My Christmas tree is up. It actually went up a few weeks ago. It's not a REAL Christmas tree. I mean, it's real ENOUGH. It's not IMAGINARY. If you threw it at someone, it'd hit them. But it's made from assorted plastics and stuff. Also it's black. It looks awesome, but lacks that Christmas tree smell. But I don't mind that. My folks have a real Christmas tree up, and that's where Christmas happens anyway, so who cares if my house doesn't smell of pine needles? Not me. Not really.
Not... really...
Anyway, yes, the tree. It's up. The presents are bought. They're not wrapped, but they're bought. Most of them. Okay, I haven't a clue what to get my dad, but he's a dad. He'll be happy with socks. Fathers are simple creatures.
So... tree up. Presents bought. These are things I set aside time to do, because I needed to set aside time. I've been so busy lately that if I hadn't set aside this time, I just wouldn't get around to it. There are loads of things I just didn't have time for, like sending out Christmas cards. I love sending out cards. I try to combine it with answering all the letters from readers, so when I send off a reply, they get a Christmas card too. How lovely! But not this year. Answering all those letters, sending all those cards, would take two days at a minimum, and they are two days I can't afford to take off writing.
The writing is going well, by the way. I've been focussing on short stories these last three weeks, building up quite a collection of new stuff. Each of these stories will be told in a different "voice" than the one you're used to. You'll see what I mean when you read them.
One thing that I haven't decided on yet are the Christmas Skype calls I was planning on making. Essentially, I was going to take an hour one day and just fit as many three-minute Skype calls into that hour as I could. It seemed like a lovely idea at the time, but I'm not so sure anymore. Not everyone who wanted a call would be available on that hour, and so I'd have to field quite a few complaints. Then there'd be the people who'd want a one-on-one chat, when I'd only be comfortable chatting if there were two or more people in the room with you. Basically, my idea would end up causing a whole lot of hassle that I could really do without, so I just don't know.
Okay then, enough jibber-jabber. I have work to do.
Be cool, my Minions.
«Oldest ‹Older 4801 – 4953 of 4953Huh. Im just like.... Meh. I'm crazy but i usually ignore the haters. Kids hate me because i have brains. Im different then the others but it doesnt matter. Im happy so i couldnt give a crap.
Star, do you study philosophy...?
Man is not one but two, he is evil and good.
Well, that went well.
Apparently I'm not doing schoolwork today.
@Mushroom: No. Never got the option. BUT I REALLY WANT TO.
I've realised that philosophical thinking is one of my favourite things to do. :P
@Lantern: Oh. That's partially good and partially bad . . . ? :/
(Good because you don't have to do it, bad because getting behind.)
@Zaf: I actually have a reputation for being weird. *nods*
I think it's probably a fairly strong one.
I hope so, anyway. I'm rather proud of it.
And - that's a really good attitude you have. :) :)
Blergh. Yeah its ok to be weird.
And he crossed the fine line we'd all cross if we could.
You'd be good at it.
I was considering it earlier today whilst in the midst of a discussion regarding primary and secondary qualities. I also found an argument to go against the common claim that "I'm useless" - representative realism is incredible. :3
@Mushroom: I hope so. Practise, mostly. :P
And - yay! :)
Oh, wait. I'm a bubble. I'm good at everything.
My dad doesn't click with the click button on laptops. He double-taps on the touch pad.
*tries to go about my life without using the click button*
Hmm. Has an odd smooth feeling to it. :)
No, you seem to have the mindset for it, Star. You seem to be able to question things to the extent of entertaining the possibility of the external world being non-existent, because of it being a working hypothesis and due to how we cannot truly experience it. :P
@Mushroom: Thank you. :) :) :)
And - obviously, there's a possibly the world doesn't exist. I've often thought that I could really be little again and just wake up and the whole me-being-older could just be a dream. Or maybe the whole world isn't real, and maybe it's . . . maybe our race constructed this world, and maybe they've sent me into a video-game thing and I'm lying in a coma and I'm just seeing how it is, being a human, and then one day I will wake up and remember that I'm not really a human, I'm this other species, and I'll have to recount what I've found.
I think I'll tell them to go ahead and make the human race. We're not great, and we have masses of issues, but we're beautiful, you know? :)
*nods and stores that in memory*
Ah, yes. What was I saying?
I was saying thanks. Um, thanks. :) :)
And - I do have a mindset for it. The only thing is, I never really get out the mindset. Cue people thinking I'm insane. XD
It'll be sad if this isn't real, though. Because if I'M not real, how real does that make Hunter?
Obviously he's real in his own way, but if he's only real through me and I'm not real, then how is he meant to be real when I stop existing?
Obviously I will still be me, but when I get my other sets of memories back I will have two personalities - the one I grew as that other species, and the one I grew here. Obviously, we're different species, so they probably did something to my brain to make me more human, and also, your memories make you who you are. If I had a different life, I would be a different person. Similar in some ways, but not the same.
I'm starting to understand why Hunter would want to abandon my brain and go live somewhere else. :P
That could be odd, actually . . . like in Fractured, in the Slated series.
You're not really any of the people you used to be, you're sort of someone else, but sometimes you're more one person that another.
I hope I exist, you know?
I hope I exist, because if I don't and this is all kind of for nothing . . . idk, I've learnt some beautiful things here. I don't want that to just die.
I read once that trusting is like just assuming that people won't betray you when you don't really know, but not trusting is assuming that people will betray you when you don't really know.
However, whilst trusting is much more painful when it goes wrong, it's also a lot happier and you get a lot of good from it.
(I mean, I meant to link that up, but then it seemed better on its own.)
How are you meant to judge a situation when you don't know how you feel about it??? How are you meant to realise the vibe you're getting from it and change the way you act accordingly???
(I'll probably get used to it, but hey.)
Did you know that René Descartes held the belief that this world doesn't really exist and that the devil was playing with our minds?
And going back to my earlier rant (sorry) - how is making me see that obviously I can't confide in her HELPING me?
Confiding is good.
I read once (here, I think. Someone said it at the top of a page or something) that your true friends were not just the ones you felt happy with, but the ones who were there for you when you felt upset.
When I'm incredibly upset about something, I now don't feel like I want to tell her about it.
And I'm not sure how that has helped me in any way. -_-
She probably FEELS lie she's helping, you know, but she really isn't.
My friend has come to school in a right state before because of her characters and she's been really upset about it for the whole day and totally traumatised and I HAPPEN TO NOTICE THAT NOBODY'S TELLING HER SHE'S SCHIZOPHRENIC.
*makes noise of annoyance*
ADRAAAAAAA *tacklehugs*
Hi Lu! *hugs*
@Mushroom: No. But it's quite a good theory. :) :)
Hey Adra! :)
My laptop just malfunctioned a bit there. O_O It malfunctioned in a way never seen before by me. :O
Hiya Star! *hugs*
Hiya Adra. :) :)
I almost said 'I feel ya' irl today. I didn't, because it was unfamiliar to me, so the thought popped into my head and then I had to stop and thing about how you would say it because I've never said it before, and by then it was too late, but still. :P
*'you' being generic
Aye :P
Msd :(
Hello again. I think.
I may have ever-so-slightly fallen asleep before. Really productive of me.
I keep crying everytime I reload the page...
@Lantern: :/ *hugs*
And - :)
@Adra: Kaykay.
[hugs Stararararar and Adra]
[And Lucy, whether or not she's still around]
I've never been the centre of a fall-out before.
Other people fall out, and I take sides, although usually I can see the pros and cons of both sides and just pick one due to who I like better (trying not to do that now) or who has less people on their side.
If I fall out with my friend, this will be the first time I can remember when I have fallen out with somebody and it is ME doing the falling-out.
I don't really agree with falling out, so probably the main reason why I would choose to fall out would be either for the experience or to prove a point. :P
I probably won't fall out, though.
Like I said, I don't believe in falling out.
*hugs Lantern*
[Mumbles something vaguely encouraging and hugs Star]
[Feels like I'm going to fall asleep again]
@Lantern: That's okay? :)
Sorry I poofed for a bit . . .
Just redid the bipolar quiz for the first time since like a month ago, and I'm scoring higher on it than I did before. I know have "moderate to severe symptoms" as opposed to "bipolar disorder likely".
Um, good to know.
I'm at the lower end of that bracket, though.
Hey Dragona! :)
Sorry I haven't been on for a few days.
I posted some screenshots (they're bad quality, just how they turned out) but still.
I have a TARDIS.
I'm here nice and quietly
Hey Zaf. :)
Hallo *is on bus*
@Zaf: Buses are nice. :) Although trains are both cheaper and quicker. For me, anyway.
My friend's form tutor taught them how to forge his signature because he couldn't be bothered to go around the whole class signing everyone's planners. XD
Because they hadn't signed them for weeks and weeks.
In contrast, my form tutor will give us detention if we haven't got our parents to sign it for over three weeks. XD
(You need the signatures of both your parents and your form tutor.)
In Medieval History we learn how Christians massacred thousands and thousands of innocent people, including other Christians and Muslims.
And we learn how they killed children and stuck them on sticks.
@Dragona: Wonderful. XD
Why do you have your planners signed?
@Zaf: To prove our parents have seen them. In theory, they're meant to look at all our homework (which we're meant to write down in our planners and tick it off when we've done it. Over 90% of us do, to my reckoning. I would guess over 95%, but yeah. I love my planner) and see if we've done it and stuff.
In reality, the parents generally just sign without bothering to check.
Hey Adra! :)
Hello my lovely freaks :)
(Hoi! *Cuddles*)
Hey Em! :)
Hullo! How's things?
I really should come here more. Miss y'all too much and I haven't been gone for a day or so :P
Hey Rhydian! :) :)
Ah, I know how you feel. :)
How are things? Idk, ask them yourself. :)
Hallo Rhy! *hugs*
Things are meh atm. Shitty tbh. Meh sounds so much better don't you think? Sounds a lot funnier
Home Ec, French and Music. *nods*
Sounds good.
I miss my minecraft buddy! I need help with the library.
I'm sorry you're having a shitty time sweets, I know that can be hard but we're all here for you whenever you need someone sweets, so please don't forget that.
@Rhydian: *hugs* Like Em says, we're here for you. :) :)
@Mara: Don't panic. :/ *hugs*
Panicking will achieve nothing expect negative emotion, and will stain the homework and your mind with negativity. :)
Minecraft! Haven't been on coz of stuff (parents and sister *tuts*)
I know :) *hugsies* Just want my irl friends to leave me be...Not gonna happen
Okay, so I said to my friends that terrorists didn't deserve to die, and C was saying they did, and anyway, I said that two wrongs didn't make a right, and she said that a wrong and a right didn't make a right either, and I said that no, but it balanced it out, and that if you had one wrong and lots of rights it would be right. And she went quiet for a moment (thinking), and then said that in maths, when you multiple a negative by a positive, it when negative. And I kind of said what a good point it was, and thought about it for a moment. And then I said that that's because whatever you do, you can't bring those dead people back to life. Nothing will ever make that right. But you can still had more right into the world afterwards.
Um, yeah. :P
It was quite thought-inducing.
Sorry for vanishing I was rewatching Sherlock because it's ace
@Rhydian: Irl friends can be rather bothersome sometimes. *nods*
@Mushroom: Ikr. :) :) :)
I have to pick three subjects for Second Year and I DON'T KNOW *runs around* *hides*
I'm definitely dropping Business because ew and I'm dropping Art and German because I'm no good...:P
And omg I can't do higher level maths next year I can barely handle maths as it is D:
Idk. Asdfghjkl
Irl can be so annoying sometimes...*sighs*
I shall either rant to Corvo (coz she's ace) or punch one of them tomorrow. First one sounds better I think?
What's up, Mara?! Need help? *huggles*
Wbd, writing Imperfect/new book/Lux.
@Rhydian: Rant. *nods* I like ranting to people. I don't like punching people. :P
And - ikr. -_-
@Mara: Ah, you see, I picked art and German because I'm fairly good at art and I liked German . . . :P
Hmm. Well, ask yourself what you enjoy the most, and ask yourself which might be the most useful, and ask yourself what you're good at, and see what comes highest in those categories. :)
And - :(
Hopefully higher level maths won't be too mean to your brain?
(If it is, attack it with a pickaxe. :P)
@Mushroom: Write write write. :)
I'm just casually sitting here xD i give up on my Minecraft treehouse...
@Zaf: If you force yourself not to give up on small things, it may be easier not to give up on important things. :)
(Or, you know, you just waste vast quantities of time grinding your way down through unimportant things and at the end realise what better use you could have put your life to.)
Maraaaaa, these two girls on my table in French are Mixrectioners. :)
They were discussing how it was hard to say 'Little Mix' in French. :)
This player of Kingdoms of Camelot is called Annabeth Chase and she's now in my brother and sister's alliance . . . :)
My sister asked her over alliance chat if she read Percy Jackson. She didn't reply, and my sister things she might have stopped coming on, but . . . :P
A code is a different way of writing in a language. It translates directly. 022-001-121-121-221 always means happy. Usually it's letter-to-symbol, but I have a few that are more sound-to-symbol. I can't type any of them, though. :-P
But yeah, while some of my codes have their own grammar rules (sort of), they're all English (or American English for you picky people) underneath.
A language is completely different. There can be several words for happy, and they don't all translate perfectly. Like, in Peter and the Starcatchers, Molly accidentally uses the porpoise word for the happy feeling of having your tummy tickled by seaweed, even though she means a different kind of happy. At least that's what I think happens... My head is a big giant cotton brick.
Rant over!
*hugs Luci* I'm fine, just overthinking things as usual :P
Star - :) *hugs*
I asked my French teacher how to say "Little Mix" and she didn't know either XD
@Lantern: *hugs* :) That was a beautiful rant.
And I totally agree.
On PD day, we were told to create a language. Soon afterwards, it became apparent that she actually wanted us to create a code. A very simple code.
I muttered about how this was not a 'language'. :P
And, yes. :) :)
You put it beautifully, though. :)
@Mara: I also have a tendency to overthink things. XD It can be annoying.
You just have to say 'Little Mix' in a French accent . . . the way the were doing it, the 'Mix' sounded like 'Meex.' :P
*, I think . . .
Sorry, the tone was a bit wrong there. :) Needed softening with some kind of uncertain filler.
*sits in tree thinking*
I'll be back tomorrow. See ya
당신은 아름다습니다.
*is proud of self for learning that*
@Rhydian: Okay. :) I'll look forward to seeing you.
@Mushroom: :) I think you should be proud, but idk what you said, so it's hard for me to judge. XD
It probably doesn't have to translate, 'cause it's a proper name and all.
[hugs Rhydian] See you
[hugs Star] Thanks...
[hugs Maralily]
[hugs Lucy]
[hugs Zaf]
It says 'you're beautiful', Star. :)
@Mushroom: Then you should be very, very proud, not only for managing to learn it (and it looks hard, although obviously I don't know :P), but because of what you chose to learn. :)
You're beautiful. :)
Star - My teacher was trying to translate it into French, and then she came up with the actual translation but she didn't think it was that because it's a band, so then she just told me to say Little Mix :P
*hugs Fabibibibubbles*
Luci - that's so cool:D
Du bist perfekt :)
Or Sie sind perfekt. Whichever:P
Hold on and I'll see if I know it in Irish..
Tá tú foirfe... I think. Meh.
Sorry for disappearing, although I might poof again
@Mara: Ah, okay. :) :)
@Mara: I think 'du bist' for this situation. :) :) And, yay! :)
I'm here just napping
I found that my English teacher isn't so bad on day two.... Hopefully, that is
That class is such a bother.
Fighting tonight :) it's been a while
[waves and hugs]
Oh yeah fighting *goes silent refusing to state any opinion*
@Adra: Yay! :) :)
But I digress...
It's still cold here. It's one of those times that I wish I lived someplace warm, but then it gets TOO hot, and then you want it to be cold, but you don't. Because it'll be too cold.
@Adra: I know what you mean. :/
It is cold
*nods* Fighting. Somewhat frighteningly addicting. *shrugs* Ah, well. If I ever get attacked, I'm pretty confident I'll live.
I like super cold, snowy winters, and then super hot, humid summers. They're just really nice, in my opinion.
On the bright side, I'm halfway done with school! I'm counting down... Less than 100 days left. Around 80, I think.
My friends don't invite me to anything. Grr.
It does make sense though...
I think that I should stop drinking cold lemonade when I'm trying to stay warm. It's making me colder :(
But lemonade/sprite concoction is fabulous?
Can you warm it up, Adra? Or would that make it taste bad?
Hey Ari! *hugs*
It really is :)
And I rather to stay on the colder side. Or, if hot, maybe in the 80s. (F)
I don't have a heater. I'm in a car :P
But I ought to try that sometime...
I don't know what would happen
I like mild temperatures. And rain. I live in a good place for both. :-)
*hugs back* Have you tried talking to your friends about them not inviting you to things?
Heeey Ari!
*huggles star even if she's not here because I just read her rant*
Ay, that's true, Fabi. Rain is really nice. Storms are better, though. In my opinion, that is.
I have, actually. They didn't really answer, so I might just leave it at that
I'm currently having something similar, actually... Hot water with a bit of lemon juice in it, only honey instead of sugar. Feels really good on a sore throat.
Mmm, I like rain too. I actually can't think of any sort of weather that I don't like. I mean, hurricanes and tornadoes hurt people, so that's bad, but I'm still pretty in awe of them.
Hello Snow~~~
Fabi- honey is really nice in tea. Peppermint tea, especially.
Rian??? Did someone say rain?
That exactly what I need right now.... 30 degrees Celsius..... -.-'
*cuddles Coco bear* Huh. DYNAMITE *aims it at France and has already blown up England*
I used to want to be a meteorologist. That was my dream in second and third grade...
Fourth grade was page year I actually went to public school, though, and we had jobs, and I got to be class meteorologist, because I was the only one who wanted to, and I had some...not so good experiences.
Meteorology is fun, Fabi- I'd probably hire you
I'd hire you
I don't really like mint tea...
I appreciate that.
Tbh, though, I have too many career ideas and things I want to do...
Hey Zaf!
Yeah, Star's friends were definitely out of bounds there. At least she didn't get in any trouble, though. It doesn't really matter what the head of school thinks as long as they don't try to change her.
I'm not you, Adra, and so I'm not going to tell you what to do- it's really up to you. But if you just leave it, it'll probably still end up hurting you. But, you know, do whatever you think will be best for you.
I've always wanted to be a teacher. I don't know why. Just, at 5 when I started school and they said the typical "what do you want to be when you're older?" And every other girl was saying "princess" or "vet", I saod teacher and it's just stuck.
Fabi, you should join me and Red as crime fighters.
And- that's a good point, Ari. I would go further into depth right now... But that takes up a lot of time. But I'll definitely think about that.
... I try not to talk to my friends about the way I think, because tthey'd probably do the same as star's friends.
I probably will be an anthropologist.
I don't think hearing voices is bad, I would love to hear Nic's voice for a day to see what he thinks on the things that happen, *blushes* *mayormaynothaveaslightcrushonNic*
Crime fighters. Sounds awesome.
There's so much I'd like to do with my life, though...
My friends actually seem to see me as normal...
I've been pretty consistent in my life with career ideas, I think. I changed a few times, but circled around the same things. There were some different ones when I was really little, though. When I was 2, I wanted to be a shark. (I should ask Sir how he does it. XD) When I was 3, I became obsessed with dinosaurs and wanted to be a paleontologist. Then for a bit I wanted to be a vet. In third grade I started researching Tesla and decided I wanted to become an inventor. The summer after third grade, I decided I wanted to be an author. (Third grade was a really pivotal year in my life.) I also wanted to be a professional ballerina. And for a few years going into and including middle school, I wanted to be a strategic general. I used to know a lot more about military strategy than I do now, but I've retained a good bit of it, I think. At that time, though, it wasn't just strategic general- my plan was to be a ballerina for a few years, then stop because you can't be a ballerina for that long anyway, and then after that become either an inventor or strategic general. And during all of those professions, I would write on the side. Now, I want to be an author and an electrical engineer (because I've learned engineer is basically the new word for inventor). So I've circled around the same things for some time.
*Sits by the fire with a crocheting needle, about finished*
*Casts off*
*Grabs herself a violin, to keep herself preoccupied, and begins to play a slow, sweet tune*
*hugs Ari and Snow* Thanks. :)
It was mostly this one friend of mine. :P
And YES. Out of bounds. THANK YOU.
Thank you.
I think it could be kind of cool to hear voices, but I DON'T.
Gosh. :P
Also, that schizophrenia test is invalid if I am bipolar, because having different mental disorders can affect your test results. YAH.
On an unrelated note, check out this website:
These girls in IT were looking at it.
You think of somebody and then answer questions and then they tell you who it is and it's like O_O.
The girls in IT were doing actors and stuff.
I just did Avenged Sevenfold's lead guitarist, Synyster Gates, and it's just like O_O when it pops up.
(One of the questions asked me if they wore a mask, though, and that question made me happy, because it's obviously Slipknot-related.)
We can be like Bruce Wayne.
I remember I used to want to be a vet. Then author (still do) then I was into forensics and crime solving.
I always fancied myself to be good, strategically wise... But the army? Meh. That requires vigorous exercise.
And now, anthropology :)
(Akinator is the best :P
I wish I could. Maybe one, perhaps. That's be cool, to have someone to talk to whenever I wanted :)
Oh, I don't know what I want to be, and I never really have. :)
@Adra: I know what you mean. :)
*nods to Fabi's wanting to do so many things* Human lifetimes can really be so short, when you think about it. My biggest problem thus far, if I only include problems in my life, is that I love too many things. I can't possibly do all of them in a human lifetime.
*sits in the treehouse after Jay*
Jay: *laughs* I do not see anyone helping you.
I did Edward Elric.
"Have you lost a leg and your brother?"
Me: *begins to sob*)
(It's a good site :p)
ASDFGHJKLASDFGUJKLJGSGDUWK I was thinking of the doctor and it's just like... the last question, when none of them before had had anything to do with the doctor was, does your character think bowties are cool
I don't hear voices, I become them.
That sounded odd.
Let's see...
I've wanted to be a
Teacher (not a general school teacher, but I would love to teach something to people)
Stage manager
Orchestra conductor
Flute beatboxer :P
Fiber artist person
Glass artist person
Any artist person, really
Interior designer
Park ranger
And I think that covers it...
Oh, also I wanted or be a cook for a while.
*Shivers against the cold*
*Shrugs on a longer coat, continuing to play*
(That's quite a lot, Fabi :3 good for you, you worldly person)
Jay....get away.
Jay: *grabs her neck*
*cries out writhing against*
Jay: Good girl...
@Lantern: That's a long list. O_O Good luck. :)
@Adra and Snow: It's awesome. :) *hugs*
You know, Zaf, if you want, I can just tell you what he thinks about things. That's still not the same as hearing his thoughts, though, I know.
You could move to Venice and become a glassblower, Fabi. They're epic. Murano island is famous for it.
Also, I definitely want to travel.
Oh, are we slipping into roleplay?
I think I'll skip the scene with Fabi and Liz, 'cause I don't know what to write, tbh. If my voice wasn't so blaaaah, I'd get Nelnah to help me act if out. Maybe I'll post it on Nameless.
Anyway, I'm gonna fast-forward so my characters are at the same point in time as the rest of you. :-P
(What does Nic think of just...well me? I've always wondered what he thinks of me. (Er you may wanna post that on the next post)
@Lantern: Your voice is awesome. Stop dissing it. :P
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