Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's Fun Being a Writer

I get to create stories for a living. I get to daydream for a job. I also, fair enough, have to work extremely hard and cocoon myself in solitude until the book is finished, but that's beside the point. The point is, I get to be a writer, which is something so few people who ALSO want to be writers get to do.

I've just made the very last changes to LSODM I can possibly make. We're in the final type-setting stage now— that is when they take the words you've written in the manuscript and arrange them onto a book page, ready to be printed. And I now know how many pages there are going to be...

KOTW was 607 pages in the hardback version. LSODM, which is a little under 30,000 words longer, will be... ready for this?... it will be...

604 pages.


Now, wait a moment, before you scratch your heads and ask how does that work, it is quite simple. If they had continued to use the same font size as they used from the very start, my publishers would be releasing a book of, according to my vague and approximate mathematical skills, 900 pages. Which is a tad BIG.

So instead they've just reduced the size of the font, to squeeze more words in. Yay! You'll be able to lift up the book when you read it! Result!

Anyway, where was I?

Yes, now that I have approved the type-setting pages, and sent in the dedication and the author biography, I can now get back to the business of being a writer. Which is, y'know, to write... and stuff...

Coming up very soon, I have a non-Skulduggery short story to write, I have to start planning out Book Nine in greater detail (and actually get started on it), and I need to write a load of Skulduggery mini-adventures for the short story collection, in 2014.

But right NOW, my main focus is on another non-Skulduggery short story, for a collection that'll be coming out in the winter of next year. I've been thinking about this for a while now, trying to figure out what to write. It can be any genre, any style... My options are unlimited. But, see, that's where the problem lies.

Limitations are useful. If I'd been told that my story had to be, say, dystopian future sci fi, then I'd have nodded and gone off and written a great dystopian future sic fi story. But because it CAN be a dystopian future sci fi OR a modern day fantasy OR a comedy about a kettle shop OR a first person narrative about a boy who has lost his dog... I now have too many options. How can I settle on one idea if I might find a better one in a different genre?

Before I wrote Skulduggery Pleasant, I embarked upon a hundred half-finished and abandoned stories, books and scripts. Any of you who write will know what I'm talking about. We flit from story to story because we get bored or we get a better idea or this one we're writing now is just not working, or it's too hard, or it's not coming out like we wanted... We flit because our imaginations are running too wild. Our creativity will not settle down.

But of course it won't. It's imagination. It's creativity. Their whole purpose is to go crazy. Their whole purpose is to run wild. But we, as writers, need to get on our horses and gallop after them, lasso them, pull them back, slow them down and herd them into a pen (and this is where the metaphor gets extravagant, as this is both a livestock pen AND an author's pen). We don't want them tame, of course we don't. We want them rearing and kicking— but we want them to do it in that enclosure, within those boundaries and those limitations. That's the only way we'll be able to use that creativity to write a story.

So, that's what I'm doing now. I'm thinking about limitations, and boundaries, and genres. What do I WANT to write about? What style do I WANT to write in? What genre? Once I know all that I'll be able to think of a story and a character and sit down and write the damn thing.


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Jophiel said...

Snowy, didn't your parents tell you never to hug scary evil people?

Noelle said...

*comes up and breaks Alastair's arm* don't hurt them

Snow said...

ow... okay, i deserved that...

hey, i just thought it would put you off

Noelle said...

Literally, guys. I am too wound up to sleep. Holy crap. *curls up in a ball*

Jophiel said...

Okay, if I kill you, that kills them. Where is Ember?! Or Ren?!
*Looks at Alice*
Oh, that's right..

Jophiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snow said...

nope... they never did say that....

i have to go *hugs all*
*avoids Alastair*

* teleports away*

Jophiel said...

Bye Snowy!

Noelle said...

Run, snow.

Good lord. I need sleep. *glares at Alastair* No thanks to you, nontheless.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



I dedicate this page to things known and unknown, people met and unmet, ideas come up with, not come up with and forgotten. 


In other words, I dedicate this page to everything except Alastair. 101-012-200-102-020-001-010-012.

And #ChaseForBook9


Now I'm deding THIS page, wbd. Also might have to go because family vacation,


Noelle said...

*crosses * I broke his arm.
Secondly, I think he's scared of me... He keeps disappearing RIGHT as I show up.

Jophiel said...

You're so lucky you can glare! If I glare, people die...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*stares at arm* Now, I could heal that, but then I'd also be healing them, *gestures to the three girls at his feet* so I'll do this instead. *starts to play around with position of bones in arm with other hand, rubbing the broken ends against each other* With any luck, I can get this infected. Have you any idea how much of a pain bone infections are to heal?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

No, I don't think so. He doesn't get intimidated much.


Noelle said...

No, actually. *gasps* but I will say, Alastair, that once Zaf and Aretha are awake, we're going to give you hell.

Noelle said...

Hey. I have womanly powers that deny no other. You would be surprised.

Jophiel said...

*Closes eyes and drops to the floor*
Stop it Alistair... I can't handle bones...
*Shudders and becomes pale*

Noelle said...

*kneels next to Rose* You need to get out of here... It can only get worse... *hugs*

Jophiel said...

*Starts shaking*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

They won't wake until I want them to. They can't. Their minds are inside of mine. It's as if they're asleep, except that even the subconscious part of their minds is vacant. They are essentially just alive- their bodies continue to perform involuntary functions, but beyond that, nothing. Vacant life forms.

Noelle said...

You want to bet on that? I can get them up and going. Or have you forgotten? The mind is a powerful thing, but in the wrong person it can be fragile. So tell me, Alastair. How many minds can you sustain before you break?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Curses in code]

Apparently sister wants to go to bed now, meaning I have to go as well. :-(


And uh, ignore the first comment on this page.


Niccolò Croatoan said...

Hmm, you don't like bones? Well, telling me that was likely not a very wise move, but whatever suits you, I suppose.

Noelle said...

(Bye Fabi!) Death... Death you're not going to like what happens next.

Jophiel said...

*Waves to Fabi*
*Continues to shake*
Breathe. Breathe.

Noelle said...

Rose... Are you alright? Be prepared and stay close to me... I don't think he'll hurt me.

Jophiel said...

I know I shouldn't have reacted around you but...
*Buries head in lap*
That is one of my darn weaknesses...

Jophiel said...

*Crawls away slightly*

Noelle said...

Rose, I can make you a portal...?

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Congratulations, Adra. Now you're thinking logically. Unfortunately for you, in this case, logic won't help you very much. The mind is indeed a delicate thing, but the capacity of mine is rather exceptional, if I do say so myself. I am accustomed to hosting the minds and souls of roughly 48 people at any given time, and on top of that, I've just gotten rid of the most annoying. It does tend to have some effect on our personalities and occasionally causes extreme amounts of pain and even dual personalities, but that's only in the weaker ones. I'm the strongest one in here.

Jophiel said...

Nah, I'll deal... Thanks anyway...

Noelle said...

But you've made one big mistake. You underestimate us. That will be your fall.

Noelle said...

*nods* okay... Be ready.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*sigh* Well, that's what they all say. Honestly, I don't care all that much about what will be my downfall- the way I see it, from your perspective, a gamble with my life is a gamble with your friends' lives. For all you know they may have already gone mad far beyond repair. Mere nightmares were enough to tear Zafira apart- now she's in my head. Infinitely worse. In any case, my goal is just to have as much fun with you as I can, and if I feel the need to- which I highly doubt I will- I'll flee. Honor means nothing to me.

Jophiel said...

*Takes a deep breath and stands up*
Alistair, we all know that you just want to have fun, that's what all evil and super scary people want. If you want to have fun, go to an amusement park! Don't torture my friends!!
*Pokes Alistair the the chest*
Leave them alone!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Amusement parks are boring. Pain is fun. I like torturing.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*snaps broken bone back into place, then out again*

Noelle said...

And yet, Zaf has one of the strongest mind's I've ever seen- don't even get me started on Aretha.
And I have taken into account that there is a slight chance that they may be gone... But are you sure about that, Alastair? Are you sure that there are no little tuggings in the back of your mind, tiny voices threatening to roar, proclaiming 'let me out'
The human mind can be fragile.
So I don't know what you are...

But you are going to get the surprise of your life.
But that's the thing. We hate being repressed.

Jophiel said...

*Closes eyes and drops to the ground*
Stop it...

Noelle said...

*kneels beside Death* Rose... Breathe, sweets. Find your center, your balance...

Jophiel said...

Breathing in progress...
*Pops ear buds into ears and plays Demons by Imagine Dragons*
*Turns music up as loud as possible*
Try it now Wondergirl!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*sighs even deeper* Yes, I've heard the lectures. I hear the voices all the time. Most of them aren't small. Most of them scream. But I've been one of them- I was always the loudest, and even when I wasn't in control, I took some power over the man that was. I broke him, just like I broke everyone else. It's just so easy, especially when they're sentimental. A person who cares abut other people is just setting his or herself up for failure. My point is, I've heard it all, and I daresay I know more about mental oppression than you, having lived through and among it for the majority of the past 500 years. In the end, it tore Niccolò apart, and most everyone else, but I'm still standing, rather infallibly. So go on ahead, do whatever it is you want to do. The thing about me- the reason why I'll always win- is that I don't just tolerate their screams. I don't block out their pleas and demands. I thrive on them.

Jophiel said...

See, right now is when I'd quote Val when Melancholia killed SP in Death Bringer but Alastair is too stable... Darn...

Noelle said...

*nods* You're a scale, Alastair. A scale too easily tipped.

*walks around him*

*in his ear* enjoy it while it lasts

Jophiel said...

You are one very, very morbid person Mr. Cruciatus.

Noelle said...

*picks up a flower* Yes, he does fancy himself a villain.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I fancy myself a prime example of raw human nature. You fancy me a villain.

Jophiel said...

I'm icing cupcakes to throw at you Mr. Cruciatus. They're pink.
*Grins and starts listening to Money for Nothing*

Snow said...

* teleports back, holding a sword*

Noelle said...

*sniffs the flower* But that's just the thing, Mr Alistair, isn't it?
Because you are an addict for torture and pain, yes?
*snaps power-binding cuffs on his wrists* But what if we were to take that away? What if your "toys" were to just... Disappear?
What would you do to satisfy your hunger for pain and suffering?
Would you go even more insane?

Noelle said...

(I realize I keep switching the "a" in your name with an "i" so sorry about that)

Snow said...

ahem.... i see the situation at-hand is delt with...
*realizes i look ridiculous still holding a sword*
* teleports sword away*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

You realize that even if you bind my magic, their minds are still inside mine. And even if you get them out, all the rest are still there. And even if you were to forget all of them, I would only keep torturing and killing. I did have a life, however breif, before magic.

Noelle said...

*shoves him into a chair* Have a seat, Alastair.
Ah, I see.

But what if we were to put you, in a cell? Buried deep beneath the earth, encased in concrete, far away from any human being?

What would happen then?

Really? Did you think you were the only clever one here?

Snow said...

hmm.... adra, i do realize this would be a tad bit violent, but could i kick him back for earlier??

Snow said...

wait... scratch that thought.... the others are still binded to them....

Noelle said...

Hold that thought, Snow. It'll come soon enough :)

Niccolò Croatoan said...

That's assuming you could overpower me in hand-to-hand combat. I'm fairly adept in that, as well.

Jophiel said...

I'm such an idiot!!! I murdered the icing!!!!!

Snow said...

*glares at Alastair*

i am really getting sick of this guy... do we have anyone powerful enough to put someone more peaceful in permanent control?

Noelle said...

Again, you assume that I'm weak. Had it ever occurred to you that what went on earlier was an act? a hoax?

Obviously not, though I will say that I excel at being the damsel.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*stands and wraps arms around Adra's neck* And I'm rather strong. I wouldn't test me if I were you. Then again, if I were you, I would be a civilized sentimental being, so I likely wouldn't do anything right.

Snow said...

ADRA!!! STEP BACK INTO HIM!!! the hold will loosen!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Snow, the peaceful ones don't stand a chance. More likely you'd get someone just as sadistic as me with much less good taste, and absolutely no sense of humor. Also, you'd have to be inside my head to mess around with the order in there, and I don't think you want to do that.

Noelle said...

*grins* I'm not exactly normal, Alastiar. That's for certain. I've trained myself to block out emotions. It took practice and many years of training. Emotions are weak and they cripple you.

Jophiel said...

Okay, no offense to Ari and Zaffy, there are always casualties in war.
*Glares at Alistair*
Stop.... Hurting... My... Friends!!

Snow said...

i've been in worse places, believe you me

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Not to mention the fact that there are already 51 people in there trying desperately with everything they've got- because they literally have nothing else- to gain control of this body 24/7, and none of them are even close to succeeding. So one more person would not likely make any difference.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Ability to block out emotions is not exactly special, Adra. Aretha learned how to do that just from taking ballet. Of course, there are still plenty of people who can't, but my point stands.

Snow said...

i agree with you there, yet i still think we could manage...

Noelle said...

*chuckles* Again, I don't think you've ever met anyone like me. My friends, well, bless them, but they let anger control their actions. They're impatient. Impulsive. And they look for the quickest solution to a problem. I don't do that. That's just ridiculous.

Noelle said...

But it does make a difference, dearie! Because if you're angry, the first thing you want to do is get your hands on them and punch.

Without anger, you have a clear mind. Sharp.

Snow said...

of course it's ridiculous!
i try not to act out of anger, try not to fond the quick way.
but i cant always do that.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Well, if you insist that I don't give you enough credit, *presses forearms into Adra's shoulders and flips self over her head, landing on the other side* impress me.

Jophiel said...

*Tosses evil cupcake at Alice*
There you go darling!

Snow said...

okay, i just have to watch this
* teleports in popcorn*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*dodges cupcake* Many thanks, love. My, I'm getting so many compliments today!

Snow said...

hmm.... you know what, i think evil suits him....
i really just want to hug you again for some reason

Jophiel said...

*Throws failed icing after him*
You're just so sweet to annoy my friends like that!!
*Starts throwing cooking utensils*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I wouldn't recommend it.

Noelle said...

Bring it on.

Pride goeth before the fall, Alastair. You're too prideful. You think you're unbeatable and if there is anything I have learned throughout my years-s is that nothing is impossible, and nothing is unbeatable.
Second- you're unbalanced. Of course, this means figuratively. Your energy is all wrong. And I think you're lying. I think you're hiding something from us- is it maybe Niccolo? Does he want out?
Do they ALL want out?
Third- You crave pain. But all cravings can be replenished, as well as they can be starved. Are you a desperate man, Alastair? Would you be willing to go great lengths if starved of all cravings?
And fourth- I've lived longer than you. I've seen this world and many others and i know for sure that humans never give in.

Especially to scum like you

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*continues to dodge cooking utensils* Now, is it really a good idea to be throwing things at me right now? If something like a fork was to end up in my eye, *gestures backwards with head* those three would be half-blind!

Noelle said...

*flips him over her shoulder and presses the wait of her shoulder on his chest, pinning him to the floor*

And you should never let your guard down.

Snow said...

now i really just want to hug you..... argh..... what the hell is wrong with me?

Noelle said...

Snow, resist it... You can do it. If you get too close you might regret it.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I like it when they don't give in. And while I am impulsive, I can also be surprisingly patient. Niccolò, unfortunately for you, got himself trapped in another time period in his quest to save another person. That's what happens when you start caring. Too bad for him. He was doing so well, too, until Aretha. Honestly, I ought to kill her just for the sake of it, but that's not my style.

Snow said...

i know.... i think i may need a psychiatrist...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

The ground, dear Adra, is not overly difficult to deal with. *traps one of Adra's legs with his own and bucks hips, flipping her over his shoulder and rolling on top of her, then stands back up*

Jophiel said...

Can't you just play nice!!!!
*Laughs and sends punch to Alistair's head*

Noelle said...

*leans harder onto her elbow* do what you must, Alastair. But you're not immortal. You're not impossible.

Noelle said...

*jumps up, slamming her boots into Alastair's chest, knocking him backwards*

Snow said...


Niccolò Croatoan said...

*stumbles backwards a few steps* *raises broken arm to face and bites down hard until blood starts to drip down, and bone grinds against bone again*

Noelle said...

You're still bound, remember that, Alastair. And I can certainly catch you if you run.

Jophiel said...

*Covers mouth with hand*

Noelle said...

*walks forward, and traps his other arm behind him* So what if I just... Broke your fingers?

Snow said...

i am sooo bad at fighting

Noelle said...

... If you can, please make sure Rose doesn't have a panic attack?

Snow said...


deathy... here, have a magic marshmallow!!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*shrugs* You can go ahead and break them if you'd like. I won't care. Aretha and Zafria, on the other hand, may take up some issue with that, and the poor little orphan might need her fingers to work in a sweat shop when she gets a few months older.

Noelle said...

That shouldn't be a problem *snaps the fingers one by one*
They're unconscious...

Snow said...

oh... god, adra, they're gonna kill you for this!!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

And, what, you'll think I'll heal them if they ever wake up? Say, have you, by any chance, given up on them? Already?

Noelle said...

*narrows eyes* not quite. I think they can make it. You, however... Let's say that I'm an expert healer with these things.

Hell, I brought someone back to life earlier. Do you honestly doubt me?

Snow said...

oh, god... i cant watch anymore.....

but i cant stop

it's just so.... awful, yet amazing....

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Snow, if you think this is awful, you should see the things I've done to Zafira in person. And that was even with a bit of influence from Niccolò, and even considering that she got off easy. Then she and her husband... Now, that one was a lot more fun, but I still could have done much better. Niccolò was just too faulty. He let them go.

Jophiel said...

*Stands up and stands in front Adra*
Go through me first Mr. High and Mighty!

Noelle said...

*laughs* It's your move, Alastair.

Snow said...

look, i'm not here to talk about abuse or the like, i'm here to watch my friends backs!

Noelle said...

*places a hand on Rose's shoulder* be careful.

*walks up to Alastair.* *stomps on his foot, hearing the crack of a bone*

You know, a horse once stepped on my toe. Huge horse. Clydestale. I should have been more cautious around it, but it stepped on me and broke my toe. I should have been careful but i wasn't..

Snow said...

okay, adra.... dont hurt him too much... leave some for me... but lets try to make sure we can keep zaf and ari safe

Jophiel said...

I'll be fine Adra, thanks anyway.
*Looks at Alice*
I've always thought dying would be a big adventure.
*Smiles at Peter Pan quote*
Come then.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*sighs in annoyance* Do I really have to listen to a horse story?

Noelle said...

Snow, they're going to get hurt anyway. It'd be better if they knew it was us trying to save them than he, doing it in cold blood.

Jophiel said...

Don't you like horses? I love horses.

Snow said...

i see your point, but... still

Noelle said...

*reaches up to his face*

Why? Don't like metaphors?

*digs her thumb into his eye*

Snow said...

i love horses too... i have a unicorn...
could we get him in here for a while?

Snow said...

a vicious unicorn, that can freeze or burn stuff at will.... thats just what we need right about now.

Jophiel said...

*Looks around*
*Sighs and kicks Alistair's stomach*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Death, you know very well that you're no fun to hurt. You welcome pain. Who said I was even going to attack anyone, anyway?

Why, Adra, how observant of you- messing with the eyes is one of Aretha's favorite techniques. Unfortunately for you, I'm rather accustomed to it. And, for the record, what exactly do you think will come of you injuring me? Clearly, it's not going to traumatize me, and I don't see what else you have to gain from this. Do you even have a plan?

Noelle said...

I'm just buying time, that's all. *climbs onto his shoulders* ONWARD! *pulls at his hair*

Snow said...

i dont think we have a plan, but we might

Noelle said...

OH, don't worry. We have a plan.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Buying time for what? Are the calvary coming? Also, feel free to continue, but there's not all that much hair to pull at, anyway- besides, the hair that is there has already been pulled for about a good hour. Recall? That's my favorite way to haul around my prisoners, and while all our nerve endings are linked- I think you get the idea. Your efforts would likely be better suited elsewhere.

Noelle said...

*grins* you never know what might come...

*covers his eyes* where's the deeemmmoooonnnn????

*lets go* THERE HE IS!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Did you tell your hobbit army to start digging away at the ground so you can throw me in a cave? It's certainly an interesting idea, though I'm liable to get out. Even if not on my own, then quite possibly through an external source. Assuming you intend to make good on your threat of removing me from humanity.

Jophiel said...

I know I'm no fun. You said that before. I'm similar to a punching bag, actually. They allow people to hit them and sometimes, if hit too hard it can rebound and hot it's attacker.

I am the punching bag!!!!

Jophiel said...

Hah! I'm watching the Hobbit now!!!

Noelle said...

Shhhh! I can't tell you anything, that would spoil the surprise! Oh by the way, your shoulders are comfy.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I never liked punching bags. Neither does Aretha, actually. Well, not in terms of actual hitting, anyway. They have too much give. It's unsatisfying. The moment you start to strike, they swing backwards far too easily.

Noelle said...

I figured. You tend to stick to humans, am I correct?

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Thank you very much, darling. I'll be sure to pass that information along.

Snow said...

i have to go, make sure you give him a good kick for me!

*teleports away*

Noelle said...

Of course, Snow.

*nods* Ta.

Oh. Where are we again, by the way?

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*nods* Bingo. Always human targets. Aretha, not so much, although since she started training with me- which was most of her fighting life, and the only part that really mattered, anyway- we take shots at each other regularly. And I don't mean lightly. I'm fairly sure at some point or another I've broken every bone in her body, though I ended up healing them all at the end of the day. That was Niccolo's doing. Actually, if I was in charge she wouldn't have lived past the night I met her.

Jophiel said...

*Kicks Alistair's knee*

Niccolò Croatoan said...

At the current moment, we're in London. You found the place, you ought to know where it is.

Noelle said...

Yes, yes, you're awful. *leans over his head to look at him* So what about you? Where are you from?

Noelle said...

Oh, I know. Underground a church. I figured you'd appreciate the irony of it. I wasn't sure if we'd moved yet or not.

*ponders* Wonder what happened to Trip

Jophiel said...

We need Clara...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Oh, Clara! The poor dear. Just wait till you discover her dirty little secret. Well, maybe not so little, as it were.

Jophiel said...

Something just occurred to me: the good guys always as the bad guys.

Jophiel said...

I have plenty of secrets that if you guys knew, you'd never see me in the same light. I'd be shut out like a boss.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Perhaps a tad more elaboration, Death?

Noelle said...

That describes it perfectly *flicks Alastiar* Oi. I asked you a question.

Jophiel said...

Do I have to?

Noelle said...

If you don't feel comfortable, then no of course not. *hugs*

Jophiel said...

Well, things that will continue to haunt me until the end of my days.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Personally, I imagine after hearing such secrets I might only become amused by you. Aretha, on the other hand, has a rather remarkable capacity for weakness which she calls forgiveness, and probably wouldn't care in the slightest.

Noelle said...

I'm sorry... I don't know what you've seen but I know some of my own and I can sympathize with that. *hugs again*

Jophiel said...

*Hugs back*
A life of lies does horrible things to a person...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Oh, where am I from? Well, at the current moment I could answer that question 51 different ways, or not at all. Though when I asked for elaboration, I meant for the statement "the good guys always as the bad guys". I fail to see any sense in it, grammatically or otherwise.

Noelle said...

*glares* I meant you. not those inside of you, YOU>
and yes i know that.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

A life of lies only does horrible things if you have a conscience, and those are remarkably overrated.

Jophiel said...

Ah, that is called autocorrect. What I was attempting to say was, 'the good guys always beat the bad guys'.

Noelle said...

*nods* this is true. (what Alastair said)

Niccolò Croatoan said...

And I could still answer that two different ways, or not at all. Do you mean my true name in particular, or the story of the body I've taken over? I could tell you both. But I have to wonder why I should tell you either.

Jophiel said...

Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you... How do you lose a conscience? I've tried leaving by the curb, I've tried not feeding it, I've tried annoying it... It wants to stay but I want it gone!!

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Death, if you believe that, I will redirect you once again to Aretha's stories. She somehow manages to prove the opposite time and time again- or, more accurately, that everyone is beaten and no one comes away victorious- without even meaning to.

Noelle said...

Because I literally have no idea who you are and i met you yesterday, Alastair. And we have a lot of time to kill.

Death, consciences are necessary for the human experience... it would be bad if you completely repressed it, because you might crack one day under it.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I don't know that I can help you there- I'm rather certain I was born without one.

Jophiel said...

My conscience is mean!!! It keeps telling me to do things that I really don't want to!!

Noelle said...

You don't remember a thing? Where you come from....

Tell me this: who are you to Niccolo?

Noelle said...

You don't have to listen to it, Rose.

Jophiel said...

My uncle just went in again for chemo... He's feeling badder than normal... His six months is almost up...

Noelle said...

*hugs* I send my love

Jophiel said...

*Hugs back*
*Sighs and walks to a nearby tree*

Noelle said...

...How is there a tree in here...

We're underneath a church..


Jophiel said...

I went above ground... I probably should have added that...

Noelle said...

*nods* *pulls on Alastair's hair again* Hey, you still awake down there?

Jophiel said...

I'll be distant now...

Noelle said...

ok! *kicks* oi! Alastair! I said ARE YOU AWAKE

Snow said...

*teleports in*

was kinda ghosting the comments....

*hugs Alastair*
*teleports away (for real this time)*

Snow said...

(that was my plan to wake him)

(now i'm really gone)

Noelle said...

I know. *sigh* Alastair, I must depart, but I shall be back in a matter of about five hours. *pats his cheek* try not to miss me too much.


Niccolò Croatoan said...

Of course I remember, it's just not all that interesting. Not until the part involving Niccolò, anyway. Our introduction was quite possibly the most fun I've ever had, to this day. I was born into a wealthy family in France, and from a very young age I began to observe the cruelties in the world, then partake in them. It didn't take long for me to realize that, as much as people try to fight it, the instinctual desire to inflict pain just for the sake of it is within all of us. So I ran away and took to the streets. I worked as a blacksmith's apprentice for several years learning how to make weapons, and every night I would sneak out and harass and assault anyone who wasn't a local. After I was satisfied with my ability to make weapons I set off wandering the streets again. Niccolò caught my eye by chance- I first saw him sparing coins to a beggar in the street, and decided to follow him. I stalked him for about a week before I did anything. By that time I had already discovered the existence of magic and chosen my discipline, and I was rather excited to discover that he had as well. He was fascinated by the idea of the true name and wanted to know if there was a way it could be extracted, but he quickly learned that such a thing was not possible without killing whoever lost the name, and he scrapped the study, appalled. The next night I broke into the house and made about as big of a fuss as I could. He knew I would slaughter his family- he was living with his mother and three sisters, supporting them- so, sickened as he was by the idea, he knew what he had to do and he killed me first. But once he stole my name, he had also stolen the essence of my being, in other words, my personality and memories, which he hadn't counted on. He couldn't handle it, I overtook him easily, and then killed his whole family anyways while he watched. Technically, he did it himself. And he still blames himself for it.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I know I've kept you all waiting, but to be honest I don't really care. There's the story you wanted.

Jophiel said...

People were born to blame themselves. Why should Niccy be any different? You make it sound like you're surprised at him blaming himself.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I'm not surprised, I just think it's rather pathetic.

Jophiel said...

People are who people are. It is not his fault for his bad luck. It comes and goes as it pleases.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

And, for the love of all things cruel, he would not stop screaming. If you were to pick a point in my life as a sort of catalyst for everything else, it would be that moment. It was by far the most heinous thing I had ever done, and it was just intoxicating. Everything just went downhill from there.

Jophiel said...

Is it sad to say that I understand what you're talking about? I will admit, it reading that did bring just a tiny little smile.
*Closes eyes and smirks*
Life is a petty creature, one that thinks it is untameable. But once you realise what you have to do, you can become its master.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

And your story? Where did you start?

Jophiel said...

Long ago. Little Australian town. When I was three, my mother was murdered in front of me. I tracked down those men and killed them all. A silly little three year old who had just learnt magic. I destroyed towns looking for my mother's body. I left destruction and fire behind me. I never did find it.
But the feeling... *Sighs* The feeling of destruction and causing pain... Ah... Nothing compares. Ever since, I've actually tried to make up for it; sticking up for people, lending a hand whenever I can... It's bizarre how strange we humans can be sometimes...

Jophiel said...

My story is just, plain.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Why do you do it, Death? Why are you so bent on denying that overwhelming desire to destroy?

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Your story is more unusual than mine, although plain doesn't quite relate to originality.

Jophiel said...

I don't know... I don't understand why... I just do it.

Jophiel said...

Try having a super famous father. And a super famous step-father.
Life is so fun that way.

Niccolò Croatoan said...

Well, I'll be off for the night, then. You may continue to suffer from extreme emotional turmoil until I return to hopefully make it even worse.

Jophiel said...

Goodbye also Alistair.

Emerald Melody said...


Hey check it out guys... it's Blogland!!


Jophiel said...

Oh, Em! That is just brilliant!!!!

Snow said...


Snow said...

anyone around...?

Snow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snow said...

i'll post a ded ASAP... probably tomorrow...

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*horrified* What did I miss? Did anyone die? Because if they did, I swear to Golden God...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Me and my bro are skilled at Super Mario Galaxy 2 :3


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