It's Sunday evening, I'm about to go watch Dexter, and I thought it'd be a nice way to spend a blog post by showing you a few pics of the glorious junk I have in my house.
First of all, this is a cat (Pooper) who has just discovered that the small sitting room has been housing a rather large snake for the past few weeks, while Laura and her sister try to figure out what to do with it. Pooper, as you can see, is quite wary.
It was at this point that I started taking random shots of the room, and a thought occurred to me: "Aha!" this thought said. "I have your new blog post!"
I'll give a proper guided tour of my house at some later stage — probably once my extension is built — but for the moment, here is what greets you when you walk through my front door....
Naturally I have the posters for the movies I've written on prominent display...
... and of course I have what EVERYONE has in their halls: a severed foot in a glass case.
Now then, to the office!
I'm not going to show you the ACTUAL office (the ACTUAL office is really very messy at this moment in time) so I'm going to show you some of the things I have on the shelves. Such as these gentlemen...
Plus a little Evil Dead...
... and some Marvel folk hanging around...
And let us not ignore Star Wars...
... or zombies...
And here, tucked away on their own little shelf, Skulduggery and Vampirella. Just chillin'.
(That Skulduggery is a pretty rare promotional item my German publishers had made... It's not for sale anywhere except MAYBE eBay.)
And now, to the main living room. I'm not gonna show you everything, but this is the room I had designed and rebuilt as a live-in museum. The extension, if I ever get around the designing it, will be built specifically to house this stuff. Because it makes me happy.
And here it is, the suit I love to talk about... as worn by Christopher Reeve.
I do NOT dress up in this. I swear I don't.
Although if someone wanted to photoshop my head onto this mannequin, I would not object.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
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«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 4948 Newer› Newest»((I'm bored and I have no idea what you mean by "Lorcan thing", so whatever you're doing, I guess. I was going to actually do something that's similar to saving the world, buuuuuttttt, Ari hasn't said what's up with it.
Hello John))
hello adra
I am so annoyed with derek right now... I read the skulpedia page. I can't stop crying. Thanks Derek, thanks.
(By Lorcan thing, I meant the thing that I just posted a few comments ago...)
((Yeah... I know? I meant that i don't know what you have planned.))
((Chione-.... *facepalm*))
gtg, bye
((Bye John!))
I know hes a f7ctional character but COME ON DEREK!!!!!!!!! im crying more than I did when my great uncle died.
*Trip emerges from the trees, a large crowd behind him* Hello dear.
(Just like you're trying to help Lorcan home. You meet the ParaChase, then you start to help them for a bit and then... keep going until the world starts to crumble???? I dunno...)
Just popping in to say hi before I go to sleep. :)
((Well I dunno! I'm not just about to find you! I haven't a clue where to look :3))
((Hi/Bye Star! *hugs*))
(He's in the valley, injured behind where Para Em and Deacon lived. That was the last place you saw him. It's up to you what you want to do...)
*Lorcan was pressing his wound more, not sure how long he can stay in the hollowed out tree. He had to get home or else he would pass out from bloodloss*
Gtg. Im just gonna cry myself to sl33p now. Bye guys...
Uh huh.... Um... Are you alright?
Bye Chione. I'm sorry for our loss.
I'm fine.
((Night Chione!))
Um... Are you sure?
Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
((Night Chione *hugs*))
((Em, I just meant... Logically, Adra saw Lorcan leave and assumed that he's fine and good and stuff... I don't have a reason to go looking for him... That's what I mean))
((Just get on facebook lol))
Well, you disappeared yesterday?
And you looked hurt
Oh yeah. Man... so much stuff has happened since then. Wow.
So I can see. *gestures to the apparent crowd behind him?*
Oh, yeah, these guys. They're the resistance.
Are you just going to continue to be blunt, or...?
((I'm going with this thing where the planet is actually a living organism, and it's fallen deathly ill. Like it has a fever, sort of. But no one knows how to fix it. And, like, with your alchemy and with Niccolò's plant thing, neither of you would notice the problem, and neither of you would be able to fix it with earth energy, because you get that from the earth which is a living thing, and it can't cure itself. So yeah. But only very few people would know this. A few of the people who were in charge of making the portals, and maybe two very high up earth scientists.))
Sorry. Um, they're the channeller resistance. They sort of, resist channeller hate crimes and try and free channellers being used by companies and governments as weapons.
((Wow... I quite like that, actually. But how has it fallen ill? Because I can assure you there are more ways to accumulate energy.))
Aretha: *walks over to the others* Hey guys! So, um... Who are all these people?
Niccolò: *is a crow perched on her shoulder*
Aretha: *listens to Trip's explanation* Oh, ok, nevermind.
((It was hit with the remnants of a very very large solar storm, and it essentially got a fever. No one is sure how to fix it.))
Ah, very nice, I guess... *studies them* Well, I don't suppose they've been doing a good job, considering you got shot the other day...
But do tell me where you went, though... I was afraid you'd been taken by them
Hello Ari. These are the channeller resistance.
((Thanks, by the way!))
People trying to kill you.
Ong what did i miss?? Sorry iPad died for no reason it doesnt appear i missed much but
Oh. Nah, these guys just heard about me and wanted to see if I was okay and needed any help. Needless to say a few of them got a good punching.
((We've just met the channeler resistance. That's about it.
Also, Adra, I posted your chapter. Just so you know. I fully expect Tadra in return. *glares*))
*glances at the crow* Hey Niccolò! *pets his head* hahaah I can pet you!
Alexis: just bite her Coco
*nods* As suspected... Well, I'm glad you're alright- ish, then
((I already said, we save the world by eating curry. The challenge is to figure out how.))
Thanks. So, what did you get up to in my untimely absence?
Niccolò: *ruffles feathers uncomfortably* *in Zafira's mind* Please refrain from such actions.
Aretha: *steps away from Zaf* Um, yeah, he'd rather you didn't do that...
Sorry Niccolò the last crow I pet tried to bite me. I'm sorry. Forgive me.
Alexis: May I have him on my shoulder? *looks at Niccolò grinning* Crows are awesome like you.
((Msd to eat))
((Hmmmm... Okay.. I'll have to think about it. *double facepalm*))
Um... I snuck into Mevolent's Palace to see if there was someone there who could give me insight into what's wrong with the planet. No such luck, however I was able to sit on the throne. That was interesting.
Mevolent? He's alive?
*narrows her eyes* Yes he is. Here, at least.
((Ok, bye if you go, Zaf!))
Niccolo: *in Alexis' mind* I'd rather stay here, if you do not mind terribly.
Aretha: So, we were going to save the world, right?
And what is he up to, exactly?
About to, Aretha... I just need more time to find out the cause.
Well, I believe his is over in our universe, so you wouldn't be able to reach him from here. But I didn't see him.
Aretha: He's not as big here, though. As far as I can tell, he is the leader of a decently large criminal group, but he's not as insanely powerful as he was in our world. And he doesn't worship the Faceless Ones. Apparently he only wants to kill me because I killed his boyfriend... He's still in our universe, though. Niccolò... Well, let's just say he's almost dead. Our plan is to deliver him to prison once we get this thing sorted out.
*Lorcan looks through his pack trying to find some extra bandages. He then finds the emergency flare gun and almost laughs. He forgot about it.
One shot for emergencies only.
He took a deep breath and prayed that someone other than werewolves would see it.
He pointed it up to the sky and shot the gun off, sending the bright red flare into the air, hoping it would be seen*
There's nothing to be done, we'll have to deal with him later.
Niccolò: *flies off of Aretha's shoulder over to the flare, circles down to Lorcan*
Guys, you see that flare? About three or four miles off?
Yeah, I did... *frowns* It could be a trap...
Then again...
*Lorcan starts pressing the padding against the blood again, watching as the flare falls slowly. He coughs, bringing up more blood*
Lorcan: God Dammit Dad, where the hell are you?
We have a small army of mes behind us, if it is a trap, we'd destroy them.
Niccolò: *tilts head sideways, staring at Lorcan* *in Lorcan's mind* Are you Lorcan?
Aretha: Niccolò is checking it out now. He can fly through forests pretty quickly, because of all the trees and everything.
*frowns* okay...
Having Niccolo around is no fun sometimes.
*Lorcan drops his pack as he stares at the crow*
Lorcan: The crow just talked to me... why did that crow just talk to me.
Oh hush now, dear.
Aretha: *smiles apologetically* Sorry... At least we'll know whether or not it's a trap, though. *frowns* It's just one person, and he looks pretty badly injured...
Niccolò: *shifts into a human* My apologies. I ought to have known my appearance might startle you. I can shapeshift.
Sometimes, I just want to lead an army of totally disproportionate force over to rescue a single person, and look, he gets to go and be the hero!
Aretha: He was just trying to be more efficient... And, you know, stop people from dying unnecessarily...
*rolls her eyes* Moron... *said jokingly*
*Lorcan tries to jump up and puts strains on his wounds*
Lorcan: Holy shit! Who the hell...
Niccolò: I know your father, in a parallel universe. I can heal. And there are others likely to be on their way shortly. I can assure you you have nothing to fear from us.
Aretha: Guys, it's Lorcan...
Oh. Small world eh?
((Can I help anywhere just read through whT I missed))
I thought he was good. He ran off- I didn't think he needed my help
((Well, you were standing around with the rest of us before, so I guess just be standing around and go with it. That's what I'm doing. :) ))
*Lorcan looks at Niccolo*
Lorcan: You're like the woman that rescued me the last time. She said she knew my dad as well, just not know him.
And I dunno if you can heal these...
*he lifts his shirts and shows the deep claw and lacerations before he coughs up another bit of blood*
(Of course Zaf! Just hop right into it. You're with the others so you will go with them. Just get into it)
Alexis: wait Lorcan is older here like I am older here? Wicked!
((Oh and Niccolò you'll laugh: in drama today I learned how to waltz. Next time there is oppurtunity I can so waltz with you I spent almost 3 hours waltzing today))
#ChaseForBook9 do we get over there?
We could walk? That's always a good option.
(( [Sneaks in and hugs people (not in the roleplay, I don't think I can stick around very long, so I can't join in right now, plus I haven't read back yet... Actually I have to go now. I think. It's hard to tell... Probably bye)]))
*looks awkwardly at Trip and Adra* bleh...
Alexis: *quiet* can we go away from Tadra?
((Hey Fabs. How are you?))
((*hugs Fabi*))
*unenthusiastically* Walking. Yayyhhyyyy
Hey, the faster we walk, the faster we get there.
Or we could run?
Even better.
We could race
Niccolò: *lays a hand on Lorcan's shoulder and the injuries start to heal from the inside out* Yes, I can heal those. Perhaps not fully, but you'll live.
Aretha: Um. Niccolo's trying to heal him, so he can't teleport us. We can jog.
Aretha: Yeah, let's race!
Or, we can run.
((*hugs Fabi*))
GO! *starts running, with the resistance chasing behind*
*Lorcan sits up a bit straighter*
Lorcan: What are you that you're able to heal??
*begins sprinting, catching up to Trip* AYYYYYY
((I'm just gonna sit this out....I feel awkward *nods*))
Aretha: *sprints as fast as I can towards Lorcan and Niccolò* ((I don't know how fast you guys can run, but for the record, I've only ever raced one person who I couldn't beat in a sprint. Yay for long legs! I'll get a little slower the longer we run for, though.))
*several resistance fighters overtake them all*
*slows down to an easier pace, preserving her energy for when the others get tired*
Niccolò: *looks at him warily for a moment, then sighs* I am many things. My first discipline was stealing true names. I've stolen 48 over the years. But you needn't worry- I'll gladly die sooner than I'd steal another.
*Alexis and I run too*
*the first of the resistance members get up to the top of the hill, the man from when Trip got shot brushes against Adra, then pulls ahead*
*Lorcan frowns at Niccolo*
Lorcan: True names?? Is that... a magic discipline?
*Lorcan looks towards the woods*
Lorcan: Do you hear twigs snapping??
*nearly falls into a chasm, but speeds up a bit* Hey! Wait up!
*we just keep running*
*still running*
(You don't have to be running forever lol)
*growls* OI! *runs faster*
*still running*
I think....I hear Niccolò's voice
Alexis: of course you would hear him...
*coughs once*
Ow ow wow lol nope. *comes down to a stop, heart pounding, breathing heavily*
*stops* Are you all right Adra?
As..thma.... *wheezes* DAMNNNNN...
*stops with Alexis staying quiet as nobody really is talking to me* ((sorry wbd for a bit trying to type for English I NEED DOUBLE SPACING GAAAH))
Of course.
*the first of the resistance members start to arrive at Niccolo and Lorcan's location*
*breathes out, walking forward, doing her best to regain her breath*
Come on, I'll fly us there. *holds out hand*
...won't that tire you our? *shakes her head* you need your energy to focus on healing yourself
*Lorcan sees the man and stands up with a gun pointing at him*
Lorcan: Stay where you are! Don't come any closer!
Niccolò: Yes, to put it simply. A person's true name is what gives them magic, amongst other things.
Aretha: *arrives by Niccolò and Lorcan*
((Sorry for poofing- I had to do a thing. But I have to eat now, so I'll be gone for a little longer. Sorry! I'll probably back within half an hour.))
It's fine, really. I have more than enough to spare.
Man with golden hair: *there's now a large group of resistance fighters* Woah kid calm down. We're with crow dude.
Niccolò: You can relax, Lorcan. These people mean you no harm. They are also friends of the woman who said she knew your father.
((Crow dude. Way to make me laugh, guys!! I seriously have to go eat now, though. Bye!))
((Bye Ari))
No.... Come on then- *pokes out her tongue and begins running*
((*byeee Arethaaaaa*))
*arrives at the place with te people*. Whoa..
*Lorcan lowers the weapon*
Lorcan: I just noticed, that you never asked how I know the woman. If I was you, I would have asked that...
*arrives behind Adra*
Wow, Lorcan, look at you, all grown up.
Honestly though- who doesn't know me?
Ay there Lorcan
*Lorcan looks at Adra and half smiles*
Oh my god it's you again. I thought I dreamed you up or something...
*He looks at Trip*
And I don't know you sir...
Oh dear god calm down *smirks* ((aww bye Ari))
And you shouldn't. We haven't met, if you did know me I'd be quite worried.
But look at you! Pointing guns at a large groups of people who could kill you with a thought!
Ah, not quite...
I've dealt with worse sir.
*Suddenly guns being cocked can be heard from all around the group from every angle*
*Chase steps out from behind Lorcan with his gun pointed at the group while another 15 people have circled the group with guns*
Chase: No one fucking moves a muscle or raises a weapon. You all take a step back away from the boy.
Nobody is here to hurt him. Chase you know me!
Alexis; *stays close to Momma shaking*
*about 50 different energy bubbles pop up around the group, Locan and the werewolf hunters*
Chase? Surprise surprise! *steps out, raising a hand* Yo
Gold haired man: Ah, Chase. How's your partnership with the channeller hunters? Fruitful, I hope? Because, as much as I don't like werewolves, I don't much like being hunted down either. And, as you can quite clearly see, you are horribly outnumbered.
*Chase points his gun right at Trip*
Chase: HEY!! What did I just fucking say.
And I don't know anyone here, haven't seen any of you before. So stand close together and identify yourselves.
The last thing I need is a group of strangers roaming around werewolf territory.
(Just saying, in this universe, channellers are seen as little more than animals, weapons to be used or dangers to be destroyed. Very few people have an in any way liberal stance on them, and those that do normally get quite horribly murdered.)
Hey, I'm not in charge here.
Gold haired man: I am. And as I said, you're outnumbered.
Honestly? You all are pulling this liberal crap when the planet's going to hell?
*walks to Chase* Put it down, please.
*glares at Chase* Zafira Kerias.
Alexis: Alexis Zafira is my mother *has petrified expression*
((Em para Zaf is known to hate werewolves like she'll kill any wolf she sees))
*Chase looks at the golden haired man*
Chase: I don't deal with the channeller hunters. They are bounty hunters, we are protectors, there's a difference.
And you think you can come here and just pronounce dominance. You're playing in my house!
*He stands beside Lorcan*
Chase: Are you alright son?
Lorcan: Yeah Dad, I'm fine.
Golden Haired Man: That's what they say about you, you arrogant fool. We didn't come here to pronounce dominance, but to help your son. I was merely pointing out how utterly crap your bargaining position is here.
Really? Insults?? *glares at both sides* you all are awful a at NOT being violent
Gold Haired Man: When all the world just wants to /be/ violent to you your whole life, not being violent is like not being human.
Chase: He sent up the flare to be collected.
*Chase lowers his weapon*
And this is the group that comes to collect him eh?
Then do the right thing and shut up. *gives him a glare*
Gold Haired Man: Collect sounds like we came to take him. We came to help him.
This is the group that saw the flare, Chase. Someone was sent out to scout the area and found Lorcan horribly injured, inches from death. He was healed and the rest of us came here.
*Chase looks at his people*
Chase: Keep your guns on them while I check Lorcan over.
*He lifts up Lorcan's shirt and starts to feel the cuts and bruises, making sure nothing was damaged internally*
Chase: Any magic used on these?
Lorcan: I think so Dad, I'm not sure. I still need painkillers but I'm not coughing up blood anymore.
*Chase turns back to face the group*
Chase: What are these bubble things??
Energy shields. Basic channeller technique.
*sighs just listening since I'm not really even needed*
Niccolò: I used magic to heal the worst of the injuries, if that knowledge is of any use to you.
Chase: Impressive.
Well I guess I have to thank you for saving my son. I'd be lost without him.
*howling comes from the far side of the woods*
Lorcan: Oh shit Dad, it's the recon pack!
((Hey Ari! I'm just kinda awkwardly sitting here not really even being spoken to so..))
The what pack?
((Zaf, to I can't always wait for others to approach you...))
Gold Haired Man: I think you underestimate out power.
((Ari aint ere.))
((Zaf, just throw yourself into it! Make it up as you go along!))
((Eh I have but whatever I said stuff to Chase so I kinda give up on it at this point. I have no bloody idea whats going on...))
((Zaf, you said hello.))
Hi Fabi! *hugs*
*Yawns and trips over, forget if to catch herself. Slams into the ground and rolls over, groaning slightly*
Hi Fabi, Death.
Oh wait new oage soon
((Hey Fabi! *hugs*
Zaf- *shrugs* Neither do I, really. I rarely have a full understanding of what's going on, actually. But with roleplay I find usually you have to force your involvement in it. Then again, the roleplay I did with my friends growing up was a lot more... Competitive? I'm not really sure what the word is, but a lot harder to keep control of than this is, at any rate.))
Heya Rose
*Chase and his people check their guns*
Chase: The recon pack, they patrol the woods every night into the valley to try and catch some of us who go out hunting or collecting resources.
They are the newer wolves, so they are just pure animalistic thirst and rage.
*waves to Rose*
*looks around*
*cautiously eats an apple*
((Hi Death!! *hugs*))
Fight coming?
More wolves?! *keeps Alexis close*
Aretha: So what you're saying is that we should probably leave, so we don't all end up having to kill each other? Yeah?
((Hi Adra, Em, Ari, Trip, Zaf, Deathy and anyone else I accidentally missed.
((I am currently in a different dimension than the rest of you, so I guess I'll spectate for the time being and maybe enter as a random character later... I don't know. I'll see.
Gold Haired Man: You know, the werewolf population has needed a bit of a culling recently...
((Parallel Niccolò and Aretha are both in the universe you're in, Fabi. I could roleplay as them if you wanted me to.))
Aretha: Or we could just leave and avoid having to kill.
*sighs* I much rather leave I need not to kill
Chase: We don't fight the recons, then they know we are closer than we seem.
So now what we are gonna do is head to the old house on the hill and go into the basement. And I suggest, we do it quickly.
*continues to eat an apple*
*Looks up slowly, glaring at everyone* I have not been awake for five minutes and this? I have to ded? Oh, I hate you... *Rolls over*
I dedicate this page to Em, because Emerald is beautiful and amazing and wonderful and she can't seem to see how horrible my writing is... Grrr...
And I also dedicate this page to Em's family. I can't begin to fathom the pain you've been through and I'm sorry. If there is ever anything I could do, any of us in fact, come ask. You have my utmost admiration - Em, you're so included - through the strength you've shown in the past year. *Hugs Em and her family tightly*
How big is said basement?
((It's fine, Ari. I really shouldn't be here at all today, so...
I refuse to say hi, by the way... I'm going to fade away... Weeee... *Turns transparent* Goodbye.... *Vanishes quickly*))
(*claps* *raises glass* hear hear))
Okay lets go inside...
((Thanks, though. [hugs Ari]
(( [hugs Deathy and Em and raises glass to the ded]
(( See you, Deathy [hugs]
Chase: It's crumbling to the fucking ground, it's the metal door in the basement that leads to the catacombs where we're based.
(Death, thank you so much. That was so not needed but appreciated. I love you babe x)
Bye Death.
((Bye Rose!))
Lead the way Chase... I don't think we have a lot of time
Golden Haired Man: Very well.
Aretha: So are we just going to stand around and stare at each other, or are we going to book it out of here?
((Bye Death!! *hugs*))
Erm... How far do we have to run?
Chase: It's just past the trees, you can't miss it. Everyone ready? Let's go!!
*Chase, Lorcan and his people start running, barely making a sound*
Niccolò: *follows, equally silent*
Aretha: *keeps pace with the others, significantly less quiet, but not obnoxiously loud*
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