Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Book Charts and Breaches

Ah, my Minions...

As some of you are aware, KOTW was released early in some parts of the UK. Mistakes were made, I am told, and by the time news got out, it was already too late to do anything. Our official release date had been breached.

I was told all about it. I shrugged. Hey. It happens.

While this tends to mean very little for the overall sales of the book- the same amount of people are going to buy it, after all- it CAN mean that a new book doesn't get to rise as high in the book charts as it otherwise would have, and so doesn't get discussed in the media, and so more people aren't made aware of it...

For example, if a thousand people intend to buy a book the first week it's out, then a thousand sales will move it to a certain spot in the chart. But if five hundred of those people manage to buy the book a week EARLIER, then those sales are spread out over two weeks, and so it doesn't reach as high.

A breached release date can mean the difference between a best-selling book and a NUMBER ONE best-selling book, which is what all publishers are looking for.

Me personally? I'm not OVERLY bothered. Death Bringer was a number one bestseller last year in the UK and Ireland, and that's enough for me. Like I said, I wasn't too fussed at the idea that a few thousand books has been sold before the release date. So what if I didn't reach number one twice in a row? Did I really care? Nope, I didn't.

Which doesn't mean I wasn't utterly delighted by the news today that DESPITE a breached release date, KOTW is now the number one book for young adults in the UK- so thank you, Minions! (I haven't been told how we're doing in Ireland yet, so I'll hold off my extra-wide grin for THAT moment...)

The reader reaction to KOTW has been wonderful. I know a lot of you were stunned by certain events- of which you are free to talk about in the Spoiler Zone post below- and I know some of you would have quite liked to throttle me upon closing the book, so I want to thank you for investing so much of your faith and emotion in these characters. All I can say is: prepare yourself. You have, I assure you, seen NOTHING yet.

And speaking of the final installments, here's a link to a short thingy I wrote for the Tesco website...



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Anonymous said...

I have to go now. School. BYe!

Jophiel said...

Bye! I have emailed you! I didn't want my email to fall into the wrong hands! There are spies and the detective is after me because I crashed his bentley

Jophiel said...

*Starts dancing with Eden's extra*

Unknown said...

First time poster and general blog avoider.
Hi Derek/Mr Landy (whichever you prefer)
I recognise the unlikely event that this post will be taken much notice of but I'd like to say thanks.

Thanks for KOTW. I'd been really unwell in the lead up to the release and it cheered me up no end when it landed on my doormat. (what a thump it made)

Also it was the first thing that made me laugh out loud for 3 weeks.

So cheers for that.

Jophiel said...

Hi Danielle! That is my given name, but I have two 'n's

Jophiel said...

*Continues dancing with Eden's extra* *Waltzes out of blogland*

Unknown said...

Hi Derek/Mr Landy (whichever you prefer)

I just wanted to say thanks for KOTW.

I have been really unwell for a while and it's been the only thing to make me laugh for 3 weeks. I really really needed that so cheers!

( also I'm a first time poster so my apologise for any and all faux pas made)

Luciana said...

I just remembered...Anyone remember how I told you all about how I somehow started talking about SP in a history exam? Like, I made tons of references to it? Well, I forgot to tell you all that, despite talking of SP, I got an A - which is one of the highest in the year. C:

Anonymous said...

I have returned!

Jophiel said...

I am partially here too! I sent you an email by the way!

Anonymous said...

I saw it. I replied.

Jophiel said...

Nope, I'm gone again!

*Waltzes away with Eden's extra*

Anonymous said...

*steal eden's extra and throws it in the volcano*

Eve the ROCK said...

Good on you, Luce!!!! Skulduggery rules!

I just thought I should pop in and say that since no one else did :P

Jophiel said...

No! He is mine!

*Does a save-the-president dive and stops Eden's extra from going in the volcano*
Phew, that was close

Jophiel said...

We were all thinking it!

Anonymous said...

Hello Eve. How are you?

Jophiel said...

Okay, I'm gone again!

* Walks out of blogland*

Eve the ROCK said...

But I was thinking it with my typing finger! Thatms right, finger! Yeah, I'm on my iPod :P

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm pretty goose, Kessie, how? Are? YOU?

Anonymous said...

I have to go...
BYE! *waves frantically*

Jophiel said...

Me too! It s 10:30 pm!

Anonymous said...

I'm good though.

mr said...

I am no longer and emotional wreck.

mr said...


mr said...


Becky Allaker said...

RIGHT account.

Becky Allaker said...

Anyone about?

Luciana said...


Msd. :(

Luciana said...

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow

Chase said...

Hello magical beings

Luciana said...

Hey, Chase..

Chase said...

How are you feeling Luce, I saw you weren't feeling too good either.

Luciana said...

Sorry, I fell asleep. :(

I needed that sleep, though.

My chest still feels as bad. )':

Tomorrow is going to be hell..

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Derek, just thought I should tell you this, last night I dreamed you were a caterpillar.

That's all I have time for, bye!

Katy A said...

All I can say about KOTW is OH. MY. FREAKING. GOD. I can't wait another year for the next one! D:

Unknown said...

I got KOTW after the release date lol :D I love it !

Chase said...

Just an update on Em:

She has a major infection in one of her lungs. She has started her antibiotics from 2 today and she'll be on them all through the night.

If the antibiotics have improved some of the infection come tomorrow then she'll stay on them.
But if it just keeps getting worse then the doctor will have no choice but to take out the infected part of the lung.

Just thought I'd keep you updated

Star Inkbright said...

Poor Em! :'(

I really hope she's be okay.

Star Inkbright said...


Hi people!

Star Inkbright said...

*threatening glare* IF NOBODY'S HERE . . .

I'll be a loner. :(

Chase said...

Me too.

Plus I was in my chemo session today so I dunno if she was awake at all today or not.

She's asleep now.

Luciana said...

Hope she gets better. If it helps, I've known much weaker come back from much worse.

Hello, all. *hugs gently* My side hurts, so bad. :( Doctor was useless and made it worse. :/

Chase said...

*hugs Lu gently*

Doctors usually do make things worse lol

Luciana said...

Getting my mind off pain gets worse, with time.

I need distractions...

Star Inkbright said...

Hi L!

Poor you as well. :(

Luciana said...

Hello, Star.

I'll be reyt. Can't be as bad as it was. (:

Star Inkbright said...


Today is gloomy. :(

Luciana said...

*smiles slightly* It's not so gloomy.

Star Inkbright said...

Huh. Really? You + Em + Chase + first day back at school = gloomy.

But there are good things in it. :) Like the bus was late today. *Yoda voice* Hilarious, it was.

Luciana said...

I'll be fine. Chase is strong, so long as he smiles things will be okay. And Em will get through this.
First day back at school? My first day back was yesterday...

But there are some good things! Like, uh, I might be buying some more SP & HG things? *smiles*

Star Inkbright said...


Yesterday was first day back for the primary schoolers, year seven, and sixth formers. Mine was today. :)

Star Inkbright said...

Gtg, dinner.

itopher said...

I didnt wanna throttle you, just never though I could endure the horror of more insane twists!! Turns out i'm in total acceptance of your desicion, but if you say we've seen nothing yet, i think next time, i'll just pass out...

Unknown said...

oh my gosh, i'm SO excited to read KOTW.. i ordered it a couple of days ago, and i wish amazon would hurry up and deliver it -_- i swear if i have to wait any longer i'll have to start reading the spoilers...

Unknown said...

oh my gosh, i'm SO excited to read KOTW.. i ordered it a couple of days ago, and i wish amazon would hurry up and deliver it -_- i swear if i have to wait any longer i'll have to start reading the spoilers...

Star Inkbright said...

Hi again!

Unknown said...

you saying hi to me? in which case, hiyaaaa

and if not, hiyaaaa anyway :3

Rim. said...

Hello people :D

Luciana said...

Hello, everyone. *hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Ivy, Rim and L!

Rim. said...

Yay!! There's people!

Unknown said...

ha, no-ones on facebook or BBM so i came on here -_- i need company...

Star Inkbright said...

One person, you mean. We others aren't people.

Rim. said...

Okay then Star :P

Yay there's you!

Flame Phoenix said...

Yay! Nix said I was on long! Yay!

A year and a half...

God, it'll be 2 soon...

flaring rhythm said...


My heart was in my mouth reading that blog post oh dear god I was just scrolling down thinking "oh my god I feel absolutely awful I wish I'd never got the book early IT DIDN'T GET TO NUMBER ONE I FEEL AWFUL."



Soon, Derek.

s o o n

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Flame!

Flame Phoenix said...

Hey Inkie!

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Flame!

Rim. said...

Flame!! I've missed your presence.

Flame Phoenix said...

Good to know I've been missed...

I was going to leave until Halloween...

Maybe, like, I won't be here as usual as I have been.

Luciana said...

Sorry for being distant

I need to take some more tablets, soon.

Star Inkbright said...

Oh. Okay.

Rim. said...

I remember when you were on whenever I was :P Good times...
Please don't leave! Your'e loved way too much to leave D:

Luciana said...

Flaaaaaaammmmeeee. *hugs* You can't leave. Who else am I going to have stupid conversations with? You're too awesome!

Flame Phoenix said...

L, we have the stupidest convos:D

Star Inkbright said...


Flame Phoenix said...

L, we have the stupidest convos:D

Flame Phoenix said...

L, we have the stupidest convos:D

Flame Phoenix said...


Luciana said...

We have awesome conversations;3

Also, he called me by my given name earlier. It was weird. I dunno what I prefer to be called. :P I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, Flame. Well, I hope you know. :P *pokes*

Star Inkbright said...

Awesomeness and stupidy are practically thensame thing. :)

Rim. said...

Flame have you got KOTW??

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hello! :)

Just finished homework.

ARGH. Read KOTW again today. It was funny :D

Poor Scapegrace...

"Want to play I spy?"

If Scapegrace had shoulders he would have shrugged.



Star Inkbright said...

Hi Mara!

I know, KOTW is awesome. :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hello Ink! :)

I was obsessing over it today, and my friend came over and said it looked boring.

He now has a black eye.



(PS: My KOTW is hardback, so I hurt him. A lot.)

Star Inkbright said...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Needless to say, he has been demoted from Best Friend to Friend. TAKE THAT JACK :3

Rim. said...

Wow! You really don't care about getting your book bruised do you? :D

Flame Phoenix said...

I think I do, L. :P *winks*

Yes! I had it 4 days before it was out, and finished it the day it was out!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*shrugs* It's hardback. It can manage... *checks book frantically for bruises*

Flame Phoenix said...

I also went to the signing on the 30th and I looked weird carrying around a SP book all day :D I Uniate it an hour before I got it signed.

Rim. said...

I'm the only one without it... DAMN YOU DOCTOR WHO!

Flame Phoenix said...

*finished it

Luciana said...

*laughs* It's one or the other, Flame. :P

I have both hardback editions of KotW. Asdfghjkl. They look so nice on my bookcase.

Flame Phoenix said...

There's 2? *le gasp*

Haha, I know :P

Rim. said...

I bought my vegetarian friend a pig keyring that tells you where the nice meat is and she actually took it... Times have changed.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I went to the signing in Cork on the 2nd of September. HE GAVE ME KNUCKLES AND HUGGED ME FOR THE PICTURE!!!





Flame Phoenix said...

L, you on Chatzy?

Star Inkbright said...

I love my books. I don't like them to go out the house. I'm barely comfortable with them going out my room.

Luciana said...

Don't go on Chatzy, anymore.

Did you want me to go on?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Ink - Same here! I bring at least one book to school (SP mostly) and I'm always stroking it to make sure it's okay... :P

Rim. said...

Anyone heard of Runescape? Thats all the boys in our school take about...

Flame Phoenix said...

Star, I have loaned my HG books to a girl in my class- all 3 of them. She has them finished but she LOANED them to her cousin.

I better get them back.

And L, I wanted to talk to you about something somewhere where it can't be recorded :P

Star Inkbright said...

No, sorry, Rim. :(

Luciana said...

Loki doki, Flame~.


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Rim - What is that? The only thing that the boys in my class are crazy about is girls -_- Morons.

Violent Spork said...

Who doesnt mind if I use their Blogger names for a story?

Flame Phoenix said...

Will you linky me?

Luciana said...

I would if I could. But I can't, cuz I'm on my phone. :( Sorry.

Violent Spork said...

Mara, (sorry, fan girly moment here) O.M.G! What was it like?

Rim. said...

Use mine Sarlia :D

@Maralie, they all still love da girls...

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sarlia - I don't

Star Inkbright said...

I don't mind!!!!

Violent Spork said...

So I can use Willow's and Mara's? Thanks, that'll be great. :D

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sarlia - I can't remember much because I almost fainted, but it felt like our Golden God was hugging me.


Flame Phoenix said...

Ah.. K.

I like three girls.

One for her personality.
One for her looks.

And one for everything. He personality, looks and interests..

Violent Spork said...

Oh, and Stars. Thanks.

Maralie Lily Charm said...


The Skeleton Detective's Enemy (Kessie's story on wattpad) and Sarlia's! :D COOOLLL I'M FAMOUS

Rim. said...

Nice Flame! People are liars if they say you can't like someone just for their looks.

Luciana said...

Flame - third one. (:

Or whichever you fell for last. If you truly liked the first and second girl then you'd not have liked the last one, would you? (':

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Flame - All the boys in my class like one girl.



She is pretty, but:

1) out of their league. TOTALLY
2) Um... she's, like, 20?

At least Harry Styles doesn't get ARRESTED... 0.0

Violent Spork said...

*grins like a mad girl* I really, really hope I can get to meet him at Liverpool!!!!! :D

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sarlia - WHO? WHAT? MEET WHO? *looks around frantically.

Rim. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flame Phoenix said...

The third was 1st... The second next then the 1st... Ish.

Maralie Lily Charm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Violent Spork said...

Oh, yeah, for those of you are letting me use your names, what are you elemental, adept, necromancer etc, etc and do you have any requirements.

Rim. said...

Harry styles is a male dates/does dirty things to anything that moves.

Luciana said...

The first one, then. :3

*hugs Flame* I'm sure you'll work it out!

Flame Phoenix said...

Lucianna, did you get anywhere with the guy in your school.

And I agree, Rim.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Rim -*cries in the corner*

Sarlia - Well, Maralie is a natural born teleporter but also she is a Lighter (hahahah made it up myself :3) and she can conjure flames, but instead of fire, it's bright light which makes whoever touches off it vibrate uncontrollably :D

Rim. said...

I'm an elemental that's got brown/ginger hair. Drives a ktm 990 adv. Wears leather and suede. Carries knives and has a collection in the KTM carry box.

Luciana said...

*laughs* Like hell I did. He's a...*tries to think of a polite word to describe him* ...uh...yeah.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Flame - NOT YOU TOO! *cries and hides under 1D magazine*

Star Inkbright said...

Damn. Gtg. Fours.

Flame Phoenix said...

I really want to write an epic short story...

Just one.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sarlia - Um, she is an idiot. Straight up. Moron, imbecile, whatever else. She always wears a short sleeved t-shirt and denim shorts. She usually wears flip flops but sometimes runners. Uh, she has long blonde wavy hair and blue eyes. That's basically it.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

BYE INK! :D Have fun doing... whatever it is you are doing! :3

Flame Phoenix said...

Ah... k:D

Luciana said...

Bye, Star! *hugs*

Flaaaaaammmeeee. You written anything recently? I need something to read. c: Though, I have to finish reading whatever I was reading for Zath... I'll finish reading it, soon! XD

Flame Phoenix said...

Bye Inkie!

Violent Spork said...

Ink, before you go, what are you, elemental etc, etc and what do you want to look like?!!!!

Rhiannon White said...

Derek you have managed to go one step further than a number one best selling book right there! Congrats you deserve it. Have a baguette.
That's all I have to say other than hi I've never commented on your blog before. Right there we are then x

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I have written a blog :) It has my short story on it. It is Stories And Epicness. I cannot post the link as I am on a crappy computer and the internet is BEEEEEEEP so... it's on my profile. I think :3

Willow Storm said...

Hello! :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hello new person! Nice name! Rhiannon :) I am Maralie. You can call me Mara though :3

Violent Spork said...

*looks around desperately and drops to knees* Iiiiiiiinnnnnkkkkkk ANSWER ME! Or if someone else knows, ANSWEEEERRRR MEEEEE!!!!

Rim. said...

Hey Gorm-in-da-Storm!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hello Willow :D How are you?

Violent Spork said...

Please... answer... *puppy dog eyes*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sarlia - I'm sorry to say this, but I'm afraid, Ink is gone. :(


Willow Storm said...

Tired. Stupid school -_-
How are you?

Violent Spork said...

*tears up* Do... do you know about ink?

Violent Spork said...

do you?

Stella Hazel Book said...

Hi! I can only stay for 5 mins tho, sorry!

Rim. said...

Stupid PE GCSE. Gotta do 3 hours of running before Monday...

Rim. said...

Hey Numbers!

Felis Wright said...

Hey you guys!

Rim. said...

The Goonies!
Hey Felis! I don't think we've met before??

Luciana said...

Hello, everyone that appeared! :3

Flame Phoenix said...


Haha. I like that ;3

Girl no 1 is not my friend any more! *shrugs*

Violent Spork said...

Ooooh, fun, running, tiring, my favourite combination of things I sort of want to do but will probably give up on. I feel so sorry for you. So I'm useing Willows Suede's and Mara's names (since i dont know inks requirments yet, she'll be a later character.) So, do you mind being partners? :)

Violent Spork said...

Oh, and any guys mind me using their Blogger names? I'll need your requirments and what you can do to put you in my story. :D

Willow Storm said...

UghhajsfhsjdahfdieJfaudhjrhjg Dad and Stepmother are back -_-

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hello Felix! Have we met?

Sarlia - Sure thing! :D I don't mind :3


I WANNA STAY...........



♪ ♫ ♥

I love my phone on shuffle :3 ♥

Stella Hazel Book said...

Sorry about this; I've gotta go as i can't c the comments section coz my phone's playing up, sorry!

Rim. said...

I don't mind having a partner but Willow doesn't trust anyone seriously.

Rim. said...

Rimilicious?? Lol! I love that!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Goodbye Stella :D

Luciana said...

I have to go, guys. *hugs all* Gotta take tablets and my phone is dying. Talk to you, later!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Rim - Don't worry. Maralie is a complete and utter idiot. You'll LOVE HER! (I guess... if you count hatred as love. Who does that?!)

Rim. said...

Bye L!! *hugs*

Violent Spork said...

OK, I'll start the story now then. :b :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*hugs Luci* Goodbye Luci! *gives cookie*

Rim. said...

The daleks?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Bye Sarlia :) Tell me when it's done and I'll have a peek :3

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hehe ;3 I am wearing my purple headphones (like Beatz) and listening to One Direction. God, Zayn has some voice. I'm glad he stopped smoking. :)

Rim. said...

Stop talking about 1 direction!!!!!! They're crap!

Rim. said...

1 erection up all night :D hehehe

Willow Storm said...

Bye people who've left!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

They are not :( All my friends say that :L I am the only Directioner that I know, except for Charlie... but she only really likes Niall. Hm, I think I'm rambling. Oh well.

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Rim. said...

Listen to some real music! People that play their own instruments like Red Hot Chilli Peppers or the Used or Three Days Grace!

Felis Wright said...

I fell asleep whoops I'm back

*cues theme music*

Rim. said...

WB! I still don't think we've met.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Niall plays the guitar...

I listen to Breaking Benjamin, um, I also like Quietdrive.

Felis Wright said...

hmm people I haven't heard of before, hello you shall get to know me quickly and you will find out

Rim. said...

Coolio :D

Flame? U still here??

Niamhy Jay said...

Anyone on??

Rim. said...

NJ!!!! It's been ages!!!!

Niamhy Jay said...

How're you??

Niamhy Jay said...


Rim. said...


Rim. said...

I'm good thanks you!!!
How're you?????

Niamhy Jay said...

I dedicate this Page to Derek Landy getting best seller in the UK CONGRATULATIONS!!

I also dedicate to COOKIES and CHOCOLATE and, Umm..., KOTW BEING SO SUPER AWESOME!!

Niamhy Jay said...

I am doing good :D

I'm back at school though :/ Which sucks.
But apart from that, Good!

Rim. said...


Rim. said...

Yeah, school seriously takes the piss.

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