And right before I head off to another signing, I give you Bloggy Minions this post to... uh... do whatever it is you were planning to do for this Requiem Ball thingy you all seem to be organising...
Do you have a nickname? XD I do apologize, good sir, for mispronouncing your name. It would be 'king' if you could tell me a nickname that I may call you by.
*twirls Luc* And that's about it. I know nothing else on dancing.
Wait, I know the Nutbush and the Macarena. That's got to count for something.
No, wait. I barely remember this step one. *puts hand around Luc's waist and holds her hand with his other* *mutters under breath and starts counting steps back and forward*
Where do you live? When's your birthday, including year? (even though I'll forget it) Umm, oh. My friend's obssessed with eye colour, what colour are your eyes?
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 4835 Newer› Newest»*Eats one of the several cookies caught earlier absentmindedly*
I have the urge to twirl...
Twirling in dresses is always so much fun...
*giggles and twirls*
I've got to go to bed, I'll send my refelction instead!
*stops his cousin from touching a daddy long legs*
It was such a happy little cookie *crys* *eats fairy bread*
Bye Death... D:
Bye Rose.
Nice to meet you!
*twirls with Luce*
We'll all twirl!
Night Death!
im a neocromencer
Same Brave
*Twirls with Eve and Lucy*
heheheheh nghtie night
So you've said, Stilskin.
*twirls* *giggles* Twirling is fun!
This unfortunately will probably be my last visit for the ball.
*Twirls with Eve, Lucy and Lauren*
*grins and watches shadows twirl around the bottom of her dress*
This is fun~!
*giggles and continues twirling*
im a nice neocromencer im not evil
so eh ya hi guys hey luce
Same here Brave.
Heheheh *twirls and giggles*
Brave you are a disgrace to the order!
*grins and watches live chickens gather around feet*
*giggles and eats them*
i dedicate this page too hellboy i wanna say sorry and u have youre own opinion and i accsept it
lauren what age are u
Hey, Brave.
*sits on the ground* Okay, now I'm dizzy.
But this dress is all poofy and pretty... *giggles*
Well, Don't you all look so Dapper?
(You do, by the way)
Has no one noticed that I've arrived? *jumps up and down waving arms*
*Keeps on twirling...*
do we have a volcano
Luce, you sound like you're drunk :P
Hey Helena!!
Hi Helena! *dances with Helena*
Hi Cat!
* gets dizzy from watchin the girlys twirl*
You all look amazing.
Ahahahehehe! Twirling is funn *giggles*
*spins Eve* Thank you Eve and NJ.
Sorry, my name's Helena as well, so I got exited...
*Goes back to twirling*
*sits down*
Finally. I procrastinate a lot, but I'm actually suited up now.
*flips hat onto head*
Brave I am 13. You?
I havent seen you, in forever or something.
*runs at Flame* *stops* Wait. I STILL can't jump on you. Damn.
Well Artemis, Helena's my taken name. My given name is Caroline.
Hey Flame and HB!!
Heya NJ! Heya all :)
Hey Hellboy. *curtsies* How do you do?
Hello Flame adn Hellboy!!
I'm just hyper.
I don't drink.
Hello, everyone that appeared, though~! C:
*sits down*
It's still one of your names though :)
And that says that you like the name Helena, which is even BETTER.
hello hello hello hello helllo hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
and* dammit
I DO like the name Helena, I also love the name Artemis. SO MUCH.
Flame, why do you keep sitting down? *takes Flame's hand and helps him up*
hi hell boy its stamping bull my new names stilskin tho
*bows* I'm doing good. I have a hat and a red tie and a pinstriped suit... honestly, the day couldn't get any better...
HB, is that a photo of YOU?
Oh yeah, hello Master Brave.
*twirls faster and faster*
im ten lauren
Well Hellboy, my day's pretty good as well. I just saw Bill Bailey live. And I hugged a Chaser on Wednesday.
I feel Dumb... I might be back later, though. maybe....
*trips on hem of dress* heheheheh
Okay Brave. :)
Why yes, that is me, in my dashing pin-stripe suit and matching fedora. Quality is a bit dodgy, but it'll do.
YAY.. You like my names... ^.^
*Stops twirling and collapses*
So... Dizzy...
Ahh. Brave. Hiya.
coolio what age are u HB
I knew it!
I think I might just sit on the floor for a while, so dizzy... hehehe
Pictures of HB were all over my newsfeed yesterday...
*grins and pokes HB*
I give up being posh. I can't. :D
how are u HB can i call u that we got off at the rong hand freinds?
Hello Hellboy, thank you fo being kind enough to wear a hat.
Now if you don't mind , I shall be taking your hat hostage.
*Grabs hat and runs*
Uh Flame?
God I almost missed the ball.
Derek rocks for making it's own post!
heheheh cool smiley flame watch this
I am 16.
Do you have a nickname? XD I do apologize, good sir, for mispronouncing your name. It would be 'king' if you could tell me a nickname that I may call you by.
*hugs* How are you?!?!
Hello Emerald!!
meeeee??? call me brave, young sir
Hey Em! *fistbumps*
No Sky lol
We brofist, elegantly in our dresses lol
*brofist tap*
Hello everyone lol
Em u look amazing
*brofist taps back*
Hellboy, actually I'm a Miss, but anyways you can call me 'Abaddon'
Em you look absolutely STUNNER!!
Thank you very much Brave
*blushes slightly at the compliment*
You don't clean up too bad yourself.
hello ammios heheheherhhehehrgdege
Helena, may I have a dance?
Hey, er, Em. I'm Artemis... :D
*Clutches head*
You dress is beautiful Emerald! :)
Okay 'nough sitting down *gets up and dances*
i noim very good lookin
Sorry, Brave. I was talking to someone else. And I'm not quite as young as you.
Czernbog...Was that it? Damn.
Why of course Flame.
Guys please stop lol
My face will turn the same colour of my dress if I keep blushing lol
*shakes Artemis' hand*
Heya Artemis, nice to meet you.
Are you ok??
Hey Artemis, have we met before? Oh well nice meeting you *shouts while dancing*
*Slowly gets up*
Miss Abaddon, I apologize.
Where is the Lady Luc on this fine evening?
i have too go ill be back on in a little while
*twirls Hel out on the dance floor*
KAL! So do you! *high fives*
See you Master Brave.
KALLIE!! *hugs*
See ya Brave
*giggles while spinning*
Kal you look amazing!
*grins* I'm herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreee.
I'm being inspirational, again. *laughs* Oh dear god, I'm not at all inspirational.
Bye Brave
Hello Kal!!
*stops spinning and puts hand on Flame's shoulder*
Bye Brave... :)
Hellboy, don't worry about it people get confused alot.
*laughs at him secretly for not realizing that his hat was stolen*
You're all looking amazing, by the way. *grins*
Bye, whoever has left! :D
*starts to waltz with Helena*
One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three. *continues sequence*
Awesome dress Kallie!
Aww Hel and Flame are dancing amazing!! lol
*counts in head*
*laughs while waltzing*
Hehehe thank you Kal!! So do you! :)
*blushes and yells over shoulder* EM!
*bows before Kal and hugs her* Welcome back :) Feeling a bit better?
*bows before Luc* *takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor*
I don't know how to dance. This should be fun.
*give thumbs up to Hel before winking*
*laughs and goes back to counting in head*
I'm going to go now
Have fun with what's left of the ball
Gah. Sorry, Lady Kallistasista. Posted comment before I could read yours :/
*spins Hel and pulls her info his arms, swaying slightly*
Bye Nixion!
*Has what's left of the punch*
Bye Kallie *hugs*
*sways and tucks head down slightly*
*sits in the corner eating the desserts and drinking a can of Red Bull*
Bye Lady Kallista, *hugs*
Awwww, who's gonna ask ME to dance?!
*sits on stairs and pouts*
*laughs* I can't dance very well, either. Only street dance. *grins*
NJ would you look at Flame, he's a natural on the dance floor lol such a charmer.
Bye Nixion and Kal!
Bye, Nix, bye Kallie!
*whispers to Helena* You're blushing an awful lot lately.
*twirls her and grins*
Indeed he is lady Em!
*grins at Em and looks back at Flame*
Must be really hot in here. Yes. *nods* That MUST be it.
Ok I'm going to leave my elegance for a minute lol
*turns to the dance floor and wolf whistles at Hel and Flame* lol
I feel better now lol
*runs over to eat some of the desserts with NJ*
*glances over at Nj and Em*
*leads a live chicken onto the dance floor*
You look just yummy today, sir.
The Sky :P
*shouts* Go on you good thing Flame lol
Right I'll behave now lol
*walks over to the desert table*
The Sky?
*continues waltzing*
* runs over to steal all the desserts and eats them *
*winks at Hel*
Em, I will chase you.
The sky is up.
*points* See? The Sky :P
*gets bored and eats live chicken*
*makes a beeline for tray of fairy bread and nibbles on a slice*
NJ, I think "S'hup" means "Shut up" :P
Why a capital S? That's confusing considering my last name...
*looks up at Flame* When you do, can I help?
Ah don't Flame, you'll spoil your dancing and I don't want to spoil your little thing with Hel.
I'll just go stuff my face with cake until I pop out of my dress lol
Ah don't Flame, you'll spoil your dancing and I don't want to spoil your little thing with Hel.
I'll just go stuff my face with cake until I pop out of my dress lol
*Eats some Chocolate fondue.*
Eve's right. :P
It was more Em. I just said one thing.
*eats some desserts then attempts to whistle at Hel and Flame*
*eats some desserts then attempts to whistle at Hel and Flame*
Spoil my little thing with Hel?
What thing?
S'hup means 'whats up'. ithink
*tries to ignore everyone but smiles*
Yes, what thing? They are dancing! The Ball is about dancing!
It mean shut up.
S'up mean what's up
*dances around dessert table*
*stops* Flame, I know nothing about you. *starts swaying again* Please, tell me about yourself.
Would you stop lol if Hel blushes any more she will be the same colour as my dress lol
Anyway I dedicate to the Ball and let the rest of the Ball be a success
*raises glass for a toast*
*starts throwing penguin canapés at Emerald and Lauren and NJ*
*twirls Luc* And that's about it. I know nothing else on dancing.
Wait, I know the Nutbush and the Macarena. That's got to count for something.
No, wait. I barely remember this step one. *puts hand around Luc's waist and holds her hand with his other* *mutters under breath and starts counting steps back and forward*
*imitates raising a glass*
I stopped blushing...
*rases glass*
*smiles* You're a far better dancer than I am.
Later we should do the macarena, though. I'm good at that one. *grins and let's HB lead*
*tries to catch penguin canapés in mouth but fails*
I've got to go D: Bye...
Bye Artemis!
Bye Miss Artemis!! Nice meeting you!
Eve now that is just rude lol
*catches one in her mouth*
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*gives up following the steps and basically just moves in whatever direction seems ok*
*tries to catch another one in mouth and gets it* WOOO YESS
Well. I am 13. Im dancing with you.
Anything else?
*continues waltIng with Hel*
OMG Hellboy!
I just noticed your suit and hat now.
You look stunning, such a 50's look. Tis amazing!
*continues to toss canapés*
Now clap your hands together like this!
*imitates a seal*
Nah, I'm just kidding :P
Got to bed! 11.33pm. Nigth everyone. Had a great time at the Ball. *waves*
*laughs slightly*
I hope you realise I'll end up stealing your hat by the end of this.
Where do you live?
When's your birthday, including year? (even though I'll forget it)
Umm, oh. My friend's obssessed with eye colour, what colour are your eyes?
Bye Lauren!!!
Ah, this is lovely. What a lovely Ball.
Bye, Lauren! :3
*twirls around holding Flame's hand while giggling*
Ireland, the 22nd of Feburay, '99 and blue.
*goes out to balcony and sighs dramatically into the chilly breeze*
Good morning, as it happens to be morning in America.
*smiles up at Flame* I do so love Ireland. Would you like to know about me?
*joins Eve on the balcony*
What's up Eve?
Oh wow Phoenix really? I thought you were older than that!
*waves to Phoenix* Morning, even though it's night here...
Why, yes, yes I would
In only 13 :D
Hi Birdy!
*grins at Em cheerily* I thought this would add more magic to the whole scene. :P
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