Ladies and gentlemen and Minions of dubious gender, I give you the cover- with text and without- to
The Maleficent Seven.
Rejoice, puny humans, for the ArtGod Percival has delivered his most brain-smashing cover yet.
And the world is a happy place.
«Oldest ‹Older 3601 – 3800 of 4933 Newer› Newest»so thats why i got lectured originally
Because we're training her in Blogbattle more than anything.
and me
Andra, because you were basically like
*kills Jubi*
blogbattle????? what is that?
Yeah, Kes, no actual hitting anyone.
Provided they aren't a Hollow Person/Zombie/Vampire/General SP bad guy.
Notice how I completely love wailing on Sanguine, Tesseract and Dusk?
Cause it's freaking fun.
Especially when other people step in as them and fight back properly.
*sighs, remembering the last time that happened*
Yeah, saying "*kills [insert name here]*" probably isn't going to make anyone happy.
Yes. I remember reading some of your fights with Sanguine...
she was using an example not actually killing you jubi
A Blogbattle is like a fight in which two or more Bloglandians begin using their magic/weapons/abilities/weapons/surroundings to fight. They're quite fun.
ooooh! ok :P
Rule Number Three: Use your surroundings. It's not completely necessary, but it makes things much more fun.
Running through trees makes you hard to hit.
in what way can you use it besides throwing people into thing?
I've hidden in trees.
Thrown rocks, or snowballs.
Jumping in the lake or throwing someone in a volcano can be helpful as well.
Val made Jerry Houlihan sit on Mara and me the other day...
um...where exactly DO you play that?
i'm soooooooo sorry
You can climb trees, fall inti the lake, walk inti trees(Star does that a lot), trip over stuff, throw rocks at people...
Alrighty then...
:) :{
Ice, we do it right here. See?
*sends red energy symbol dagger at Sparky*
*ducks and blurs after Kes*
... Be back in five, mum is offering me candy to do a chore.
*jumps into lake hoping that Sparky will get electrocuted if she follows me in*
OOOOH candyy
now that makes sense!
now that makes sense!
Ok, Sparky!
*treads water while looking for a good place to hide*
I dare you to hide in the tree house, Kessie
*appears right behind Kes and ducks her under the water*
Brb again!
*reappears behind Jub*
*Turns Suddenly* Um.. NOTHING! ^_^
No. Definitely not.
*jumps out of lake, dripping wet*
*draws swords*
My treehouse is off limits while I'm not around.
... Zath also has a key, but that's beyond the point.
*runs over to Kes and drags her out of the lake*
Oh, damn, just too late.
*pulls out Makhaira*
Bring it.
damn, gtg. don't kill each other or anything
No promises, Andra. Bye!
*leaps in*
I am not missing a battle this time.
And yeah. We'll step on God Modders.
*looks at Kes*
Was there a point to throwing a dagger at me, cause if there was one, now would be a good time to tell me.
Bye Andra! Hiya, Zath!
*deactivates soul stealing*
*quickly draws knife from boot and throws at Sparky*
*draws knife*
*Awkwardly stands back, watching all this go on...*
*dodges it and blocks her sword*
*flicks her blade to the side and doubles back*
So, Zath-
*swipes at Kes*
Are you taking sides or a third party?
It wasn't a dagger, it was energy from my symbols. And it was mostly to show Ice a Bligbattle.
*stabs with one blade while bringing other around and over*
Zath, please tell me you're not attacking me.
*jumps back*
*slips Makhaira back into belt and holds onto Kes's left wrist, stepping back when she thrusts*
I think...
I'll take a third side.
*grabs a fireball and throws it at Kes and sends a fist of shadows flying for Sparky*
*stumbles forward, off-balance*
*rolls over, bringing swords into defensive position*
How did you even DO that?
Yes! Sparky accidentally saved me from the fire!
*brings arms up and gets hit by the shadows*
*tumbles back and giggles*
*pulls out knife and throws it in Zath's direction*
I can move as fast as light, Kes, what do you think?
*grabs her shoulder and shocks her*
Hello, again!!!!!
*shock is conducted through arm and sword heading straight towards Zath*
Metal AND human bodies are conductors of electricity!
*awkwardly jumps to feet.*
*taps symbols, making an energy shield appear*
Hiya, SPD!
*flips backwards*
Hiya back! Wet trees are conductors of electricity. Well, basically anything wet and water is a conductor too.
*looks around warily*
*sees knife that I threw at Sparky lying on the ground*
*runs and picks it up*
*raises shadows in front of me to absorb the electricity*
*sends them crashing towards Kes and leaps for Sparky with knife*
*energy shield deflects electricity, sending it at Sparky*
*pulls out another knife from my belt and tosses it at Kes*
*lobs newly recovered knife at Zath's eye*
Hi SPD... :P
*absorbs the electricity and tackles Zath, electrocuting him as we roll down the hill*
*it starts to rain*
*Sparky's knife somehow manages to get through shield*
*opens umbrella*
*lands in front of Sparky and ducks under the knife from Kes*
*snaps palm and pushes the air at Sparky*
*spins and hurls a second fireball at Kes*
Oh god. Rain and electricity?
*removes energy shield, and sends blue pulse and Sparky AND Zath*
Oh. Well, in that case...
*struggles to break away from Sparky while being electrocuted*
*blue pulse collides with fireball, dissipating both*
*runs towards Sparky and Zath*
*screams in pain*
Why are you screaming in pain? No one's attacking you...
*rolls away from Sparky and leaps to feet*
*runs for Kes as well and tries to punch her in the gut*
I've decided my power thing. Took a while. Put half a year into thinking it.
*gets sent flying out of the way of the energy pulse*
*lands at the feet of Tesseract*
Oh, sh*t.
Team-up time!
*blurs back to Zath and Kes*
Little help?
*draws OTHER knife*
*throws it at Zath while attempting to stab with sword*
very,very, VERY odd video....
Sure. *runs and picks up both knives*
*settles into fighting stance*
*reactivates soul-stealing*
*bats the knife away with arm and deflects the sword with knife of my own*
*flips backwards and looks at Tesseract*
*looks at Sparky*
*looks back at Tesseract*
*pulls out Makhaira again*
*watches Tesseract warily*
*Tesseract walks toward us*
It's be convenient to have Nix at the moment, bone-breaker vs. bone-breaker...
Get your ass in gear, Zathy boy. I think I see a-
*tongue snaps out and wraps around me*
Smoker behind him...
* start to get dragged towards Tesseract*
Oh, this is so many levels of not good.
*shadow walks behind Tesseract*
*moves to stab him in the back with my knife but gets hit with his arm and stumbles back*
Smoker? What?
This is very entertaining.
*runs and cuts tongue pulling Sparky*
*throws knife at Tesseract, which he catches*
Oh, this is extremely very not good.
Just fight Tesseract, Kes. Zath'll handle it...
Oh crap.
*shakes off the blow and throws knife at the smoker*
*hits and watches the explosion of smoke rise up*
*helps Sparky to her feet and gets blown backwards again by a punch from Tesseract*
Actually, Nix is an Elemental now.
*circles Tesseract, occasionally trying to touch with swords*
*breaks free of the tongue, twists and throws knife into the face of the Hunter*
*blurs to Tesseract and leaps onto his back, holding arms around his neck*
Need any help?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
*runs at Tesseract and jumps*
*hits Tesseract in chest*
*Tesseract grabs leg*
*pulls away*
*takes this chance and leaps for Tesseract, knife raised*
*hurls the knife into the eye hole in his mask and forces it in*
*falls to ground*
*stands up quickly*
*stabs quickly at Tesseract's ankle*
*Tesseract moves out of the way*
Here, have a banana.
*throws a banana at Tesseract*
*banana explodes in his face, blinding him*
*watches considering wether or not to join, remembering that I can't fight...*
*Makes up mind and stays put*
*while Tesseract is having his eye stabbed out, goes around back, and stabs at his neck*
*hits some sort of armour*
*bats Zath away and pulls the knife out again, then tears the mask off and dives off his back, still holding the mask*
Come watch with me Jubilance. I'm throwing bananas!
Toss it, Sparx!
*rot begins to consume Tesseract's face*
*rolls and leaps up, pulling second knife out of jacket*
*flings it towards Tesseract's other eye and sends a fireball spinning for his exposed face*
I'll be back in a sec see you later
*tucks the mask into my jacket and scowls at Kes*
Don't call me that.
*makes mental note not to call Sparky Sparx*
*throws last knife at Tesseract's now-exposed neck*
*uses air to grab the second knife back into my hand as Tesseract falls*
Yay us...
*picks up my knives*
*pulls the mask out and inspects it*
... I'm keeping this.
*heads to Chester*
I wonder if you could use his antidote-thing for other things...?
*replaces knives in the inside of my jacket*
*sits on a rock*
*resheathes various weapons*
*jumps in the lake*
That was my first time fighting someone who wasn't a Bloglandian...
Well, that was fun... to watch
*climbs in*
I was thinking that I should probably check what the antidote is for. If it's at all useful for anything, I'll either keep it or report it to the Australian Sanctuary.
Most likely keep it.
You an official Sanctuary agent? I'm sure it IS useful. Must be.
*swims around lazily*
She's anything she wants to be.
She's a Sanctuary Official right now.
Kes, what's your job?
I'm Administrator of the American Sanctuaries.
Zaf appointed me a month or two ago. You're a detective, right?
I have finished what there is of Nix and Mist!
You guys are fancy. I'm just a generic field agent.
... I believe I was once described as expendable during a brief. Pah.
You? Expendable? How many other agents do they have that can move at the speed of light?
Zath, I can't find Chapter 6 of Battle for Blogland...
Yeah, I'm a Detective for the Australian Sanctuary.
I'm really not meant to use magic unless it's an emergency.
Kes, here.
Thanks for reading it, by the way.
Yay! Thanks!
General hiding from the public.
Shame that I never meet Sparky in the Sanctuary.
Fair enough.
Hello Again, Sevpie.
No, Zath, I just have to help clean up after you make a mess of Sydney, no biggie.
Agh, sorry, SPD, I was just looking at the shape of your name, not what it actually said.
I'm Zaf's personal assitant person. I think that's my title. The contract had the a word similar to awesome or superior. I'm going to ask if I can be her personal bodyguard too. I think someone else is that though.
Apologies for that. Your job is going to get very horrible after Nix and Mist 2.
'tis fine.
... Thanks for warning me...
Maybe I'll have moved up the ladder a little by then.
Your going to attack Zaf? And is Nix and Mist 1 done?
Oh never mind.
I'll see what I can do about it, if you like. I talk to the Grand Mage, like, three days a week at least.
Unless I'm on some investigation half way across the country, but nothing like that's happened in months.
And no, Nix and Mist: The Remaining isn't done yet.
If I start sounding like an idiot, ignore me, I was up 'til two last night.
Alright Kes.
Yo, Zath, I'm listening to the themes for the chapters of BfB, finally.
Good job.
Half of them I wanted to change afterwards but whatever. They're still good songs.
*hums Next To Nothing*
I'm only up to the second one...
Was that Who's Gonna Save Us? The Living End?
Now it's Disturbed... Run, I think.
Would have been Run.
Then Ivy grinned at told us that every building still standing was rigged with explosives.
Of course.
... Yes, of course...
T'was important to mention.
But also typical of Ivy.
Yay! New page! No more scrolling!
Was that the explosives?
Whatcha gonna ded to, Zath?
Well, Kes, I do have a habit of exploding things. And I do like bombs.
And I have to say that Mist got my character done perfectly in Battle for Blogland.
Which is completely unfair, mind you, because I'm awful at getting my character right.
*scowls at Mist*
Hello, Val
The Other Side.
Hi Val!
How does that make any sense...?
Hello, people!
In particular, HI SPARKY! *tackles*
I dedicate to blowing things up.
Because firstly, blowing things up is just fun. Also, the explosion itself is always nice to watch.
And I also dedicate to killing off characters, because that's brilliant.
Especially when you kill them off with explosions. *coughs*
How are you awful in writing a character you created?
Hi Ivy!
That isn't my fault though...
Killing characters in books is fun.
...I don't know, but I feel like I'm terrible at getting my own personality into Ivy when I write about her.
*gets tackled*
Cheers, Val...
That IS your fault. Shame on you, Mist, for getting my character written perfectly.
*tosses shoes at his head*
Sparky, I have an unexpected gift for you!
*gives her a bucket of water*
Lookie, it's from America!
*catches the shoes and throws fireballs at them*
*watches them burn*
You could always try doing something like reading what one character says or does and then immediately coming up with something without thinking. Like if I say bananas are cool and throw my shoe at the ceiling what would YOU do immediately?
*gets drenched*
... I despise this place sometimes...
She, uh, didn't tip the bucket on you, Sparky.
*frowns at Sparky being drenched*
I just realised something. If that water was from Puget Sound, which is nearby where I live, that means it's probably toxic.
*gets bucket of clean water and starts dumping it all over Sparky*
Oh mi golden god.... dead? NO.
Anyone here read Mortal Instruments? Because I got to Part Two of the City of Bones just now and OH MY GOD, I AM HORRIFIED.
I LOVE The Mortal Instruments!
I read the first two, and got bored.
*giggles at Kes*
But it is AMAZING
*laughs at Kes*
She is.
It is AMAZING!!! What are you horrified at?
Valentine and Clary's mom... THEY WERE MARRIED?!
*laughs again*
Everyone will die, Kes.
Save, like, three people.
Oh. That. Ehh...
Not that surprising. Wait till the end. Although, the most surprised I've gotten was when I read the whole Skul is Vile scene. I literally put tr book down and stared into the air.
*looks at Mist*
I had better be one of those people.
Because, technically, I can't really die. Not again, at least.
Lucky Zath gets a free pass out cause he's writing it.
And he won't tell me who survives, mean sod.
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