Monday, February 24, 2014

Ah, Darquesse...

Those lucky Minions who made it to the Imagine festival last week got the LSODM paperback early, but I couldn't let them be the ONLY ones who get to marvel at Tom Percival's back cover, so here you go...

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious?

The paperback will be released for everyone else on the 27th of March, and because we are very, very smart people, we will be releasing the paperback of The Maleficent Seven, which takes place BEFORE LSODM, on the 8th of May. 

Just to confuse you.


  1. OH my goodness, this is magnificent!

    I'm so excited!!! *claps accordingly*

  2. But like, Darquesse is kinda a babe rn so.



  3. Dig the Stevie Wonder lyrics, btw..

  4. KK, now. *Slinks back into the abyss*

  5. URGH


    *has NEVER gotten first on a post, despite being over two blogyears old*


  6. That paperback is MAGNIFICENT, btw. :)

    (:P I read the posts, plan what I need to say about them, and then read the comments, and by the time I've read the comments, I've forgotten about responding to the post.)
    (Welcome to my brain, people. It's not really a brain, it's a mess that pretends to be a brain, and it's also a sieve. Forgotten my German homework consistently for the past thirteen days, minus an odd day in the middle. Yup. I'm that smart.)


  7. Star, I'm closer to 6 blog years old and I've only had it a handful of times.

  8. @Dragona: *frowns* Yeah. But 'a handful'? If you've had it three times in your entire life, then you've had a higher percentage of them than me. :P


  9. Woah. Looks pretty awesome. Great work AGAIN, Mr Percival. :) ^^

    @Star: Neither have I, and I'm nearing three years.
    But I'm not sure that I really mind, so, *shrugs*
    I hope ye catch it sometime. :)
    If you look at it this way, though, the number of posts there likely will be in the future, compared to how many have been since you've been in the Blogland, the former is (hopefully :P ) gonna be more than the latter, so in theory, there will be plenty of chances. *nods* :)


  10. Mwhahaha you'll catch up with me eventually.


    I made another GIF.

  12. @Dragona: Yay! :) But, apparently, the page you've linked does not exist. :P


  13. Huh, what?

    Try that.

  14. Also, Top Gear uses Mass Effect music sometimes. I saw an episode today where they had the "suicide mission" theme from Mass Effect 2 playing in the background.

  15. That one works.
    It's cool - I like the way the glow-blade unfolds as it does. ^^

    And- Ha, awesome. :)


  16. i hate u so much mr landy and it is entirely personal

  17. Taia, it's called an Omni-blade, a military extension of the Omni-tool. It uses the Omni-tool's mini-fabricator to rapidly assemble a disposable silicon-carbide blade which is nearly diamond-hard.

  18. ALSO... that guy who gets stabbed with the Omni-blade is Kai Leng, an Assassin who is an absolute idiot and who works for a pro-human terrorist organisation called Cerberus, whose orange logo is on his chest. You have several encounters with him across Mass Effect 3.

  19. And what a beautiful back cover it is too!! :D
    Tom really does excel himself every time!

  20. @Dragona: ... I prefer 'glow-blade'. :P
    I'm kidding - It sounds cool. ^^

    See you, DRagona!

    NJ! *hugs* HEY! :)




    I'M SUCH A SPAZZ!!!!!!!



    I'M SUCH A SPAZZ!!!!!!!

  23. Dammit, first time I come on in ages and blogger decides to post tha comment twice.

    It probably missed me.

  24. An eerie silence filled blogland...

  25. Sorry for poofing, I was ranting. :P Wbd.




    Is eerie suspense music better than silence?

  27. Hi Sykamere!
    I don't think we've met? *offers a cookie* IT's a pleasure to meet you, therefore. :)

    Hey Fabi! *hugs* :)

    No worries, Star. :)


  28. @Taia: Yay! I am not alone in my first-comment-ness! :)

    I'll live without one, I guess. *sighs mournfully*


  29. @Lantern: I think so. :


  30. [hugs Taiaiaiaiaia] [Hugs Starararararrarararararararar]

    I've gotten first a couple times...

  31. Wow. I mean... wow. Tom Percival is a genius.

    Also, I /am/ already quite confused, don't make it worse, Derek! :D

  32. Greetings Taia DeMars.

    *Takes cookie and devours it*

    Hello everyone else who is here.

    Eerie suspense music is awesome, but only when there's a reason for the suspense, otherwise everyone wwho hears it just starts feeling tense for no reason and then starts feeling dumb because they realise there isn't any reason to be tense.

    They're still tense though, they just feel dumb about it.

  33. @Mith: He is. :) :)

    @Sykamere: I LIKE music that makes you feel tense. :P Well, occasionally. I really admire the atmosphere it creates. Well, it depends on the piece of music.


  34. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  35. DUN Duhduhduhduhdaduhdaduhda
    Dadada DUN duhdunduhduhdaduhdaduhda

  36. Star, it's EERIE suspense music. The kind they put in the climax of a movie. I wasn't aware anybody listened to that at random.

  37. You should hear the suspense music they put in Indian TV shows.

  38. Hey Mithria! :)

    Welcome back, Dragona! :)


  39. @Sykamere: Not that music. But music that makes you feel tense. :P

    WB, Dragona!


  40. Star did you see the new GIF I created?

  41. Effie LOVES suspense music.

    I found her ringtone a while ago, I need to find it again.

  42. @Dragona: No. I'm hopelessly multitasking here without actually getting anything done. D:

    *looks at it* Woah, awesome. O_O


  43. Oh yay that works! ... but it's only half the video.

  44. @Dragona: Well. At least it sort of worked?


  45. @Dragona: It doesn't for me, but my computer's not displaying anybody's atm, so my response is kind of invalid. :P


  46. It works for me?

    @Taia: Aw. :( Moss has a rather beautiful profile picture atm, mine is just great, as a profile picture and as an image, and I was about to go around looking for words to describe yours, but I won't; it's yours, you know what it looks like. :P


  47. *Makes dramatic entry*

    And I'm back.

  48. I just typed out an unnecessary rant at the internet, and removed it because of the 'unnecessary' part. But to summarize the main points:
    a) Fuck you, technology.
    b) I may suddenly disappear.

    @Star: Your profile pictures are always great - the both of you.
    I look forward to seeing them when my computer/internet-complex will suffice. :)

    Welcome back, Sykamere! :)


  49. @Taia: Aw. :(

    And - thanks. :) :)
    Mine isn't new, so you've already seen it, but yeah. :P


  50. And apparently I now going. O_O



  51. Meh seems this picture will have to do.

  52. @Star: I look forward to seeing it again? :P

    (...Typing with CAPS-lock on and using the shift key to access lower case is more difficult than I feel that it should be. :P )
    (And it's weird, because I'm holding shift down, so I feel like I'm yelling in caps, but I'm not... So my 'I's keep on being lower case, because i think they're already upper case because i#m holding ship. And every punctuation mark turns into a @ or a < or a >. )
    (But i keep on being, like, I'm shouting, why am i shouting? and then realising that i'm not but I AM but I'm NOt and it's so strange.)
    (...i think I may be getting the hang of it now. or at least beginning to. I still keep messing up the 'I's, and sudden punctuation, (like the past two commas) and also when I stop typing and then start again.)
    (I don't think avoiding turning the CAPS off here while I need it on in Word is such a smart idea. it's probably easier to just turn it off and then back on again.)
    (which is what i was trying to avoid doing in the first place. :p)
    (It's funny how laziness sO often leads to more work, rather than less...)


  53. *SHIFT




    Bye Star! *waves*


  54. When you're left with more work though you just start acting even lazier and don't do any of it. Then you get even more work and just decide to wait it out to see if it goes away.

    It never does though...

  55. Sykamere, I've never had that problem. I just do my homework on a Sunday.



  57. @Sykamere: Sometimes it does go away. Or you think that it does. ANd then several months later, your teacher takes your exercise books in, and yours is returned with a note under the homework title which reads "What happened to THIS, then? >:( ". :P
    Or sometimes it turns out that there's just an easier way. :)

    Hey, Mara! C:


  58. havnt been here in a while..... and ahhhhhhhhhhh i cant wait !!!!

  59. sanc·tu·ar·y
    a place of refuge or safety.
    "people automatically sought a sanctuary in time of trouble"

  60. It looks amazing!!! Just how I pictured!

  61. I'm home-schooled and, for the most part, teach myself.

    I also do my work on sundays.

    My Wi-Fi turns off at 8 so I'll have to go.


  62. I'm home-schooled and, for the most part, teach myself.

    I also do my work on sundays.

    My Wi-Fi turns off at 8 so I'll have to go.


  63. It was double posting for me too, last night.

  64. Hello!

    (I think. Distant.)


  65. Hye Flora! Hey Zaf! :)

    @Sykamere: Ha, fair enough. :P
    Bye! It was nice meeting you! *waves* :)


  66. Being homeschooled would be awesome, I think. :)


  67. (That 'hye' was supposed to be a 'Hey', not an alternative spelling of 'Hi' :P)

    Hi Star! :)


  68. Star, do you have time to watch the video I posted on my blog?

  69. *facepalm*

    Windows Media Player has got two songs mixed up and now it plays the wrong sound with the wrong song name.


  70. @Dragona: Not really, no. D:


  71. It lasts less than a minute, if that makes a difference. ^^

  72. @Star: I have one that randomly has a different artist's album image on it, and every time I try to change it back to what it SHOULD be, it just changes itself to the random other one instead. :P
    And also, if you want to go back to the beginning of the current track, you have to hit the 'back' button and then the 'next' button, because the 'back' one takes you to the beginning of the PREVIOUS track and it's very annoying. :P


  73. @Dragona: It's a distraction thing. :P I have to sort of stay relatively within the focus area. Like when you're balancing and there's that red dot on the screen. Like . . . on Wii Fit, when you stand on the balance board and then at the end it shows you this red squiggly line and you see which side you were leaning on more. And you have to try and stand evenly, and it's okay to deviate a little bit from the middle, but you can't be wandering right off to the left.

    @Taia: D: That sounds stupid. :P
    My back buttons take me back to the beginning of the track. *nods proudly at music-playing devices* They can only fail at so much, I guess. :P


  74. Anything that doesn't have a cover image for some reason gets the pic from this kids album by this artist I forgot the name of.

    She wrote a song that goes "I'm a bug, I'm a bug, bug bug bug bug..." etc.

    But yeah.

  75. @Star: Aw. Good for you. :) Most of my devices do, but Windows Media Player does not, for me. :P

    Hemingway, Jubi! *hugs* :)

    @Fabi: IS she a bug? :P


  76. @Lantern: That sounds annoying. :/ Would annoy me, anyway.
    On my phone, nothing has any pictures. *nods*
    (It's better that way. They all match.)

    Hey Jubi! :)


  77. @Taia: Windows Media Player is rather crap. :P

    (I have issues with iTunes, though. Actually, my laptop has issues with oldish CDs (I don't think it takes them older than 2008 or something) (although it does take older ones, sometimes, I don't know the pattern), so I have to put them in our other laptop, which doesn't have iTunes, so the file saves as a Windows Media File, and then transfer that to my phone, and then transfer that to my laptop, and the Windows Media Files don't open in iTunes. -_-
    My sister's phone doesn't accept Windows Media Files, though. D: However, she likes mainstream pop music, so she has new CDs, so they work in my laptop, so I can get them into and MP-whatever file by importing them to iTunes and BlueToothing to them to her.)
    (I feel so skilled with music transferral these days. :P It's rather sad.)


  78. I suppose she could be a guitar-playing bug with access to professional recording equipment.

    Or the guitarist is someone else, and a bug actually does the singing.

    But I doubt it. :-P

  79. @Lantern: *laughs* XD
    Never outrule possibilities. :P


  80. Hey to those that said hey!

    Sorry, can't really stay today - got an essay to do and want to have it done by Wednesday because tis my birthday :P

  81. @Flora: Yay for birthdays!!!!!!!! :) :)

    And, okay. :)


  82. Exactly, Star.

    Okay, Flora. Have a nice birthday, and food luck with your essay!

  83. (*the curtains open*
    *the stage is set up like a cozy little household*
    *there is a cat*
    *and a woman*
    *the woman opens the front door*
    *and I am standing on the doorstep, soaking wet from rain*

    Hello, old friend
    It’s been a long time I know
    I hope you aren’t just gonna leave me here
    Standing on the doormat
    Hello, old friend
    The terms we left on were less than grand
    But please, if you can
    Let me in to drink some tea and pet the cat

    What is this?
    Your house is different from last I saw you
    A modest place, I guess
    But a castle to you, no less I
    Don’t have a castle, don’t mind me
    I’m sitting down, hope you don’t mind.
    Where was I?
    Oh yes.

    I don’t have a castle
    And I don’t have a family
    And don’t have a husband nor
    I don’t have a cat
    And I don’t have a life like that
    No a life like that

    Do you remember
    When we were young
    Do you remember
    The sun-light
    Do you remember
    The voices in my head
    The games we used to play
    Playing on our own

    Do you remember the day we parted
    I do
    Do you remember all the pain
    Can I have a cup of tea, oh thank you
    It’s been a long walk to your home
    All alone
    I’ll likely not have good tea like this again
    But then-

    I don’t have a castle
    And I don’t have a family
    And don’t have a husband nor
    I don’t have a cat
    And I don’t have a life like that
    No a life like that

    Do you remember the voices
    The voices in my head
    Do you remember how fascinated I was
    With creatures live and dead
    Do you remember us
    What we could’ve been together
    Do you remember when we were kids
    We were young together

    Well I’ve started to hear them again
    The voices in my head
    They come to me
    When I’m alone
    I’ve started to hear them again
    Pounding rumbling in my head
    Till I think I’m better off dead
    After all

    Thank you for the tea, you’ve been so nice.
    The cat won’t let me pet her but I won’t ask twice.
    Thank you for the memories, thank you for the pain
    Thank for the momentary shelter from the rain
    Maybe I won’t die
    Maybe I’ll keep walking
    Maybe I won’t try
    Maybe I’ll keep talking
    I could always talk my way
    Out of trouble every day
    I can talk my way out of this one too
    I can talk my way out of feeling like I miss my friendship with you

    I don’t have a castle
    And I don’t have a family
    And don’t have a husband nor
    I don’t have a cat
    And I don’t have a life like that
    A life like that

    *curtains close*)

  84. Morning all. :) the cover looks amazing

  85. Hia. Home alone because I convinced m mum I had a terrible migraine and that I should stay home from school. If was really only a mild head ache, but... *shrugs* I have no excuses. I am a horrible, lying person. So sue me.

  86. HELLO!

    Not really here, I don't think . . . D:


  87. @Snow: Ah. XD Not only am I completely terrible at lying, I also don't usually believe in it, so I would never do that. :P

    My friend C's really good at lying. :P
    Ohmygosh, once someone asked her where her friend 1 was, and C said "Well, you see, we were walking to the bus stop, but she tripped and rolled down the hill and fell down a well, and the well didn't have water in it so she didn't drown, but she did break al the bones in her body, so they had to get a fire engine to lift her out and now she's in hospital in a full body cast trying to take a selfie" and that person actually went and told the teacher that 1 was in a full body cast!!! :O


  88. XD cool

    I have convinced people that they've seen me and talked to me when they haven't. It gives me great alibis

  89. Hey guys! I did three and a half chapters of maths last night, thank God, now I've just got to do extreme amounts of science catch up from two/three weeks ago...

    I might just print everything out now...


  90. @Snow: *laughs* XD

    I wish I could lie like that. :P


  91. I have a way of lying where it sounds like I know its true, or at least believe it to be true, and people believe me. Its fun, but I try not to lie.

  92. @Snow: It sounds fun. :P
    I always start laughing, though . . .
    Whenever I try and say something cool, I generally ruin it by not saying it well enough. XD


  93. We had this author come into our school last year (actually, we had three, but anyway.) And he was saying how if your good at lying, you're more than likely a goid writer. And later, when I got picked for a private lesson with him (eeeeeee!!) We talked more and yeah :). But you are an amazing writer. Idek what my point was here...

  94. The sky, caramel!


    Then have this! *gives bottle of blogland 2023* Wouldn't have felt right if I hadn't.

  95. Hey em.

    I want to do some slea stuff... but mehhhhhhhhh

  96. Hey everyone.

    Oi Castalan! You, me, rp now lol

    You wanna roleplay or are you busy??

  97. I'm never too busy for you people. Until I fall asleep. Then I'm too busy for anyone.

    *Crimson wanders around her cave, and takes a casual glance across to the entrance, noticing Drew's cup of tea, cold and undrunk She sighs*

  98. *Chase walks out onto his front porch. He gently lowers himself to sit on the step as he takes a cigarette out and lights it. He looks at the handle of his cane and the blood spot from where he hit Drew with it. Even his blood looked black.*

    Chase: Damn that fucker...

  99. Crimson: Screw it! It's been a week, time to find the moron. *she picks up her coat and cutlass from amongst her many swords, tucks it into her coat, and sets off out from the cave*

  100. Hi Trip. 24hrs later still attempting to finish watching the Daytona 500 least i can skip commercials

  101. *Lorcan comes from around the back of the house and stands in front of his dad. His fists were silver again.*

    Lorcan: Dad, why don't we just kill him? Get rid of the shadows and release mam yeah?

    *Chase shakes his head*

    Chase: Not necessarily Lorcan, if we kill him then we could lose your mother altogether. We don't know what killing him could do to her mind.

    Lorcan: Are you seriously going to keep him alive?

    Chase: I know you're angry son, but for now, it's the only option we have and one we have to our advantage.

  102. *walks down the mountain and into the forest, expertly weaving into the centre of town, hoping to use her anonymity to ask around*

  103. Nope. The ice wueen lives over the road from me. Worst neighbor ever.

  104. *surreptitiously tries to give a penguin a banana*

  105. Lorcan: I just want to get his big smug face and pummel it as many times as possible before his brain gets mushy!

    Chase: He is still a friend of mine and your mothers. We know what those shadows can do, we know that he is probably just as much infected as your mother is.
    And I know your temper is all gung ho and ready for action, if I was your age again and heard the shit he was talking, I would be the same.

    But we have a bigger situation to deal with and personally I want your mother back fully operational.

  106. Crimson: And I believe, sir, that I can help with that. *steps from behind a bush* I must say, I can already tell you are ignorant buffoons who have mistreated my friend due to your own lack of knowledge on his condition. Allow me to speak with him.

  107. *whispers to penguin* run! Take the banana and run!

  108. If you cant tell, I am extremely bored

  109. (Slithers in and pokes Em and Trip)

  110. Ruuunnnnn steve!! (Steve the penguin c:)



  112. Errs...right. Im not needed in rp by the looks of it. Right. I guess I'm gonna be here distantly bored


  114. *Lorcan immediately turns silver as his knuckles crack. Chase just casually finishes his cigarette.*

    Chase: I don't believe we've met. And the fact that you are calling Drew a friend now, means that you've seen his nasty, shadowy side.

    Why would I let you in my home, to talk to him?

  115. Because I'm far more knowledgeable on what is going on, not to mention I doubt you could stop me if you tried.

  116. *Chase smiles as he looks at his cane.*

    Chase: What, this old thing? Tis just a family heirloom of a fashion statement and plus, if you haven't noticed, my already pissed off son there will have no hesitation to stopping you.

    And what makes you claim to be more knowledgeable, you've probably only known him 5 mins and believe his cock and bull story about his 'one true love'

  117. Crimson: Yes, ever since I found out about his dabbling in shadowmancy I sincerely doubted his story.

    And I was not referring to you, I was stating that I, was pretty cool. But your son, is probably the least threatening young boy I have ever laid eyes on. Sir, I did not go looking for Mr. O'Connor to argue with you, I looked for him to help him, allow me passage into your dwelling, and I shall try and help him get better. Don't, and your wife will never be free. Is that in your thick skull yet, or must I crack it open and insert it?

  118. *Chase stood and balanced himself with his cane.*

    Chase: Don't for one second, doubt my intelligence in anything. I've been through a hell of a lot more then you can even imagine.

    Hey Lorc, why don't you go for a jog around the lake, burn off a bit of steam. I'll escort our mystery guest up to see Drew.*

    *Lorcan didn't move for a minute or two. Chase was worried that he was going to be stubborn and come with them but then nodded and broke into a sprint towards the lake. Chase opened the door and waved his hand inside.*

    Chase: After you madam.

  119. Crimson: Thank you sir, for a moment I thought I may actually have to horribly maim you. *walks up onto the porch, and nods pleasantly to Chase as she walks through the door*

  120. Boredddddd..... might watch a movie..... hmmmmmm........ wbd

  121. Gonna try and watch Aladdin, hopefully it wont freeze.... bye all

  122. I've attempted twice now to jump in, twice I have had not a single response. When I get lectured for having a fit I'm told jump in. I now have tried twice and not even an acknowedgment. Not even a simple out of character comment, so you say jump in, how am I meant to feel like its okay to jump in?

  123. *Chase then walked past Crimson and lead her up the stairs towards the first room they came to. He unlocked the door and showed her in while he took a stance against the wall.

    Drew looked up and seemed confused when he saw Crimson walk in.*

    Chase: You have a visitor it seems Drew.

  124. Zaf, that- I'm not breaking my new years resolution. Figure it out for yourself. Use the start of my comment as a clue.

  125. Well come on how is it fair?! I tried and got ignored its not fair on me to be ignored every time i comment to jump in. I mean I commented twice, and got not even an acknowledgement so yes I have every right to be irritated

  126. Herro trip. I havent been on in quite some time.....

  127. I am supposed to be doing my work at school, but i just had to check out the blog

  128. (I'm not well tonight Zaf so I'm not going to attempt more than one roleplay. Sorry just the way it is. You can get irritated all you want but I'm not going to push myself just so I don't feel bad.)

    *Drew moves his jaw slightly. His face is still hot and burning from the silver punches but it is not as painful anymore.*

    Drew: What are you doing here?
