This is confusing. I hate Sherlock so I have no idea whats going on. Msd in history. :/ I feel like I lost a crazy friend to marriage....bleh i am super msd
I... I'm not really sure... He seemed to assume that there was a problem with the time travel that we did. That something happend to him in the past and...
J: *eyes widen* He... *eyes return to normal* Ah. Of course. He knows EVERYTHING.
Mol: *runs back into the room, out of breath* John! John, I think he's dead. Go do another check, I don't want to assume anything without you looking at him first, I...
Hello. The Art of the Mass Effect Universe has come! :D
Just had a flick through it because I want to save the main reading/looking for tonight, but it looks GREAT. Some of the images are SO good.
And the character designs are awesome. It also gives a little bit of information about each of the races and how they came up with the ideas, so it'll be interesting (for me, at least).
I'm really, really glad that I bought the physical book instead of the E-Book version. Even though I had to pay like £7 more, it's so worth it.
☂I'm just going to ded to math and purple carrots and Mith and Rhy and Adra and Dragona and Fabi and MYCROFT HOLMES AND HIS UMBRELLA, ELLA, ELLA, EH, EH, EH☂
☂And to whatever makes you feel like you've finally returned home.☂
You know, one time, ages and ages ago, Eve greeted me by a new nickname (Starship, Staravia, Starmap, Starfish) every time she said hello to me. She kept it going sooooo long, I was just blown away. :) Eventually, she ran out, but still . . .
My friend told me something that happened in her story today, and I was just, like, crying . . . :P I might say it, but don't expect to cry - I'm very emotional.
Hello, guys! So, I was taking a walk outside, trying to work through a tricky part of my latest story, when I accidentally invented what might be the most ridiculously fabulous drinking game of all time. Now I wish I weren't underage.
Okay, so this is a one-on-one sort of game, like an epic gladitorial duel. It combines a shot-drinking contest, obscure trivia, and The Floor Is Lava. This is how it’s played: In a very large room, like a ballroom, arrange a large number of random bits of furniture. The goal is to get from one corner of the room to the opposite corner, without touching the floor. Players X and Y take turns, and they begin on the same bit of furniture, called here a Square. X steps onto the next Square, then asks Y a trivia question, but the question has to be about a person. “Who, blah blah blah.” basically. If Y wants to answer, they move to a new square and try. If they get it wrong, they take a shot and return to the Square they just left. If they get it right, player X takes a shot and moves back a Square. Then it’s player Y’s turn to move forward one Square and ask X a trivia question. The game continues like this, and the winner is the person who either makes it to the end first, or does not fall off their Square due to being completely drunk. If you want, you can rearrange the furniture to make a specific path or pattern, like a star or a spiral, just to make the game more interesting. Also, if X asks Y a question and Y gets it wrong, X then has to get it right, or else they have to take a shot, but not move back one Square.
First Slipknot song I got into. I'm playlisting it now. THIS IS HOW FAR I'VE COME, PEOPLE. SIXTY-ONE VIDEOS AND COUNTING. OH YEAH.
It has amazing cryptic lyrics, though. :P *adds it to list of Slipknot songs I need to fuly decode at some point if they can be fully decoded*
You know, there's this line that goes something like: "This is not a one-sided version There is a manic subversion"
and I'm actually starting to think it could mean that - you know 'subversion' doesn't actually relate to versions of things? It could be sort of saying that people say things and make them look like they're linked, but they're actually not, and they're hiding the fact they're subverting (?) (is that a word?) by making it look like just another version . . . and also, because the subversion looks like another version, it hides the fact they're only displaying one real version. (Yes, I am aware how stupid this is sounding.) Or maybe, like . . . Idk. I just don't know.
"It isn't just a one-sided version We've dealt with a manic subversion"
Song: Do you understand? Me: NO! (Okay, I actually get what the whole song means, I just find the analysis fun. XD)
Okay, so all the way through this song, there's lines like: "I fight for the unconventional My right, and it's unconditional" and "I fight for the ones who can't fight"
but then it goes:
"We fight till no one can fight us We live, and no one can stop us We pull when we're pushed too far And the advantage is The bottom line is We never had to fight in the first place"
FOurs people who left, hi thouse who arrived . . .
Sorry. Internet being stupid, plus I forgot, plus I got annoyed at a lyricsvideoist and had to correct a few errors. I didn't bother with the spelling errors and just corrected the ones where the words were wrong, but:
starinkbright 1 second ago
*But some are right at home *Claustrophobic *I'm smeared across the page *I wear you like a stain *Yet I'm the one who's obscene *Catch me up on all your sorted little insurrections *I am a world before I am a man *I wear you like a stitch *I've got no right to win *Locked in clutch *Pushed in place *It justifies my means
. . . How do you even GET that number of lines wrong???
(Sorry about the missing enters. It took all the enters out whne I posted the YouTube comment, so I was like oh, so I had to add them in when I posted it here.)
Around like....8-10pm your time Star maybe earlier if I can handle it i'll make a comment when im home that im home and resting probably by 5-6 your time but i just will be kinda out of it the last time i got knocked out with drugs i just watched a movie and was fine
I was pleasantly surprised to find that, when I went to do my maths homework, it turned out I'd already done the thing. I thought that was a different date's work that I had missed, but apparently it was the same thing. So now I have more time than expected so I might be a bit here, if maybe distantish.
I'm hoping later by dinner because the thing is at 11am so im hoping i won't miss a lot. I think I'll ask Ari to tell me what I missed if I'm not on tomorrow night but hopefully nothing dramatic and mine are shallow they said my roots are shallow so i should be fine my mom thinks by this time tomorrow ill be a bit alive
Actually, I should /probably/ do some art homework, but I don't really want to, so, meh. I'm still annoyed at my art teacher for drawing on my work (among other things), anyway, so this can be, like, payback or something. :P
FABI! *tacklehugs* HEY! :) (Sorry, I don't have a greeting which rhymes with your name. :P )
@Taia: HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Hello is a bit like Taia, except it's double. Taia has one non-vowel at the beginning with one line going downwards (T), plus a vowel (a), plus a letter in the middle of two vowels (i). Hello has a non-vowel at the beginning with two downward lines (H), plus two vowels (e and o), and two other letters in between two vowels (l and l). I realise that this knowledge could be considered flawed as I count double-letters as one letter in Taia and as two letters in hello, but as hello is a doubley word and Taia is a singely word (as proved), they count things slightly differently. Self-fulfilling prophecy. :)
Yeah wisdom teeth. And my English teacher made a 5 paragraph essay due the day I come back. I can alread guarentee I will not manage it. I know I won't. I begged to have it due Wednesday and she was nasty to me
You should be able to be back here by then, though I doubt you'll feel like dinner. If its anything like it was for me, though, you'll probably find yourself unintentionally distant and disappearing a lot for a few days...
@Zaf: Don't count on it. :/ I have the motto of being pessimistic on things like this. If you expect it to be bad, then your expectations will be met, which will be okay, or exceeded, which will make you feel happy. :)
And - :( Sorry about the essay thing. That really sucks. D: How important an essay is it?
Well, for me, I was so tired that it significantly slowed my typing ability, but hopefully it will be better for you. I didn't like being distant, either, though, and I still don't, but I always seem to end up that way...
@Fabi and Taia and drawn on artwork: If that happened, I might actually cry, depending on how good the artwork was and how bad the drawing-on-ness was. D: I'm really possessive in some ways. :/
STAR! *tacklehugs* YOu are so awesome, you know? :)
Hi/bye Dragona! *throws a cookie after him*
@Zaf: Aw, heck. That sounds a little harsh. :( Can you get somebody to write you a note explaining that you were unable to complete the task, if you don't manage it?
@Adra: The dizzy kind? I've been struggling with somethings of that sort for a fair while, interchangeably. I hope it doesn't trouble you for long. ^^
@Fabi: Hm. Perhaps we should think one up? :)
And, yup. She just drew a random orange ink blob in the middle of it, and then paused, like 'Oh. I should not have done that.', and then just turned the paper and looked at me as if to say 'Oh well, you can fix it.' And I'm thinking 'I didn't need fixing before- asdfghj', and I kind of grit my teeth and nod, and she just carries on talking like it was nothing. I really, really struggle not to hate her, a lot of the time. :/ (Sorry, I think I'm ranting a little. *stops*)
@Star: She didn't even ASK me, she just started drawing on it with a marker and I was staring like "WHAT NO STOP." But I said nothing, because I'm me. :P
@Zaf: Hm. :/ Good luck on the note, then. I hope it turns out all right. :)
*hugs Star back* I'd argue, but I'm going to not. :P (But I think you are, okay?) (But thank you. :3) (But still. :P)
I keep having nightmares... I don't know why they're about but every morning I wake up terrified. I can remember the fear, though. I remember being so scared that my whole body aches.
One of the art teachers at my old school used to insist that all the left-handed students in her class were far more creative than the right-handed students, no matter if L drew a giraffe and R drew a flying monkey pizza elephant. Or vice versa. And Nel took her class and drew this beautiful sketch, and she was really proud of it, and the teacher was all like "it needs to be smooth" and smeared the charcoal and the Nel didn't like how it looked anymore and wanted to crumple it up and throw it in the trash.
I failed miserably in art. I had a teacher who taught 3rd and 4th grade. So she made me and a few others have to be in jobs we didnt like and was just mean to us
@Zaffy: YAY! :3 Hamsters are super-cute. We've had two - the first was Mr. 'I'm going to spend every second of my life trying to escape.' He lived under the chimney at one point. It snowed into his cage that winter. The second was Mr. 'Y'know, I'm gonna be nice. Energetic but timid but nice. I may also be slightly sensible.' He dealt very well with a TERRIFIED little cousin of mine. :3
I'm excited I gonna get him a hamster ball and he can roll around happily once a day when I'm home and I'll get him little toys and awww he'll be soooo cute!
@Fabi: That's really unfair. :( Everybody should entitled to be as creative as they want to be. Poor Nel. :(
*huggles Deathy* That sounds really nasty. :( I hope they clear up very soon.
@Zaf: Aw. She didn't let you try other things? Sounds a little unfair to me. :/ @also ZAF: Eeeeeh, they're so cute. :3 Yay! Mine had a little plastic TV which he'd curl up inside and sleep. Until he got too big to fit inside, and would stick either his head or his butt inside instead, trying to work out why it wouldn't work any more. x3
*hands Adra a study-cookie* *shh-es*
Um. OAKY. Will be thinking of deds, unless anybody else has a ded they want to make?
You see, people just can't DO that. It's just . . . that's YOURS, and it's not meant to HAPPEN, and it's not FAIR, and there's all this effort just wasted . . .
*starts crying* *laughs* Told you I might do. :P
I cry more for other people, though . . . I have several theories behind that, but yeah.
I probably wouldn't have said anything, either, Taia. :/
But if it was another student, I would be screaming/shouting at them or whatever and the whole class would be like staring and telling me to shut up and yeah . . . :P Well, that's if it was a noisy classroom environment. If everyone was being quiet, I would probably react quieter . . .
@Death: I don't think it's odd you really respect Mark 'Chopper' Read at all. :) I know next to nothing about him, so I'm reserving judgement, but he sounds like an awesome person to hear you describe him, and I could say a load of stuff but I'm not sure it would make sense out of my head. I'm sorry he died. :(
@Taia: :) And - you are more awesome. But I'm not arguing. :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 4970 Newer› Newest»☂Hello?☂
(Yeah, that's what I wanted to suggest. I mean, that John comes with me instead of Sherly^^ He'll stay with Mycroft. And Molly :D)
☂YESH. This is good.☂
☂Can we make Sherlolly a thing? I SHIP IT☂
(Um... yes, why not?^^ But I'm afraid he won't be very nice...
Well... a Mycroft bunny?? Seriously? :D)
☂It's fine. After all, I did give you the most unromantic wedding in the universe.☂
☂BUT IT'S SO CUUUUUTE☂ No no no no no no no no no why do the German kids have to go to NYC we should so adopt them for a day.
☂German kids are not class pets☂
☂You cannot adopt them or own them or squee about having them follow you because they are HUMAANSSSSS.☂
*thinks* I'll have to find John...
*stands and leaves the room* John?
But it was soooo fun :/ Kai and Leon were so kind! *steals Mith* i take Mith!
*jumps away from Molly and turns to Mith*
U-uh, yes? Sorry?
*pulls Mithria away from Zaf*
I might get a hamster! I hyper too HAMTER ZAFFY WANT A HAMSTER
*snarls angrily at Zaf*
I will have you know that I bashed a man's head in with a time machine for trying to kidnap my wife. I suggest you back away.
Not anymore *explodes Mycroft*
(Zaffy, you can't steal me! Also, I'm not worth to be stolen, ok?)
*shows John what Mycroft has written* Look at that...
*hides* dont kill me im sorry geez i dont want marry her!
J: God, yeah, awful handwriting...
Mol: Ask Sherlock what?
*glares at John* Stop lamenting about his handwriting! Tell me what you were talking about!
This is confusing. I hate Sherlock so I have no idea whats going on. Msd in history. :/ I feel like I lost a crazy friend to marriage....bleh i am super msd
J: Oh, uh, we weren't talking about anything. Just the weather.
Mol: I... yeah, it's been really rainy these past few days!
J: If you're worrying about Mycroft, I'm sure that he'll be fine. Give him some rest.
*John pauses*
*John takes the note*
J: Wait... he WROTE this? Just now? Is he moving?
Are you implying that I have made Mithria worse?
*walks up to Zaf*
*towers above her and grabs her jaw so she's looking him in the eye*
Are you saying she shouldn't have gotten married to me?
That's what I'm trying to tell you! He wrote this just a minute or something ago. But... he... He was awake for a short time but now... *shakes head*
J: Molly, can you go check on Mycroft? See how he's doing?
Mol: Of course.
*Molly hurries into Mycroft's room*
J: He... what did he ask you to ask Sherlock?
I... I'm not really sure... He seemed to assume that there was a problem with the time travel that we did. That something happend to him in the past and...
J: *eyes widen* He... *eyes return to normal* Ah. Of course. He knows EVERYTHING.
Mol: *runs back into the room, out of breath* John! John, I think he's dead. Go do another check, I don't want to assume anything without you looking at him first, I...
*turns to Molly* He... no! *runs out of the room and back to Mycroft*
Mol: *follows Mithria back into the room, concerned* John, can you check the monitor again?
J: Of course. *fiddles with something*
*is petrified with horror*
*shakes head slowly*
*whispers* That... that must be a nightmare... He can't be dead...
John: *sighs deeply* I'm sorry. He's dead.
John: *walks to another room, pulling out his phone to call Sherlock*
*Molly stays in the room*
[Sits in Blogland, writing a list in code]
[Pulls hood over head, hiding face]
*stands next to Mycroft, tears in her eyes* This can't be true... *is crying* You... how can you to this to me?
(HEY FABIIIII! *hugs*)
*Mycroft is still and very, very pale*
*John tries to call Sherlock*
J: Sherlock? Sherlock? Please, please pick up...
((Hi... [hugs] ))
Sherlock: *sounds annoyed* John. What is it? I'm thinking.
J: Sherlock... he's dead. Mycroft. Your brother.
Sherlock: Could you say that again? I heard you saying he was dead. There must be something wrong with the connection...
J: No, Sherlock. He's dead. He's really dead.
Sherlock: *hangs up without saying anything*
J: Sher--Sherlock... Oh for Christ's sake! Sherlock, I wanted to ASK you something... just...UGH!
*runs back into Mycroft's room*
J: Mithria, can you call Sherlock with your phone?
(Sorry, I' still here! Just had to find something that I need for school tomorrow^^)
*looks up* Hm? Oh... yes, I can try...
*John nods gratefully*
J: Maybe you should visit him in person, actually... if Mycroft wanted you to ask him something you probably should.
*nods* I... I probably should, yes. I'll ask him to come here...
*calls Sherlock but he doesn't pick up*
J: Come with me, then. I'll drive you to 221B.
*nods* Thank you... *tries not to cry again*
Mol: *from behind her* It's okay. You can cry, you know.
J: (glares at Molly) Come, dear, let's go.
(GOD, EMBER! I'm actually crying at the moment!!)
*right as they want to leave the room, the door opens and Sherlock comes in*
☂☂gives Mith a really hard pat on the back☂☂
*John steps back, shocked* Sherlock! What... how did you...
Sherlock: How did I what? Come here? The cab, as usual.
J: No, you idiot! Just... why? Why are you here?
Sherlock: *ignores the 'idiot'* You know very well why I am here. You phoned me and I came here.
J: *speechless*
Hello. The Art of the Mass Effect Universe has come! :D
Just had a flick through it because I want to save the main reading/looking for tonight, but it looks GREAT. Some of the images are SO good.
And the character designs are awesome. It also gives a little bit of information about each of the races and how they came up with the ideas, so it'll be interesting (for me, at least).
I'm really, really glad that I bought the physical book instead of the E-Book version. Even though I had to pay like £7 more, it's so worth it.
It's a rather large book, too. So worth £19.49.
Sherlock: *looks at John, Molly and Mith* Would you mind...
(I'll be right back, ok?)
*Molly and John* No... n-not at all...
*leaves the room with Molly and John*
Sherlock: *is just standing there, looking at Mycroft's pale face*
(I'll have to leave in 10 mins for dinner but I'll be back! Maybe at quarter past 7 our time, Ember. Will you still be here then?)
☂What do you want me to do now, Mith?☂
☂No... I need to get some work done :(☂
☂That's cool, Dragona!!!☂
(When do you have to leave, Ember?)
☂In twenty mins, maybe fifteen.☂
(I'll try to hurry up then... I hope that I'll be back in 10 mins. I'll try...)
☂Okay :) No rush!☂
☂Oh dear, I have to go now :(☂
(*sighs* Well, alone again...)
*is home from school*
Hey Adra! :)
Hi Mith- *hugs*
*hugs back* How are you?
Hello fellow Earthlings!!!!!! How are you?
*laughs* Earthlings?
I'm fine, Rhydian! You?
Alright- I wanna see my massage therapist... Yourself?
Hey Rhyd- *hugs*
I'm good Mith! Exhausted though. Busy day at school
Gaah... gotta go... Sorry! See you tomorrow - maybe...
Hey Adra! *hugs Mith and Ads*
☂I'm just going to ded to math and purple carrots and Mith and Rhy and Adra and Dragona and Fabi and MYCROFT HOLMES AND HIS UMBRELLA, ELLA, ELLA, EH, EH, EH☂
☂And to whatever makes you feel like you've finally returned home.☂
Okay! Cya tomorrow then! *waves at Mith*
Gtg now. Just realised I have HOMEWORK!!!!!!! sorry! Talk later! Bye!
Bye you three- *hugs*
Hi Starship
Star, new part of my story if you have time to read it. And my copy of The Art of the Mass Effect Universe came :D
Hey Imagine Dragona
[Hums the Doctor Who theme]
@Dragona: Yay! :)
I'll read it when I have time.
Hey Adra! :)
You know, one time, ages and ages ago, Eve greeted me by a new nickname (Starship, Staravia, Starmap, Starfish) every time she said hello to me. She kept it going sooooo long, I was just blown away. :) Eventually, she ran out, but still . . .
My friend told me something that happened in her story today, and I was just, like, crying . . . :P I might say it, but don't expect to cry - I'm very emotional.
Star Wars
Star Trek
Stargate ;)
Hi Moss! :)
Hi Adra, hi Star! [hugs both]
Here for about half an hour... How're you both?
*goes off to listen to that video*
Okay- exams. You?
@Fabi: Good, thanks! :)
Hello, guys!
So, I was taking a walk outside, trying to work through a tricky part of my latest story, when I accidentally invented what might be the most ridiculously fabulous drinking game of all time. Now I wish I weren't underage.
*sits there through the whole eight-minute song waiting for my profile picture to pop up so I can get excited over it*
Three minutes through so far!
*stares at screen*
Hi Annika! :)
Well done! :)
*SCREAMS* THERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the best drinking game is to drink every time a congress member says that they "need their paycheck" and refuse to be furloughed
I think that the best drinking game is THIS:
Okay, so this is a one-on-one sort of game, like an epic gladitorial duel. It combines a shot-drinking contest, obscure trivia, and The Floor Is Lava. This is how it’s played:
In a very large room, like a ballroom, arrange a large number of random bits of furniture. The goal is to get from one corner of the room to the opposite corner, without touching the floor.
Players X and Y take turns, and they begin on the same bit of furniture, called here a Square. X steps onto the next Square, then asks Y a trivia question, but the question has to be about a person. “Who, blah blah blah.” basically. If Y wants to answer, they move to a new square and try. If they get it wrong, they take a shot and return to the Square they just left. If they get it right, player X takes a shot and moves back a Square. Then it’s player Y’s turn to move forward one Square and ask X a trivia question. The game continues like this, and the winner is the person who either makes it to the end first, or does not fall off their Square due to being completely drunk.
If you want, you can rearrange the furniture to make a specific path or pattern, like a star or a spiral, just to make the game more interesting.
Also, if X asks Y a question and Y gets it wrong, X then has to get it right, or else they have to take a shot, but not move back one Square.
I'm be sober
Hello Annika.
Sorry... Finishing a book. It didn't really end, though...
Sorry I'm back I got some ice-cream.
@Dragona: In this weather? :O
What flavor?
Blackcurrant ice-cream. Hell yeah. :)
First Slipknot song I got into.
It has amazing cryptic lyrics, though. :P *adds it to list of Slipknot songs I need to fuly decode at some point if they can be fully decoded*
You know, there's this line that goes something like:
"This is not a one-sided version
There is a manic subversion"
and I'm actually starting to think it could mean that - you know 'subversion' doesn't actually relate to versions of things? It could be sort of saying that people say things and make them look like they're linked, but they're actually not, and they're hiding the fact they're subverting (?) (is that a word?) by making it look like just another version . . . and also, because the subversion looks like another version, it hides the fact they're only displaying one real version.
(Yes, I am aware how stupid this is sounding.)
Or maybe, like . . . Idk.
I just don't know.
Hey Saph! :)
@Dragona: That actually does sound yummy. O_O
Aw, dammit. -_-
Just found out I misremembered the line.
Okay, let's throw that theory in the bin, then.
"It isn't just a one-sided version
We've dealt with a manic subversion"
Song: Do you understand?
Me: NO!
(Okay, I actually get what the whole song means, I just find the analysis fun. XD)
Okay, so all the way through this song, there's lines like:
"I fight for the unconventional
My right, and it's unconditional"
"I fight for the ones who can't fight"
but then it goes:
"We fight till no one can fight us
We live, and no one can stop us
We pull when we're pushed too far
And the advantage is
The bottom line is
We never had to fight in the first place"
. . .
I'm sorry, I just . . . what. :P
(Sorry, I'm spamming.)
Lol Star.
Saphy! [hugs]
Um... I'm not sure if I'm really here now...
XD Hi Star and Dragona *hugs*
Hi Fabi :)
*Frowns* Four o'clock in the morning? *puts on hypnotic voice* Sleeeeep ;)
Saphy, you kept telling me to sleep, I'm goin to keep telling you to sleep. [hugs and pokes]
*hugs Fabi back* Sorry, I don't mean to be bossy :( (And I can't sleep now. It's 8:05)
Gtg, breakfast. Bye!
Bye darl! *hug*
Sorry I'm kind of poofing/writing/talking/reading/eating at the same time.
That's cool...
I return
Hello Zafira
Hi both-
Hello Adra
FOurs people who left, hi thouse who arrived . . .
Sorry. Internet being stupid, plus I forgot, plus I got annoyed at a lyricsvideoist and had to correct a few errors. I didn't bother with the spelling errors and just corrected the ones where the words were wrong, but:
starinkbright 1 second ago
*But some are right at home *Claustrophobic
*I'm smeared across the page
*I wear you like a stain
*Yet I'm the one who's obscene *Catch me up on all your sorted little insurrections
*I am a world before I am a man
*I wear you like a stitch
*I've got no right to win
*Locked in clutch
*Pushed in place
*It justifies my means
. . .
How do you even GET that number of lines wrong???
Hello Star
(Sorry about the missing enters. It took all the enters out whne I posted the YouTube comment, so I was like oh, so I had to add them in when I posted it here.)
Sorry, I misinterpreted what you said and thought it was 4am for you.
It's okay. [hugs Saphy]
Happy breakfasting!
Hi Edward! :)
*does a little jig*
*sighs* I shoukd be on somewhat tomorrow probably later on in the afternoon but Saturday I'll be on Sunday too and Monday
Hello Fabi and Star
*jigs more*
*nods at Zaf, pretending I know what times those are in relation to me :P*
Adra? *stares*
Good luck.
Around like....8-10pm your time Star maybe earlier if I can handle it i'll make a comment when im home that im home and resting probably by 5-6 your time but i just will be kinda out of it the last time i got knocked out with drugs i just watched a movie and was fine
Dadadadadadada dum
*lays on ground* Gaaaah *lays head against rock*
Bye Edward- *hugs*
Thanks, Zaf. :) *hugs*
Fours, Ed! :(
*hugs Star* Zaffy = scared
*runs in squares* AAAAH
[Thinks about when I had my wisdom teeth out]
You will be okay, Zaf. You may have a square-ish head on the third or fourth day, though.
:/ I hope I'll be able to go on the Blog I hate missing stuff in roleplay
I was pleasantly surprised to find that, when I went to do my maths homework, it turned out I'd already done the thing. I thought that was a different date's work that I had missed, but apparently it was the same thing.
So now I have more time than expected so I might be a bit here, if maybe distantish.
SO HI. :)
Probably not right when you get home, but you shouldn't have to miss more than a day on the blog unless something really really unusual happens.
I'm hoping later by dinner because the thing is at 11am so im hoping i won't miss a lot. I think I'll ask Ari to tell me what I missed if I'm not on tomorrow night but hopefully nothing dramatic and mine are shallow they said my roots are shallow so i should be fine my mom thinks by this time tomorrow ill be a bit alive
Actually, I should /probably/ do some art homework, but I don't really want to, so, meh. I'm still annoyed at my art teacher for drawing on my work (among other things), anyway, so this can be, like, payback or something. :P
FABI! *tacklehugs* HEY! :)
(Sorry, I don't have a greeting which rhymes with your name. :P )
Ah... I'm spinning 0.0
@Zaf: :( *hugs*
Hope it happens without event.
Hello is a bit like Taia, except it's double. Taia has one non-vowel at the beginning with one line going downwards (T), plus a vowel (a), plus a letter in the middle of two vowels (i). Hello has a non-vowel at the beginning with two downward lines (H), plus two vowels (e and o), and two other letters in between two vowels (l and l).
I realise that this knowledge could be considered flawed as I count double-letters as one letter in Taia and as two letters in hello, but as hello is a doubley word and Taia is a singely word (as proved), they count things slightly differently.
Self-fulfilling prophecy. :)
@Zaf: *looks up* You're having your wisdom teeth out? *hugs* Good luck - I'm sure ye'll be fine. :)
@Adra: Spinning? 're you okay? :/
*tacklehugs both*
I have to go now. Bye!
Star, remember my story for if/when you have time. ^^
Yeah wisdom teeth. And my English teacher made a 5 paragraph essay due the day I come back. I can alread guarentee I will not manage it. I know I won't. I begged to have it due Wednesday and she was nasty to me
You should be able to be back here by then, though I doubt you'll feel like dinner. If its anything like it was for me, though, you'll probably find yourself unintentionally distant and disappearing a lot for a few days...
I don't like being distant and all and since mine are shallow I should be fine...
No I just got a weird headache 0.0
That really stinks...
Good luck, Zaf.
I don't have any greetings that rhyme with my name either...
I hate it when people do that... It's my artwork... Mine. Mine. My precious!
*lays down on ground*
@Zaf: Don't count on it. :/ I have the motto of being pessimistic on things like this. If you expect it to be bad, then your expectations will be met, which will be okay, or exceeded, which will make you feel happy. :)
And - :( Sorry about the essay thing. That really sucks. D: How important an essay is it?
@Fabi: :( *hugs*
FOurs, Dragona! :( I'll try to. :)
Well, for me, I was so tired that it significantly slowed my typing ability, but hopefully it will be better for you. I didn't like being distant, either, though, and I still don't, but I always seem to end up that way...
I hope your head feels better soon, Adra.
[hugs Star]
@Adra: :( Hope it goes away soon . . .
@Fabi and Taia and drawn on artwork: If that happened, I might actually cry, depending on how good the artwork was and how bad the drawing-on-ness was. D:
I'm really possessive in some ways. :/
A really really major grade
Ta *hugs*
YOu are so awesome, you know? :)
Hi/bye Dragona! *throws a cookie after him*
@Zaf: Aw, heck. That sounds a little harsh. :(
Can you get somebody to write you a note explaining that you were unable to complete the task, if you don't manage it?
@Adra: The dizzy kind? I've been struggling with somethings of that sort for a fair while, interchangeably. I hope it doesn't trouble you for long. ^^
@Fabi: Hm. Perhaps we should think one up? :)
And, yup. She just drew a random orange ink blob in the middle of it, and then paused, like 'Oh. I should not have done that.', and then just turned the paper and looked at me as if to say 'Oh well, you can fix it.'
And I'm thinking 'I didn't need fixing before- asdfghj', and I kind of grit my teeth and nod, and she just carries on talking like it was nothing.
I really, really struggle not to hate her, a lot of the time. :/
(Sorry, I think I'm ranting a little. *stops*)
Niccolò...*hits head against tree and hides*
Probably will get a note
@Taia: I rant my head off loads, and I think this rant is way excusable. :O
@Zaf: D: That SUCKS.
Can you just . . . *pauses*
I don't even know.
@Taia: *hugs* Thanks. :) I'm not really that awesome. You're awesomer. :)
@Star: She didn't even ASK me, she just started drawing on it with a marker and I was staring like "WHAT NO STOP." But I said nothing, because I'm me. :P
@Zaf: Hm. :/ Good luck on the note, then. I hope it turns out all right. :)
*hugs Star back* I'd argue, but I'm going to not. :P
(But I think you are, okay?)
(But thank you. :3)
(But still. :P)
*explodes a dynamite tree* OMG I MAY GET A HAMSTER IRL
I keep having nightmares... I don't know why they're about but every morning I wake up terrified. I can remember the fear, though. I remember being so scared that my whole body aches.
Completely excusable, Taia.
One of the art teachers at my old school used to insist that all the left-handed students in her class were far more creative than the right-handed students, no matter if L drew a giraffe and R drew a flying monkey pizza elephant. Or vice versa. And Nel took her class and drew this beautiful sketch, and she was really proud of it, and the teacher was all like "it needs to be smooth" and smeared the charcoal and the Nel didn't like how it looked anymore and wanted to crumple it up and throw it in the trash.
There's my art rant of the day.
I really hope they go away soon. Nightmares are not niceeee...! D:
I failed miserably in art. I had a teacher who taught 3rd and 4th grade. So she made me and a few others have to be in jobs we didnt like and was just mean to us
Heh... Art
*explodes Adra* EM WHERE IS YOU?
@Zaffy: YAY! :3
Hamsters are super-cute. We've had two - the first was Mr. 'I'm going to spend every second of my life trying to escape.' He lived under the chimney at one point. It snowed into his cage that winter.
The second was Mr. 'Y'know, I'm gonna be nice. Energetic but timid but nice. I may also be slightly sensible.' He dealt very well with a TERRIFIED little cousin of mine. :3
I hope you do get one. Good for you. :) ^^
I EXPLODED YO HEEHE *totes isnt high off sugar*
Shh. I'm studying
I'm excited I gonna get him a hamster ball and he can roll around happily once a day when I'm home and I'll get him little toys and awww he'll be soooo cute!
Alexis; *lays on couch in tank top and shorts looking up recipies*
@Fabi: That's really unfair. :(
Everybody should entitled to be as creative as they want to be. Poor Nel. :(
*huggles Deathy*
That sounds really nasty. :(
I hope they clear up very soon.
@Zaf: Aw. She didn't let you try other things? Sounds a little unfair to me. :/
@also ZAF: Eeeeeh, they're so cute. :3 Yay!
Mine had a little plastic TV which he'd curl up inside and sleep.
Until he got too big to fit inside, and would stick either his head or his butt inside instead, trying to work out why it wouldn't work any more. x3
*hands Adra a study-cookie*
Um. OAKY. Will be thinking of deds, unless anybody else has a ded they want to make?
@Fabi: :(
You see, people just can't DO that. It's just . . . that's YOURS, and it's not meant to HAPPEN, and it's not FAIR, and there's all this effort just wasted . . .
*starts crying* *laughs* Told you I might do. :P
I cry more for other people, though . . . I have several theories behind that, but yeah.
I probably wouldn't have said anything, either, Taia. :/
But if it was another student, I would be screaming/shouting at them or whatever and the whole class would be like staring and telling me to shut up and yeah . . . :P Well, that's if it was a noisy classroom environment. If everyone was being quiet, I would probably react quieter . . .
@Death: I don't think it's odd you really respect Mark 'Chopper' Read at all. :) I know next to nothing about him, so I'm reserving judgement, but he sounds like an awesome person to hear you describe him, and I could say a load of stuff but I'm not sure it would make sense out of my head. I'm sorry he died. :(
@Taia: :)
And - you are more awesome. But I'm not arguing. :)
Bye Fabi! *hugs*
*hugs Moss* Fours . . .
(Notice how I'm alternating names as I forget and remember. :P)
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