Apparently I'll be appearing at the Imagine Festival in London this Monday, the 17th. I had a blast last year, where I showed clips from movies, but I'm not entirely sure what I'll do this time. I might read from one of the new short stories. I'd read from the ninth book, but there is nothing from the early sections finished, and anything read from later on would be a spoiler, so...
Oh, and speaking of Book 9, I have just reached the 75,000 word mark. Judging by this, the finished book will be at least 100,000 words, which is Mortal Coil length, and could be longer. LSODM will stay the longest, I reckon, simply because of the massive amount of characters involved. But because most of those characters are now DEAD, Book 9 allows me a smaller, more intimate story — while remaining as heart-rendingly traumatic as anything I've written before.
And speaking of heart-rendingly traumatic, I've actually written the last few chapters. Not to completion, of course, but I've written enough to know what happens, and how it ends, and who lives and who dies, and all I can say is...
I am MEAN.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
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«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 4947 Newer› Newest»Msd, though. Sorry, Annika, but class starts in fifteen minutes...
@Zaf: Try making something. :)
And even if it fails terribly, it's okay, because you can learn from it. :)
Or try writing.
Which is technically making something. You make writing.
So yeah. :)
Hey guys! *tackle hugs all* Whas the rp about. I tried to read back but all I got was pokemon and a wedding...
(That's quite alright.)
(Oh, nothing much. Just Adra, Photo, and Gary discussing Oscar and Doctor's wedding.
I'm not getting into the really gut-wrenching stuff just yet.)
I'm really fine with anything that you all decide, but bear in mind that it might look a little unflattering to wear a floor- length with, you know, *gestures to her balloon of a stomach*
Two of us.
Hello, Silente.
Hey Adra how did yesterdays rp end? I couldn't find it in the comments.
Photo: *smacks Gary on the back of the head*
I told you!
Gary: Ow!
Photo: *looks back at Adra*
We understand. Don't worry, we'll find you something
*jazz hands*
And, if you don't mind my saying so, I think you look more beautiful pregnant than you ever have before. it gives you a certain . . . glow.
Gary: *whispers* I agree.
Drew fell unconscious, and he was contained. Everyone sort of dispersed after that.
Ah kk good. Everyone survived. I vaugly remember nearly eating someone in it...
*Adra smiles* Thank you, Photo, Gary- you are both too kind.
What's the date you have planned, though? If it isn't for a while, then there's a chance I might not be with child then. But if it's soon, you know...
If its soon she'll still have a balloon strapped to her front that only makes her MORE beautiful
Photo: Haven't pinned it down quiet yet, but in less than two months time. The boss-man is pretty eager to get this over with- uh, I mean, he's very excited about this blessed event, and wants it to happen soon.
Gary: *nods*
*She nods to Photo* Okay, then. I'll still have the kid.
*Pauses* In any case, I'm sure you two have things to do this afternoon, so I should let you two go
Photo: Of course.
*kisses her hand*
It was an absolute treat, getting to see you. And Gary thinks the same.
Gary: *slowly slinks away*
And to you two! *Curtsies slightly* Goodbye Photo, Gary *waves*
Gary: *shyly waves back*
Photo: Adieu, le belle dam.
*departs from the shop*
Gary: *scurries after him*
Erm, guys? I keep on seeing flashing white lights in my house even though nothing is there or could make them happen...
(Call Sam and Dean!
Or Buffy and Giles!
Or Eliot and Levon!
Or Pellinore and Will!
Or the Ghostbusters!
Or Mystery Inc!)
@flower girl, could it be cars going past?
*pulls out phone and dials Adras number* Hey Adra I was wondering if you could take a look at something for me...
@Flora: :/ Um.
No help?
@Silente: Adra has to leave - that's why she pulled off the roleplay . . .
And - it didn't really end, I don't think. The roleplays often go on for months and then they evolve into other roleplays. You have kind of an ongoing story thing. :P
Help . . . I'm translating some stuff I wrote it code today into typing, and I wrote 'clanging', and I think I meant 'scanning' or 'looking', but idk and it's annoying. D:
(I'm afraid I have to go now, but before I do, I would just like to drive Star crazy by confirming for her that there will be AT LEAST one major character death at the wedding.
*pulled out of
*moans at brain*
It was 'clanging at', as well. My instinct tell me it was 'scanning', but 'scanning at'? *sighs*
@Silente: Plus, people have to leave, so they often postpone and then continue roleplays. :)
I'm not really that good with codes... you could try solving he ret of he sentence and see which makes more sense. Or you could scream in frustraition
@Silente: noo, the curtains are closed :(
I'm proper freaking out! I keep on running to my friends but they're not the ones doing it. Dammiitttttt! Totally going mad :(
@Flower erm... you could hide under the bed. You'd be surprised how many people don't check under the bed
I check under my bed every night (because I'm a child who is still cared of monsters...and plus a Hannibal episode completely freaked me and now plays on my mind haha)
Wardrobe? Really big cupboard? Real tall tree?
N/a way I've gtg now. The night calls! (As does my comfy bed) Plus with my serum being....ineffective recently I should probably lockup and set my timer. *glares at reinforce cage* Night!
Why would you tell me this?
Why PREPARE me for the trauma?
You know, I hate it when you're at school in a Games lesson and you walk out of the changing rooms and the cold hits you and you start walking towards the pitches and you're cold and you're just dreading it because you know you'll just get colder and colder and there's not escape and THIS IS LIKE THIS BUT ON A MUCH LARGER SCALE MUCH MUCH LARGER.
Why would you TELL me this???? If I read it, I will read it, I will curl up into a ball and cry, I will murder you, I will go to school and not shut up about it, I will possibly start crying again, my friends will get sick of me, my lessons will be not paid attention in, and then, eventually, I will get over it.
If you tell me this is coming
I won't be just happily reading along and then it will happen but I will keep reading because I'm in reading mode and so I won't think because I'm reading and so my emotions will be dampened and swirled up with the rest of the writing.
I will know it will come.
I will be tortured.
You know, Skulduggery once put Valkyrie on a list with Hitler. She said "You just put me on a list with HITLER" and he was just casually trying to continue the conversation and she was like "But HITLER."
I will do the writing equivalent of that.
I will put you on a list with DEREK.
Hear that, Annika?
You're on a list with DEREK.
@Silente: I understood the code perfectly fine. It's just I didn't write the code perfectly fine in the first place. My brain screws up like that. XD
You know, I started crying at lunch, as already mentioned, and this girl we don't really know was just like "Aw, don't cry" and C was just like "It's okay, I always make her cry" and I was just like "When my online friend who writes Osmosis makes me cry, she laughs about it. I'm curled up into a ball crying and actually really upset, and she's ENJOYING it.
What with this and Derek being mean, my future is looking full of doom and gloom and voom. *sighs*
That depressing moment when you wake up and think "it's valentines day"... (not here)
Hello, Dragona.
*waves to Zaf gloomily* *the gloom being nothing to do with Zaf and everything to do with Annika*
(why would she tell me this)
Nm don't have to leave YET. I might end up just leaving though.
@Dragons hey
@star I agree
@Derek I swear to you if you do something stupid like kill someone we care about I will NOT be happy mister!
TEARS (and sad tears)
Think of the children. Won't you PLEASE think of the children!
How is everyone?
Fine. Well of fine fine but okay
*not *How are you?
Alive just very cold
HORRIBLE, but thanks for asking - how're you? :)
I was perfectly happy, Dragona, and now I am in double fear and dread.
(But still kind of happy. :P I have good ignoring powers.)
@Silente: At least we don't have CONFIRMATION that AT LEAST ONE MAJOR CHARACTER WILL DIE with Derek. -_-
(But that said)
(I'm scared ofr book nine)
(You watch, it'll be this time next year and I won't have read it yet because of fear and I DON'T WANT IT TO END and I DON'T WANT TO WORLD TO CHANGE and yeah.)
(Once you know people area dead)
(you know)
(and if you don't know)
(you can carry on being happy).
(That said . . . in this layer of reality (that is - in real life, not fictionally) . . . I would much rather know if something bad has happened, rather than go on in ignorant bliss when my friends are suffering. *hugs* if you need me, people.)
I'm fine, thanks. :)
Wait, why is everyone like :o and :( at the same time?
@Zaf: I hope you warm up soon. :) *hugs*
@Flora: :( Aw. *hugs*
Gonna be distant 4 a bit cause I'm doing homework that should have been done days ago.
@dragona we :0 cause that's us. We :( cause the end Is nigh and unknown
@Silente: I can empathise. :P
No. The end is nigh and partially known, and it is a bad end, and it is torture. :P
Uh, am I missing something?
I have to go to my friends birthday party tonight. And it's valentines day themed.... and I am being made to wear a dress.... and i despise dresses. *sulks*
Torture that will lead to more torture
Dereks post. He gonna kill. And he's gonna kill someone special. Someone we care about. We know this because he called HIMSELF mean.
@Snow: Aw. :( :( I hate dresses too. I feel your pain. :/
@Dragona: Annika just confirmed that there would be at least one major death at the wedding in her roleplay.
And the other half of it is Derek being mean. D:
I think he said he is puttong himself with his chosen name in the last book.... I want to rind him and tuant him abput knowing. It'll likely be easy because I doubt he'd kill himself... but he might...
Book nine comes out in September, though.
*happily procrastinates worrying about it*
I'm terrified for Book 9. I don't wanna read it. I'm petrified I'm gonna die I truly am. I don't wanna die I just got my job back!!! I would like to seriously be able to be American Grand Mage its the only ounce of happiness I had in LSODM after 51. I think I wanted to hit Valkyrie a lot but AAAAH!!!!!!! I don't want it to end! What am i gonna do? Well maybe with the end Derek can come to the States and some of us Amerininions can hit him really hard. I will be one. Omg nooooo the end is night no one is safe!
@Snow: Really? O_O
Derek's said before that he's already in the books. :P He gets annoyed when we think he's Gordon.
Okay, imma go back and read anni's writing.... prepare for either me poofing or me ragging
Huh. Right. I wouldn't be this crazy if they decided to kill my favourite character from Mass Effect, but kk.
I feelz all yo pain. Book 9 is the FINAL book. And this is Derek so its gonna go out with a bang. I'm seriously worried he'll do something stupid. I don't want book 9 to come it at the same time I can't wait! He's messing with our emotions before he's even published the book!
He is. Gordon and him are exactly alike. Egoistic authors (i have faith he isnt lurking reading this) Gordon is Derek because Derek gets annoyed, why? Because we arent as stupid as he thinks. See we outsmart him. He shall never be the true master he is an inkling
Aaand he's gonna read this and I can hear him muttering my name. Well I could blow Ireland up I like blowing it up.
"Zaf stop blowing up Ireland!"
*hits Derek with dynamite* If I die you die too!
I really don't want to read book nine.
I want to just put it on my shelf and smile at it foREVer without reading it.
That way, it'll never ever end. :)
(The reason I'll read it will probably because of fear of spoiler, tbh. :P)
The last book in the Gone series was just sitting there for literally months before I read it . . . :)
Also, the last book in a series is generally the worst. :/ I don't want to be disappointed.
Seriously, I can think of few occasions where it isn't the worst.
And none where it's the best.
Awwww, my friend just phoned me because she was walking down a hill in the dark and she was scared. :)
The Purtan Valentines crack me up...
"I would love to hook up but impure thoughts aren't allowed"
No, Zaf. He said he hasn't been in a book yet, but he's putting himself in the last. Or was it the 8th....? Meh. I will find him.
@Adra: XD
@Snow: No, he's definitely said he's already in the books. :)
"I thought to write you a poem, and for that thought I have beaten myself with a rough branch hence"
He is Gordon. *nods clutching dynamite*
Poor friend.
Most people say a series gets worse the longer its dragged out but the most recent book wasn't the worst. None of them are bad. They are all good and I have faith he will write a good (if completely heart breaking) end book
*looks at Zaf* *Hands here more dynamite *
@Adra: XD
"You bewitched me. There is no other reason for the gophers in my garden besides that."
"Would you be my necessary vessel of procreation and nothing more?"
I'm bringing these to my lit class
*frowns* oh
Oh! And for the entire week after my birthday we're taking the Ohio Tests... Five tests, one a day, from right until eleven.
This is brilliant
Poor adra they sound hard :-(
Hard? Lol, ta. Not really.
@Adra: -_- Fabulous.
(Oh, no.)
(Annika said, when introducing Gary to us, that he was going to be Oscar's friend, because Oscar needed a friend. She said she had intended Photo to fulfil that roleplay, but now she had other plans for him.)
(And also, people are mad at Photo atm for letting Oscar get taken.)
(So if he died
There would be a lot of REGRET
and that would be EMOTIONALLY HORRIBLE
and YEAH)
(I think Photo dies.)
(*feels a lot less worried now I'm more certain*)
(Plus she's roleplayed as Photo recently whilst talking to people. As if getting us more in-depth with his character.)
(Gary is too new to kill off.)
(And Precocious is the main character, really.)
(And Oscar . . .)
(Okay, Oscar would be my second certainty.)
(Because she said once that she hadn't decided whether or not to kill him off.)
(Which means she's considered it.)
(She thinks it's a good idea.)
(But then Gary is largely a dead end.)
(. . .)
(I think it's Photo.)
(Then again - 'AT LEAST ONE major character death'. -_-)
Does anyone know anything about Pearl Harbour. I'm getting a headache from trying to research about it. Wiki started using fancy words!
*hugs more dynamite crying*
Nothing in depth, Silente
I know about Pearl Harbour. We did it a few years ago in History and I've seen the film.
*eyes zaf warily* hey its okay zaf. He wouldnt think about hurtin' you. *carefully starts to pry away dynomite
That's okay Adra. I'll just use the lump o' gray matter
Could you help me a little dragona. I just need a fe facts or something.
Tá sà ina cónaà i scáth cailÃn uaigneach
Guth chomh ciúin nà gá duit a éisteacht le focal,
Ag caint i gcónaà ach nà féidir léi a chloisteáil,
Is féidir leat a fheiceáil ann má ghabháil leat a súile,
Tá a fhios agam tá sà cróga ach tá sé gafa taobh istigh,
Eagla a labhairt ach nach bhfuil a fhios aici cén fáth,
Is mian a fhios agam ar ais ansin
Cad a fhios agam anois.
Is mian raibh mé in ann ar bhealach
Téigh ar ais in am agus b'fhéidir éisteacht le mo chomhairle féin.
Ba mhaith liom a insint di a labhairt suas,
Insint di a shout amach,
Labhair le beagán nÃos airde,
a bheith ina giotán prouder,
Abair léi tá sà go hálainn, iontach,
Gach rud nach bhfuil sà a fheiceáil,
Gotta leat labhairt suas, gotta leat shout amach,
Agus tá a fhios go bhfuil ceart anseo, ceart anois,
Is féidir leat a bheith álainn, iontach,
Rud ar bith a mhaith leat a bheith,
Dom beag
Yeah, fuair tú go leor ama chun gnÃomhú d'aois,
Nà féidir leat a scrÃobh leabhar ó leathanach amháin,
Lámha ar an clog cas ach bealach amháin,
Rith ró-tapa agus go mbainfidh tú a riosca é ar fad,
Nà féidir a bheith eagla a ghlacadh titim,
Feilt chomh mór ach tá sà chomh beag,
Ba mhaith liom a insint di a labhairt suas,
Insint di a shout amach,
Labhair le beagán nÃos airde,
a bheith ina giotán prouder,
Abair léi tá sà go hálainn, iontach,
Gach rud nach bhfuil sà a fheiceáil,
Gotta leat labhairt suas, gotta leat shout amach,
Agus tá a fhios go bhfuil ceart anseo, ceart anois,
Is féidir leat a bheith álainn, iontach,
Rud ar bith a mhaith leat a bheith,
Oh, Dom beag
Ba mhaith liom a insint duit rud amháin ba mhaith liom a rá
Ba mhaith liom a insint di a labhairt suas,
Insint di a shout amach,
Labhair le beagán nÃos airde,
a bheith ina giotán prouder,
Abair léi tá sà go hálainn, iontach,
Gach rud nach bhfuil sà a fheiceáil,
Gotta leat labhairt suas, gotta leat shout amach,
Agus tá a fhios go bhfuil ceart anseo, ceart anois,
Is féidir leat a bheith álainn, iontach,
Rud ar bith a mhaith leat a bheith,
Ba mhaith liom a insint di a labhairt suas,
Insint di a shout amach,
Labhair le beagán nÃos airde,
a bheith ina giotán prouder,
Abair léi tá sà go hálainn, iontach,
Gach rud nach bhfuil sà a fheiceáil,
Gotta leat labhairt suas, gotta leat shout amach,
Agus tá a fhios go bhfuil ceart anseo, ceart anois,
Is féidir leat a bheith álainn, iontach,
Rud ar bith a mhaith leat a bheith,
Ba mhaith liom a insint di a labhairt suas,
Insint di a shout amach,
Labhair le beagán nÃos airde,
a bheith ina giotán prouder,
Abair léi tá sà go hálainn, iontach,
Gach rud nach bhfuil sà a fheiceáil,
Gotta leat labhairt suas, gotta leat shout amach,
Agus tá a fhios go bhfuil ceart anseo, ceart anois,
Is féidir leat a bheith álainn, iontach,
Rud ar bith a mhaith leat a bheith,
Oh, Dom Beag
I just saw a really important anagram of that..
I could probably just tell you here? I'm not a big fan of email lol.
An anagram of what?
Okay dragona. Speaketh away.
@Mara: :) *hugs* Hi!
I had to translate a song for Irish, so... ^^^
Hiii Star *hugs*
@Mara: :)
I wish we got to do that. :P
@Mara: You should have translated an instrumental song. :O
Of your email, Silente
Pardon Adra? All I saw was of you email. What was or message
Oh nm. What was the anagram?
Star - it's actually so hard. Lots of words that we speak in English aren't in the actual Irish language. :/
We can't say "Yes' in Irish :P you have to say "Sha" which means "I am able", I think.
And if I could, I would :P
*curls up* Nooooo
It was a surprise attack. The Japanese spammed code everywhere to stop the Americans being able to decode it in time. They moved their fleets so they were in range and launched two waves of aerial strikes on Pearl Harbour in an attempt to stop the American fleet from being able to stop what the Japanese were doing. They used aircraft carriers to launch a mixture of fighters, bombers and torpedo planes.
Although, the Americans DID actually detect the Japanese planes before the attack. But they thought it was some US Air Force bombers coming from America.
They destroyed fuel depots, torpedo storage buildings, power stations and the ship yards to literally cripple them so they couldn't fight back.
They attacked in the morning, and since it was a surprise attack as well it meant that the Americans were very slow to attack. They bombed their boats and killed over 1200 people.
That's basically the sum of it.
I saw an anagram in your email- the triple K is also an anagram for a famous hate group in America, called the Ku Klux Klan. Your email somehow brought me to that reminder
*sits next to zaf* its okay. Come on now. Look at me. You are a grand mage. Do grand mages act like this? Would a grand mage stay curled up on the ground. No. No she wouldn't.
@Mara: That's sucky. -_-
I also played a historically accurate WWII flight simulator where you had to fight in the attack of pearl harbour.
@Dragona: That sounds cool. :)
I like French.
Thanks dragona!
@Adra oh god! I didn't realise that! I swear I was not thinking that when I chose my email!
I figured :P
You could create your own battle, too, which was pretty fun. I had the British vs the Japanese above Hawaii, the British in Spitfire Mark IIs and the Japanese in their A62M Zero's. There were forty four on each side.
I got rid of over twenty of them single-handedly. I just flew down some small valleys and let them crash into the sides whilst they tried to follow me. It pays to have an agile plane.
I can't stop seeing it now.
That sound cool Dragona. Wish I could go on it. Mind you, I'd probe fail
Oh, by the way, the Japanese used submarines too in Pearl Harbour, though the aerial attack was the main part. They didn't use MANY Submarines but it might be worth noting.
Thanks dragona! You probably jut save my butt.
The young man was a ghost in the city that he walked in, drifting across the streets absently, as the faceless bodies that caged the beasts of mankind statuously shuffled by, without even an inclination that would have indicated recognition or camaraderie. In this town, the young man was an unwelcome outsider, a flower in a charred field, or a single island in the epicenter of the earthquake that was society.
The people- no, creatures that surrounded him dressed in black attire, their hems trimmed and fitted. His shirt was loose and billowing, splattered with bright paint that caked the underside of his fingernails. He paid no attention to them, nor they to him. As a social pariah, he felt that it was his duty to make the best of his situation. If he was to be deemed as the equivalent of the dirt that covers the dusty planet, then he would do his best to live up to their standards.
He did not mind being different from the millions who shuffled sluggishly and silently. He did not mind singing and dancing across the sidewalks. He did not mind looking as if he had rolled in paint.
He did not mind it, because to him, they were the ones who would be pitied.
That's rather gross, what I just wrote. Cliche, but whatever... I'm sure no one's reading it anyway, so yolo.
Good morning! How are we all on this fine- er, not so fine day? It sure is raining a hell of a lot. It was 104 the other day, too .-.
*nods standing up* I have work to do.
Silente, no problem :), it's fine. I just remember all the things that we did like a few years ago... since now I'm doing Medieval History I don't exactly need all the Modern things, but I guess it's useful for helping people lol.
I also know about America in the 1940s... for whenever I might need that... never. I'll never need that.
ADRA THAT'S AMAZING :O :D I just read it to my brother and sister here they thought it was awesome too, haha
So is there more to this? Have a missed it?
Mwhahaha. Cat with sniper. I want one.
Adra that was cool. Your a good writer.
@Zaf. Yes. Yes you do.
I have a lot of work at the Sanctuary. Not as much as usual. The snow is even stopping the crimminals. You know half my staff didn't make it in. I offered to help anyone who needed it.
@dragona I don't know what that picture was. But I want it.
Zaf, a good criminal would melt the snow and cause a flood as a distraction whilst he goes and robs places.
Silente, it's a cat... with a sniper rifle. It's awesome! ^^
Good zaf. A good grand mage helps when they can instead of sitting on their throne and watching the others fall.
*whispers* It's my blogversary tomorrow.
*attacklehugs everyone*
Its a cool and cute cat. Its a kute killer kitty!
@Adra: I turned the music off especially to read it. :P
And it was awesome. :)
Think about all the uses of a sniper-cat. You could train it to be a little fluffy cute assassin.
Not to mention you can love it!
Ninja cats, the savior of the world!
Well everyone is safe at least
Ninja cats would solve rat problems, and you could hire them as exterminators.
@Mushroom: I know! :)
Other people: It's Valentine's Day tomorrow!
Me: It's my online friend's Blogversary tomorrow!
(C: It's a full moon tomorrow!)
Why is ninja cats not already a thing? It would save lives!
I almost forgot. It's only because my phone's alarm went off that I remembered. :P
Sorry I've not been online much. Got loads of work for college and author business and then there's home life too... Heh. Anyway, sorry for never being around anymore. D:
I hope to see John tomorrow. *smiles happily*
*attacklehugs luci back* hey. Happy almost blogaversary!
[hugs Lucy]
[Probably isn't here]
[I've been ghosting for ages, but don't feel like saying much]
@Mushroom: That's fine. :) *hugs*
We're still here if you need us and stuff. :)
*hugs Moss* Hi, then, sort of. :)
Yeah hi mossy! Enjoy your ghosting, speaking of ghosting what happened to Adra?
Hey guys! Anything interesting going on?
Hey Amethyst! *tackle hugs* how are you?
Not much Amethyst! I'm just watching snizzle.
*lays head in hands* I feel horrid.
Javier: Hey come on...*holds close* relax.
*closes eyes relaxing against him*
...elephant screen wipes.
Four of them.
Stuffed elephants with chamois tummies.
A functional item, not a toy.
Wth? What are you looking at moss?
...I'm confused now... what's with the elephants?
I think moss is n a weird website... anyway...hey amethyst how is you?
No, actually.
I just received a package from my uncle.
I'm ghosting, by the way. Homework to do, food to make. Not that there is a lot happening though..
I'm fine :) I'm bored
Legs are odd, aren't they?
They're all wonky and stuffs.
You know, I think autumn 2012 was my favourite blog era. :)
Legs? *looks at legs* huh they are kinda weird. They're like arms only on your hips.
I mean, look at your leg.
It's sort of going straightish but then there's a knee and it's all blobby and isn't in line and then your other bit of leg is at a funny angle and then that it's straight and idk. They're odd. O_O
@Silente: True. :) Arms are wonky as well. :P
Do you guys ever wonder why things are called the names they are? Like why are they called "legs"?
Yeah. Anyway I have to go now. Sleep to catch up on. bye
oh... bye Silente! Have wonderful dreams (or not)!
i think that the people who tell others to stay strong are the people who can't. because they know how it feels, and they don't want anyone else to feel the same.
I actually really hope I can say hi to John. He's a nice guy but I understand if Nic says no.
Bye Silente!
I personally always found that people who say "stay strong" and nothing else to be annoying. I prefer it when people actually give advice for things that could help, you know?
Maybe "stay strong" is like a code...kinda like how Skulduggery and Valkyrie use "be brave"? I mean it's possible...
Why do people say "be strong"?
There's nothing wrong with being sad. There's nothing wrong with hurting and allowing yourself to be hurt when you are.
I guess it could be because no one wants to feel hurt or sad.
*nods to what Amethyst said*
Of course... It is, however, a part of life though. I need to write this down in my book of Theories Of Society, because I think I know what it means..
And - yeah, I do wonder, Amethyst. :) About why things have the names they do.
@Adra: But maybe people don't know any good advice.
Maybe they suck at giving advice.
And so all they have left in encouragement.
It's better than just ignoring people, yeah?
*is encouragement
*silently snoozing*
*lying on her couch*
*a cooling half-full cup of hot coco on the table beside her*
*a book still clutched in her left hand*
*Oscar is slumped in a chair beside the couch*
*snoozing quietly*
*a book in his right hand*
*their other hands are dangling to their sides*
*they'd fallen asleep holding hands*
The Door: *creaks open*
(Hullo, Blogland.)
I fear I will have to stop conversing about this now- sorry, some of the things I could say have the potential to insult someone and, because this is Blogland, someone will disagree.
I'll be making a blog post about it later..
Hello Annika
Hey Annika!
*standing in the doorway is Hassle Precocious*
*silently leaning on the doorframe*
*and watching them*
*his eyes are wide*
*bloodshot veins streaking through the black*
*and his smile is dripping saliva*
Hassle: . . .
. . .
*he shuts up*
*lets the shadows curl around him*
*till he can barely be seen*
*just a smudge on the face of time*
Hassle: Not yet.
Not now.
Sleep tight, little kids, sleep tight.
Anton: Ahem.
Hassle: *looks up*
*sees Anton standing at the end of a long hall*
*and slowly shuts the door*
Shhh, Mr. Shudder.
Wouldn't want to wake them.
Anton: No, we wouldn't.
Hassle: Ehehehheheheh.
(Hullo Adra, Amethyst, and anyone else who may be here!)
@Annika: Hello, evil being. :)
@Adra: You can email me if you want. Or you can just say it and ask people to try and not be offended. Might work. :)
Anton: No violence in the hotel.
Hassle: S'okay. I'm not here to hurt them. Not at all, not at all.
Let them have their pretty little cream, violet, and chartreuse dreams.
Anton: Then may I ask why you're here?
Hassle: *smiles lazily*
Why else would I g-g-go to a hotel?
I'm here to rent a room.
(Possibly the shortest role-play I've ever done.)
Well, so long as nobody dies . . .
like NOT AT ALL.
You? Mean? I'm in denial.
(If anyone would like to play with Photo or Gary . . .
Gary: *is struggling to keep things in order at the League now that Photo is on probation*
Photo: *is writing Gary's best-man speech*)
Short and sweet.
Adra will, if you wish Annika
I gotta go now. Bye everyone!
Goodbye, Amethyst
((I can bring Effie in if you like.))
(Goodbye, Amethyst!
Alright, Adra! Whichever one you would like to role-play with is fine by me.)
(And Moss, too! Moss can bring Effie in! That would be fun.)
(I can if you like...bring Zaf in
(I, meanwhile, am going to sleep.
Night Star. Oh who am I kidding?! I'm never welcome
It does not matter to me, of course.
*Adra is just slipping out of a small hair parlor, her hair a few inches shorter, but still a good, long length, and her layers are trimmed*
*Walks along the road, keeping note of the time to not be out later than she should be- she isn't exactly in a safe neighborhood once the sun blows out for the day*
*Her coat is tight around her, her hands in her pockets*
Goodnight, Star!
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