not size that matters it's what you do with it that counts! As this book was fantastically crafted by that brilliant brain of yours. Only you could have tied everything together so nicely and with so many twists and turns. To be honest I feel as sick as if I had been on a literal roller coaster but I think that is more the sadness that this is over. It was a beautiful and subtle ending and despite wanting to punch you in the face for leaving me with a million and one questions I'm just happy I get to fill in the blanks with my own hearts desires. I hope I get to meet you some time but really and truly this is great! My eternal thanks - I will proudly love this for many years despite people thinking it odd of a 17 year old girl. Not following the crowd pays off though and this is a series closer to end them all - we've finally reached the end, enjoy the ball you evil genius...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Love the book. Devoured it. Good book but I want to know we're the monsters hunters are and what happens to Saracen and Dexter. Please tell me Derek!

Anonymous said...

Love the book. Devoured it. Good book but I want to know we're the monsters hunters are and what happens to Saracen and Dexter. Please tell me Derek!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

One question: What DID Ravel have to say about me dying? Like..if he ever was told...


Reina Zanahoria said...

Now that my thoughts have been recollected (a day later I may add), I can actually say something that means something.

Wow. Ever since I found the books (a mere three years ago, I was indeed a latecomer) I've been entranced by Skulduggery's wit and I am so glad that's what shone out in the ending.

I was terrified when it looked like he might die- even more so than when the universe was supposedly destroyed- but he came back and now your life won't be destroyed.

Derek thank you so much for these amazing three years of detective skeletons and magic! I wish I could go to a book signing but I live the Czech Republic and I doubt you're going there. Instead I'm sending an english friend and I hope she can make it. Again- thank you so so so much!

Unknown said...

Derek, you're incredible.

Though at first the 5 year after story arch had me confused I learnt to understand it as a sort of teaser. Was this Stephanie Valkyrie or Darquesse? it had me guessing and second guessing the whole way through and it was an incredible way to add to the story line in the grand scheme of things.

I have to applaud you when it comes to your character development of Scapegrace, from the "killer supreme" who would do anything to rule the world to a noble hero who gave up the chance of having an army of dead just so he can go back and see his friend again.

Each chapter had me on the edge, especially chapters that revolved around my star charachters such as China or Tanith as I viewed these characters very vulnerable your "killing ways"

I of course came from this book with a few questions, which is impossible to not have when coming from an ended series and I'll now post them in the hopes that one day you'll reply.

What was Saracens ability? How did he "know things"?

Is Vex still alive? All it would of taken is Valkyrie to take a second to feel for a pulse!

Did Valkyrie leave right away without warning or did she tell everyone and then go?

Why where the two hunters Gant & Jeremiah so fixated on killing Valkyrie, was it pride? were they hired?

Did you go into writing this book knowing Val and Skul would come out alive or were you note sure?

I've literally got tons more and I'd love to have you over for tea one day, but for now I'd like to give you a huge thank you.

These books have been with me through out all my adolescence, I began reading them when I was about 10 or 11 and now I've just turned 17. This world you created was were I got to live in when I was drifting off to sleep, it was the world I thought about constantly and it was the world I could always look forward to learning more about. Though it appears the later is no longer true. And I'll be honest, I've cried over the series coming to an end, I've cried many times while reading your books, but I will say I've laughed so much more than times I've cried and for that I thank you. You truly fuelled my imagination and have influenced me to get into a life of writing.

You are an astonishing writer and I can't wait for what awaits me sitting in Waterstones in 2015.

Just one small request? Give it fight scenes. Lots and lots of fight scenes.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I officially claim the spot in Derek's kitchen to haunt him whenever he goes to eat. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS ARE MINE



Huw said...

I'm annoyed he didn't give us any info as to what happened to Dexter or Donegan. Are we just supposed to presume they're dead?

I was very happy about the flashforward and how I was forced to come up with different theories about which of the three Stephanie was, as each soul moved between different bodies. That was gorgeous writing.

Also when Darquesse killed everyone, the way Derek wrote it with so little regard for their personalities and lives and everything made it really feel like Darquesse would actually kill them. If that makes sense.

Thanks guys, looking forward to 2015!

DARQUESSE!!!!!!! said...

omg ive just read so many spoilers its unbelievable. i havnt even finished the book yet. Then again, my curiosity always got the better of me. im so dumb.

Unknown said...

Different from what I was expecting. Kind of thought Darquesse would succeed in destroying the world but then the accelerator would explode or something and fix everything.

Unknown said...

you know, they could have just used the sceptre to destroy the accelerator and then the supercharged sorcerers wouldn't have been a problem.

Maddy said...

I just finished it.

My god.... That was amazing


Unknown said...

I'm very confused as to Valkyrie's powers now.... is she like a direct tap to the source now?

*deep exhale*

Unknown said...

a somewhat happy ending? derek's gone soft.

Unknown said...

yeah I was like what the only people that died were sanguine, wreath and melenchoilia. Also we don't know if rue, vex, bane or o'callahan survived

Unknown said...

yeah I was like what the only people that died were sanguine, wreath and melenchoilia. Also we don't know if rue, vex, bane or o'callahan survived

Unknown said...

yeah I was like what the only people that died were sanguine, wreath and melenchoilia. Also we don't know if rue, vex, bane or o'callahan survived

Unknown said...

yeah I was like what the only people that died were sanguine, wreath and melenchoilia. Also we don't know if rue, vex, bane or o'callahan survived

Unknown said...

yeah I was like what the only people that died were sanguine, wreath and melenchoilia. Also we don't know if rue, vex, bane or o'callahan survived

Unknown said...

yeah I was like what the only people that died were sanguine, wreath and melenchoilia. Also we don't know if rue, vex, bane or o'callahan survived

Unknown said...

yeah I was like what the only people that died were sanguine, wreath and melenchoilia. Also we don't know if rue, vex, bane or o'callahan survived

Lucian 'Marethyu' Astaroth said...

@Conor Beggs - I think we get the point. But wreath didn't die. That was part of the illusion wasn't it? I could be wrong as I've only read it once. Still a good book tho :)

Unknown said...

yeah sorry for some reason my computer froze and then I clicked post a few times and it yeah posted a few times. No this was before remember when he was chopped up into pieces with the god-killer sword I think

Unknown said...

also correct me if im wrong I don't really understand Valkyrie's magic. When Vile did some blast thing that kick started her surge she became her own source of magic is that it.

Lucian 'Marethyu' Astaroth said...

Ah I see. Hmm I'll check at some point. Oh yup you're right he dead. With the sword yeah. I think so, her magic was purer, maybe even more so than that of the witches and warlocks. But it was the gun that exploded - the magic sucker gun - that kick started her surge, vile just caused it to. Make sense?

Unknown said...

wow i literally cried almost all the way through the end... HOW DARE YOU TORMENT OUR MINDS LIKE THAT DEREK !!!!!!!!

Lucian 'Marethyu' Astaroth said...

@Chiana : with relative ease I imagine. God I was so scared when I thought skulduggery was going to die but the canon Valduggery was really good XD

Unknown said...

I thought that the ending was great and lots of fantastic battles, but one thing still bugs me. In both 'dark days' and 'the last stand of dead men' Dusk says that he knows something special about Valkyrie's blood. we know its not that she is related to the last of the ancients, but was it simply that she would become Darquesse? someone please explain if you think you know.

Unknown said...

Damn great series all the way to the end. Just wanted to know about Sacaren... WHAT IS HIS POWER?

Kriss said...

Fantastic Series, Such a shame to see it finish.
I do like that you've left it open for other side stories, There's still so much about Skuldggery's world we don't understand.
And Kiran Pillai, Saracen Rue knows things

Vivanus Keen said...


Lucian 'Marethyu' Astaroth said...

I'm pretty sure Saracen can see through walls. Just take a moment to think about it.

ThePinkDocMartens said...

I don't think I have cried so much at a book, I ran out of Pepper Pig tissues :'( but I love the book :)

Unknown said...

I finished it.....I laughed so hard I cried when Valkyrie explains to Danny how Skulduggery survived.

Unknown said...

Are we supposed to figure out what dusk knew about valkyrie

Unknown said...

I wish my fav character didnt die :(

Unknown said...

It was a great book but left so many cliffhangers that will never be amswered

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

My favourite book series EVER!!! Well done derek... Well done!

miapenguin21 said...

Derek why do you do this there is still so many questions unanswered.
But my biggest one.
What happens when Valkyrie gets back does Alice remember her and all things relating to that.
Thanks Derek for creating this wonderful real illusion. you had me crying and laughing so much over the years.
i`m really going to miss this

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

This series ending is hitting me harder than I thought it would, and I just... Wow. These books really meant a lot, Derek, and they did a lot for everyone, and. I don't know.

I'm just really, really going to miss it.

Lucian 'Marethyu' Astaroth said...

Yeah there was a lot of unresolved stuff... Other than that it was amazing XD

Jemma said...

Just finished. OH. MY. GOD.
........hehehe, that Accelerator bit, though XD

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

So tonight I had a choice of ploughing through the final read, or watching X-Factor. Safe to say I made the correct choice. And when I closed the book, I laughed. I laughed at the brilliance of his twist at the end (very Skulduggery indeed), the beauty of how 9+ books have been intricately woven together to create such a satisfying finale, the joy of the simple pleasure of a perfectly-crafted yarn. Loved it from start to finish. Thanks Derek, your book series will sit proudly upon my bookshelf for when I choose to take upon a re-read in the future

Unknown said...

I feel like going and kicking a puppy. Why? It's all gone.

Unknown said...

Dear Derek,
I hope you're somewhere reading this. If not nevermind I'm going to continue anyway.
I started reading Skulduggery Pleasant when I was 12 and finishing it now at almost 19 and aging each year that Valkyrie did has been a tremendous journey.
My eyes and head are still sore from keeping up with my tradition to finish each new book the night I get it. And its reprecussions on my heart are even worse you evil, sadistic, genius bastard. But I can't get over that this is done, the ride is over. I feel as unfulfilled as when John Travolta died in Pulp Fiction, you know when Bruce Willis surprises him in the toilet? The movie ended in epicness but you're haunted with the fact that that's where epicness ends, that was their last job and theres not even hope of future adventures for them. My imagination will always run wild with Skulduggery Pleasant character's future adventures, fanfiction, you know- the works. But the fact that I won't read them in your style anymore is like that ending. Haunting. So do you know what this means? Write a new series. Entirely different. Not even the same world. I dare you. I double dare you. You've written this for 7 years? Now you've ended it for us and you shall leave it too. Give me something else to read every year... and don't disapoint.
Yours sincerely a girl you once met in that little Beecroft bookshop in Australia. She's 18 now and she expects to see you again.

nella09778 said...

Thank you derek for creating the only book serious that has had me completely captivated the dying of the light has ended the serious perfectly its everything I hoped it would be I now feel satisfied and very sad at the same time
I love that you ended it in a way that if you wanted to you could hopefully return back to this series in the future I cant wait to read whatever book you write next so thanks derek for the best series I have ever read

Raven Astracae said...

Hi Derek,

Can I be one of possibly many to say, dear god you are a messed up man. I mean.....when you ticked me into thinking all those.....things happened to all those.....people. That messed me up, might I say if someone dies because I am now psychologically disturbed, that poor dead person has you to blame. Mostly me, because in the end I was the one to kill him, I was the one who delivered the killing blow, I am the one who is permanently dishelved, but you, you were the one to do this to me. So all in all I guess the poor dead kid has me to blame, and mostly me, but just a smidgen of you.

You see beside the fact you were a little sadistic, crushed multiple dreams of mine and made me want to punch a wall, you are.....the best thing that has happened to me bookwise, in my entire life. In fact, despite the fact I think I want to hit you, you are my favourite person in the entire world. Besides my family, close friends and a few enemies of mine.

I think I'm trying to tell you I love you even though you killed him, and them and then did those things to those guys, but I guess they had it coming but....a child. A child Derek!

Well Derek, thank you. For everything. For putting the doors are for people with no imagination quote. For not killing Skulduggery or Valkyrie. For writing the series. For writing a series in the future.

Well, you said, 'Until the End,' but the end is so far away it's not even worth mentioning. The beginning, however, the beginning is so close. We've just hit the first thing in a long road ahead.

Keep on keeping on.

I won't say goodbye, because now is far from it...

See you later,


Unknown said...

So what happened to the monster hunters, Dexter and Saracen?

Unknown said...

I'm gonna go ahead and believe they survived, because that's what they do. They go on suicide missions and survive. The Monster Hunters have that dragon to look at; they survived to see that too.

I mean obviously we dont actually know, because it didn't say, but... In my 'verse, they all survived c: Sexter has to become canon innit

Unknown said...

So... I guess here we go...

Unknown said...

Derek Landy, this is my message to you: (I just used a colon, whooptedoo!)
So the first thing I have to say is, even though you're an evil, bullyish, horrible cretin for doing everything you've done to me, YOU are what has made me love Irish people!!!
Here's what you've done to me: (and again, aren't I special)
First there was caelen (or maybe there were other things before b I m, but let's start with caelen) why was he demented, I loved caelen.
Why oh why was travel evil, and then a coward (thanks for killing him at the end there though, he deserved it)
May you be forever cursed for what you did to shudder, you had to kill someone important, I was ok(not really) with ghastly, but how you killed shudder... there's a special place in Norway for you now)
Why spingheeled Jack???
We're never going to know Saracens power if he's dead even if you do more on it, he and travel were the only two people who knew it...
Vex? Donegal? Gracious? Dai? What happened to them (and anyone else I forgot)???
Why Wreath???
Melancholic, fortify, she was cool, but it was happening.
The saddest moment for me, in the ninth book was Billy-Ray Sanguine choking on his own blood!!! I shall curse you forever for that!!!
Honestly though, I thank you for the 7 wonderful years of awesomeness, no pressure in 2015, but if you get it even slightly wrong, I shall send a rabid panda to hunt you for the rest of your life until every shred of life has drained from your body... I can't wait!!!

Chione Asahina said...

Ok please say my baby didn't die. I cried out his name when he got possessed. Then I had tears in my eyes when Tanith got her memories back. Then cried when skulduggery was going towards the accelerator. I did not cry as much as I expected, and no one I love died. Apart from Ghastly and Anton. I still hate you for that.


I love you Derek. I love you, you are the best author ever. You didn't kill anyone. (that I liked) not really.

Jaz Thompson said...

Derek, thank you for creating a book series which not only has the power to make us laugh, but also to make us cry. Let me tell you, that is a very hard thing to do. I have devoured the final book within a two day period- partly because it was impossible to put down. So thank you for making Skulduggery Pleasant such a massive part of my life. I don't know if you remember me from the Ringwood signing but this is what I said:
Derek, you're AWESOME!
I stand by that.

Unknown said...

But sanguine...

Sorrowed lucifer said...

god dammit landy my eyes are all sadface! goodbye skulduggery the mentor of my childhood and the only book series i never wanted to end.

miapenguin21 said...

you know what everybody
says about saracen rue and what his power is, well i know
i was at a fan event today and at the Q&A i simply put up my hand and asked what is saracen ruses power.
derek told me that saracen rue was dereks taken name and that saracen knows things becuase he is derek landy himself and the writer obviosly knows things so your welcome

Unknown said...

The Black Cleaver v Sanguine showdown. I have been waiting so many years for something like that. Perfect.

rawr_xoxo said...

Hours after finishing and I'm still walking round in a daze.
God damn book hangovers.
This one shall be the equivalent of the long years spent with Harry Potter.

Skulduggery has been a huge part of my life and I seemed to have only realised that at the final page.
My heart, nay, my soul is half filled knowing that even though all my favourite characters are alive and well. I will no longer hear about them and their thrilling adventures and escapades to save the world.


And on a more serious note:
Will you possibly be doing a site where youll still post about all our favourite peeps. Like short stories and stuff.
Think about it.
You would never have to leave them.
Neither would we.
You could write Such person's encounter with said 'Gods' and how it all went horribly wrong(or you could be cruel and say she lives).
You could finally tell us Saracen's power. Or not. But hey, itll be a story about Saracen. Everyone wins.
You could write another western.

To like, soften the blow? It's not like you to be completely hearltess after all.
I know how much you care about us all really.
*sly wink*

I shall also be getting "Doors are for people with no imagination." tattoed on my glorious being.
So that Skulduggery shall be that much closer to me.

Love you Derek!
Can't wait for the new series!

Jemma said...

I find it hilarious how long it's taken for the comments to fill up.

Unknown said...

This is war...

miapenguin21 said...

read my comment above yours you find out what saracens power is.
why has nobody bothered to look at my comment

@RaisingCain_ said...

tbh I thought it was really perfect exept for dexter, that was not okay

Unknown said...

Right Derek here are all the things you left unanswered one of the books ( I honestly can't remember which one) Cassandra mentions Valkyrie will get another boyfriend however no person is mentioned as loving her the closest thing we got was Danny who isn't here girlfriend for anyone who's asking he's just a guy stupid enough to go snooping in a murder attempt.

2. What happens to scapegrace and Gerald do they rot in their old bodies?

3. What is Valkyries new power? It is described as pure and from the source so isn't she tectonically a witch?

4.what is Sarecans power? Is it to complicated Derek didn't want to baffle our minds with it or does he not have a power and is a mortal who cam to make a huge difference in the magic world.

5. This is just for my personal interest but why were all the imaginary deaths so gruesome whilst Stephanie's (reflection) was just pure choking eg. Rupturing fletch ers heart, taking apart Valkyries parents, smashing every bone in Valkyries body. I hope the faceless ones give her what she deserves

6. Will their be a movie?

7. Finally a question every fan will want to hear the question yes to. Will we ever return to the world of skulduggery pleasant? Will we ever hear of the skeleton detective and his teenage apprentice again? If not goodbye to truly one of the best book series of this generation what showed true magic apart from the mere illusions in our world and goodbye to Derek's array of characters that every fan has grew to love because of their wit and sheer mystery behind them like skulduggery and his past or Fletcher and his haircut and to sanguine who confused everyone to who's side he was on.

Derek has truly outdone himself with a series of books that got better with each instalment also a bit more confusing each time I mean the last one downright baffled me with what seems to be the end of the world but isn't?

Anyway skulduggery pleasant was one of the few book series I actually enjoyed and unfourtantly every series has to end and in this case it went out with a bang.

So all that's left to say is dammit waterstones closed down at the metro centre like a year ago.

@RaisingCain_ said...

Until the End tho.

Jemma said...

After all the work I put in organising Skulduggery posters and a party to celebrate DOTL in my school library, the librarians are giving ME the posters!!!
That's right Derek, now I will have a 3x2.5 foot poster of your and Skulduggery's FACES on my bedroom wall, as well as the book cover and countless 'Darquesse is coming' posters, several of which are bigger than my little brothers.
I'm still getting over a certain person's DEATH, for which I will never forgive you. And I'm still mad at you for SCARING ME, with those two misleading bits near the end!
You cost me 13 hours of sleep! Granted, they were 13 very thrilling, exciting, heart-wrenching, coffee-filled hours, but I expect you to make it up to me by making your next series as amazingly fantastic as this one was, filled with characters as good as the ones in Skulduggery.
I have read many, many books in my time, but to this day the Skulduggery Pleasant series by far has the best characters. All the other books I've read have maybe one or two characters I like, but with Skulduggery I love them ALL! ...That kinda sucks when you think about it, cos you kill so many of them. But... it's worth it. Worth the heartbreak. Just getting the privilege to know these characters makes it worth it.
And as for your next series, I will most definitely be among the first with a copy. I'm sure I will find many wonderful new characters of yours to love. DO NOT KILL THOSE CHARACTERS.

@RaisingCain_ said...

It has been great.

Unknown said...

Hi Derek,
I have never ever posted a comment on one of your blogs before, but I just finished the last book and I want to say a couple things.

Firstly, the last book was amazing, utterly amazing. It was the best book for me so far, mainly cause of the elements you bought in from the past books and how most, if not all the characters returned. There were some jaw dropping plot-twists, and it all escalated into a fantastic display of dazzling ideas and magical wonder.

I would of liked some closure from Saracen, Dexter and The Monster Hunters, I don't know if they're dead or alive. Also, Tanith's thoughts on the whole Ghastly and Sanguine thing.

My thoughts on Saracen's power would be a radar of some sort. He can sense a specific thing when he needs to. X-ray vision would work, but that doesn't explain how he knew people were going to assassinate him, Ravel and Ghastly in LSODM. So yeah, magical radar haha.

It would be cooler if Mevolent actually came in to the main reality and had to be shut down in some way, but I can only dream right.

I look forward to your brand new adventure next year and what surprises you bring us. I like you, a lot, Derek.

Yours Sincerely,
A 16 year old boy living in Melbourne, Australia.

Unknown said...

Jonathan Marran, I have an answer to one of your questions. The reason Darquesse's killings/imaginary killing, became more gruesome is because she got more powerful and had less regard for human life. Before, she wasn't, May I say it, a world killer, but towards the end, that's all she wanted to do. Also, the way she kills them all (imaginarily, which is now a word) is just with a flick of her wrist and whatever, cause she's so powerful, if you think about in mortal coil, how she killed most of the remnants... it was always her way of doing things.
Hope this answered your question, but can I just say how awesome it is to chat to other fans of the greatest series on earth, it's an honor, and also where I'll find the best and littlest conversation!

Unknown said...

So that was supposed to be wittiest, but you're clever you knew what I meant right?

Unknown said...

Now Derek is going to torture us all over again (in 2015)

In 2007, Derek introduced us to a world of Murder, Magic and Monsters.

In 2015, He's going to do it all over again.

Brave new world
Brand new story
Same old Derek


Unknown said...

I finished the book on the day it came out but was too emotianally wrecked to post a comment :(

Derek thanks for this. That was a seriously awesome ending, if I don't mind saying so myself.

SP is finished. Wow. Don't think it's hit yet. Waiting for movies now (and if they're nothing like the book, i will personally send a flock of intestinally challenged peacocks to torture you)

Unknown said...

I've been reading the Skulduggery Pleasant series since I was 11. Next month I'll be 17.

Thanks for an amazing 6 years of humor and wit and sarcasm.

Derek - not trying to blow up your ego any more- thank you for the BEST BOOK SERIES I HAVE EVER READ.

Also, I kind of hate you for making me think Skulduggery was dead.

... But he's not, so I guess we're good.

Unknown said...

Actually, skulduggery is kinda dead... just saying...

Anonymous said...

To Derek,
thank you so much for all you've done. Every year, I wait for the release of Skulduggery Pleasant and read it. It is my favourite series in the whole world, and I think I will never ever outgrow it. I love Skulduggery,and I'm sad the series has come to an end. I feel so sentimental now. But I shall await your new series in 2015!

Unknown said...

This is my first time commenting on any of your blogs Derek but I must say;

This is by far the best book yet. It may not be my favourite (that honour will always go to Mortal Coil) but it is the best written, the most suspenseful, emotional and nail biting book of the lot.

I finished the book earlier today and I must say this is the first one of your books I couldn't bare to finish. I read the first 60 or so chapters within two days of buying it but I was so nervous about who would die and what would happen I went at a snails pace reading the last 30 or so chapters, I really didn't want this series to end.

I have given much thought to the ending and I must admit it is the perfect ending for such a series. Sure there are some unanswered questions and we do not know the fates of some of the characters but I feel like it is better that way as it can leave us to come to our own conclusions and keep our interest alive even after the series has finished.

I was also pleasantly surprised to find that the final death toll was not as bad as I first feared. I mean Sanguine, Wreath and Stephanie (whose death really hit me harder than I would have expected it would) were pretty important but characters such as Tanith, China, Fletcher and of course Skullduggery and Valkyrie were thankfully kept alive. In a way that was the biggest twist of them all you really had me fooled into thinking it would literally be only Valkyrie that would end up surviving.

Unknown said...

It's funny that Darquesse was going to save the world. Then they kill her. LOL. Of course she comes back to destroy it

Unknown said...

It's funny that Darquesse was going to save the world. Then they kill her. LOL. Of course she comes back to destroy it

Unknown said...

Celestial DraTerion I think maybe he possibly saw them acting suspicious

Unknown said...

Jonathan Marran I think that Valkyrie didn't get a boyfriend cuz the future changed

Unknown said...

Jonathan Marran I think that Valkyrie didn't get a boyfriend cuz the future changed

Unknown said...

*sincerely hoping for a new-cover paperback that comes with a short story that wraps up all the loose ends*

Dovetale said...

Oh my gosh........

I cant believe it, I actually cant. Its all over. I mean Skulduggery pleasant was one of the best book series I ever read, and one I loved sincerely. one of those where you wish you were in there with the characters and you know them like real people. And now its all gone.

Don't get me wrong the end was fantastic, so Skulduggery.
But it still hurts to leave it all behind.....

But well done,i loved the ending.

Dovetale said...

I do wonder though, what next?

Unknown said...

Okay so I finished the book 2 days ago (still traumatized).

Derek, when I saw the Dying of the Light appear on my kindle, I laughed like a lunatic. While reading, I smiled and grinned and pretty often (all the dramatic twists and turns or when Darquesse "destroyed" the world) I was just holding my breath. (or yelling, kicking, whatever)

And then the sad bits came and I cried. (I don't cry okay. never. I didn't even cry while watching Titanic). And then in the very end it turned out that Skulduggery DID NOT SACRIFICE HIMSELF I WAS LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING MEEEHHHH and then I laughed and cried (good thing my folks weren't at home) and then it ended and there was that parallel thingy to the end of the first book. Wow and then I cried again. I hate you so much. No wait, I actually love you so much.

I've never commented on here before but now I just had to.

Derek, thank you for writing this brilliant series. I've been reading since I'm 11 and now I'm almost 18 and yeah it's really hard to say goodbye to all that. I grew up with SP, I always kept looking forward to Spring or Summer because I KNEW there would be a new book. SP is my childhood OKAY. And I loved the fact that every book became more brutal and bloody, YUM.

pleaaaseee ... maybe ... when you are reallyy bored (and I know you probably can't let go of SP either) prettyy pleasseee continue giving us a short stories once in a whileee gaaaahhh I need to know what happened to some other characterssss *cries* okay sorry I'm embarrassing myself.

What am I gonna do with my life now?

Ash McFluffy said...

Well, I cried at the end.

Cheers Derek. When I picked up this book six or so years ago in the school libary, I have to admit, I was hesitant. A skeleton detective? Teenage apprentice? I didn't know what to make of it. But I'm glad I made of it anyway.

It's kinda cliche`, almost embarrassing, but this book helped me get through school. That and music. But I'm suffering from an eating disorder I developed when I was fifteen, and it got so bad I had heart troubles and started passing out. And I thought, man.What am I going to do? Then I read Mortal Coil, saw how strong Valkyrie had gotten, how confident, and I gotta say, I was jealous. But inspired! My role model had become a fictional character in my favourite book. Which is a tad weird, but pretty cool, because she had been so relatable throughout school.

Six years on and I'm still here, the only one who graduated from my school last year, on the track to university with big, big plans in mind. And it's pretty cool, even though my life might not be as exciting. Because, like what Val said, you don't have to be magic to change the world. And I will.

Thanks Derek. I dunno if you'll read this, but your book's awesome and I hope to meet you when you come to Melbourne. Kinda a dream of mine. That'd be awesome.

Unknown said...

My only regret is that there wasn't enough Mevolent for me. I really wanted Darquesse to kick his ass fully this time. And I wanted her to fight a faceless one, and of course kick it's ass too. If I had written it I would have had Darquesse somehow defeat Mevolent and take his body. Now that would be something, wouldn't it. Mevolent/Darquesse combo... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Unknown said...

Leo Thomson I do agree I mean Darquesse in Mevolent's body would be one of the best villain combos ever hover I think Derek didn't do that because he would have think of a way for skul and val to defeat one of the most powerful sorcerers ever to live combined with a person with powers almost at the level of gods. It would take a while to think of a reasonable way for them to defeat it.

Unknown said...

I have noticed no ones mentioned echo Gordon's death I mean I know Gordon what's already technically dead but it was Valkyries reaction to his death that hit me the hardest and it had to happen in those torturous caves as well

Unknown said...

The best ending ever!!!

No one dies!
Everyone gets married to each other and have babies
Hamburgers rain from the sky everything's a Dream

(Grand Mage)/Lord of Leitrim said...

Oh my god. Oh my god. I finished the book a few days ago and like everyone who read it, i wanted to throttle you repeatedly with a crowbar. But after the anger and shock of the ending, i sat back and wow. That is amazing. Every single thing that makes an awesome book and a great ending. That's hard. So i think that it is my favourite book ever. And I've read over a hundred books but this one is....indescribably good.

Unknown said...

Hi Derek
This is the first time I've ever commented on your blog, which I've been reading for years, but never found a subject which I thought was suitable to bring up. However, I think that if there was ever a subject worthy of the comments page on the blog of our Golden God, it's got to be this. Here goes:

It's been two days since I finished Dying of the Light. Two days since Skulduggery Pleasant, a series I have adored and looked forward to for eight years, ended for me. And suddenly I know what being in denial feels like.
The fact that this is over still has to hit, so when I think about what I'm looking forward to for the next year, always among the list is "the next Skulduggery". I feel this is a testament to the amazing world you have crafted, whose characters still haven't left me and hopefully never will. This series has probably been the highlight of every year for me, and no other author has managed to mirror the drama, pacing and incredibly clever humour that you've used from the beginning.
And, on a strangely patriotic note, I really liked how it was set in Ireland :D
So, Dying of the Light. It was quite possibly my favourite book in the series, even though it wasn't quite as funny as the others. I loved how the tone of the series got slightly darker with each book, and DOTL brought that to a head in way that, while displaying more gore and brutality that the others, still felt like its' plot carried (even) more weight and brought on "the feels" in a tidal wave that crushed you with every twist of the book. It was absolutely superb.
I could go on about this for much longer, but, as I'm sure there are many other commenters who will post rants similar to mine, I'm going to end this soon. But I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you on behalf of all your minions for the incredible world you gave us, the amazing characters that we fell in love with, and the humour that made us laugh until our tongues were ripped off and came shooting out of our mouths. And nearly as importantly, thank you for giving us an ending that, while surprising us, brought a satisfying, and in a way happy, ending for a series that deserved one more than any other. Oh, and it was really funny. Classic Skulduggery.
I will be reading your next book as soon as it is published, and will keep my ears pricked up for news on the movie. It will happen. Right?
Thank you so much

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...




Unknown said...

Wow, what an amazing, fitting end to this incredible series we've all grown up reading, I first started when I was 8 even though the books are 9+ because I'm gangster like that :'D and now I'm almost 16 and as manly as I like to think I am I have to admit you almost moved me to tears, thank you for everything, I can't believe its over but all good things must come to an end. At least the ending was one which saved any of us from throwing ourselves off a bridge out of despair. Obviously this is you ending it and moving onto your new project which we are all remarkably excited for, but one final short story to tie off loose ends wouldn't go amiss pleaseee?

Thank you for everything, your books made life that tiny bit more bearable and I know they hugely improved my vocabulary, whether everyone else's was improved as such or not I don't know, and I care not :) I know you're Derek but I like to think of you as Gordon too, so bye Gordon, and see you in 2015 Derek

Unknown said...

No zombie apocalypse, just everyone is in shock from finishing TDOTL.

April said...

Mr. Landy,

My daughter never read a great deal on her own. She is amazing and clever, but she never enjoyed reading. I have begged, bribed, and bossed her into reading since birth. It was a fight for what was in her best interest. I just could not find anything that interested her so much that she would be motivated to read of her own accord.

Then she crossed paths with Skullduggery. She read like mad! She watches eBay to bid on this last book you are releasing because you signed it. She saved $60 of her own money (she was WAY outbid when it hit over $400!) to own your signature on that copy. She talks about the book and characters. She makes inferences and predictions about what you will write next. She looked for you online.

I say all that to say thank you. Thank you for creating a world with strong female characters like Tanith Lo and China Sorrows. For creating rich plots and mad humor. For creating driven characters that my child could fall in love with and helping her love to read. It means a great deal to me. To see my daughter's joy in reading is priceless. Mr. Landy,

My daughter never read a great deal on her own. She is amazing and clever, but she never enjoyed reading. I have begged, bribed, and bossed her into reading since birth. It was a fight for what was in her best interest. I just could not find anything that interested her so much that she would be motivated to read of her own accord.

Then she crossed paths with Skullduggery. She read like mad! She watches eBay to bid on this last book you are releasing because you signed it. She saved $60 of her own money - the last bid we saw was $400+, so we had to stop- to try for that signed copy. She will own a copy never fear, just not the $400 copy!

I say all this to say, thank you. Thank you for strong female characters like Tanith Low and China Sorrows. Thank you for relentless humor and purpose driven characters. Thank you creating something my daughter fell in love with. She makes predictions about what you will write next and why you wrote what you have. She loves reading your work! It is so amazing to see her love reading so much. Thank you, sir.

April said...

My device dropped signal and I thought it lost the post! So I wrote parts twice. I deeply apologize!

Derek Landy said...

April, what a lovely post to read! I'm gonna tell my mum now and she'll be ever so proud of me...!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I have a daughter, but she can't read! No, wait... Which are the ones that have hair all over their body and walk on four legs? Dog! Yeah, I have a dog...

LE said...

Dear Derek,

I am about to turn eighteen, and so I guess it's only fitting that the last book has finally come. I've been joking that it's the death of my childhood. Well, I think I'm joking at least. Skulduggery enabled me to make my best friend at a time when I thought I was far too odd to even talk to her, and I don't know quite how to describe what these books have meant to me. There's just a weird aching in my chest- hopefully I'm not abut to have a heart attack... Anyway. You are an amazing human being and I'm so glad to have met you and read you and now there's going to be a massive hole in my life (no pressure for this new series!). I want to write the alphabet in every combination possible to express something that I can't pin down, but I appear to have entirely run out of words.

So just thanks.

Until the end,

Kerry Blight said...

I can't believe I'm only commenting now! I finished the book ages ago!! I can't begin to explain my gratitude towards you Derek! Before Skulduggery Pleasant, I didn't read as much as I do now.(Though other writers are nothing compared to you, but I was willing to give them a chance.) All the best in your future endeavours,
From a true Minion.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I just finished the book, two days after procuring it. In the twenty hours since I bought it from the bookshop, it has sucked up any and all of my free time.

I must say that it is a masterpiece of writing. Anyone who knows me will tell you that emotionally, I'm as hard as old boots filled with nails. But this book, with its twists and turns and horrible deceptions really hit me in the feelings.

And the dedication that you showed to your fans in this book really made me happy. Consistently throughout my time among the ranks of your blog minions I have been repeatedly amazed at how highly you value your reader base despite your success, and your stance on the events that transpired within it recently(ish) could admirable at worst.

Thank you. It's funny how much your books have influenced my life. Because of them, I have known fabulous people from across the world, and because of them, I managed to navigate my cat's death in a reasonable and supported manner. Also I know that someone in the world has a Cpt. Cat, and that makes me very happy. So thank you Derek. Not just for writing your books, but for everything that happened as a result.

A pardody of ABBA's Thank You For The Music just popped into my head, except about books, but I think we're all better off not hearing that.

And once again, thanks.

Unknown said...

I actually hugged and kissed the book in praise at the end, I hadn't expected out golden god to be so kind! I was in tears until those last few pages you brilliantly evil man :)

And can I just say that the way you killed her, yes HER, was so dark but even though it had me in tears I loved it. And the fact I was in tears after wanting her dead when starting this book was amazing okay, totally didn't expect that.

Hats off Derek, hats off :)

Unknown said...

Is Val's magic a weaker but purer form of the Sceptre?

Unknown said...

I am not gonna lie. I cried. A LOT. Not because of the people you killed, (or nearly killed), but because of the simple fact:I will never see Skul-man or Val ever again. I can read the books again but i will never learn anything more about them. That fact haunts me every night. The characters in your book were my idols. They were my heroes and villains. It didn't matter if Valduggery didn't die. At the turn of the last page, everyone died. I thank you Derek. For everything i learnt from these magnificent books. It truly was Until the End.

miapenguin21 said...

i can`t believe people are still asking what saracens power is
it is one of my posts
people need to start reading other peoples posts

Unknown said...

Derek, you already know that, but you are amazing. You git me on the wrong track so many times in this book, I was screaming "Derek, what have you done?" just to be laughed at the next moment. I like imagining you laughing at us and our imagined faces while writing TDOTL. You are a true genius which you know and I wanna thank you for healing my soul in the end after damaging it so effectively beforehand. Thank your for Skulduggery Pleasant, Valkyrie and all thw other wonderful characters. You also gave me my favorite bad guy although you did not treat the poor guy well. Thank you for all the years I had something to look forward to no matter how terrible I might have felt during some times of the year. I now have to lie down and process that this is really the end.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

For the people wondering if Saracen survived: middle of page 520. He's alive.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I should delete that, shouldn't I?

I mean, I know I should, but I don't think I'm going to.

Apologies to anyone who reads it.

Unknown said...

It says saracen's there, but he's hooked up to a respirator, which means chances are he's nearly dying, who says he survives that...

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