Thursday, September 26, 2013


A little over half an hour ago, I buried my doggy.

Not one of the silly doggies. Mable passed away a few months ago, and Sherlock is still pottering around the kitchen. No, this was MY doggy. This was Ali, my German Shepherd, my Alsation, the best dog in the whole world, and the undisputed love of my life.

Almost fourteen years ago, we needed a dog. I was living at home and working on the farm, and it was decided that we were getting a new dog, a few years after our last one had died. My mum, being my mum, looked upon this decision as a starting point. From here, the breed would be chosen, we'd start asking around, and then, in a few months time, we'd actually get the dog.

My dad, being my dad, looked upon this decision as a go-ahead to get a dog the very next day.

And so, while my mum was at work, we drove to a house down the road who'd just had a brand new batch of puppies. It was my little sister who picked which one we'd take home — she picked the quietest out of all the yapping pups — and we took the pup home, and I was in love.

It was obvious to everyone that she was going to be mine. We kept her in a shed for the first week or two, because she was filthy and she smelled terrible. But every evening after work I was in that shed, sitting on the ground with her. I couldn't stand to hear her whine. I couldn't stand the thought of her being lonely. I convinced my parents that she should be an indoor dog, and after she'd been washed and didn't smell quite so bad, my folks gave in.

Oh, and her name? I remember this discussion VERY clearly. We were all in the living room one evening. I wanted to call her something awesomely cool. I'm pretty sure I wanted her named either Buffy or Xena. Nobody else agreed with me. But, I argued, I'm the one who's going to be looking after her and feeding her and spending the most time with her. Surely I should be the one to name her?

Apparently not. I'm pretty sure it was Audrey who suggested the name. Remember, this was fourteen years ago, and the TV show Ally McBeal was at the height of its popularity.

"Ally!" Audrey said. "Because she's an Alsation! And also Ally McBeal!"

I was outvoted, but I vowed that day that my doggy's name should forever be spelled... Ali.

(Take THAT, Ally McBeal.)

Ali became a part of the family. Granted, it was the part of the family that slept in the kitchen and to whom my older sister Nadine never REALLY warmed. Every so often she'd look at Ali lying there, and she'd soften, and go over and pet the dog and say nice things. And then the moment Ali nudged against her Nadine would freak out and the dog would wonder what the hell was going on.

But we all loved her. When she was a pup, she used to run at whoever was sitting in the armchair in the kitchen, leap up and stand on their chest/shoulder/head and look around, like she was proudly surveying her territory. A year or two passed, and it never occurred to her that maybe she was too big to keep doing that, so she kept doing it. Many a time my dad would be sitting in the armchair reading the paper, and I'd see Ali readying herself like a sprinter on the block. Suddenly she'd leap, bursting through the newspaper, and dad would cry out in alarm and there'd be a mad scramble of legs and then sudden stillness, and she stood on my father's chest, one paw in his face, looking around at her kingdom. And the only thing we'd hear from dad would be a "Bloody mutt..."

Then, of course, she got too big and too powerful even to do THAT. The amount of times she'd leap onto dad and find herself hurtling over the back of the chair...

Ali had many talents. She was a bit of an actress, appearing in my very first movie, Dead Bodies. She can be seen at the start, jumping up and down at a patio door. I was on the other side of that door, though you can't see me, leaping about like a nutter in order to get her excited. That was her first and only film role. I think she realised she had a choice to make — LA, or Ireland. She chose Ireland.

I wrote the first Skulduggery book with her in my room. Every single evening I'd sit at my computer, writing away, and I'd hear the pat pat pat of her approach, and she'd nudge the door open with her nose, walk in, jump up on my bed, and curl up and watch me. That's how we spent our evenings. She wasn't happy without me and I wasn't happy without her.

After the book got picked up, I went to New York for a week to meet with my American publishers. After a few days I started to miss Ali DREADFULLY. I called home and my mum told me that Ali was spending her nights in my room, waiting for me to come home. When I finally did come home, she  got all excited and started bouncing and whirling in circles, and then we went to my room, and she got up on the bed and I leaned in, and she licked my face for fifteen minutes. It was disgusting — by the end of it, my face had a thick layer of saliva coating it — but I didn't want to move. Fifteen minutes. I counted.

I used to take her for long walks around the fields a couple of times a day. Whenever I'd get stuck writing, off we went. I'd sort out problems with the plot as I walked, and Ali would chase birds and rabbits and splash in puddles and come back to me every now and then for a cuddle, then bound off again. Those memories are some of my favourites from when I was living at home. I was happy, I had a future, my family was proud of me, and I had my dog.

In 2008 or thereabouts, I moved out. I bought a house seven minutes away, so every evening I could go back to visit the folks and walk the dog. For a long time after I moved out, Ali would wait outside my old bedroom for me to return. I hate thinking of times like those, times when she was disappointed or she missed me and I wasn't there. She got used to the new arrangement, of course. Now she started looking forward to 5:30, when I'd walk in. Around that time every single day, she'd be waiting at the kitchen door. She'd get so excited to see me, and after we'd played around and she settled down, she went back to the door to wait for my mum to come home. Her ears would perk up and I'd know she heard an engine, and I'd open the front door just as my mum got out of the car and Ali would race out, excited all over again.

About four years ago Ali got cancer. She developed a large tumour on her belly. I was distraught. She had an operation to get rid of it, but the vet told us the cancer was going to come back. He gave her two years, maybe. Two more years with my dog.

These last few years, Ali got old. She got stiff. The long walks became shorter and shorter. She couldn't handle it anymore. And suddenly there were babies in the house, wobbling about. Ali didn't know quite what to make of them. She learned pretty early on to try and stay away if she possibly could. She was great with the kids. She's never been anything other than gentle and loving and lovely.

Yesterday I took her on a short walk, just out to the shed. We reached the shed and she lay down. This wasn't normal. I went over and petted her and she seemed fine. She got up and followed me to the postbox, and lay down again. Then she followed me back inside the house, and went to her mat and lay down.

"Is everything okay?" my mum asked.

"No," I said.

She had perked up this morning, according to the text my mum sent, but by this afternoon she was lying down again. We took her to the vet. She lay in the back of my jeep and he came out, but he didn't even have to examine her to see that the cancer was back. He injected her there and then and I cried. I haven't cried like that in... I don't ever remember crying like that. I'm crying right now. I love my dog and I miss her, and the reason I'm writing this is because she deserves to be remembered.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Derek. Dogs make the most wonderful friends because they love so fiercely and without judgement. Ali has left a wonderful legacy in all the happy memories you made together and that is something to smile about :-).

  2. Aww I'm sorry. I know how you feel my dog had to be put down a couple of years ago because of cancer. They make the best friends.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. that is the nicest story ever

    i almost cried :(

  6. when i say nicest
    i mean the first part its so sweet derek

    but its dreadful how it ended :(

  7. id say i know how you feel but i was a crazy cat person, and i feel like a dog is a much more treasured friend. but our cat dying was still sad

  8. sorry for your loss derek

    i keep thinking about it and now it has struck me

    im crying with you

  9. Azazel, I much prefer cats to dogs. Cats, imo, are cuter. But I don't mind dogs either. ^^

  10. I'm so sorry, Derek. I know what it's like to lose a pet, a pet that was (still is, really) very close to me, and I cried when I read that post. I promise you, Ali will be remembered.

  11. I really am sorry, Derek... *hugs* I know how it feels *hands him tissues and skulcakes*

  12. haha i like cats and dogs pretty equally but i gotta admit i never was able to play with my cat like some people play with there dogs, i mean if i threw somthing fluffy for my cat it would just glare at me

  13. I just finished some Chemistry homework. 2 pages about moles (Chemistry moles, not the animal), and I had to basically work out the amount of moles of a substance knowing the concentration or something.

    Then I had to work out the amount of water in hydrated magnesium sulphate crystals.

    It was apparently 'nearly impossible' according to my friend but it didn't seem that bad.

    Then again my friend thinks Call of Duty is hard, so that leads me to question his ability to think about what is tough and what isn't.

  14. *hugs Derek* I'm sorry . . .

    It's good that she had a good life, one filled with love. Don't be sad she died. Be glad she lived. :)


  15. derek... you pore thing... if theres any such thing as doggy hevan then ali is defently not a doubt there. No-one will ever forget her she will always be alive in your memories. Don't frown :-( remebering what you lost smile :-) remebering all the memories you have gained from ali

  16. Azazel, and that's why cats are awesome. They're lazy and stuff. And it's rather funny.
    I once saw a bird and a cat having a fight. Well, it was a kitten. The kitten was trying to be a ninja and hunt the bird down, whilst the bird was just trying to ignore it and wasn't moving unless it absolutely had to. And the bird kept flapping its wings slightly every time the kitten came close and the kitten ran away.
    Then it went for an aerial strike from a wall, but it was stopped.

    That time it was an energetic kitten and a lazy bird :P

  17. OMG DEREK I'M SO SORY FOR YOU!!! *Hugs derek* *Hands him a skulduggery cookie*

  18. Star.... That was perfect.
    Listen to Star, Derek. She's smart.

    It's hard, yes. But you loved her and in the end, she was happy. You ended her pain, and- well- it was the nicest thing you could do for her, I guess.


  19. @Adra: What did I say? :P

    *hugs* :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

    Why is everyone so nice to me today? It's just . . . what. :P

    Hey, Dragona. :)


  20. Star, do you have time to read my story? (It IS only short)

  21. @Dragona: No. I'm meant to be doing homework. I keep procrastinating it, but I'm still sort of doing it. :/


  22. She sounds like a wonderful dog, Derek.
    You can still be happy to know that she existed and you were able to spend and enjoy the time you shared together, and that special bond that you had and have.
    The world takes its toll, as the world does, but you can still celebrate each moment of that life and love, as well as mourning the death. :)


  23. Hey Taia! How are you? Did you get to watch that video?

  24. I hope that Derek cheers up.

    Hey guys! *Hugs Everyone* *Hands out cookies* A toast! To Dereks dog! *Raises glass

  25. Hi Dragona! I'm alright, thanks. And yourself? :)
    I didn't! But I paused stopped what I was listening to, when I started reading the post (though I think it was at the end anyway), so I'm no longer watching/listening to anything right now. So I'll do that now. :)


  26. Hello Tempest! I love the name!

    To Ali. [Raises a purple carrot]

    Losing a friend is always hard... Whether that friend is human, dog, cat, rabbit, robot, rock, pine cone, doodle, triangle or even inside your head, a friend is irreplaceable.


  27. *ignore the rant*
    You see, we had to find these quotations, ones that answered these questions. And I found them. And now it's telling me to find two that share a link (e.g. describing two aspects of one characters or two characters reacting differently to the same thing), and the thing is, none of my quotations really link that well. There's this brilliant point I could make, but I can't really do it with the quotations I have, and I'm wondering whether to just find another one or two to make it, or just stick with the ones I have. Because if I stick, that's technically what we've been told to do, but it's like . . . you can be told to walk down to the shop to get some bread, and technically you've been told to walk, but surely it's okay to run there instead? You haven't been banned from running. I'm sure the word 'walk' was just kind of substituting 'go'. Why walk when you could run?
    I'm sort of getting carried away with making this point, but yeah . . .
    Also, I'm too lazy to make a point I don't feel anything about. :P You know when you want to explain things? Yeah. I'd rather say something that wants to be said than say something because something needs to be sad.


  28. @Fabi: Of course I'm awesome, I'm a bubble.

    *hugs* :)


  29. Hehe. Today I convinced my friend to buy Mass Effect 3. I bet him that by the end of the game he would rethink a comment he made about British forces unable to be killed by 'a few bugs'. I bet him that if he played Mass Effect he'd understand and would disagree (although the Reapers are nowhere near bugs).

    He just texted me saying "First mission - they are definitely not bugs"

    So I asked him what happened and he said, "I was running and a Husk punched me 2 death. Wtf even are they?"

    Bet won.

  30. @Star You are definitely a bubble. [Nods]

    @Tempest [Nods] I guessed that.

    I don't think we've met before. Nice to meet you!

    [Offers a purple carrot]


  31. Hi there, Tempest!

    @Star: Then, maybe put the decision to the last sentence of your rant/thing-that-you-said-to-ignore-but-I-have-trouble-ignoring-things-so-I-didn't-do-that-:P.
    What I mean to say is, maybe explain what you need to explain, with the quotations with which you want to explain it? (that may not really be what you said the last sentence, actually, but still :P ) :)
    If you think you can do better with other quotes, or if you'd prefer to use other quotes, then do that, I'd say. :)

    LOL, Dragona. :P


  32. Did everyone like my profile picture? Lol

  33. Told you it was our National Animal xD

  34. @Fabi Takes purple carrot* *Looks at purple carrot* *shrugs* *Puts carrot in pocket* No we haven't I don't think. *Offers flamingo* sorry i don't have a purple carrot

    @Taia HEY!!! *Offers hot chocolate and cookies* Enjoy

  35. Oh god...
    I am so sorry, Derek... I would say I can imagine how you feel but that would be a lie because I never had such a wonderful pet as Ali must have been.
    But I know how it feels losing someone. It's awful but you will get through it... sometime. *hugs Derek* I hate thinking of you crying...

  36. [Stares at flamingo] O.O

    [Offers flamingo a purple carrot]

    State gem is petrified wood!


  37. I don't know whether I have a crappy immune system or what, but I have not had a day of college since I started without being ill. On the first day I got a cold and I've been ill with different things since WITHOUT ANY BREAKS.

  38. I should be able to drop out of college because it is clearly bad for my health.

  39. Hey Dragona! I'm fine, thanks!

    Hi Silente! Or Tempest? How do I call you? Well, Hi anyway^^

  40. @Taia: Thank you . . . and then I realised that I didn't really have much to say on my subject anyway, so I'm back to square one. :P
    But thanks. :)

    *continues with the rant that doesn't need to be taken notice of*
    You see, the thing is, the links just don't really work. I can link this to this and this to this, and then I just don't have anything to say about it.
    It all comes back to what I hate about English this year. Have I told you how irritated I was because we had to do tables of point, evidence and explanation instead of paragraphs? I was annoyed because when you chain it up and slice it into bitesize pieces, it just doesn't flow, and I missed kind of looping round and linking. Today, I've realised that what I actually hate is STRUCTURE. This is structured because you find a link, and then you kind of press a paragraph around it. Like when you're using dough or something, and you have a little ball and then you kind of pat in all this extra dough to make it bigger. When you do that, it's all lumpy and misshapen. What you need to do is just roll a bigger ball and use all the mixture together at once.
    You know when you're making a point? Not just in essays and stuff, in real life, when you're on the blog ranting and stuff. You start talking about your point, and then you realise that this links into here so you add and explain that, and it's sort of melded into the flow. You don't start with the link and then try and make a point out of it. Links are blocks on ice. Sometimes, you have a river, and you drop blocks of ice in it and they flow down it (let's just pretend that blocks of ice need to flow down rivers to make them complete. It's a bad analogy, sorry). You don't get a block of ice and then try and build a river just so you can chuck it in. For one thing, rivers are really hard to dig, and for another, the ice just melts off and you lose it.

    Or, maybe I'm just making excuses. :P


  41. @Chione hey no i don't know you! *Hands over a large arry of sweet food*

    @Fabi NO DON'T FEED IT PURPLE CARROTS OR- *Watches as flamingo turns puffy andd purple* Too late

  42. I see... so: Hi Tempest! :)

  43. OH MY GOD DEREK, I'M SO, SO SORRY FOR YOU!!! But I bet she was one of the happiest dogs ever!
    You nearly made me cry too by the way..

  44. @Mithria heyy! *Hands over even more food*

    @Fabi hey it'ss not that bad. It kinda looks like a dodo now

  45. Mbd... or ghosting... or something. Still waiting for Ember...

  46. And also, "Two aspects of the same character."

    The problem is is that so much is LINKED!!!!!!!!! I mean, I think "this character is this, and also this" and then I go "and they are linked to each other because" "and this is because" and so one, and then it's not really two aspects anymore.

    Also, the same situation from two perspectives. I'm sorry, but what the actual fuck. I'm not writing a first-person novel. I'm being unbiased and essay-like. If you make a point about this happening, you'll automatically say without it even being important that this person is doing this which makes this person feel this. It's just . . . it's just not anything. Star was angry, so she was harsher than necessary to Fabi, and Fabi got upset. See? You've already included Star being angry and Fabi being upset. Where do you GO from that?


  47. Maybe it is one and it was in disguise the whole time! Maybe dodos aren't really dead, they're just flamingos! O.O


  48. I'm beginning to be aware that I have wasted an entire hour not doing anything. -_-



  50. Star, you have to make something big out of something small. Did your teacher never teach you PEE?

    Point, Evidence, Explanation. So you make your point, using your example "Star was angry.", then add things like, "This was shown by the fact that she said 'sdfljksadfkljsadjfklfsdakljfsad'". "This could be because of sdakljfdkljdafskjladfsjkldafskljadfsjkladsfjkladfsjkl".
    "Star's actions caused Fabi to be upset. Fabi's reaction was 'sdfkljfdaskljfdaskljadfskjladsfkljdafskljadsf', which shows fdslkjfadsjklafdskjlafdskljafsdlkjfdasjklfsad."

  51. oh i remember PEE! We were also taught PEACE. Point Evidence Analisyst Cross-referance Explaination. Aka Star was angry. You can tell this because she was ranting. "Ranting" means going on and on and on about 1 thing. You can also tell because she was using a lot of explaination marks and the languaage she used was angry. Both of these fact point to the conclusion that Star is angry.

  52. @Dragona: *starts doing that sort of despairing laughter* That's what I'm doing. Except PEEAL. Point, Evidence, Explain, Analyse, Link (yes, I am aware that analysing and explaining are the same. Stupidity is stupid).

    The thing is, in my PEEAL paragraph, the evidence I need needs to be two quotations that I collected that show a link. And THEN we have to make a paragraph out of THAT, and what I'm saying is that I can't really DO it. PLUS, being good at English and in a class with other people who are good at English, I need to do a really good paragraph, because I'm just competitive like that.


  53. Points, sub-points, sub-sub-points....


    Ooh! [Pets the dodo] What does it eat?


  54. @Silente and Dragona: Thank you. *hugs*

    But, "Star was angry" is stating the obvious. I need to show inference. :P

    Cross-referencing? I like that one. :)


  55. Star, we were told to 'pee' all over the page. It does get repetitive, but it's what you need to do. It's what the exam people will be looking for.

  56. @fabi the flamingdodo eats ice-cream cookies and chocolate and just plain sweets. It's alergic to healthy food. But the food it eats changes its colour so only feed it purple food.

    @STAR ur welcome as for the PEEAL thign i have never hard of PEEAL before.

    @Dragona we were told to PEE all over the page aswell. When we were told this I just stared at my english teacher until he explained what PEE was

  57. Adra, what happened to the non-parallel you?

  58. Hello Annika!


    Ice cream cookies are probably easier to find in my kitchen, though...


  59. *hugs Derek* I am so sorry for your loss, Ali sounds like she was an awesome dog :D

    R.I.P Ali, at least she's not in pain anymore (that thought always comforted me when a pet died)

    Hi/bye all whos online!

  60. The Parallel Avian Empress Lady Adra "The Ducktor" Dark, Flower Princess what happened to The non-Parallel Avian Empress Lady Adra "The Ducktor" Dark, Flower Princess

  61. [Goes off to whip up a batch of purple cupcakes for the flamingdodo]


  62. *shrugs, sitting down with her sage*

  63. Hi/bye Raven

    [Wails] She diiiiiied!!! D:


  64. Flamingdodo?

    Is that a flamingo-dodo?

    Or . . .


    Is the dodo on fire . . .

  65. Hey There there fabi its okay. There There. By the way II think the purple carrot is biting me, should i be worried?

  66. Call Gracious and Donegan. I hear they work with evil carrots all the time. Last time was in . . . Socotra, I think? Vegetarians were slaughtered left and right.

  67. When I met my parallel self, I hacked into him and combined our programmes. So he is still 'alive' in me, just in a different folder to my processes. I thought it would be the most logical thing to do. And it has boosted my processing power quite significantly, as well as other vital statistics of this platform. I have also another platform that is available to me, what is the same strength as the one I have currently.

    *another giant robot walks next to Adra*

    Both together: Greetings Parallel Adra Dark.

  68. Wait when you say she died do you mean Ali (May she rest in peace) or the flamingdodo

  69. I am completely and utterly lost of all rational thought. I don't know who people are.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. *salutes and throws sage at Dragona*

  72. annika can you like call them for me because this carrot is starting to hurt. I mean its biting and biting and biti-

  73. Tears in my eyes for the third time today. Yippee. :P

    (It's fine, I'm very emotional and tend to cry a lot).


  74. Sorry to hear that Derek, hope everything's okay, and RIP to what sounds like an amazing dog <3

  75. Fortunately Gracious and Donegan are avid followers of my blog, and I have their number. I'll just ring them up now . . .

  76. Flamingo-dodo. Last time I checked, it wasn't on fire.

    ((Why do people always think my purple carrots are evil?? Purple carrots are actually pretty normal. In farmers' markets, anyway. The orange ones are so mainstream! That doesn't mean that purple carrots are bad!


  77. *both dodge the sage*

    Both again: Please refrain from throwing herbs at my platforms.

    Dragona_1 (normal robot): Although it is impossible for you to hack into your counterpart, I might suggest that befriending her would be of logical use.

  78. Didn't purple carrots start with the pheasant/peacock thing?

    Because I was there, by the way


  80. Excuse me? I had befriended her, ta.

  81. There is no logical reason for the carrot to be biting you, but maybe something was biting the carrot and bit it enough to go through it and come out the other end and start biting you, too.


  82. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

    People have said not to be sad because of your loss but to be happy because of the good times you had.

    I don't really agree. Be sad. I believe that you feel what you feel, because you can't force yourself otherwise. I don't want to tell you how your emotions should be. I don't believe that death diminishes the good memories of past times, those can't be taken away and remembering them makes you feel happy. But the sadness is equally important, because you have lost someone and you should be free to experience that sadness. The main thing is to accept it as part of your life but don't let it define your life. Grieve. You can never truly recover what you've lost, but one day you will be able to let your life continue around that loss.

    You're in my thoughts today Derek.

    Rest in peace Ali.

  83. Apparently the PURPLE carrots are completely different from the RED carrots, and Gracious says they're too scary. He's ditching to watch Jurassic Park.


    Though Jurassic Park is a fabulous film.

  84. I think what Sir wants us to do is explain our quotations. And I think my issue is that I'm used to explaining the points and using the quotations and back-up, like I use metaphors as back-up in real life. So I don't like it because I'm not used to it and it screws my brain backwards, which is probably why I need to learn how to do it.

    *is mostly calmed down now*



  85. I'm not sure when they started, but I did make a purple-carrot-Adra for Ari to eat around that time.


  86. Oh no. Not like this. I will not die like this. God darn it. It's too fast! Even for me! And i'm a vamp! HELPPPPPPP!

  87. I'm okay. Busy. Tired. Excited.

    This week has been a bit of a blur.

    I started university and I'm still adapting to that change.

  88. I'll send someone from the underground monster-hunter network to help you out, Silente.

    Because Gracious is too busy.


  89. Hi Dragona. Hey Adra! *hugs back*

    Hey Fabi and Star and everyone I've missed.

  90. Hello Octa.

    [Puts the cupcakes in the oven and starts on the frosting]

    [Looks over at Tempest]

    You can eat the carrot instead, you know. It usually works.


  91. Your tribute to Ali was beautiful, it's amazing how animals and humans can bond so well, and love each other a lot despite being two different species. I have had the same dog for 14 years and he's been acting the same, he's now walking less further than he used to and he's gotten stiff too, he was nearly put down two years ago but I made sure the vet did something at least first and when she did he was back to his usual self and he's lasted another great 2 years with us since. The memories will always be with us I guess when they are not and that's not something to be sad about at least.

  92. Okay, run to Monster Hunter HQ, on Harlington Street. Look for a sneezy-looking bloke with green eyes. Ask for Aubrey.

    Or scream for Aubrey, depending on if the carrot has killed you yet.

  93. I have to go and make something to eat.

    I'll be back in an hour or so.

  94. Please. Annika. Be quick. And make sure they don'tt have vamps. HURRY! Octa I don't know you but hello. Are you experianced with purple carrot attacks cause that would be helpful right now. PLEASE JUST GET IT OFF MY LEG!

  95. Octa, I just started college. Apparently it's the hardest you'll work in your entire life (or so I've heard - not sure whether university is as hard or not (since I haven't actually been yet, not for another 2 years)). I haven't stopped being ill for about a month and I'm constantly overrun by homework.
    So as of yet, my mind is running at full capacity and my body is working to try and fight off like a thousand diseases at the same time.
    So as of yet, I am agreeing with whoever told me that.

    Good luck with university though.

  96. Ok, I was by FAR too slow with that last comment.

  97. I can't run. My leg won't move. And are you sure that carrot is edible? Also wouldn't I be eating myself then too? AUBERY! PLEASE COME HELP ME!

  98. Silente! Slow down! Aubrey and I are in a creepy black van closing in on your position. We have carrot traps. Try making a high-pitched whistling noise like a teapot; carrots hate that.

  99. See you, Octa! [waves]

    Most of the time, purple carrots are just jealous of the popularity of their orange counterparts. If eating them doesn't work, you can try "good carrot" "nice carrot" stuff like that.


  100. I once ate a purple carrot. It tasted weird.

  101. We can see you! We're coming!

    Dangit, there's nothing good on the radio . . .

  102. Good carrot, nice carrot. Get off me carrot or i'll throw orange carrots at you. *Whistles*

  103. Hi Adra...:'( I feel bad for Derek I actually do I never knew he could be caring until I read this post

  104. Don't you think it's interesting how different crying for other people is to crying for yourself? When it's empathic crying, the tears just kind of shake out of you, but when you're just upset for yourself, this headache just builds up in your head. And I kind of wonder why that is. I think . . . I think your brain, when it realises that's you're this amount of sad, just releases this chemical to make you cry, and the chemical hurts. Why do we cry when we're sad? Worked that one out ages ago. Think basic human survival instincts. You cry to give a sign to your species that you're breaking so they realise they have to fix you.
    Empathic crying is a little more mysterious, however. :P


  105. Silente! Catch!

    *tosses Silente carrot trap*

    Just press the green button, then the red button, then the blue button, then the purple button, then the green button, then the red button, then the blue button, then the yellow button, latch onto the carrot, then you're free!
    And we can go out for pizza afterwards. Aubrey's buying.

  106. [Pulls cupcakes out of the oven and offers one to the purple carrot]

    This looks so much nicer to eat than Tempest, doesn't it?


  107. Grand mage. I would stand but due to the purle carrott eating my leg I am unable too. *Hears banging* Turns head as Annika storms in* Thank god GET IT OFF!

  108. Okay I cann do this Presses black button* Wit that was the wrong button. What does that buutton do?!

  109. Star...?

    Is it okay if I send you an email? It's something I want to rant about to someone... A bit hypocritical, but still.



    *carrot becomes enraged*

    Oh dear. Aubrey! Hit it with something!


    Oh my. Are you alright, Silente?

  111. *stares* who are you? Are you new? OOH I have to do my usual introduction MUHAHAHA

  112. erm that depends. 1 can vampires regrow their legs and 2 could you pass me that seringe on the table with the clear liquid in it?

  113. ...

    I'm gone.


    See you.

    After I

    Don't know

    Some time


  114. My thoughts exactly, Zaf... I don't think I've see them before... And suddenly they're just RPing.. It's hilarious

  115. I'm so, so sorry, Derek.
    She sounds wonderful... All I've ever had are cats, but I've always loved them to death, and when they go... it's... it's terrible.
    I know we followers can't do more than talk, but we're here. We're thinking about you... We won't forget Ali, ever.

  116. Yes grand mage i am new and how typical that on my first day i get attacked by a purple carrot and lose my leg. Just my luck. Wait why the evil laugh. *Doubles up* Oooh that hurt Quickly. The. Seringe

  117. @Fabi: Sure you can mail me. :)


  118. AUBREY! Get the syringe!

    *gets syringe*

    Okay, hold her down . . .


    Are you okay now, Silente? Oh, Gracious is going to GET IT this time for making me do this on my own . . . Silente! Speak to me! How many fingers am I holding up?

  119. erggg. Erm. 792? That was close. To close. So erm question. Will I regrow my leg and why are you sat on me.

  120. Sky, it shouldn't be about remembering. Of course, there is a solemn element to death but part of it is celebrating who people and things are and what they did... Just saying.

  121. . . .

    We have to do it.
    No, no, don't say anything, it has to be done. She's missing a leg. A leg! How would YOU feel if you lost a leg?

    Call the good doctor.
    I believe he owes us a favor.

  122. Damn. Even in, like, conversational speaking, Tom Waits' words... He's a verbal genius, or something...

    He's asked how he'd describe New York City:
    "It's like a big ship, and the water is on fire."
    I just, I really like... that. :)

    I'm back, also.


  123. I think this is kinda scary....really scary. I'm gonna go hide now because they are Minions I haven't met!

    Ahem to the new people I am Grand Mage Zafira Kerias of America I do actually appear somewhere in LSODM page numbers are spoilers so I will not say more! And yes I AM a real person not someone made from Derek's mind (though I am his Twitter child...I think he's trying to hide the fact he's my Twitter dad but I REALLY want a younger sibling but Holly aka my Twitter mom won't! I don't know what they do at chess? Baah that's old people stuff!)

  124. Aubrey! Get some pizza!

    Perhaps we should be formally introduced.
    My name is Doctor Precocious. First name Doctor, last name Precocious, and this is my indispensable butler, Aubrey.

  125. wait what are you talking about? What do you have to do? Omg god your not going to kill me are you? I know i'm not technically human but..but.. but i haven't hurt anyone! I didn't do anything. *Starts riggling round trying to dislodge annika* *Is too weak* No. Please don't do this too me!

  126. I have been an Ameriminion of Derek's since before Dark Days came out, and I have long been a devoted follower of this blog. I have only recently begun to comment here and there.

    I am a monster hunter.
    I am Doctor Precocious.
    And I am trying to save this poor, carrot-molested vampire.

  127. I've completely lost what is happening. Okay.

    *nods uncertainly*

    *whispers to Zaf* I think they're people we know who have pseudonyms

  128. Oh, Derek... *hugs tightly*

    I'm so so so so so sorry for your loss. Ali sounds like an amazing dog. When my dog Jess died, and my horse Rhina (don't ask about the name idk myself) on the same day, I was just bawling for a week afterwards. Rhina was so kind and gentle and loving and caring and... I loved her. And Jess was always snapping and always lying down and grumpy, but we loved her all the same. I used to feed the dogs and the horses, and I suppose they took a liking to the person who gave them their food for three years of their life. But then Rhina had a baby.


    Rhina was twenty seven years old at the time. She wasn't meant to have a foal. And when she did... It was still in the sack. It couldn't breathe, and died almost instantly. Rhina would not leave the body. She lay beside it and nudged it every so often. The vet says she died of old age, but I think it was the pain of losing her foal...

    And Jess... I think she had cancer as well. I was spared the details, as mum didn't want me to get upset. But I wasn't stupid. I had heard conversations.

    And now... Molly. The dog that has been like my best friend ever since I was two. She's a Labrador and amazingly caring and lovely and just... Molly. She went to the vet a few months ago, and apparently had a stomach infection. If we had waited another week, she would have died.
    But mam thinks she doesn't have long more. She is getting old, I agree. But I don't know if I can bare this house without Molso. She's always there. Always. And I just...
    Damn. I'm crying. Asdfghjkl. Okay. I'll stop.

    But Derek, I'm so so so sorry about Ali. Truely, I am. Sorry I basically turned this comment into my own problems... :(



  129. I will do everything I can to get your leg back. But right now, I have to get back to the van. I have Pop-tarts and Best of Queen CDs. Both can make anyone feel better.

  130. No leave me be! I'll leave! You'll never see me again! I swear! I'll leave and never come back just don't, don't do this. Please. *Starts screaming and wiggling and crying*

  131. Hey everyone, btw.

    Listening to 1D, LM and Avril at the moment... :)


  132. . . .

    You're going to make me sad, Silente.

    You won't like me when I'm sad.

    *sassy ringtone starts playing*

    Oh my, it seems I have a call.

    *flips open cell phone*

    What? Gracious? Donegan?
    No, I dealt with the carrot.
    . . .
    No, I got no thanks.

  133. @Adra: On celebrating life through death, I agree. :)
    That's not to say don't feel sadness, but I believe in feeling happiness as well, and not letting that sadness overtake you, I guess. I don't think it's all about sad, but I wouldn't say it should all be happy either.
    Recognising the positive and the negative, I think is what I'm trying to say.


  134. Annika, Tempest have you two ever been here before?

  135. *whispers* So do I....but what Minion...Derek. And Holly. Dolly!

  136. *swallows sadly*

    Here's the thing.
    I know what it is to lose a beloved pet, and I deeply feel for Derek and Ali. But I think the best thing we can to is to tell him how we feel, but not let it cast a shadow over us.
    There is too much sorrow in the world for that.

  137. *hugs ducktape*

    Oh. We have new people? *looks up*


    Hello. *waves*


  138. Grand mage. I do not think we have been introduced. I am Silente Tempest. I admit i'm not at my best right now, i'm missing a leg due to an insident with a purple carrot. And I have a feeling this doctor is about to kill me because i'm a vampire and I nearly lost control. So long.

    Please doctor. Thank you for getting your man slave to hit the carrot and i'm sorry i nearly lost control but please, please let me live!

  139. *sigh*
    I already did my big, dramatic intro of me, Doctor Precocious, and my butler, Aubrey.

    I have not commented here before.
    But I've been following this blog for over two years.

  140. Curious. I was just wondering. Usually new people don't just... Jump into things like that, I suppose. They are usually hesitant and stuff. Just curious

  141. *flips cellphone shut in disgust*

    Listen, there's a wendigo tearing up the streets on the West End. Aubrey and I must rush to the scene. Before we go, is there anything else we can do to help?

  142. Hello parallel adra! Hello other people. I'm new. I have read Dereks blog before but not commented.

  143. My name is DOCTOR PRECOCIOUS.
    Do I sound hesitant?

  144. I'm so terribly sorry. Really. There's just... not a lot that can be said here.

    I've been through this with two cats, and soon will be again, with Kribu the cat whose name I nicked for my own online use seventeen years ago when she was a tiny little kitten and who is old and ill now, and... it just hurts so terribly much. They're family. They're the best friends one could wish for.

    It's not something one ever gets used to, even when one knows from experience that the acute pain will wear off eventually and the memories of good times won't hurt any longer.

  145. Woah. Sorry. Just wanted to know if new people were here, s'all...
    If you haven't commented, that makes you new :)

    I'm Maralie Lily Charm, Directioner, Mixer, Little Black Star, Bloglandian and general fangirl. But y'all can call me Mara. Hello. *waves*


  146. Wendigo... *sobs* Supernatural.

    Okay sorry though!! I didn't mean to interrupt your RP :)

  147. Just tell me. Do you need any help. I was so rude to you and you just re-attached my leg. It's the least I can do.

  148. Actually you sound a little moody, so this is new. :D Developmentsss

  149. @Annika: I think I agree, there, to some extent. :)
    And, nice to meet you, by the way. :)

    And, Tempest, too, (Am I alright calling you 'Tempest' or d'you have a preference?) - It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. :)

    *offers cookies to both of them*


  150. Hey Kallie! *hugs*

    Adra - TRUE THAT


  151. *tacklehugs Kallie before she has the chance to disappear*

    *refuses to let go*


  152. Dear Derek I can empathise totally, I lost my English Springer Spaniel 2 years ago this month, she too was 14 and had cancer, I miss her dreadfully even now, for all the reasons you list above, she was the centre of my universe. Gentle, kind and loyal. I miss her so much, and I am so sorry for your loss.
    My Tash died in her sleep at home but she was in pain, we didn't even know she was ill till afterwards. She had fallen off her favourite chair, and as she was a bit doddery on her pins we thought nothing of it, except she stopped wanting to go for her walks, she got tired, 48 hours later she died. When she fell she had fallen on a tumor we didn't even know she had and it ruptured. She never even gave any sign she was in pain right until the moment she passed. Dear god I miss her, and as I think of your loss and of my baby girl the tears are pouring down my face. Rest In peace Ali. Take care Derek best wishes to your family, you will all miss her dreadfully, for me coming home when I had been out were the worst times, even though I have another dog it sounds mean and it's not meant to but ...shes just not the same. She has even picked up some of Tash's habits just to make me laugh, like asking for a drink of water from a jug I have in my bathroom. Best wishes.

  153. Ahhh, it's good to be welcomed by the other Minions of the golden god himself, I must say. And Silente, that's quite alright. I hunt monsters for a living. All that's needed is a handshake, a word of thanks, and 3000 pounds in cash.

    Just kidding.

  154. TAIA HI I DIDN'T SEE YOU D: *hugs*


  155. Parallel Adra. What a pleasure to meet you. I am Silente Tempest, well that is my taken name. I have no disipline as I am a vampire. It is an honor to make your accentuate.
