Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's Fun Being a Writer

I get to create stories for a living. I get to daydream for a job. I also, fair enough, have to work extremely hard and cocoon myself in solitude until the book is finished, but that's beside the point. The point is, I get to be a writer, which is something so few people who ALSO want to be writers get to do.

I've just made the very last changes to LSODM I can possibly make. We're in the final type-setting stage now— that is when they take the words you've written in the manuscript and arrange them onto a book page, ready to be printed. And I now know how many pages there are going to be...

KOTW was 607 pages in the hardback version. LSODM, which is a little under 30,000 words longer, will be... ready for this?... it will be...

604 pages.


Now, wait a moment, before you scratch your heads and ask how does that work, it is quite simple. If they had continued to use the same font size as they used from the very start, my publishers would be releasing a book of, according to my vague and approximate mathematical skills, 900 pages. Which is a tad BIG.

So instead they've just reduced the size of the font, to squeeze more words in. Yay! You'll be able to lift up the book when you read it! Result!

Anyway, where was I?

Yes, now that I have approved the type-setting pages, and sent in the dedication and the author biography, I can now get back to the business of being a writer. Which is, y'know, to write... and stuff...

Coming up very soon, I have a non-Skulduggery short story to write, I have to start planning out Book Nine in greater detail (and actually get started on it), and I need to write a load of Skulduggery mini-adventures for the short story collection, in 2014.

But right NOW, my main focus is on another non-Skulduggery short story, for a collection that'll be coming out in the winter of next year. I've been thinking about this for a while now, trying to figure out what to write. It can be any genre, any style... My options are unlimited. But, see, that's where the problem lies.

Limitations are useful. If I'd been told that my story had to be, say, dystopian future sci fi, then I'd have nodded and gone off and written a great dystopian future sic fi story. But because it CAN be a dystopian future sci fi OR a modern day fantasy OR a comedy about a kettle shop OR a first person narrative about a boy who has lost his dog... I now have too many options. How can I settle on one idea if I might find a better one in a different genre?

Before I wrote Skulduggery Pleasant, I embarked upon a hundred half-finished and abandoned stories, books and scripts. Any of you who write will know what I'm talking about. We flit from story to story because we get bored or we get a better idea or this one we're writing now is just not working, or it's too hard, or it's not coming out like we wanted... We flit because our imaginations are running too wild. Our creativity will not settle down.

But of course it won't. It's imagination. It's creativity. Their whole purpose is to go crazy. Their whole purpose is to run wild. But we, as writers, need to get on our horses and gallop after them, lasso them, pull them back, slow them down and herd them into a pen (and this is where the metaphor gets extravagant, as this is both a livestock pen AND an author's pen). We don't want them tame, of course we don't. We want them rearing and kicking— but we want them to do it in that enclosure, within those boundaries and those limitations. That's the only way we'll be able to use that creativity to write a story.

So, that's what I'm doing now. I'm thinking about limitations, and boundaries, and genres. What do I WANT to write about? What style do I WANT to write in? What genre? Once I know all that I'll be able to think of a story and a character and sit down and write the damn thing.


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Emerald Melody said...


You just missed this Mara...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Oh, I'll go check it out now, Em, thanks.:)


Jophiel said...

Em!! It's amazing!!!
*Looks over Em's shoulder*
Alistair came and now Zaffy and Ari and linked to him and we can't hurt him or else it will hurt them... He's mean... And then when everyone left we had a tiny little weird moment...

Emerald Melody said...

Oh... that bastard!

I think I know someone who can help us later on.

Anyway, I'm glad you like the Minecraft so far!


Jophiel said...

He just misses Wonderland!

Jophiel said...

Wait... You're not talking about who I think your talking about are you?

Emerald Melody said...

I might be...


Jophiel said...

*Climbs up tree and hides*
Is he very scary!?

Noelle said...

Back! <3

Emerald Melody said...

Oh you know what he is capable of, Death.

WB Adra


Noelle said...

Hey! Four hours of sleep. Let's do this. Actually, dear it was pretty intense yesterday... :P


Jophiel said...

*Shrinks away*
But he's scary!!!! And there's only one other werewolf here... And I don't want you hurt!!!!!!

Jophiel said...

WB Adra

Noelle said...

*Hi Rose!*
Emerald, I... If you were there last night... His craving for pain and suffering can be put to a standstill. It's strange... But he can be-somewhat- cordial.

Jophiel said...


Yeah, we were having a weird bonding moment when everyone left...
*Shudders and falls out of tree*
*Picks self up and walks towards group*
We were talking about why I stopped destroying towns and cities... I really don't know...

Noelle said...

*sighs* But I think I know how I can defeat him. He never got out of those cuffs last night, did he? (realizing that that can be taken two ways)
If we can all work together... Zaf, Aretha, you, me, the boys, snow, Mara, Arra, Fabi,- anyone!

WE just need Alastair gone.

Emerald Melody said...

And I think he can help with your Alistair situation.

I just hope that he then doesn't become a situation...


Jophiel said...

But i don't know if I want that anymore...

Jophiel said...

Uh oh... He's using mind tricks!!!!
I want him gone but I want him to stay!!!!!!!!! He has to stay!!!

Noelle said...

*glares at Em* ... You know he'll become a problem. He can help, but... You'll have to keep him in line.

Jophiel said...

Keeping him in a fine line? I want a gun. I do not like that very scary man. He is really scary. Really, really, really scary. He has played the main protagonist in my dreams too many times to count!
*Curls into ball*

Noelle said...

*pat's Rose's shoulder* But he isn't impossible. You saw what he was like last night? We're too big of an opportunity, you and I...
*sits next to her* think you could handle being bait?

Jophiel said...

*Looks up and laughs*
Being bait is second nature to me!!! I can do it!!

Noelle said...

*smiles* Then we might be able to do this...
Zaf and Aretha need to be taking him out from the inside, while you and I distract him here. Of course, the others can be with the Hobbit army so that the second he shows any sign of struggle... We can take him, starve him of his power.... And get that thing out of him

Jophiel said...

Well, the voices probably tire him out, we just need to make him slip! To lose control! We need to get them to riot and we will have to do our best dancing (attacks and evasions) to tire him out too!
(Sorry, just rambling)

Noelle said...

No, That's a good idea. If we pull from the outside, and they push from the inside... We can get somewhere.

Jophiel said...

Like a very annoying boulder.

Noelle said...

*giggles* Yes, that exactly... We'll need the help of the Hobbit army to help the siege from the outside.

Maralie Lily Charm said...



Maralie Lily Charm said...

*hobbles around with crutch because of stupid leg* I'm here! Can I do anything?


Jophiel said...

Well, the Hatter doesn't like me anymore because I hurt his gun..

Jophiel said...

*Tacklehugs Mara*
You okay?

Dau Sketch ~ Aussieminion (minus the funny accent) said...

Hello *smiles* I seem to have missed so much in a couple of hours...

Noelle said...

Mara! You missed... A lot, actually.

Noelle said...

(hi Dau!)

Dau Sketch ~ Aussieminion (minus the funny accent) said...

Hi Adra! How's the Alistair thingy?

Jophiel said...

He's not attacking!!! So yay!!!

I think I might convert to his side... He asked me a really good question before... It stumped me...

Noelle said...

*in a warning tone* Rose... Don't give in. He only wants you to be his pawn. He doesn't care about you. We do, and you must stick with us! Please.

Jophiel said...

Of course I remember, it's just not all that interesting. Not until the part involving Niccolò, anyway. Our introduction was quite possibly the most fun I've ever had, to this day. I was born into a wealthy family in France, and from a very young age I began to observe the cruelties in the world, then partake in them. It didn't take long for me to realize that, as much as people try to fight it, the instinctual desire to inflict pain just for the sake of it is within all of us. So I ran away and took to the streets. I worked as a blacksmith's apprentice for several years learning how to make weapons, and every night I would sneak out and harass and assault anyone who wasn't a local. After I was satisfied with my ability to make weapons I set off wandering the streets again. Niccolò caught my eye by chance- I first saw him sparing coins to a beggar in the street, and decided to follow him. I stalked him for about a week before I did anything. By that time I had already discovered the existence of magic and chosen my discipline, and I was rather excited to discover that he had as well. He was fascinated by the idea of the true name and wanted to know if there was a way it could be extracted, but he quickly learned that such a thing was not possible without killing whoever lost the name, and he scrapped the study, appalled. The next night I broke into the house and made about as big of a fuss as I could. He knew I would slaughter his family- he was living with his mother and three sisters, supporting them- so, sickened as he was by the idea, he knew what he had to do and he killed me first. But once he stole my name, he had also stolen the essence of my being, in other words, my personality and memories, which he hadn't counted on. He couldn't handle it, I overtook him easily, and then killed his whole family anyways while he watched. Technically, he did it himself. And he still blames himself for it.

Death Rose said...
People were born to blame themselves. Why should Niccy be any different? You make it sound like you're surprised at him blaming himself.

Alastair Cruciatus said...
I'm not surprised, I just think it's rather pathetic.

Death Rose said...
People are who people are. It is not his fault for his bad luck. It comes and goes as it pleases.

Alastair Cruciatus said...
And, for the love of all things cruel, he would not stop screaming. If you were to pick a point in my life as a sort of catalyst for everything else, it would be that moment. It was by far the most heinous thing I had ever done, and it was just intoxicating. Everything just went downhill from there.

July 4, 2013 at 8:21 AM
Death Rose said...
Is it sad to say that I understand what you're talking about? I will admit, it reading that did bring just a tiny little smile.
*Closes eyes and smirks*
Life is a petty creature, one that thinks it is untameable. But once you realise what you have to do, you can become its master.

Alastair Cruciatus said...
And your story? Where did you start?

Death Rose said...
Long ago. Little Australian town. When I was three, my mother was murdered in front of me. I tracked down those men and killed them all. A silly little three year old who had just learnt magic. I destroyed towns looking for my mother's body. I left destruction and fire behind me. I never did find it.
But the feeling... *Sighs* The feeling of destruction and causing pain... Ah... Nothing compares. Ever since, I've actually tried to make up for it; sticking up for people, lending a hand whenever I can... It's bizarre how strange we humans can be sometimes...

Alastair Cruciatus said...
Why do you do it, Death? Why are you so bent on denying that overwhelming desire to destroy?

Alastair Cruciatus said...
Your story is more unusual than mine, although plain doesn't quite relate to originality.

Death Rose said...
I don't know... I don't understand why... I just do it.

Dau Sketch ~ Aussieminion (minus the funny accent) said...

:P When I was at Singapore airport yesterday I begged my mum to let me to go to the bookshop.

She said yes, so I ran like hell and burst into the shop, demanding where the fiction centre was....only to find that they don't stock any SP books except for KOTW.

We nearly missed our flight and I didn't get TMS.

Noelle said...

Rose, you're different that him and he wants you to believe that you two are simlilar

Noelle said...

*reads the manuscript*
*snaps in a Z-formation* girl got some moves!

Jophiel said...

*Gapes at Dau*

@Adra: But we are. We are similar in ways. We are very similar in many ways.

Dau Sketch ~ Aussieminion (minus the funny accent) said...

:/ my mother was unpleased.

aaand now I have to go, for if she sees that I'm on here during the holidays she's going to get prettttty mad....

bye :) *hugs*

Noelle said...

Shouldn't that give us an advantage? I admit, I can see where you come from, but that doesn't mean that you have to choose a path or pain and suffering.

Noelle said...

*pokes around* Hello? Where is everyone?

Jophiel said...

Sorry... I was just reading the Tribute to Chase posts...
*Smiles sadly*
Lav's poem almost brought me to tears...

TheSmilingCat said...

I absolutely lose track with all these comments. If I was you, I'd probably just stop reading. Okay, apart from the collection - where can we find these stories you write?
I think you could write non-fantasy stuff... don't get me wrong, I love fantasy, but with the skeleton guy, all your writing is occupied with monsters and stuff, and writing about, well, normal things might be nice as well... but then again, that is what you do in the short stories already, isn't it?
Oh, and can I ask you a question? Well, obviously I can, but... well, you don't have to answer. Are you afraid that this might be the top? That after the end of the SP-books, the very best part will be already over and that the amount of your minions will begin to crumble until it's just like before you wrote the books?
That's a horrible question. I'm sorry. But still... are you afraid?

Noelle said...

Yeah... Those were rather sad...

*sits on a pedestal and waits* What time is it over there, Rose?

Sparrowhawk Duskthief said...

You should do something about the war with Mevolent, or the Ancients, Derek. OR the Unnamed. Something about the magical world that does't involve any, or only involves a few, of the characters that we already know.

Sparrowhawk Duskthief said...

*Sobs* Matt is leaving Doctor Who

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Now im going back to bed but i am here


Noelle said...

*awkward silence* Where are those boys? Rhyd and Trip... They ought to get here.

Noelle said...

Zaf, Alistair took you, and has you in his mind, and any harm we bring to him, the same will appear on you...

And we need your help.

Jophiel said...

Oh, sorry! It's 10:35PM here

Noelle said...

AH so it's pretty late then.. Just wondering :)

Jophiel said...

Yeah! I'm in bed on my ipod!
I'm such a rebel!!!!

(Sorry, this is the time when I get a bit loco!)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sorry I poofed! Listening to One Direction interviews c:


Jophiel said...

Fletcherie - Fletcher Renn and Valkyrie Cain from Skulduggery Pleasant?
☻/ This is Bob, copy paste him in
/▌ your signature so he can
/ \ take over ChickenSmoothie
Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.

~Skulduggery Pleasant

[ cross and kuran ]
by in memory; » Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:45 pm

oh my god how can i not (go fletcherie)

yuki cross and kaname kuran from vampire knight? (the manga)


Noelle said...

oh my god... *cuddles manga and anime*

Maralie Lily Charm said...







Jophiel said...

Okay, Deathy gonna read the last of her Alice in the country of Hearts and then sleep. OK?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I know...I dunno what to do

Noelle said...

... Zaf, we'll find a way to bring you back to yourself... Alastiar's unstable, to say in the least, and...

Get on FB I'll explain there

(if youre going, bya! <3 if not... awkward)

Noelle said...

*sighs* I hate silence...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I wish i could help it isnt cool being connected to a creep

Brb i want food


Niccolò Croatoan said...

Who missed me?

Noelle said...

*grins* Nice to see you again, dear. Didn't get into too much trouble now did you?

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Oh, come now. I'm always in trouble.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I need to stop watching these 'Stop the Hate' videos... they're making me cry. :/


Noelle said...

I'll give you that much then. I will say, it seems to me that being around, well... US last night has affected your elocution... No more paragraphs?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Alastair... *teleports behind a tree* *peeks out*


Niccolò Croatoan said...

I haven't the need for them at the moment, though if you would prefer a higher standard of eloquence- well, I don't very much care.

I am rather pleased I was able to reach Death with those paragraphs, however. You see, Lady Adra, everyone has their own little points that, if pressed in the right order, can lead to just about anything. People are easy to manipulate once you know how.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Hello, Maralie. It's far from my pleasure to see you again. I doubt it is yours to see me, either, for that matter.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*is screaming at Alastair through his head*


Noelle said...

*glowers at Alastair* I admit I was shocked to see someone so strong fall, but there are many others who can take her place. WE never end, Alastair.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*replies to Zafira inside head* No, you know what, I don't think I will. But please feel free to keep screaming.

Noelle said...

*sits on top of an altar* It's good to see you're awake, Alastiar. And your powers are still bound. That's a surprise.

Jophiel said...

Alistair darling, what are you doing to dear Zafira?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*pleading* Alastair come on...please! I won't go after you! Just let me go I have a child to take care of!

Jophiel said...

Darling, I really should be sleeping but I can't pass up a chance to play!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

So that's it, then? Death starts to see some truth in my philosophies- I am only telling the truth, anyway- and you consider her a lost cause? How do you justify that? Was it necessary? Is it easier to abandon the people you deem weaker?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*teleports behind Alastair with a ball of light in her palm* *presses it into his head* *teleports away*


Noelle said...

Anyone who leaves the ranks for you is no longer my problem. The moment they take a stand with you, they become my enemy, and I do not and will not hesitate

Jophiel said...

*Glances at Alistair and blinks twice*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*shrugs lightly* I feel no need to unbind them- this situation suits me- so yes, I have made no effort to free myself.

*speaks inside mind again* Zafira, you will be lucky if I don't kill your child. Very lucky. I like to kill children- the life in them is so strong. It's exhilarating to watch the light leave their eyes. Listen to the pleas of some of the others in there- does it sound like I will let up because of some begging?

Jophiel said...

*Walks slowly over to Alistair*
I'm with you.

Noelle said...

Damn you, Rose.

*looks at Alastiar* You're going to regret this.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


(Btw when i speak to everyone besides Alastair i communicate in your minds I do this through Justaria

Jophiel said...

Damn me? Hah! I've already picked out a toasty little place in Hell Adra.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Mara, I hope you understand that a blow to me is also a blow to your friends.

Death... Is that it, then? Have you come to your senses? You know, in time, I daresay I could find a way to get rid of that annoying little conscience.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*eyes widen* *teleports back* *grabs light before it can do any harm*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*quietly* Alastair listen to me! Just let me go if you keep me soon or later Justaria WILL come out and darling you will die and so will Ari and I but we have a shot of people going to the afterlife to save us. You. Dont.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Adra, you've said that quite often, and have yet to make good on your threat.

Noelle said...

*tilts her head to the side* You don't think you deserve to be saved... Everyone can, Rose. You don't have to make yourself suffer more.

Alastair, I will kill you.

Jophiel said...

*Smiles and sits in the ground*
You know, taunting a killing machine isn't the smartest thing to do. I can literally kill people with a glare. If it's only a light glare, really bad pain. I've done it to Zaffy before when I wasn't even trying! Tell them Zafira, tell them the pain.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Death, what are you doing?! He... Why would you...


Noelle said...

Getting impatient, are we? All in good time, Alastair. You'll have to quench that little voice screaming "fight" for a while longer.

Noelle said...

*stands next to Mara* we have to stay together...

Jophiel said...

*Taps fingers against lip*
Yeah, I think I have Alistair. Destruction was fun. I don't know why I stopped!
*Grins and shrugs*
Well, time for some fun!!!

Noelle said...

*slips into a fighting stance* I don't want it to come to this, Rose. But I can harm you.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*teleports over to Death* *grabs her* *teleports back over to Adra*

You're with us. *says firmly*



Jophiel said...

Mara, who do you see when you look at me? You see a friend, yeah? Well, lets change your look! Twisted little psychopath who just loves destruction though tries to prevent it. That makes no sense!!

Jophiel said...

I'm sorry Maralie. I'm not with you. I'm with Alistair.
*Walks back to Alistair calmly*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*a large metal box forms around Zafira and begins to fill itself with all the nightmares she had* *speaks to Zafira in mind* Yes, I'm sure you will and all that, but unfortunately for you I do not fear your true name, or death. Niccolò, by the way, has recently learned his, and yet it only made him crumble even more.

*says out loud* Now, girls, Death is only making sense. Why cling so tightly to her when she clearly doesn't want your 'help'?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Death watch and learn *focuses on*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Death, when I look at you I see my amazayn best friend who punched Harry when we were fighting and helped save our relationship. I see my perfect friend who I refuse to let go. *eyes soften* Don't go bad... Please...


Noelle said...

*grabs Mara's arm* I... She's not coming back.

*stands firmly* Alastair, knock it off. You're not impressing anyone.

Jophiel said...

See? That is smart.
*Makes gravity around Mara stronger and slowly begins to crush her*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*closes eyes*

Alastair, you try all you want but I've outgrown the fear of nightmares dear. Now I give you 5min or I let Justaria out.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

She's not 'going bad'. She has realized something about human nature. Don't make her deny who she really is. Just because the rest of you like to pretend doesn't mean she has to.

Jophiel said...

*Glares at Javier*
Nightmares are just dreams. They can't hurt anyone!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*starts breathing harder* Death, what are you - *starts screaming*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: *ducks behind tree* you little...*sends a knife to her heart*

Noelle said...

*tackles Rose and catapults her across the room* Back OFF

Jophiel said...

*Hums Miserable at Best*
Mara, are you saying something? If you are, that means its not strong enough!
*Increases gravity strength*

Jophiel said...

*Looks at Adra*
Thanks for knocking me out of the way, I don't particularly enjoy being speared in the heart.
*Kicks Adra away and lunges for her*

Noelle said...

*catches her, and aims for a pressure point in her back, making Rose's legs give out*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: *sends a few more daggers at Death* What is wrong with you?!

Jophiel said...

*Drops to th floor and roll under Adra*
*Kicks the insides of her knees*

Noelle said...

*knees buckle, and kicks her legs out from under her, slamming into Rose's side* *takes her arm and locks it into an armbar*

Jophiel said...

*Rolls away from shadows*
What do you mean what's wrong with me?!
*Darts to Javier's tree and sends kick to his side*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*clutches head* *screams louder* *takes deep breath* *teleports away*

*is shaking* *starts singing under breath* But I see you with him, slow dancing, tearing me apart coz you don't see...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: *cries out but aims a kick to Death's head*

Alexis: *sees the fight but is scared* (age 10

Noelle said...

Mara! *looks to Javier* You're my back now. I'm counting on you.

Noelle said...

JAVIER get your daughter out of here, dammit! *bends Rose's arm back* I will break it.

Jophiel said...

*Runs back to Adra*
Sorry, I needed to kick him. Where were we?
*Sends quick kick to her head*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*grins, then begins to laugh lightly, and in a few seconds is doubled over with laughter*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: I got this. Alastair has my wife nobody messes with my wife and gets away

Noelle said...

*recovers quickly and roundhouses Rose's face*
*looks at Alastair* Just standing there? I'm surprised, dear.

Jophiel said...

Ow! Ow! Ow!
*Flips out of armbar*
Ooow! That hurt!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*waits a few seconds and lets Justaria out*

Justaria: LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!! *starts using own magic to attack Alastair inside his own head*

Noelle said...

*punches Rose in the face, and jabs her kidney and punches the bottom of her lungs, right below her ribcage* It's not too late...

Jophiel said...

Alistair, are you inclined to give me a hand? And what is so funny?

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Oh, please, this is- *is cut off by another bought of laughter* this is just too good! *continues to laugh* Keep it up!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *climbs up tree and sends a fireball setting Death on fire* I WANT MY MOMMY!!!

Jophiel said...

*Glares lightly at Adra*
Zaffy will tell you how much this hurt her when I was giving her a decent glare. It did seem to escalate her screams to a whole new pitch...

Noelle said...

*sweeps Rose's feet out from under her* and stomps hard on her kneecap* *a faint crack is heard*

He won't help you, Rose. What did I tell you?

Noelle said...

*ducks behind a pillar* YOU MISSED

Jophiel said...

Crud kid! He has your mummy! Not me! I'm not going back either!!!
Alistair, would you please enlighten me as to why you are almost dying of laughter?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Alastair Cruciatus, only you could be so bold. The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Justaria: afraid Alastair? AFRAID? *is getting more violent trying to get free*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*continues to laugh hysterically for a few moments, then quiets down, still grinning ecstatically* Oh, all right, here. *lifts shoulder and pulls knife out of coat with mouth* *cuts into bound cuffs, breaking them off* Now, where were we? *blows Adra back with air, slamming her into the far wall*

Jophiel said...

*Swears loudly*
*Grimaces and stands up*
God blazes! What the Hell was that for?! Ow!!!
*Hobbles after Adra and sends punch to her head and an elbow to her windpipe*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *jumps down from tree* Alastair let my mommy go!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! Could someone tell me what's happening here?^^

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*continues to ignore Justaria* *strolls over to Death, places hand on shoulder, and heals* *addresses the others* You know, I'm not even sure why you bother attacking her. It's not as though it will help you.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Mentally melts knife into flyswatter]

[Tries to fix the cuffs as well]


Jophiel said...

Thank you Alistair!
*Puts pressure on knee*
*Rips off hem of shirt and stuffs it in mouth to stop from screaming*
*Hobbles after Adra glaring*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*clicks fingers, summoning fire, and tosses a handful at Alexis* *sighs* Little girls are so pathetic.

Noelle said...

*gets to her feet, coughing* Ouch, darling. That one hurt. *turns to Rose* It really in unfortunate that you're with him. Don't come crawling back to me when we finish him.

Noelle said...

*does a spin kick to Rose's knee, stomping on it even harder. She takes her head, and brings it to her knee*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*clicks fingers* *grabs Death* *throws her onto ground*

Either you switch to our side, or I'll paralyse every piece of your body.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Justaria: LET ME GO YOU MOTHER FIRETRUCKING BASTARD!!!!! *keeps attacking getting super close to his soul*

Jophiel said...

*Spits hem out*
Thank you again Alistair. While I am thinking about this, I'm sorry for insulting you and trying to attack you earlier. It does seem that I was not quite myself.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*ground starts to crumble beneath Fabienne's feet*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *catches flame in hand* You let my mommy go! You're a poopy head! (Ah little kid vocab

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Death, don't for a second think you're as bad as he is. Just drop it. Drop it now. Stop.


Noelle said...

You could have broken those cuffs the whole time, Alastair. What was stopping you? From a bloodshed then and a bloodshed now.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*shifts into wolf and launches self at Maralie, sinking teeth into her leg and dragging her away from Death*

Noelle said...


Niccolò Croatoan said...

*continues to bite into Mara's leg until he reaches bone*

Jophiel said...

*Waits for the world to stop spinning from the knee to the head*
Mara, if you paralyse me, Alistair will just fix me again.
*Sits up and sends a kick to Adra's stomach with bad leg*
*Kicks shin and copies the knee to the head move*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*speaks inside of Adra's mind* Think about it. 48 true names. 48 disciplines. And all of them the best in their chosen fields.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*shrieks* *throws ball of light at Alastair in panic*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Adra, he can do a lot of things. He has every power Croatoan did, all the names he stole.


Noelle said...

*grabs Rose's leg and arm, and picks her up over her head, bending her backwards*
You're not... Done... Yet?
*snaps her back, fractures fizzuring up her spine and a disc is unaligned* *throws Rose aside against a wall*

Jophiel said...

He can steal people's true names. That's his power. He must have stolen someone's that had the power to shapeshift.
*Shrugs and sends kick to Adra's temple*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*raises leg and turns self so ball of light hits leg*

Noelle said...

Sure you can move, Rose? I don't know. You look paralyzed to me.

Jophiel said...

*Is now unable to move*
*Mentally curses and glares at Adra*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*teleports to Death, shifts back to human, and heals*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Justaria: *finally releases magic all through his head sending shadow knives*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

(Stupid phone... [Mutters])


Noelle said...

*tsks* That's cheating, dearie.. *shoulders Alastair aside and kneels over Rose, digging her knee into her throat, choking her*

Jophiel said...

Thank you! Again!
*Turns back to Adra*
Okay, now I'll do that attack!
*Sends hard kick to Adra's temple*

Ebony Law said...

-stares down from the trees-

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*grins widely while eyes start to reveal a bit of pain* *speaks inside mind* Just keep that up, Justaria. Keep that up. It's wonderful. You see? Isn't it fun to destroy? You know it as well as I do. Just how good does it feel to cause me pain?

Jophiel said...

*Pushes Adra off and growls*
Don't choke me!!!
*Springs behind her and wraps arm around her throat*
*Braces it with other hand and increases pressure*

Noelle said...

Just... Go sleep... Rose...


Niccolò Croatoan said...

*slams Adra back again with wall of air, and keeps her pinned to wall*

Ebony Law said...

Ha. No I'm just joking with all of you. -drops down from the trees and walks all swagaliciously towards the treehouse-

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Justaria: enough to satisfy me! *keeps attacking sending shadows so violently and more powerful*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*screams again* *clutches leg* *closes eyes* *leg isn't paralyzed anymore* *moans and falls, unconscious*



Jophiel said...

*Blinks at Sirius*
Has BB come to play?

Noelle said...

*chokes, but kicks Rose's shins and flips her over her head* *kneels over her and touches her forehead, putting her in a temporary sleep-induced state*
*runs over to Alastair and punches his face*

Zaf, be careful! The mind is a careful thing... One false move... And you can be trapped.

Ebony Law said...

-drops down from the sky, landing down on the ground, a few hundred metres away from the battlefield-

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Justaria: *to Adra* trust me on this one where I am hurting him won't trap me

Ebony Law said...

-scans the area, spotting the battle- -leaps once, and lands in the battlefield unnoticed-

Jophiel said...

Adra, it's only 12:50AM! It's not too late to be playing!! I like playing, it's even more fun if it involves the pain of others!!!

Noelle said...

Don't underestimate yourself, Justiara! Just make sure you kill him, and free all those minds. Don't leave anything after youre done.
*begins to send kicks and punches* In your brief lapse of pain, Alastair, you dropped me.

Jophiel said...

*Closes eyes*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*eight mages appear and all tackle Justaria at once, pinning her to the ground*

Noelle said...

What. The. Hell. *dives and lands next to Javier* we're screwed.But don't give up.

Ebony Law said...


Everyone has to watch this video to understand my weapons. I'll tell you my additions.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*blocks and returns strikes, working in closer to Adra, then sharpens teeth and dives down to bite neck*

Ebony Law said...

-leaps over to Death, scanning her body for injuries-

Noelle said...

*gasps and pushes against his shoulders* get OFF of me. *punches his face*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Justaria: *keeps attacking Alastair's mind and makes it nearly blinding from pain* hello mages *sends spears of shadows through them*

Javier: we are indeed

Noelle said...

Dwyer, you're HELPING them?!?!?!

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