Saturday, February 23, 2013


Ah, Minions... you weirdos...

The event at the Imagine Festival in London went very well, as I thought it would. It was the second time I was on stage talking about the movies that had influenced the books— the first time was last year, at the Mountains to the Sea Festival in Dublin.

The place was packed out and the response was fantastic. Afterwards I signed for about three hours, seeing a lot of familiar (worryingly familiar) faces in the queue... It was all so much fun, and I want to thank everyone who turned up.

For those of you who couldn't make it, here are the trailers we showed... and here are the trailers— because of age restrictions— we COULDN'T show...

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

The whole Indiana Jones series has been a huge inspiration to me (except perhaps the fourth film.. ahem...) in terms of sheer fun and adventure and character. Jones is a perfect hero because, bizarrely, he rarely succeeds... Look at the first film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and count how many times he messes up. He loses the idol, he loses Marian, he loses the Ark, he loses Marian (again), his bluff is called, he's captured... The guy never wins. But he NEVER gives up. And that's what makes him a hero.

I said none of this to Steven Spielberg when I met him, of course. I just started grinning.

But for the first book, this is exactly the kind of vibe I was going for. Fun, fantastic, and faintly frightening.

Another film that influenced the first book, and the series as a whole, is this one...

Big Trouble in Little China was a film that confused the hell out of me when I first saw it as a kid. I saw Kurt Russell and thought, okay, here we have the big strong American hero who has all the tough guy lines... and then he proceeds to bumble his way through the entire film. This is a guy who fights the bad guys at the end, totally unaware that he has lipstick smeared over his mouth.

It was only when I saw it again, years later, that I got the joke and I realised just how fantastic this film really is.

Playing With Fire is my monster movie. The Grotesquery, made up of parts of so many other creatures, is my Frankenstein's monster.

Every Saturday night I'd stay up after my folks had gone to bed, and I'd watch the old black and white Universal horrors, all the stuff from RKO... I don't know why I loved horror movies from such a young age, don't know what it was about me that responded so well, but I ABSORBED these things.

The Faceless Ones, I always say, is my whodunnit- it's my mystery book. Batu, after all, is the man behind the scenes, pulling all the strings. But this is also the first time we see the Faceless Ones themselves, which were inspired by the Cthulu stories by HP Lovecraft. The wonderful Hellboy comic is inspired by Lovecraft also, as you can see in the trailer for the movie adaptation...

(Oh, and also? Hellboy 2? They KIND of stole something from Skulduggery. Check out the poster and see if anything seems... familiar...)

(Ahem. Moving on...)

Dark Days is my revenge flick. You can't beat a good revenge flick, you really can't, and I jammed so much into this book. We have Tanith torture, we have Moloch and his vampires, we have Scapegrace becoming a zombie, we have the first real mention of Darquesse (even though she'd been in my plans from the very start) and we have the chapter entitled "Mid-Afternoon of the Dead".

Now, I could show the trailer to Night of the Living Dead, or Dawn of the Dead, or Day of the Dead, or the first two Evil Dead movies... but instead I'll show the trailer to Army of Darkness, the third Evil Dead film by Sam Raimi, and one of my favourite movies of all time...

Mortal Coil is my Invasion of the Bodysnatchers. It's my The Thing. It's the book where the Remnants run wild, and you can't trust the people you know, because they may not be the people you know anymore... Behold the glory of the hairstyles of the 1970s, and one of the most terrifying films I'd ever seen...

The Thing is the second John Carpenter/Kurt Russell film on my list, and it's here because it deserves to be. A masterclass in tension. If you're old enough, watch it... and watch it ALONE.

And in the chapter "By The Sword", we get one of my many nods to wonderful movies such as The Princess Bride. This one is pretty blatant. See if you can spot it in the middle of this, one of the greatest sword fights ever put onto celluloid...

Death Bringer is my superhero story. Between this and KOTW, the whole secret identity thing really starts to become a major issue, and this is the first book where we have a fight between two people who are powerful enough to punch each other through buildings... just like in Superman 2...

And this is also the book where Val gets attacked by that guy in her house. For me, this is the book where I switched from "realistic martial arts" to "realistic fighting", both in my writing and my own training. Take a look at my darling Gina Carano in Haywire...

And now we arrive at Kingdom of the Wicked, my science fiction story, where we have unsuspecting teenagers suddenly gifted with amazing powers, and we watch as it corrupts them. For this, Akira was a huge influence.

And it was also an influence on Chronicle, the trailer we showed at the festival. I THOROUGHLY recommend this movie.

And because it was science fiction, I felt completely justified in slipping in a nod to a certain Doctor...

We ALSO have a werewolf scene, which I did my best to link to the transformation in An American Werewolf in London. I'm not going to show that clip here, because it contains some brief nudity, but if one or two of you were to search for it, you would find that changing into a werewolf is a lot more painful than it appears in Twilight...

And SPEAKING of Twilight, how could I forget the debt I owe it for certain aspects of Death Bringer? So here we are, the trailer. Oh, be warned- one case of swearing at the very beginning.

And to top it all off, a massive influence on my writing...

And now I'm going to watch Ronda Rousey defend her UFC title against Liz Carmouche, in the FIRST women's event the UFC has ever held. In Ronda's own words, it is on like Donkey Kong...


«Oldest   ‹Older   2401 – 2600 of 4961   Newer›   Newest»
Snow said...


*shakes head*

and life moves on, with or without me...

Dragona Pine said...

Mum: What are you doing on the internet at this time?

Me: Surfing.

Mum: Well stop surfing on the internet and surf to... getting ready.

Me: Nice one. Yeah. Really funny.

Ebony Law said...

Life is a dick like that.

It doesn't give a shit about us 90% of the time.

But you gotta love when life is good for you, when everything is going just the way you want it to.

It's rare, but when it happens, you have to cherish it. <3

Snow said...

*smiles weakly*

i may be distant for a while while i try to find myself again...

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go now. Bye!

Snow said...

see ya pine.

Snow said...

oh... yeah...

does someone else wanna take ded?

Sparky Braginski said...

Negativity's all over the place today!

The world keeps spinning though someone dies every three seconds, yes, Snow.

Jophiel said...

Sparky, I promise you, I swear on everything that I hold dear to me that I do try. I promise you that I'm not brushing your words off...

I really thought I ought to warn you. That's all.

Snow said...


i think i am back to me...

*hugs sparky*

i think that needs no explanation. thanks.

Snow said...

i ded to you guys.

your my family. you rule.
i dont know where i would be without you lot, so thanks.

*huggles all* you are all perfect, never change.

Snow said...


Ebony Law said...

I'm here...

Oh, boy, when Trip comes on. >:)

Jophiel said...

I guess I'm kinda here too... *Purses lips*

Guys. Seriously. If I ever get on your nerves, please tell me.

Jophiel said...

I'm having this giant internal war right now... I just need to know when enough is enough or if I get on people's nerves... I know I do...

Snow said...

*hugs all*

i g2g, bye!

Jophiel said...

Bye Snow..

Zathract Mist said...


Jophiel said...

Sandpit turtle...?

Jophiel said...


Warning you all now, I'm going to go try some freaky shizz when I find some candles and incense...

Zathract Mist said...




It sounds like Sandpit Turtle.

Sort of an inside joke for us BMTH fans.

Sparky Braginski said...

Can you guys wish me luck?

I'm at a skating comp atm.

Jophiel said...

Good luck Sparky!!

Eve the ROCK said...

I think I can be a fantastic story-teller. My heart-crushing tales bring tears to my own eyes. I just can't put them into words. XD

That's not why I'm here. I need to check something on my profile.

Eve the ROCK said...

Done. And good luck, Sparky!


Zathract Mist said...

Good luck, Rachel!

Alright, my internet is dead slow. It took five minutes just to reload the page, so you can all assume I'm not really here.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Mist! Greetings! I have not seen you in quite a while, it seems.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂Death, if you're still here, for a second I thought you said candles and incest XD☂

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I... I appear to be alone.

Or perhaps somebody is lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.

Ebony Law said...



Ebony Law said...

So, Mycroft, what are your magical disciplines?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂XD, Connor☂

☂leaps in the air☂


☂It's going to be The Empty Hearse, The Sign of Three, and His Last Vow!☂

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂i poofed back there☂
☂sorry connor☂

I have no magical abilities. However, my good friend September managed to purchase an umbrella that has teleportation powers.

It also fires lasers.

I do not know why she bought me an umbrella that fires lasers.

It is a mystery.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂Okay. I'm going to consult my SH books to see the original titles.☂

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂Okay. Good.☂

☂The original titles are The Empty HOUSE, A Sign of FOUR, and His Last BOW.☂

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(I'm talking about the new Sherlock episodes, in case you hadn't realised)☂

Sparky Braginski said...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Greetings, Sparky!

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂rubs hands together☂

☂later I shall predict what will happen☂

☂but not today☂

Sparky Braginski said...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

And how are you on this fine day?

Perhaps evening?

Sparky Braginski said...

*is up on the balcony as usual*

*places hands on the railing and carefully pushes off the ground*

*walks on hands across the railing with my boots weighting my feet down*

How are you, good sir?

Sparky Braginski said...


Quite fine. Rather pumped.

About to compete.


In half an hour.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Ebony Law said...

What does wbd mean?

Ebony Law said...

My mind automatically filtered it as "Will Be Dead"

But, uh.. I don't think that's what it means...

Jophiel said...

When I say freaky shizz, it means summoning demons and stuff...

Jophiel said...

Will be distant

That's what I've believed.

Sparky Braginski said...

Will Be Distant.

That's what Wbd is.

Ebony Law said...


That makes more sense.

Jophiel said...

Will Be Dead is definitely the first thing I thought it was...

*Hums to One Man Drinking Games as she sits atop Trip's Bar*

Ebony Law said...

-raises an eyebrow-

Trip's bar, eh?

-walks into the bar, chuckling-

This will be fun...


Jophiel said...

*Pokes head through a window, raising an eyebrow at Connor* Don't blow anything up, please.

Ebony Law said...

No promises.

-walks into the bar, vaulting over the bench, looking at Rose-

So, what can I get you, young lady?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

...Perhaps when you are finished with her, could you pass me some tea?

Jophiel said...

*Slides through the window smoothly and shrugs* Lemonade?

Ebony Law said...

-pours an excellent cup of tea, teleporting it to Mycroft-

Of course.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂That wasn't worded very well...☂

...Perhaps when you are finished with her, you could pass me some tea?

☂That's better.☂

Snow said...


i should be here, but meh.

wbd, writing.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Thank you very much.

*sips tea*

Snow said...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Will be dead? That would be very unfortunate, Connor, and I assure you that my demise will happen when I plan for it to happen.

Sparky Braginski said...

Mycroft, you never said how you were.

*wobbles on the railing*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

How I am? You mean healthwise?

Snow said...


*teleports away*

*teleports back, holding a cup of mint tea*

*sips tea*

Sparky Braginski said...

I was thinking more emotionally, but whatever floats your boat.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(healthwise is not a word apparently. That's stupid. Healthwise should totally be a word. By the power bestowed within me, healthwise is a word.☂

Snow said...

(um... i think it's health-wise.)

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I am...

I am perfectly alright.

I am coping.

Jophiel said...

*Laughs* Deathy does not brain on Mondays!

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(Oooooooohh health-wise.)☂

☂(That's better.)☂

☂(Thanks, Snow!)☂

☂(this is like a big S party XD)☂

Snow said...

*sips mint tea*

how are we all?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

My brain equally also not function.

Sparky Braginski said...


*flips off the railing and lands on the ground with a thud*

*feet first, if course*

Ack. My knees. Three storey jumps are not good ideas. Especially in trees.

But Mycroft, merely coping is unacceptable.

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snow said...

brain works, just not... fully

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Health-wise, I am doing well, seeing as I have no diseases that I currently know or care about.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Coping is perfectly acceptable and something we all must do, miss Braginski.

Sparky Braginski said...

So you say, Mycroft.

Please refrain from calling me that in future.

Snow said...

*grins at sparky*

*pokes* hello!

Sparky Braginski said...

*pokes back*

Sparky Braginski said...

Oh, I'm leaving for real now!

Wish me luck!!!

Snow said...


@mycroft do you know any ninjas?

Snow said...

bye sparks!

Snow said...

oh, and good luck!

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Of course. I shall refrain from doing so immediately.


I have many many spies.

One of them thinks he is a ninja, but alas (or maybe fortunately), he is not.

Sparky Braginski said...

(Oh btw I thought you guys might like this, my music is This Is Gallifrey; Our Childhood, Our Home)

Snow said...


well, now you do. *becomes a ninja*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂Cool, Sparky!☂

How... interesting.

What must one do to... become a ninja?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(I'm looking at all these photos of people meeting Derek and it's making me sad ;( DEREK EVEN IF I NEVER MEET YOU I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I ADORE YOU)☂

Snow said...

*stands ninja-like*


*bows and disappears in a puff of smoke, reappearing further away*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


I do not believe that that would be possible.

Ebony Law said...

-quietly etches a symbol into the underside of the bar table, and walks out of the bar-

Snow said...

well, not everything, but alot

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Hi! Msd, I'm tired but I felt the need to come on here and celebrate my fanfic anniversairy :D

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*raises eyebrow at Connor*

I shall refrain from asking what you were doing. I think it would be very pointless to do so.

I must take my leave now. There is business to attend to, people to keep in line, puzzles to solve.


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


☂I'll stay for a little bit longer then actually cos mom's not back yet...☂

☂Even though I thought she was.☂

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

*Hugs Snow comfortingly* I appreciate you.
*Glomps Ember* THANK YOU FOR THE GHANITH! I LOVED IT! YOU'RE EPIC* *glomps again*

Snow said...

*bows* i am ninja.

Jophiel said...

*Swings back onto the roof with a wine glass full of water. Dips finger into the liquid and traces it around the rim of the glass, making a sweet tone. Takes a sip from the glass and does it again*

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Snow is a ninja. She's a very scary ninja :O

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂omg Snow! That picture is so cute!☂

☂Death XD☂

☂You're welcome Saph!! ☂☂hugs☂☂☂

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Death; *tackleglomps* *Makes a face and slaps my hands over my ears*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂I had to write a PLAY about doing that rimmy thing to a glass.☂


Snow said...


Mr. Ninja is not cute. he is vicious.

Zathract Mist said...

Hello, again.

Distant. Finally writing The Battle For Blogland.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Ember; I can't imagine that o_O
Snow; His secret weapon is that he can get close to everyone because they see him as a cute harmless thing. Then HI-YAH! He strikes! :P

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

He IS rather adorable, you must admit.

Snow said...



*hugs mycroft/ember/whoever*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂@Saph: I know. I know. My English teacher is very odd.☂

Snow said...

oh god, Sparky has gone and got me loving This Is Gallifrey; Our Childhood, Our Home

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...



*stabs ninja through the chest with umbrella*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(I cannot believe Adra and the Fox song thingy from last night)☂

Snow said...


*ninja is not hurt*


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Hey Zath! *tackleglomps*
Ember, our English teacher let us do origami for the whole lesson. I think the original plan was for us to write instructions, but he couldn't be bothered teaching us XD

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


☂I should probably pooferooni.☂

Snow said...

BYE EMBER/MYCROFT!!!! *tacklehuggles*

Jophiel said...

n(A)= 1/2


Snow said...

@death huh??

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*kisses everybody's hand*

Farewell. For real, this time.

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

@Death and Snow huh??

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

☂(amazing English teacher you had there)☂

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Bye Ember! *hugs* Thanks for the awesomest fanficversairy gift ever :D
Msd too

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

And yes. He was weird and epic :D

Zathract Mist said...

Ugh, never mind.

Might be a better idea to leave, actually, all I keep doing is reload the page. Not good for writing quality.


Snow said...

Ï€ = 3.14159

Snow said...

hi/bye zath

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

I think I'll go too. It's getting late, I just had an hour and a half of underwater hockey and I have school in the morning D: Bye! *hugs everyone, because everyone is epic* Sleep well!

Snow said...


i may as well go too, i need to get some writing done after all.

Snow said...


*disappears, ninja-style*

Ebony Law said...

-stands in front of the mirror in my treehouse, the door locked-

-aims a gun at the middle of my forehead-






-falls unconscious on the floor-

Jophiel said...

*Looks up as she hears the shot* Connor!? *Drops the wine glass and runs towards Connor's treehouse, banging on the door* CONNOR! OPEN UP!!

Jophiel said...

*Kicks the door in and falls to her knees beside Connor. Her voice is surprisingly quiet as she shakes his shoulder* Connor...?

Ebony Law said...

-opens the door, the gun disappearing-


(I didn't actually shoot, I just fell unconscious, but you'd probably hear me yelling)

Sparky Braginski said...

Hello again!

I just got off the ice! I nailed my double toe put I popped the double sal :/

So we're hoping for second!

Jophiel said...

(Ah, let me rephrase that. *Looks up after hearing the yelling*

And just forget about the last comment!))

*Frowns* What were you shouting about?

Jophiel said...

Go Sparky!!! I've never ice skated before!! Congrats!!!))

Ebony Law said...

Nothing. What are you on about?

-rearranges my hair the way it originally was-

Jophiel said...

*Purses lips* I... I thought I heard you yelling... *Wraps arms around him* I'm glad I was just paranoid. It'd be freaking terrible if you were hurt.

Ebony Law said...

I'm fine. -hugs back-

Jophiel said...

(Ah, great! I'm being called mentally challenged again! *Fake cheers*))

Jophiel said...

*Looks up and raises an eyebrow* I don't believe you. *Pushes him back and into a seat. Sits on his lap* Connor, are you okay? I'm really serious right now. Please, is something wrong...?

Ebony Law said...

No, everything is fine...

Everything is all right.

-begins humming Ride Of The Valkyries-

Jophiel said...

Good! *Kisses Connor's cheek and hums along with him*

Ebony Law said...

I... I have to go back to the treehouse. -waits for no response, and goes back into the treehouse, locking the door behind me-

Jophiel said...

Okay... *Purses lips and forces a shrug, returning to the roof of Trip's Bar*

Ebony Law said...

-goes back to the mirror, staring at myself, muttering-

What is the true definition of insanity?

-smashes the mirror-


Jophiel said...

*Looks up* Connor!? What's going on!? *Stands up and walks slowly towards the treehouse*

Snow said...

right, what do you think of this.
Note; i stole some of the terminology from fab.

The pen hadn't been worth stealing. Looking back on it now, she regrated it. But she just hadn’t been able to resist.
It was dull, plane. Black, with a gold clicker, it was average, not something the normal thief would steal. Yet, for some reason, some odd, odd reason, Sophie had been attracted to it.
She sat at her desk now, studying the object. Why? She asked herself, for about the hundredth time that hour.
Sighing, she sat it down and went to bed, deciding to do something with it in the morning.

Sophie awoke at 1 am to see the pen sitting on her desk, glowing. Frowning, she climbed out of bed and walked over to it.
Studying it more closely, she could see that it wasn’t the whole pen glowing, only the pin on it, the bit that holds it to your book.
Acting on a whim, Sophie reached out and touched it.
She soon regrated that. It shocked her, a small shock, but enough to make her pull her hand back.

Scowling, she reached out and picked it up. This time, no shock. But instead, smoke began to poor from it.
Fear grabbed at her chest, but out of stubbornness she held on. If some ghost wanted to posses her, let it try.
With grim determination shining in her eyes, Sophie grabbed the pen and twisted off the top.

And the smoke stopped. Ha! That’d shown…. whatever that was.

Shaking off the last threads of sleep, Sophie decided she had to inspect the pen. Now.
She looked into the pen.
Suddenly she was somewhere else entirely.


The pen was gone. That was the first thing Sophie noted.
Looking around, Sophie was completely stumped as to where she was.

The grass, though soft and an average length, was red-tinted. The sky was a deep purple.

Ebony Law said...

-quickly cleans up the mess-

Jophiel said...

*Knocks on the door softly* Connor...? What's going on...?

(That's really good, Snow!!))

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew is sitting on the windowsill, looking at Connor cleaning up the mess*

Drew: Insanity is defined by our inner fears, it's only when we give into our demons that do we become insanity personified.

Are you alright Connor??

Snow said...

(thanks... oh, and sorry i interrupted whatever is going on!)

Ebony Law said...

-sighs, my face pressed against the wall-

I'm fine.

Jophiel said...

*Puts her hand against the door* I don't believe you. Connor, something is wrong. Please... *Her voice breaks* Please... Tell me!

Jophiel said...

(Hi Em/Drew!!))

Ebony Law said...


Ebony Law said...

(This is rp, by the way)

Jophiel said...

*Jerks away from the door. Turns away and walks to her base, curling up on a chair*

Jophiel said...

(Yeah, I know! I think I'd be pretty sad right now if it wasn't!!))

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew steps into the room*

Connor, I've been through this before. Fighting with my wolf, that's the definition of insanity.

But that girl outside your door, the mother of your child, she is there for you and wants to help you.

If you let her help you, you won't be giving into your insanity. I promise you.

She's your anchor. Like Ellie is mine.

Ebony Law said...

-sighs, my eyes watering-

I'm okay. I just... I have a past that I'm not proud of...

-cringes as the memory of my fathers death comes to mind-

Snow said...

(i'm here ghosting BTW)

Ebony Law said...

-looks over at Drew, becoming impulsive, leaping towards him, shoving my blade through his shoulder-

-pulls my blade out, falling to my bed-

Sparky Braginski said...

I did not nearly face plant down the stairs just then.

Jophiel said...

*Taps on the mirror three times and speaks quietly* He smashed the mirror in his room, didn't he?

*A girl's face appears in the glass with a sad smile* Yes. I can't see in for you. I'm sorry, Death.

*Looks towards the girl* It's okay, Alice. You don't have to spy... I just wanted to see what the noise was... Is he okay?

*Alice doesn't respond*

Snow said...

sure sure sparks

Emerald Melody said...

Everyone has a past.

I have a past I'm not proud of either. I was an animal!

But do you know who calmed the beast?
My Ellie.

I can't thank that woman for anything because I'll forever be in her debt.
She's my soul mate. She's the mother of my children. And she's always there.

You don't have to face this on your own Connor. You seriously don't.

Snow said...

(*hums Wombles theme* lol)

Jophiel said...

(*Cheers* Go Sparks!!))
*Alice sighs and steps away from the mirror and to another mirror across the room* Hey, I'm always here of you, y'know that, right?

*Death sighs heavily and grabs a stuffed teddy from a table* Yeah...

Emerald Melody said...

*holds the wound in his shoulder and winces*

I survived Auschwitz son, it's gonna take more than that to get me off guard.

Jophiel said...

*Stands up suddenly and runs into a sound proof room. Throws the door closed and screams, holding her head and dropping to her knees*

Snow said...


Snow said...

g2g, bye...

Jophiel said...

*Alice peers in from a mirror across the room* Oh... Dear lord. *Disappears momentarily and reappears with a leather bound book. Throws it through the mirror and at Death's knees* Look at it! Rose, look at the book!

*Death peeks up and recoils violently, her screams ending. Stares in horror*

Jophiel said...

(Bye Snow!!))

Jophiel said...

(Sorry, I'm just rambling here!))

*Slowly approaches the book, sitting down and places it on her lap. Flicks through the first few pages, her lip trembling* Alice...

Noelle said...

*walks into the bar and talked the table with the symbol on it outside, away from it*

Jophiel said...

*Clutches the book to her chest and walks out of her base with her head held high*

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew walks into the bar, wrapping a bandage around his shoulder*

Alright sis??

Jophiel said...

*Stops before she reaches the central and takes out a lighter. Sets book on fire and watches it burn with a smile*

Noelle said...

*frowns* What happened to your shoulder? I mean- I'm not better off...

Emerald Melody said...

Ah just a run in with Connor. Nowt to worry about.

What do you mean, you're not better off??

Jophiel said...

*Stamps out the rest of the flames and trails her fingers through its contents. Finds photo of a young child wrapped in blankets* Damn this photo... *Tears picture in half and throws it into the air*

Noelle said...

Ah I heard shouting a bit ago... I didn't want to come out to see what it was...
*gestures to the bandages up her arms and the one around her stomach* I'm in no better state then you, Drew

Noelle said...

((Also Rose- I'm not ignoring you... I have no idea where you are or what's happening... I think it's pretty angsty but yeah. I'm not ignoring ye :3))

Jophiel said...

(I just saw a baby picture of me!! My eyes were cobalt!! I used to be gorgeous!!!!!!))

Noelle said...

I'll DED to frying pans. Because they're good to hit people with, and make a splendid meal. *nods* yeah.

Emerald Melody said...

*eyes widen, looking at the bandages*

What the hell happened to you?!

Noelle said...

((When I was born, I was a ginger..))

Noelle said...

Ah dear here we go....

Jophiel said...

(I'm not ignoring you either!! I'm just destroying something very personal to Death, something that made Judi stop.))

*Looks away from ashes and walks towards the lake. Dives into the cool water and sighs*

Jophiel said...

(I had super dark hair and super bright eyes... My skin has always been pale, though. It was SO FREAKING CUTE!!))

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew sits on a bar stool and looks at Adra sternly*

Adra? What happened to you?

Noelle said...

It's really not that big of a deal anymore, but Deacon happened.

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew bit his bottom lip*

I knew it... how did he happen?

Noelle said...

Not pleasantly, I can tell you that much. And no, I'm not going to clarify

Emerald Melody said...

Oh Adra...

*Drew gets up and hugs Adra tightly*

I'm sorry...

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