Thursday, September 26, 2013


A little over half an hour ago, I buried my doggy.

Not one of the silly doggies. Mable passed away a few months ago, and Sherlock is still pottering around the kitchen. No, this was MY doggy. This was Ali, my German Shepherd, my Alsation, the best dog in the whole world, and the undisputed love of my life.

Almost fourteen years ago, we needed a dog. I was living at home and working on the farm, and it was decided that we were getting a new dog, a few years after our last one had died. My mum, being my mum, looked upon this decision as a starting point. From here, the breed would be chosen, we'd start asking around, and then, in a few months time, we'd actually get the dog.

My dad, being my dad, looked upon this decision as a go-ahead to get a dog the very next day.

And so, while my mum was at work, we drove to a house down the road who'd just had a brand new batch of puppies. It was my little sister who picked which one we'd take home — she picked the quietest out of all the yapping pups — and we took the pup home, and I was in love.

It was obvious to everyone that she was going to be mine. We kept her in a shed for the first week or two, because she was filthy and she smelled terrible. But every evening after work I was in that shed, sitting on the ground with her. I couldn't stand to hear her whine. I couldn't stand the thought of her being lonely. I convinced my parents that she should be an indoor dog, and after she'd been washed and didn't smell quite so bad, my folks gave in.

Oh, and her name? I remember this discussion VERY clearly. We were all in the living room one evening. I wanted to call her something awesomely cool. I'm pretty sure I wanted her named either Buffy or Xena. Nobody else agreed with me. But, I argued, I'm the one who's going to be looking after her and feeding her and spending the most time with her. Surely I should be the one to name her?

Apparently not. I'm pretty sure it was Audrey who suggested the name. Remember, this was fourteen years ago, and the TV show Ally McBeal was at the height of its popularity.

"Ally!" Audrey said. "Because she's an Alsation! And also Ally McBeal!"

I was outvoted, but I vowed that day that my doggy's name should forever be spelled... Ali.

(Take THAT, Ally McBeal.)

Ali became a part of the family. Granted, it was the part of the family that slept in the kitchen and to whom my older sister Nadine never REALLY warmed. Every so often she'd look at Ali lying there, and she'd soften, and go over and pet the dog and say nice things. And then the moment Ali nudged against her Nadine would freak out and the dog would wonder what the hell was going on.

But we all loved her. When she was a pup, she used to run at whoever was sitting in the armchair in the kitchen, leap up and stand on their chest/shoulder/head and look around, like she was proudly surveying her territory. A year or two passed, and it never occurred to her that maybe she was too big to keep doing that, so she kept doing it. Many a time my dad would be sitting in the armchair reading the paper, and I'd see Ali readying herself like a sprinter on the block. Suddenly she'd leap, bursting through the newspaper, and dad would cry out in alarm and there'd be a mad scramble of legs and then sudden stillness, and she stood on my father's chest, one paw in his face, looking around at her kingdom. And the only thing we'd hear from dad would be a "Bloody mutt..."

Then, of course, she got too big and too powerful even to do THAT. The amount of times she'd leap onto dad and find herself hurtling over the back of the chair...

Ali had many talents. She was a bit of an actress, appearing in my very first movie, Dead Bodies. She can be seen at the start, jumping up and down at a patio door. I was on the other side of that door, though you can't see me, leaping about like a nutter in order to get her excited. That was her first and only film role. I think she realised she had a choice to make — LA, or Ireland. She chose Ireland.

I wrote the first Skulduggery book with her in my room. Every single evening I'd sit at my computer, writing away, and I'd hear the pat pat pat of her approach, and she'd nudge the door open with her nose, walk in, jump up on my bed, and curl up and watch me. That's how we spent our evenings. She wasn't happy without me and I wasn't happy without her.

After the book got picked up, I went to New York for a week to meet with my American publishers. After a few days I started to miss Ali DREADFULLY. I called home and my mum told me that Ali was spending her nights in my room, waiting for me to come home. When I finally did come home, she  got all excited and started bouncing and whirling in circles, and then we went to my room, and she got up on the bed and I leaned in, and she licked my face for fifteen minutes. It was disgusting — by the end of it, my face had a thick layer of saliva coating it — but I didn't want to move. Fifteen minutes. I counted.

I used to take her for long walks around the fields a couple of times a day. Whenever I'd get stuck writing, off we went. I'd sort out problems with the plot as I walked, and Ali would chase birds and rabbits and splash in puddles and come back to me every now and then for a cuddle, then bound off again. Those memories are some of my favourites from when I was living at home. I was happy, I had a future, my family was proud of me, and I had my dog.

In 2008 or thereabouts, I moved out. I bought a house seven minutes away, so every evening I could go back to visit the folks and walk the dog. For a long time after I moved out, Ali would wait outside my old bedroom for me to return. I hate thinking of times like those, times when she was disappointed or she missed me and I wasn't there. She got used to the new arrangement, of course. Now she started looking forward to 5:30, when I'd walk in. Around that time every single day, she'd be waiting at the kitchen door. She'd get so excited to see me, and after we'd played around and she settled down, she went back to the door to wait for my mum to come home. Her ears would perk up and I'd know she heard an engine, and I'd open the front door just as my mum got out of the car and Ali would race out, excited all over again.

About four years ago Ali got cancer. She developed a large tumour on her belly. I was distraught. She had an operation to get rid of it, but the vet told us the cancer was going to come back. He gave her two years, maybe. Two more years with my dog.

These last few years, Ali got old. She got stiff. The long walks became shorter and shorter. She couldn't handle it anymore. And suddenly there were babies in the house, wobbling about. Ali didn't know quite what to make of them. She learned pretty early on to try and stay away if she possibly could. She was great with the kids. She's never been anything other than gentle and loving and lovely.

Yesterday I took her on a short walk, just out to the shed. We reached the shed and she lay down. This wasn't normal. I went over and petted her and she seemed fine. She got up and followed me to the postbox, and lay down again. Then she followed me back inside the house, and went to her mat and lay down.

"Is everything okay?" my mum asked.

"No," I said.

She had perked up this morning, according to the text my mum sent, but by this afternoon she was lying down again. We took her to the vet. She lay in the back of my jeep and he came out, but he didn't even have to examine her to see that the cancer was back. He injected her there and then and I cried. I haven't cried like that in... I don't ever remember crying like that. I'm crying right now. I love my dog and I miss her, and the reason I'm writing this is because she deserves to be remembered.


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Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Sorry...I probably should've just posted that to Nameless... It sort of happened a while ago, I just sort of bounced back with the writing and it came out.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Split yourself into another copy but see do that and I promise ZafTC will be good and not hurt you for Javier))

The Grave of a Coward said...

Hullo, Rose! We parted on bad terms last time we met, I know, but I hope we can move past that. Aubrey, fetch her a proper cup of tea.

Jophiel said...

(Fabi... Amazing... I was supposed to add that in with my hug but is was doing roughly 8.27 things at once... That was brilliant, young padawan!))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


[Laughs along with Deathy]


Niccolò Croatoan said...

I've been well, I suppose. How are you? The last time I saw you, you were very much dead.


Jophiel said...

Uh... Hey...? I don't think we've met before... You could have met ParaDeath... That jerk... *Puts a hand back over her heart* I hate that woman...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

((She is welcome to do whatever she likes.))


Noelle said...

((Post it to Nameless as well!))

ParAdra: *sighs* You're a real handful, you know that?

Adra: *shrugs* So I've been told, yes. Then again, I've also been told that the sky is falling from an animated chicken and that just goes to show that you can't trust everything you hear.

ParAdra:... Drugged you say? Yeah, sounds about right.

Adra: *glares* Yep. Drugged. In a coconut drink.

ParAdra: *frowns* Is that even possible?


The Grave of a Coward said...

*blushes awkwardly, then brightens up*
What? Parted on bad terms? I don't know what you mean! We're perfect strangers, of course!
*offers tea with manic glint in her eyes*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((She wont hurt you I promise she cant stay mad with you long I advise keeping a watch on her tonight))


The Grave of a Coward said...

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Rose. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Doctor Precocious, monster hunter extraordinaire, accompanied by my indispensable butler, Aubrey, and our creepy black van. I am an Energy-Thrower, a daring adventurer, a skilled monster-hunter, of course, and, though I have no home of my own, I have a semi-permanent residency at the Midnight Hotel. I also play poker with a variety of high-profile personages.

Jophiel said...

Myself? I'm surprised my heart is still beating. ParaMe loves to play dissection... I think she reattached my heart funny... I can't concentrate enough to use my powers... *Screws up face* And being dead is fun... Remember that one time when we were both dead? That was funny... It was the first time we met and we were both dead... *Pauses then struggles her her feet* I want a banana...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Energy-thrower, you say? That is most intriguing. What exactly can you do with that, if you'll pardon my curiosity?


Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

ParAdra: No, that's what I said.


ParAdra: Bitch I will cut. You.

Adra: *tackles ParAdra and throws her across the ground* OI. WE CAN TANGO.

ParAdra: I thought you were concerned for the kid.

Adra: I'm more concerned of his wellbeing after he's been born, what with a mother like you.

ParADra: What's this attitude suddenly for?

Adra: You don't remember? The other day- oh, you wouldn't wake me up? So I was lost for more than 24 more hours in that hellhole. Because YOU WOULDN'T WAKE ME UP

ParAdra: It was for the good of my planet!

Adra: It wasn't for the good of me! And now I'm stuck here, and can't get back and live my life and help people because you decided to go and play god.

ParAadra: *throws a punch at her face*

Adra: *reels back* OW. *tackles her again*

Jophiel said...

*Smiles and laughs softly, taking the tea in a shaking hand* Thank you. I normally don't take tea from complete and semi-scary strangers but, I'd never have tea in that case!
I'm Death Rose, Nefairan Serpine's step daughter and Baron Vengeous' biological daughter. I severed under Mevolent during the war and helped in the death of Skulduggery Pleasant... Well, I was there for it... On a roof, watching...
My powers, I had the ability to kill/destroy with a single glare and I could manipulate gravity! Nice to meet you!

Jophiel said...

(Sorry, I really need a banana... I'll be back in a moment!!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

Doctor Precocious flexes her arms, and balls of crackling blue energy snap and spark in her hands. She hurls them at a nearby forest and a blaze of blue lightning shoots across the land like a laser, shattering the nearest trees and setting fire to their kindling.
"That, that is what I can do. The same discipline is my friends Dexter and Donegan. Though . . ." She tilts her head. "I can do it a little better."

Niccolò Croatoan said...

((Oh dear... Both versions of Adra... Perhaps I'll pay the two of you a visit once I've finished my current conversation.))


The Grave of a Coward said...

Pleased to meet you, Rose! I was once close friends with Nefarian Serpine myself. This was after the war, mind, when he was in something like witness protection. His death at the hands of Mr. Pleasant was a tragedy felt by all . . .
*places hand sorrowfully over her heart*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


[Offers Deathy a purple carrot] (I don't have a banana...)


Noelle said...

((A... Banana.... omfg Rose :3))

Adra: You're a bitch!

ParAdra: Newsflash! SO ARE YOU!

Adra: *hits her in the jaw*

ParAdra: *knees her stomach*

Adra: OW! *cracks an elbow into the side of ParAdra's face and rolls up to her feet* Come on, Adra- let me see what you have!

*medics are just slowly backing away*

ParAdra: *smirks* Oh I won't have to. *an invisible punch hits Adra in the back, knocking her down.


ParAdra: And I told you, the guy's still here. And drunk. Apparently he says you crashed his car..

Adra: I DIDN'T! *another force sweeps her legs out from under her* UH

Jophiel said...

WE HAVE NO BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!! *Cries* I want a banana...))

The Grave of a Coward said...

*sits down sadly on the grass*
I miss Nefarian . . .
*single womanly tear drips down her face*
He was SO BAD at poker!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Fascinating. Thank you for the demonstration, Precocious.

((My condolences, Death.))


Jophiel said...

*Smiles* Serpine was a good bloke, I'll give you that. He was an even better father... *Sits down next to Precocious* And I've never played poker, so I couldn't judge... *Smiles softer and sighs*

The Grave of a Coward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...

(It's okay... I'm having a peanut butter sandwich... Maybe they have bananas at work!! *Tacklehugs Niccolò* ))

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oh gosh, he was DREADFUL. He would get really stiff and non-emotional when he had a good hand, which is usually good for poker, but he would get all pouty when he got a bad one so we ALWAYS knew . . .
*plays with a blade of grass*
I miss Nefarian.

Jophiel said...

Also, I did not delete that comment...))

Noelle said...

Adra: That isn't FAIR!

ParAdra: *the invisible force pins Adra down* Life isn't fair!

Adra: Oh because you would know all about that Mrs. Happy-Ending over there with yo kid and yo house and yo fancy love story.

ParAdra: Just because I have a better life than you! Because I got lucky!

Adra: *scoffs* No duh you did- how else do people have kids.

ParAdra: You're jealous, aren't you? Of me, that is. You wish you had my life.

Adra: *looks sharply at her* Of course I do. You have everything that I have ever wanted- and more! But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world.

ParAdra: Good. *walks up and kicks her in the side*



Adra: ARGH

Jophiel said...

*Laughs* You should've seen him when I first used my gravity powers on him... He almost had a heart attack! He knew about the glaring because a three year old destroying a village doesn't go unnoticed...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I was never a friend of his, myself, although that was largely a result of the fact that I killed anyone who came even remotely close to knowing me, and I expended a great deal of effort making sure I did not befriend anyone.


The Grave of a Coward said...

I remember when the Irish Sanctuary was so afraid of being rude to him {this was years after the war, mind} that if a valet so much as brushed up against him in the hall of the hotel, he got five complimentary muffin baskets from the management.
*laughs again*
You should've seen them when they found out he hated muffins. Two of them fainted, and the rest looked ready to have heart attacks.

The Grave of a Coward said...

*edges nervously away from Niccolo*

Noelle said...

((Really sorry for these long dialogues by the way... :3))

ParAdra: I hate you, Adra. I mean, I pretend to like you- sometimes I even trick myself into doing so. But you're a naive brat who thinks she can just snap her fingers and fix everything.

Adra: *jaw opens* Oh really? Says you! You're a total brat! I don't know what he sees in you.

ParAdra: Probably the same thing he sees in you.

Adra: We're too different to use that comback, Adra.

ParAdra: Agreed. *hits her in the nose, smashing it*


ParAdra: *drags her to her feet, slamming her up against the side of a car* NOPE! *hits her again*

Adra: *rams her forehead into Parallel-her's and stomps on her knee, pushing away*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*closes eyes* You needn't worry, Precocious. It's a habit I've outgrown. It is probably in your best interest to remain wary of me, however.


Jophiel said...

(Thanks Annika!! I'm choking!!! XD ))

Niccolò, you totally should have met him. He seemed pretty nasty but in all truthfulness, he wouldn't hurt you... Unless you were being mean or if he was in a bad mood... Which was most of the time because it continued to bug him... *Grins*

Noelle said...

Adra: *growls* Stay away from me*

ParAdra: Oh yeah? *kicks with her foot, hitting Adra's leg, knocking her over* *rolls to her feet and jumps on her femur*

Adra: *screams*

ParAdra: *bows, taking a step back* I believe I have-

Adra: *hits her over the head with a frying pan* OW

Jophiel said...

(Not a problem Addy! It's actually really interesting!!))

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*splits into two versions of self, one hasn't moved an inch, the other vanishes, appearing by the Adras* Why are the two of you attacking each other?


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I don't have a problem with it, Adra.

((I will be watching and writing/practicing my flute. Unfortunately, my "Flight of the Bumblebee" has gotten rusty. I haven't practiced that one in ages...


Jophiel said...

(Oh... It seems I an crying... Pardon me for a moment...))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

(( [hugs Death]


Niccolò Croatoan said...

((Are you alright, Death? What made you cry?))


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Not a problem at all, Adra! I'm actually quite fascinated.)

Yeah . . . Nefarian. A hell of a guy. Couldn't play poker to save his life, though. I won so much from him I was able to put a down payment on my baby here.
*nods at van*
'Course, that was when she was new. And not quite as tricked-out as she is now.

Noelle said...



Adra: LIAR!

ParAdra: BITCH!

Adra: SLUT!

ParAdra: *tackles her again, flipping her over her shoulder*

Adra *scratches at her face*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Death! Are you okay?)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Death, you KNOW what they say about chopping onions and role-playing at the same time!)

Noelle said...

((Ah- if it's something I said, I'M SORRY!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(D-death? Can we help you?)

Jophiel said...

(It's okay! All better!!))

Niccolò Croatoan said...

((I have just now regained the ability to use a keyboard, so I will likely comment more quickly now.))

*by the Adras* Is there really no better way to settle whatever dispute this is than to fight? I am certain it is in the best interest of both of you to cease.


Jophiel said...

(It wasn't you Addy! Just had an emotional breakdown!!))

Niccolò Croatoan said...

((Death, if you'd like to, you are more than welcome to talk about it. Are you certain you're alright now?))


Noelle said...

ParAdra: *looks up from her chokehold on Adra*

Adra: *looks to the side*

Both: NO

Adra: *kicks her away with her good foot* UGH

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Can we help?)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Not help you have breakdown, duh, but help fix it?)

Noelle said...

((*makes a piece sign* #StoryOfMyLife @DeathRose))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

(([hugs Deathy]


Jophiel said...

(*Smiles* I'm grand! Just between the verbally abusive brother, the stresses at school, the world and my families troubles resting on my shoulders... I had to let it out sometime and no one is home so... *Beams* I'm good! Thank you for worrying about me!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*hugs Death*)

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*keeps both of them apart with a wall of air* Will the two of you calmly discuss whatever it is that compelled you to attack one another?

*back with Death and Precocious* He does sound like quite the character. It seems he was greatly missed.


Noelle said...

((*nods* Problems, we all drown in them *hugs* That's what I do as well... I find I usually feel a bit better after a good cry. *pets her face*))

Jophiel said...

(If you can somehow take the world off my shoulders, stop my brother from abusing me and a few other things, then yeah... You'd help. But I've tried living without the world on my shoulders once... I didn't know what to do. It has to stay, my family will become sad if they have to carry their own problems! I'm good!))

Noelle said...

Adra: No, you're right. *takes a deep breath* Adrasdos Dark, Alter Me... *moves her foot and a rock raises from the ground, shoving alter her to the side*

ParAdra: That was low. *an invisible force throws Adra to the side, skidding along the asphalt*

Adra: Damn ghosts...

Jophiel said...

Wbd, getting ready for work...))

Noelle said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

*wipes tears from her eyes*
Yeah. Yeah, Nefarian, he . . . he was certainly a character.
*sighs heavily, then stands up*
But even so, I can't help feeling he'd be disappointed that his friends are sitting here, mourning his death, instead of out killing people.
*smiles wistfully*
He loved killing people.

Noelle said...

((Omfg Annika I just laughed so hard))

Jophiel said...

Yeah, it's always the good blokes who get killed first.., then missed the most... *Smiles sadly then jumps up, clutching at her chest as she stumbled backwards* OW!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*with the two Adras* Honestly, would it be so terrible to si- *vanishes and reappears quickly, akin to a flickering light* t down and speak to each other? Why are you even fighting to begin with?


Jophiel said...

He was actually a giant softy! He got me a kitten named Fluffy!! It was white! And it loved him and Fullfy loved Serpine...

The Grave of a Coward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

ParAdra: *sing-songy voice* because she's jeallllooouuussssssss.

Adra: *glares at her but doesn't deny anything*'

Jophiel said...

*He loved it and Fluffy loved Serpine...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*with Death and Precocious* Death, are you alright? Perhaps I'd be able to do something about your heart... Did you say she put it in the wrong place?

That he did, Precocious, but that is not a trait to be admired.


Jophiel said...

Nah, I'll be grand! *Smiles* She reconnected the arteries strangely... Like the in is with the out and vice versa... She's redirecting all my blood flow... *Stands up straighter and wipes away the swear beading on her brow* Thanks anyway... Just don't expect me to fight anyone for a while...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*with the two Adras* And what does it matter to you if she was? What does it matter to either of you? Well, it matters, I suppose, but it's nothing to fight over. Causing each other harm will not solve anything.


Jophiel said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

True, Niccolo, true. But I say again; we were very close friends. It's hard for me to hate him now, even with all the terrible things he did. Besides, it's not as if I'm any better than he was.
*kneels and check's Roses' pulse*
Are you alright?

The Grave of a Coward said...

I suppose you are. I'm impressed by your healing skill, Rose.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*with Death and Precocious* I would not ask nor expect you to hate him. I am certainly better. In fact, I am almost certain I have been worse. However, that is quite irrelevant.
Death, that is a rather serious issue. Are you quite certain you would not like me to do anything?


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...

Thank you Doctor! But I'm fine! Even if I wasn't, which may or may not be in this case, I wouldn't allow anyone to help me! I'm stubborn!

The Grave of a Coward said...

*smiles wistfully*
Nefarian was stubborn . . .

Noelle said...

ParAdra: You're right.... *helps other Adra up,supporting her weight* He's right.

Adra: He is, isn't he?

*Adra slams a brick into ParAdra's head as ParAdra stabs her between her ribs with a glass shard*

*they both fall to the ground, cursing one another in a comical way*






Jophiel said...

I'm way too stubborn to agree. I'm going to go hunt down that ParaMe and kick her butt... Maybe later though... *Slides back down into a seated position and sighs heavily* Too drained...

Jophiel said...

(Adra... XD ))

Yeah, Precocious, I got that from him... *Closes her eyes and rests her head against the wall*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Oh, by the way, we're supposed to have a really bad storm tonight, and it's already started raining hard, so I may disappear. The power might go out, it's been known to happen. I guess you wouldn't really notice if I did vanish, considering the fact that I haven't really been here anyway, but I'm mentioning it to be polite and all.


The Grave of a Coward said...

*sighs heavily*
Wow. I haven't thought about . . . about when he died . . . in a long time. Wow.
*claps hands weakly*
Aubrey . . . bring us more tea.

Jophiel said...

(If you disappear, remember that I said 'BYE FABULOUS FABI!!! I LOVE YOU!!'))

Noelle said...

*Bye Fabi Darling!*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Bye Fabi! We all love you!)

Noelle said...

ParAdra: Ohhhh I'm going to kill you.

Adra: Not if... I get there... First...

ParAdra: *Pulls herself inch by inch to Adra* I'm going to get there.

Adra: *tries to move* *gives up* OOF.

ParAdra: *falls down* Ughh,..

Adra: I'll get there

ParAdra: ME TOO

Jophiel said...

(Dying... Adra... Killing... Me...))

Noelle said...

((Killing them too)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((hugs Deathy, Adra, Annika and Ari))


The Grave of a Coward said...


Noelle said...

(Mission accomplished.
*puts on shades*)
(hugs Fabi*)

Noelle said...

Adra: Ow. My leg. Ugh. I- *falls unconscious*

ParAdra: I WIN! I WI- *falls unconscious as well*

Jophiel said...

*Hugs Fabi back*

I think Niccolò poofed...))

The Grave of a Coward said...

("Goodbye Niccolo . . ." Annika wailed sadly.)

Jophiel said...

Or fell asleep...

Adra.... I'm dead... I'm beyond dead...))

Noelle said...


Ari fell asleep. Totes.

I might in a second too. I'll just go ahead and go ang host for a bit since I'm unconscious and- hey- being taken to the hospital by medics. Twice.))

Noelle said...

((*And *ghost

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I'm gonna have to leave too, I think . . . *looks at clock*)

The Grave of a Coward said...

*stands up and brushes herself off*
Nefarian was . . . unique. I don't think any of us will meet another man quite like him.
*swallows hard*

Jophiel said...

(And I'm going to have to go to work... *Looks at watch, curses and lunges for the phone* BYE!!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

Doctor Precocious steps into her van and shuts the doors behind her. As it careens out of sight, she slumps in the passenger seat, her head in her hands.

"Nefarian . . ." She whispers.

Outside, blue lightning crackles through the sky, spelling the words
as the black van vanishes into the distance.

Snow said...

hello...?? *rubs eyes*

Snow said...

no one around? aw...

i might just type up my sub-plot soon...

Snow said...

*sneaks quietly inside Tom's hide out*

*mutters* he had better be right that this is where Tom is... that suckers gonna pay.

*crouches in shadows*

*after a while, a voice drifts down the hall*

Tom: ... find my girlfriends body.

*sneaks up the hall*

*slowly pulls gun from pocket, aiming at where Tom's voice is coming from*

Tom: *from behind my shoulder* hello, Snow.


*Tom kicks the gun out of my hand then knees me in the face*

Tom: i knew you would show up sooner or later so i had some security measures installed.

Snow said...

*rolls away*

*Tom grins, advancing on Snow with a sword in hand* 'm going to enjoy killing you, miss. i'll make it slow and painful

*gets to feet, staying low* bring it.

Snow said...

*Tom charges, sword swinging*

*blocks, stepping to one side and gripping Tom's arm at the elbow*


*sword clatters to ground and snow kicks it away*

good old fashion boxing time, my friend. *hits Tom with a right hook*

Snow said...

*tom kicks snow's knee out, kneeing her head on the way down*

*rolls away from a wild stomp/kick combo*

*gets on knees only to be flipped over backwards by a kick to the chin* ow

*skids to a halt near the wall, slumped down*

Tom: you are pathetic. utterly pathetic. you thought you could beat me? foolish. *kicks*

Snow said...

*something beeps in the corner, causing Tom to look away*

*lunges for the sword, grabbing it and bringing it up as Tom charges after her*

*Tom kicks her but trips, falling to the ground*

*looks down at the sword protruding from his chest* wh- what? how? *has fear in eyes*

*slowly backs away, pale* oh, god. ohgodohgodohgod..... *collapses in a heap* i... i killed a man

*the Man steps from the shadows, walking up to Snow* it was not your fault. *wraps an arm around her and sits her in tom's throne* *goes over to Tom's body and picks it up, taking it away* i will... dispose of this for you.

*nods numbly, tears streaming down face*

*Man walks out*

Snow said...

check oout the latest post on my "a little crazy" blog. do it.

bye now!

Chione Asahina said...

Alone again...

Jophiel said...

Naturally! ;)

Jophiel said...

Yeah, okay... I'm alone...

Chione Asahina said...

I'm still here Rose.

Jophiel said...

You didn't say anything...

Chione Asahina said...

Sorry, I was watching anime ^.^

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Guys when I get home if I remember ill take pics of the kids who brought a tractor to school I so wanna see Niccolò's thoughts as me dressed as a farmer

Chione Asahina said...

Lol Zaf

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(once a year i do this! *laughs* wait til tomorrow i be a hippie))

Noelle said...

(Dear God)

Jophiel said...

*Walks through the forest and climbs the front stairs of ParaDeath and Ren's mansion. ParaDeath is sitting on the doorstep, talking on her phone angrily and running a hand through her hair.*
- they!? But why!? *ParaDeath puts her head in one hand, the other hand still gripping the phone*
*Death walks up closer and frowns* Hey, are you okay!?
*ParaDeath looks up, tears in her eyes* I'm fine! This is none of your business! Go!
*Death walks closer and is about to sit beside ParaDeath when she hears a click* I'm an idiot. Para is a genius... Using her reflection... *Death turns slowly and sees a gun, held by ParaDeath, pointed between her eyes* Hello, my lovely.
*ParaDeath forced onto the ground and her hands are shackled behind her* Welcome back, Death.
*The butt of the gun is slammed into the back of her skull*

Jophiel said...

(*Laughs and hugs Zaf* Awesome...))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((I kid you not xD gimme a moment to finish my hair I'll take a pic of me as a farmer and email you lunatics if you want xD))

Jophiel said...

*Death groans and opens her eyes slowly. She is hanging thirty meters above the ground, suspended by a long metal pole with her shackles looped over* Ugh...

Awake, are ya? *Ren sits behind her, feet resting on the metal pole* It wouldn't be any fun to drop you when you were out!


*Ren laughs and bangs his feet on the pole, making Death slip closer to the edge* Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine!?

*Death looks up from the ground and glances at Ren* Why are you doing this...?

*Ren pauses and frowns*

Jophiel said...

(You have to!!!))

Noelle said...

((Ugh. Mornings are so stressful.. JC I'm so done with this >.<. Like, feel bad for my mom and all, but... UGHGGSGSHHSHB))

Noelle said...

((I literally can not. *hits a wall a few times*))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im back damn the fog the tractors were there but you cant see them cuz fog

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Omg my homeroom teacher is in a lamb hat!))

Chione Asahina said...

Jophiel said...

(So many splinters in my hands!!! *Cries*))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Im not kidding....the poor German exchange kids are gonna think we're mental...))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Msd in bio...

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*yawn* *stretch* Good morning. How are y'all doing?)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Nobody on?)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Well, I'm gonna larp on my own subplot then.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

Boston was beautiful, in the fall. Crisp autumn leaves twirled through the streets, and a cool, fresh wind washed over the houses. The peaceful calm was broken by the sight of a large van, painted glossy black careening around the corner as if driven by a maniac.
However, it was not.
It was driven by a maniac's butler.

Chione Asahina said...

Im here.

The Grave of a Coward said...

When it rolled to a stop, the doors swung open, allowing Doctor Precocious to step out onto the pavement, her eyes sparkling with blue lightning. She tapped a ward carved into one of the taillights, and the van folded and collapsed into a deck of black-backed playing card. She picked them up and began to shuffle them expertly.
"Underground sorcerer poker tournament . . . I can win this." She smiled eagerly at Aubrey. He looked skeptical.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Hi Chione!)

Chione Asahina said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

The tournament went on, relatively uninterrupted. A number of Sensitives were violently thrown out (Sensitives were illegal in poker tournaments) and an elderly elemental with cards up his sleeves was taken to a back room with a number of Cleavers.
Doctor Precocious never saw what happened to him. She didn't care. She was winning.
She scraped a large pile of her winnings into her hat and smiled. "Well, thank you very much. I'll be off now . . ."
As she was leaving, she was mildly distracted by someone being thrown out the window on top of her.

The Grave of a Coward said...

"Hey!" Yelled Precocious angrily. "What the-"
He scrambled to his feet awkwardly, apologizing up and down about the incident. He had a white stripe in his hair, like a skunk. "I'm sorry, I didn't man to, believe me, if I had a choice I wouldn't have gotten thrown out the window . . . Doctor?"
Precocious's eyes widened. "Oscar?"

The stared at leach other for a moment. Energy collected in Precocious's hand, and Oscar reaching into his coat, pulling out a golden pen.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious fired a bolt of blue energy. It crackled in the atmosphere for a split second before blasting Oscar off his feet, throwing him into the wall.
Oscar caught sight of his own blood and began to hyperventilate.
"You . . . you!"
He clicks the pen with shaking hands, and the light from the street lamps goes out. He clicks it again and a flash of light, bright enough to blind Precocious, bursts in the air, calling her to fall backwards into a fountain. The fountain crackles with blue energy, and Precocious abandons magic as she rushes forward, fist poised for a right hook.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious's punch slams into Oscar's skull and she screams, clutching her fist. Oscar's entire body is radiating golden energy. He grabs her shoulders, and she smells her flesh sizzling before she feels it.

She feels it.

She sinks to the ground, screaming in pain, and Oscar grabs her by the hair and slams her face into the ground. He looked very disgusted when her nose breaks.

Jophiel said...

(*Screams at Precocious* Oh my God!!))

Chione Asahina said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar plants a foot in the small of her back to hold her down, and slams her face into the ground again, his face twisted in revulsion. He awkwardly lets go of her hair and pulls a moist towlette out of his pocket and wipes down his hands.
Then he leans closer, increasing the pressure on the back of the dazed Precocious.
"Give it UP, Doctor. We've been doing this for five-hundred years. Give it up. Forget it. Let's be friends again."
He shrugged.
"I'm always going to beat you, anyway. You were never that great monster hunter you claim."
Precocious's voice is weak and tired.
"Go to Hell."

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar holds his golden pen in front of her face. Black runes are carved into the surface, and it's glowing with an incandescent yellow light.
"Give. Up." He says firmly.
Precocious shakes her head. Blood is dripping on the pavement.
Oscar clicks the pen and bright light fills Precocious's vision with violently popping stars. She fells Oscar get off her, and the next thing she feels is a brick wall running into her face.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Her head is ringing with violent lights and sounds, and the heat of the blood dripping down her chin, and the blood in her hair from when Oscar had pulled bits of hair out. Her head was ringing, and spinning, and she could barely think, and a suppressed memory stirred from deep inside her mind.
["Come on!" Oscar laughed, the 10 year old running down a hill as fast as he could go. "Faster!"
"I'll trip!" Precocious yelled, a 7 year old running after him.
"That's 'cause you're a girrrrrrrl." Oscar crooned mockingly.
"Hey!" Precocious yelled, chasing him down the kill. Something with tinkling in the distance. An ice cream truck?]

Precocious's vision was blurring, fading away. She was dimly away of Oscar standing nearby, looking at her with some concern.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*wakes in treehouse* ((wbvd))

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious is hovering, dangling on the line between death and life, conscious and unconscious. She can taste her own blood, dripping into her mouth. She wondered how vampires did it. Maybe they had support groups, or something . . .
She was thinking nonsense now. She couldn't keep a clear though in her head.
She could barely see, but she could hear. She heard a key turning in an ignition, and a radio being turned on to some smooth jazz, and the *hiss* of a leather seat reclining, and the *swipe swipe* of Oscar incessantly wiping the dirt and blood off his hands . . .

Precocious's eyes snapped open.
"My van . . ."

Jophiel said...

(I'd totally be screaming if i wasn't in bed... If I do... It'll look weird...))

*Curses again and yells at Ren* YOURE A GOOD BLOKE, REN! YOU DIED IN MY UNIVERSE! YOU WERE MURDERED! AND I WAS SAD! I SOBBED FOR DAYS! AND IN THIS UNIVERSE, YOU ARE GOING TO FLIPPING KILL ME!? *Death looks at the six inches left of the pole, six inches left of her life, and whimpers* You know that people have souls, yeah? That's your power... Are you sure you have a soul...?

*Ren roars and bangs down on the metal bar and Death slips further towards the end, two inches left*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious, fueled by rage, manages to drag herself to the curb, leaving smears of blood in her wake, but to no avail. Her van peels away from the curb, Oscar behind the wheel. He checks his hair in the mirror, then wipes down the steering wheel with a moist towlette, just to be safe.
Precocious can see Aubrey unconscious by the wall. She see the van disappear down a side street.
She tried to throw an energy bolt, but cannot. She collapses on the pavement.
She looks up, finally, and says one word. One word dripping with the utmost malice and loathing.

"Oscar . . ."

Jophiel said...

*Ren gets up and jumps down the side of the building, only to be caught by ParaDeath's gravity manipulation. Once he had walked away, Death felt the pole start to slowly bend towards the ground; ParaDeath was going to make the thirty meter fall the equivalent of jumping off a sky scraper*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I will be back in maybe 15 minutes. Sorry, I have chores to do.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Jophiel said...

(Bye Precocious!! *Hugs* ))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I dedicate this page to forgiveness. People do things that others are mad about. I know we do but forgiveness is what is needed. No matter what we do, we are all one (yes Niccolò you are included)

Jophiel said...

(*Raises her foot because she is suspended way above the ground by her hands* HEAR HEAR!!))

Jophiel said...

*Starts swinging her legs, trying to swing herself backwards. She tries to manipulate the gravity but the pain in her chest won't let her concentrate enough to do so. She pulls her legs up and around the pole and starts to climb backwards slowly*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I am back, everyone, and I'm going to continue larping on my own about my subplot. Hi Zafira!)

Chione Asahina said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious is lying in a puddle on the pavement. She pushes herself up, wincing at the pain, and drags herself into a sitting position. She looks down at the tire tracks scorching the asphalt.
Her gaze falls on a patch of nearby sidewalk, and her eyes widen, even though even that hurts. She limps down the sidewalk in a crawl, and picks up a small, green packet.
A moist towlette.
She opens it, and wipes the blood off her face.

Jophiel said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious stands up, flicking the toilette wrapper into the gutter. The van was long gone now; who knows when she would ever see it again. She glanced over at Aubrey, but he was gone.

Precocious walked down the street, completely and utterly alone, and as she did, little bubbles of memory floated to the top of her mind:

A boy and a girl, 10 and 7, sitting on the couch watching cartoons . . .

A boy and a girl, 15 and 12, sitting on a park bench playing video games with each other . . .

A boy and a girl, 38 and 35, trying to murder each other on a war-torn battlefield . . .

A boy and a girl, 538 and 535, looked for each other, always hunting, their eyes glittering with murder, ready to finish what they started . . .

Precocious's eyes were wet. She did not know why.

Jophiel said...

(No one here has been LARPing with Iron Man, have they? I have. I kicked his butt!!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Sorry, Rose. You KNOW I'm only allowed to do that because I am the biggest nerd in New England.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I may have meant larking. I'm not sure. I'm just sort of talking into the aether, writing a story on the fly. I could do it much better if I had the time, but Role-Play waits for no woman . . .)

Jophiel said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious sits down on a park bench and stares at the muddy ground. She notices there's some mud on her shoes; Oscar would've had a heart attack if he got mud on his shoes.
She stomps the the puddle and lets it splash, so preoccupied with her own thoughts that she fails to see the Austrians chasing a herd of demon llamas over the horizon.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(it is at this point that I'll invite anyone who cares to into this RP with me. Otherwise, I will let it carry its own course.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious stands up, peeling off her lab coat. She's wearing a black turtleneck underneath, courtesy of Bespoke Tailors.
"I'm not giving up." She spat. "Not now, not ever."
She looks around wildly for something, anything that she could use. Her eyes fall on a tiny green Smartcar parked by a general store.
Sometimes, life can get truly unpleasant.
She strode toward the car, snapping her fingers. The driver's side door clicked open.

Jophiel said...

( XD Death is ever so preoccupied with trying not to die, herself. She is going to go splat...))

*Death starts sliding back towards the dropping end of the pole and curses* I'LL KILL YOU PARAME!! *Death's hands grab onto the pole but she continues to slip. She only had a few inches left*

Jophiel said...

(Ellissa just had a mental/emotional breakdown in front if this random dude and now I think that are together... Yeah!!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

Far outside the city, a glossy black van coasts to a stop on the side of the road. Inside, a man who is in his 500s but looks middle-aged is climbing into the back, rifling through the supplies. He is careful to yank on thin rubber gloves before he does so; who knows what he could catch in this cesspit of van.
He checked the fridge. He checked the cabinets. He checked his hair (in a mirror. It looks fabulous, as always.)
The last place he checked was the carpet. When he peeled it up, it revealed a large symbol carved in the floor, the shape of an American football.
Oscar swallowed, then smiled. "Oh, Doctor Doctor Doctor. I KNEW you'd pull through."

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar kneels beside the symbol and steels his nerves, ready to do the impossible. He pulled out his pen, allows his golden aura to fade, and slices open his hand.
The sight of his own blood dripping down makes him break out in a cold sweat. Trying to ignore the horribly hot, wet, slipperiness coating his hand, he presses it to the center of the symbol.

The Grave of a Coward said...

The lights begin to flicker, and the headlights and taillights blow out. The radio turns on and begins to cycle through all of its channels. Oscar screams in shock as the van begins to cycle wildly through all of its different shapes. From the place were his hand touches the floor, blue and gold energy begins to burn through the floor.

The Grave of a Coward said...

The floor splits open like a blue-and-gold eye, peeling apart into a wide slit. Oscar stared into the abyss, and the abyss stares back into him.
Oscar swallows hard, and smiles shakily.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Light streams from the slit, filling the out-of-control van, and Oscar feels himself brimming with confidence. he liked light, he could deal with light.
He smiles, and he laughs, and his laugh is like the tinkling of wind chimes as they fall onto someone's head, bashing their skull in and killing them.
"There's someone I need you to kill for me."
Something long and low and old speaks from within the eye, it's voice a dry throaty gurgle.
Oscar swallowed. "My body. You get my body, for seven days time. You can walk in this world, the human world."
Nothing but silence and music and light and darkness. Then "VERY WELL. NAME YOURSELF."
"Oscar Neurotic."

Jophiel said...

*Death slips further then a calm expression clouds her face. There is half an inch left before she falls go her death and she's accepted the fact that she is going to die* Geronimo. *The chain between her shackles falls off the metal pole and Death falls quickly, silent and calm, hitting the ground below within half a second. All the bones in her body are crushed and her organs ruptured. Many bones are sticking out of her skin but she doesn't feel it. She's already dead*

(HELL YEAH!! I'm dead and I'm asleep!! And my RP buddy on CS has gone to school!!))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(You died? Ouch. That seems to happen to you a lot, doesn't it?)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Rose i can revive you see i will prove im useful....*laughs*))

Jophiel said...

(I'm Death! I've been killed 3 times in the MC and way too many on here!! ParaDeath and I hate each other!! XD


Also, I'm asleep... Bye!!))

Jophiel said...

(Zaffy! You are useful! But I am a attends Death-cake!! I went splat!!))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((I brought javier back once he was in pieces....))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I'm going to leave my solo narrative off for now . . .)

Jophiel said...

(But I'm a Death-cake!! ParaDeath and Ren will probably burn me to make sure I don't come back!!))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Sorry msd im in class))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((I'll bring you back I promise))

Jophiel said...

(Also, it is Coco's birthday, just so you know... She's four now!!))

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