Friday, July 18, 2014


Okay then, here are the locations and dates for my Ireland/UK tour.


28th: Publication day! Requiem Ball (London)

29th: Waterstones, Ringwood — 11AM — signing

Waterstones, Bournemouth — 3PM — signing

30th: Waterstones, Bluewater — 1PM — signing

31st: Dun Laoghaire — details to be confirmed — fan event and signing


5th: Village Books, Dulwich — 6.30PM — fan event and signing

6th: WHS, Milton Keynes — 11AM — signing

WHS, Sheffield — 3PM — signing

7th: Waterstones, Newcastle — 12 NOON — signing

11th: Easons, Galway — 4PM — signing

13th: Easons, Belfast — 11AM — signing

14th: Easons, Limerick — 2PM — signing

19th: Hodges Figgis, Dublin — 6PM — signing

And then, of course, on the 27th, we're all going to be dragged into the Theatre of Shadows...


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Noelle said...

*Follows as quickly as she can* *When they reach the side of the building, she feels around with her energy* Where are we now?

Jophiel said...

(Zaf, you still here?))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Next to someone's house. I'll just take some clothes from the back window...

Jophiel said...

(Wanna RP? ^.^ ))

Noelle said...

*She nods* Alright. I'll stand here..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Sure! You cuaght me at a good time, Loki is trying to kill Zanida in my head-Zaf

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Let's see. I dedicate this page to my mother, Frigga, and soon to be wife, Astrid. Perhaps, I'll add Adra to the list, she's likeable.

Jophiel said...


*She struggles back to her feet and sways. The world keeps spinning but she pretends not to notice, to be fine, just in case*

I'm going to have someone's head for this....

Jophiel said...

(Hear hear!!))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Sure El-Zaf

Astrid: Hi there, do you need help?

Noelle said...

I could kill you for that, Loki..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I thought it was an honor to be dedicated to, hence why Alastair ceased to exists in the dedication.

Jophiel said...

*She looks up*

Not another Asgardian... No... Im-

*She falls back to the ground and grinds her teeth together*

I can't see straight... I'm in a hell-load of pain and I've probably got someone going to try and make me kill someone... I'm Rose by the way...

*She tries to get up again*

Noelle said...

Not by you, Loki.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: *touches Rose's shoulder, healing her* My name is Astrid, I'm a healer on Asgard. You must know my fiancee, Loki.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((I truly did mean you are likeable, I find you to be an interesting person, for a Midgardian. So many flaws, but yet you managed to catch the eye of Alastair.-Loki))

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*sits on a comfy couch with a fuzzy blanket*
*eats popcorn watching the role play*

Noelle said...

Oh shut up, Loki..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((I have stunned the realm, I actually can say nice things.-Loki))

((He really actually does find you interesting.-Zaf))

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*pulls out a face and noms it*

Jophiel said...

*When Astrid said Loki's name, she shrank backwards against the tree*

Your fiancée? But he-

*She shook her head, her eyes wide and pleading*

He's not a good man... He's evil!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: No, he is not the kindest. Yet he still does love me, and I him. I am not like him, Rose. I'm a warrior, but I was born with the ability to heal. Loki respects that I am not going to kill eighty people in two days.

Snow said...


what did i just write..... and why does it make so little sense...))

Jophiel said...

How? How can you actually love him?

*Her hands flew to her mouth, deciding that wasn't the best thing to say to the soon-to-be wife of Loki*

Sorry. It's just... It's like he feeds on the pain of others... I still don't understand if he killed my best friend or not... And he controlled me! But a friend knocked me out of it...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((I'm dying,

Take care how you speak of him, Loki may be beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and my brother.

He killed eighty people in two days.

He was adopted.

An ant has no quarrel with a boot.

Are you threatening to step on me?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: Your friend, Aretha Tesla? I did not see her die, and Heimdall confirmed that before I left to come here, last night. I seem to have lost Loki and Zanida, how I managed to lose two Frost Giants is beyond me, but I have.

Jophiel said...

Oh... Thank God...

*She pulled her knees up against her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She sat her chin on her arms and stared*

I would offer to look for them, but I don't want to run into Loki... And I actually can't walk... Something has happened in my head...

Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: I understand, he is not likeable. May I ask what happened?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((So much for caring for his sister.

Apologies, love- my author had to clean up after an activity.))

*walks around the back of the house, returning a few minutes later, holding a cloak and a few layers of a dress over his arm* *has shifted into... He isn't sure whether to call it himself anymore... For the first time in centuries* *is slightly shorter than he was before, with light skin and cold blue eyes* *his hair is blonde, and has grown out to about shoulder length, part of it curled and the rest tied back*
How can I help you, love? *is rather surprised at the sound of his own voice* *it's certainly less smooth than it used to be, and... He isn't sure how else to describe it*

Noelle said...

*Jumps slightly, then feels for his presence* You're shorter. Is there anywhere that I can go, or do I have to strip down here?

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

I love the parody Snow! Great job!

Jophiel said...

*She nodded quickly*

First, he learnt my true name and decided that I can not hurt him. Did that sceptre-y thing after where he controls you even more. Then I he made me go find two people, Adra and Alastair which is why I don't have a hand anymore...

*She held up her stump of an arm with a frown. When she spoke next, tears were in her voice*

Then he kept trying to make me kill my friend's pregnant girlfriend. And then another of his minions made me try and kill her again... Which pretty much involved torture...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

I am. Sorry to startle you... We can go wherever you like, really- there's a house around here where no one lives.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: What is your true name? Perhaps I can contradict the orders.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Pardon me, Alastair? Loki does care for Zanida, why do you think he took her? Did you mean caring for me?-Astrid))

Jophiel said...

*She shook her head*

I'm sorry. But no. I'm sure Loki would tell you... He seems way too fond of it so it should be no trouble... I just... Asgardian's and I don't mix...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((I said that in reference to the first comment on this page.))

Noelle said...

*She nods* That sounds fine to me, then. Take me away!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: Loki is of Jodenheim, as is Zanida. I am truly from Asgard, and I assure you, Thor is ready to lock those two in the dungeons. The sad thing is, Thor really loves Zanida, but he knows she cannot be allowed to leave Asgard when he finally gets her.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Ah. They're actually having a mock fight, Alastair.-Zaf))

Jophiel said...

*She frowned an let her head drop onto her knees*

You'll find out eventually... It's Slīvœrrsę...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Interesting way to describe a mock fight, then.))

*slides an arm around her waist, teleporting her to a small room in a house further down the street* Is this suitable?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: Silverrose, do not listen to Loki, or any of his little minions. *takes the little stump of what wss Rose's hand* I know how to heal that, if you would like to accompany me to Asgard? I have permission, and Thor could learn about what Loki is up to.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((The rules are basically no legit killing, Astrid can heal so they often train this way, so that in battle they are better prepared. -Zaf))

Jophiel said...

*She bit her lip, feeling the bond between her and Loki break*

Are you sure...? It is a new world... I might not be able to stop myself singing 'A Whole Bew World'... The one from Aladin...?

Noelle said...

I suppose so- I can't really tell. *She slides her dress off anyways, letting it fall to the ground* Alright. First up, the chemise. It'll probably be white, and loose. *She then removes her undergarment, standing with her hand out, waiting expectantly*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: I know not what that is, but I do mean it. Are you willing?

Jophiel said...

*She looked at her hand and gave a small nod*

Okay... I'll go...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: *holds onto Rose and then looks up at the sky* Heimdall, whenever you're ready.

*a few moments later, the Bifrost opens, bringing the two into Asgard*

Heimdall: Welcome to Asgard.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Oh... the feels.........
*dies of heartbreak*
Why....? Why did I want to re-read it....? Why....?

Oh Ghastly...
Oh Shudder.....

Jophiel said...

*She looked at Hiemdall and shied away, into Astrid's side. She took her eyes off them both and towards the glistening city*

Wow... It's shiny! And so much gold...

*She looked at Hiemdall and smiled shyly*

Hi... I'm Rose...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Duggyln, earlier I opened Scepter of the Ancients, I had to put it down because I started bawling. I took one look at LSODM and...well waterworks.-Zaf))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Heimdall: Hello, Rose. I am Heimdall, I am the gatekeeper, I keep watch over all of the Nine Realms. I am glad I sent Astrid to you.

Astrid: *laughs* Come on, Rose, we're going to go to the castle. *walks with her, across the one of a kind rainbow bridge*

Jophiel said...

Hi Heimdall... I'll see you later...

*She waved at him before as walked out behind Astrid. Then she stopped and looked down at the bridge*

Oh my God... What... Okay, this is cool. What even is this?

*She laughed and tappe it with the toe of her shoe*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: A rainbow bridge. The bridge leads through the city, and to the castle. Thor actually destroyed part of it years ago, when Loki tried to destroy Jodenheim. Just wait until you see inside the city!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*hands her a layer of fabric, lightly kissing her neck*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

It's amusing!

Jophiel said...

*She shook her head in wonder and followed Astrid*

So where exactly are we? We're not in our solar system... Are we?

*She watched as the sparkling city came closer and she smiled*

Screw Eldorado, this is the city of gold...

Noelle said...

*Blushes, and works the thin dress on* *Straightens the fabric out* Okay... Next are a few over skirts... They should look like... Well. Skirts.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Shall I hand you all of them at once?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: Asgard, the realm eternal. This is our own galaxy, yes. All nine realms are linked together, like the branches of the world tree. You see it all around you, everyday. Here, you can see the sky clearly. There is nothing keeping the beauty of the stars back. *they enter the city, which is alive, and many Asgardians look up and nod to the two* I'll show you the castle,'re going to meet someone, Loki does not even know this. *smiles, and enters the castle* Now, do you feel well enough to speak to Thor, or do you want your hand healed?

Noelle said...

Er... No, preferably one at a time, there should only be two, if I remember correctly.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*rustles a bit through the pile of layers, then pulls one out and hands it to her* Yes, you're right- it looks like there are only two.

Jophiel said...

*She lets out a laugh and stops, ducking her head as se passed the other Asgardians*

I'm pretty far from home then. Yet I'm not... It is so amazing here... Why would anyone want to go to Earth when there are pales like this? And I think my hand can wait... I do have to apologise to Thor, though... We fought... And there was a slight feeling of having his head on a silver platter...

Noelle said...

*Smiles, and slips the skirt on over her chemise, situating it* Alright, we're almost finished... The next skirt...

*She walks over to beside him, feeling a hand over the fabric, and quickly picks out the other skirt, tying that on over the other* *Smiles, and picks up the bodice, holding it on* This is the part that I need your help with. It works like a corset- you have to tie it in the back. *Pauses* And you can't really be gentle, either. Otherwise it doesn't work as well..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: Very well. *laughs, as they walk towards the throne room* We tend to keep to Asgard, but when there is trouble on another realm, we go to help. We warriors do that, and our king is the protector of the Nine Realms. Thor now has that position. *they enter the throne room, Thor sitting upon the throne, two guards at the foot* *gets down on knee with right hand on her heart, in a fist* My king, I brought Rose, from Midgard. She knows about the Frost problem.

Thor: *comes down, standing close to Astrid* I remember you, Rose. Loki controlled you, but now he does not.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*moves behind her, lacing it and then tying it off* Remind me, did I do this for you last time?

Jophiel said...

*She looks at Astrid and back to Thor, not knowing if she should follow. She decides not to but ducks her head when he approaches*

Yes, that's true, Thor. I'm sorry about that time when you came to Earth... I wasn't fully aware of what was happening... I ended up regretting it...

Noelle said...

*While he is tying the bodice up, she's braiding a few thin strands of hair, and pulling them all towards the back of her head, tying them together* *Places a flower in the back* You might have. Though, if I recall, it was in a slightly different fashion, in a very different time.

*Steps away from him, and does a slow twirl* How do I look?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Remarkably stunning. You never cease to amaze me, my dear. *kisses her lightly*

Noelle said...

*Presses into the kiss, deepening it* *Her fingers reach up, knotting into his hair* *Pulls a small breadth away, and smiles playfully* Your hair's longer too.

Jophiel said...

(Is character related to Skulduggery Pleasant in any way?
(I'm thinking of Serpine...))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Thor: I forgive you, Rose. Perhaps you can help me, you know what Loki and Zanida are up to?

Jophiel said...

Thank you, Thor. I do believe that they have taken someone from my world to one of your... Realms...? I have been hearing whispers. I think they said it was Jotunheim..? I can't remember... Something like that. I do not know their intentions with the person they took...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Thor: I would not doubt that. They are both from that realm, thank you. *looks at Astrid* Now, I would suggest that you heal Rose, and perhaps you two can go to Jodenheim.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

It is indeed. And a good deal lighter. *moves an arm around her back to pull her closer, kissing her forehead*

Snow said...

XD Ek, that thing refuses to guess Erskine. it's funny trying to get it to.

Noelle said...

*Closes her eyes, letting her arms slide around his neck, hugging him* Alright... Any preferences as to how this will go? I thought that it would be beneficial if I spoke first, and asked your parents if I could speak to them about you.. Then, perhaps, if they let me in, I could reveal who I am, and then you could take off your hood?

Snow said...


Jophiel said...

*She stares at Thor with a raised eyebrow... Probably not the best thing to do to a king*

I'm sorry, but I don't like your brother one bit. I don't particularly want to visit him especially after what he has made me do! He tried to get me to kill my best friend! Then he faked having her dead in his arms! I'm sorry if we Midgards think differently to you, or perhaps it's just me who thinks this, but I don't want to go somewhere to visit a person who now has the upper hand in his surroundings! He was strong at my home... In a place unfamiliar to him...

*She blinks back the angry tears threatening to fall. She was scared, though she would never admit it*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Thor: Loki does not have the upper hand in that realm. He will be as strong as he was on Midgard. You have the element of surprise, I do not wish to force you, I apologize.

Astrid: *stands* Thor is right, and plus, I will take Loki. You can take Zanida. Though it does not have to be now.

Thor: No, it does not. I may send guards over if you both would rather not fight them.

Astrid: I would appreciate that.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

It won't guess mine....

Dugglyn Carzainia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...

*She looks from Astrid to Thor and presses the heel of her hand to one of her eyes as tears begin to flow down her cheeks. She turns away from them, ashamed*

S-sorry... I'd much prefer the guards...

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

I'm doing Skulduggery. It asked me if he had children. What do I say?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*considers* You'll have to announce loudly that you'd like to talk about me, or they might just leave you out. If they think there's a chance others will hear, they'll let us in to prevent it.

Noelle said...

*Nods once* Alright, fair enough. And, one more thing- what exactly shall I address them by?

Jophiel said...

(Yes. SP did have a child.))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Thor: Understood. I will send guards.

Astrid: Thank you. *hugs Rose* Do you want to meet Frigga?

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

As in right now...
I just started over...
But thanks Rose!

Jophiel said...

*She smiles gratefully at Thor and wipes her eyes*

Thank you...

*She tenses when she feels arms wrap around her but she relaxes quickly and embraces Astrid back, burying we head in the Asgardian's shoulder*

I-I guess it won't do any harm... Right...?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Astrid: Not at all. *leads Rose to Frigga's chambers* Frigga?

Frigga: Astrid! What...?

Astrid: I brought a friend, this is Rose from Midgard.

Jophiel said...

*She looks up and smiles at the woman. She steps forward slightly and wipes away the last few tears on her face*

Hi, Frigga, is it?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Frigga: Yes, I would be Thor and Loki's mother. Nice to meet you.

Jophiel said...

It's an honor.

*She looks at Astrid and back to Frigga, running a hand through her messy hair*

Sorry, I'm a mess. This isn't the way tore supposed to meet intergalactic royalty... But congratulations on raising two very strong sons.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Friigga: I understand, do not fret. *smiles* I raised two...*sighs* One is on Midgard, doing exactly what he should not.

Jophiel said...

Actually... He is no longer on Earth. He is on Jodenheim with one of my people... Is that what I should call us? A person from Earth-Midgard. And yeah... He's don't some pretty... Bad things...

*She lifts her stump of a hand with a sad smile*

This is what happens when he uses that stupid sceptre... And a few other things happen too...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Frigga: I am not surprised. He's done everything to make things worse on himself. *outside the door commotion is heard, Loki and Zanida both yelling at guards, the sound of chains* Loki...*goes out to see*

Astrid: They found them...

Jophiel said...

*She follows Astrid out, staying behind her to see. Her fear locks her muscles in place when her eyes fall on Loki*

Oh... God..

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Thor: You both are in serious trouble.

I think not, we did what was right.

Thor: Killing innocent people, harming Midgardians, controlling them, is all right? It is not. Zanida Laufeydottir, and Loki Laufeyson, for your crimes you will be spending your days in the dungeons.

She's your wife!

Thor: If Zanida can learn the error of her ways, she will join me. *to the guards* Keep them together.

Jophiel said...

*She manages a smile onto her face when she hears the punishment. She knows that what she is going to do know is wrong, but she can't stop herself. She finds herself walking past Astrid and towards Thor*

Your wife is a lot better. She didn't harm us all too much. And Loki was just defending her... Some of the time... Though what he did, his punishment shouldn't be too horrible. And don't punish Zanida too harshly in comparison.

*Her hand finally flew over her mouth. Where had that come from...? Defending Loki...?*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I have to sleep falling sskeep on you...-Zaf

Jophiel said...

(Alright Zaf! We'll pick it up tomorrow when I'm not being tortured in class... :/ Sleep well!!))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Thor: I will keep them for a while, they will be fine in the dungeons. Perhaps Astrid will show you tomorrow.

((Now zaffy tired...-Zaf

Jophiel said...

(Alright, I won't reply until you return!))

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Sorry El, Amy and Raven. I won't be on tonight :/ really tired....

Amethyst Temerity said...

I won't be on either. Sorry!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Jophiel said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


How are you?

Jophiel said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


What's yay? :-)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Huzzah! I am here! *Some sort of dramatic pose, probably with a cape*

(In all seriousness, I hope you have other things to yay about besides my presence, because sooner or later, I'll either fall asleep or get distracted by a shiny object and/or youtube video)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Well, shiny objects can be extremely inspiring.

Or protective against aliens.

Like aluminum foil (foil)!

It could be both a shiny object and a youtube video! :-0

Yay sleep! Sleep is nice! Sleep doesn't like me though! :-(

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Probably because I like the internet.
Or,because I think too much.
Or because I get picky about stupid things.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Happy sleepiness!

Jophiel said...


Emerald Melody said...

Hello??? *echoes*

Jophiel said...

(Hey Em!!))

Emerald Melody said...

Rose!!!!! *hugs*

Hey babe.

How are you doing? You busy?

Jophiel said...

(I'm eating dinner. But I'm also here. So no, not really busy... And I'm doing great!! Thank you!

How are you??

*Hugs back*))

Inky Flame said...

Hello :)

Jophiel said...

(Hey Inky!(

Inky Flame said...

(how are you this morning?)

Emerald Melody said...

I'm knackered!! I was out all day yesterday at an air show with my son so I'm feeling it today.

You up for a bit of roleplaying??

Morning Inks!!!!

Inky Flame said...

Bore da, Emerald

Jophiel said...

(I'll just change to Diablo, coz Rose is is Asgard.))

Jophiel said...


Emerald Melody said...

You can start again Rose cause my brain is on meltdown lol

Snow said...

"Question 4
Margaret Pomeranz says that the novel “shows the resourcefulness and humanity of the young in the face of something terrible”. Do you believe that the lawn mower scene show the resourcefulness of Ellie, Corrie and Kevin? Explain your opinion using examples from both the novel and the film. "

this is the last question in the work i was redoing over the holidays. and i still haven't done it.because I CAN'T REMEMBER EITHER THE BOOK OR THE MOVIE

Jophiel said...

*He walks along the entry of the cave, puzzled*

She's left... Right under my nose...

*He peeks his head into the cave, checking if Casha is still alright and subconsciously checking to see if Rose was there*

Inky Flame said...

(*sigh* gotta go, I have to do stuff)

Jophiel said...

(Bye Inky!)

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan runs into the cave, looking slightly confused.*

Lorcan: Where the fuck has she gone?

*He kneels down beside Casha and starts to rub her back.*

Lorcan: Is the baby okay, feeling okay?

Casha: *grits teeth* Yes.

Lorcan: Right okay.

*Lorcan takes out a small knife and starts to gently but deeply cut along her arm*

Jophiel said...

Rose? I have not the slightest idea... I'm worried. She she be in a considerable amount of pain right now...

*He watches as the blade slices Casha's flesh and he nods*

Pressure? I wish I could help, but you don't seem overly fond of me.

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: Don't mind me, I'm tired. I get to be a cranky shit when I'm tired.

*He finishes up the second cut on her arm when a look of relief comes across her face.*

Casha: That feels so much better, thank you baby.

Lorcan: That's okay, you want your water?

*She nods as he hands her the cup full of water. Lorcan sat beside her and put a hand on the bump.*

Jophiel said...

*He ducked inside the cave and looks at Lorcan*

Is there anything I can do for either of you? I could get fetch some water...?

*He wiggles his right knee; a nervous habit*

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: It's just to make Casha as comfortable and as safe as possible. She. Is. Priority.
We're on the run because of bounty hunters cause we're the only silver mages in the world.

Casha: Lorcan stop it.

Lorcan: No Casha, this is it, we're in the final trimester. No more risks, no more.

Jophiel said...

Silver mages? Ah, that would be why Rose had those ugly burns on her face. This is my thanks.

*He sends a quick kick to Lorcan's head and raises his hands*

I don't want a fight. That was just repayment. And while Rose is gone, I will keep an eye on both of you, perhaps then she will see that I am serious about her...

Emerald Melody said...

*Without warning, Casha then had Diablo held up against the wall of the cave by his throat. Her eyes completely silver. Lorcan was holding his head in complete surprise, he had never seen her move so fast.*

Jophiel said...

*He squeezes Casha's wrist until the bones quiver*

Let go, unless you want that hand thrown across the room. I was doing it merely as payback for those burns on my girl's face. I won't even think about that hole in her leg.

Emerald Melody said...

*The silver force field appeared and snaps Diablo's wrist first before pinning the broken wrist hard against the wall.*

Lorcan: Shit!

Diablo, it's not Casha that's doing it, it's the baby!

Jophiel said...

*He curses and tilts his head slightly to the side and jutting his chin up*

Strong for a an unborn child, I'll give you that...

*He chuckles and presses back on the force field, testing it's strength*

Emerald Melody said...

*The forcefield pushes back harder having Diablo right up against the wall. The forcefield pulses the silver colour.*

Jophiel said...

Dear lord...

*He coughs and his chest is being pressed down, compressing his lungs. He starts to address the child*

Alright... It's a strong kid... I'm sorry... But you see... Your dad would've... Done the same for you mum...

Emerald Melody said...

*The forcefield backs down slightly but doesn't evaporate entirely.
Lorcan walks up behind Casha and gently takes hold of her shoulders. Casha steps back entirely and looks as if she came out of a trance. She then looks at the damage that was done to Diablo.*

Casha: Oh my goodness, I am so...

*Casha runs out of the cave to take a breather by the river.*

Jophiel said...

Casha, it's nothing a quick symbol won't fix, don't fret.

*He pulls out the marker and draws on himself, then taps it. The bones reconnect under his skin and he shakes it out. His eyes then drift to Lorcan as his lips scrunch together on the side*

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan looks back at Diablo, unsure.*

Lorcan: That's never happened before, the baby has never done anything like that or took her over.

Jophiel said...

Now is when I really knew a solution for everything. But I don't. And I will forever beat myself up over if.

*He looks towards the cave entrance and sighs*

Your child is more powerful than you will ever know. It wants to protect you both from Casha's fears.

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: Protect us both? That's my job, that's what I'm doing.

And what fears, she's never talked to me about any fears.

Can I be honest? I think she needs another female around.

I'm doing everything I can possibly do man but I think she needs another woman around her and with her during all this.

Anonymous said...

((hi/bye, guys!
It just occurred to me, loads of people want a book series with wit, humour, strong characters who aren't perfect, both male and female, a brilliant plot, magic, characters who can kick some podex, etc...
And Skulduggery Pleasant is just sitting there quietly.

Jophiel said...

I'd ask Rose but, first, I don't have an actual clue where she is, and two, she hates me. When she's around, ask her. Even is she thinks it's the last thing she will ever do after that whole silver thing, Judi will force her. You're lucky she likes you. Some people she has a strong connection to. They're always the ones that she will die for, or force Rose to die for.

And don't think that she tells you all of her fears. She's a woman. She will always have something hidden.

Jophiel said...

(So true Phoe!! 0.0 Hi/bye Phoe!))

Emerald Melody said...

*Casha sat by the river, letting the water run over her feet. She was crying hard and was starting to feel sore again. The baby kicked her and she shook her head.*

Casha: *whispers* what are you doing to me? Why?

Jophiel said...

*He folds his arms across his chest and leans against the mouth of the cave*

If you need anything when Rose ain't here, just shout. I'll keep an eye on you two - well, three - from now on. And I know that she said the same thing, but I cannot be controlled. I will break the God's sceptre before he tries to touch me. You'll be safe.

Emerald Melody said...

*A rustling noise comes from across the river in the tree line. Casha sits still. The noises get closer towards the river, Casha was about to stand up when she saw a wolf followed by a litter of cubs going for a drink.

She watched as the mother affectionately licked and moved the cubs, kept them altogether, constantly looking around and keeping them safe.
She then just cried harder.*

Casha: I can't do that for you little one. I don't think I can be the mother you need.

Jophiel said...

(I'm just going to pretend that this is happening in a different time slot so I can bring Rose in!)

Rose: *She is leaning against a tree a few meters away from Casha, watching her cry. She pushes herself away and sits beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder*
Hey! It's okay, Casha! You're okay...

Emerald Melody said...

*Casha leans in and let Rose hug her as the baby kicks slightly, causing Casha to place a hand on her bump.*

Casha: This baby... is just... I can't do this any more.

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She strokes Casha's hair softly* You'll be okay... You can do it. I know you can! You're strong. You're always stronger than you know, and anyway, the baby is almost due, right? How much longer do you have left?

*Diablo chuckles as he watches the two girls, a smile curling his mouth*

Emerald Melody said...

Casha: 2 and a half months left. And you didn't see what the baby just did or had me do or...

Lorcan is trying so hard but he needs to look after himself too. And we never know when or if we'll get caught again...

*The baby kicked again as it moved around.*

Casha: *whispers at the bump* Stop it...

*Lorcan stands at the mouth of the cave with Diablo, his arms folded.*

Lorcan: Will we be able to handle this baby when it comes. If it can do that to you in the womb...

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She frowns and places a hand on the bump* You'll be fine. If it had anything to do with Diablo, then thank you. He had it coming. Maybe the baby can sense when there is someone with a bad past around...?
*She gets to her feet and walks a few meters away*
Better or worse?

*Diablo shakes his head*
I don't have a clue. Just keep it around you, teach it right from wrong. Do everything a good parent would. So far, it seems like it is just defending you two.

Emerald Melody said...

*Casha stretched her already out of shape spine slightly and felt a bit better. It felt like the baby had relaxed. She saw Rose get up and she felt a bit panicky.*

Casha: Better. Where are you going?

Lorcan: The bounty hunters know she's pregnant. And it's nice to think of your child defending you but at the expense of your wife losing control of her body or it actually killing someone?

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She turns to Casha and smiles*
I don't think the baby likes me. I'll stay over here so I don't annoy your child.
*She thinks while she drops onto her stomach and kicks her legs up behind her*
So... Truth or truth?

Diablo: I know the feeling... Kind of.
*His eyes rest on the girl laying on her stomach, always smiling*
There are more than three parts of that woman. They all fight for survival. She will change to defend herself and beat herself up for it for the rest of her life. You might not see it, but that girl is one of the loneliness people you will ever meet. She looses control every day and falls into a pit, dug with each murder...

Emerald Melody said...

Casha: *smiles* oooh hard one... um... truth I guess.

And I don't think it's you, it's just the... excitement of what happened I think.

Lorcan: And yet she is the only one who understands me. Never knew a thing I went through, didn't give a damn what I was going through. Once I got poisoned, she was there through everything.
I wasn't born a silver mage, I was born a werewolf but was poisoned by silver and it just took over.

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She grins cheekily*
What's your favourite thing about Lorcan?

Diablo: Every now and then, she falls. She needs someone's hand to hold onto when she pulls herself out. But she will never, ever, let someone risk falling in after her to save her. She blames herself for the pain, for the sadness.
She was beyond torn when she couldn't help you. She wrote to me once about it.
*He fumbles with his coat pocket and pulls out a crisp white letter*

*Scribbled in blue ink*
I know I said that I would never reach out to you again. But I don't know what to do. He's dying. Lorcan... I can't deal. He is going to die and I know it. I can't let it happen though. If he falls, if he becomes another tally on my list, I fear that it will be over for me.


Emerald Melody said...

Casha: Well that's not fair!! Um... damn *laughs* Um... the way he smiles at me sometimes is amazing and lifts me so much.

So let's turn it on you, what's your least favourite thing about Lorcan *she smiles*

*Lorcan's hands is shaking looking at the note.*

Lorcan: But me being poisoned had nothing to do with her. It was me and my dysfunctional father. I don't understand...

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She laughs and shakes her head*
Hmmm... I hate it how he's too goddamned perfect. That, or how he can melt silver in his hands... That really hurts...
Okay. Payback. If you had the choice to swap faults with him, what would you trade and what for?

Diablo: She'll blame herself for for whatever happens to her friends. If you go out and get stabbed, she'll blame herself for not being there. She'll think that if she was there, she could have saved you the pain and misery she goes through every single day of her life...
*He chuckles*
One hell of an actress...

Raven Astracae said...

Hi, actually I'm not here, I just wanted to say to Dugglyn, Amy and El that I can't nom your faces until Saturday, this is because of the time zone differences and nomming face time is right in the middle of period 5. Sorry. :), If only school didn't care if I was nomming faces in class.

Emerald Melody said...

Casha: I would trade... my cutting for his stubbornness. I would love to be as stubborn as him at times.

Lorcan: Yeah she is but I don't want her to be an actress. She's welcome to stay with me and Casha for as long as she wants and be whoever she wants to be.

*Lorcan suddenly looked over the tree line. He thought he saw a shadow in the tree line.*

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She laughs and rolls her eyes*
God, that boy is stubborn, isn't he?

Diablo: She'll never let her guard down. She doesn't even know I know this. I linked her to me. I know how she acts and her hidden personalities. And I think that se would like that.
*He frowns when Lorcan's eyes flit away. His instinctively follows, scanning the tree line*

Emerald Melody said...

Casha: Extremely, he wouldn't let up on me for about 8 months until I said yes lol.

*Lorcan followed the figure until he saw a glint of something in the tree line. He didn't hesitate and ran towards the girls.*

Lorcan: Casha get down!!

*Suddenly there was the sound of gunfire hitting the stones, water and walls.*

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She laughs at Casha and rolls her eyes again* God. Men can be annoying...
*She hears the gunfire and doesn't think twice. She leaps in front of Casha and sends her backwards with a gravitational repulse and covers her from the flying bullets*

Diablo: *He shoots out after Lorcan and hisses*
Rose! Don't!
*But it is too late. She's welcoming the bullets with open arms, wincing as they pierce her skin*

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan shoots out hundreds of small silver spikes as he hear screams and gurgles.
He goes beside Casha and pats her down, holding her face and making sure there is no holes until he sees just above her bump. There was blood seeping through her shirt.*

Lorcan: Shit! Shit! Casha!!!!

Casha: *holds her hand on the blood seeping through*
I'm fine, I'm fine. Get Rose, tend to Rose!!

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She shakes her head a she falls to the ground, blood gushing from wounds all over her body*
Casha, you self-righteous bitch, you're living for two. I'm fine...
*Shes breathing heavily and she coughs up a mouthful of blood*
God damn...

Diablo: *He rushes to Rose, his hands patting his pockets. His marker wasn't there. Blood was pouring from holes all through her abdomen, her legs, her arms, one in her neck. Still she manages to put a smile on that face and make a joke*
*He places his hands either side of her face and leans his forehead against hers*
I'm so sorry...

Rose: Don't... Be... You fool... I'm fine...
*She bursts into a coughing fit and probably would have cared that she was spraying blood onto someone's face if she wasn't in pain, and dying*

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: Diablo, stay with Casha. I can help Rose.

*Lorcan kisses Casha's hands before he goes to kneel beside Rose.*

Lorcan: You're not leaving us yet... please Rose.

*Lorcan starts rubbing his fingers over any wounds he can find, silver covered them and hardening.*

Jophiel said...

Rose: You two... Are...
*She coughs again, this time harder. She can't seem to catch her breath. Her vision blurs and she reaches for something, anything*
Lorcan... I'm sorry...

Diablo: *He walks to Casha and holds her wound. When he hears Rose's apology, he hisses*
Don't say it like you're saying goodbye...

Emerald Melody said...

(Don't you fucking dare Rose cause I will find you in real life and kill you lol!!)

Lorcan: Don't, don't you dare. Just stop trying to say goodbye to me. I want you here to help me, to help Casha, to help our child.

*Lorcan covers the wounds he could find and then starts to push the silver inside her so it can plug up any internal holes and flush out any stray bullets.*

Lorcan: And I should say sorry for the way I've been with you.

*Casha lifted up her shirt and saw her skin around the bullet hole turn silver and pulsate. Casha looked so surprised.*

Casha: The baby...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((No; I'll send Thor to electrocute her irl.-Zaf

Emerald Melody said...

(Yeah that would work too lol Afternoon Zaf x)

Jophiel said...

(I can't die, I'm to awesome! Joking! (I'll let you figure out what part I'm joking about... ;) ))

Rose: *She shakes her head, wincing again. She can't breathe. Her lungs aren't working properly*
I'd... Like to... But I... Can't leave... With-
*More coughing. She tries to sit up, tries to do anything that will help her lungs breathe again. She looks to the outline of what she hopes is Lorcan's face, feeling tears start to fall down her cheeks*
Don't be... Sorry... it was only... defence... Take care... Of Casha...
*Her head, that was raised slightly, falls back to the ground heavily, her eyes staring straight ahead of her but unseeing*

Diablo: *He wasn't looking at Rose. He was puzzled by the gifts the child already possessed*
That is magnificent...

(I have a trick or two up my sleeve... ;) ))

Jophiel said...

(But it's dark here!! And then I would probably literally pee myself and die. I don't want to die so unheroically!!)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Morning! You better not die, Astrid may lock you in Loki and Zanida's cell.-Zaf

Jophiel said...

(I've got a plan. Lorcan is probably going to punch er in the face for it... ^.^ ))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*walks over to the bed Zanida is asleep on, and realizes how pale she is* Zan, get up.

Zanida: *wakes, and just sits in a corner, still devestated*

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan gasps and could feel the tears coming. He gently patted her face a few times.*

Lorcan: Rose? Rose?!

*Casha could sit up with no problem and watch as the silver fades leaving just a small silver lined scar.*

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She doesn't move. She just keeps staring with dead eyes, her face drained of colour, her face peaceful, as if she were asleep*

Diablo: *He doesn't take his eyes off Casha's stomach. He's entranced with the child's strength*

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: Rose!!!!!!

*He takes hold of Rose's hand as he starts to cry. He doesn't know what to do.

*Casha watches Diablo.*

Casha: You're thinking about something, say what you're thinking.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Sister, are you hurt?

Zanida: No. I just feek horrible, and I can barely stand up, let alone move.

I told the guards I needed a healer for you. If they actually cared you are their queen, we would not be waiting.

Zanida: Was. Thor took that away from me until he releases me.

*goes back to sitting by the gold hologram thing, and reads*

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She lurches up, screaming at the top of her lungs. Her eyes are wide, frantically looking around. Her chest is quickly rising and falling with shallow breaths*
Holy shit holy shit holy fucking shit. Dark. So dark...
*Her eyes land on Lorcan and they brim with tears. She launches herself at him, sobbing into his chest*
Don't make me go back to the dark... Please don't put me back in the dark... It's scary...

Diablo: I'm thinking about your child. I've never heard about anyone who had a child that could do something like that. Not until they were at least three years old...
*He shakes his head in awe*
May I...?
*He looks at his hand then to Casha's belly*

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan holds her tightly as he cries too, he then half laughs*

Lorcan: Don't do that to me again you stupid bitch.
And I promise I will never let you go back to the dark again. I promise.

*Casha is hesitant as she looks at her belly. Then she looks back up at him.*

Casha: Yes of course you can, just... be careful.

Emerald Melody said...

(Damn!! lol

I ded to being back home on the blog and rekindling all my old friendships that I had let slip.

I love you all x)

Jophiel said...

Rose: *She tries her hardest to laugh, but it comes out as a strangled sob*
I don't want to go back... It had me... I'm sorry...
*She nods, his promise only making her cry harder. Tears were mixing with the blood on her face, turning it into an even gorier scene*

Diablo: *He smiles at Casha and places his hand gingerly on her belly*
Thank you.
*He can feel the power radiating from the child and he raises his eyebrows*
Can you feel that? That energy... The force... That power... It's gonna be a strong little kid... I'm gonna have to stay on your side...

Jophiel said...

(Hehe! I wasn't going to take it Em!

Hear hear!!

<3 Ily!))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Did you want to continue as you have one character in Asgard?-Zaf

Jophiel said...

(Sure! Uh, let's just say that this is a different time slot? So one is happening slightly more into the future than the other...?))

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: *laughs* Don't be sorry, we've all been in the dark.

Well you know I've been before and I defiantly don't want you back there.

Come back, lets go and get you cleaned up.

*Lorcan helps her up over to the river.*

Casha: I can't feel anything, just the baby moving and kicking and just feeling like a baby.

*The baby kicks playfully as they are talking.*

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