Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No Place Like Home

Sitting in my hotel room, waiting for a radio interview... and then I'm going home.

I've enjoyed this tour. Yes, I hate leaving my life for weeks at a time, and staying in hotel after hotel and getting flight after flight is not exactly fun, but every reader I've met and book I've signed (no matter how hurriedly) just seems to replenish my energy.

I've met so many people from this Blog, from the Forums, from the Facebook page, and then thousands more, and each and every one of you have been good-humoured and cool. I'm not even going to MENTION the hyperventilating teenage girls.

I've been given loads of pictures, loads of letters (that I'll read on the flight home), loads of odd little toys and, er, marmite... which was nice of them...

The weather was almost bearable, even if the heat did seem to just magnify in certain places, and no event was anything less than fun. So thank you, Minions-with-funny-accents, for making this tour a great success.

In other news, some of you will have heard of the BBC shooting something Skulduggery-related. It's to do with the books- not a movie or a Skulduggery TV show (I'd have told you if it was)- but it is something cool and quirky and a lot of fun, and I'm dying to see their stylistic interpretation. It's going to be pretty short, I think, and I'm just sitting back and letting them do their own thing.

The next bit of the KOTW tour will focus on Ireland. For those of you who want to attend the launch in Eason bookshop in Dublin, either go to the Eason website or visit the Skulduggery Pleasant homepage and click on "Latest News". There's a whole host of signings in Cork and Swords and Drogheda and Kilkenny and Kildare, plus a rather unique event in the Mountains to the Sea Festival in Dun Laoighaire on September 5th. Here's what it says on the website:

Did you know that Derek Landy started his career writing screenplays? Did you know he is one of Ireland’s biggest cinema buffs, with a collection of memorabilia that makes movie nerds go weak at the knees? Joined by Eason’s Children’s Books Buyer (and wannabe Hobbit) David O’Callaghan, Derek Landy will share his favourite cinema moments in this exclusive festival event, where he’ll highlight some of the films that have inspired his phenomenal Skulduggery Pleasant series.
If we ask very nicely, he may even show us some of his original props and costume pieces from the likes of Superman and Alien. If we don’t ask nicely, he might just demonstrate some of his black-belt karate moves on poor Bilbo O’Callaghan! Either way, a fantastic evening’s entertainment lies in store, so make sure you’re there to witness the silver-screen shenanigans! Of course, Derek will also be talking about his new book, Kingdom of the Wicked, as well as signing after the event.


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kaladevi said...

Am I the only one who saw AmazingPhil tweet about this? *fangirls*

Flame Phoenix said...

Nope. I did too. ;3

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*bites Flame's finger off* *spits it out on his face*

Flame Phoenix said...

You're rude.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Quite so.

Flame Phoenix said...

*throws finger at Val*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Unknown said...

I heard on imdb that there was going to be a Skulduggery Pleasant movie coming out on 2013

Flame Phoenix said...

there isn't...

Flame Phoenix said...

anyone on?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, you're on. That makes somebody.

Flame Phoenix said...

Oh, haha.

Flame Phoenix said...

Who's Terragon Finly?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


*runs into a wall* *falls over*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My cousin.

Flame Phoenix said...

Ah. K.

Willow Storm said...

I hate hospitals.

Flame Phoenix said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sorry, I'm looking at funny t-shirts. It's distracting.

Chione Asahina said...

hey everyone :D

Willow Storm said...

How is everyone?

Flame Phoenix said...

Go readsomething and comment please...

I'm paranoid now...

Chione Asahina said...

good, you willow?

Willow Storm said...

I'm not going to lie and say I'm fine, since I'm not. I'm very bad/ upset.

Flame Phoenix said...

What's wrong?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Flame, you aren't unoriginal. Eden was just being a jerk. Change your name back.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Luciana said...

Flame- name change it back. You're far more original than me. C:

Chione Asahina said...

awww flame change your name back

Willow Storm said...

Most things. Mum says I'm the fault her life ended so early. She hates me for not being the little boy she wanted. Dad shouted at me because his birthday present from me, wasn't good enough. My step- Grandmother is in hospital. My Grandmothers going to die soon. I might have smokers lung. And, then there's the othrt stuff.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

...Willow, I don't know what to say.

Willow Storm said...

Flame, change your name. You being whoever you are, is original, no one is ever going to be the same as you, and vice versa.

Flame Phoenix said...

Phoenix is the best I'm changing it too.

Chione Asahina said...

good enough, we will still call you flame

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

That won't stop us calling you Flame.

Flame Phoenix said...


Chione Asahina said...

lol, you lose flame

Flame Phoenix said...

Who is Flame?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*pokes him the face* YOU IS FLAME PHOENIX.

Willow Storm said...

I might be going to prison soon

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Flame Phoenix said...



Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yeah, okay, Flame Phoenix.

Chione Asahina said...

gotta do y homework but i will speak to you guys tomorrow *hugs*

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

hi again guys

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

he he he eh ehe he ehe he he i just remembered i have a freind called phoenix blue shes cool

Flame Phoenix said...


Well, OK, Ivy.

Flame Phoenix said...

Course she is...

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

wait i thought it was flame phoenix

Willow Storm said...

I have detention buddy :D

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

Flame Phoenix said...

It WAS Flame Phoenix.

Not anymore.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

im irish weer i live ya dont get detention u can get put in at break well if ure american its called recess or australian its calllll barkie barbi?

Willow Storm said...

Less than a week until school D:
*hides under the fridge*

Willow Storm said...

I'm Irish, too!
*points to the green streak in her hair*

Flame Phoenix said...

I get 2 weeks because we go back last.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

i dunno really they say mate like mite like dust mite so he he he he he there best freid are dust mites as in mates u no mates mites im sorry but that makes total sense

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

ohhh wat age are u willow

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

wait are u irish aswell phoinex

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I got mere days

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

he he he ehe he eh e eh irish people rule

Willow Storm said...

12.34567899876543456787654345678765434567654345654375739579357378492573402. That is my age.

Willow Storm said...

I will not survive first year. No friends in my classes. Just bullies. I'm their favourite.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

i have to go see you all later and do not ynderestimate it ull never beat the irish!*hums song in his head and realises weer crap at soccer*

Flame Phoenix said...

Willow, are you back?

And yes, Brave.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im in 9th grade....D: nobody ik in my classes

Willow Storm said...

Next week.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

ugh youll never beat the irish unless youre a half decent soccer team to blah and peace out mates or................mites ! mwahahahahahhahahahahahah

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm going into 8th grade...

Willow Storm said...

OMG EWWWWWWWWWWWWW. WHy does dad always give my room to men at his parties? My bedroom smells like old guys and beer and . . . piss.

Flame Phoenix said...


Willow Storm said...

Where us my lighter? I need to light a candle.

Willow Storm said...

I'm going to go now.
*hugs everyone*
Thanks for just being on here. Talking to anyone of you crazy people, makes me feel better. Night! Love you all!

Flame Phoenix said...

*hugs Willow*

Love you too, Night!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Night Willow!

Unknown said...

I read your blog in a devoted /worshiping kind of way. I'd say it's kind of weird, but you are the Golden God, Mr Landy and deserved to be worshiped! :D

Flame Phoenix said...

*pokes Val*

What's up?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm watching Doctor Who.

Flame Phoenix said...


Anonymous said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ahhhh! Doctor Who is making me want to cry! I MUST RESIST!

Anonymous said...

hi Val V.

*Takes out the whipped cream...*

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

hi all

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

he he he he eh ehe he i so hate docter who

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what it is....

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

wait did willow call us crazy

Anonymous said...


Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

im not crazy *remembers that hes pretendin too be a neocromencer*..................... ah well im still not crazy though so blah!

Flame Phoenix said...

you're an idiot..

Flame Phoenix said...



Robin Snowscar said...


Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

mwahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahsrg chschsg cough cough hahahahhahahahahahahahahah *collapses on the floor out of breth* i really like evil laughs mwaha_i wont bother

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

wait did u call mean idiot u is crazy flame u is weeeeeeeeeeeel cwazy mwehehehehehehehh uggh blah coug hehehehehheheheheh ick bllllach eh eh eh eh hehehe blah *falls on the floor again*

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

hiya snowy

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

how you

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

hello snowy can i call you snowy for the craic

Robin Snowscar said...

You did not call me snowy?

Oh my Lord whatever next.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

i is gone a wittle bit cwazy so im talking funny mwehehehehehehehede reaw reason is that detth wose game apotion that meeks me talk awll fuuny *finds antidote and gulps t down)woo back to normal isnow scar

Robin Snowscar said...

Craic? Sounds Irish.

I have no idea what that means but I'm presuming it means like 'for the laughs' here.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

whats wrong with the name snowy youre name here is snowscar i was messing jeesh

Robin Snowscar said...

You can call me Robin. Or Miss Snowscar if you are so inclined. Nothing else. How many times must I have this conversation? -.-

Robin Snowscar said...

Because I must have had people calling me all sorts all week. It's irksome.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

yes that precicely what it means it means having a laugh weer are you frome

Robin Snowscar said...

Kent, England.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

he he hehe how did u gess craic was irich its pronounced crack it means for a laugh or for the fun

Robin Snowscar said...

Pronounced crack? Okay.

Common sense. It fitted and a popular expression where I am from is 'For the lols' Same meaning, different word.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

its not an actual irish word you no. if youre enlish can i ask you somthing.what the bloody hell does bobsyouruncle mean??and whats a crumpet

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...


Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

are u gonna answer

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

do you know anyone on this called stamping bull

Robin Snowscar said...

Bob's your uncle is is just something you say when explaining a set of instructions or a plan. It means 'simple'

A crumpet? Really?

Robin Snowscar said...

No I don't know a Stamping Bull, Stilskin

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

still not answering

Robin Snowscar said...

'A crumpet is a savoury griddle cake made from flour and yeast.'

You're better off looking at a picture of one.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Brave, stop acting obnoxious. Don't ask how, you just are.

Robin Snowscar said...

Hey kid, Jesus I'm balancing facbook and youtube at the same time here. Give me a break.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

i dont know what a crumpet is im irish

Robin Snowscar said...

*grins at Val*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*laughs and grins back*

I've been here this whole time, you know. Just preoccupied with Silence in the Library.

Robin Snowscar said...

Silence in Library?

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

ok then jeesh

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Doctor Who.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

no offence val youre sort of creepy

Robin Snowscar said...


I should take that as a compliment if I were you Val.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, you don't know me in real life. You'd run if you did. Mwahahahaha...

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

i hate doter who

Robin Snowscar said...


I've never watched Dr. Who.

Unknown said...

Gasp draws in huge breath* nope no one can hate doctor who you either
1. Love it or
2. Dont love it YET

Eve the ROCK said...

You think VAL is creepy????? Oh, you haven't seen much then......

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, I don't know what 'doter who' is, but I absolutely LOVE Doctor Who.

Eve the ROCK said...

*samples Val'a blood and runs away*

Creepiest Bloglandian since 1999!


Robin Snowscar said...

1999? You guys are that young? Same year my younger brother was born *feels old*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yet I was born before you in 1999!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Still 1999, though.

Robin Snowscar said...

97 Haha!

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

huh u think thats bad im only 10

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

so im cooler than you all

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

02 ha!

Robin Snowscar said...

Aww! Cute.

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...


Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...


Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...


Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

im not a kitten im a man

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

are you gonna talk or nit

Robin Snowscar said...

I'll call you whatever you like

*dispels shadows*

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

not i meen

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

no u wont

Eli (Ulcabhán) Brave said...

i have to go see ya

Robin Snowscar said...

*raises eyebrow* Or what?

Robin Snowscar said...

Any of you creepers watching now would be a nice time to comment.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Stlitskin.

By the way, you think you're cooler than us? Check this out. Tell me if you're still cooler.

Robin Snowscar said...

Is that the one with the picture of you and your crazy buddies?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yep. And I'm having another party this year... I need Derek to come!

Robin Snowscar said...

Gotta go!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Robin!

Luciana said...

I'm a really bad stalker.

I forget I am stalking the comments..


JonathonMoore. said...

Hey people that amuse me!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hello! *waves frantically*

Jakro Tintreach said...

hullo... im back... witha vlog... an actual vlog!?!?! (I'm insane)


Jakro Tintreach said...

*with a

Jakro Tintreach said...

hello flame... I think

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hi Jakro! Hi Flame!

And Luci, I believe I forgot to say hello to you...


Flame Phoenix said...

Who'd Flame?

Jakro Tintreach said...

hi val... an luci

Flame Phoenix said...


Jakro Tintreach said...


Flame Phoenix said...

No one said Hi...

Luciana said...

Heya, Val! *waves*

Hello, FLAME. *still refuses to call Flame anything other than Flame*

Flame Phoenix said...

Seriously, who is this Flame guy?

Jakro Tintreach said...

*agrees with luciana*

Luciana said...

Heya, Jakro! :)

Sorry if I am distant. Tumblr is so inviting...

Also, msd.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Flame, come on, no one's going to stop calling you Flame.

Flame Phoenix said...

But... It's a stupid name...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Flame is a brilliant name. Don't call it stupid.

Flame Phoenix said...

But it just is.. Nothing else can be said; it's sounds cliche sucks.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

No it doesn't. Your main power is fire! What better name than Flame?!

Flame Phoenix said...

So Cliche!

Luciana said...

I better get some sleep. I get my results today and these painkillers are better than normal, the edge off the pain has gone slightly...*hugs everyone* Night, all. Love you. <3



Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So what? Cliche isn't always bad! Flame's a cool name! Stick with it!

Flame Phoenix said...

Bye L!

And top critics seem to think so :/

Ariana Shade said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Ariana Shade said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

What, is Amanda going to come on too? Or is she with you? *shifty eyes*

Ariana Shade said...

No, just me...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Really? That's weird.

*pokes Ariana in the face* *pokes Flame in the face*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I just dropped my laptop. On my face.

Still a ninja.

Ariana Shade said...

I saw a picture of you wearing a purple Jack Skellington shirt and I fully intend to steal it 0.o

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

The purple one with Sally on it?

Ariana Shade said...

No, it just had Jack on it.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Really? I don't know if I know which shirt that is... Are you sure it was purple? I've got lots of black ones.

Oh! Wait, was it a tank top? Like, with stripes and his face in the middle?

Ariana Shade said...

YES!!!!! MINE!!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

That's a pajama shirt, I just use it as a real one XD

I'll trade you for your hat, though...

Ariana Shade said...

You and Amanda were holding a bag of brownie mix.

Ariana Shade said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Of course we were. We're us. Brownie mix fears us.

Flame Phoenix said...

You know each other.. 0.0

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've got a Jack Skellington blanket, poster, slippers, hats, bags, a whole ton of T-shirts... Even got Jack Skellington pajama pants. *points to pants*

Ariana Shade said...

We know you too o.o

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yeah, we know each other. Ariana is Amanda's friend. Well, my friend too now.

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