Sunday, September 22, 2013

My House. My Museum.

It's Sunday evening, I'm about to go watch Dexter, and I thought it'd be a nice way to spend a blog post by showing you a few pics of the glorious junk I have in my house.

First of all, this is a cat (Pooper) who has just discovered that the small sitting room has been housing a rather large snake for the past few weeks, while Laura and her sister try to figure out what to do with it. Pooper, as you can see, is quite wary.

It was at this point that I started taking random shots of the room, and a thought occurred to me: "Aha!" this thought said. "I have your new blog post!"

I'll give a proper guided tour of my house at some later stage — probably once my extension is built — but for the moment, here is what greets you when you walk through my front door....

Naturally I have the posters for the movies I've written on prominent display...

... and of course I have what EVERYONE has in their halls: a severed foot in a glass case.

Now then, to the office!

I'm not going to show you the ACTUAL office (the ACTUAL office is really very messy at this moment in time) so I'm going to show you some of the things I have on the shelves. Such as these gentlemen...

Plus a little Evil Dead...

... and some Marvel folk hanging around...

And let us not ignore Star Wars...

... or zombies...

And here, tucked away on their own little shelf, Skulduggery and Vampirella. Just chillin'.

(That Skulduggery is a pretty rare promotional item my German publishers had made... It's not for sale anywhere except MAYBE eBay.)

And now, to the main living room. I'm not gonna show you everything, but this is the room I had designed and rebuilt as a live-in museum. The extension, if I ever get around the designing it, will be built specifically to house this stuff. Because it makes me happy.

And here it is, the suit I love to talk about... as worn by Christopher Reeve.

I do NOT dress up in this. I swear I don't.

Although if someone wanted to photoshop my head onto this mannequin, I would not object.


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Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂I AM so bored☂

☂so bored☂

☂so bored☂

☂so boooooored☂

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Omg i get Leon next!!!!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

There's a new post...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*continues to climb*

*up and up and up*

*and up and up*

*hours pass*

*then days*



*and finally years*




*but he keeps walking*

*because there's an invisible force that makes him take every step*

*an invisible force that makes him keep going*

*and if he were alive it would be determination*

*or perhaps hope*

*but he's dead and so*

*it's merely a habit*

*it's as if he's a clock*



*left foot*

*right foot*

*it's really all the same*

*isn't it*

*but it's not as bad as one might think*

*because boredom does not exist*

*or so he thinks*

*because one day almost at the end of the world*

*he reaches the top of the staircase*

*where he finds a platform before he can continue to another set of stairs*

*and there is a beautiful garden*

*and there is a beautiful pool*

*and there is a beautiful seating area*

*and there is a beautiful balcony*

*but he does not enjoy this sight because*

*like I said*

*he is dead*

*and there is a lady smiling and waiting for him*

*in a posh-looking chair and she stands up*

*when she sees him*

*and says "Ah, I've been expecting you. Come. Please sit."*

*so he sits because really*

*what else can he do*

*she tells him he has a choice*

*not about sitting down because of course that's not what she's here to talk about*

*but about what he will do next*

*he can jump off the balcony, return to the bottom of the stairs, and climb again, with all his emotions returned to him*

*he can keep climbing the next set without his emotions*

*or he can just go to sleep forever*

*if he decides to drown in that pool over there*

*because it is a special pool that will allow him to truly die*


*he has no way of knowing*

*and he figures he may as well keep climbing*

*because he hasn't had emotions for so long*

*why should he start now*

*so he climbs again*

*for days*


*a very very long time*

*and he arrives at another platform and there is the lady again*

*but this time there is another lady next to her*

*her face is familiar but he doesn't know why*

*so he asks the first lady and she says that this is his wife*

*and she has just died*

*you are not sure about this*

*you thought centuries and millenia had passed but*


*it was just a few years*

*and he now will be cursed with negative emotions because his wife had the audacity to die*

*which is not fair*

*but life is not fair*

*and then the lady asks him if he would like to go to sleep forever but he says no because maybe the negative emotions will go away*

*so he keeps climbing*

*and now every step hurts*

*and tears leak out of his eyes*

*and loss is hurting his heart*

*and slowly he begins to wonder if maybe he should go to sleep*

*so he keeps climbing*

*and it's difficult*

*and it's painful and he's bored and scared at the same time*

*and then*


*he reaches the top*

*and there's an old woman there*

*and he asks the old woman if he can go to sleep*

*so she says yes*

*but she says that if he had returned to the beginning of the staircase*

*or if he hadn't climbed in the first place*

*there was an exit*

*there was a way out*

*and he just didn't look in the right place*

*and he cannot go back there now*

*because he missed his chance*

*and so he gives up*

*and lets himself go to sleep*

*but what he didn't know was that*

*one small set of stairs up*

*was another exit*

*where he could be happy again*

*but he didn't go up*

*because he didn't know*

*and because it was too hard*

*so please*

*if you ever feel like your life is never-ending and hard and you just want to end it all*

*it is just about to get better*

*don't lose hope*

-The End

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Good i sign myself back in

Snow said...

we're here, right??))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I didn't realize the comments were full and lost a whole conversation...


Snow said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: [Phone rings again] [Sighs]

[To the Cleavers] Search again, see if you can find anyone who might be able to help.

[Cleavers nod and sprint away]

[Frank answers his phone] Hello? Yes, yes, I'm doing the best I can. No one seems to be around... Yes, I definitely have a back-up plan. No, I can't give you details, sorry. Look, I'll have some sort of lead within the hour. [Moment of silence] Yes, I understand. Yes. Alright. [Hangs up, and sighs, running hand through hair]


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((It was better the first time, but oh well. Now I'm just being mopey.))

((Oh, and it'd be nice if I could get some sleep at some point. Msd.))


Snow said...

*Sneaks up behind frank, after hearing some of the conversation*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: [Looks downcast] [Doesn't hear Snow or Lea]


Snow said...

(( OMG!! this is so... i dont know what to call it... just read: sometimes dreams break and so does life, right along with them))

Snow said...


*signals to Lea*

*lea lets go of snow's hand reluctantly*

*clears throat*

um... hello...?

Duck said...

Ever so slightly not really interesting things that happened today:
1. One of my friends recently got LSODM and this morning he said he is just up to the part where Ghastly, Ravel and Shudder are in the Sanctuary and they're talking to Madame Mist, Syke and Portia.

2. There is a version of dodgeball where you choose a doctor who can heal you. One of my friends said that another friend should be doctor. And I said "I concur." And they all looked at me with blank faces wondering what the hell I just said.

3. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow and I asked, "which doctor?" Mum replied with, "No, not a witch doctor, an ordinary doctor."

Snow said...

(( i dont know weather to laugh or be ashamed i thought about laughing, duck...))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Frank: [Turns around, looking visibly relieved] H-hello. I'm Frank So-and-so from the Sanctuary in Montreal. I'm, um, a detective, and I'm looking for this... Person...


Snow said...

*raises eyebrow* a detective? you dont sound, or, for that matter, look, like a detective. are you sure you got your job title right? are you sure your not an administrator?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Hello Duck.))


Duck said...

A person, Frank? I'm afraid I don't know many people. If you're looking for a duck though, then I'm your man!

Duck said...

HEY FABI!!!!!!!!

Snow said...

(( HEY DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: You don't know me. Why are you so keen to judge me? [Looks hurt/angry/upset for a moment, then takes a deep breath] I'm looking for this person. [Holds up a sort of blurry photo that looks a lot like Fabi] Is there any chance you can help?


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: Well, I've never been sent in search of a duck, but if I am, I'll certainly stop by.


Snow said...

*shows no viable reaction to the picture*

nope. sorry. havent seen around here...

Snow said...

*seen them

Duck said...

Hmmm, well, if it looks a lot like Fabi then I suggest that Star should be your main suspect. Or maybe Mara the derectioner. Yeah, both of them look a lot like Fabi.

Snow said...

*glares at duck*

*lea taps ducks shoulder while still chameleoned into the background*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: Star. Mara the Directioner. Fabi. [Writes the names down] [Hands Duck an envelope of cash] Do you know where I can find any of them?


Duck said...

*looks behind shoulder*
I don't mean to alarm any of you, but there could be a ghostly presence in the room. I'm phychic, so trust me.

Duck said...

Do I get more money if I tel you where to find them?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: [Sees Snow's glare and looks sort of hurt, sort of resigned]


Snow said...

oh my god... *facepalm*

duck, i hate you...

fine. frank, is it? that looks like fabi, but it could be here parallel self. dont ask.

Duck said...

Sorry guys, have to go do sheep work now!


Snow said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: A ghost? [Raises an eyebrow] How intriguing. Do you know what sort of ghost? And I'm sure I can arrange that, with my employer, if your information is good.


Snow said...


Snow said...

*motions for frank to snatch the notebook*

Snow said...

*LEA!!! not frank, Lea!!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: I'm not completely oblivious to current events, I was there for the whole parallel universe crisis. Not the same place you were, but still there. What do you take me for, a fool? Actually, don't answer that. I can see it in your eyes. I thought I'd take this opportunity to let you know that I am not, in fact, the villain. I'm searching for the prime suspect in a series of murder cases. I understand that you might want to protect your friend, but even if she is innocent, she might know something. I need to find her.

((Bye Duck!))

Snow said...

thats fine. thats great. it doesn't mean i have to like you though. i am a detective too. we have to do what we have t do. o get that. but annoy my friends, hurt them, arrest them without proof, you will regret it.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: [Sighs] You don't have to like me, but I wish you'd give me a chance. People seldom do. I think it's the hair. Actually, it's probably because I stand for what I believe in, and don't quaver when people disagree.
My goal is not to arrest your friend without proof, it is to discover and apprehend the murderer. And I am not inquiring after this Fabi person without evidence. There are photographs of her near four of the killings, each in a different part of the world. Even if that doesn't directly prove her guilt, it's enough that I have to question her.


Jophiel said...

I'm locked outside my freaking house. I have food and wifi so I will survive... I'm in shorts and it's cold...

Snow said...

fine. you do that. but dont expect me to help you find her.

now i have to go, bye. *Lea grabs her wrist, making it look like Snows teleported away*

Snow said...

(( *huggles deathy* ))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((hugs Deathy))

((Food and wifi are good. Cold, not so much. :-/

Jophiel said...

Just thought I should point this out but I need to go to the bathroom... :/

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Frank: Teleporters... They always have such an attitude. What I'm doing is right. I'm going to catch the killer. I will solve this case... [Sounds uncertain about that last bit]

[Cleavers return, having found no one]

Frank: [Nods gloomily]


Snow said...

um... ask a nice neighbor??))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Is there someplace else you can go, like a store or a friend's house or something?


Jophiel said...

Uh... Nope. Neighbours are evil where I live... I shall wait... And this is awkward...))

Snow said...

*Snow and Lea head back home* teleporters do not have an attitude!

((G2G, bye!!))

Jophiel said...

The closest friend lives about 40km away and the stores don't have bathrooms for patrons... I'm just going to get off this topic... Continue with you RP...))

Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

Aaaand, they're home!! I shall be one for a second!!))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Frank decides to come back to this place later]

((Okay Deathy.

((Bye Snow

(([Contemplates whether to stay or to sleep now]


Jophiel said...

Sleep. I was forced to pack and unpack the dishes.

Jophiel said...

And it is rather quiet, no?

Jophiel said...

Still, the silence surronds me.

Jophiel said...

Death walks into to forest, the silence all around her. She can't hear anything. She walks until her legs give out. She's too far away from anyone to hear anything. To see anything. To even understand anything. Blogland seems blurry. She can't focus.
There's a shape in the distance. A black blur. A black blur starting to take a form. A man. A man in a grey suit. The suit matches his eyes. His eyes match his hair. His hair matches his suit; a circle of greys and silvers.
He stands over Death who is gazing up at the man. The man smiles and extends a hand to her. She gazes at it, wondering whether it not to take it. The man sighs and strikes her cheek. She doesn't feel it.
The man reaches down and pulls her up by her hair. She doesn't feel it either. She's the same height at the man in silver now, her face inches away from his. He smells like mint and something metallic; blood. He wreaks of it.
The man in silver stares at her and then throws her back to the ground. She finally feels it. Pain lances through her an she cries out. The man smirks and kicks her back towards Blogland. She's not anywhere. She's somewhere and nowhere at the same time.

Jophiel said...

Death forces herself to her feet and glares at the man. The man stays standing with a smirk, "I taught you better, brat." He mutters and strikes her to the ground again.
She curses, spits out a mouthful of blood. "And I thought I killed you better."
The silver man kicks her ribs, shattering more than half of them in the right side. "You should know better, you little bastard."
"I know I'm a bastard. Baron never married."
Another kick.
More broken ribs.
"You know what I mean," he whispers and sends a kick to her head. Her eyes roll back and she slumps lower to the ground,

Jophiel said...

The man stares at Death for a moment then picks her up gently. He walks into her base, using the secret passage, and sets her down on the table. He pulls out an assortment of knives and daggers, placing them all in Death's torso, missing her arteries and major organs. She only stirs slightly.
"I thought you would have been smarter, not letting your guard down." He says loudly and pulls out a steele. He starts carving symbols into Death's flesh, burning an charring her skin. "Scars are nothing." He says loudly as he starts to draw with a dagger. Blood gushes from each trail and she starts to turn pale. "You might die, you freak. Save yourself and friends. Let go. I know you can hear me, child. Let go. Release everything." Death starts to visibly relax and her mouth opens slightly.
"Yes master..." She breathes and sighs. Her breathing stops. Her head rolls back and her eyes go blank.
"Good girl. Something you're good at."

Emerald Melody said...

Damn you are so good at writing chicks.

I love reading your stuff.

Jophiel said...

NO I'M NOT!!!!! *Hisses* ))

Emerald Melody said...

Tough shit, I said it is and my word is final.

I love your writing. I love reading it. Get over it cause I love you.

Jophiel said...

The man with the silver hair walks out from Death's base and wipes the fresh blood of his grey suit pants. He walks into the Central and grins as be surveys the area. "Marvelous place... A land built of pure imagination. There is not one true thing in this place." He raises his hand and laughs softly. "This place has never been explored, had it? Never been shown what true light is..." He pauses and then continues, grinning smugly. "Shame."

Jophiel said...


Emerald Melody said...

Wohoo!!! You go girl.

I've not been doing much today, gonna start my pokemon cross stitching lol the highlight of my day.

And I've been dipping back into DD2 so I'm... meh lol

Jophiel said...

Thanks Em!!!

Cross stitching...? I can't sew... I tried to cross stitch once and moments later I was throwing the needle across the room... XD

Yay!!!!! Go Em! *Hugs tighter* DD2!!!!!!

Jophiel said...

The man with the silver hair looks up quickly, his smug grin replaced with one of suspicion and fury. "You bastard child! Move on already!" A strong breeze blows him off his feet and he lands in his backside. "MOVE ON! DEATH ROSE MOVE TO THE NEXT STAGE!" He screams into the sky as he skids backwards into a tree.

Emerald Melody said...

Lol well I've been cross stitching since I was 12 so that's 11 years of patience and practice under my belt.

And yeah I know lol DD2 already and Dublin Daes isn't even officially released yet.

Christ what am I doing lol

Jophiel said...

YOU'RE MAKING ME HAPPY!!!!!! YOU'RE MAKING YOUR FANS (and Leo fangirls) happy!!!

Oh, I better warn you that if Leo ever gets a girlfriend, I will kill her.

Jophiel said...

The man with the silver hair stands up as the winds die down. It is eerily calm after what had just happened. "Good child. Make sure you go far enough away so no one may ever find you again." There is no wind this time. His words seem to travel all across Blogland in the new peace.

Emerald Melody said...

Oh dear...

Let me just say: Brace yourself.

Jophiel said...



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im here barely....owww

Jophiel said...

Em Em, no, you can't Em, no no no no Em no, Em no! Em, no no no! Em, you can't Em, Em, no! No no no no no! Em! You can't do this to me Em! I can't stand to see the man I love in love with someone else! Em, no no no Em no please no Em no please you can't please Em kill me no.

Jophiel said...

Hi Zaf!!! I just killed Deathy! And Em just killed me...

*Sobs* No... He's my Leo....

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Em i have ways to revive people. I'm gonna bring her back....

Jophiel said...

No, silver haired man is scary. He has a way with words. He will trick you into not reviving her.

Jophiel said...

*Laughs softly* I'm actually crying... XD

Emerald Melody said...

Maybe it's just best if you don't think about it sweets lol

Jophiel said...

How can I not think about it....? *Sighs heavily* I'll try... I'm warning you now if you fall in love with one of my characters I'm going to make him get a girlfriend....

Jophiel said...

I think I may just go to sleep now... I'm sleepy.... And sad.... NIGHT! *Hugs and kisses Em and Zaffy*

Emerald Melody said...

Look it's a complicated situation which I think not just Leo but another character needs to go through.

Lol but if it makes you feel any better, when the roleplaying is going on, Leo is a single pringle on the blog.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I am content with Niccolò....mmmmm he good looking....

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Em sorry bout distance Zaffy in class :/ ugh this hurts mu mouthy hurts

Noelle said...

*has given up in trying to figure out who Rose loves :3*

Noelle said...

*lies in the grass*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Give up you may as well give up until at least 11am nobody comes on...

Noelle said...

Oh you're too kind. I'm just showing that I'm still here. On my day off.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Yeah just saying xD its usually..

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

There's a new post...
if no one already said that :P

Snow said...


Noelle said...


Jophiel said...

I did not see that coming.

Noelle said...

Neither did I 0.0

I feel like I was going 50mph and hit a brick wall

Jophiel said...


Em, I'm up for a RP...

Noelle said...

I came in like a_


Jophiel said...

I think I have whiplash.

*Facepalms and destroys all walls and wrecking balls in the world*

Noelle said...

I do too! *highfives*


Emerald Melody said...

(Cool cool Rose!)

*Lorcan wakes up groggy. His arms and legs are back in the binds. He sighs as he lets his head sink back into the pillow. He didn't even remember going to sleep*

They said you had an episode last night, your wolf was almost out.

*Lorcan looked up to see Drew standing at the door. He looked so different without his long jacket on or his sword on his back*

Lorcan: Yeah, well, I don't remember much from last night.

Drew: Oh but the doctors remember it all...

*Drew walks into the room and sits down on the chair beside the bed*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Gahhhh I am so annoyed!!! I just wrote a big long thing about Niccolò, and now it's gone... Darn it. Well, I'll just rewrite it. Consider me gone for a few minutes.


Noelle said...

*whispers* Sir?

Jophiel said...

*Pokes her head through the door* Hey bud, you alright? *Walks into the room and stands beside Drew, smiling softly at Lorcan* Long time no see, buddy.

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew looks up and smirks*
Drew: Hey Deathy, not too bad.

Lorcan here unfortunately is going through the mill. Got shot by hunters the other night and now he's on triple lockdown: silver poisoning, blood thirst detox and suicidal tendencies.

*Lorcan turns his head away from them to face the wall*

Noelle said...

*steps around* Sirrrrr?

Jophiel said...

*Pokes Drew then sits on the armrest of his chair* Why are you smirking? *Mutters 'Wolves...' under her breath. Looks back at Lorcan and pats his shoulder* I really don't know what to say, buddy... You'll be fine, Drew will protect you and everyone else, because that's what Drew does. *Smiles brightly an kisses Lorcan's forehead* You'll be great! And try not to let the murders go to heart. That's probably not a good thing...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ok. Anni, when you read this- you were right on par with him fitting in everywhere, even though his clothing isn't exactly what you'd call inconspicuous. He wears all black, pretty simple clothing- but not jeans, and he's rarely ever seen without his long, black, well-word leather jacket, which he somehow manages to fit 48 knives in. It was 40 before, but he added more in the sleeves. He carries them in sets of either two or four, but he has one set of six since he met Moss. His hair is short and black, and his eyes are so dark brown they might as well be black. Your description of their frightning-ness is also very accurate, but his eyes can be soft, too, when he wants them to be. And you've got his voice right, also, but I always compare it to dark chocolate, as a side note. And I don't think I've missed anything... Also, this took me a lot longer to re-write than I thought. Oops.


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan pulls at the binds*

Lorcan: Don't touch me and think you know what this feels like!!

Drew: I wouldn't right now Death, he goes from suicidal to murderous to melancholy in a matter of seconds.

It's his wolf trying to fight him to get out.

Noelle said...

*creeps up to Aretha* *sneak-tackles her*

Jophiel said...

*Nods and wraps her arm around Drew's shoulder so she doesn't fall off the chair* Okay. Lorcan, just, just hear me out. I've killed people before. I was pretty messed up but this was me. *Points to herself* This was the girl you see right here. I didn't have another person or being with me but you do. You have your wolf. *Goes to reach out to Lorcan but stops* Please, bud. Just... *Trails off and hangs her head* I'm useless with these kind of things...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Gah! *falls over* You caught me off guard! If this was a few months ago, Niccolò would've beaten me to a pulp for that. Now he's painting in my house, covered in tinfoil. It's difficult to wrap my head around it sometimes...


Jophiel said...

I knows what it feels like to not be in control. I know what it feels like to hurt people you love. But, Lorcan, to does get better. I promise. I'm older than most people here. Over four hundred. Yeah, I'm an oldie. The first century of that, I was a full on murderer. So I do know how it feels. When I was one hundred, I think, I woke up and realised that, hey, I just killed all those people. I just did all that.
I've tried to kill myself more times than I can count. I can't die. Something is keeping me here.

Noelle said...

*laughs, standing*

I would offer you a hand, however I know better to do that. *smiles cheerfully*

So how is he? Is he, like, still breathing? No frostbite, right?

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew pats her hand*

Drew: You're doing fine. Don't worry about it.

Lorcan, your wolf is literally insane at this point. It's the silver, that's what it does to us. You have control on him but right now because he is going through the poisoning, he will stop at nothing.

*Lorcan thrashes and tries to pull his arms free*

Lorcan: Get the fuck out!!! Both of you! NOW!!

Jophiel said...

Lorcan. I'm not leaving. *Stands up and crosses her arms* But I shall warn you now, if you try anything, I'm going to pin you down with gravity.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*pulls self up* Yeah, he's breating. His fingers were a little frostbitten, but he's insisting he can deal with that himself, and I believe it. *sighs* I was so ready to smack him for that...


Noelle said...

Ah... I can relate. Well... *pauses* *begins laughing*

Tin foil?

*laughs harder* Oh gods...

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew sits with his arms folded. A serious look on his face*

*Lorcan's back arches and he struggles for breath. His wrists are going white from the pressure of the cuffs on them. He gets a few gasps out and a few whimpers of pain*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*slowly busts into laughter* Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, but it's just- *is cut off by laughter* it's just too good. I mean, he's literally sitting there, trying to paint, covered in tinfoil. *laughter slowly fades out* Only because I made him, though.


Noelle said...

Ahh...*wipes her eyes and coughs* Lordy.

Yeah, but are you certain alone time is what's best right now?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((You know, it's funny- I have a really weird way of dealing with fear. When I'm terrified of something, I force myself to do it. There's only one thing I can think of that I haven't forced myself to do that scares me that much... And I've just decided I'll do it tonight. Ugh. That will not be pleasant...))


Jophiel said...

*Glances at Drew and takes a deep breath. When she speaks, her voice is soft and calm* Lorcan. Please, look at me. *Pauses* I know your wolf is trying to get free but you can't let him do that. You're going to have to hold out for just a little longer. *Smiles and puts her hand softly on his shoulder, thinking, "You're a complete idiot, Death. Good job. You're going to get your hand torn off."*

Noelle said...

((Um... Is it dangerous?))

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*sighs* No, it isn't. But he wouldn't want to be here right now, for more reasons than one. I think he'll probably be done with the foil within the half hour, though, and that'll get rid of one of the reasons, so I'll probably just drag him back here.


Jophiel said...

(Niccolò --> ))

Emerald Melody said...

Drew: It's okay Death, he's not shifting. That's the silver, that's the effects of his wolf being hurt by it.

*Lorcan's back stops arching. His body then tenses up as if he is being electrocuted.*

Noelle said...

Hmm... Do you think he would mind letting me see some of his paintings?
*pauses, holding up her hands* I mean, you know, I understand that some people would rather keep their art to themselves as it is often a personal expression of their inner emotions and stuff and I can get that. In which case, that's totally cool as well

Noelle said...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((No, it's not. Well... In terms of how much sleep I'll get, and how emotionally traumatized I'll be, probably. As far as things that didn't involve any people aside from myself (so basically, disincluding family or friends) it's the worst torture I can come up with for myself. Which makes it sound awful, but I'm only going to lock myself in a pitch-black room. And I'll only do it for a few minutes. But yeah. I actually might get lucky and be really calm, but chances are I'll freak out. Anyway. I'm not really sure why I mentioned that, I just felt like it, so I did.))


Jophiel said...

*Keeps her hand where it is* Mmm... *Looks at Drew with scared eyes* His gonna be fine, yeah? *Resumes looking at Lorcan, brushing hair out of his eyes*

Jophiel said...

(*Hugs Ari tightly* Deathy don't know that to say...))

Noelle said...

((In which case... *salutes* I wish you luck dear- and I think that is incredibly brave of you to face your fears. I commend you))

Emerald Melody said...

Drew: The doctors are doing all they can do. But that silver realise does play havoc on our wolves and bodies.

It takes so long to get out of our system and just... fucks us up to be honest.

*Lorcan's muscles start twitching as he gasps for breath*

Alastair Cruciatus said...


*thinks for a bit, tilting head to the side* Yeah, he wouldn't mind. There are a lot, though. Are there any in particular you'd like to see? He mostly just paints people's eyes- he has tons of those- and he also has a painting for every day he's spent here. He also has a few from when he was stuck in time, but he doesn't have one for every day of those. Well, not yet, anyway.


The Grave of a Coward said...

(*yawn* Hullo, all. I'm back. Finished my Oscar Neurotic DreamSelfy. Ate some steak. Drank some milk. S'all good.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(My oh my, we've gotta scroll through quite a few of Derek's posts before we get to one that isn't maxed out now . . .)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ah, thanks, guys. Again, I don't really know why I mentioned that... It just sort of felt important. Anyway.))

Hi Anni!


Jophiel said...

*Places both hands either side if Lorcan's face* Is there anything I can do? *Stares at Lorcan compassionately* Oh babe...

(Was I the only one who thought of Finn?))

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Yep- reallly far. You know what? I'll put the link here. I left the tab open from last time so I wouldn't have to do all the scrolling.))


Jophiel said...


Noelle said...

Hey Anni!

And- er, I don't exactly know, I don't think I have been down there before

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Usually, and yes this is a little inefficient, but I just leave Derek's blog open, and just enter and exit out of the comment window. That way, I don't have to scroll through Derek's blog unless the tab gets shut down for some reason.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Here's Oscar. I think it's a very cute Selfy, even if his hair IS too messy.)

Jophiel said...

(Naw... Oscar's adorable...))

Jophiel said...

(*Pulls and Adra*))

Noelle said...


Noelle said...



Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Does he actually wear the big gold thing? XD I think my mental picture was sort of accurate, actually, but I'm pretty sure that's just because your style of writing/independent roleplay is prone to awesome description.


Noelle said...

Rose I will murder you

Jophiel said...

*Dies of laughter*))

Emerald Melody said...

Drew: There's nothing you can do Death, all the doctors can do is monitor him and give him pain relief.

*Lorcan takes a proper gasp of air as another wave of twitches affect his muscles*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Well you know what they say, Adra. What goes around kicks you in the face. Or does it come around...? No, it definitely kicks you in the face.


Jophiel said...

*She whirls to face Drew, her knees shaking* THERE MUST BE SOMETHING I CAN DO! *Runs a hand through her hair angrily* THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING, ANYTHING!

Noelle said...

*laughs* I believe I like your version better, Ari



I ded to, well- my brothers, and to burning all the homework huzzah *raises glass* hear hear

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Sorry! I disappeared for a moment because my Mac was doing some strangeness. But I am back, and yes, he wears the big gold thing, but it's under his shirt so you can't see it.)

Jophiel said...

(Hear hear!!
*Hugs Adra*
I wuv you!!!))

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Lalalalala... *whirls around and flops backwards into the snow, looking at the uniform bright gray sky*


Noelle said...

*glares at Rose* I will feed your intestines to a whale like spaghetti

Noelle said...

*looks at the snow* *glares at the snow*

Emerald Melody said...

Drew: Hey, calm down. I know it's hard. But its what has to be done. Believe it or not silver poisoning is very rare cause we tend to stay away from hunters.

So doctors aren't prepared for silver poisonings.

We just have to let it run its course. No matter how long that takes.

Jophiel said...

*Laughs* That's how you show love, isn't it? You threaten people!! *Hugs Adra tighter* I love you!!!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

*strolls through the snow*

It is I, Doctor Precocious. How are you?

(Oooh, I just realized that now if I need to temporarily RP as Oscar I can change my profile picture and then you'll know.
I've solved the puzzle!)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Hey! You will not feed Death's intestines to a whale!


Jophiel said...

*Looks at Drew then falls to the floor, curling into a ball* I'm no good at being patient... I can't... I can't just watch him... *Looks up at Drew and wipes the tears out of her eyes* I can't just at here and do nothing.

Noelle said...

((*whispers* your teeth will be sprinkles))

*coughs into her hand again, wiping it off on a towelette and realizes she has no tea* *sobs in despair*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Adra, has my excessive use of the word towelette rubbed off on you?)

*approaches Adra*

Are you alright?

*pats her comfortingly on the shoulder*

Jophiel said...

(I LOVE SPRINKLES!! *Starts eating teeth. Realises the task is impossible. Cries* ))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Is reading through the comments so I have less to do later]

[Is very confused]

[Does not remember]

[Is not here]

[Is alive, though]


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Oh! Hello/Goodbye, Fabi!)

Jophiel said...

(*Hugs Fabi*)

Noelle said...

(Yeah, ye fool :3)


((ONFG Rose))

((Hi Moss- uh, good?!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

*sits down next to Adra*

Would it help if you told me what was wrong?
Or shouted at me?
I'm used to getting shouted at.

Jophiel said...

(*Walks into the kitchen to put sprinkles in breakfast. Finds sprinkles and squeals. Puts sprinkles into a bowl and frowns. Realises the packet is empty. Sobs*))

Noelle said...

((I know the feeling, Rose))

Eh, *shrugs* too many things to count. If I directly address them, I'll probably cry- I don't fancy doing that.

The Grave of a Coward said...

I know the feeling.
But don't worry about it. It'll get better. It always does.
*crosses fingers behind back*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Oh, but it does, Precocious. *has suddenly appeared and is walking up behind her* *is not covered in tinfoil* I'm older than you, if you recall, and I can tell you with perfect honesty that it does in fact get better.


Noelle said...

*rolls her eyes* You're so weird

Noelle said...

Niccolo! *air hugs*

...*whispers* Tin Man

Emerald Melody said...

Drew: You can go if it's too much for you Death. I know it is too much, I had to watch Rebecca go through it when she was younger.

*Lorcan's muscles stop twitching as he takes big gasps of air. He is sweating and blinks a few times, some blood dripping from his nose*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Ah! I didn't see you there, Niccolo.
*smiles sheepishly*
You forget, monsieur, that I am 512. That's a pretty damn long time.
And, it cannot be denied, the two of us live many different lives.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*sighs* I suppose it is only fitting that now all the rest of you will imagine me covered in foil.


The Grave of a Coward said...

*very different lives

Noelle said...

Ah, I'm just teasing. I'm sure it wa very... Endearing... *grins*

But not as endearing as grass

Jophiel said...

I'm not going to leave! *Kicks Drew's shin* There must be something else we can do than just sit here, though... *Glances up at Lorcan's bed and frowns*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Grass is very endearing. Except when it stains your pants.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Ah, but I am- well, to be technically correct, 528, although the oldest of my names is 564, so my memory stretches that far back. If I were to add up all the years worth of memory that I have, it would be well into the thousands. Either way, I do not claim to be some great success story, nor will I tell anyone their life will someday be perfect. I've just recovered from nearly freezing myself to death, after all, and I've still got 47 names constantly lashing out within me. I still feel immense guilt at everything I've done, which I highly doubt I'll ever overcome, and I am still terrified of myself. But despite that, my life has significantly improved over the past few months alone. Nothing is ever quite as impossible as you'd think.


The Grave of a Coward said...

. . .
Maybe you're right, Niccolo.
Maybe you're right.

Noelle said...

*nods* Speaking of recovery... Should we all, like, move inside? Where there is warmth?

Emerald Melody said...

Drew: If there was something, they would do it.

The Grave of a Coward said...

*stands up*
I agree. Where should we go?

Jophiel said...

(Niccolò just said he was terrified if himself.... Thad like Derek saying "I'm sorry...."))

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*sighs* I'm so tempted to kick you right now. You wouldn't care anyway, though, so I won't. ((That was refering to Niccolò, just FYI.))

Inside sounds great. ((MSD for dinner, I should be back relatively quickly though.))


Noelle said...

*shrugs* There are multiple places. Of course, my lab is always open if you all want

Jophiel said...

*Takes a deep breath then rests her head on Drew's lap* I think of Lorcan almost like my little brother... I'd do anything for him... It just hurts me to see him this way...

The Grave of a Coward said...

*puts hands in pockets*
I'm always interested in a good laboratory. I wouldn't have named myself Doctor if I didn't.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Of course he's terrified of himself! He killed a ton of people! Like, millions of people! He freaking killed his own family! Precocious probably doesn't know any of this yet, does she? She probably doesn't know how we met, either. Well, that'll be fun to tell.))


Jophiel said...

(I know but I never thought he'd say it aloud...))

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