Friday, December 14, 2012

The End Is Nigh

How are we all?

Are we all nervous? Terrified, even? Are we all dreading December 21st, the last day on Earth as predicted by the Mayans? Although, as Jon Stewart pointed out on The Daily Show, the Mayans haven't exactly got the best track record as far as predicting the end of civilisations go... to wit, the Mayans...

But I digress.

So how will you be spending the last day on Earth? Will you be surrounded by loved ones? Will you be sobbing into a tub of ice cream? Will you, in fact, forget all about the end of the world because you still haven't got your Christmas shopping done?

Or will you be reading a very special end-of-the-world short story as posted on this very Blog- a short story that will ONLY be available on the 21st and 22nd before being taken down-  in which Skulduggery and Valkyrie track down the cause of the world's destruction and do their very best to avert it? A short story called "The Button"?

Hmm? Is THAT what you'll be doing?


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Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Adra; Deprived child? *Starts laughing*

Noelle said...


Deprived of BBC


*hunkers into the snow*

Star Inkbright said...


I absolutely adored it all the way through until I got to the epilogue.

I was SO disappointed.

It wrecked the entire series.

That was a BRILLIANT series until THAT happened.

I was so mad.

If TMI ends like that, I'll kill somebody.

Seriously. You cannot have that. You cannot. That's just . . .

. . . It probably isn't as bad as I remember, but still. It was like . . . you know when someone asks you "If there were these random people you didn't know tied to a train track and your pet tied to the same train track and you only had time to untie one of them before the train came, which would you do?" If you say "I'll invent a time-travelling device and save both of them", it isn't a proper answer. You have to make a CHOICE. And the beauty of love triangles like that is that they're not triangles. There's two lines going different ways, and you can only run parallel with one of them. YOU CAN'T
I'm sorry, it's just . . . what kind of ending is it?


Star Inkbright said...

@Saph: I like Will better. But I still like Jem. And I would have been perfectly happy had she gone with Jem or Will. Well, not perfectly happy, but near enough.




It's a Jem OR Will.

An OR.

You can't put a stalk on the o and mess up the r and add a d on the end.


Noelle said...


*sobs* It was will that killed me



Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Well, I guessed what would happen to Jem when I read the fourth TMI book and it had the hints about Brother Zachariah. I knew it :3
Also, I found this bit the other day, when Clary asks her mum whether the birth ceremony was ever done on her!
'Oh, yes. It was done in secret by a Silent brother and a female warlock to replace the Iron Sister.'
Also, because Tessa is Jace's ancestor, he actually does have demon blood XD

Star Inkbright said...

. . . Sorry.

*watches trailer* *screams* YOU EVIL GIRL ADRA STOP MAKING ME WANT TO WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

*tries to forget it so I don't want it any more*


Noelle said...

I'm not sorry

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

The white star on their shoulders!

Star Inkbright said...

@Saph: . . . Oh my gosh, he does!!!! :O


Noelle said...

I'm crying

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Adra; Because of Will? *hugs her*

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Good. Crying releases happy endorphins. :)


Maralie Lily Charm said...


Noelle said...


Okay, also, I think I should continue my RP now, so... Heads up))

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Mara! *tackleglomps*

Noelle said...

((Hi Marsha!))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I can ruin feelings

Noelle said...


yeah when you listen to that, you can't help but not continue... So yeah))

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Mara! :)

Hi, Zaf.

@Adra: Okay. :)

. . . I haven't roleplayed at all this weekend because I've been too busy writing. :P


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Zaf; ?

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Okay, Adra :)
I haven't roleplayed in forever either, Star.

Adra Cruciatus said...

*opens a portal straight into the lab, bypassing the wards with difficulty, but appears* *throws the wards up once more*

*looks around* *hears a strange scuffling in the room over and quietly slips in, finding a multitude of animals*

Well would you look at that..

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hiiii everyone! *hugs*

Mmmmmm i'm in a tumblr post mood even though I'm not on tumblr idk

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Um, Zaf, I was just wondering what you meant in your other comment *points up* you just said my name and disappeared.

Star Inkbright said...




Star Inkbright said...

@Saph: And yet you STILL do more than me. :)

Hey, Mara!

*watches Adra's roleplay*


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Star; I don't think I do :P

Star Inkbright said...

@Saph: Well, I think you do. :)


Noelle said...

((Sorry, Star :2))

*wakes up to weird cries coming from the animal's room* *sighs* They're probably just hungry... *slips from her bedroom and heads for the kitchen*
*a strangled scream comes from the room, inhuman, and terrible*
*dashes for the room, kicking it open to find Garret having picked up Dimka and was stomping on his tail and hind legs*

*immediately grabs a fire extinguisher and swings it at the back of his head, shoving him away and kneeling by her fox, who is lying on it's side, and screeching in pain*

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

*pokes Star*

Adra Cruciatus said...

You didn't wake up when I texted you, Adrasdos. I was more than sure this would make you rise. It, apparently, did. *touches the back of his bead* Nice swing, but you could have done better.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


*wanders out of treehouse with Ravel close behind me, both of us looking happy*

Ravel: well? Can I take you to see Vex and Saracen?

Fine if you can find them

Ravel: anywhere with women would be a place Saracen would be

Sure he isn't sleeping around still?

Ravel: not really *takes to somewhere in England* Saracen?

Saracen: Hey. Oh hello Zafira *gives her a smile*

Don't even go there, I'm taken

Maralie Lily Charm said...

ur insecure ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)
i know what for ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)
ur a bitch ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Zaf; Okay *shrugs*

Noelle said...

((omg maerea))

*gives Garret a sharp glare* You can't keep hurting things. This arrangement was to ensure that you wouldn't hurt the people and things that I love, not continue. *works on making a symbol draw the fox's pain from him and into her, observing that his legs and tail are both crushed*
*begins to work on patching them up*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Saracen: I know you're taken that still doesn't mean I can't try with you.


Ravel: she's mine this time, we can share. I get her at night.

Saracen: but I wanted her on weekends

*hits head against wall* Saracen...

Ravel: fine she's yours tonight


Saracen: excellent *picks Zaf up*


Adra Cruciatus said...

*leans against the wall* You promised me that you would be on time. I guess we all can't keep promises, then.
*pushes away*

We will be sparking outside today, in that little hideout you have. We'll see how you like the ice

Noelle said...

*steadily* No, Garret. We aren't training. You injured Dimka too much. I must fix him.

Adra Cruciatus said...

I would like to beg to differ, Adri. *hauls her to her feet by her arms* We made a deal. You shouldn't back down now, not for anything. *leans in closer, growling* I could go out there right not and rip the spine out if any of your friends. The things I could do, as you know, are extensive. These are reminders, Adrasdos. Reminders of what happens when an apprentice of mine disobeys
*shoves her roughly to the round, backing from the room* Fifteen minutes. *leaves*

Noelle said...

((Why is it so quiet?))

Maralie Lily Charm said...

me at parties in my house:

AW YEAH LET'S GO CRAZY *aggressively flips table* (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

o wait mam's coming home in an hour nvm *puts table back* ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

Noelle said...

*breathes out, carefully lifting the fox onto a blanket and carrying him to a table, using an anesthesia to knock him out, going as fast as she can to mend his bones*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

What are you doing?

Saracen: *takes Zafira a few feet away* Hahaha

Noelle said...

*looks back at the room, spotting Blueberry and Vile fly out* Right...

They can't stay here.

*pulls her phone out, wondering who to call*

Noelle said...

*hits a symbol on the wall, and a portal opens up. She points to it, and the two dragons fly through*


*scoops Dimka up, running through the portal, finding Darla in her office in Delhi*

*nods to Darla* Fix him. I have to go.

*runs back through, shutting the portal, changing into a tank top and sweat pants, as well as boots, jogging outside and to her little nook in the woods*
*spots Garret at the top of one of the posts*

I'm here!

Adra Cruciatus said...

Yes I see that..

Well, come on then. Come up here.

Noelle said...

*twists her foot, and a rock formation raises her up to the posts' levels*

*stands on the new column* Alright, what's the game?

Noelle said...

((in all seriousness, where did the munchkins across the ponds go?))

Noelle said...

((okay, so I know that Saph probably fell asleep... But... Star? no? Kay.))

(I didn't want anyone to be too afraid to say something.. I'm pretty sure it's just me.. But I can still talk.)((

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Im just watching now as theres nothing to do))

Adra Cruciatus said...

*readies himself into a stance* I'll attack first. *he feigns a right hook and instead stomps in her knee, shoving her backwards*

Noelle said...

*jumps backwards onto a second column, using that momentum to flip herself forwards, crashing into Garret and bringing them both down*

*they struggle, doing their best to not fall off*
*kicks him in the stomach before grabbing his leg in the crook of her arm, and snapping her arms in two separate ways, snapping his leg*

*lets him fall back, no weight on that leg*

Hm.. Adra one, Garret zero

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: Okay fine put her down

Saracen: *grins* but she's cute

Put. Me. Down.

Saracen: *puts down* Happy?

Yea *kisses cheek*

Saracen: yes!

Adra Cruciatus said...

Not quite.. *culls energy from the air around him, and throws a glowing ball of electric blue light at her*

Noelle said...

*eyes widen as the ball expands and hits her in the chest, throwing her backwards* *skids across a column and barely manages to hold on*
*an electric shock goes through her body and her grip lessens, slipping from the post and to the ground below*
*hits it, her muscles twitching and twinging*

Adra Cruciatus said...

*glances down at Adrasdos's convulsing form* *softly hops from the post, landing near her* *chuckles* It's a look.

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry, Adra, I went to do the rabbit . . . We moved her into her winter position and put all the insulting materials on the hutch and stuff.


Noelle said...

(Ohhh okay Star)

Noelle said...

*feels her hands begin to freeze into a clawed position, the electricity hot against her skin as her energy tries to absorb Garret's* *shudders violently on the ground*

Star Inkbright said...

*is enjoying watching the roleplay, just not participating :)*


Adra Cruciatus said...

*carefully touches the side of her face, drawing his energy back into his body, reminding his leg as well* *smiles pleasantly* Don't underestimate your opponent

Noelle said...

*tries to get to her feet, but stumbles and hits the ground* That was cheating, Garret! You can't use magic in dogfights!

Noelle said...

((Hello, Dragona))

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Adra! Uh, what's happening?

Noelle said...

(Er... Okay, so basically Adra was blackmailed into joining another alchemist who wants her to be like she was when she was younger- she was in dogfights. She hated it so much, and eventually quit. So she has to train and enter again, or else Garret will hurt her friends))

Adra Cruciatus said...

There aren't any rules, Adrasdos. *eyes the bruises and cuts all over her form from the previous days* You have a tournament in a few days. People will cheat. Honor has been slandered over the years

Dragona Pine said...

(Can I join in somehow?)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Feature Points is like the best app ever 😍

I get free iTunes gift cards and other things for downloading and opening apps for 30 seconds and then I delete them again.

I'm going to see if I can get Salute on iTunes when it comes out :)

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Sure, I guess. :) *isn't involved, personally*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((So....what do we do?))

Dragona Pine said...

(Star, there's a new post on my ME blog. It's just a few pictures)

Noelle said...

((I suppose, so long as you don't god-mod or kill my characters?))

Oh yeah, Garret. *gets to her feet again*

*glares* Again. *begins to shimmy up the post*
*gets to the top, and sees him already up there first*

*kicks at him*

Noelle said...

((Mara that's pretty slick :3))

Adra Cruciatus said...

*blocks the kick and slams his elbow into her thigh, grabbing a hold of her neck and flipping the two over, pinning her*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Adra - totes lmao it's so gooddddd.
THEN I DON'T NEED TO ASK DAD FOR HIS CREDIT CARD AND HE DOESN'T GO ALL "money doesn't grow on trees" (which it does bc money is made out of paper and paper comes from trees) SO I LIKE THE APP A LOT :3

Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: AWESOME. :)


Noelle said...

((But isnt that a little illegal?))

*hisses, trying to wiggle her arms away*

Hmm.. *slams her head into his mouth, using the gap to push him away, standing up again*

Dragona Pine said...

*appears next to Adra after deactivating his tactical cloak*

(Adra, I'm on your 'team' I guess)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Ravel: Zafira? You okay?

Yeah fine

Saracen: did you both come to steal me?

Yea we did.

Saracen: What's going on then?


Noelle said...

*screams, jumping away* DRAGONA WHAT THE HELL

Sir said...

Good morning, afternoon, or evening, Blogland.

Star Inkbright said...

OVER 30000 WORDS IN MY STORY!!!!!!!!!!


Star Inkbright said...

Hi Sir! :)


Noelle said...

((YAY STAR! Hi Sir))

Adra Cruciatus said...

*gives a sharp look to Adrasdos* Who is this? Our training was private. You swore on this

Dragona Pine said...

Oh, don't worry about me. I just turn up at random points and make people jump. MAINLY because there's no structure that I can't get into.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Msd! I may not be back for another hour or so))

Sir said...

Greetings Dragona, Ms. Dark, Ms. Kerias, Ms. Inkbright, and Ms. Charm.

Dragona Pine said...

(Hey Sir!)

Noelle said...


Haha well keep your balance... *points to the posts that they all are balancing on* It's a twenty foot drop

Dragona Pine said...

Oh, my race has great balance. Our knees are more bent.

So... what kind of fight is this? Do I need weapons?

Adra Cruciatus said...

*growls* A fight you won't be joining, stranger. This is between me and Adrasdos. And no, it isn't for fun. So leave.

Dragona Pine said...

*activates tactical cloak*

Noelle said...

*sighs* Dragona, please don't.

Dragona Pine said...

Don't what?

Noelle said...

Don't... Don't attack him. Garret. Don't attack him.

Dragona Pine said...

I kind of meant '*activates tactical cloak*' = leaving the fight.

If I had done it for combat purposes, I'd have already attacked.

Adra Cruciatus said...

Adrasdos, you must do better to keep your friends out of this. *his eyes narrow* We agreed they weren't to know

Noelle said...

Yeah well, that's what happens when you decide we go outside. *sarcastically* People are outside. You're lucky no one spotted me when you sent me to that watery death trap.
*checks her watch* It's lunch anyway. Take your leave.

Adra Cruciatus said...

*gives her a stony look* Remember, tournament in a few days. *smiles terribly* And next time, make sure your friends don't show up. You don't want them to find out this alter life of yours, eh? No? Good. *nods, a portal opening behind him and steps back through*

Noelle said...

*carefully picks up her cloak, noting that she'll have many more bruises today* *slides down to the ground, landing softly*

*heads back to Blogland, in hopes of finding someone*
*lifts her hood up to hide the marks on her face*

Dragona Pine said...

*appears beside Adra* I overheard your conversation. I was out of the fight but never left.

Noelle said...

Of course you did, Dragona

Noelle said...


Dragona Pine said...

I won't ask about your 'alter life'. Nor will I tell anyone what I overheard.

*vanishes again*

Noelle said...


*shrugs and keeps walking*

Noelle said...

*calls out* Anyone here?

Sir said...


Ms. Dark, there is no need to shout.

Noelle said...

*waves* Hi Sir!

Well I didn't know if everyone dispersed or not

Noelle said...

And it appears they have..

Sir said...

Well, such is the way of things, I suppose.

Noelle said...

It is rather unfortunately* *loses her balance a bit, and sits down* Mm...yeah *pretends like she meant to do that*

Sir said...

Ms. Dark. You seem fatigued.

May I presume to ask why?

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry . . . homework. :(


Noelle said...

Heh. How about that. Er, I'd love to tell you, but I can't. *sips her tea from under her hood*

Noelle said...

That's okay Star

Sir said...

It is perfectly fine, Ms. Inkbright.

Ms. Dark, why?

Noelle said...

Because...I'm not supposed to. *half shrugs* that's about it

Sir said...


Very well. I suppose we are all entitled to our secrets.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Star - the only problem is, I think you have to be in America to get iTunes stuff. But I can get Amazon gift cards which is awesome :D

Adra - Apparently not. :P

Sorry I poofed, studying :/

Noelle said...

yeah.. *drifts off*

Noelle said...

Excuse me for a moment. *touches the ground, a portal opening and she jumps through, landing in New Delhi, inside of her office*
*her fox is somewhat standing, but his walk is jittery*

Darla: I'm sorry, Adra...I couldn't completely help him. Whoever hurt Dimka.. .They did a good job of it.

*nods, quietly picking up her fox* He was stomped on. His hing legs, and his tail. Stomped.

Darla: *covers her mouth* Oh my lord, Adra...

*bows slightly to her* Thank you. *leaves back through the portal*

Noelle said...

*the portal closes behind her, and she pulls rocks from under the snow as a long table* *sets her fox on it, watching him walk shakily* *fumes*

Sir said...

Uhm... Ms. Dark?

Noelle said...

Yes, Sir?

Noelle said...

*picks Dimitri up, holding him in her arms* he runs up her sleeve and pokes his head out the bottom of the hood*

This is... Strange.

Sir said...

Quite strange.

I was simply curious as to why you disappeared into a portal and came out again with a wounded fox.

Noelle said...

Ah. Well, he's my fox.. I was going to fix him, but I didn't have time, so I sent him to Delhi

Sir said...

And, if I may ask, how was he wounded?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...


He was stomped on. His hind legs as well as his tail. *pets Dimka's head* I put a symbol on him that would pull the pain from him and into me, so that helped but... *sighs* poor baby

Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*Ravel and I come back Saracen with us*

Saracen: Get Vex

Oh god no

Ravel: Zaf I will give you to him early


Sir said...

Well, I hope you found the ruffian who did such a thing, and taught him a lesson.

Noelle said...

*doesnt answer*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Saracen: I promise I won't keep you long


Ravel: I think she likes me better

What gave you the hint?

Saracen: I know you are dating him so that is an obvious sign but I'm not bad

Sir said...

... Ah. Erm, well, I hope you find him eventually.

Noelle said...


Sir said...


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

*Reappears for a moment, even though I'm not really here* Dammit, my internet cut out last night. I just wanted to thank Star and Adra for all the nice things they said *hugs them both* I think Adra's on right now, and I know Star reads back through the comments. You two are awesome xxx

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: Saracen back off from her you know she's insane

I. Am. Not. Insane.

Saracen: I also know why you're powerful, Zafira.

Than you

Noelle said...

*her phone buzzes with a text message*

*murmurs an obscenity under her breath as a portal opens, Garret walking out*

Garret: *stops, seeing Sir* *sneers* Oh, I didn't know you had company, Adrasdos.

*chooses to not retaliate* Garret, not now.

Garret: how's that friend if yours? I hope she's healing well.


Garret: *bristles* Fine. I'll be in the lab. *he turns and walks for it*

Noelle said...

((Of course darling *cuddles* We have your back))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Saracen: someone is here unwelcome

Where Saracen?

Saracen: the lab. ((Adra can we go in the lab and see Garret or no?))

Noelle said...

((Er...why would you want to?$)

Sir said...

((Welcome back, Ms. Iota.))

Ms. Dark. Who...
*shakes his head*

Well, it is your private business.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Because I'm bored and want to actually see this guy))

Noelle said...

*quickly gives him Dimka* Watch after him for a little bit for me, please.

*gets up and runs for the lab*
*slips in, and is immediately thrown across the room into a table, falling over it* mother.,.

Garret: what did we promise?

((Actually I have to go soon, you wounding get anywhere))

Sir said...

*awkwardly holds the fox*
I suppose you are not going to tell me who that was, then?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Yea its okay))

Ravel: No whoever is there is Adra's business. Zaf why don't you go check on Olivia?


Saracen: I'll go with you Zafira *follows her to the treehouse*

*goes into Olivia's room* Hey Liv *picks up* How are you?

Olivia: tired...put me down

*smiles gently putting her down*

Olivia: Who are you?

Saracen: Saracen Rue. I know your name is Olivia and your mother is a very nice lady, Grand Mage of America.

Olivia: do you know how old I am?

Saracen: three turning four in a few days.

Olivia: How did you know?!

Saracen: I know things

Noelle said...

*calls to Sir before she goes in* ITS AGAINST THE RULES

*hauls herself up* Ah...

Noelle said...

I don't think that was kind, Garret.

Garret: You weren't on time. *quickly paces over, grabbing the front of the cloak and lifting her from the ground*'Adrasdos, if you're forgetting...
I OWN YOU.*shakes her, her hood falling back from her face*
*sees the dark bruises on her skin* *pushes her away* You need to clean yourself up. You think walking in a cloak isn't suspicious? It is. So get your act together.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Olivia: *stares at Saracen* Oh! *goes and lays back down*

Hey what do you want to eat baby?

Olivia; soup

Alright *goes to make her soup*

Saracen: *goes with Zafira* she looks a lot like you.

I know she really does it's cute.

Ravel: Olivia? She looks almost like Zaf but has Javier's eyes.

I know *watches soup*

Ravel: How is she?

Fine just tired but I figured she'd be tired

Noelle said...

*glares at him* You don't own me, Garret. I own myself. You didn't acquire me, this was blackmail. News flash- I don't live in 1830.

*hisses* You need to learn your place, Garret

Garret: *hits her hard across the face* No, Adrasdos. You do.

Sir said...


*calls out to the lab*

Ms. Dark? What do foxes eat, again?

Noelle said...

*feels blood pour from her cheek where his ring tore it open* Get out of my lab, Garret. We aren't doing this today. *hits a symbol on his arm and watches him fade away*

*lifts the hood over her face and runs back for Sir* Sir!

Noelle said...

Er, that shouldn't be necessary. I can take him back now...

Sir said...

*Examines Ms. Dark*
Sadly, I cannot do so. That is, until you tell me exactly what is going on.

Noelle said...

I can't. *reaches for her fox*

Sir said...

*Steps back*

Ms. Dark, you are an adult woman. There is nothing that you cannot do, only what you shall not do.

Noelle said...

No, I can't. Please, believe me. If I do, things won't end well

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Saph* That's fine. :) I didn't do anything, at all, really. :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*gives soup to Olivia* Hey...

Ravel: *goes behind Zafira* Yea?


Ravel: thinking of the war?


Ravel: Saracen knows something but he won't say

So he should

Sir said...

Ms. Dark. With all due respect, you are hardly a Sensitive. Nothing is set in stone...
Well, except for the constants, but that is beside the point.

Noelle said...

*takes a step forward* I know the outcome because I've been promised it. If I even utter a wordof what is going on, then people will be hurt. So I can't. I won't put myself before anyone else.
*pauses* You were with me in Estonia. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. *holds a hand out one last time* my fox, please

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: Zaf what does he know?

It has nothing to do with the present

Ravel: please? You know I won't judge you

Look you don't need-

Saracen: I suggest telling him. He can help you just as well and you need it I know Javier broke the link you both had.

Enough! I do not have to tell anyone what you know and so god help you if you utter a word, Saracen

Noelle said...

((I will have to go soon))

((About now..))

Sir said...


Very well. I suppose I shall have to find out on my own, then.

*hands her Dimka*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...

Maya Angelou... :,) oh it was wonderful.

*cuddles Dimka, coming from her lab without her cloak, her face clear*

Noelle said...

*is, however, wearing her usual coat* *hums a little*

Noelle said...

((... I will have to go again soon for a little while longer))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((Oh joy))

Noelle said...

((Oh don't get sarcastic with me I have stuff to do))

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

How dare it end

Adra Cruciatus said...

((Ah, back in the days that Sir was a human..))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(So I'm hated as I said so good to know

Sir said...

Ms. Dark, I may have been human. I may have not been. And I may have been not been been not been been.

Now, then.
*looks up at the rather large figure*
Good evening. A pleasure to meet you.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

If i dont come tomorrow go attend a funeral bye

Adra Cruciatus said...

((... I don't really have the energy to fight an argument where the opposing side is dead-set on something to which she has no supporting evidence.


I might just, you know, not.

And please don't start taking it out on me, and cussing me out. That isn't really fun for anyone))

Adra Cruciatus said...


*Priya shrinks back further from it*

Sir said...

Ms. Kerias, it is clear that I lack the ability to convey to you the fact that you are beloved. So, sadly, at this point, I am helpless to do anything but wait, and hope desperately that you see your folly, and cease this entirely unnecessary belligerent self-hate.

Adra Cruciatus said...


Adra Cruciatus said...

((I do hope this is one of those times where she is simply angered and fueling it out here, to cool down later. *nods*))

Sir said...

I do as well, Ms. Dark.

Ms. Priya, do not fear. If he, or indeed she, is violent, the blow or blows shall most likely hit me first, in stead of you.

Adra Cruciatus said...

*she facepalms, signing frantically, but it's lost in the dark*
*The bigfoot begins to lumber towards them*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((I've posted a chapter to Nameless, and I'm back, and I've emailed Zaf, and I don't hate her at all. So hopefully she'll come back feeling better. Also, thanks for the link, Adra.))


Sir said...


I suppose there is only one thing to do.

*Calmly steps off of the path, walks past the bigfoot, and steps back on the path*

*begins, rather quickly, walking away*

Welcome back, Ms. Tesla.

Emerald Melody said...

(Zaf, don't you dare talk about things like that. After everything I have been through.)

*Lorcan gets up and starts to get a feel for his unbalanced legs. He swings again, this time more steady and a bit quicker. Em can actually feel herself to work in order to keep up her defending*

Lorcan: I don't want to be doing this.

*Em swings a punch herself and catches him in the chest. Lorcan bends over having the wind knocked out of him, Em then knees his chest again sending him back onto the ground. Em stands still to catch her breath.*

Em: That's the fourth time I've knocked you to the ground Lorcan. And that's bullshit that you don't want to fight, I bet you that your wolf is dying to let it all go.

Werewolves have high anger gauges for a reason Lorcan. And it's not just for the fuck of it, it's because it's needed. If we go into a fight on just pure adrenaline, we're screwed when we find our rhythm and settle. Whereas if we go in, angry as hell and all guns blazing, the fighting only increases our angry which means our passion never runs dry.

Now get up. Again. And if you fall onto that ground, I think I will lose patience. And you think the version of me that you know is scary. Boy, you ain't seen nothing yet.

*Em takes her stance and waits for Lorcan to make his move*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Thank you, Sir.))


Adra Cruciatus said...

*She clings to Sir tightly, noticing how the bigfoot has stopped behind them*

((Hello again, Ari! *tacklehugs*))

Adra Cruciatus said...

((Okay, I lied Em- I'm fairly sure now that Trip isn't coming on *facepalm*))

Sir said...

It was nothing, Ms. Tesla.

*continues walking, making sure to not look back*

Adra Cruciatus said...

*she opens her mouth, but it suddenly ripped from Sir's back and tossed on the path behind them*

Noelle said...

*Adra copies a few symbols down onto paper* *she nods at them* Good... *she tucks them away into her leather coat pocket, calmly walking outside to her porch*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Boom booms?

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*appears in front of Adra's lab, covered in tears and blood and trying desperately to force himself to keep feeling pain, knowing that if he lets it go someone else will take over* *knocks on the door and prays that someone is there*


Niccolò Croatoan said...

((Hello, Zafira.))


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