Friday, November 16, 2012

A Bad Review

Hullo there.

This post started out as a quick response to a few comments in the previous entry, but it grew into something a little more detailed. So even though I really have to get back to the Tanith novella, I figured I'd address it here instead.

Kestrel LeStarre (hi Kestrel!) posted an excerpt from a Good Reads review of Book One- a review that wasn't exactly favourable. Every writer gets all kinds of reviews- some good, some great, some bad, some terrible. It's the business. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I'll deal with this one in stages.

Disappointing. The title/name and the cover illustration really appealed to me, but the book was generic and unbelievable from the start. I suppose some could be forgiven considering that the intended audience appears to be maybe 11 year olds (?), but I personally don't believe that children's books should be low quality just because they are aimed at children.

I can't find fault with this statement. I mean, I don't exactly AGREE with it, and most of you probably don't either, but the reviewer is merely stating that this isn't his cup of proverbial tea. He doesn't think the writing is as good as it should be. I got a few of these responses to the first book and my reaction was to shrug. Fair enough. That's what they think. I can read back over the series and make a note of where and when and how my writing improved- I am a MUCH better writer now than I was back then- but for every negative statement I received, I got hundreds of positive ones from readers who were willing to forgive any first-book-mistakes and simply dive right in, ready to be swept away on a tsunami of, er, awesomeness.

And hey, how can you disagree too harshly with a guy who appreciates Tom's covers like that?

...oh, and saying "I'm a genius" all the time does not make a character full of "dry wit".

This is very true. The fact that he is full of dry wit makes him full of dry wit. Nicely pointed out.

...oh, and being spunky child full of spunk who sprays spunk everywhere does not mean the child is equivalent to an adult. Children can be clever, creative, work in groups, et cetera but having them physically fight adults 1-on-1 strains credulity.

Ah, now here is the only point he's made that I take issue with. Having a spunky child fight an adult one-on-one does NOT strain credulity. Having a spunky child BEAT an adult one-on-one, however, very much does. It took Valkyrie YEARS to be strong enough to hold her own without the use of magic, and even then I don't think she's ever WON. In Death Bringer, when she's fighting Moore in her house without magic, even though she's had a few years of the best combat training in the world, the fact is she's still a 16 year old girl and he's a grown man. And Val doesn't exactly win that fight. She needs help.

I've always had a problem with YA books that show young teenagers beating adults in a physical brawl. They might get lucky, absolutely. A lucky punch can knock anyone out. But most of the adults they go up against are criminals or villains of some description- men and women who KNOW violence. No amount of martial arts in the world will make that a fair fight. Fair fights, in fact, are ridiculously stupid. Why would you EVER get into a fair fight? If you have to fight you need to WIN- and that means you fight on YOUR terms, not his.

Val has adopted this philosophy because this is my philosophy. 

When Val has to fight, she fights. She uses every dirty trick she can. This is the girl, remember, who tore out a creature's throat with her TEETH down in the caves in Death Bringer. Fair fights are for suckers.

...oh, and not all adults are doofuses.

I'm assuming he's referring to Desmond here, who is very much a doofus- though this statement kind of skips over the fact that Skulduggery, Ghastly, China, Tanith, Bliss and most everyone else except Stephanie/Valkyrie is ALSO an adult, so...

Anyway, what was the point in discussing this here? It's not like this is the only bad review I've ever got. There is one in particular that stands out as being SO unbelievably bad that you get the feeling the reviewer has a personal grudge against me- like he was determined to hate every single thing about the book. But I didn't respond to THAT review. Someone like that is really not worth my time. So why this one?

First of all, the reviewer is not being mean. He doesn't like the book, and the review is quite snarky in its own playful way, but there is not one trace of malice in those words. It's just his opinion, and he not only has a right to HAVE that opinion, but he has a right to SHARE it as well. I'll never give a bad review of any book (apart from maybe books by HUGE writers), because I know how hard it is to get published in the first place and the last thing a writer needs is someone else going "you suck." If I don't like a book I'll simply ignore it. I won't say anything at all about it. But that's me, being in the privileged position that I'm in. Any negative opinion of mine can actually damage someone else's success, so it becomes something more than an opinion. But all this reviewer is doing is letting people know that he didn't respond well to Skulduggery Pleasant.

But again- why am I discussing it here?

Some of you like Twilight. That's fine. I don't like it. Twilight is one of those books I feel I can criticise because nothing I say will effect its success. By now it's untouchable. So... some of you like it. All of you probably know at least a few people who love it. Of course you do.

A few years ago, Stephen King criticised Stephanie Meyer for, you know, not being any good. In return, he got an avalanche of angry responses from Twilight fans.

(I refuse to call them Twihards.)

That level of anger and fury and vitriol is not uncommon on the internet. The internet is the HOME of anger and fury and vitriol. It's where those things live. It's where they spawn and fester and grow. But you see it again and again: one person criticises something that a lot of other people love, and here comes the avalanche. And we're standing by, watching it all happen but not involved one way or the other, and we look at the angry people and we think "Wow. You seriously need to get out more."

The few responses from you guys to this Good Reads review have been wonderful. As I'm writing this, Ivy has just posted another response, and it is just as good-spirited as Georgina's and Beau's and Kristine's (thought Kristine's response DID make me think of Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons going "Me fail English? That's unpossible!")

You guys are so passionate about Skulduggery and so supportive of me as a writer, and it's moments like these when I realise yet again how lucky I am to have Minions like you. Warm, intelligent, fiery people who won't even be rude to people they strongly disagree with.

You guys rock.


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Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

print('What would you do? What would you say? How does it feel?')

Snow said...

*facepalm* tbh, I do that a lot when I have my school laptop... I can't wait to get that back

Snow said...

Moss! I thought you were going to sleep!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I was

Snow said...

:£ *hugs*

Snow said...

I've started posting quotes on the blog :)

Snow said...


Snow said...

"Your time will come if you wait for it. It's hard. Believe me, I've tried. "

Ebony Law said...

-red lightning strikes, leaving me, wounded, covered in dark blood-

It's happening...

Snow said...

Hey Aiden

Ebony Law said...

-I stutter, managing few words-

Can't... talk..

Snow said...


Ebony Law said...

I'm going through a process..

It's my next "form".

Jophiel said...

And of course I have to have Mr fucking Plant for my home tutor as well!! Life is fucking great.

Jophiel said...

Is it not enough that I've got him for English and Humanities this year!? This is the 'it always gets better'!? How can it be better than this shit? I loathe Mr Plant with a passion, demanded to have him removed as my teachers. He's made me sob in front of the whole bloody class! I'm can't have this!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Rose have your parents go in against the school. It shouldn't be allowed if you feel uncomfortable around him.

Jophiel said...

Parents won't. They think I'm just trying to get attention.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*hugs* I'm sorry :/

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hello? Feel like ranting. School was definitely invented by some dark demonic force. I'm genuinely considering being homeschooled! (Again)

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

*deep breaths* I'll come back later, once I've had time to relax a bit more

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ok im scared

So Nikki and i walked down a hall and in a dark corner our English teacher waves, creepily. We waved got to the cafeteria and was a scene from a horror movie. I swear to the guy in the dark alley....

Star Inkbright said...

My friend D is nothing like me.

She's very organised and practical and firmly lives on this layer of reality.

She's good at product design and textiles and things. Top set for maths, but that doesn't mean much because nobody cares about maths and the setting isn't done very well. And she'd often look at this and this and think how it would be better if we did THIS.

You know what I'm like. I'm highly imaginative and highly emotional and highly philosophical and I'm always finding/inventing meanings for stuff.

Generally, I think it's better to be me (although there are plenty of positives to being her), which is probably because I'm me. XD I think I might as well enjoy being me, so I'm not really going to try too hard to remedy that opinion.

And I was thinking about my various obsessions today, and I asked her if she'd ever been obsessed, and she said "Not really, I don't think."

And she hasn't.

And I was saying it was probably because I got emotional about things and I thought about things a lot, and how therefore my brain was better at being obsessed, and I was saying, aha, that's one way in which being her is better than being me!

And my friend C said no, she said it was a thing that was better about me.

And I was just like NO and starting saying how being obsessed was bad. It's pointless and annoys people and doesn't really give you a peaceful mind and also fills up a load of thought space.

And I am correct about that. *nods firmly*

But yesterday . . . yesterday, and I mentioned this before, she was saying that she could find more adventure in a room than most people would find in their entire lives, and it's utterly, utterly true. Everyone has positives and negatives to them, and there are some ways in which I think I'm better than her, but there's other ways in which I wish I could be more like her because she's amazing.
And anyway, she said it was because her brain was weird, like it was kind of a bad thing, and I was just like NO and said it was awesome, because it's quite obviously awesome, isn't it?

And I was thinking that sometimes, things that seem obvious to one people . . . the opposite seems obvious to another person.

And there's some things that are just OBVIOUSLY true, but maybe they're not.

And if you know something unquestionably, without doubt . . . it could be wrong.


Star Inkbright said...

I like to know things. I like to have everything clear in my head and know exactly what I think about things and have set opinions on everything. And that's why I constantly analyse, so I can file it in my head and add to my bank of knowledge.

And I don't like not knowing. If half the things in my head are incorrect, then my whole world just suddenly ceases to exist, and the string on the balloon has broken and I'm floating off into the air, and I'm just going to keep going until I get destroyed. And until then, I'm lost, and I don't know where I am or where I'm going or where anything is or how to get back home.

So it's obviously rather a scary prospect for me.

But it's still kind of true, I guess.

Um. :/

*doesn't like to think about that too much*

But I suppose . . .

Taia said once that there are other paths you could have taken, and there isn't necessary right and wrong paths, they're just different, and maybe it doesn't matter where you're going so long as you're going.

And I don't know the exact words, but if I did, I would LOVE to put that on Snow's quote blog (which I'm not sure how much willpower I have to be able to commit to. Have you SEEN the amount of comments in this place? Searching back through that amount just for a few sentences, and you don't know exactly when they are . . . urgh. The prospect makes me feel sick.)
(I've done it again, haven't I? Gone into detail on a particular aspect and then forgotten what I was talking about.
I hate it when I do that irl and can't just scroll up to see where I was. :P)
And I suppose, anyway . . . there's lots of things you can believe in, and none of them are right or wrong, they're just different.

Oh my gosh.

I am in a moment of immense realisation here. O_O


Star Inkbright said...

And . . .

In that book (yes, that one again) (I'm sorry, it was just so meaningful) (and it's so sad, because very few people will understand why it's awesome) (Lantern said once that the problem was that Glitch attracted just the right sort of people, and a few people would be raving about its brilliance but the rest of the world wouldn't understand it, and that, and bad advertising, was why it died. (that's another thing that I would dearly love to quote it I could remember the words. You know those thigns you thing/reference back to? Those.)
(I would also quote Mushroom a great deal. A great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great deal. And it would be great. Like her. I might start crying now about the greatness. :P)
(Um . . .)
(Anyway. Lantern said that. And it's sad, because when things are THAT brilliant . . . and nobody gets it . . . then they get less recognition than less brilliant things because people aren't brilliant enough to understand it.)
(And that's just heartbreaking, really.)
(And what I was saying BEFORE that . . .)
In that book, there's this guy who is a Keeper, and he basically remembers stuff. Religions are his speciality. He knows literally thousands. And once someone asked him which one he believed in. And he said he believed in all of them. And she asked, did they not contradict each other? And he said that of course they did, all the time, but that he believed in the basic truths in each one.
You know . . . even after the empires and the countries and the governments and the armies had fallen, the religions were still fighting.
Right into the fifth century, they were.
They were the last that gave up.
Because of their belief.

No belief is right or wrong, really. It's more . . . why you believe in it. It's like . . . I say that it doesn't matter what you like, it's more why you like it. And I guess it's the same with belief.

Idk, though. It's a little hard to have total belief when you know your beliefs aren't probably utterly correct.

I guess I should work on that.

But with my compulsion with KNOWING -

Idk, it's hard.

Like -

if I believe this thing about beliefs, that's a belief too, isn't it?

So even by believing in THAT, I'm believing.

And it, of course, may not necessarily be correct.

I'm conscious of the fact I have only been on this earth fifteen years and am hardly experienced.



Star Inkbright said...

I guess we, as humans, need faith and belief.

If you don't believe in belief, you believe in not believing in belief.

So I may as well believe. :P

And I suppose there's lots of ways you could improve the world . . . and there isn't one right way to do it, there's just lots of different ways *referencing to Taia again*
So I may as well believe in my things and believe in my good stuff, because although not everyone doesn't believe it and it is not The Correct Thing, it is a correct thing, and by believing in it, I'm bringing it to life.

Yes. :)


Star Inkbright said...


I think I've found a new favourite websiteeeeee.

And I clicked on 'D' (*is going to try and find my favourite bands on it, just because* *is sad* *has no life*) and I'm scrolling down the list and did you know there's a band called Deathbringer?


Star Inkbright said...


Oh yeah.

(You see, my friend D wouldn't be doing this, because she doesn't really get obsessed.

She's possibly obsessed with sweets, but I don't think that is the same.)


Star Inkbright said...

System of a Down are the last band beginning with S in the list. :O

Oh my gosh, that's special.


Star Inkbright said...


(At first I was like WHY IS THIS ALLOWED and then I saw the year(s) and I was like oh.)


Star Inkbright said...

Haha, though. I just saw two bands called Black Orchid and one had (AUSTRALIA) after it and one had (SPAIN), but with the two Slipknots, one had (USE, CONNECTICUT) after it and the other had NOTHING and I chose to believe that is because Slipknot are THE Slipknot so they don't need an explainer so only the other one needs to be explained . . . and it makes more sense in my head, but. :P


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Looks at bug block of text and blinks confusedly]

Star Inkbright said...




Star Inkbright said...


Sorry. :P


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

It's alright... I don't think I can read it right now, though...

Star Inkbright said...

That's fine. :)

Just me ranting.


How're you? :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Usual, I guess. You?

I posted on my Name-Project blog, finally.

Star Inkbright said...

Usual is . . . not worse than usual, so it's good?

And, yay. :)

I'm good, I think. :)


Maralie Lily Charm said...

I tell her to speak up,
Tell her to shout out,
Talk a bit louder,
Be a bit prouder,
Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful
Everything she doesn't see,

YOU gotta speak up,
YOU gotta shout out,
And know that right here, right now,

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Maralily]

[hugs Starararar too]

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Mara* :)

*and Lantern too :P*


Maralie Lily Charm said...


I feel a strange sensation taking over from my head to my toes
I got the shakes body rippling it's enough to shatter my bones

Is it all a dream? Cause I don't wanna stay awake
But I won't remember a thing
And now it's running through my veins
I don't know what's happening, the beats so sick

Running from the madhouse, they won't take me back
Got the medicines to give me what I need
Yes I'm burning up but music is my drug
Doesn't matter if I shout or if I scream

They're coming for me
They're coming for me

Everywhere I look I'm shook I got bloodshot eyes
I'm like a fugitive tryna climb the walls but my hands are tied
In just one touch and I'm infected by the sound crawling all over my skin
And the sky is falling down, I don't know what's happening, beats so sick

Running from the madhouse, they won't take me back
Got the medicines to give me what I need
Yes I'm burning up but music is my drug
Doesn't matter if I shout or if I scream

They're coming for me
They're coming for me

They're coming for me
Oh oh

Men in white coats, coats, getting so close, close
Saying my prayers, don't take me back there
Men in white coats, coats, getting so close, close
Saying my prayers don't take me back,
Take me back, take me back there

They're coming for me

Running from the madhouse, they won't take me back
Got the medicines to give me what I need
Yes I'm burning up but music is my drug
Doesn't matter if I shout or if I scream

They're coming for me
It's like I'm running but I just can't find my way
(I don't wanna go back)
And they can't hear my voice no matter how I scream
They're coming for me

Star Inkbright said...

I love Madhouse. :)


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Madhouse is amazing:)

idk if i'm here, study and homework:/

Star Inkbright said...

Little Mix are amazing. :)

You know how you can be not listening and then you hear your name and you're like huh?
Well, that just happened, and my brother and my dad were talking, and then my dad said "And it's one of Holly's favourite foods, I think" and I was like huh?
But the thing is -
I heard the "And it's one of-" that came before the 'Holly'.
So I think my brain always listens, it just doesn't always notify me.
And it only notified my of that sentence because my name was in it.
So it chose to show me the WHOLE sentence.
But my point is -
Even when you don't notice, you're listening.
So I wonder why you don't notice . . .


Star Inkbright said...

OKAY SO my System of a Down playlist has just become my fourth playlist to hit 70 videos (I always take particular notice at that number, because it's quite big. Only one playlist has hit eighty, put it that way), and also, more importantly, IT IS COMPLETED! :) :)


Star Inkbright said...

Which means I now have five completed playlists!!!

It's rather hard to get the number to go up, because people bring new albums out and then you're behind again . . . :P

I can restart playlisting A7X next month, though!!! :)

And then I can do 1D and LM in . . . May, I think?

Somewhere thenish.


Star Inkbright said...


(When I created my last one, I created three at once and had a bit of blank-filling to do (because I match names to numbers that suit, they sometimes go out of order). I only have two blank spaces now, though, one of them being the one I just created. :)


Star Inkbright said...





Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hello? Anybody here? Was here earlier and seemed empty.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Rosalind Phantom: I . . . I don’t understand.
Why do we have to hide?

Your father is a very important man, Miss Phantom.
He has entrusted me with your safety, and protection.

Rosa: But you’re not a bodyguard.

This is a first for me.

Rosa: You’re a hit man.

. . . Yes.

Rosa: Are you going to kill whoever is coming after me?

But I will undoubtedly beat the pulp out of them.

Rosa: Oh.
*looks down at her hands*
Thank you.

It’s my job.

*they look at each other*
*she appears fourteen*
*wearing an elegant dress*
*and is very very pretty*
*he appears twenty-three*
*wearing a pinstripe suit*
*and is rather less pretty*

*the year is 1840*

(Hullo, Blogland.)

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hiya Annika!

Star Inkbright said...

*glares at Annika* Damn you. I was in a perfectly good mood, and now YOU'RE here. :P

*waves to her and Rhydian* :)


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hi Star!

Star Inkbright said...

(Interestingly, he can speak to her. O_O)


The Grave of a Coward said...

*the year is 1845*

Rosa: *sitting in her bedroom*
I’m scared.

Don’t be.
Your father will be back before you know it.

Rosa: He’s been in Italy for six weeks.
Suppose Nocturnal got to him?

Nocturnal hasn’t got to him.
Nocturnal is a hack. A fraud. A charlatan.
Nothing compared to me.

Rosa: I feel safer, when you’re around.
I’m glad Daddy picked you to be my bodyguard.

I . . . I suppose I’m glad too.

Rosa: *smiles*
Thank you for sticking with us for five years, Armitage.
I would’ve thought someone like you wouldn’t be satisfied. Y’know, being a bodyguard.
Don’t you want to go back to killing people?

*opens his mouth*
*shuts it again*
I . . . er . . .
I suppose so . . .

Rosa: *looks at him questioningly*
Why have you stayed?

. . . I’m not sure.

Rose: *stared down at her own folded hands*

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Rhydian! :) How are you? :)


Star Inkbright said...

(If there is one thing Blogland has taught me, it is how to ship.)

(I mean, it's also taught me to ask people how they are and to tell people they're awesome and to be confident in my abnormality and all of that, but mostly, it's taught me how to ship.

The point being -

*points at Gary and Rosa* I SHIP IT.)


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I dunno Star. Good/meh/slightly stressed/drained/tired/HELLO!!!!!/goodbye.../fluffy feeling/excited/bored/ I honestly don't know :D

The Grave of a Coward said...

*the year is 1850*

Rosa: *slams the door shut*
*breathing heavily*
Please let them be gone . . .
Please let them be gone . . .
*she pulls her steamer trunk out from under the bed*
*and begins to pack her things*
*tear streaming down her cheeks*
Father . . .
Oh Father . . .

*the door bangs open*

*staggers in*
*looks a mess*
*his clothes ripped*
*blood dripping on the carpet*
*but he smiles weakly*

We have enough time.
Pack your essentials and run.

Rosa: Father . . .

There’s nothing we can do about your father now!
*voice shaking*
They were coming after YOU.
I could save you,
or I could save your father.

Rosa: And you chose me . . .

Yes, I did.
Now follow me.
*grabs her hand*
*drags her out the door*
We have to reach the shipyard before they chase us.

Rosa: But what will I do without Father?
*tears still dripping down her face*
I . . . I’m an orphan.
I’m all alone.

You’re not alone.
You have me.

Rosa: What, the bodyguard?
Some consolation . . .

*grits his teeth*
I’ll take care of you, alright?
Nocturnal won’t find you. Not ever.

Rosa: I can’t pay you.

. . . That’s fine.

Rosa: What?

That’s fine, I said!
Now hurry!

Star Inkbright said...

@Rhydian: That sounds like a horribly jumbled jumble. :P *hugs*

How did your presentation thing go, anyway?


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Amazingly well actually :) and the jumble...I've gotten used to it. Occasionally its unbearable but now it just reminds me that life is a challenge and I like that. I've never really been the one for a boring yer easy life. Difficulty shows that we are not simple, and I like to think I'm original/slightly complex. :P

Star Inkbright said...


*opens it* *tells all the metal that it's metal and the pop that it's pop and the tracks that they have names* *shuts it down* *nods, satisfied*

I think it's learning.

If I give it a few more days, I'm sure we'll be getting along nicely. C:





Star Inkbright said...

@Rhydian: That's an awesome outlook. :) :) :)


I shall remember that when everything goes clash and jumble. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

*the year is 1855*

Rosa: *sitting in a church pew*
*tears streaming down her face*

Nun: *approaches her*
*lays a gentle hand on her shoulder*
My child, what is wrong?

Rosa: I . . . I’ve made a mistake. I have sinned before God. I . . . I don’t know what to do.

Nun: Tell me, child. The Lord will forgive you your transgressions.

Rosa: There . . . there is a man.
A man who has followed me, and protected me from harm, for many years.
I . . . I made a mistake.

Nun: What did you do, child?

Rosa: *removes the coat from across her lap*
*showing her belly*

Nun: . . . ah.

Rosa: *weeping now*
I c-cannot care for a child . . . I do not know how . . .
And how, out of wedlock, can this child survive? He’s a bastard son.
I don’t know what to do . . . will the Lord forgive me?

Nun: He will, child, I am sure of it.
Do you love this man?

Rosa: I . . .

Rosa: *whispers* No.
It was a moment of weakness. I . . .
I don’t love him.

Nun: Does he love you?

Rosa: . . . Yes.
*bows her head*
*her whole body trembling*
He loves me.
And I’m carrying his child.
And I don’t know what to do.

Star Inkbright said...

D: D: D:

Annika, I think I may have to start ignoring you unless I am in a bad mood.
That way, you can't destroy my happiness. :P


The Grave of a Coward said...

*a few days later*

*one hand over his mouth*
*swaying dizzily on the spot*
We . . . you . . . I mean . . .
*staring, shocked, at her belly*
You . . .

Rosa: *stands up straight*
*tries to look brave*
I . . . I am pregnant. With your baby, Garrote.

*his bright pink eyes widen*
*and his pale skin flushes with a tiny bit of color*
Oh . . . oh my God . . .

Rosa: *closes her eyes*
*ready to face his anger*

This . . . this is wonderful!

Rosa: *opens her eyes*

A child!
OUR child!
*his eyes are a little wet*
This . . . this is . . .

*he embraces her*
*whispers* This is wonderful.

*lets her go*
We must be married at once!

Rosa: W-what?

It will be wonderful!
We’ll be a family.
You, and I, and our child.
I’ll teach him about symmetry, and you can teach him about bravery.
*smiles a smile of pure joy*
I . . . I don’t know. Is it a boy or a girl?

Rosa: *whispers*
I don’t know.

I don’t care!
I’ll love him. Whatever he may be.
*lays a hand on her stomach*
This . . . this is beautiful. You are beautiful.

*kisses her*
*whispers* I love you, Rosa.

Rosa: *does not say I love you back*

Star Inkbright said...

That's actually . . .

That's . . .

That's. O_O


Star Inkbright said...

"I'll teach him about symmetry, and you can teach him about bravery." <3

But still -



The Grave of a Coward said...

*two weeks later*
*Rosa sits alone*
*in a dark room*
*tears dripping down her face*
*she dries them*
*and tells herself she could have done nothing else*

*the door swings open*
*smiles kindly*
*a basket of food in his hand*
I brought food.
I wasn’t sure what you’d want . . . I know how pregnancy craving can be.

Rosa: *does not answer*

*sets the basket down*
Are you alright?

Rosa: *crying softly*

There now, don’t cry.
*pulls out a handkercheif*
*wipes away her tears*
Is it mood swings?

Rosa: *looks at him*
*her eyes wet*

Rosa: Garrote, I went to see the chemist today.

Were you feeling ill?
*his eyes narrow in confusion*
I could’ve gotten the medicine for you instead.

Rosa: I wasn’t feeling ill.

Then . . . then why did you go to the chemist?

Rosa: I . . .
I bought a tonic, Garrote.
And I drank it.

And . . . what does the tonic do?

Rosa: *her heart is pounding in her chest*
*and she opens her mouth*
*and tells him precisely what the tonic did*

*outside, it begins to rain*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I'm going to write something. Don't even know what it is, but my hands are eager to type yeah.

*this is to my crush ("Rhystery" Adra calls it. Rhydian / Mystery person) -
I love you, I think. And that's saying something. And I know you know. Telling yourself something enough times your brain starts to believe it. For about two months now I've been telling myself I don't fancy anyone. And it's worked a few times, but it always ends up the same way. Me, completely falling for you. And you, looking the other way, being shy like you normally are. What can I say? I believe in Happily Ever After's :) *shrugs* so please....Can you please stop trying to forget about me? I know your shy and it must be really awkward because of the situation we're in. (Star you know why lol) We used to be good friends actually. Just tell me what YOU feel. I don't care what it is, I just need to know, it's killing me not knowing.

That's it. I know. Deep eh?

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

AMAZING rp Annie! :D

Star Inkbright said...

Why, Annika.


*curls up in a ball and cries*

*for the second night in a row*

*I like curling up into balls, though*

*stops crying* *scrolls up* *reads Rhydian's thing* *hugs* :) :) :)
You're awesome, Rhydian. :) :) :) *hugs*
I ship Rhystery. :) :) :)
And I don't just ship anything.
I don't ship my friend C and her boyfriend. :/
But I ship Rhystery. *nods*
And I hope things work out okay for you. :) :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

*the year is a couple weeks ago*

Barkeep: I . . . I see.

*nods wearily*
*staring blankly at his gin and tonic*

Barkeep: *takes a deep breath*
She . . . she killed the kid.

*nods slowly*

Barkeep: I . . .
*doesn’t know what to say*
. . . I don’t know what to say.

*drunkenly slurs* No need.

Barkeep: I’m sorry, man.

*looks at the barkeep*
*with pink, bloodshot eyes*
If I had a penny for every I’m Sorry I got,
I could copper-plate the Taj Mahal,
but I sure as Hell wouldn’t be a dad,
now would I?

Barkeep: Have you . . . Have you found anyone else?
Another girl, I mean.

*gruffly* No.
I can’t talk to them,
can barely even look at them.
Especially the pretty ones. The pretty ones are the worst.
Because they think,
*drains his glass*
that it’s their right,
8slams the glass on the bartop*
to play with our hearts,
till they break,

Barkeep: *nods shakily*
*pours him a fresh gin and tonic*
Shall I . . . shall I leave you alone?

*spitefully* Yeah, that’s the first useful thing you’ve said all day.

Barkeep: *walks away*

*stares back into his gin and tonic*

*and smiles grimly as it slowly freezes under his gaze*


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

WHY ANNIKA!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Oh and thanks Star :) I've been trying to build up the confidence to say something to them. But...I just can't

Star Inkbright said...

@Rhydian: *nods*

If I'm too shy to do something like send an email . . .

Then I go off and think about something else, or do something else, and then I hit 'send' without really thinking about it.

When I had my injections, I was singing confidence-inducing songs in my head.

So, um. *nods*

@Annika: WHYYYYYYY. D:


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Ah, Lemony Snicket would be so proud of me if he could see all the misery I've inflicted on my beloved creations.
And I did it because I wanted to explain that aspect of Gary's personality,
and make it clear how, in reality,
it was really

The Grave of a Coward said...

(On a lighter note, we will, at some point, see Doc Precocious in her wedding dress.
I actually went online and found a wedding dress-up doll thing and made one,
so I'll have a special Wedding-Dress-Precocious profile picture.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: No. If Lemony Snicket came anywhere near your writing, he wouldn't be proud of you, he would be curled up in a ball crying like the rest of us. :P

(Curling up into a ball crying is so much better than crying whilst not in a ball, though. I suppose it must be some natural instinct thing. Did you know that we're naturally drawn to corners and more closed-in places? My rockclimbing instructor, or one of them, told me. And it's true. You do feel more comfortable sitting/climbing in a corner than in the centre.)

Um . . .

*has, once again, totally forgotten where I was*


*looks upwards*
@Annika: I think you did very well with it. :) :) :)
And I think you could also use that as a metaphor, but I'm ALWAYS trying to use things as metaphors, so . . . :P


Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: REALLY????? :) :)



Maralie Lily Charm said...

No, you don't stand a chance
For a second in my world
The same old song, it won't last long
If you can't stand behind the music
All the fame, all the girls
And all the money in this world
They don't mean sh-, better admit
If you can't stand behind the music

So stand up, show 'em how we do it
Won't back down until I see your, hands up
Tell 'em what the truth is
Stand behind the music

You gotta get behind,
Cross your heart, hope to die
Splash of hype, dash of pretty
That don't mean I'll buy
Okay alright already,
They getting money
All the frauds, all the phonies,
All the fakes, slow down
It's a fast paced world, breathe, breathe
Look my face in the mirror
Say, "Who the heck am I? "
Look me in the eye
Is this conviction or addiction or a waste of time?
Just name a genre, yeah I've tried it
Been doin' this from 15 to life, yeah
I need a break already, I gotta find it
And for the first time in my life, I'm doing my schtick
I, I, I, I, I wanna stand in this pop star frenzy
Girls getting praise, look at Nikki, look at Katy
Chew it up, make my teeth rot
You think I'm talkin' to ya? I'm probably not (not)

No you don't stand a chance
For a second in my world
The same old song, it won't last long
If you can't stand behind the music
All the fame, all the girls
And all the money in this world
They don't mean sh-, better admit
If you can't stand behind the music

Rewind, when I was a little younger
Lookin' for a label and a little clean danger
LA had a taste for a new adventure
We opened every 'do not enter
Yeah I was tryin' hard to be somebody
Be the cool kid at the party
Lookin' at me laddy daddy, hottie hottie, hot tamale
Stranger sizing up my body
Told me I could be somebody
Wait, someone stopped me,
Went home and I called my mommy
Oh no, I'm not that girl,
I still wanna be the leader of the f-f-free world
I'm a big dreamer, I'm a believer
Just try to tell me no, I'm a go full steam ahead
No, can't slow me down
Gonna run this town from the inside out
Block by block from the bottom to the top
I know just who I am
And I know just who I'm not

No you don't stand a chance
For a second in my world
The same old song, it won't last long
If you can't stand behind the music
All the fame, all the girls
And all the money in this world
They don't mean sh-, better admit
If you can't stand behind the music

So stand up, show em how we do it
Won't back down until I see your hands up
Tell 'em what the truth is
Stand behind the music

Yeah, stand up, come on let me see you
Front row up to the nose bleeders
Hands up, if you really need it
Stand behind the music

No you don't stand a chance
For a second in my world
The same old song, it won't last long
If you can't stand behind the music

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Yes. I won't show it to you until the time is right, of course, but I will say that she looks absolutely fabulous. Photo would approve.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Hullo, Maralie.)

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Gtg now. But before I do - How many people here think I should talk to my crush and talk to them about how I feel?

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I, being a largely unloved gentlelady who has trouble feeling things the way 'normal folk' do, have no earthly idea how crushes work.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Rhydian: *shrugs helplessly* I don't know.
If it were me
I wouldn't speak to them
which is not because not speaking to them is the Thing To Do
it is because I am me.
Me being me, and not someone who would talk to them, I don't know. :/

@Mara: :) *hugs*

@Annika: I'll look forward to seeing it. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Here is a thing that happened two days a go:

Me: *watching Frozen*

My Pal: *watching Frozen*

Frozen: *she starts singing Let It Go on the mountaintop*

Me: *chuckle*

My Pal: What?

Frozen: Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore . . .

Me: *outright giggling*

My Pal: What!?

Me: *whispers* Sorry. I'm thinking about a middle-aged albino hit man singing this song.

My Pal: . . . You're a bit weird.

Me: I know.
But I simply can't stop giggling!)

The Grave of a Coward said...


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Ok then. Better than nothing I suppose. Bye! *hugs all*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Hullo there, Sir. How are you?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: *laughs* XD

Hi Sir! :)


Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Rhydian! :(


The Grave of a Coward said...

(*sits in her swivel chair*
*and stares at this comment thread*
. . . I'm not sure what to do now, now I'm though with that role-play.
I did post it to Superfluous, it's important enough.
. . .
. . . I don't know what I ought to do.
Do I have any requests?)

Sir said...

Greetings, Ms. Barnosky, Inkbright, and Charm. Good bye, Mr. Saint.

Standard, Ms. Barnosky.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Well, I hope standard means 'Everything is jolly good.')

Sir said...

If that is your interpretation, Ms. Barnosky.

Feel free to write whatever you wish to.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*sigh heavily*
*put on my pith helmet*
*my sequined tuxedo jacket*
*and pick up my Viking shield*
*and stroll out on stage*

What is the difference between a cat and a compound sentence?
One has claws at the end of its paws, and one has a pause at the end of its clause.

*ba-dum TISH*

Audience: *groans*
Not HER again!

Random Citizen: *throws a rotten tomato*

*I protect myself with my shield*
*I came prepared this time*)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I'm still playing with Fabi's past and trying to figure out what works best with her character, so please excuse any contradictory details, such as the fact that she has a governess in this instead of the local private school I referenced previously.))

She asked why they were always away, but of course her governess had no answer. Miss Imogen knew better than to try to explain grown-up business to an eight-year-old.
Mireille frowned slightly, then went back to her origami. The child was always creating something, be it drawings, cardboard sculptures with scraps from the recycle bin, cakes that although they hardly looked professionally decorated, were very sweet and hardly bad for a young girl. Miss Imogen was generally proud of her charge, although it would be nice if she would concentrate more on things that needed to be done. Her room was a disaster, and Miss Imogen was not sure precisely how to fix that. Mireille would listen well enough and start picking books off the floor, but she would inevitably end up reading one of the books, and the room would be in pretty much the same state as before.
"Mireille," Miss Imogen hated to interrupt the creative train of thought, but it really was time for a reminder. "André will be home for the holidays soon. Don't you want the house to be in a nice state for him?"
"Of course, Miss Imogen," Mireille said without looking up, "But if André is here, the house will never be in a nice state. Wouldn't it be better to wait until he's gone?" She frowned as another thought came to her. "What about Cami?"
"Camille has opted to remain at school over the holidays." Miss Imogen frowned slightly, not wanting to remind the girl of the horrible fight between her sister and her parents.
"Understandable..." Mireille murmured. Although she didn't need a reminder of that day, she didn't get how any of them could still be mad. She'd always been told that it was bad to hold a grudge, and surely her family knew the same? "I do wish she'd come, though. I miss her..."
"I know, dear," said Miss Imogen. "Perhaps you could at least clear your cardboard boxes off the dining room table?"
"They're not cardboard boxes, they're alien planets."
"Still, we would hardly want them to be mistaken for Christmas dinner, now, would we?" Miss Imogen dabbed at her mouth with a handkerchief, hiding the slight smile.
Mireille laughed, showing her missing two front teeth. "That would be silly!" Still, she scampered off to do as Miss Imogen asked.

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: You already said that one. :P

And this one English nerd fell over laughing.


Sir said...

Greetings, Ms. Cryptic.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*I cough in a dignified manner*

I stayed up all night yesterday to see where the sun went.
And then it dawned on me . . .

*ba-dum TISH*

Random Citizen: You suck!

*I push my glasses up on my nose*
*and sigh*

And you, sir, are a monstrous malefactor.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: *watching* :)

It's interesting, trying to slot it all together. :) :) :)


Star Inkbright said...

I think I should tell you that I generally laugh at your jokes, Annika. XD


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: you'll have to pardon me- I'm being selfish for a moment. I'm not even saying hello. I'm just asking, to anyone who wants to answer- and I'll selfishly ask for as many answers as I can get, please- what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of me?))


Sir said...

I agree with Ms. Inkbright. I quite enjoy your humor, Ms. Barnosky.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*I adjust my pith helmet*

A man went to the zoo and saw that there was only one animal, and it was a dog!
It was a shih-tzu.

*ba-dum TISH*

Crickets: *chirp loudly*

. . . You know . . . a shih-tzu?
It was a shit-zoo?
*sighs heavily*
A career in stand-up comedy is, I see, not for me.

Random Guy: *throws another rotten tomato*

*it bounces off my pith helmet*
*I am glad I brought my pith helmet*)

Star Inkbright said...

@Ari: Oh, gosh. :O

Well, it depends in which context I'm thinking of you. Obviously, if something reminds me of you and that makes me think of you, I'm thinking of the way in which it reminded me of you.
If you come online and my brain goes "Oh look Ari came online", then the first thing that comes to mind is a sense of general Ari-ness.
Which isn't that helpful, I know.
It's just a vague imprint of my entire collected impression of you.
Part of which I don't consciously realise, I suppose. :P


Sir said...

Writing prowess, Ms. Tesla.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(The first thing I think of when I think of you, Aretha, is the name Niccolo.
I am sorry,
but that is the truth.

Audience Guy: Who are you talking to!?

Never mind. A Blogland matter.
Back to the jokes!

Audience: NOOOOOOO!)

Noelle said...

Fabi- I like the idea of a governess better. It's so... Proper :) *Hugs* Thank you, by the way.

Hello everyone else!

Sir said...

Greetings, Ms. Dark.

Noelle said...

Ari- kindness, of course.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(What do you call a snarky criminal walking down a flight of stairs?

A condescending con descending.

*ba-dum TISH*

Little Old Lady in the Audience: *faints*

*I sigh heavily*

This does not bode well.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Ah, hullo, Adra!
Did you read my tale about Gary?

Audience: SHUT UP!

*I appear confused*
That . . . that wasn't a joke.
I was asking Adra a question.

*ba-dum TISH*

No, no that wasn't a joke either!

*I glare at my ba-dum TISH guy*

Only after the jokes!

Ba-dum TISH Guy: 'm not sure which are the jokes and which are you just talking . . .

*I sigh heavily*)

Sir said...

Generally, boding things never bode well.

Emerald Melody said...

Hey everyone.

Ari, when I think of you, I always say that you have the 3 c's that any friend is supposed to have. You're clever, creative and caring.

Noelle said...

Hello, Sir.
Hello, Annika. No, I didn't.

So I learned that I really need my mom to get my prescription soon because this is simply ridiculous. I almost cried in AAA because of my grades. It's awful. I swear. *Cuddles her bear*

Sir said...

Greetings, Ms. Melody.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*I cough*

PMS jokes are not funny. Period.

Crickets: *chirping*)

Noelle said...

Em! Hello!
Can I barrow a water bottle. I'm afraid that if I warm one up, I'll melt it in the microwave or something. True story- it's happened before.

I'll tell you it sometime. When I melted metal into plastic. Aye.

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: A condescending con descending.
Oh my gosh. XD XD

Hey Adra!

*trying to define Ari-ness*


The Grave of a Coward said...

(*I rip off my pith helmet*
*and dash it to the floor*
*before falling to my knees*
I . . . I give up.
*I collapse in a helpless heap*
I'm not good enough.
I don't have what it takes to be a stand-up comedian.
I just . . . don't.

Ba-dum TISH Guy: *stands up*
*steps over me*
*walks to the microphone*
*taps it gently*

Ba-dum TISH Guy: So, how 'bout that airplane food?

Audience: *explodes with uncontrollable laughter*)

Sir said...

Ms. Dark, microwaves work by disturbing water molecules, which is why they heat food, but not paper plates. If the water bottle in question is not filled with water or covered in water, feasibly, it should not explode.

Of course, explosions that are not meant to happen actually do happen, all of the time.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: D: *hugs* :( :( :(


Noelle said...


I'm going to tell it now, because I'm in an alright mood.

So once, I was going to make tea, and I wanted the nice peppermint kind I got in Galway from a place called Cupan Tae. So I put my tea in outlet metal Death Star tea holder, place that in a plastic measuring cup, and put the both in the microwave.
In my defense, though, my mind was preoccupied and it wasn't until after I smelled the burnt plastic that I realized what had happened.

Star Inkbright said...



Noelle said...

Hi Star!

And Sir, I need it filled with water.
Which is why it isn't going in

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: :O

My friend once put an egg in the microwave and it exploded. :P


Star Inkbright said...

It blew the microwave door off, I think. O_O


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Ba-dum TISH Guy: So, how do you make holy water?
You take ordinary water,
and just boil the hell out of it.

*I wearily bang on the drum set*
*ba-dum TISH*

Audience: *roars with laughter*

*I turn my head*
*and look straight*

The moral of this story, dear reader,
is that some of us were born to me stand up comics,
and some of us were born to be ba-dum TISH guys.

*ba-dum TISH*)

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Boil some water, then pour that into the water bottle?


Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: No.

The moral of the story is that life ISN'T FAIR.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Thanks Star [hugs] Yeah, it is, I guess... Fabi is basically an experiment for me, which is both confusing and nice.))

((Thanks Adra. Yeah, that's why I changed it. And no problem [hugs]))

((Greetings, Sir.))

((Ari, I'm not really sure how to answer that, sorry. I have a mental code associated with you, just like everyone else, but it's not something I can explain...))

Noelle said...

Eggs do have to be treated delicately, Star.

That is a very nice idea, Star...

I could boil some water and dip a towel in it as well...

Star Inkbright said...

I suppose Ari-ness partially consists of . . .

Awesomeness, Niccolò, good writing, grey profile pictures, the words Ari and Aretha and Tesla, Tesla himself and your feelings associated with that, interestingness, Krav/general fighting stuff and philosophies associated with that, roleplay, Death (the person, not the dying kind of death), friendship, general oh-look-it's-somebody-I-like-and-respect-ness, respect, general oh-look-it's-somebody-I-feel-comfortable-with-being-with-ness, general oh-look-it's-somebody-awesome-ness (and all three are slightly different), America (you're American), intelligence, confidence-in-being-different-ness (which I suppose I value quite highly), one-of-those-people-who-you-sometimes-wish-you-were-more-like-ness, and probably lots of other things that I know about but can't immediately recall or aren't subconsciously aware of. :)



Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *nods*

@Lantern: Well, that's good. :)
Experiments are fun.
When you know what you're doing.
And are not just sitting there looking at your friend and discussing how we don't know the answers to any of this.
(And then I started spacing out. -_-
I know this is really our fault that physics isn't working for us, but it's still annoying.)


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: *disputes Anni's moral* I don't think it matters who/what you were born to be, if we were even born for a purpose to begin with. You should do what makes you happy, because it's quite possible that life is pointless anyway. You have to make your own meaning out of it. Be the author of your own life. *this isn't even directed at Anni anymore, I just thought it and wanted to say it* *because I don't say half of what I think most of the time and I think I should start* Also, thanks, everyone, for answering my question.))


The Grave of a Coward said...

(*gives Aretha a stern look*
*slowly and deliberately raises her drumsticks*

*ba-dum TISH*)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Hai Ari!!!!

Noelle said...

Nicely said, Aretha. Unfortunately, I find that Life is written in permanent ink as well.
In any case, I love comparing fate/morale/life to a book, and we're all the writers of our own book, and every day is another page.
Although, if that be true, then we must write small.
Maybe every month is a book, and our life is a library.


I love books. Especially those at Trinity Library. Heaven, I say. Heaven.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Ari- Epic, as in rhe girl who has done so much and is cool.

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I love books. I have a biggish-smallish-library in my house, and I'm known as something of a VIP at the local library.
They get a lot of books there before they're actually published. Advanced-reading copies, y'know. And they always give them to me first before they actually put them on the shelves.

I dearly love it there, at the library. It's like an island of order and refuge in this dark and chaotic world.)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: you know, a few centuries ago there was this group of French philosophers who concluded that life was utterly meaningless. If I recall correctly, many of them killed themselves. About half a year ago I came to basically the same conclusion, but instead of becoming depressed over it I just determined it even more important to live life to the fullest, meaning that I should enjoy it as much as I can.))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

(( [Tilts head slightly, thinking] ))

((I'm not sure if I want to write more with Mireille and Miss Imogen or try to go back to the present...))

((I might just go...))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I certainly do not believe life is meaningless. I am a Christian, after all.
I do, however, believe that it can become meaningless, if you choose to make it so.
That is why I choose not to make it so.)

Noelle said...

I believe the Fault in Our Stars trailer is released today. Officially, that is.

Meh. I still hold strong that we came here to learn and grow to our fullest potentials. That after we die, we'll have more to learn, etc...

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Ah, the Fault in Our Stars trailer! John mentioned it was coming out today.
*high-fives her fellow Nerdfighter*)

Noelle said...

:/ *hugs Fabi*

Basically, I think the point of living in this world is to take in as much as we can, and give as much as we can. All the knowledge of the world is waiting for us, and we ought to do something with it.
If you love saving people, then save people. If you are good at entertaining, then it's a win-win.

This isn't where I wanted to go with this thought.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: :/ Don't feel you have to.

Sorry for poofing, I got sidetracked. :P

I agree with Ari in that you can do what you want to do. *nods*
And if you enjoy something you're terrible at . . .
By doing it, you get better (practise), so then you're less terrible. :)

I used to read more. Then I discovered the internet, and it all went downhill from there. :P
(Of course I still read. Just not as much.)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I agree. I agree live life to the fullest. Its a great idea I mean we don't know what is there when we die. My history teacher said, honestly nobody knows so if you think you'll see Heaven/Hell when you die you may if you think that it'll be nothing it may be so. Nobody has come back to say hey you'll love it up in Heaven! But every religion has a basis for good and evil what you do on Earth effects you when you die Greeks say you'd go to Elysium the Fields or Punishment, Egypt the Field of Food or your soul is eaten.

Woah I reviewed for history and rambled xD

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I suppose I shall depart.
not before encouraging everyone to go read and comment on
A) Anything on my Monster Hunter blog.
B) The new Superfluous Adventure I posted.

That is all.

*row row rows my boat gently into Hell*


Noelle said...


God damn cat no STO

so what I meant to say
Was that we live, and we die. We experience what we experience, and we do what we can to make things out of it. There is a point to life, and it's like a test- a survival test. And, if done right, you can have fun while you do it.


Life is a great big game. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, and there's always an end to it, and it can be both fun and difficult, but it's one worth playing, I think.

That was terrible I'm so sorry.

The game is on!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs people]

Yeah, I'm gone... Mom's talking about me again and I can't not listen in.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh Ari- Next week we're gonna be in Nic's birth era :P

Noelle said...

Whether it be reborn, or to some place where ya party all the time.

But, I'm not really sure about the idea of Heaven. It is nice, yes, eternal paradise and so on, but... I dunno. I never will. Well. I won't know for a long time. The way I see it, what happens after I die is just another huge adventure to go on- another life to live. Which is partially why I'm not scared of dying. Not that I'm saying I want to. I'll take my time and all...

But I dunno. I mean, energy is real- but where does it go when we die? Not sure. I'll send postcards to you all after I die :P

Bye Annika

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

When I die I don't know what to expect. I don't. I may see Heaven I may not I may be reborn, it's happened where a general remembered someplace he never was and he knew knooks and cranies for battle there. So you just never know.

Noelle said...

Which, by the way, when I say all of this- I'm not saying anyone else's beliefs, not mine are exactly right, because we all don't know.

Just a different perspective for you lot, I suppose.

Though, if I have had different lives, I was definitely Greek at some point. I feeeeeel like my soul has spent a lot of time in Europe and the Middle East :)

Yeah I probably sound delusional to you lot. Whatever, think what you like :)

Noelle said...

I feel like I have the stage or something.

Until Star comes with a rant, which she might not because she's distant.

Florida's freaking out because of the snow and the ice. It's cute :P

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Well see I think it is possible, I mean I feel like I've been somewhere I haven't. I can picture things I never saw out West and when I see a picture I go oh wow that's what I remember even though I never have been to the West coast, furtherest I went was New Orleans. Now that is an experience.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Omg my niece and nephew are too though thwy have seen snow as in 2012 they were here. But they're all freaking and I'm like tis snow guys

Star Inkbright said...

Did any of you read what I was rambling on about earlier when I was saying that everyone had different beliefs, and there wasn't one correct thing, and that all of them were sort of right, just different, even when they contradicted each other?

Because if you believe in it -
Then, you know, it's good enough to be believed it. :)

To be honest, I don't know what happens after we die.
I don't think you could have a literal heaven, because if we humans were in paradise, we would find some way to be unhappy in it.
It depends what you mean by literal heaven, I guess.
But in order to be truly, truly happy, to be in paradise, we'd have to be changed quite a lot.
And if you got to the stage where you could be truly, truly, 100% happy -
It wouldn't matter where you were when you did it, and how paradise-like it actually was.


Noelle said...

What if we're all living someone's fanfiction

Noelle said...

I wanted to say that, Star-

Utopia, I think, is just a comfort. I don't think it can be achieved and, even so, would be quite boring.
I mean, if everything were perfect, then that's just....
Yuck. No.
I like mistakes and flaws. It keeps me on my toes.

Star Inkbright said...

"Blogger The Empress Lady Adrasdos Dark, Flower Princess said...
I feel like I have the stage or something.

Until Star comes with a rant, which she might not because she's distant."

*looks up at mini-rant* *facepalms*

I believe that inexplainable things happen, to which I mainly pull out my theory about layers of reality.

My mum was saying the other day that sometimes you just have this FEELING, this gut instinct, and you should listen to it.
She said she got the feeling that she shouldn't take this job, but she logicalised that it made sense to take it and it was better and all (any of you remember when my mum was agonising over which job to take? Anyone?)
And she didn't listen and she took it and now she says she wished the hadn't.
The job's great, it's just the PEOPLE.
She said she had this gut feeling before, when she was all set to go to Leeds university, and she just didn't feel it was right and wanted to switch to Newcastle, and all the universities and all the careers advice told her it was a terrible idea, but she did it anyway, and then she went to Newcastle and met my dad and now they're married and now I exist. C:
And I pointed out that if you were depressed, then listening to the instinct that everyone hates you may not be a good thing to do, and then she said that she was really giving me terrible advice because you SHOULD make logical decisions, but there's this CERTAIN feeling, and she can't really explain it or describe it, but . . .

And sometimes, inexplainable things happen, like that, or like Fabi seeing Liz and Fabi, or my friend dreaming the future, or my mum's work being haunted (did I tell you about that? It's a rather cool story. I think so, anyway) or subconscious telepathy or anything.

And yes.

*doesn't know where I was going in the first place*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Positives and negatives. *nods*

You know, I read this book once, and I can't -

Oh yes, I can remember which one it was.

But the point is, someone was saying to another person that people like them had to live on the edge of life and be in danger to be happy.

And if everything's flawless -

then how does them being happy work?

And also . . .

Well, I could go and talk in circles and basically just say the same thing as Adra said, or I could just say I agree, so I could say I agree. :P

Idk, though.

Maybe we don't think we'd like being utterly happy because we've never experienced UTTER happiness before.

We've just had some imitation of it.

But yes. I think it would be rather . . . boring.

And for the record -
when I feel really happy just because, then after a while I get sick of it.

Sometimes, you need to curl up into a ball and cry.

Why do we read depressing books, watch horror movies, listen to sad music, watch sad films, go on rollercoasters?

We want to be sad and scared.

It's a part of life.


Star Inkbright said...

You know, in The Host . . . Wanda was wondering why the love of the humans felt so much better than the love of the souls. And she was thinking that maybe it was because, whilst the souls gave their love to everyone, you had to EARN it form the humans. Or, she was thinking maybe it's because their love is somehow BETTER, that because they can hate so well means they can love so well.
And without the bads
you just don't get the goods
and the good isn't as GOOD without the bad.

And idk.

I'm sorry. :P I'm just going on and on here.


Star Inkbright said...

*hate so fiercely

She said 'fiercely'. *nods*


Noelle said...

I particularly like that one, Star. "We want to be scared and sad"

Which is partially true. Sometimes we want to be sad so someone can comfort us and FFFFFFFFF



My cat stepped on my keyboard

Noelle said...

Now he's awkwardly sitting on me.

This is weird


Who needs a water bottle when you have a nice warm cat to lay on ye

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Awww kitty :) I like the kitty

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *laughs* XD

And - thanks. :)

(We do want to be scared and sad, though. *shrugs*)

(And we do like to feel like we're scared and sad, yes. :) Then, you know . . . we feel like we have the right to have attention and be helped and stuff.)

(I guess it makes us feel special.)


Noelle said...

If you don't think my cat is adorable I am seriously judging you.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...

Aye, Star. However, some people, I think...

For Chrissakes hang on he's EATING MY PISTACHIOS

Star Inkbright said...

(You know when you spend ages thinking you're good and something and THAT'S what you can do, and whenever you're asked to do something similar you're just thinking "Yeah, would be better if it were that other thing, I'm good at that", and then when you try to do it, you realise you're actually rubbish, and you're like oh. :P)


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *laughs* XD


Noelle said...

Oh, I'm sorry. I have to be distant now. Homework. Loads.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I dedicate this page to kitties. :-)

Sorry, the top comment wasn't something I wanted to be a top comment.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: That's okay. :) :)

Oh my gosh. I like to think I'm fairly good at Sudoku, but HONESTLY, this is bordering on impossibility. :P


Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: Okay. :)



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Brb i have dinner

Alastair Cruciatus said...

"Why would anyone want to feel pain or suffering?"

So they can feel alive.


Noelle said...

I would disagree with that.

I think that, although it hurts terribly, that some things that are painful help further me. (I try to take what I can out of everything, really..)

Emerald Melody said...

Hey Ari, I was wondering if it's okay to borrow Niccolo and you for the roleplay when Zaf comes back.

I'm not sure if you know what happened last night or not as regards my plot.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Is it alright if I rant about something?


Actually, I'm just gonna do it.

You don't have to read it.

Not something that should offend any of you. Just... The Homeowner's Association is stupid. Doing anything to your house requires your neighbors to sign a paper signifying their awareness, so if my dad wants to fix the deck, he has to get permission from our neighbors (who really don't care). Only our next door neighbors haven't been home in a couple months now.
So he can't fix the deck.
Even though the board is a safety hazard.
Tbh, I think at this point he's just gonna do it because the homeowner people won't be able to see it anyway. Except that Mom doesn't want to break the rules.

And also, our house needs repainting, because it's been the same color for at least sixteen years now. Only the only colors allowed now are brown, brown and brown. And we have a beautiful blue door that will have to be brown, too, if we repaint. Which we can't do either until the next door people get back.

So yeah. Rant over!

Snow said...

Just saying hi quickly and asking one thing: in case you are not aware, I have a new blog. Please check it out. And, um... yeah. Bye

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Sure, Em! I may become distant at various times because of eating and/or homework, but that sounds lovely!))


Noelle said...

Hello/Goodbye Snow!

*Hugs Fabi* That it is. Like, honestly, it's incredibly stupid. *hugs* Sorry :/

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Hi and bye, then, Snow! I've been thinking about your blog, but I'm still not quite sure what I want to put up... I'll come up with something, though, and it'll be good!

That does sound stupid, Moss. :/))


Maralie Lily Charm said...


ahem sorry not here

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((It is incredibly stupid.))

((I need to DO something.))

((Give me a moment to determine what that something is. :-P))

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Hi/bye to you, too, Mara! *hugs*

I know the feeling, Moss.))


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I have to wake up at six, thanks to an disorganised classmate. Booyah!


Jophiel said...

(Help, I'm alive...))

Noelle said...

So I was going through a list of all of the electives I want to take next year and senior year, and I have 8 of them.

Technically, I have thirteen spots.
Which means I'm going to have to take an actual class, which I might not want to do.

The graduation requirement is 24 credits, but I have enough space for 32 on a regular schedule.
Not to mention that I already have eighteen credits.
Which is
a lot.
Yeah :D I can take a ton of electives, which is really exciting!

And although none of you care, here's what I have :P
-Technical Theatre (which is props design and makeup design)
-Creative Writing
-Shakespeare: text and theatre
-Anatomy and Physiology
-Vertebrate Zoology ( I might take invertebrate as well)
-Music Theory and Composition
-History of the Holocaust

I'm just so glad my school offers so many classes :)

Noelle said...

Ah! Goodness, people!

I feel ya- I hate partner projects.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Ari: Oh. Well, that sounds quite unpleasant, Trip. I'd recommend that you go to bed early, but DARN IT IF ADRA DOESN'T FINALLY GET TO TALK TO YOU SOMETHING IS GOING TO SNAP!! *smiles sweetly* But I do hope that you get enough sleep.

Also, Star, can I just say that I though it was so epic- just so, so well spoken and purely epic- when you told Anni if she killed Oscar, you would forgive her, but you would never, ever get over it. That's just one of those things that I see that I'm totally in awe of. I'll probably put it on Snow's blog, actually.))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Deathy]

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Death! :)

@Trip: -_-

@Lantern: Oh my gosh. STUPIDITY. -_-

*not really here*



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