Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious?
The paperback will be released for everyone else on the 27th of March, and because we are very, very smart people, we will be releasing the paperback of The Maleficent Seven, which takes place BEFORE LSODM, on the 8th of May.
Just to confuse you.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 4927 Newer› Newest»hey trip, wanna continue on from last night, while I can...
How do YOU fare, creepy soul eating prophet?
AMETHYST!!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
Hi Jubilance! *hugs back* :)
How are you?
@Mara: A lot of the time, I think they exaggerate that kind of thing. But... if worst comes to worst - Don't go to college in Ireland?
Again, I don't know how Irish relates, but in school they tell us that we can't get work or into college or sixth form or a Welsh university unless we pass Welsh. The reality is that the vast majority of people in my school don't even know how they'd say 'good' in Welsh. I don't think I even know that. That doesn't mean that that vast majority of my school's population will not get anywhere in their lives - You can ask probably ANYBODY in my year what they're doing next year, and they'll tell you either the college placement they already have, or hope to get. And even if you don't get into college - your life doesn't end - it's still there, and you're still able to live it. You'll always find a way.
And- You're not weak. You're incredible. Different people deal with different weights in different combinations, and in different ways. You're still here, which shows more than anything that you are not weak. You've cried eight times this week and you're still here with your future ahead of you, you haven't given up. That's not weak, it's wonderful.
The only actual advice I can give is do what you can. Nobody can ask more than that and expect to get it. You can't take more than one step at a time - it doesn't matter how big the step is, it's still only one step.
Maybe Irish can be approached like that. One word or phrase or sentence at a time. Small ones are easy, they get bigger as you improve. Your steps get bigger. All you have to do is walk, right?
I dedicate this page to spring. Spring has new life, new begingings, new. It is beautiful and warming. And its the light at the end of the tunnel.
I also dedicate to any feels Derek may kill with Book 9. RIP feels, it was nice knowing you.
To Ravel because mmm yeah he's gorgeous.
Okay when I tried re-reading the series I see Ravel's name and freakin bawl, anyone else get this?
Stop shouting please, I have a bad headache tonight, caps aren't helping... Sorry don't mean to sound bitchy.
*coughs* Ow... That really hurt my voice.
Yeah Mara, now I consider it, it's probably a scare tactic to make you care more about a pointless subject. If you're half decent I bet you'll get accepted, Irish or no.
Zaf- I don't think i'll ever be able to reread the series the same way ever again EVER
Hey Fabi! *hugs* :)
@Trip: Fair enough. Good luck with that. Though maybe you could find yourself an immortal friend. Even just a pet. That might be nice. :)
As for me, well, like I said, I'm mortal. I don't have the next few billion years planned out. I'm just being alive. I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future. I haven't spent time planning for billions of years. WHat kind of a mortal needs plans? BAH! :P
Not at all. It was more a godly, slightly robotty voice.
Mara- If you're not doing well in one single class, that shouldn't mean that you'll never get into college... :-/
I mean.. unless you want to, like, major in Irish or something...
Majoring in Irish would be a very niche use if your time.
Jubi, I'm simply dying to know, are those Beatles? I can't really see their feces. Ew, autocorrect. I mean faces.
XD Feces
And yesh :3
I kind of have an unhealthy obsession with old bands
Old bands being mainly The Beatles...
Yay! I passed my British test. I am now a full British. *fanfare* Yay!
A few days ago, I was emailing Adra, and I broke into and ABBA parody, just like that. Music was better in those days.
I should probably go take a nap or something...
@Mara: Aside from that, you're awesome. If I were a college, I wouldn't give a fuck how well you could talk Irish. You rule. Why should I care what languages you're able to speak, unless you're planning on continuing them IN college? If I were a college, I'd take you for all the things that are you, I wouldn't define you for all of the things that you are not. ^^
Great dedication, Zaf. :)
Hey Em, *hugs* I hope your head feels better soon. ^^
... The Beatles used Fender Telecasters, too. Just thought I'd put that in there, from what I learned today. *nods* :P
xDD Nice
And yes..
*Drew shook his head trying to evade the light. He suddenly screamed and threw his head back. When he straightened up and looked at them both, his eyes black. He smiled.*
Drew: Nice try.
Haha omg I am so bored tonight
Yeah, not to mention, Irish is kind of a port man's Latin.
*Pokes all the bored people*
*pokes everyone else*
Crimson: What?
*pokes Jubilance back*
*pokes Jubi back*
*switching to iPod, so wbd/slow*
*cries in agony* ARHHHH! I'VE BEEN POKED!
I know Amethyst, I wanted to RP but obviously it isn't happening as Em once again is kinda ignoring me. Happened last night too. Most people don't ignore others so I'm thinking she hates me
Trip, You're now doomed to die
guys sorry to ruin everyone's mood but i just need to rant i'm sorry
so my instagram best friend diana, aka my little mix account co owner, tried to commit last night. she overdosed. her parents found her this morning on the floor. she could have died. she would have died. if she was left there for half an hour longer, she would have died. she was almost dead. my instagram best friend, almost like a sister to me, was half dead. and i will never see her again. her parents sent her away to a mental hospital or boot camp thing i don't know. and she's not coming back on instagram ever again. ever. or kik. or email. or anything that we can stay in contact through. she's gone. gone forever.
this is why i try not to get to attached to people.
Pokey gods!! *cuddles dynamite* BOOM BOOM GODS
Noooo! Dice gods! Save me from the pokey gods! FESTOVO! Glob! Anybody!
...... *tacklehugs Mara again*
That's really sad, Maralie.
*hugs Mara*
That's... wow...
That really... sucks
a lot
A LOT a lot...
At least she's still alive... o.o
I'm so sorry Mara. That just, well, sucks.
However, I have every faith you'll meet again, some day.
I just walked downstairs and the gerbils are like covered in toilet paper because i gave them a tube with some on it and omg they're like so happy chewing and Snowball is sitting in the gerbil hole. Coco is chewing away.
what happened to people
what do you mean?
sorry i ruined the atmosphere i'm going to leave now sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry
if i act bitchy just know that that's why
i'm so sorry i just
It just got all quiet n stuffs
*Chase stood back slightly*
Chase: The light isn't working. Why isn't the light working?!
Drew: Uh oh, someone's starting to panic.
Bai *supermegagoodbyetacklehugsofdoom* :(
Crimson: *growls* Sir, what are you trying to do?
Drew: You think a bit of light is going to get rid of my shadows so easily. Poor you, a glamour of hope crushed.
These shadows are a part of me, will be a part of me.
Mara, I know we never really quite clicked, but I'm always here. Really, from six onwards, the likelihood of me being on email or a blog is very high. So, if you ever need to talk, I'm around. Hope you're okay, bye.
My point proven. Okay I feel extemely happier.
Crimson: What? No, I just wanted you to look at the light.
Not about Mars. Nothing for her its another person.
I'm happy now because I made a point about someone and they proved it
but we should totally all do a google hangouty thingy at one point because it's fun :3
oh! that might be interesting...
Aye. Crowns for everyone!
No, the thing about Mars.
@Zafira: I think I know what you are talking about
(Yeah we all know it's me Zaf, stop pretending. And I told you last night that I wasn't well, I am still not fucking well and I am ignoring you tonight after the way you behaved last night. So case closed. Shut the fuck up about and build a bridge and move on.)
*Drew twisted his head again, it almost looked like it could jut out at an odd angle. The blackness started to reduce from his eyes as he looked tired.*
Drew: You want me to look at the damn light I will, as long as you leave me the hell alone afterwards.
*He stared at the ball of light in Chase's hand*
You know if you're 'unwell' why stay up past midnight?
Crimson: I don't make deals with monsters. Drew, real Drew, I need you to focus on this ball of light. This light is your world, there are no shadows, you are incontrol of your body. It's just you and the light Drew. Tell yourself that, stare at it, into it, it's you and the light. Say it.
*shuffles feet awkwardly*
"Why did some dickhead have to break your laptop?"
"That was you..."
"I have no recollection of that event happening."
I love my Outdoor Ed class!
DEATHY!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom *
omg xD
I'm beginning to as well, Death. How are you?
Hi Death!
(Sorry, I went to fill a hot water bottle for my ear, which took longer than it should have done, because apparently I lack the ability to do that. It took three tries. *facepalms* :P)
*hugs Mara* I don't know what to say.
That really sucks for both of you. :(
I guess as Jubi said, thank Gods that she is still alive, and, on top of that, somewhere where her environment should be focussing, hopefully, on helping her to deal with the things that led her to that decision in the first place.
I hope that you are wrong about not being able to make contact again. You both have my best wishes. *hugs*
See you soon.
(Lateness, so msd)
Hai Rose
Heh, I'm grand, was a bit better before I read some comments above...
*Hugs Mara even though she isn't there*
*Hugs Em even though I have no idea where she went or if she's still here*
Hey guys. I should say 'hi' more often....
You should, we enjoy your company. I feel like and old relative, feeling glad that you take time from your rip roaring young person life to visit us at the home.
Death! *hugs* Hello! :)
*explodes sadly*
@Zafira: What's wrong? Why are you sad?
I'm sorry, I'm about to fall asleep of my own accord, so sleep well, gtg.
(Cause I can't sleep Zaf cause I'm in pain :'( Now just stop.)
*Drew shakes his head, refusing to say anything. He just keep staring into the ball of light*
Chase: Why are we doing this?
BAI TRIP!! *Supermegagoodbyetacklehugsofdoom*
Trip, the feeling is mutual, except my life is very uneventful. Very.
Aw... Shit. Europe in 35 days... End of school in 34 days....
Hey, everyone should go to Europe in 35 days!!
I just am Amethyst...Zaffy sad.
aw...don't be sad...
*tacklehugs Em*
*tacklehugs Zaf*
*tacklehugs a random bunny because they're cute*
35 days from today...that's April 1.
I wish I could go to Europe but I have school.
HAI JAZLYN!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
@Trip: That's a pretty greAt analogy. :)
And, sleep well, guy!
(I might follow that departure, shortly.)
@Rose: Ah'm already in Europe! : P
I wish I could too but the day that happens it'll be a miracle.
Now I'm stuck, wide awake in pain and no roleplaying to be had.
Just please, someone just kill me now. I'm in too much fucking pain to give a damn anymore.
Well Em you realize there are other things to do besides roleplaying, the rest of us seem to be doing just that.
*Supermegatacklehugs Em*
I'm sorry... :(
I would RP with you...
But I kinda suck at it ;)
I've been itching to rp for a while but anyone who usually would has vanished or otherwise is occupied.
@Zaf: When you're older, I'm sure there'll be plenty of time to travel. ( I thought I missed that 'to' then. Though there MIGHT be time travel when you're older, idk. Maybe you'll invent a TARDIS? :P)
Msd. Safari keeps telling me it cannot find the server, and can't display the page, so i am anticipating it totally dropping out. *eyes iPod warningly*
Its okay Jubi, I'm just looking for a distraction.
I can't read cause the light will wake up Ciaran, it's just too light for Minecraft so roleplaying was all I really had at the moment.
*Steps forward and out of the shadows of the trees, chuckling darkly* My, my...
(God damn... I hate having three accounts...)
(I really should be doing OEG work but I've got the rest of the term to finish it.))
(And family always comes first))
Hi Hemlock.
HAI HEMLOCK! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
Do you have audiobooks to listen to? I tried to fet the LSODM you sent to work and it still wont
*He evades the hug and pushes Jubilance away. He opens his mouth and smoke seeps out* Heh, that is a first, I will not lie. I've never had someone run at me, looking for a hug. Hugging a murderer... Ha! *He nods at Amethyst, smirking*
Well *dusts off* No need to be rude about it don't think I've met you before
A murderer? *suddenly realizes I have my Elder robes on* Ah.
So you would prefer me to be a proper young murderer? *His tone turns sarcastic* Would you like a cup of tea before I slaughter you, Miss Glee?
*His head turns to Amethyst* I don't believe we have.
ok. Nice to meet you!
Ah, a Grand Mage... I was not informed of this. *He bows, mockingly* Your highness...
Well I never implied that you kill me...
I can not say that the feeling is mutual, Amethyst. Heh...
well, why isn't it?
@Em: :/ is there anything you can listen to - music or podcasts, or audiobooks since you're unable to read?
Could you get hold of a small torch/light, enough to illuminate words on pages without bringing much brightness to the room itself?
Could you do some writing? Writing in the dark is always fun to try and work out what the hell the words say in the morning, or since you're able to be here, I guess you have a device of some sort that you could write using?
Good luck, in any case. I hope you can find something that you're happy to occupy yourself with. :) ^^
Hello, Hemlock.:)
Since when do murderers not murder? *He snickers quietly to himself* But my... method is a lot more.... eventful.
*glares* Show respect towards Council members. Lay a finger on anyone here I'll arrest you on the spot.
Because you are all just little paychecks, to me. And wastes of energy, both mine and of life force.
If you think so little of everyone, what do you think of yourself?
And you, your highness, would not be able to do so. *He coughs up liquid fire into his hands and tosses it in Zafira's direction*
("What are you doing Chris?"
"I'm definatley not looking up porn.")
I think that I have a reason, unlike you pathetic weaklings, to live. I have purpose.
And what purpose is that?
I never said that you don't murder people.
I just didn't think that you would murder me after I only just met you like 10 minutes ago
I'm gonna head off now.
I hope you're all full o' goodness.
(... I think lots of breakfast cereals are full of goodness.)
(Whole-grain and whatnot. Vitamins. Iron. Smiles. Idk.)
(I hope you all are breakfast cereal. :) )
(... Or recieve and consume breakfast cereal, so that you may become like the breakfast cereal, in your many wholewheat respects. :) )
Bye! *hugs*
Bye Taia!
Try and figure it out for yourself, sweet heart. Heh...
Jubilance, I've been paid for your extermination. I think I'd prefer to have money, spending time to get to know you. I've been given all your files anyway. *He shrugs and tosses some coughed-up liquid fire at her*
BAI TAIA!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
I like breakfast cereal :3
*glares at Hemlock*
(Goodbye Taia.
Emerald, are you still here?))
*ducks out of way shadows forming around me* And do you like going against mages knowing their true name?
*Smirks back at Amethyst*
Wait.. What!?
*avoids fire at the last minute*
By who?!
*He turns the smirk on Zafira* It does not worry me in the slightest. I have gone against mages who have your power, ten-fold, and have not been slightly worried.
I wonder what people have against you, Jubilance...
Jubilance, isn't it more fun to guess?
@Jubi: *laughs* Good. :)
*draws a door in the ground*
*drops through it, sprinkling assorted cereals through the doorway before it shuts behind her*
*frowns* I was just wondering the same thing....
Did you just come here for the heck of it to kill us all? I assure you, I am good friends with a Dead Man who'd easily help me kick your butt into a cell.
(There is really no reason why I am laughing. I shouldn't be laughing. I'm researching... *Snickers*))
...would he kill us all? I thought he was only here for Jubilance...
I don't have much patience when it comes to guessing games
I don't have much patience in general to be honest
Zafira, I was paid for this. Half upfront and half when I have finished. Don't feel offended, it's nothing personal.
And a Dead Man does not fear me in the slightest.
Well I'm telling you right now,
I have a Wollameaver Dolvampony and I'm not afraid to use her
I have many enemies. I assume one of them have hired you.
Ravel: *walks in* Nobody is killing anyone, or they have better be good at running.
Amethyst, *his voice leaks in a hint of annoyance* I have been paid to kill you all. Not just Jubilance.
Well at least I can stop worrying about there being someone out there to get me...
Well... me individually...
well...that's a first...I meet someone new and all they want to do is kill me...
It still sucks that there's someone out to get us all...
Yeah that's not too good
(where are we? setting description?)
(Blogland I would assume.
(I know that but where IS Blogland?)
(If it's blogland then there's a lake and a forest (?) and umm stuff)
I could easily set fire to whatever that thing is, Miss Glee.
*He winks at Zafira and smiles at Ravel* Are you sure about that?
*He pulls out a small microchip from his pocket and speaks quietly into it* Sir, two Grand Mages, one of them a Dead Man. I was not informed of this! I was only told that there were several mages here and - *he stops and listens* Sir. You misunderstand. This was not- *he growls softly and nods* Understood. I expect a bonus for these. *He puts the microchip back in his pocket and huffs*
(Trees, lake, clearing, volcano way, way away...)
oh god... *clicks fingers and a flame starts up on her hand*
Well unfortunately for you, Clemy's impenetrable to flames.
But I'm sure she'll easily set fire to you
Hah! Fire cannot hurt me.
Ravel: *draws sword*
*whips shadow knives at Hemlock* *to self* All we need is Alastair out and its good times indeed.
Wait are we just going to stand here talking to a psychopath that's been sent here to kill us..?
No, we better prepare to fight, or die
Oooooh dramatic
*Laughs at Ravel and brings out his own sword* Scary.
*He ducks the knives but one slices at his upper arm* Ow...? *He coughs onto his sword and rubs the fire along the blade, turning it into a flaming sword*
Well in that case...
*pulls out a knife*
Hey! I'm not a psychopath! I'm perfectly sane!
*uses water vapor from air to form a puddle above Hemlock and drops it over him*
Ravel: *sends a column of air into Hemlock to push him into the lake*
*laughs and sends a trail of shadows again at vital points on Hemlock*
I never said you were insane, I just said you were a psychopath
I mean like, I'm totally insane...
that doesn't make me a psychopath
....does it?
a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.
See? ^
Nothing about lack of sanity
*He pulls his jacket over his head, protecting himself from the water* Gross...
*Noting the oncoming wave of air, he digs his sword into the ground and he stays where he is as the air tries to force him backwards*
*Hemlock ducks and pulls his coat forward, the knives dissipating when they strike the dark leather*
(How the Hell do people do this??))
I suppose Hemlock MIGHT be a psychopath... who knows?
Let's see
Oi! Hemlock!
Do you find that you lack the ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, are extremely egocentric, or failure to learn from experience?
Wouldn't you like to find out for yourself, Miss Glee? *He winks and then pulls his sword out of the ground, stalking towards Ravel and Zafira*
*forms two puddles of water, layered on top of each other, lets the lower layer of water fall on Hemlock*
Ravel: *makes air form in front of Zaf protectivly* Leave us alone.
*The coat is still flicked over his head and defelects the water*
(Gimmie a sec to eat lunch and go to the library)
(Sure i'll be here for a bit...)
*moves the other puddle of water in front of Ravel*
Ravel! Can you use air to push it towards him?
Ravel: Not unless I drop...*drops sheild from around Zaf* I'll help.
I'm fine, Ravel. I know my true name, I have an advantage over all of you.
I'm not going to fall for that...
Or perhaps I did...
That was unintentional there I wasnt paying attention to comment count
hey Zaf :)
CAROLINE!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
Hai Caroline!
*He starts forward towards Zafira and Ravel, cautious of the cloud* Why should I leave you alone?
(I dedicate this page to all you guys in need (Emerald, Mara, etc.). You don't know how much I need you all. Even I don't know the full extent.
Love you guys!!
i think i understand your name Glee
*sorta normal hugs back*
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