Friday, June 27, 2014

Armageddon Content

Oh, and for all those who have been asking me to release a chapter from The Dying of the Light early, like I did with a few of the other books, Armageddon Outta Here is the only place you'll find it, right after all the previously published short stories, the rare short stories, The End of the World, and brand new stories featuring the Dead Men, Gordon Edgley, Valkyrie and vampires, and a story-that-turned-into-a-novella, Get Thee Behind Me, Bubba Moon.

Oh, and this is for the people who like their videos to fit their webpages a little bit better...



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Star Inkbright said...

Yeahhhhh . . .


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I'm making me want more chocolate cake!

Star Inkbright said...


*fills her mouth with chocolate cake to stop her talking*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Star Inkbright said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Someone in my maths class thinks I'm going to be a phyco when I'm older.

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: Yup! :P
And - don't worry, you're awesome. :)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*looks clueless*
Absolutely no idea at all. Not one. Absolutely no reason...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Good doctor or crazy doctor?

Star Inkbright said...

In my maths class, I just scare people with my weirdness. :P

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

What is it with maths?

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Always fear, Dugglyn is here!!!!!!!!
How be's yous eyes?!?!
How be's yous?!?!?!

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

HI ELLENI!!!!!!!
*glomps back*
How be's yous?!?!?
How be's yous eyes?!?!

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Oh, forget about the last part of my last comment!

Dragona Pine said...

I am back.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Hey Dug!
Wb Dragona!
Kk Elleni!

Might start soon...

Dragona Pine said...

(Silente - start what?)

Chione Asahina said...

Hey dugglyn, thank you for the comment on my blog, I appreciate it greatly.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Yesterday we had friends in town from Walla Walla and so I was busy the whole day and it made me realize how much I missed Blogland. I was like, oh all I want to do right now us talk to people on Blogland. Not that they aren't awesome and fun (they as in the people I was with) but I was so tired because of the swim meet Thursday night. Omg, the swim meet was SO awesome!! I got hyper for the first race and started scaring people and then I ran around screaming my eyes are drowning in beans!! And then I had sugar so then I was even more hyper and I was cheering my teammates on and I was going up to the benches (where you wait before you swim) and gave high fives to all the younger kids and one of the kids looked at me and said, I don't know you. You are creepy. Get away from me! And I was like, Hey! We're on the same TEAM! We have to support each other!
But then I was cheering so much I lost my voice. That is a lot of cheering because I don't lose my voice easily!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

@Dragona sooooome thiiiiiiiing
Stick around and you'll find out!

Hey Chi!

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Your welcome, Chi!

Hi to everyone who said hi!!!
How be's yous eyes?!?
How be's yous?!?

Dragona Pine said...

This unit has no eyes. We have an optic. Diagnostics suggest the optic is working at full capacity.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Oh, and the beans were refried!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Is be waitin!
Ma eyez be fine!
Wha bout chew?

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Okay, that's good enough for me, Gethie!
(I'm sorry Geth, but your reaction to being called Gethie amuses me!)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

My eyes are good! Slowly melting and drowning in refried beans, but overall, good!
I am good as well!

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Brb! Breakfast!

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry, dinner happened . . . D:

I HAVE to be distant now. :/

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Oh that's good then Dugglyn!

Dragona Pine said...

This unit is not designated "Gethie".

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Ah okay. I'll wait for El and Dug to return.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Nooo Elleni don't leave us suddenly! I need people to be on!

Star Inkbright said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Stick around and you'll see!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*really hates waiting*

I should find a dp...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Actually what happened to my old dp?!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Mbd until Dug gets back...

And possibly Dragona. I get the feeling he's poofed.

Star Inkbright said...

C really hates waiting . . .
She doesn't like it when she's not moving.
Like, if we're in a coach, that's okay, because the coach is moving, but if the coach ISN'T moving, it really frustrates her.

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: I HAVE NO IDEA. :O

Star Inkbright said...

@Elleni: Dp = display picture. I call them profile pictures, but that's longer to type, I guess . . . :P

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Same Star. I HATE waiting.

Dp=display picture

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Imma go for a bit. Bbl. Will be on YouTube.

Star Inkbright said...

I don't mind it.
Hour and three quarters queues for rollercoasters, though - just, no. I was dying. -_-

Okay, Elleni. :/

Star Inkbright said...


Incidentally, I CANNOT WRITE.

Star Inkbright said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Theres no set number I'd just prefer for there to be a decent amount. That way more people know about it.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I might wait till 9/10 GMT, that seems like the busiest time normally....

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Or 8

Dragona Pine said...

Sorry I poofed.

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: *has no idea, sorry D:*

Chione Asahina said...

I have done nothing but poof all day.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Hey Dragona.
Most people just poof during the day

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

May have to leave soon but will try to be back asap!
Have to help set up for my brother's birthday party. -_-
He didn't have to help with mine!
(Fun fact: my brother and I were born on the same day but are two years apart! Weird!)

Star Inkbright said...

@Chi: Heh that sounds like me. :)

@Dugglyn: Woah . . . :O That's weird. O_O

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Yeah, people are always like, are you twins? Or, they just say happy birthday to one of us and the other one gets left out. In a way it's fun but also it gets really busy around this time of year and we get a lot of gifts we have to share! I know right! Sharpening...-_-

Star Inkbright said...

My biology teacher STILL hasn't emailed me back . . . !

Star Inkbright said...

@Dugglyn: -_- I wouldn't like it, I don't think. :P

Dragona Pine said...

(Sorry I poofed)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Aww! When did you email her?
She might be busy.
It is Saturday....

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Tis ok, Gethie!

Star Inkbright said...


Well, he TOLD me to email him.
But he may have meant before I went away.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...


Oh, if he told you to email him....


Dugglyn Carzainia said...

No, Elleni! I don't think that would work....
Remember, I live in Seattle!

Star Inkbright said...

@Elleni: What? No.

@Dugglyn: YES EXACTLY. -_-
Eh I wouldn't put it past him to email me Monday morning and blame me though. :P

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Okay who's on at the mo?

Star Inkbright said...


Also, I made a type when typing the word 'YORKSHIRE' and ended up with 'YORKSHIT'. Heh.

Star Inkbright said...

@Elleni: Email my biology teacher . . .
I'm from England.

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: Yus.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Okay. Stars here, Elleni's here.

Draggie and Dug speak if you are here!

Star Inkbright said...


@Elleni: YES :O
Seattle area is full as well!!!! You and Dugglyn and Fabi and Val V and someone else, but I've forgotten who they were . . . oops . . . or maybe they never existed. :P
Seattle and Yorkshire. :)

Dragona Pine said...

I'm here.

Star Inkbright said...

@Elleni: OH GOSH. XD

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Okay Draggie, Elleni and Star.

Starry is Hunt and Ez here?

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

I'm back!
Sorry! Had to do a couple random chores but I should be back now!

@Elleni you have no idea how many times I have almost commented that!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Okay that brings us up to 3

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

**four excluding me

Dragona Pine said...

This unit is present and all one thousand, one hundred and eighty three Geth programmes are accounted for.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: No.
Just kidding, we're here.
Ez: Star probably isn't now, though.
Hunter: Bye Star.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

HI HUNTER!!!! HI EZ!!!!!!!!
*hyper jumps around them*

Dragona Pine said...

We believe Dugglyn is malfunctioning again.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*screams as Elleni accidentally scoops out one of her eyes*
*it's the same one that fell out when she was playing hunt the vampire with Silente*
Darn that eye!

Star Inkbright said...

Ez: I don't think Dugglyn ever functions.
Hunter: *reaches out to catch the Dugglyn and stop her bouncing* *has limited success*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

What do you mean malfunctioning /again/?!

Dragona Pine said...

*turns to Ez*

That is the conclusion we have generated from our past experience with her.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James:*laughs from the side*
Sort them out.
Member o posse: *waves a hand casually and everyone is thrown backward*

All:*march in dragging a gagged and bound Silente along with them*
James:over there will do. *points*
Posse:*nods and walk over dragging Silente along*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*bounces even more*
You can't stop me Hunter! I'm the gingerbread man!

Dragona Pine said...

*turns to Dugglyn*

Your operating system is not running at full functionality. You may have errors or corrupted data.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*is thrown back*
*realizes who it is*
Oh. It's James. Not good!

Star Inkbright said...

((Ez: Yeah, we share an account because we're lazy.
Hunter: No, we share an account because we're AWESOME.
Ez: *frowns* Okay, keep thinking that.

Might be distant.))

Hunter and Ez: *stand up, and look*

Hunter: Last time I helped Silente, it was a load of bother for no reason.
*sits down again*

Ez: . . .
That's very nice of you.
*runs after Silente, and after a moment, he follows her*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*follows Ez and Hunter*
I'm cooommmmiiinnnnnggggg!!!!!!!!

Dragona Pine said...

*is thrown backwards but lands in a crouch and draws rifle and starts firing at James and his henchmen*

Star Inkbright said...

Ez: *looks behind and sees Dugglyn coming* Oh, God.

Hunter: Oh, look.
*points at the Geth Platform*
Rifle fire.
They'll handle it.
*sits down again*

Star Inkbright said...

((Hunter: @Elleni: Bad stuff.
*nods solemnly*
Very bad stuff.
Ez: That stuff is bad.
Hunter: It is indeed.
*he nods solemnly at her, and she nods solemnly bad*))

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*turns back and looks at Elleni*
James got her. I don't know how. All I know is that whatever James has planned, it isn't good!
*runs forward again, pulling out her sword*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: *waves a hand and makes a wall of air between them and the bloglandians* *makes numerous shadow chairs on both sides of the wall* please. Have a seat.
Mem o posse: order! We are here today to witness the trial of one Silente Tempest. The jury consists of James Venemous, Elder Mist, Ireland Vampires representative Samuel and numerous other leaders of important places.
*all the leaders take a seat*
Mem o posse: Let the trial begin.

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: @Elleni: Someone.
*he's being very helpful today, apparently*

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: *frowns* I don't like trails.
*blasts at the wall of air, to see what happens*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

James is the person that turned Silente into a vampire. He has tortured her many times. He is bad. Very bad.
(Correct me if any of this info is wrong!)

Dragona Pine said...

This unit will stand.

Your jury is biased. It contains no form of synthetic life. The trail is unfair and we cannot allow it to continue.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Yes, trails are boring!
*turns into mist and tries to get through the wall of air*

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: @Dugglyn: You got the bad part left.
Ez: Right.
Hunter: LEFT.

Don't worry, Dragona, I'm probably going to intervene anyway.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

@Elleni who knows.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

@Hunter wha? I got the bad part left?

Star Inkbright said...

((Hunter: Sorry. Most of you will know this by now, but Star can't type. She also can't talk. Or use expressions. She doesn't really do communication, in fact. If any of you know how I can update her software, please inform me.
Ez: We need to find a hardware store.
Hunter: That.))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Posse: *drag a beaten and bloodied Silente into a standing position*
James: *stands* Silente Tempest is a liar, a cheater and a monster. She has commuted numerous crimes and resisted capture. She is an abomination and deserves to be treated as such!
A leader: *stands* she should be punished with the time given by all her crimes
Someone else: *stands* I have heard tales of her torturing people for fun! She should be punished severely!
Silente: *blinks and looks around* w..what....

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: @Dugglyn: Yes. You got the bad part left.
Ez: He means you got it right.
Hunter: No, she got it LEFT.
*glares at Ez*
Stop feeding into it.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

How did I not realize trails is wrong?

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: OKAY.
*blasts the wall harder*
Ez: *leaves him to it* *no point both of them using energy*

Star Inkbright said...

((Hunter: @Dugglyn: Because Star got it wrong first?

@Elleni: What kind of intense music?))

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

This jury is bias! You all just want to hurt her!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*the air wall stays in tact*
Posse member: *slaps Silente hard sending her head snapping back*
Mem o posse: What does the crowd say in her defense?

Dragona Pine said...

This unit has evidence of Venemous-James torturing and maiming.

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: *pulls a machine gun out and -*
Ez: *carefully pushes the gun downwards* Don't hurt anyone.
Hunter: *fires at the bottom of the wall, so at least he isn't firing directly at anyone's head*

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: I've killed and tortured many people.
Are you trialling me?

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

You are bias! She has done horrible things but so have all of us!! So have you, James! Especially you James!!!
I put zombie caterpillars in the brains of all the leaders of the world! Silente tortured people! You tortured and killed people! I'm pretty sure Hunter and Ez have killed people!

Star Inkbright said...

Ez: *frowns at Dugglyn* You might not want to be advertising that stuff.

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: You better not be.

Anonymous said...

I'm back.

My lapse unconsciousness after my heart was restarted may have had something to do with a dead battery...

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

@Elleni I don't really know much about Owna. Sorry!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: *stands* it matters little what they say! She has manipulated them into thinking she's good! They will lie for her just to please her!
Mist: The Man has a point.
Samuel: She's been shunned by us. I can see the mark on her head. Even to us she's a monster.
Leader: Even by vampire standards?! What did she do?
James: As I said she's a monster! Unworthy of sensation!

Dragona Pine said...

This unit has not been manipulated. We had were fighting Silente yesterday. This unit had several of its limbs severed. Yet we still speak out against you.

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: @Elleni: Alleft, alLEFT, you're not trialling me, Hunter.

*has put his machine gun away by this point* *obviously*

Ez: Hey Vivanus.
Hunter: Yeah, hey Viv.

Dragona Pine said...

*looks at Hunter*

This unit can provide thermal energy to assist you if required. We can also fortify our shields if you wish to use our energy.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: See! The synthetic life has even been rewired for her purposes!
Mist: what do you suggest James?
Leader: she must be imprisoned!
Samuel: That is not enough!
Leader 2: Eternal torture!
*all fall silent*
Mem o posse: Are there any arguments against said action?

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*looks at Ez*

We are not manipulating into thinking anything! She tortured me! I know that! How could I forget!? But compared to you, she is an angel! You are a cruel, horrible, monster. If anyone should be one trial it should be you!

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Yes! Just let her go you monster!

Dragona Pine said...

This unit cannot be manipulated. We are too complex. We cannot be hacked, or deactivated by an electromagnetic pulse. We cannot be rewired without fatal consequences.

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: @Dragona: If you would blast through these air walls, that would be appreciated.

*his voice is slightly more curt, and his eyes go grey as he glances towards Dugglyn* *Ez looks at Hunter, slightly worried*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*sees Hunter's grey eyes*
Umm.... are you ok?

Dragona Pine said...

*turns to Hunter and nods*


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

posse member: I may have a better idea sir.
*all look at him*
James: what. What would be better than death for her?
Posse member: Torture. Thirst and memories and isolation.
Mist: What do you speak of?
Samuel: I side with death!
James: Be quiet!
Posse member: I speak of a different dimension. One of barren land. One that, for her, would be a living hell.
James: *smiles slowly* away from her friends. No food...she'd go insane....

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: @Dugglyn: *frowns, his grey eyes lightening a little* Yes, I'm fine.
How are you?

Anonymous said...

the doctors let me out after I proved I could walk on my own.

I've learned my lesson, one does not tickle Lord Vile and get away unharmed. I'm surprised I survived!

So, what's going on?

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Um I am fine.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Mem o posse: on what grounds is the objection?

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: @Dragona: Oh, good.

Ez: Shush. I'm listening.
Hunter: They can access alternate dimensions?
Ez: Apparently so.
Hunter: That's so cool!
*waves at trailers* Can you send me with her*
Ez: Hunter. NO.
Hunter: Alternate dimensions, Ez. That's cool.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*stands next to Elleni*

Star Inkbright said...

((That was autocorrect that time, actually, not Star.
Star's getting better. :)))

Dragona Pine said...

This unit must object. Your method of punishment is precisely what you are trialling Tempest-Silente for.

We have reached consensus.

*fortifies shields by a massive amount and walks against the solid air barrier*

*since no air particles can get through the shield, they are pushed aside*

*walks through the air barrier and aims rifle at all the people*

This unit requests that you stop moving or we will open fire.

Our knowledge of human biology also suggests a kick between your lower limbs will cause you pain. We will use this if required.

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter:: *throws random object at air wall*

This is quite fun, actually.
*watching with interest, now*

Ez: *is watching Hunter more than the trial, checking he's not going to randomly kill someone or something*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Leaders: never. Never have and never will. My hands are clean.
Mem o posse: that is irrelevant. We are assessing miss Tempest. Not them.
Silente: what happening...
member of posse: *slaps her harder again*

Anonymous said...

there's a vampire named James?

Ok, what are the charges against Silente and how is she pleading?

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter@ @Viv: She's pleading by . . . pleading?
Ez: Actually, she's injured. She doesn't know what's happening.
Hunter: So she's NOT pleading by pleading.
*his eyes are orange, now*

Luciana said...


Star - e-mail!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Shunter: Stand back robot. We will send you away if it is required.
*cleavers step from the shadows*
James: and they will not hesitate to take action.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

And /we'll/ be the jury for James!

Anonymous said...

Silente, did you ask to be a vampire? Did James ask you before he turned you? You can't be blamed for his actions.

*starts to get really worked up*

Luciana said...

Hello Elleni! *hugs*

Dragona Pine said...

You are misinformed. We are not a robot. We are Geth.

*looks at the Cleavers*

Their weapons will not penetrate the armour this unit possesses.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Mist: James's past is irrelevant
James: Exactly! If that is all you have to say then I believe we have reached a decision!
Mem o posse: objections overruled. If there are no more objections..

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

James did not ask her!!! She did not want to be a vampire!!!! She is now stuck like this forever!!!

Anonymous said...

I meant is she pleading innocent or guilty but I assume that since she doesn't know what is happening then she probably hasn't spoken in her defense.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*screams in fury*
*runs at James, her sword out*
*slashes at his neck*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: clearly there are no more relevant objections!
Mem o posse: all in favor of Silente Tempest being shunted to a punishment dimension in repent for her crimes say I.
All: I!
Mem o posse: then an agreement has been made

Anonymous said...

James, maybe you should stand aside (not too close to me) and let another judge take over.)

And even if you declare her guilty I'll attack...I'm a wanted criminal, I don't have much to lose.

Dragona Pine said...

This unit consists of one thousand, one hundred and eighty three programmes. We have reached consensus. We are not in favour of Tempest-Silente being shunted. You are outnumbered.

Anonymous said...

*draws metal to him into a pieces of armor covered with spikes.*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: *strengthens the wall of air separating them in time for Dugglyn to run into it face first*
Mem o posse: who do you wish to call forth Miss Jazz.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*puts her sword away*
*turns into mist*
*floats back to Elleni's side*
You're right. Sorry. He was just making me so mad!
*her fist clench*

Anonymous said...

*begins fashioning various metal weapons*

Wait, why am I in a court anyways?
I'm a wanted criminal!!!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Mem o posse: this is highly irregualr miss Jazz. I'm afraid I cannot allow it.
James: Stop letting them waste our time and get on with it!
Silente: *groans* what's going on? Where a-
James: *slaps her* do it now!

Anonymous said...

*starts edging toward door*
*changes mind and walks back*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*starts hyperventilating*
I *gasp* don't *gasp* think *gasp* that this *gasp* is helping! *gasp*
*stops 'taking deep breaths'*
*is a little light headed*
Oh. I like refried beans!!!
*takes a real deep breath*
Oh, this feels better!!

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*looks at her, puzzled*
*lies down anyways*

Anonymous said...

*says quietly to Elleni*
Um we should really do something fast. I'm afraid I might be recognized.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Shunter: *steps towards Silente*
Mem o posse: We hereby sentence Silente Tempest to life in an different dimension in solitude. May god have mercy on her soul.
James: *grins and nods*
Shunter: *lays his hands on her slumped shoulders* *takes a deep breath and closes his eyes*

Star Inkbright said...

((Hunter: I apologise, Star was emailing. *sighs*
Ez: *glares at Star*
Hunter: Okay. Pretend we added to the general chaos.))

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*hands Vivanus a mask*
Here this should help!
*stands back up*
I'm feeling better now!

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: *passes Viv as helmet, which is slightly more useful than a mask*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*looks at Elleni*
Now can we charge?

Dragona Pine said...

*provides covering fire for Elleni*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: *shadows grab her and throws Elleni back before she can interfere* Back before we sentence you too!

Star Inkbright said...


Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*assumes that means yes*
*charges forward and drags Silente away from the shunter*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Shunter and Silente: *start flickering*
Posse member: *stabs Silente in the neck with a spiked ring to paralyze her*
James: *grins deliciously*

Dragona Pine said...

*fires flamethrower into the jury*

Dragona Pine said...

*switches targets to the shunter and starts shooting at them*

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter and Ez: *look at each other like 'Okay, chaos.'*
Hunter: Do you think they actually need us?
Ez: Probably not.
*they stand there and watch, similar vaguely amused expressions on their faces*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*whispers to Elleni*
Do we know anyone who's a shunter?
We could let them take her and then save her without them knowing...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Cleavers: *dive into the crowd and start swinging their sythes*
Shunter and Silente: *continue flickering*
Leaders: *back away being protected by Cleavers and some posse members*

Anonymous said...

*grabs the scythe of a charging cleaver, kicks the cleaver in the head. runs toward James, throwing his suit of armor ahead to take any attack by James*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: *uses shadows to pry Elleni back* *sends a wall of air into them all, driving them back and trapping them with the Cleavers*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*turns into mist and floats quickly through the chaos*
*when she gets to the shunter and Silente, solidifies and swings her sword at the shunter*

Anonymous said...

*grabs James in chokehold and reforms the metal around James' body trapping him there*

*turns toward shunter*

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: Well.
*pulls popcorn out of his jacket and offers some to Ez*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: *shadows grab Dugglns sword and send her flying away through the air headfirst into a tree*

Anonymous said...

*throws liberated scythe at the shunter*

Dragona Pine said...

*kicks a Cleaver so hard its body has a large dent in its stomach*

*otherwise ignores the Cleavers as they are no threat to the unit and shoots at James and the shunter*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*turns into mist before she hits the tree*
He. Took. My. Sword.
*floats above everybody, looking for her sword*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Shunter and Silente: *shunt away completely*

Shunter: *flickers back in* *slumps on the ground*

Anonymous said...

*turns back to James*
*kicks at James' head*

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: *blinks as Silente disappears* Okay, bye.
Ez: She's gone?
Hunter: Apparently.
This place is kind of mad. It's quite cool.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

James: *laughs and shadow walks away*

Shunter: *groans and gets up*

Anonymous said...

*rips up metal from the ground and crafts it into a sword*
*throws the sword to Dugglyn*

Star Inkbright said...

((Hunter: @Elleni: Trapped where?))

Dragona Pine said...

*walks forward and grabs the shunter by the throat and lifts him high into the air*

Tell this unit where you shunted Tempest-Silente or we will compress your neck.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Shunter: *starts choking and panicking* *can't speak*

Anonymous said...

*tackles shunter*
*the tackle is successful but his leg injuries re-open*

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