Wednesday, July 16, 2014

To Clarify...

Poor Aby and Cory and everyone over at the Skulduggery Facebook page. They've been hit with a barrage of questions about the Requiem Ball and they've been so great about it, but I finally felt sorry for them and decided to clear up a few things here.

Let's see now, what kind of questions have they had to deal with...?

"Why is the Requiem Ball in London? Derek's from Ireland. The books are set in Ireland. HELLO??"

This is absolutely true. However, in Ireland we have the Theatre of Shadows. In London we have the Requiem Ball. That's just the way it is.

"The Facebook page has a competition to send them a picture of the mask we'd wear to the Ball! Do we have to make it or just design it?"

Either. If you win tickets you'll need to be wearing a mask — one you make or one you buy, it doesn't matter — but for the competition you just have to design it yourself. And the mask can be as simple or as ornate as you like — as practical or as bizarre. It can cover your whole face or part of your face. You can buy a mask and alter it. It's up to you. You don't even have to be artistic — you just need to be passionate. The deadline is August 10th and there's only one entry per person.

"How many tickets do we get if we win?"

Everyone who wins gets two tickets — but those under the age of 18 can get an extra ticket for a parent/guardian.

"I can't make it to London for the Ball! But can I enter anyway, just for the Event Pack?"

Yup. There'll be lots of you in this particular boat — not only in Ireland and the UK but also all around the world — so don't be afraid to enter.

"It's not fair that all the events are always in Ireland and the UK."

Actually, it's pretty fair when you think about it. Harper Collins UK publish me in Ireland and the UK, so naturally they can only organise events for their own territories. They've been wonderful, actually, in doing their best to include as many people as possible. I hate leaving anyone out, I'd love every competition to be open to everyone and for every country to have cool stuff happening, but that's up to the many publishers who release my books across the world — and there are close to 40 of them.

"How many individual tickets are there?"

Approximately 120.

"Would we have to make our own way there?"


"Is there any age limit?"

No upper age limit, but anyone under 18 would need a parent or guardian to accompany them.

There will be other opportunities to win tickets — the Facebook mask competition is merely the first — and it's a pretty cool one.


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Jophiel said...


John said...

(So if she kills you not my fault c: *Sits still and allows further cuddling*)

Jophiel said...

(I am cuddle dinosaur...)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(So the kids wanna see The Avengers.-Zaf

John said...

(*Cuddles the cuddle dinosaur* Rawr? :P)

Jophiel said...

(I'm liking these kids... Good taste!)

(*Snarls at Blake*

John said...

(B- but you were just... ;-;)

Jophiel said...

(*Pokes Blake*

John said...

(*pokes back halfheartedly* ;-;)

Jophiel said...

(*Cuddles Blake sadly*
Me was jokey...)

John said...

(Ish okay ^-^)

Jophiel said...

(Cuddle dinosaur sorry... rawr..)

John said...

(Cuddle dinosaur doesn't have to be sorry :o)

Jophiel said...


*Cuddles Blake again*


John said...

(Only in Bogland can you have two people who try to beat the snot out of each other one minuet cuddle the next :P)

Jophiel said...

(Only in Blogland... I love Blogland...)

Raven Astracae said...

That whole cuddle dinosaur conversation is like rainbows and sunshine mixed together and then put into words.

Jophiel said...

(*Pulls Raven into cuddle*

John said...

(And have said people have no real relation to each other. Other than "Hey we hang out occasionally and have fought a few times")

Raven Astracae said...

I feel so privileged to be cuddle but the cuddle dinosaur. What an honour.

John said...

(*Lightly zaps people* <3 :D)

Jophiel said...

(*Pokes Blake and continues to do the meow-rawr*

*Cuddles Raven tighter*

John said...


John said...

(I dedicate this page to cuddling, no explanation needed.)

Jophiel said...

rawr rawr!

*Scrunches up nose with the zap*


John said...

(I wish Chione was here :c)

Jophiel said...

(I'll be back in a sec. Cuddle dinosaur requires food...)

John said...

(Blake requires a midnight snack as well...)

Raven Astracae said...

And Raven just became exceptionally hungry.

Jophiel said...

(Cuddle dinosaur has no food... :'( )

Jophiel said...

*Cuddles Elleni*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Distributes purple carrots]

Raven Astracae said...

Elleni! My face, don't nom it, I need it, today in soccer I scored a goal with it.

John said...

(*Wedges himself back into the center of the cuddle* ^~^)

Jophiel said...

*Cuddles Blake tighter*


*Waves to Fabi and eats purple carrot*

John said...

*Takes a nom out of the purple carrot*

Jophiel said...

*Screws up her face at Blake, swapping his carrot with hers*


John said...


Blake has no idea what just happened.

Jophiel said...


*Looks at Blake's carrot, then her own, then back again. Swaps them over and eats her own*


John said...

Blake is confuuuuuuuuuuuuuused D:

Jophiel said...

Blake should not be confused!

*Cuddles Blake and eats his carrot*

Cuddle dinosaur is hungry!

John said...

Hey that was Blake's purple carrot! D:<

Then again I have no idea why it was purple so it's probly a good thing I didn't eat it....


Amethyst Temerity said...


Jophiel said...

Purple is Cuddle Dinosaur's favourite colour! But I was hungy!

*Cuddles Blake some more before cuddling Amethyst*


Amethyst Temerity said...

Hello Death! *noms on head*

John said...

Herro Amy, hows you?

Jophiel said...


*Snarls at Amethyst*

John said...

People should watch this cause it's funny cx

Raven Astracae said...

*protects face*
How are you?

Amethyst Temerity said...

I'm fine! What about you?

Raven Astracae said...

I'm good. Thank you.

Amethyst Temerity said...

Hello Raven!

Amethyst Temerity said...

*has a temptation to nom her head*
*hugs Raven instead*

John said...

*Looks at Amy suspiciously and charges himself with electricity just in case*

Amethyst Temerity said...

*goes to Blake to nom his electrified head*

Amethyst Temerity said...

(I don't think you can electrify me because I'm a non-solidified ghost.)

Amethyst Temerity said...

Elleni! Hello!

John said...


*The electricity flares, blowing apart the ground around him and making his hair stand straight up*

Amethyst Temerity said...

*stares at Blake*
*gets balloons and sticks them all over him*

Amethyst Temerity said...

Ouuu! New blog! What's it going to be about?

John said...

*The balloons all pop from the electricity*

Blake is not amused. -.-

Amethyst Temerity said...

Sorry Blake... *giggles*

Amethyst Temerity said...

I like your drawings!
(o^_^)o *hugs*

Jophiel said...

*Stares at Blake in horror*

Balloon murderer... Balloon murderer does not get cuddles...

Amethyst Temerity said...

*hands a balloon to everyone except Blake*
Balloon party! :D

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Excuse me, but do any of you happen to have a moment?

((A/N: In the roleplay, that is. And before this turns into a big deal, A. Rutherford Hewitt is a character played by me, Fabi. I'd rather be anonymous, for plot reasons, but you lot seem to have taken to interrogating every unfamiliar face, and I really don't want to deal with that right now. But, um, please don't act as though Mr. Hewitt is me in disguise, because he really isn't. Is that okay?))

Raven Astracae said...

Nawwww. Poor Blake.

John said...

D: B- but Blake loves cuddles...

*cries in a corner*

Raven Astracae said...

*runs to Blake*
*hands balloon*
Don't cry.

Amethyst Temerity said...

(It's okay! I won't question you!)

Amethyst Temerity said...

...*goes to Blake and pats his head*

Raven Astracae said...

(I know what identity harassment is like so I wouldn't have interrogated you anyway.)

John said...

*Takes the balloon and runs a weak current through it, charging it up with a bit of static. He tries sticking it to Amy then remembers she's a ghost. So instead he sticks it to Rose.*

Amethyst Temerity said...

*solidifies and hands a balloon to Blake*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Alright then, thank you. [hugs]))

[Steps into Blogland looking quite confused]

[His GPS isn't working...]

[He has no idea where or what this place is]

[The road in front of him is used by...swivel chairs operating like motorized vehicles? What madness is this?]

[This is probably the strangest case he's ever worked on]

[He looks for someone to give him directions]

John said...

*Goes around charging balloons and sticking them to people till everyone (himself included) is covered in balloons*


Jophiel said...

*She squeals and pushes the balloon away but it sticks to her hand. She starts to cry*

Amethyst Temerity said...

Aww... *hugs Death*

Amethyst Temerity said...

(No, you are not alone!)

John said...

*Blake manages to wrestle the balloons of him and pat down his hair to an at least presentable degree. He approaches the newcomer with an air of casual curiosity*

Hello there, you're a few face. What brings you to Bogland?

Raven Astracae said...

(My Character in detail. Well.

Raven is usually an exceptionally nice person. ((She usually doesn't torture mildly innocent civilians for fun with friends)) She is very young, ((this is because I'm young and life right now is pretty amazing so I don't understand adult sruggles)) 13 and 3/4 years old to be exact. Raven is a shape shifting Adept, she can turn into a crow and I don't even know why but if she loses a hand, sews is roughly back on shape shifts into a crow and shape shifts back, it is healed. She has long brown curly hair, It's like a frizz ball, she lives in constant fear of it being cut short because it will turn into an afro.

Raven was born in Melbourne and grew up in Melbourne, she's too young to have had any major traumatic experiences and that is why she is nice to everyone ((most of the time at least)).

((Raven is supposed to be less violent than Veronica Frost and that's why she will not torture anyone again.))

Raven likes ice-cream and cuddles.

(Raven has the symbloic meaning to not judge a book by it's cover. EG. The raven and the crow.)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Yes, there quite a number of swivel chairs on the roads.))

[Sees Elleni]

[Looks mildly annoyed at being called "New person"]

Hello. My name is A. Rutherford Hewitt, attorney. What on earth is this place?

John said...


(I hate being such a stickler for grammar q.q)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[to Blake]

I'm following the directions from the last will and testament of a Ms. Audrey Nielsen. I don't suppose you knew her?

Jophiel said...

*She looks at Elleni and then at the newcomer. She waves*

Raven Astracae said...

*pushes balloons off*
*laughs uncontrollably*
*begins to make herself look semi-decent before approaching the newcomer*

John said...

I'm sorry, but that name doesn't sound familiar to me...

(Should it?)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[to Rose]

Hello. [Nods]

Amethyst Temerity said...

*stares* Hello! Would you like a balloon?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((A/N: Not to you, no. Deathy might recognize it, though probably not in the roleplay?))

((And yes, swivel chairs. It's a rather long story... You might want to ask Annika about it. Or the conversation might be saved somewhere. I'd have to check...))

John said...

Well, I wish you luck with your endeavors.

*In a flash of lightning he's gone, back to the cuddling and balloons and such*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


[He checks the paper]

What about an Effie, Liz Herald, Adra Dark, Aretha Tesla, Death Rose, Sapphire Iota or Snow Stormberg?

Peculiar names, those...

No, I would not like a balloon!


[Resumes stony-faced politeness]

But thank you kindly.

Raven Astracae said...

(ok oops the crow was supposed to say Raven, idek know what happened.

Ok Raven has brown eyes and a freckly face, but not like tons of freckles, just a few on the part where you put zinc. She's like 160cm tall. Her face is a forgettable one in the sense that it is an in between face, not exceptionally pretty, but not ugly.

Raven wears camo pants 98% the time, WHY? because she likes cam pants okay, who doesn't.....I know, like half the population but deal with my logic.

She had mildly tanned skin, and yeah.....that's what Raven looks like.)

Jophiel said...

Death Rose. That's me.

*She steps forward and smiles*

Raven Astracae said...

*runs to the new person*
Hey Stranger!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((A/N: A grumpy man in a suit. His hair is extremely specific, and his glasses are perched on the brim of his nose, and are completely for show (the lenses are plain and don't affect his sight in the slightest). Anything else?))

((Yes, we do. Possibly because it's only been referred to a few times? It's not as iconic as the lake or the volcano.))

[Jumps as Blake disappears]

What was that?

[Contemplates whether or not to demand a satisfactory explanation]

John said...

*Another flash and he's back*

Now some of THOSE names are familiar, as Elleni just made clear.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Hands Death Rose a very formal-looking envelope]

In that case, this is for you.

[To Raven] Hello. I am A. Rutherford Hewitt. Who are you?

Amethyst Temerity said...

Can I ask for a business card?

Raven Astracae said...

I'm Raven. Can I call you specs, you know, because you have nice glasses, I don't want to be rude, but are you blind. Do you need a doggy to walk you places?

Jophiel said...

*She takes the letter and frowns. She is about to open it when she looks at the man*

Usually, I don't accept things from stangers. Who is it from?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Yes, well, they were all named as beneficiaries in the late Ms. Nielsen's will.

Of course. [Hands Amethyst a business card]

A. Rutherford Hewitt, attorney
Hewitt and Kimble Law Firm
Sapphire Lake, California

((*Number I made up))

Amethyst Temerity said...

*takes the business card and looks at it*
Thank you.

Raven Astracae said...

*whispers to Death*
Maybe the envelope has ice-cream in it. Or maybe it's written in bumpy writing.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

It's from me, as per the wishes of Ms. Nielsen.

No, Ms. Raven, I am not blind, and as you can see, I do not have a canine companion. I would prefer it if you were to call me Mr. Hewitt.

John said...

*Appears beside Rave and whispers in her ear*

Just call him Specs anyways

*Another flash of electricity and he's back to his original spot*

Jophiel said...

Okay, thank you.

*She opens the letter and reads quickly*

(What does the letter say?)

Raven Astracae said...

Ok then Specs, why are you here?
*tucks hair behind ear*
*put on posh British accent*
Business or leisure good sir?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Glares at Blake across the rim of his glasses]

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Dear Ms. Death Rose,
I'm terribly sorry for your loss. Audrey Nielsen has been a client of mine for only a few months, but it was a pleasure to work with someone so reasonable and organized. I have enclosed a copy of Audrey’s trust in accordance with California Probate Code §15804.
The trust names me, A. Rutherford Hewitt as executor. I am willing to serve. I will be consolidating, then distributing Ms. Nielsen's assets.
In my experience, administering a trust takes three to four months after the date of death to complete. While I hope this will be the case for Audrey’s trust, your patience and understanding is appreciated if complications arise.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at Hewitt and Kimble Law Firm, Sapphire Lake, California.
A. Rutherford Hewitt, attorney
Hewitt and Kimble Law Firm
Sapphire Lake, California

John said...

*Chuckles to himself*

Amethyst Temerity said...

I think Mr. Hewitt might be here for business, judging by the letters and everything...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Purely business. Otherwise, I would not venture into such a bizarre location.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Indeed. I commend you on your intelligence.

Raven Astracae said...

*turns into a raven*
*flies to a tree*
*begins to formulate a plan to make Specs have more fun*

Jophiel said...

*She looks at the letter, then to Mr Hewitt*

When did it happen...?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Watches transformation]

[Mouth falls open]

[Quickly closes it]


[Adjusts glasses]


A bizarre location indeed. It's a wonder Death Rose doesn't accept anything from strangers. Everyone here is considerably stranger than me.

Raven Astracae said...

*flies back down to Specs*
*re-assumes human form*
Do you want to play a game now that you're here? There's hardly any point coming to such a fun place with no intentions of fun.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Exactly one week ago. It was truly a tragedy.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Raises an eyebrow]

Excuse me?

Raven Astracae said...

Fun. Spelled F-U-N.
*looks at him*
Didn't your mother ever play hide and seek with you?

Jophiel said...

*She holds the letter to her chest, shocked. Tears start to pool in her eyes*

One week...? Oh my...

Raven Astracae said...

*cuddles Death*
Please don't cry.
*hands a balloon*

Amethyst Temerity said...

*hugs Death*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ms. Raven, I am an attorney, and I am in charge of the estate of a dead woman. Show some respect for Ms. Nielsen's sake, if not mine.

I'm extremely sorry for your loss, Ms. Rose.

Raven Astracae said...

Sorry Specs.
*looks at feet*

Amethyst Temerity said...

*pats Raven on head*

Raven Astracae said...

*smiles at Amy*
*looks at Death*
Were you close?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[His face softens a fraction]

Perhaps if I return on a less tragic occasion, we could play a game of chess. Or perhaps Monopoly.

[He doesn't exactly want to return, but he loathes offending people]

John said...

People die, that's the way of the world. Mourning may very well help you to feel better so go ahead, but in the long run it doesn't change anything.

Raven Astracae said...

*looks at Specs*

Amethyst Temerity said...

Blake! You kinda just ruined the mood!

John said...

*He looks as though his mood as turned sour, as though he suddenly recalled something*

Amethyst Temerity said...

Blake? You okay?

Raven Astracae said...

*looks at Blake*
Judging from the situation here, when people die you're not supposed to have fun. Your supposed to look sad and cry.

John said...

No worrying about me Amy, Rose appears to have lost a good friend. And yeah Raven, people dying tends to be a big thing. Happens every day though...

Raven Astracae said...

*looks at Blake grimly*
You mean we're supposed to cry everyday because people are dying?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Looks at Blake]

[Looks at Amethyst]

[Looks at Raven]

[Decides against saying something]

John said...

No, only when the people who matter to us die. It would be a better world if we all cared about every death though...

Amethyst Temerity said...

-_- Geez.
*goes to hug Death*

Jophiel said...

(I'm sorry... Really distant right now...)

Raven Astracae said...

Ok then
*thinks over the situation in her head*
Cry - when someone that matters to me dies
Be happy and spread nice thoughts - every other minute of the day.
*smiles at Blake*
Got it.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((It's alright, Death.))

[Checks his watch]

Well, if the other people named in the will don't show up presently, I will be returning to my home. If there is anything I can do for you, Ms. Rose, or if you see anyone else on the list I mentioned before, my contact information is at the bottom of the letter.

John said...

*Smiles at Amy*

Thanks for the thought though, Rose needs the comfort quite a bit more than I do is all.

*He turns to Mr. Hewitt*

If you stick around a day or two you should run into most if not all the people on your list, Bogland is a busy place.

Raven Astracae said...

Busy. Busy. Busy.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Looks aghast at the prospect of remaining in this place of bizarre people who shapeshift, move with lightening, and have odd names]

I... I have other obligations I must fulfill. I will, however, make an effort to appear again. Thank you.

Raven Astracae said...

(Realising slowly that Raven is a really naive person. Naive does not equal stupid.)

Amethyst Temerity said...

Well, nice meeting you, Mr. Hewitt!

Raven Astracae said...

*looks at Specs*
Are you leaving? So soon? Next time you come we have to play chess okay?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

It was, erm, a pleasure meeting you as well.

Yes, I shall be leaving shortly. I have to figure out where I left my car.

And of course. Assuming my schedule permits me, I would be, erm, honored to play chess with you.

John said...

*Strolls off to find more balloons to stick to people, muttering to himself*

What a strange name... "Hewitt"...

Amethyst Temerity said...

I think I must leave now. I have to sleep. Good night!

Raven Astracae said...

*claps hands*
Chess! Well goodbye Specs, I hope you find your car.
*skips off to find Blake*

(bye bye Amy!)

Raven Astracae said...

(I don't know. I don't even know who Audrey is.)

Raven Astracae said...

(because Elleni, Logic.)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


[Sniffs indignantly and goes to look for his car]

((A/N: Not exactly...))

((Bye Amy. Msd.))

Raven Astracae said...

(I don't know if there are, or aren't swivel chairs on the roads of Blogland. To be brutally honest I don't know why Specs mentioned it, I guess he wanted to.)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((There have been swivel chairs, at least since February.))

((Hewitt mentioned them because of the eccentricities of Blogland, that one most stood out to him))

Raven Astracae said...

Bye guys...I have things to do, joy to spread. See ya.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


This is probably the only mention of swivel chairs/furniture on the roads that I don't have to go digging for.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Did the link wrong. :-/

John said...

*Attaches an electric motor to a swivel chair and straps himself down to it. With one hand on the motor he lets lose a burst of electricity and goes flying forwards*

(Don't question the logic of this just accept it okay)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Not everything needs a sensical reason, Elleni.))

((The swivel chairs/other furniture simply are. Just like how a bunch of the carrots are purple.))

((Well, the Elves of Utter Doom, though I wasn't there at the time, and probably only Star remembers them.))

((Clemy, the Wollameaver Dolvampony...))

((The whole magic thing would be seen as an eccentricity to Hewitt.))

((There are landmarks like Sparky's treehouse, Chester; Mara's 1DHouse, Nix's volcano, I think Ivy had a castle with a diving board?, Zaf's got a treehouse as well, there's the lake, and a waterfall, an Italian restaurant where all Italians are named Niccolò, Trip's bar, a campfire...))

((Too much to name, and that's just what I've experienced...))

John said...

I think I'll be off now, this has been one of my best nights in Bogland, thank you everyone.

*Cuddles people one last time then charges off into the night on his electric-powered swivel chair*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Ask Star, she's been the most regular for the longest time...))

((It was an amazing conversation.))

((Goodbye Blake, Elleni.))

Snow said...

This is, by far, the best face I've ever drawn. The nose is a bit off, but it's good. :)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

It is an excellently drawn face.

Snow said...

Hia fab. How are you?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm alright. My plot is shaping up nicely... [half-hearted chuckle]


Snow said...

I'm good. I got a notebook for advanced english today. Next Friday we're going for a walk to start to read To Kill A Mockingbird

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

That's a good book. [nods]

I should probably sleep...

I had something I wanted to tell you, but I can't remember it now... :-/

So tired...

Snow said...

*hugs* if it's past 10 where you are, sleep. If you remember what you wanted to tell me, email me.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

It's almost one...

Good might


Snow said...


Snow said...


Jophiel said...

I've already done that, Elleni!

Jophiel said...

(Let me work on this for a while...)

Inky Flame said...

Morning campus, hydie hi

Inky Flame said...

well byii

Jophiel said...

(Sorry, that was a massive lie. I was not working on a dedication. I will be now, tho.)

Jophiel said...

MonsterMouse said...
I dedicate this page to oddness. And hugs from Derek. And facanators. ANd cats.
Odness is amazing, because its more being different and individual than being odd.
Higs from the Golden God are just amazing, I cant garuntee that but Im just guessing.
Facanators are awesome, So are people form england, because they wear them. And the have awesome accents.
Cats are just weird.

August 15, 2012 at 1:05 AM

I dedicate to beginnings. This dedication above me is the first dedication that appeared since I joined the blog. Nix didn't post a dedication the day of my first comment, under ILoveBillyRaySanguine.

I also dedicate to the old gang. I miss 'em, man.

And I dedicate to my new friends. Man, you'll look back on your comments in a few years time and say, 'Wow. I really said that?' It does happen.

I also dedicate this page to renewing beginnings. As many of you may, or may not, know, it's almost my second Blogversary. I'm getting old, guys... :/

Jophiel said...

Hey Raven!

Raven Astracae said...

How are you Rose?

Raven Astracae said...

That was a great dedication by the way.

Jophiel said...

I'm alright, I need to take a shower in a sec... How are you?

Thanks! ;)

Raven Astracae said...

I'm good thank you. If you want to go shower, you may, I'll be here when you get back.

Star Inkbright said...

*Star has been the most regular for the longest time and reads all the comments AND ALSO HAS AN AWFUL MEMORY but okay. :P

Raven Astracae said...


Raven Astracae said...

I have spent the last 32minutes staring at this screen, it's good to see you.

Raven Astracae said...

New developed theory: Sounding like a creepy stalker will scare people away.

Jophiel said...

Sorry, really long shower...

Raven Astracae said...

A exist.
*sigh of relief*

Jophiel said...

No, I don't exist

Raven Astracae said...

Well I have to go now, things to do, joy to spread, bye.

Jophiel said...

Bye Raven!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

Trolling my best friend. Calling him on messenger and not saying anything... ^.^

Anonymous said...

Finally, finally got AOH!

Snow said...



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