My Christmas tree is up. It actually went up a few weeks ago. It's not a REAL Christmas tree. I mean, it's real ENOUGH. It's not IMAGINARY. If you threw it at someone, it'd hit them. But it's made from assorted plastics and stuff. Also it's black. It looks awesome, but lacks that Christmas tree smell. But I don't mind that. My folks have a real Christmas tree up, and that's where Christmas happens anyway, so who cares if my house doesn't smell of pine needles? Not me. Not really.
Not... really...
Anyway, yes, the tree. It's up. The presents are bought. They're not wrapped, but they're bought. Most of them. Okay, I haven't a clue what to get my dad, but he's a dad. He'll be happy with socks. Fathers are simple creatures.
So... tree up. Presents bought. These are things I set aside time to do, because I needed to set aside time. I've been so busy lately that if I hadn't set aside this time, I just wouldn't get around to it. There are loads of things I just didn't have time for, like sending out Christmas cards. I love sending out cards. I try to combine it with answering all the letters from readers, so when I send off a reply, they get a Christmas card too. How lovely! But not this year. Answering all those letters, sending all those cards, would take two days at a minimum, and they are two days I can't afford to take off writing.
The writing is going well, by the way. I've been focussing on short stories these last three weeks, building up quite a collection of new stuff. Each of these stories will be told in a different "voice" than the one you're used to. You'll see what I mean when you read them.
One thing that I haven't decided on yet are the Christmas Skype calls I was planning on making. Essentially, I was going to take an hour one day and just fit as many three-minute Skype calls into that hour as I could. It seemed like a lovely idea at the time, but I'm not so sure anymore. Not everyone who wanted a call would be available on that hour, and so I'd have to field quite a few complaints. Then there'd be the people who'd want a one-on-one chat, when I'd only be comfortable chatting if there were two or more people in the room with you. Basically, my idea would end up causing a whole lot of hassle that I could really do without, so I just don't know.
Okay then, enough jibber-jabber. I have work to do.
Be cool, my Minions.
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 4953 Newer› Newest»((I am no creature of hate nor bitterness
I do not hold a grudge if I can help it
And I can help if
Because I am in control here
Control of my own mind
I won't break into a rant))
(How would you feel? You basically said to me that Lorcan is leaving, and would you want to wait years? Not really. And thwn you let Trip go and when Alexis has relations to someone and tell me no? Yeah I have a right to be pissed, you only allowed Trip. If you allowed him that's like another blow to me and its not exactly fair to me i dealt with Lorcan moping and then he's happy and you cart him off and won't allow Alexis but Trip is ok? Nothing against Trip he couldnt have forseen it at all
(*hugs Fabi tightly* You can do it)
People, when I joined blogland there was no fighting and everyone just went along with the roleplay. What happened? With that I leave
(It wasn't even you and Ed, Trip. I was gonna show Trip the facility and maybe give him a chance to work with some of the candidates.
Do you know what I am Zaf? I'm an author.
I write because I love to give the people in my head a voice, a purpose.
I wasn't doing this plot for the sake of your damn character or roleplay. I was doing it for me, to see what I can do!!
But you went and made it into something that could potentially be soul destroying to you when you had nothing but a tantrum. Pathetic!)
((Zafira was searching for Cristofer de Hecke, and you said "what de Hecke". I then pointed out the similarities between the word still and the name Stille, as well as the word crayon and the name Craon. Under normal circumstances I am not amused by such things, however I have been unusually jovial today.))
(I don't know what to do.
Someone tell me what to do.
I can't deal with people getting emotional and people unsure of how to deal with hate. I've dealt with hate all my life and it made me a fabulous little broken wind-up toy. I don't have anything to say, and I can't make anyone feel better, nor do I consider it my responsibility to.
I am going to leave, because I am very, very scared.
I apologize, Annika.
(Whatever. Whatever you want to be mad because I'm a bit upset fine. I'll go do something else while you go cart off Lorcan and expect Lexi to wait. She won't. And I don't care anymore you can get mad at me but it means little because all I ever do is get yelled at by everyone
Good bye, Ms. Barnosky, Mr. Fletcher.
Zaf, it's a fucking roleplay?
Jesus Christ.
Bye ed
hear hear
Bye anni
*hugs Anni and Adra and Ed and Em*
I'm sorry.
((I'm so, so sorry, Annika.))
((I cannot tell you what to do, Annika. My apologies.
Perhaps I ought to leave as well; I am not sure how I could contribute to this conversation without danger of escalating it.))
Goodbye Ed as well. Again, I apologize to you as well
(Do you guys all want me to go? Because if you do I'll go and never come back. Because it seems to me I have to go because of this. Because I'm me and nobody can understand it. Do you want me gone for good?
You didn't hear one word I said there Zaf. You're still banging on about the fucking characters!!
I was doing this plot for me!!!!!! To see what new wonders I could bring to the plate, to see that I haven't lost my touch after all the grief and pain I've suffered this year.
To see that I was still me, still the same Emerald that everyone remembered before Chase died.
Ah. Goodbye Niccolo..
I really want to leave rn
But I won't
(Nic don't go! Please I never see you....please don't go! I'll stop now I'll stop seriously dont go!
...Don't know what to say, but neither of us can really leave now, can we...?
Em, I'm glad you tried to do something for yourself for once. I'm sorry it ended up such a mess. I would encourage you to try again, but I don't think now is the time. Just, I'm glad you wanted to do that. And I hope it ends up working for you.
Zaf, I have something to say too.
You and I, our characters never really got along, did they? But what I say as a useful plot device, you saw as a personal assault. And I tried to be nice to you, to get you to like me, I tried not responding, actively condemning you, but nothing works, does it? You don't like people, either be civil, or leave! And don't go "Oh I'm leaving because THIS PERSON arrived, because you're being a passive aggressive bitch! It gets very hard to cope with you around, but I can handle that, I deal with lots of difficult people, it's necessary in life, but some people can't deal with them as well as others, and you're making them sad! And that isn't okay. I'm done trying to make this work, because it won't! Because you won't let it!
But that isn't all. I have a few issues with your characters. They act as if they have some sort of hive mind. When Javier was married to Zaf, he supported her in her pursuit of Niccolo. And they don't act as if they lived in the twenty first century! At the slightest inclination they pull knives, declare they will destroy people with their positions, and then strop when they don't get their way. All your characters are just you in disguise, and it annoys me. And they aren't consistent either!
And that isn't even the start of why I'm angry at you. But it'll suffice.
No you won't, Zaf.
You never will.
(Do what you want Em.
Nic, don't go please.....I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll just stop. You were right I need to stop. :/ Just don't go I'll never see you you never come on.
Zaf, stop lying to yourself.
*Continues to cuddle Em*
*And all who have left, and all who remain*
((Neither of us are getting in the middle of this, Zaf. This is not about how often anyone comes on the blog. Please, just listen to what everyone else is telling you- I know it's upsetting to you, but if you never listen, and if you never admit that they have some points and genuinely try to make yourself better for it, nothing is going to change.))
Damn. Does anyone know Anni's email? I completely forgot to save it..
I don't want you to be here if you're just a pile of hatred and bitterness.
Truth be told, you often make me feel as though I'm drowning.
However, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't willing to give people another chance.
Because on the rare occasion you're not throwing a fit, you are fun to be around.
The thing is, you're so quick to give up on us, and that makes me want to give up on you.
I don't want you to think that you can pull that "I'm going to leave, so do what I want" thing.
And I know you won't leave anyway.
If I had a way to help you, I would, but I don't know what I can do.
Probably nothing.
So I don't know what to say here, and this is probably late. Oops.
No, Adra. Sorry :/
Is it on her profile?
I wish I knew her email. I don't.
I'm looking for it anyway, though, so if I find it I'll give it to you.
And that doesn't make me feel better Zaf! Getting angry only makes me worse, as does bottling it up! Te change need to come from you, but it won't, will it? In a greater good situation, I would suggest you leave, and try to better yourself. Broaden your mind. Learn a martial art. Do something! And then come back as a richer, more enjoyable person.
But this is a democracy so you can do what you want.
((I have it... I can look it up. Just a sec.))
It should be on her profile, actually.
*sobs harder irl*
You're still not getting it Zaf or actually listening.
You don't actually give a fuck about me as a friend do you?
*hugs Fabi*
I love you.
Zafira, you won't leave.
You'll be back tomorrow, if not in a few hours.
You're just honestly looking for attention, in my eyes.
Let's take our minds off our troubles, eh?
Ah. Ta if you find it.
Em- do you need me to skype you? I mean, you don't have to talk if ye don't want.
Yeah, I don't think it's on her profile... Grr. She's emailed me before but I think it was erased
So what do you want? No Trip not a martial art I'd be dead if I tried i have no pain tolerance at all. What? You lecture me you get mad but if anyone else got upset it'd be okay. What do you want from me?! I was fine with Anni's plot I didn't freak even though I wanted to a lot but I slip and get yelled at. You realize I was trying today? I'm not going to be perfect in one day, I'm not. I assure you I held myself well and even with Mara's I was upset and didn't freak. Look I'm not gonna be perfect in one day. You guys have to work with me too if you want change.
No Ads, I'm just too upset.
I thought I was really going somewhere, getting something done.
Now I just feel like everything has gone backwards again.
I can't cope at the moment, its getting so close to his anniversary and I just feel like I can't breathe.
I care about you Em I meant I didn't care about the plot at this point. Not the other thing good god no. I care about you Em i keep you in prayers hoping you'll be okay. I do.
Why were you upset with my plot?
What did I ever do to you in it?
Holy fuck.
It was only about me.
Maralie Lily Charm is not your character.
Harry Edward Styles is not your character (nor is he mine, but for the roleplaying, I have adapted him as mine).
Liam James Payne is not your character nor mine, same as above.
Riley/Emery is not your character.
Mackenzie Styles or Ashton Styles are not your characters.
Ta fabi
No I was upset because freakin Harralie feels omg i was like what de heck are you doimg? You did not just do that, but I didn't say a negative thing
Freindship and love, happiness and peace, lalalalalalalalalalalalalala! *skips around, throwing about flowers, the sun comes out and everything seems happy*
*tries tying a pink ribbon in Trip's hair*
I actually feel better for just going mental for a moment there. You guys should try it.
A bunny! *points at a skipping bunny that's laughing and eating chocolate bunnies because it's a cannibal MONSTER! But an adorable one.*
*Smashes a feather over Trip's head*
Salve, amici, quomodo te habes?
*sighs and decides sitting down quietly is best*
Why would you have even gotten upset because of that?
I'm going to go on a very large rant here.
It may not even be big tbh.
All of this, Blogland, roleplaying, everything, will be gone in the space of about 30 years. Maybe less.
I sound like a downer, but this is what I believe in.
We are put on this earth so that we will die.
Imo there is no other purpose for humans or animals or anything that lives.
In a couple of years, around a century, maybe more maybe less, you will not be living any more.
You will be wiped out of existence.
So why spend time fussing about a fucking roleplay when you are literally just wasting your life?
You only live once.
Then you die.
Once you compare that to something like a roleplay, roleplaying kind of gets a bit insignificant, doesn't it?
You should be living life, trying to be happy, trying to make it the best it can possibly be. Not giving out about a roleplay online that is virtually nothing compared to the real world.
(*Scrolls back up*
*Hugs Em again- very very tightly* Em, is it not early?
I know you're upset, and hurt... But... Perhaps you can try this again tomorrow? I'll be more than happy to come along if you wish. But if not... Aye.
Please, to everyone- and all ghosting... Try to get a good sleep tonight.)
I think I'm going to go. Was kinda hoping to roleplay with someone, but that's not going to happen.
I think I might just try to avoid this place for the rest of my trip. There's only so much I can take at once.
(Yeah....I kinda wanna do something but i can safely assume I shouldn't
Ari? Are you...there!
It's Latin for "how are you"
True Mara.
Maybe if I go take a nap all will be okay...maybe. :/
Fabi- that's okay. *hugs her and sends her a skulcake* I wish you the best of luck, Hun... And I don't blame you. I think that would be wise...
That says: Hello, friend, quomodo you have?
Perhaps it's you.
I don't really remember, it's been a while since I took Latin.
Ah damn I don't remember that
It's on the 8th.
Though I doubt that makes a difference on here, on the blog.
Nobody celebrated his birthday here, our wedding anniversary came and went and it was just a normal, fucky day on the blog.
I know you may think that Lorcan is just some piss character that I came up with Zaf. But he's much more than that, Lorcan would have been mine and Chase's little boy had he not been called back.
Lorcan means a lot to me. And I suck putting him through all this shit.
I just can't cope anymore...
Actually, when Lorcan was first introduced, I never expected him to eventually get together with Alexis. But he deserves a lucky break.
It just made Zaf so happy, to finally have a ship that people liked. It was nice, seeing her so happy.
I want Lorexis I do but....I mean I can't handle it all. It was hard working with him depressed and now he's going off to some medical facility its just kinda...hard to handle after a while I mean look at all the things he and her went through it was really hard I didn't know how to react or do and...I just don't know I just wish it could end happy and it may
Yeah, it made Em happy too.
Ok, sorry. I'm back now. I wrote a longish, totally incoherent email. I doubt it accomplished anything, but I guess I'll find out.
...Em... *just hugs* I'm so sorry. Really. For everything.
...I never met Chase, so I never felt like I had any place talking about him, and I wasn't really sure what to say except to apologize... I do #ChaseForBook9 religiously because I don't know what else to do, really, and I want to do something. If there is anything, anything at all, that I can do for you, tell me? I will be more than happy to do so. I just... You're fantastic, and I want you to be ok. I'm sorry.
I want to say something but I can't
I just don't know.
*hugs everyone*
This is a bit more than a role play....
So many people were on.
And now it's just the four, maybe five of us?
You want to know something?
From the RP? Something you could learn from?
Adra went to the Afterlife to save Trip once. Niccolo has done so much and saved so many people. Trip was a shoulder for the characters (and, coincidentally, an alcohol dealer, so that made it a bit different). After 500 years of fighting, Precocious and Oscar are dating.
Lea killed Snow's murderer.
Em accepted Lorcan even though he wasn't her birth son.
Lorelei died to attack Nero, yeah?
So many people more have done so many things.
There is so much that people will do in the name of another- to achieve another's happiness, that nothing can stop them. Four years is nothing to a lifetime of pain and suffering, and if Alexis truly loved Lorcan, she would calmly express herself.
It was
In a nutshell
Listen to this- love can not be stopped. EVER.
*hugs Mara* It's ok. I think quite a few of us are running out of things to say. *hugs again*
I can't believe I just actually wrote that omg
So we stand here, in the ruins of what was a peaceful roleplay, after a great outburst, having achieved nothing and lost so much, we huddle around small fires of forgiveness, and wait for our ill placed trust to come back around and stab us in the back again.
*hugs Meera*
Yeah I don't know what the hell that means but yes...?
...Wow. *is astounded* You know, Adra, that was really great. Really, really great.
*quietly* This guy that I'm dating now- he's had an uninterrupted crush on me for five years now. I didn't even know he existed until last year, and I basically just told him I didn't really like him, because I didn't, romantically. Anyway. That was five years. He's only 16. ...Some teenagers are willing to wait. Um. Yeah. *hopes to not offend anyone* *retreats a bit* Heh...
I'm feeling post apocalyptic. And less than happy with that outcome.
Let me ask you something Adra, what did we gain from all that anger? Huh? Nothing! We wasted good emotions and time on something that was completely pointless and will no doubt be repeated. Brilliant!
Oh my god you have a boyfriend tell me everything why the fuck didn't you tell me I must know
That is so cute
...Also, mages can live for hundreds of years. The rest of us... Like Mara said, we only get a century, give or take any number of years.
Aye, but that doesn't mean that it was unimportant, Trip. It might have taken everyone's time out of here, but it had to be said.
I apologise. I shouldn't be grumpy. Congratulations Ari, on your relationship.
That was awkward and horrible.
Give me a minute, I need to gather myself up.
My great grandmother, (now a great-great grandmother! I know! 5 gen!) is 96. My great grandad died a few years back... She misses him terribly, but I think the one thing that keeps her living is all of her family
Oh god I'm gonna cry
Oh god I have to see her
Take your time, Trip..
...Well, this is sad...
Em, are you still here?
I've been reading Ari's Blog about Nic to calm down and I did calm down and I did read what all of you said. I just have no idea what to say.
I don't suppose Sir is here. I'd be surprised if he wasn't...
Also, thanks, Trip... I didn't really feel like now was the place/time for that, but just because Zaf was saying she's a teenager and wouldn't want to wait four years, you know... Ok, I'm going to shut up now.
Hi again, Zaf.
I don't really know what to say right now, either.
Yes I'm here.
Could sing...
Oh, hey, Em. *hugs* ...Sorry.
Can't Love, Can't Hurt.
Thats why I'm lurking silently mostly. Figured maybe if I'm quiet or go off on my own things can go on, as its probably best. Its why I usually stay to myself and only speak sometimes. Well its what I ought to do.
I do indeed remain, but I hardly have much light to shed upon this subject.
Loneliness is one of the worse feelings...
I disagree with that.
Loving is an advantage
I figured you were still here, Sir
Always stalking...
You bit me once, you know...
All lives end
All hearts are broken
Caring is not an advantage
But Mycroft cared anyway.
Alone is what I have. Alone protects me.
No, friends protect people.
And John was right. Friends protect people. And this probably doesn't make sense unless you've seen Sherlock. My point is, better to care than not, I think.
Is there anyone on?
*quietly looks up at the moon*
Harry posted that as his caption on an instagram photo a few months ago.
He deleted it a few minutes after.
Everyone goes through pain.
Even celebrities.
Friend drama.
Relationship drama.
Family drama.
You name it.
I know see why ghosting can be appealing at times.
I'm going to go off on my own here. If you want to join me you can I'll appreicate it, but if you don't I understand why. I'm just going to go on with my own thing but anyone is allowed to join me if you so desire. Which I don't actually anticipate after earlier
Good evening, Ms. Barnosky.
Indeed Mara.
I see there are. Hullo!
We're all human at our core. And that's easier to forget than one might realise.
Hey Anni
*nods to both Ari and Mara*
Welcome back, Anni
I'm sorry I left in that manner. I decided to follow my heart.
Sadly, it proved very hard to catch, even though it can't run very fast on all those itty-bitty legs.
*Mr.Jar coughs, slightly uncomfortably*
Jar: I must insist that we go.
Hearts are tricky things.
Anyhow, I responded to some emails as well. I won't say who they were from, in case they wish, for some strange reason, to be anonymous.
But you know who you are.
Oh yes you do.
*makes an "I'm watching you." motion with her hands*
I want to go to sleep but I can't.
*Dashes up to Mr. Jar*
Alexis: *sighs* Can I visit? At all? Seriously? Trip and I work together...*trails off
(Meera I have some music if you want?
Granted I mess up sometimes
But it's piano songs I made?
I would like to go to sleep too, but I am a dreadful procrastinator.
I'll likely leave soon, though. Don't worry your delicate little heads.
I am ready to go. My hired muscle wanted in the future is gone, but I still have my mind reader.
(Sir, though! Wait. Why did you even bite me in the first place?
Those were the days.
You were a lot more informal then.)
wb Anni.
*Mr. Jar looks from Trip, to Alexis and to Adra and sighs.*
Jar: If it means that I can get Lorcan and Amelia to the facility as soon as possible, then yes, any member of Mr.Castalan's team are welcome on the premises.
But you are to stay beside me until you see Madam Elizabeth.
(You mean Osmosis wot)
Hell ground.
Sir? Informal?
*notices a pig flying by*
. . . Who knew?
Alexis: *nods* Yes, sir. *glances at Lorcan mouthing "I'm sorry for freaking on you"
Ms. Dark, it was a long, long time ago. To say that I remember would be a lie.
Osmosis . . .
Blogland has either ruined or greatly improved that word for me. I'm still not entirely certain which.
*Lorcan winks and smirks before mouthing 'I love you for it'.
Mr. Jar stands up right*
Jar: Right, everyone in a straight line please. Stay close beside everyone else and keep your eyes facing forward. We don't want any tumbles in case the dizziness suddenly appears
Back! Sorry for vanishing again.
Welcome back, Ms. Tesla.
Well, let us be going then! (Anni? Want to hitch a ride?)
(It was but last summer.
Perhaps you remember when I tied you to a chair and put a ballon string around the leg and carried you around as my personal balloon-slave?
*feels Javier come up behind me*
Javier: Zaf I fear we may have lost Alexis
Javier: missing gone poof do you comprehend?
*slaps* Do not tell me my daughter is gone
Javier: i have the feeling Zaf.
*Gets up* *Stands straight*
*Is fucking short dammit*
(Hullo Ari!)
wb Ari.
I'd rather not, Trip, if it's all the same to you. I'm rather tired. My earlier role-play was a lot of work.
(It was on that same day FYI... I think.)
Ah, hullo there, Aretha.
Alexis: *does what Jar wants*
(Hey Ari...would you like to assist in getting Liv back from Mevolent? One of the Nic's had her placed in the dungeon)
Hrm. I'm a bit tired. And a little bit hungry.
*begins licking a Lindor truffle*
Mayhap I'll sing something. Or perhaps do a dance. Or recite some poetry. Or rap. No, I shan't rap. I can't rap. I can beatbox, however.
Or perhaps I'll do nothing at all.
( Had to draw Nikola Tesla on Draw Something (the app) once.. Hang on, I'll make it my pic. It's rather good.)
Jar: Right-o! On the count of three... 1...2...3!
*Jar clapped his gloved hands hard and loudly and suddenly Blogland was a blur around them and made way to a more scenic mountain view with a huge building jutting out of the side of it. Jar started to take his gloves off*
Jar: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Oiche Gorm.
(You should sing)
I should sing? Why, thank you. It is good to know that people love my singing voice when they're reading it.
Do I have any requests?
Ms. Barnosky, do what you wish to.
It's nicely named for a prison. (Sorry, I kind of have to stay consistent. unless it really bothers you.)
(Fruit Salad by the Wiggles mashup with "Bodies" by Drowning Pool")
Alexis: *looks at it* Lovely name yes
Sorry, I was on instagram.
When I'm sleepy I actually start to admit my talents so apparently I can sing and rap. Huh.
*Her mouth drops*
Goodness, this place is so FREE
*bows with a flourish*
Your wish is my command, Adra.
Let me go to the dressing room and put on my costume.
So.... Here's my Tesla....))
(Thank you my babe)
(Adra Tip: I can't fucking draw.)
Wow Adra that is perf like srsly
And neither can I so eh
((There's this kid at school who calls me Tesla. Usually I'm fine because I see him coming so I know he's going to do it, but if I don't know he's there I just hear Tesla and I freak and sometimes throw something or fall over or launch into a really big rant that starts out excited and ends with me in tears. Yeah.
Sure, Zaf- I don't know that I can do that tonight, though, because I'll have to go to bed soon.))
*Jar begins to walk to the big double doors in front of them*
Jar: Believe what you want Mr. Castalan. But you are welcome anyway.
*They walk in and are greeted straight away by two people wearing light green uniforms. Jar nods before turning towards Lorcan and Amelia*
Jar: Lorcan, Amelia, this is Zak and Maria. They are your introductory nurses, they will take you to your bedrooms, give you your initial health check and show you to what rooms are important to you. You can ask them anything and they will answer.
Now if you will follow them, they will bring you to the wash areas so you can have a soak and a cleanse before you get settled.
*Jar turns to face the others as Lorcan and Amelia walk away with the nurses*
Jar: The rest of you shall follow me please.
*the curtains open*
*and I'm standing there dressed like a Wiggle*
*a goth-punk Wiggle*
Fruit Salad,Yummy Yummy Let the bodies hit the floor
Fruit Salad,Yummy Yummy
Let the bodies hit the floor
Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the fruit salaaaaad!
Let’s make some fruit salad today (why for)
Can't take much more fruit salad
Here we go!
Here we go!
Here we go!
One - Nothing wrong with me, peel your bananas
Two - Nothing wrong with me, toss in some grapes
Three - Nothing wrong with me, chop up some apples
Chop up some bodies
Four - Nothing wrong with me
Now we've made it,It's time to eat it (Uh huh uh) It tastes so good that you just can't beat it (Uh huh uh)
Something's got to give
Something's got to give
Something's got to give
Fruit Salad
Give everyone a plate and a spoon We'll all be eating it very soon!
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the flooooor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the flooooor
((Adra, that is still better than anything I could draw. Congratulations. *claps*
*cheers for Em's rp*))
(I know Mara
That's how I am with Dickens. And Dickinson. And Poe. and Chopin (my inner feminist). And Edith Whatron the babe.
DON'T EVen fget me started on Bill Shakes, because I could go on fo rhours.)
Can Alexis not go with them?
I'd like to be able to watch them at all times.
(Zak :P
ANNI CREYS hang on)
*Nods, and silently follows*
Do you mean Bill Sykes, maybe? Or am I thinking of a different person . . .
Oh my fucking god it's 3am
I remember when I pulled an all-nighter omfg best night ever
Who wants to hear the story no one okay
*Jar stops*
Jar: Ms.Alexis is not part of your team is she not? If that is the case then all 3 of you need to be introduced to Madame Elizabeth.
This is just while they are getting settled, I'm sure we shall see them for dinner time in the food hall.
(I'M SCREAMING. "One- nothing wrong with me- peel the banana"
so bookmarking this page now.)
You know, singing that song has made my evening a thoroughly pleasant one.
Alexis: *nods* Yeah I can handle going with them
(Ari will you be on tomorrow?
((*claps for Anni*))
(Lol Mara *pets her face*
Bill Shakes
WIlliam shakespwearea e;nabljkedf bn fuck i can't type)
((Yes, I'll be here tomorrow. Probably not until evening, though.))
... No, it's fine. I want to meet This Elizebeth lady.
Quite entertaining, Ms. Barnosky.
I hope you appreciate the considerable effort I took finding the lyrics for those and splicing them together.
*strolls off the stage and removes her goth-punk makeup*
Alexis: *nods* Oh alright...
(Oh...:/ well I hope we can when you get on in the evening!
*throws roses at Anni* *takes some flash photography*
Right... *Continues to look around*
*strikes a dynamic pose*
Be sure you get me from one of my twenty-seven good sides.
(That was wonderful.)
*stands and claps Anni*
*follow Jar*
*hisses and collapses to the ground realizing her second child is now missing*
Javier: Zaf please...
Ravel: *comes out and hugs her* Come on we'll get them...
*gets all twenty seven good sides, and thirteen extras*
*carefully re-counts Ms. Barnosky's sides*
*Jar smiles*
Jar: Excellent! Follow me please.
*He leads them up 2 flights of spiral staircases before they are standing in front of another huge pair of double doors. Jar opens the doors and shows them in.*
Jar: Madame Elizabeth is waiting for you.
*Jar backs out and shuts the doors behind them all as they are face with a huge room stacked full of bookcases and a huge desk sitting in front of them*
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
*nods to her fans*
*waves at the cameras*
*looks over her sunglasses at some fanboys*
Fanboys: *faint*
*Adra smells the books*
*Subconsciously puts her face against the bookshelf, smelling the books*
I dedicate this page to family, today in the homoly our priest had said that they went through ups and downs and that he thought of the ups to get through the downs.
So to my family, you peoples.
And to Slytherin House, or Slytherin, you'll make your real friends there
Hang on . . . I've got forty sides?
*looks perturbed*
. . . Am I non-Euclidean?
I'm non-Euclidean! Just like whatever Sir is!
Alexis: oh...*looks at* reminds me of my mother's chambers
Now then, I'm sorry, but I really must depart.
*waves farewell to her fans*
Goodbye, goodbye, fare thee well.
*sadly, departs*
Ah, the quintessential businessman's office. My favourite type of office.
(Bye Anni! *hugs*)
Good bye, Ms. Barnosky.
Bye Anni.
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