Monday, February 24, 2014

Ah, Darquesse...

Those lucky Minions who made it to the Imagine festival last week got the LSODM paperback early, but I couldn't let them be the ONLY ones who get to marvel at Tom Percival's back cover, so here you go...

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious?

The paperback will be released for everyone else on the 27th of March, and because we are very, very smart people, we will be releasing the paperback of The Maleficent Seven, which takes place BEFORE LSODM, on the 8th of May. 

Just to confuse you.


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Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*jumps again* oh god don't DO that! You'll kill me one day, then who will you beat up?

Did anyone here know the plural of beef is beeves? You learn something new about your own language every day.

Anonymous said...

Sherlock: Did anyone here NOT know that?

Chione Asahina said...

I poofed. I was watching Naruto

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

No s*** sherlock!

Oh wait, that phrase actually works in this situation..

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*puts hand up* I didn't know about beef and beeves.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Well mir said she's leaving soon and I blamed you for your dress getting ripped.

Anonymous said...

Sherlock: *shakes head and sighs*

Oh shut up, Sherlock.

Sherlock: I did not say anything.

But you were about to say something really mean.

Anonymous said...

(Ha! I won't be leaving soon! Isn't that good news? :D I can stay here for another hour or something)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tut tut sherlock, you shouldn't be mean. That's how you get punched, like with John.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Yey mirs not leaving! Whoo! *does happy dance* *stops dancing* *frowns* dafuq was that I just did?)

Anonymous said...

Sherlock: I'm not mean. I'm only telling the truth. And apparently some people don't like the truth.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

There's an appropriate time and place for certain truths. Its true that my substitute french teacher looks a lot like a sultaran but I didnt say that then run around chanting sultaha! Today did I? No I did not.

Anonymous said...

Sherlock: *raises eyebrow*
Mithria, why am I here? And - much more important - why am I listening to things like that?

I have no idea. Maybe you wanted some people around you? I imagine it's become quite silent in 221b since John is married...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Excuse me your listening to that because that's what we do. We listen. And I hope that by THAT your referring to my last tangent and not me mister.

Chione Asahina said...

Sherlock, if you ever talk down to my sister I will rip you apart. *glares*

Anonymous said...

Sherlock: Mithria, yes, it may be more quiet in 221b now. But believe me, I do appreciate it.

Ms Tempest. Of course I was referring to what you said and not to you yourself.

Anonymous said...

Sherlock: *turns to Chione*
I do not have the intention to do so, Ms Asahina. There is no need for being concerned.

Chione Asahina said...

Good *folds arms*

Chione Asahina said...

How did you like the chapter Mithria?

Dragona Pine said...

I'm back.

Anonymous said...

(It was really good, Chi! I left you a comment as always^^)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chione Asahina said...

((I know. Thank you so much but I don't wish for you to cry :) that would make me cry))

Chione Asahina said...

((hey Fabi and Dragona))

Anonymous said...

(Wb, Dragona!

@Fabi: Wtf??

@Chi: Heh. You only /almost/ made me cry^^ And I know this sentence construction is wrong but I have no idea how to correct it.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Hey dragon.

I wrote a giant rant about Olaf but lucky for you lot the web page died when I was trying to post it :-(

Anyway chio when you planning on getting your revenge on me for something in my mind was your fault. Cause I'm pretty busy at the moment you know, calanders full..all that stuff *winks* so yeah...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Hey moss and what's with the sock eating stuff comment?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Hey zaf!!!

Anonymous said...

(I mbd... sorry)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Bye then moss.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I think I'm finally starting to forget some of the frozen songs....although I could be imagining it...

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, I haven't even seen Frozen...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Really mir? I though you would have.

Anonymous said...

Nope... I only know Olaf, that's all :P

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I'm not entirely sure why that surprises me but it does. Wow. Like. Wow. Ive had the songs in my head for a week and a day now. They might be starting to fade or not. You should see it, its a good film :-)

Chione Asahina said...

Mithria, as your sister, No. As the goddess of snow, it is offensive that you have not yet seen Frozen. You HAVE to watch it. It is one of the best movies of all time.

Anonymous said...

What surprises you? That I know Olaf or that I haven't seen the film? :D

It was in the cinemas but I'm not sure if it still is...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

That you haven't seen it! I mean, a lot of people know Olaf, that's kind of standard knowledge but not seeing frozen? Just wow. Its so great me and chio are in agreement, which is scary but true.

Dragona Pine said...

What is everyone talking about?

Anonymous said...

*laughs* Scary but true, indeed...
I don't know... I'll have to see if it's still on, first.

Um... Zaffy? What's that supposed to be?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

The fact that mir hasn't seen frozen.
And zaf is going weeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Dragona, we're talking about a Disney film called Frozen.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

You should check if its on. Asap. Like I got up early IN THE HOLIDAYS just to see it. Its that great. I nearly cried at it. You really should see it.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

The moment you said you usually talk about how terrible the assemblies are, I knew it was going to be a good one. That sounds like it was epic. :)


Dragona Pine said...

I've never seen Frozen. Don't want to, either. ^^

Anonymous said...

Asap? What does that mean?
And ok, if it's still on, I might watch it. I don't make promises, though.

Chione Asahina said...

I didn't. I felt sad and happy at the "true love" bit but I wasn't going to cry.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Dragon why don't you want to see it? Not your thing?

Dragona Pine said...

As Soon As Possible.

Chione Asahina said...

I want to torture you until you watch it Dragona *glares*

Asap means As Soon As Possible

Anonymous said...

Ah, right! I even learnt that at school... *clears throat* Should learn my vocabulary...

Dragona Pine said...

No, not my thing. ^^

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I was on the verge of tears chio. My friend actually cried at it. I sorta get really into films. I emotionally attach myself to characters. The the 'true love' part happens I'm just sat there like Nooo! Nooo! That can't happen its a Disney film! Nooo! Then it turned happy again and I was like yes! Good! Happyness!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I haven't dedicated the page, have I?

I should do that now.

I dedicate this page to the quirks and eccentricities that make you who they are.

A lot of times people simply dismiss things that they find odd, or people look at something they do, be it art or poetry, fangirling or liking a school subject everyone else hates, and think that it somehow makes them "less than." It doesn't.

It makes you more of a you and less of a half-finished idea.


Not that I've met anyone who's a half-finished idea.

I also ded to understanding people who see the world differently than you do. It's really hard at times, but it's always worth it to try.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Dragon chio will torture you. She's like that. I might help too.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Nice ded moss, hear hear!

Anonymous said...

Great ded, Fabi! *smiles*

Dragona Pine said...

*raises rifle and watches Silente and Chione warily*

Anonymous said...

Uh... guys? No torturing because of a film someone doesn't want to watch! What if I said I didn't want to watch it? Would you torture me too?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*looks over at chio* im sorry to say we may need to truce.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Well. Erm. *sighs* no I probably wouldn't.
*looks at dragon* sorry dragon for thinking bout torturing you.

Anonymous said...

Good girl...

Dragona Pine said...

*still keeps rifle, just in case*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Oh. Wow. My phone told me that the most recent comment was Star's about the assembly.


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*mutters under breath* good girl my butt. Who wants to be a good girl
*louder* chio hasn't said anything in this matter. I think she would torture you though. Possibly. Although....

Anonymous said...

Uh... your phone lied to you then, Ari...
Hi btw :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I heard every word you said, Silente!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Dragon point that thing somewhere else. I said I won't and I meant it.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

No you didn't mir! *starts muttering angrily to herself*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Hi ari!

Anonymous said...

Of course I did! I know what I heard!

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: That was an amazing ded. :) :)
Don't tell my fangirling is POSIITIVE, though. I need to think of it as negative or I will never stop doing it. :P


Chione Asahina said...

I would torture him *nods*

Star Inkbright said...

@Ari: *hugs* :) :) Thank you, btw.


Dragona Pine said...

Has anyone seen the Matrix?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*mutters* see chio would still torture him. Why can't I
Mir I don't know what your talking about I didn't say anything *looks angelic*

Star Inkbright said...

I don't tend to get emotionally attached to characters in stories.
I've said this a thousand times and you're probably sick of reading it, but my best example is when I watched Catching Fire. Me and my friend came out of the cinema and were talking about how much we cried, but she had done most of her crying AFTER this person died, and I did most of mine before. I said this to another girl and she went "What was there to cry AT before he died?"
Because everyone else had been upset about all the characters getting burnt and dying and all that, but I was fine with that. I was sobbing my eyes out at the oppression and them having to read off sheets of paper. :P
(Because as soon as they put passion into it, made it real, brought it to life rather than it just being a 2D drawing . . . that wasn't aloud.)
(That's . . .)
(That SUCKS.)


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Not really dragon. I've glimpsed clips.
*slouches down near chio*
*looks up* mir says no torture chio. Sorry. Well no torture over films. You can torture people for other things though.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sorry, I haven't, Dragona...

*looks at Silente*
Now you're behaving like a /real/ twelve-year-old.

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: No, but I'm pretty sure my parents have, and so have quite a few people in my further maths class. Or they used to be in my further maths class. Half of us have left. :P

Not aloud.


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Well in a way mir I AM twelve. I'm just 133 in a way too...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hi sorry i poofed

Alastair Cruciatus said...

You know, I remember when Niccolò was going to attack Zafira, but he was gravely injured, and Chione wouldn't attack him because she said it's wrong to attack someone who is injured. I'm almost certain that it was Chione. She doesn't strike me as the type to torture.


Dragona Pine said...

... seriously?

None of you have seen the Matrix?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

It might have been her, although she tortures/fights me almost ever day.

Anonymous said...

You're twelve AND 133...
*nods slowly*
I wouldn't know how to behave...

Star Inkbright said...

Ez would say, not in these words, I don't think, it's a me kind of way of saying it, but she would say that humans tended to use age as a measure of maturity, as generally people naturally mature with age, but actually age doesn't matter - maturity does; however, as they are so closely associated, people tend to muddle them up.
So Hunter is whatever age he is, none of us ever really know, but in maturity levels, on a scale of one to ten, he's pretty much a 0.795.


Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Sorry. D:
I haven't seen Frozen either, if that helps. :)


Star Inkbright said...

(Hunter and Ez remind me of my friends C and B.)
(C is so mean to B, I swear. XD)
(In a friendly way, though. They're both cool with it.)


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Exactly mir! Age doesn't matter! Its just sometimes I'm mature, sometimes I'm not. And sometimes I mutter/sulk.

Anonymous said...

*grins at Star*
I kinda like Ez' way of seeing the things like they are...

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: You're occasionally MATURE? O_O
When does this happen?

(Joking. :P)


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

You haven't seen frozen either? Are me and chione the only ones here who have seen it?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Well, you ask her to fight you. And you attack her, too, so.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

I've seen Frozen. Not the Matrix, though.


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Well I say occasionally mature...I mean more mature than when I mutter and sulk.

Star Inkbright said...

@Mithria: Thanks!!! :) :)
Ez would say "Thanks," without the enthusiasm but with a smile, but um, she's Ez. :P


Anonymous said...

I have only met Ez once, I think... She was having a fight with Hunter :P

Chione Asahina said...

I've seen the Matrix. Creepy sheet.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Ari oh good, its not just me and icy. I suppose you do have a point though. I do ask her. And attack her first with a snow ball.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Niccolò is te type of person who is appearing intimidating but he actually is pretty kind once you get to know him. Even if he still won't help me in had to hand combat

Wbd on phone but im almost home

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: Ah, fair enough. :)

Well, I've seen clips, I've heard the songs a few billion times, I mostly know the plot, I know the main characters, and I know the "Do you want to build a snowman" song really well, and I know it must be a really good movie because lots of awesome people, online and irl, say it's fabulous. :)
. . . But I haven't seen it, no. :P

I could have watched Mara's free HD download, but I don't believe in doing that, really. Video piracy. I've seen the adverts that go "YOU WOULDN'T STEAL A THIS" "YOU WOULDN'T STEAL A THAT" "YOU WOULDN'T STEAL A THE OTHER" "SO WHY WOULD YOU STEAL A FILM?"
And I don't fancy breaking into someone's house and stealing their jewelled necklace, so I don't excessively believe in free HD downloads . . . sorry.


Dragona Pine said...

Chione, the woman who plays Trinity in the Matrix plays a character in Mass Effect.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Well I suppose its a bit better if you know the songs the characters and some of the plot. Do you understand what we man by the 'true love' bit (just as yes/no)

Star Inkbright said...

I don't think Niccolò is very intimidating generally, mostly because he generally tries to stay hidden and unknown and anonymous, but when he's against you, he's very intimidating. As for the kind thing, it depends in which way you mean (there are multiple ways of being kind) and which point of his timeline you look at.

@Mith: Really?
I quite like Ez, as a character. :) She tries to know her situation well, so that's quite useful, really . . .


Anonymous said...

@Star: Yep, really. I met Hunter multiple times (not too often, though) but I only met Ez once.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*wanders off a little*
*starts piling snow up*
*whistles for the first time in forever*

Star Inkbright said...

@Mithria: Oh. O_O
Meh. Ez isn't excessively interested in people or socialising for socialising's sake, so . . . :P


Star Inkbright said...



Anonymous said...

@Star: *shrugs* Then I don't think I will meet her again soon...

Star Inkbright said...

@Mith: :(


My characters are really better at being written about.
Not that I can really write. :P


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*continues piling snow up making a giant mound*
*pats the mound now and again to harden it*
*piles snow*
*pats snow*
*plies snow*
*pats snow*
*makes the mound talker than herself by about a foot*
*still whistling*

Anonymous said...

@Star: *smiles* No need for being sorry^^

Anonymous said...

*stands behind Silente*
What're you doing?

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: Pattapiles. C:


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Building something.
*starts making a smaller pile in front of the big mound*
*uses the same method*
*pile and pat*
*pile and pat*
*starts whistling again, fixer upper this time*

Anonymous said...

*tilts head*

Anonymous said...

(Uh... I gotta go now... See you all! *hugs everyone*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*does a final pat down of the mounds*
Yup something
*content that both files are compact*
*starts digging into the front of the small mount*
*shovel excess snow behind her*
*digs and digs and digs*
*still whistling fixer upper*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

((*hugs mir* bye!))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*digs into the bigger mound*
*hollows out its insides*
*enough room for her to stand and walk around in*
*it doesn't collapse*
*smiles at her dark igloo*
*starts making seats out of snow*
*and the base for a camp fire in the middle*

Chione Asahina said...

((bye Sister!! *hugs*))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hy back

Star Inkbright said...



Star Inkbright said...

Wb Zaf! :)


Star Inkbright said...


Wonderful sport. :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

We gave my gerbils a treat so they would be happy

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

((Hey zaf!))
*crawls out of igloo*
*takes out a dagger*
*starts carving a brick design on the outside*
*whistles for the first time in forever reprise*
*even though two people sing at once in it which is hard to whistle*
*finishes carving*
*goes to find logs and something to start a fire with*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

((Yey happy gerbils!))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

They eating *happy* I actually was so happy roleplaying with Nic when he's happy, I like him.

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: Really? Would never have guessed. :P
*hugs* :)

@Silente: Start a fire with FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like asexual reproduction!!!


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*laughs* its obvious. I think its healthy to have a small crush on him....*hits head* Bad Zaffy!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

((Star I don't have fire))
*craws back with logs and dead leaves*
*piles leaves and some logs onto the fire base area*
*piles other logs in the corner*
*runs out of igloo*
*grabs one of her many hidden bags of clothes, capes, cloth and sleeping bags*
*drags it back in*
*roots around in it*
*finds some safety matches*
*sets the dead leaves on fire*
*the fire catches and the igloo lights up*
*smiles and sit on a seat by the fire daydreaming*

Star Inkbright said...



you just did


@Zaf: Well, I have a small crush on Hunter, so . . . *shrugs*
I can't speak.
Well, in theory I CAN, but you know.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*giggles* Zaffy loves dynamite

Noelle said...

*Slithers in quickly*
*Drops a package*



It's also a few days before my birthday.


That means that you all are halfway through the week! *Applause*

I have to go slither away now.
*Does so*

Star Inkbright said...



Star Inkbright said...

Adra, I love you. :) *laughs*


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*stops day dreaming*
*starts setting up her sleeping bag near the fire*
*places cloth on the cold seats*
*crawls back out*
*starts digging trench around her igloo to deter animals*
*looks up* yes star. I have fire now. You guys wanna come in? Its warmer than out here. There's room, its real tall and I have a few empty seats
*smiles up at them*

Noelle said...

*Slithers back in*
*Flicks tongue at Star*

I know.
*Slithers away*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*explodes happily*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

((Oh erm hi/bye adra))
Zaf.. I feel I should point out. You should blow up my igloo. At all. Not even a bit. But I do have a present for you.
*hands over a box of 50 dynamite sticks with a ribbon on it*
And you star
*hands star some bubble blowers* I bought you some friends! *winks*

Star Inkbright said...

Like me. I'm awesome, and I know it.

*comes in Silente's tent*
*ooh, that kinda rhymed*


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*shouldn't! That was shouldn't! Don't blow up my igloo! Don't do it zaf!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Star its not a tent, its an igloo.

Star Inkbright said...

@Silente: IT'S A TENT-Y IGLOO. :P


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Star Inkbright said...

Sorry for my distance, I'm participating in another conversation at the same time as this.

A conversation where I'm amazingly hyper.

You might have noticed the effects. :P


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*folds arms over her chest*
Tent, a portable shelter made of cloth, supported by one or more poles and stretched tight by cords or loops attached to pegs driven into the ground..
Igloo, a dome-shaped Eskimo house, typically built from blocks of solid snow.
I built an igloo not a tent.
You coming in zaf?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Enjoy your present! Don't explode my igloo!

Chione Asahina said...

*raises eyebrow at everyone*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*grins going in igloo* sooo

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Oh hey chione. Erm. Wanna come in? Don't make it collapse, I know you can but don't.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

You can sit there zaf *points to seat with thick purple covering* but like I said, no exploding the igloo.

Star Inkbright said...



Star Inkbright said...

Hey Chi! :)


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sits down* Comfy

Javier: *sees igloo* who has Zaf?

Sir said...

Ms. Tempest, I realize that you made this remark several minutes ago, and did not know, but "Eskimo" is actually a rather racist term.

Chione Asahina said...

Hello Star. Have you read chapter 13 yet?

Star Inkbright said...






Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Oh sorry sir. Blame Google, I googled the definition and it said that. Sorry :-/

Sir said...

Worry not, Ms. Tempest.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

You can't fold a solid snow structure up. A tent is made of cloth not snow.

Who is Javier and should I be worried?

Star Inkbright said...

No, Chi, sorry. D:

But I don't have much homework tomorrow either so I can read it then!


Star Inkbright said...



Chione Asahina said...

Yes Star, you cannot fold a snow structure up. *nods whilst folding her arms* Never do that.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I don't like limits...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

See even my mortal enemy agrees. Now mortal enemy, you coming in or not?

Star Inkbright said...


It's easy

you torture Snow into making a structure


@Lantern: *nods nods nods*


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Just. I give up. Okay star, you win *rolls eyes* for now. Anyway seriously who is Javier?

Also moss I hate limits too however they still exist until you break them.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: *goes to Zaf*

Hey!!!! *snuggles close to*

Star Inkbright said...



(It's actually annoying, though, when you argue with someone and they give up simply because they can't be bothered and you're just like BUT I HAVEN'T WON YET. :P


Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...



(It's actually annoying, though, when you argue with someone and they give up simply because they can't be bothered and you're just like BUT I HAVEN'T WON YET. :P


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Are you asking me to continue the argument?))

*looks over at zaf and Javier*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

You don't have to force them on other people, though. Just because you don't understand something.

Yes, the idea of folding a snow structure is somewhat ridiculous.

However, there is the whole 133-year-old vampire thing. I could tell you about how improbable that is.

And there's no way to break limits without trying.

I'm sorry. This is something I get extremely sensitive about.

Perhaps more than I should.

But, especially in a virtual world like this, but also this applies to more of reality than you would think, the only limits are the ones you make yourselves.

Now I'll leave you in peace.


Star Inkbright said...

(No, Silente. :) :)))

Javier is Zaf's husband, I do believe. :P


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: I am. *happily holds her close* Hey Zaffy its okay.

I'm scared. I really am.

Javier: I know. *kisses gently*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Bye then moss (and you have a goo d point there.Thanks for casting some perspective. (That's not meant to be sarcastic or angry BTW))

Star- ah okay that explains a lot.
*turns to Javier*
*smiles* hi, I'm Silente.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: *nods, seriously*
It's like what Ari says about society.
I think I don't have much to add to what you just said, because there isn't really much way to improve upon it, but . . . yes. *hugs*


Amethyst Temerity said...

Hello peoples!

Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Hello Silente. I'm Javier Fyreheart. Zafira's husband.

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Amethyst! :)


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*fears star*
Hi annika

Amethyst Temerity said...

Hello! How are you?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Sorry wrong person! Hey amethyst!
*shakes his hand* nice to meet you. This is my igloo.

Amethyst Temerity said...

oh! iglooooooooooooooooo...
may I go in?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Of course you may enter, watch your head, and the fire, and the married couple, and star, and me.

Amethyst Temerity said...

*goes into igloo*
oh! the fire's nice!

Noelle said...

*Slithers in*
*Lifts herself up*


*Flops down*
*Slithers away*

Star Inkbright said...



Star Inkbright said...



Amethyst Temerity said...

haha :)
who shall I stalk today?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Not me cause I'm leaving and there's nothing for you to see. Bye guys! Enjoy the igloo! Woods over there *points to log pile* blanket *points to corner* couple of sleeping bags as well *points to a different corner* I bid you, a due.

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