Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas, 2012

Ah, Christmas...

Every year, my family tell me they don't know WHAT they're going to get me, and every year we have a great big laugh about it. But every year I think ah, THIS is the year. This is the year when they DO know what to get me, but they're all PRETENDING they don't. They're all conspiring with each other, pooling their money and resources, going that extra mile to get me the thing that will make me happy, whatever it may be. It's all a surprise, I think to myself. It's all a wonderful surprise and on Christmas Day when I've handed them their really really expensive gifts and I'm standing to one side while they ooh and ahh and laugh and hug, they're suddenly going to turn around and say Derek, surprise! We have what you've always wanted!

And then they show me a parcel beneath the tree and I fall to my knees, and with trembling hands I slowly tear the paper and lo... the most perfect present ever in the history of the world. And I am happy.

This year my mother got me a dart board.

She got me a dart board because, obviously, she knows how much I secretly love darts. She has cleverly read between the lines during each of our many conversations throughout the year- conversations in which darts have not been mentioned one single time- and she figured out that what I really wanted for Christmas, the thing that will finally make my life complete, is a great big dart board.

Mother, I think it is safe to say you have excelled yourself this year. Well done.

My brother and sisters, meanwhile, all got together and arranged an aircraft simulation lesson- where you sit in a cockpit thingy and take off and land a plane without actually, you know, being IN a plane. Well, they ALMOST did that. What they ACTUALLY did was hand me a piece of paper with all this written down. They got me a SUGGESTION for Christmas.

Now, to you, this mightn't sound that bad. You might be thinking hey, they didn't know if Derek would be interested in this, so they suggested it, and if he seemed agreeable, they'd go off and book it. And this, dear Minion, would a reasonable thing for you to think.

Unless you remember a few years ago where my sisters told me that what they were going to do for me that Christmas was renovate my bathroom. Oh wow, said I. A bathroom renovation, just what I've always wanted. A bathroom renovation as done by two pregnant women with no prior history of bathroom renovations, nor indeed any relevant knowledge of said undertaking. I just couldn't get any luckier.

And if you remember that, you may also remember that they never actually got around to doing it.

And you may also remember that last year, in some feeble attempt to make up for it, they got me a bath mat and towel. For Christmas. Between the two of them.

It wasn't all terrible disappointment and quiet tears when no one was looking, because today was also the day of Doctor Who and The Snowmen!

I'm not entirely sure who the villain was or what the logic was, and I thought Richard E Grant could have been used SO much better, but it was fast and funny and Matt Smith is great and Jenna Louise Coleman is... is...

Jenna Louise Coleman is just so PRETTY.

I know, I know, I have a history with Amy Pond. We were close. We were even in love, for a while. But times change. People change. They move on. I've moved on. I love Amy, I do, and she will always have a special place in my heart...

But Jenna Louise Coleman is just so PRETTY.

I... I think I love Jenna Louise Coleman. I think THAT is what I got for Christmas.

God (or whatever random deity you might acknowledge) bless us, every one.


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Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

You can ded too, Zafira!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to catch that Doctor Who special ;D

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Yay!!! I also ded to Doctor Who because its epic!!!!! And to Derek who basically gave me the best Christmas present

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Pandora!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im watching it as we speak commercial right now

Unknown said...


Saw the Christmas Special this morning (for me in aus.) It is so effing brilliant... my sister had to slap me to stop me squealing with excitement.
Gee, this Christmas just couldn't get any better.. oh wait. it did. Derek posted again. my life is complete.

one thing that brings this down is that they haven't released the soundtrack for the christmas special yet....

i swear clara is another rory. they keep dying then coming back to life. they are lucky.

enough of my rant. HI ALL!!

Unknown said...

and so much for the end of the world.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Its over for me now BLOODY HELL

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh and Derek be grateful you got a suggestion instead of a Justin Bieber card like my brother

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Justin Bieber card... who sells those?

Unknown said...

Evil demons sell Justin Bieber cards.

Anonymous said...

Lol, evil demons, definitely!!! XD

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

I just re-watched merlin...
I dont know why...


Anonymous said...

Idk where else, I NEVER look 4 them. :-(-ewwww

Anonymous said...

Jubi, do you WANT to die again?????

Anonymous said...

Oh, and hi.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hi (insert preferred nickname here)!!

Unknown said...

Wait, Fabi, do you mean me?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

BAsically my uncle gave my 29 year old brother a card it sung Baby

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure, actually. I say hi to everyone except not usually vampires.

Anonymous said...

Ewww... I hate that song.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Fabi its safe to say hi to me im just a Necromancer

Anonymous said...

Ok then. Hi!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi to you too, Persephone!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Fabi! *waves*

Anonymous said...

[waves back] what's up?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*Waves at everyone* HI!

Anonymous said...

[Hums beginning of "marble halls"]

Anonymous said...

Are you a vamp, ember??

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Lol hola! Tired i was up early! You know I had to get up early

Anonymous said...

If not, then Hi!!!

Anonymous said...

No I didn't, but I'm not surprised.

Unknown said...

Fabi, crying slightly over Pandora Hearts.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

A vampire?
Seriously, why would you ask that?

Anonymous said...

Ah. Everyone's crying over something. Except vampires... [looks nervously over shoulder]

Unknown said...

IF YOU READ PANDORA HEARTS YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND http://www.mangareader.net/350/pandora-hearts.html

Anonymous said...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

No! Seriously! I am not a vampire! What is going on?

(On second thought, maybe I am...)

Anonymous said...

I'll put Pandora Hearts on my 'to read' list.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

[Pulls out garlic and waves it around]

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

No, but seriously, why am I a vampire? And why are you all crying?

Anonymous said...

Oh wait that doesn't work...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Casually laying in bed

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*throws garlic at Fabi*

Anonymous said...

Youre not a vamp( I hope) and people are crying because of
A. Dr. Who
B. Pandora Hearts
C. Merlin
D. Glitch
E. Other

Anonymous said...

[Dodges garlic]

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Aaah my lamp makes noises!!!

Anonymous said...

F. Vampires

Anonymous said...

G. Lamps

Anonymous said...

H. Noises

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

A. Never seen it
B. Never read it
C. Never seen it
D. Nope
E. Nope

Anonymous said...

Ok, guess you're not crying then.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

F. I don't think it counts if I am one.
G. Don't have one
H. The people upstairs are doing renovations, and it's really annoying, but not annoying enough to make me cry.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, Fabi, calm down.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I officially have no idea what the hell is going on right now.

Unknown said...

Night guys! I have to go. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

A. The angels took manhattan
B. I'm not sure exactly...
C. Last episode
D. The game ended
E. other
F. They're evil!!!!!!!!
G. Zaf's lamp
H. Made noises.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Merry Xmas!

Unknown said...

Pandora Hearts is just generally said. And amazing.

Officially goodbye!

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

You're leaving? But... *cries* bye!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Kk, bye!

Anonymous said...

See ember? Now you're crying too!
Cries D and F

Anonymous said...

I. Because Persephone is leaving

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

My poor lamp got involved


Pictures of the lamp and other stuff

Anonymous said...

Are you crying because Of that? Should I add it to the list???

K, Fabi, calm down!!!

No!!!! [cries]

Fabi, you're not accomplishing a thing

Shut up voice in my head!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder why I letter my lists instead of numbering them....

Anonymous said...

I wonder what happened to the tunic.

Anonymous said...

Does Tanith's hair defy gravity like she does, or does it hang down from her head?

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I've succeeded in changing the subject.

Anonymous said...

Now that I've done that, I'll probably leave cause nobody's around to answer my questions.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

hello everyone!!

sorry i keep poofing...


Anonymous said...

And, like does her sword change gravity with her? If she were to be upside down on the ceiling and drop it, which way would it fall?

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Heya Fabi

Anonymous said...

If she were wearing a hat, would it stay on her head as she runs up a building?

Anonymous said...

Heya. I'm getting distracted.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

haha hiiiiiiiiiyyy

so how was YOUR Christmas?

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...



watchin the DW christmas special...


Anonymous said...

If her hair is that long and curly, how come it doesn't get in the way of her combat??? I know from experience how hard it can be to do stuff with your hair down..,

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

she probably puts it in a ponytail...

Anonymous said...

My Christmas waS tainted by Glitch closing, but other than that, it was great!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Dude its awesome though im with Derek idk who the villain was

Anonymous said...

Shes always pictured with it down though.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

yeah thats cause hair thats down can be all flowy n it looks cool :P

Anonymous said...

She must wear it up, but how does it look upside down on the ceiling?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm being random.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

well i guess she changes the gravity in her entire body... so it stays down...

Anonymous said...

Ya I know it looks cool, I like, have it. Yeah, that's probably why. Hair can be used against you in combat though. Someone could try to pull it. I guess her sword would keep them away from her hair...

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

haha I guess so xP

Anonymous said...

Only since shes upside down, her hair is up???

Anonymous said...

Gravity is weird.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


*runs in circles*

Anonymous said...

So are opposites and marshmallows.

Anonymous said...

So am I, I guess.

Anonymous said...

And y'all too.

Anonymous said...

Idk what they did to it. Presumably something bad???

Anonymous said...

Why are you running in circles, Zaf?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Circles are fun

Anonymous said...

Whatever [runs in octagons]

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

No you dont!!!

*runs in the shape of Ireland*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im going to bed

Night Blogland

Anonymous said...

[runs in coded message that says "gtg 2 grandparents in cipher"]

Anonymous said...


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

~Spoiler Alert~
Reincarnation seems to be popular with BBC right now O;
First Merlin, and now Doctor Who...
I can't wait for more!

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


still miss the Ponds though... *sob*

Freerangersnz Outofthisworld said...

Poor you, Derek!
Better hope next year, maybe?!
(Probably not though!!)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*flops down*

I can now finally talk to you guys and blog about my Christmas...

Hi all!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But damn, that was one hell of a cool theme song!!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*realises I missed the DW Christmas Special*


*goes and watches it online*


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*realises the DW Christmas Special is on TONIGHT for us Aussies*


*is distant because I am now blogging...*

Luciana said...

Awh, poor Derek! Maybe next year you should give them a list of suggestions about what to get for you?^^

I mean, I always make a list of what I want for my birthday and for Xmas and they NEVER get it wrong!:D
This year I got loads of things I wanted, like the SP books!


And the Hunger Games things!
And the clothes.
And the chocolate and sweets:3
And the DVDs.
And the games! The new Assassins Creed is strange... Like the era, but not sure about the rest. Definitely improved with gameplay, though!:3

Yeah, can't remember what I was saying xD

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Skulduggery walked into his house and immediately dropped everything he was holding.
The walls were pink. The couch had been replaced by a fluffy and glittery loveseat. Posters of Justin Bieber covered the walls. Worse of all, where his cupboard used to be, there was now... a cow. An actual live cow.
Skulduggery whipped around when he heard laughter. “VALKYRIE!”
She giggled. “Yes?”
“What did you do? And why is there a cow here?”
“When I ordered the loveseat, I said I was doing it because you were being a cow. Apparently the guy on the other end thought I wanted a cow as well as the loveseat.”
A thought struck Skulduggery and he froze. “Wait...my hats! They were in the cupboard!”
“I fed them to the cow.”
Skulduggery's mouth fell open.
“Don't worry,” Valkyrie grinned. “I replaced them with tiaras.” She pulled out a fake tiara from her bag.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hi L!

*burst out laughing*


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Star Inkbright said...


Wbd, msd.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


*goes to find the one about Scapegrace*

Distant, also...

Becky Allaker said...

Hello, all!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*has read the one about Scapegrace*

*is on the floor rolling around laughing*

Hi Becky!

Becky Allaker said...


Kath Lissenden said...

I had a wonderfully dull Christmas it was quiet and it was peaceful and full of uneventfullness! Which was actually perfect as the year I have had was yuck a lot of the time!
I did however get a wonderfully thoughtful gift, for you see I used to have a very lovely necklace which I had had for some 40 Summers, and then one day it snapped... snap it went! I was heart broken to the point of falling to my knees (in some bizzare form of Eastenders Christmas stylie square sceen) sobbing fit and dry retching with grief (but distinctly lacking in tears just like Jessie Wallace) (Ps can I just add I am so glad I stopped wasting my time watching the drivel that is Eastenders, and in my defence yes I did watch last night but only because I NEEDED TO SEE Derek Braning die because he pained me so much!but I digress).and I had waited paitently for years for some kind reletive to replace it for me every year dropping bigger and bigger hints "I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO REPLACE THAT NECKLACE I BROKE!" but nope no joy, until ...duhn duhn dhun yesterday when my lovely partner bought me one just like it. How thoughtful was that :)
Happy Christmas Derek, Enjoy the dart board. (skips of cheerfully, safe in the knowledge SHE got what she wanted this year!) MWAHAHAHAHAHA

Izz said...

*stumbles into Blogland with a bemused expression*

*looks up*

Oh hello. Anyone else here watched the christmas special?

Luciana said...


Star Inkbright said...



Izz said...

I seriously walked in circles turning my brain into souffle just trying to make sense of that chick.

I mean HOW! It doesn't make sense and everything is so hard to figure out!

I swear they just make it up as they go along. It's like they think it's a game!

Luciana said...

I hate decisions...

Georgina Howlett said...

Hello Bloglandians.

Luciana said...





*hugs them all*

I'm really fickle this morning, it's so irritating. ._. So, I apologize if my mood is all over the place, today.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hi peoples that have appeared!!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Happy feet, in Irish...

Izz said...

*is hugged*

Sorry. I really shouldn't impose my Whovian-ness onto the blog unecessarily.

What's happening?

Luciana said...

FLAME! *hugs*

How is everyone?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm good.

Watching Happy Feet in Irish.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hey Flame!

I'm good, L.

Star Inkbright said...

*hums the Happy Feet song from that hotel or whatever advert where they sing about happy feet*

Kribu said...

A dartboard sounds like a lot of fun, really.

Well, maybe it's just that I'd like one for myself - the idea of throwing sharp missiles at things fits my current mood.

Anyway. Yeah.

Trying to make up my mind about the Doctor Who Christmas special... I gave up on Who in the middle of last season and haven't regretted it, and I'm fairly convinced I don't want more until Moffat's gone, but an one-off thing might work better than a season arc. Hmm.

Kribu said...

Also, hello everyone.
~waves to everyone~

And bye everyone. I think I'll go out for a bit. Maybe.

~waves bye to everyone~

Izz said...

Bye people! Bedtime for me!

Luciana said...


I'll drag someone shopping tomorrow so I can get some:3

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hi/bye Kribu!

Bye Izz!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Bye everyone who's going!

I got the hunger games DVD yesterday!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

The Hunger Games RULES!!

But, SP still beats it

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Luciana said...

Bye people that left!

I got the HG dvd when it came out:3

My HG admin got SP-DB for Xmas! XD


I might make a list of things to buy... That might make deciding easier:3

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...



Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

SLAUGHTERHOUSE? NO! I've got this rubber chicken that if you squeeze icky stuff comes out my friend gave it to me for Christmas AND I ABOSLUTELY LOVE IT. It was just entertaining me and my siblings all day yesterday, my friend will be happy to here, because she thinks my brother is absolutely amazing (obviously, secretly she thinks I'm amazing too) and he's her 'inspiration'.
Ah, people! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs* Eve and Miss Cain.
How's you? Had a nice Christmas?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

A nice Christmas? Definatly and today I will go watch the Doctor Who special which is in... HALF AN HOUR?!

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Ah, I watched that yesterday.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

G2g - byebye:( *waves*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Bye Ieni!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


I'm off to watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special.


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Miss Cain and Star: Thank you so much!!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

PEOPLE, GO TO MY BLOG AND CHECK OUT MY NEWEST POST FEAUTURING A PART OF A STORY. THIS PART IS TITLED, Why There Wouldn’t Be Twelve Days Of Christmas If Hunter Had Anything To Do With It. (Part One, aka "On the twelfth day of Christmas, my good friends gave to me . . . NOTHING")

Unknown said...

I highly doubt you'll even see this but you have just made my boxing day complete. I think that's the best blog post I've ever read. Now to clean up the tea I've just spat everywhere.

Star Inkbright said...

*decides to pretend Rhian was talking to me and not Derek, coz it makes me feel good about myself*

Unknown said...

Haha, star, of course it was directed at you! Couldn't have possibly been for anyone else!

Star Inkbright said...

*points upwards at the deleted comment where she said the same thing for Derek* *grins*

But thanks.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Star, you used my real name in one of your stories btw XD

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

First name.

Star Inkbright said...

. . . I did?

*racks brains*


Sapphire? Marigold? *stretchs mind back further* Mymind'sgonnaexplode.

Star Inkbright said...

DAMN. Gtg.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Nope. Nope. Mymindsgonnaexplode is a brilliant name, but no. XD

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Hint: Unisex name.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Morning i may fall back asleep

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I never realized Adra had this passion to kill mu character off

mollie_p_xoxo said...

hey Derek you know when you went to Bournemouth and there was a girl who was weaering a green t-shirt with a famouse skulduggery picture printed on it?????yeah???guess what....im that girl

mollie_p_xoxo said...

hey did u catch the doctor who christmas speical i did

mollie_p_xoxo said...

hey derek when u were on your tour and u went to bournemouthto sign KOTW books do u remember that girl in a green t-shirt with a skulduggery picture on it???yeah...i was that girl

Georgina Howlett said...

Hi again guys.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


AND WITH CLARA AND OSWIN (is that how it's spelt?) AND JUST...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Howlett how did you end up Derek's wife?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Hello all!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Swimming with all that food from yesterday wasn't the best idea...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Nah bad idea xD

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


And now I'm drinking lemonade (at 11:00 at night) to get rid of the feeling!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Thats crazy its 10:22am by me

Kribu said...

~waves tiredly to everyone again~

Back. From a three hour walk, mostly seaside. I love the sea when it's very nearly but not yet all frozen; the ice soup is so pretty.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hi Kribu!!

Aaaaaaand now I have to go.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Zaf, I AM crazy.

Aaaaaaaand now I really should be off.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ok well go xD im getting breakfast


Luciana said...

F*cking internet!

It's seriously p*ssing me off, today...

Luciana said...

I'm so irritable, today ._.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Oh and Derek today im expecting 8-12inches of snow by me

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


hi everyone!

Unknown said...

It's so snowy!

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...



I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


i dedicate this page to snow because its awesome and snowy and it cancels school... I know that NOW it doesn't matter since it's winter break... but in GENERAL....

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Omg, Jubi - where's the snow?!

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